How I spent the summer to write a sentence. How to write an essay "how I spent my summer"

Hooray! Another school year has ended, which means that such a long-awaited summer is ahead of me. What is summer? Of course, the longest vacation, which lasts for three whole months. How I spent these holidays, I will tell in my essay.

The writing "How i spent my summer"

Summer holidays always bring pleasant impressions. Lessons, school bells and breaks were left behind, and ahead was the expectation of something good.

Together with my sister we take care of our vegetables. Dill, parsley, sorrel and radish grow on our green garden. We are happy to water and weed our green garden. And it’s very nice to hear the following words from my mother at dinner: “What a delicious salad turned out from your vegetables! What smart girls you are, my girls!”

An essay about "How I spent summer"

This summer was interesting. The first month of rest was very similar to the previous summer holidays, as I stayed in the city. However, the next two summer months turned out to be amazingly interesting for me - I spent them in the village with my aunt. It is with these days spent outside the city that I have connected the brightest events and indelible impressions of my summer.

The writing "How I Spent My Summer Vacation"

In my opinion, summer is the most beautiful time of the year, because it is very warm, everything is beautiful around, and we have a great opportunity to relax. And summer is the time of holidays and vacations. We can go anywhere, have a wonderful time by the pond, in the shade of emerald green, splash in warm water. And you can go to the mountains, ride a bike or play all kinds of games.

Composition on the theme "Summer at sea"

I just love summer! Summer is always a lot of fun, because you can walk with friends in the yard almost all the time, ride a swing, high slides, and also eat ice cream and drink cold lemonade. In the summer, parents always take their children somewhere to rest, some go to the villages to their grandmothers, others go to the sea.

I don’t have grandparents who would live in the country, so I spend most of the summer in my city, and then go to the sea for two weeks.

Mini essay for grades 3, 4, 5 - How I spent summer

Grade 2 I love summer for its beauty and warmth. In summer, everything is so beautiful: beautiful flowers, colorful butterflies, amazing insects. I spent this summer fun and interesting. At the beginning of summer I went to Bashkiria. I swam in the lake, took part in the games on the Sabantuy. I remember visiting the Bird Park very much. There I saw different birds and animals, rode in a carriage, walked along the suspension bridge. I'm looking forward to next summer!

4th grade Summer- an amazing time. I was looking forward to the holidays with great impatience, and now they have finally arrived.

In the first week of vacation, I went to the open air with the guys from the art school. We depicted flowers, trees, grass, and much more. After the open air, I went to the village several times. We went there with the whole family to help our grandparents. Sometimes I stayed in the village to spend the night. And when she returned home, she visited her friends and went for a walk with them.

And then the sultry beach time began. My sister and I went to the beach almost daily, where we swam and sunbathed. Alas… Summer has passed very quickly! And it's time to go back to school.

Grade 3 Summer is my favorite time of the year. I go to school, I'm in the third grade and I have the longest holidays in the summer. I know that every season has its own merits. In winter, I like to decorate the Christmas tree, make a snow angel and visit at Christmas. it often rains and I can walk in my favorite rubber boots. And in the fall we celebrate a fun Halloween holiday - I love dressing up in creepy costumes. Spring is good too: lots of flowers, young leaves on the trees and my birthday. But still, it is in the summer that there are most interesting activities. No wonder they say that summer is a time of happiness and fun.

Did not you find what you were looking for? here's another

In the summer, the whole family went to the circus. It's not the first time I've been to the circus, but this time I especially liked it. Before the show began, I was cheered up by buying my favorite cotton candy.

The presentation was very interesting. Acrobats, clowns, jugglers performed in the first part. And in the second - trained predators. It's amazing how a man manages to subdue wild animals?

I especially liked the tiger, which jumped from pedestal to pedestal through a hoop covered with paper, and then even through a burning hoop.

We returned home very cheerful, discussing the numbers we liked.

Kuzminova Kristina

Summer is the most wonderful time. I always look forward to summer holidays. I like to play football, swim in the river, go to the forest, travel. Summer is the best time of the year for all this. This summer I did a lot of sports - I played football at the school stadium almost every day.

In the summer I not only walked, swam and sunbathed. When it rained, I read my favorite books. One of them is "White Fang" by Jack London. I really liked her, and I want to talk about her. The main character - White Fang - a wolf dog, very loyal and fair, capable of great and sincere affection. These qualities are now sorely lacking in many people.

I would like to have a four-legged friend like White Fang. I'm looking forward to next summer!

