Where is the best place to stay in Argentina? Seaside resorts in Argentina

Argentina is an attractive country for international tourism. The resorts of Argentina are distinguished by a high quality of infrastructure, providing vacationers with all sorts of forms of leisure. The development of the tourism sector of the economy in this country is due to the variety of types of tourist recreation: beach, ski, ecotourism, etc. Every year, about 5 million people visit the country, which is the second indicator in South America, second only to Brazil.

Beach resorts have gained great popularity in the world, but their number is small, despite the favorable geographical position (the coastline of Argentina is almost 5 thousand kilometers long). This is due to the low temperature of the Atlantic Ocean, which even in the warmest time does not exceed +22°C.

  • The most famous beach resort in Argentina is Mar del Plata, which stretches for 17 kilometers along the coast. The spa town of the same name was founded in 1874. Its popularity among locals and tourists is not accidental: the resort boasts beautiful landscapes with golden sand and sand dunes. However, such popularity leads to congestion and the beach. During the holiday season, which lasts from December to March, the beaches are very noisy and crowded, so this resort is best suited for outdoor enthusiasts. It is located relatively close to the capital of Buenos Aires and has a good entertainment infrastructure. Mar del Plata hosts film festivals and summits.

Resort in Argentina Mar del Plata

  • Unlike the bustling and noisy Mar del Plata, the Carilo resort is famous for its sophistication and romantic atmosphere. This is rightfully the best resort in the country, but not everyone can afford such a beach holiday in Argentina. Karilo is a good choice for windsurfers, water skiers, ATVs and ATVs. Also on the territory of the resort are elite restaurants and hotels, as well as bungalows located on the ocean coast.

Carilo Beach

  • For those who prefer a more economical vacation, Nekocheya is suitable - a resort stretching for 74 kilometers along the ocean, allowing every vacationer to find a cozy and peaceful place for themselves. This resort is popular for families, as it stands out for its good infrastructure and reasonable prices. In the resort, you can easily find beach and spa hotels, as well as various types of sports activities: golf, mountain bike, surfing, etc.

Nekocheya Beach Resort

  • The most popular beach resort in Argentina is Miramar, which means "overlooking the sea" in Spanish. It is able to offer vacationers not only bright sun and clean beaches, but also a rich cultural program. So, on the territory of the town there is a museum of Punta Hermenga, dedicated to natural science and history. Here visitors can see archaeological exhibits, get acquainted with the Argentinean culture and way of life, and learn about primitive settlements. There is also an agricultural school in the city, where tourists are shown how organic products are grown. Miramar is an excellent choice for fishing enthusiasts, as the La Bellenera lagoon is located nearby, where fishing competitions take place. Fishermen have the opportunity to catch Argentine sea bass, anchovies, white bream and other inhabitants of the water depths.

Miramar is the most popular beach resort in Argentina.

The climatic factor of beach tourism in Argentina

Everyone who is going to visit the beaches of Argentina should have information about the climate in order to avoid unforeseen situations. First, you need to consider that Argentina is located in the Southern Hemisphere, so the beach and swimming season falls on the period from December to March. Secondly, not the entire coastal zone of Argentina is suitable for beach tourism.

For example, the island of Tierra del Fuego, despite its name, does not have a high water temperature. A tourist should also keep in mind that there is a relationship between air temperature and hotel prices. Therefore, it is preferable to book places to stay in advance so as not to have problems choosing a hotel and not to spend extra money.

City and port in the south of Argentina, the administrative center of the province of Tierra del Fuego

Entry and customs rules

Beach tourism in Argentina for citizens of the Russian Federation does not require a lot of time and money to prepare documentation. If the trip does not exceed 90 days, then a visa is not required. There are no restrictions on the import and export of foreign and national currency, but without special permission it is impossible to import things of historical, artistic or archaeological value and non-canned food.


Argentine beaches, despite their small number, are highly diverse. Therefore, in Argentina, both lovers of active and extreme beach tourism, and those who prefer family holidays in a calm and cozy atmosphere can have a good rest. Most of the beaches offer visitors not only to enjoy the beauty of South American nature, but also a rich cultural and sports program. Argentine beaches are a great way to move from winter to summer, get acquainted with the rich history and traditions, and see the paradise nature. This vacation is able to give an emotional charge for the year ahead, and the impressions received will remain for a lifetime.