Sokolsky Misha

Summer is the most beautiful time of the year. In the summer we gain strength and have fun. Three months of rest were "excellent", leaving a lot of impressions about myself. During the summer holidays, I went to the sea, had a rest in a school camp, stayed with my grandmother, and spent the rest of the time well at home.

I really liked the school camp, it was interesting and informative. We went to the river, to the zoo, visited the holy springs. I especially remember trips to Zadonsk and Khvoshchevatka. Visiting different temples, I learned a lot and felt some special, calming atmosphere.

July was remembered for a trip to the sea with the whole family. The weather allowed us to swim and sunbathe, see the sights of Anapa and take interesting photos for memory. I remember the water park with a variety of slides, pools and lots of water. We also went to the zoo, which left a lot of good impressions about itself. At the entrance, we were offered to buy various treats for the pets of the zoo. I liked to feed the birds and animals from my hands. It was funny to watch the behavior of a monkey, a toucan, a raccoon and an ostrich. But the cockatoo especially surprised us, starting to jump excitedly, flap its wings and make unusual sounds. I have never seen such a variety of birds.

In August, I visited my grandmother, where I felt comfortable and well. I read books, rollerbladed and biked. When I got home, I met with my classmates. It seemed to me that there was nothing more beautiful than these holidays.

My holidays were “excellent”, because I had a rest with my family and friends.

Tolokonnikova Masha

We saw tanks, anti-aircraft guns participating in the battles. For the first time I saw the famous Katyusha. Then we went to the museum. The guide told us about the days of the war and about the life of soldiers in wartime. The museum presents various items of our soldiers: spoons and razors, weapons and uniforms from the war. We saw the letters the soldiers wrote home.

Dementeevskaya Evgeniya

When mother began to enter the water, a squeak was heard from the reeds. They were ferrets. They ran along the shore to the reeds. They ran in formation, in a line, at the same distance from each other. They ran about ten. And when I approached the shore, the "commander" squeaked somehow differently, and those ferrets that did not have time to run quieted down. That day, my mother and I never saw them again. But two days later I saw ferrets. The same ones. They ran back.

Nikitin Pasha

The best time of the year, summer, is over. And with it, the most carefree time - the summer holidays. We waited for them for a very long time, but they flew by very quickly. All summer I played my favorite football, went with my parents to the river, and rested in the country. But all good things come to an end quickly. This is what happened during the summer holidays.

I wanted to spend the last few days with double pleasure. Therefore, I went to my grandmother in the village of Bor. My grandmother allowed me absolutely everything. She even took part in some of my pranks. Seeing my happy face, my grandmother also rejoiced like a child.

But there are two days left before the start of the school season. Mom devoted these two days to preparing for the first of September. In the beginning, we bought new clothes, hemmed everything, ironed it, prepared bouquets.

Here comes the Day of Knowledge. Even though I'm going to the sixth grade, I still felt a little nervous. We woke up dressed in snow-white shirts. And in the kitchen a surprise awaited us - my mother baked an unusually delicious huge cake. And the whole big friendly family we went to school. I felt the happiest.

I even find it difficult to choose the best day of the holidays. I was happy every day!

Bondarev Misha

I sit and look out the window. It's cloudy and cool outside. And so I want to return to the summer, because my summer holidays were fun and interesting. In June, I attended a school Orthodox camp. Tatyana Nikolaevna Shilova and I made various trips to holy places, learned a lot of new and interesting things.

When my parents started their vacation, we went to rest on the Black Sea in the village of Vardane. We spent the whole day sunbathing and swimming. This summer I learned to swim confidently without the help of a circle. In Vardan I met girls from Moscow. We walked, played, watched cartoons, listened to music. We were very interested. My dad was engaged in spearfishing at sea, he caught fish that I had never seen. In the evenings, my parents and I went for a walk along the embankment, where discos were held, and we sold all sorts of things. Parents' vacation ended very quickly, it was time to return, but I did not want to.

The last month of summer flew by. On the weekend of August we rested on our Voronezh River. It’s a pity that every year it gets dirtier, and vacationers don’t appreciate such a wonderful vacation spot…

This is how I spent my summer holidays. I'm looking forward to next summer!

Karnashova Anya

Writing such an essay is an obligatory stage in the education of any student. Your parents also faced the need to intensely recall the events of the past vacation, while trying to exclude from the essay those points that the teacher would not approve of in any way. This guide will help you write a solid essay that is not overloaded with unnecessary details and does not reveal all the intricacies of your personal life.

An example of an essay on the topic "How I spent the summer":

Step 1. Introduction

The first paragraph may not concern you personally at all, dedicate it to summer. Write what a wonderful time it is, how sorry you are that it has passed, what a sunny and flourishing time it was. The paragraph can be quite large, which will allow them to take up a significant part of the essay. At the end of the paragraph, you can add some phrase from the Russian classics - fortunately, only the lazy did not write about the summer time.

It is best to write an essay in a draft, and then rewrite it completely in a notebook - oddly enough, this will only save you time if you need to add or swap some phrases.

Step 2: A Few Suggestions About the Weather

Now you still have to split a little about what you did in the summer. You can write, for example, that at the beginning of the holidays you were at home, slept well, read a lot and went for a walk. The weather was good and sunny. In general, write more about the weather, sun or rain, temperature this summer - this will give your essay a summer atmosphere.

Step 3. Camping

Next, write that after that it's time for outdoor activities. This will be the main part of your essay, here you should write where you went on vacation. Sea, forest, mountains, other cities? Depending on the location, again pay more attention to the description of nature. The sea is blue, warm, swam a lot. The mountains are high and snow-covered, you learned mountaineering. You have made many friends in other cities. Write the truth, but try to get off with general phrases in order to avoid the teacher's excessive attention to your creation - unless, of course, you have the exact opposite task.

Step 4. Rest in the city and in the country

If you haven’t traveled anywhere at all, you will have to talk about how much you walked. Perhaps you were in the country? Tell us about the country house, vegetables in the garden and fishing in the nearest pond. Have you been to the city, rollerblading and cycling? Tell us about it, and also about how many friends have done it with you. If you still went on vacation, you can still add this information, it will not be superfluous.

Step 5. Pastime at the computer

If you, like most modern schoolchildren, spent most of the summer at the computer, you can also write about this. But just a couple of phrases will be enough - that you used the Internet at the computer, talked a lot, learned new interesting information and played educational games (after all, all games develop in one way or another).

Step 6. Final paragraph

In conclusion, write that autumn is coming, and although you are a little sad that summer is over, you were looking forward to returning to school, meeting old friends and classmates. If this is absolutely not true, write about the beauty of golden autumn and that poets also sang about it. Here, too, a quote from the classics will not hurt, which can adequately complete your essay.

A selection of essays about Summer: How I spent my summer holidays, where I was and what I learned new / all texts of essays on a free topic, divided into classes

Compositions "How I spent the summer" Grade 2

I spent the summer very colorful! Together with my family, we went on small trips, rested in nature. So many bright colors this summer! Juicy colors of trees, a bright blue sky with small white clouds, beautiful wild flowers pleasing to the human eye. In the yard I played with my best friends! We played hide-and-seek, catch-up, came up with a lot of different games. 5 compositions

Compositions "How I spent the summer" Grade 3

Summer holidays are the longest. I went to rest in Sochi. Spent a whole month there. Went to the sea, sunbathed. I went to the water park and the zoo. I liked this city. I visited many excursions, I was at Stalin's dacha. I learned a lot of things for myself. The tour was very informative and interesting. And I also went to the Vorontsov caves. It was scary, but exciting. I am delighted with what I saw, from the sea and the city of Sochi. 6 compositions

Compositions "Summer holidays" Grade 4

Summer is the most wonderful time. I always look forward to summer holidays. I like to play football, swim in the river, go to the forest, travel. Summer is the best time of the year for all this. This summer I did a lot of sports - I played football at the school stadium almost every day. In the summer I not only walked, swam and sunbathed. When it rained, I read my favorite books. One of them is "White Fang" by Jack London. I really liked her, and I want to talk about her. 4 compositions

Compositions "How I spent the summer" Grade 5

Summer holidays are three wonderful months that you can spend as you like. You can meet friends as much as you want, read any books, travel or visit your grandparents and get to know the children who live there. Summer holidays mean that you can sleep as long as you want, and then as much as you want to kick the ball in the yard or sew clothes for dolls, sitting with your girlfriends on a spread out blanket in the yard. Also, you can eat ice cream every day. 3 compositions

Compositions "Summer holidays" Grade 6

Probably, every student who has completed another class dreams of getting enough sleep during the summer holidays. I am no exception, so in the first days of the summer holidays I just got enough sleep. But then I decided that I would not waste precious summer time, but would spend it usefully. Every morning I began to devote a small morning run in a nearby park. And for health - useful, and for my physical form. I don’t want to come on the first of September to the solemn line looking like a donut. 3 compositions

Compositions "How I spent the summer" Grade 7-8

This summer has been interesting. The first month of rest was very similar to the previous summer holidays, as I stayed in the city. However, the next two summer months turned out to be amazingly interesting for me - I spent them in the village with my aunt. It is with these days spent outside the city that I have connected the brightest events and indelible impressions of my summer. 3 compositions

Composition "Summer"

Who doesn't love summer? I don't think there are any. Summer is a time of joy, warmth and fun. Summer is the longest vacation: you can walk with friends, go to the river or go to the sea. At this time of the year, life seems beautiful and carefree.