Most of the beaches of Argentina stretch along the picturesque coast of the Atlantic Ocean in the eastern part of the country. Here you can find places of rest with a well-developed tourist infrastructure, as well as quite wild corners that will allow you to enjoy a secluded vacation.

Initially, it may seem that finding a secluded place to relax is not so easy, however, if you make some efforts, you can find a suitable corner that will be free from numerous vacationers.

The most popular beaches in Argentina

  • One of the oldest beaches in Argentina is Mar del Plata. Surrounded by seven hills, this resort area was built back in 1874 and offers its guests as much as 17 km of coastline, which, in turn, is a great place for a beach holiday. It should be noted that in the summer this resort can be crowded with Argentines, so it can be quite difficult for foreign tourists to find a free place under the warm Argentine sun. Nevertheless, this beach is perfect for those who prefer to indulge in blissful idleness during the day, and in the evening plunge into the vibrant nightlife of Argentinean clubs and discos.
  • Pinamara is a great place for those who truly appreciate a comfortable stay with a touch of luxury and sophistication. Here are the best sandy beaches of Argentina, fashionable hotels and gourmet restaurants in designer design, as well as excellent opportunities for outdoor activities - Pinamara is well-deservedly popular with both locals and foreign tourists. In addition, this resort is well suited for the rest of young travelers.
  • Karilo is exactly the place where you can plunge into the atmosphere of luxury and pomposity. Well-known stars of show business, politicians and businessmen, artists and other famous people of Argentina love to relax here.
  • Villa Gezel is simply created for young people. These beaches offer their guests all the necessary conditions for a beach holiday, and at quite affordable prices. And a large number of discos, nightclubs and comfortable accommodation make this resort a tasty morsel for young people from all over the world.

Finally, it is worth adding that most of the beaches of Argentina offer a really high-quality vacation, which will undoubtedly give a lot of positive emotions and impressions.

The beaches of Argentina

Golden sand, white foam on the crests of ocean waves, ancient mountains, green parks, sunny boulevards and the sounds of tango are the main signs that you are in Mar del Plata. Have you ever heard about such a resort and generally about a beach holiday in? Not surprisingly, a long flight seems to be a serious argument against such vacation plans. But if the tango school, tasting the best steak in the world and Iguazu Falls are also on the wish list, then no traveler will refuse to complete such a worthy tour by swimming in the Atlantic Ocean at one of the world's best resorts.

Where to go to sunbathe?

Among all coastal Argentine cities, the most popular and significant resort is Mar del Plata. The easiest way to get here is by plane or bus from Buenos Aires. Travel time (1.5 and 5.5 hours, respectively) will fly by unnoticed - the views from the porthole or the window of the car are amazing.
The beaches of Mar del Plata stretch for almost fifty kilometers, and among all this splendor everyone can find a place to their liking. In the season, up to a million people sunbathe here at the same time, but everyone gets their piece of golden sand:

  • A characteristic feature of Playa Varese is rows of yellow and blue sunbathing cabins. The beach is located in a cozy bay and features a smooth entry into the water, which makes it very convenient for children to swim.
  • Playa Grande is one of the most expensive in the resort. For a day rent of one umbrella with four chairs and two sunbeds, you will have to pay about $ 50, but they are not enough for everyone. This place is very popular with tourists.
  • The old central city beach in the center of the resort. Entrance to it is free, you can rent an umbrella or an individual cabin for relaxation.
  • Wild Arena Bay behind the city lighthouse is also free, but also completely unequipped. During the season on weekends, it is especially popular with local residents who come to rest with large families and companies.
  • South beach below the seaport. The largest in the resort, consisting of 24 sections, each of which is equipped with parking lots for thousands of cars and sunbathing cabins. Argentines of the middle class rest here.

When choosing a hotel, it is important to remember that Mar del Plata is a very noisy resort and the main fun is concentrated on the beach and on the promenade. If nightlife is not your forte, choose a hotel at least a couple of blocks from the ocean, otherwise discos and cars converted into 100-kilowatt boomboxes will keep you awake until dawn.