Artistic description of "Summer"

Summer is a wonderful time of the year. Long sunny days give way to short warm nights. Most often the weather is clear, and the boundless blue sky stretches overhead. The trees are lavishly dressed in bright green robes. Under them, grass grows thickly everywhere, dotted with colorful lights of summer flowers - poppies, bluebells, clover, tansy, chamomile, marigolds ... And above them butterflies flutter and all sorts of goosebumps buzz.

Summer is coming to an end, so I decided it was time to add the How I spent my summer holidays theme to the site. And not even one, but several - for different classes. Topics How I spent my summer holidays will allow you to make up your own oral statement or write an essay on the topic.

The site also has the following resources that you may find useful:

HOW I SPENT MY SUMMER HOLIDAYS topics for elementary school.

These topics are suitable for 2nd grade, 3rd grade and 4th grade. They are not complicated and are given with a translation into Russian.

Holidays in the country.

Summer is my favorite time of the year. Summer holidays are the longest. This year I spent my summer holidays in the country. Most of the time I walked, cycled, spent time with my friends. When the weather was hot, we went to the river. In the evenings, I helped my mother water the beds in the garden. I liked my summer holidays very much.

TRANSLATION: Holidays in the countryside.

Summer is my favorite season. Summer holidays are the longest. This year I spent my summer holidays in the countryside. Most of the time I walked, rode a bike, spent time with friends. When the weather was hot, we went to the river. In the evenings, I helped my mother water the beds in the garden. I really enjoyed my summer holidays.

Holidays by the sea.

This year I spent most of the summer holidays in the city. At weekends, I went to the country with my family. In July, we went to the Black Sea. I liked the sea very much. I swam and sunbathed. I even saw dolphins. I had a lot of fun. I took many photos and made new friends.

TRANSLATION: Rest by the sea.

This year I spent most of my summer holidays in the city. On weekends, the whole family went to the village. In July we went to the Black Sea. I really liked the sea. I swam and sunbathed. I even saw dolphins. I had a lot of fun. I took a lot of photos and made new friends.

Holidays in summer camp.

I spent this summer holidays in the summer camp "Star". The camp is not far from the Volga River. It was very interesting in the camp. We swam there, played soccer and other games, watched concerts, and went to the discos in the evenings. We also went on excursions and visited many interesting places – museums, art galleries, theaters. I made many new friends. I really enjoyed the camp.

TRANSLATION: Holidays at the summer camp.

I spent these holidays at the Zvezda summer camp. The camp is located near the Volga. The camp was very interesting. We swam, played football and other games, watched concerts and went to discos in the evenings. We also went on excursions and visited many interesting places - museums, art galleries, theaters. I made many new friends. I really enjoyed the camp.

Topic HOW I SPENT THE SUMMER for high school.

The following topics are suitable for grades 5-8.

How I spent my summer vacation.

My summer vacations this year were interesting and memorable. Every day was filled with events.

In June, together with classmates, we went to a camp. I liked the camp very much. We played sports games, competed in various sports, took part in various competitions. In the evenings, we went to the disco. I enjoyed discos as I like music and dancing. I made a lot of new friends and got to know my classmates better than at school.

When I returned home after the camp, together with my parents we went to the Crimea to have a rest by the sea. We stayed in a nice hotel in Feodosia. I really liked the stony beaches, blue sea, and numerous excursions. Mom and Dad allowed me to scuba dive and I saw the life of the seabed. I also visited the water park, made trips on a motor ship, and rode horses. My rest by the sea was unforgettable.

In August, I went to the country to visit my grandparents. I have many friends in the village where my grandparents live and we spent time together. We went swimming and fishing.

My summer holidays fly surprisingly fast. Now the school year has just begun, but I "m already waiting for new vacations, new impressions and new friends.

TRANSLATION: How I spent my summer holidays.

My summer holidays this year were interesting and memorable. Every day was filled with events.

In June, together with classmates, we went to the camp. I really enjoyed the camp. We played sports games, competed, took part in various competitions. In the evenings we went to the disco. I liked discos because I love music and dancing. I made many new friends and got to know my classmates better than before at school.

When I returned home after visiting the camp, together with my parents we went to the Crimea to relax by the sea. We stayed in a good hotel in Feodosia. I really liked rocky beaches, blue sea and numerous excursions. Mom and Dad let me go snorkeling and I saw life on the seabed. I also visited the water park, took a boat trip and rode horses. My vacation by the sea was unforgettable.

In August, I went to the village to visit my grandparents. I have many friends in the village and we spent time together. We swam and fished.

My summer vacation flew by surprisingly quickly. The school year has just begun, but I'm already looking forward to new holidays, new experiences and new friends.

My summer holiday - short essay.

I like summer very much. This doesn't mean that I don't like spring, winter or autumn, but the fact that you do not need to get up early to go to school and you needn't do your homework every day makes summer my favorite season.

During my summer holidays, I do everything I like most of all. I play football, spend time with my parents and friends.

Usually, I spend my summer holidays in the country. I like growing fruits and vegetables. My dad always tells me something interesting about plants and nature.

I like to walk in the summer forest with my friends or with my parents. We often go to the river. This year we went fishing with my dad. We got up early, took our fishing rods and went to the nearest lake. We caught a lot of fish. That was amazing.

TRANSLATION: My summer holidays - a short essay.

I like summer. It's not that I don't like spring, winter or autumn, but the fact that I don't have to get up early to go to school, I don't have to do my homework every day makes summer my favorite season.

During the summer holidays, I do everything that I love most. I play football, spend time with my parents and friends.

I usually spend my summer holidays in the countryside. I like growing fruits and vegetables. My dad always tells me something interesting about plants and nature.

I like walking in the summer forest with friends or parents. We often go to the river. This year my dad and I went fishing. We got up early, took fishing rods and went to the nearest lake. We caught a lot of fish. It was amazing.

Topic HOW I SPENT THE SUMMER for high school.

This is the most difficult of all the proposed topics.

Summer is the most wonderful time for me. I always look forward to summer holidays. Summer is the most beautiful time of the year. The three summer months give us a lot of new impressions.

Summer is the time when I can do everything I like. I like to play football, swim in the river, go to the forest, and travel. This summer I did a lot of sports - I played football in the school stadium almost every day.

During this summer holidays, I walked, bathed and sunbathed much. When it rained, I read books. One of them was Jack London "s "White Fang". I really liked the book. It is about a wolf dog, very devoted and fair, capable of great and sincere affection. Many people today lack these qualities. I would like to have such a four-footed friend.

This summer I also went to the sea, visited my grandmother, and spent the rest of the time at home.

In July, I had a trip to the sea with my family. The weather was nice, so we swam and sunbathe. The water was warm and transparent. We also saw the sights of Anapa and took photos. We also went to the zoo, which left a lot of good impressions. At the entrance, we were offered to buy different treats for the zoo pets. I liked to feed birds and animals from my hands. It was funny to observe the monkeys, toucans, raccoons, and ostriches.

In August, I stayed with my grandmother. I liked it because my grandmother allows me absolutely everything. I read books, went rollerblading and cycling. The last summer days I spent preparing for the first of September.

Summer has ended, but I will never forget my summer holidays. My holidays were excellent.


Summer is the most wonderful time for me. I always look forward to summer holidays. Summer is the most beautiful time of the year. Three summer months give us many new experiences.

Summer is the time when I can do whatever I like. I like to play football, swim, go to the forest and travel. This summer I did a lot of sports - I played football at the school stadium almost every day.

During these summer holidays I walked, swam and sunbathed a lot. When it rained, I read books. One of the books was "White Fang" by Jack London. I really liked this book. The book is about a top, very devoted and fair, capable of great and sincere affection. Today, many people lack such qualities. I would like to have such a friend.

This summer I also went to the sea, visited my grandmother and spent the rest of the time at home.

In July, my family went to the sea. The weather was good, so we swam and sunbathed. The water was warm and clear. We also saw the sights of Anapa and took many photographs. We also went to the zoo, where I got a lot of good impressions. At the entrance, we were offered to buy various treats for the animals of the zoo. I liked to feed the birds and animals from my hands. It was fun to watch monkeys, toucans, raccoons and ostriches.

In August I visited my grandmother. I liked it because my grandmother allows me absolutely everything. I read books, rollerbladed and rode a bike. In the last days of summer, I was preparing for the first of September.

Summer is over, but I will never forget my summer holidays. My holidays were great.

I hope the suggestions have been helpful to you.