Weather features of a beach holiday in Argentina

The high season begins on the Argentinean coast in December, when daytime temperatures reach stable values ​​around +25°C. The water in the ocean warms up to +23°C by the beginning of the Argentinean summer. It is possible to comfortably relax on the shore until the first days of April, after which the water and air cool down.
Along with the air temperature, the price of hotels also grows at the beginning of the beach season. It is best to book tours to Argentina in advance in order to easily choose a hotel and not overpay for accommodation.
You can stay in a resort suburb 30 km from the center of Mar del Plata. Reviews about the local hotels are usually very positive, and the cost of living in them is much nicer.

silver sea

Translated from Spanish, the name of the resort Mar del Plata means "Silver Sea". This is what the ocean looks like in calm weather, when its waters reflect the dawn glare.
The city serves not only as the largest Argentinean resort, but also as a fishing port on the Atlantic, which is difficult to find equal. For a tourist, this fact means the presence of a fish menu in local restaurants, because a person on a beach holiday does not live by a single steak. In Argentina, they know how to cook seafood, and the best restaurants with such a menu are easy to find on the waterfront and in the Alem area.
After enjoying the sun and excellent food, the traveler will certainly want the spectacles that the resort of Mar del Plata is ready to offer to both children and adults:

  • The Maritime Museum impresses with the richness of its exposition. Thousands of shells from all over the world demonstrate the rich underwater world of the oceans and seas.
  • The Aquarium features hundreds of species of ocean inhabitants. The highlight of the program is a fascinating show where dolphins and fur seals perform solo.
  • The slides of the Aquasol water park will make you freeze with fear and delight at the same time. The amusement park has attractions for both adults and the youngest visitors.
  • Three hundred animal species are represented at the Mar del Plata Zoo. For naturalists, even night excursions are provided to get to know the habits of some of the inhabitants of the zoo.
  • The two city museums - historical and natural sciences - will appeal to inquisitive travelers. The history of Argentina, its wildlife and natural resources are presented in dozens of museum halls.
  • Tango show in the theater is beyond competition! This dance is a visiting card of Argentina and guests of the country will want to see how it is performed by professional dancers more than once.

Picturesque photos of sunrises on a deserted beach can be taken on Waikiki Beach or on Serena, where experienced windsurfing instructors will help anyone who wants to ride a recalcitrant board.
You can find out about interesting events and events at the resort, the schedule of concerts and the cost of entrance tickets to museums and theaters on the official city website - www.mardelplata.com.

Argentina is a country in South America. The climate of the country is mostly temperate. The average temperature ranges from +17 °C to +29 °C. Flora and fauna are quite diverse. The country is famous for hot Argentinean dances. In addition, everything in the country has been created for an excellent tourism policy - Argentina has a very impressive coastal zone, while most of the coastal zone is made up of beautiful beaches with well-developed infrastructure. Rest in Argentina is a real pleasure, everything here is done to ensure that you are not bored and comfortable. Primarily, the beaches of Argentina public and free, but there are also beaches where you can relax only if you stay in hotels! These beaches belong to hotels. Despite the fact that most of the beaches are public - all the beaches of Argentina incredibly clean and well maintained. Surfers will feel like they are in heaven. The beach season in Argentina lasts from November to April. The best time for swimming are the months from December to February. In addition, Argentina is famous for its carnivals - the longest carnivals are held in Argentina. The carnival lasts about two months. All this time, dancers and artists entertain the audience with their incendiary dances and songs. It is at the height of the carnival that most tourists come to Argentina from all over the world.

have all the possibilities for diving. Valdos Island is recognized as the best place for diving under water and the best time for diving is the period from March to September.

In addition, Argentina is ideal for skiing and winter sports. Climbers come to Argentina from all over the world. The classic climbing routes are climbing the Tronador (3554 meters) and Lanin (3775 meters) volcanoes.

Moreover, in Argentina there is a medical resort and more than 20 reserves. The medical resort is becoming more and more popular every year.

The most popular city in Argentina is Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina. The city was founded in 1580, initially it looked like a small village. Currently, in the city you can see many sights and there is something and where to entertain yourself. For example, there are about a hundred museums in the capital alone. The most famous among them are the Museum of Latin American Art, the Museum of Cinema, the Museum of Scales, etc.

Buenos Aires one of the cities where beaches great rarity. People, of course, swim, but there are practically no special places for this. More recently, the city government Buenos Aires organized several places for recreation, thus, there were public beaches on the coast of the La Plata river. Basically, the coast of the river is very heavily polluted with industrial waste and only recently appeared Buenos Aires beaches were specially cleared and cultivated for recreation. Despite the fact that Buenos Aires beaches they look pretty good - swimming in the waters of the river is still not recommended - the water is polluted by industry. But still there are not a small number of people who bathe in the waters of the river.

Another equally significant city in Argentina is Santa Fe. This city has a large number of museums and ancient buildings that were erected during colonialism. Santa Fe is the commercial and transportation center of Argentina. At the same time, the city is also the modern tourist capital of the state. The climate in the city is humid - subtropical. Every year, a large number of tourists come to Santa Fe in order to fully relax. Santa Fe Beach gathers a large number of people who want to relax and soak up the warm sun. The best time to visit the beaches and sunbathe is during the summer when the weather is hot. In winter, for example, it is quite cold, at night the thermometer scale drops to 0 ° C. Santa Fe Beach equipped with everything necessary for relaxation and does not bring negative emotions to vacationers. Besides, Santa Fe beach provides its guests with wonderful cafes and restaurants where you can taste national dishes.

Miramar is a picturesque place on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. In translation, its name means "Look at the sea." In fact, there is something to see here.
Nearby is the quiet and cozy lagoon of La Bellenera, where lovers of sport fishing gather. Locals and tourists compete in catching the largest anchovies, Argentine sea bass, Atlantic salmon, white bream and other inhabitants of coastal waters. At the end of the competition, the guests and the organizers of the whole company arrange a mass barbecue and enjoy the colors of the setting sun.

For lovers of extreme recreation, the city has an air club " Miramar". Tourists undergo the necessary training and go with an instructor on an exciting journey on an airplane. From a bird's eye view, the city looks amazingly beautiful. An impressive dose of adrenaline is provided to everyone.
Miramar is surrounded by dense coniferous forests, which has a positive effect on the ecological situation in the city. There is a legend among the local population that a group of people walking in the forest were cured of respiratory diseases.
Throughout the town there are about 40 outdoor and indoor terraces with barbecue grills. The menu of each restaurant includes freshly prepared cold cuts with savory spices, as well as a traditional Argentine drink - mate.

This city is nestled among an artificial forest on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean in the province of Buenos Aires. Translated from the language of the Mapuche tribe living here - Cariló means "Green Dune".
Karilo is an exclusive place for those who appreciate the unhurried and measured rhythm of life, enjoying every moment spent in a paradise on the very shore of the ocean.
Until recently, the entrance to the city was strictly controlled by local authorities, allowing only noble and especially important guests to pass through. Now access to magnificent sights is open to everyone, but prices are still high. So, not everyone can afford such an elite vacation.

Many unusual shops and small family restaurants have been built in the city center. After a hearty lunch and entertaining shopping, you can go to the Karilo forest, where under the arches of shady trees people find a real harmony of body and soul.
Extreme tourists are invited to make an exciting trip through the sand dunes on ATVs, ride water skis, go kiting or windsurfing.

Pinamar is one of several small communities that are often found along the Argentine coastline. This cozy green town is a favorite place for tourists who prefer a quiet, carefree vacation away from the hustle and bustle.
The main feature of the area is the numerous green spaces that are located near each residential building, and also surround the city along the perimeter. No wonder the Argentinean word "pina" means "pine". These coniferous oases saturate the air with a unique, slightly tart, but at the same time very fresh aroma.
During the construction of the city, building norms and rules were strictly taken into account, which are maintained to this day. Most of the territory is occupied by residential buildings and green park areas. The plan of the city is so simple that every tourist, armed with a map, can easily move around without the help of a tour guide.

The beach resort of Nekocheya is a huge sandy area, which is the choice of tourists who prefer an economical holiday without bohemian frills. It is located between Tres Airrois and Mar del Plata. The coastline covers more than 74 km.
Families with small children often come to Nekocheyu to relax, this is facilitated by the developed infrastructure and modern entertainment centers. Here you can find a beach bungalow or a spa hotel for every taste. Walking on a water boat, playing golf, surfing, diving, mountain biking, quad bikes rushing along the sand dunes will impress adventure travelers.

The striking crystal clear coastal waters, as well as the rich diversity of the underwater world, are distinguished by the Beagle Strait, located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe island of Tierra del Fuego. Diving enthusiasts will appreciate the numerous inhabitants of the warm ocean expanses. Here you can meet the largest starfish, spider crabs, colorful fish and whole flocks of friendly dolphins.
In the waters of the strait, at a depth of 40 meters, lies the sunken ship "Monte Cervantes", with which legends are associated that abandoned safes remained on the ship, with money and jewelry of wealthy passengers.