Canaries for the new year. Sunny new year in tenerife

The universe is full of all sorts of secrets and it only seems to us that we understand everything that is happening around. Science, of course, is able to give a logical justification for almost any natural phenomenon, but even here there are limits.

From century to century, legends about strange, mystical riddles roam - mysterious cases kidnappings, sudden deaths, ugly creatures that have no place in the existing picture of the world. Most of these stories can be considered ordinary stories. However, there are documented cases of paranormal activity that can frighten even scientists.

Glassy glassy

The mirror reflects everything that appears before it. Sometimes a little more. Since the creation of the first mirrors, people subconsciously felt a certain mystical component of this shiny surface. One of the paranormal legends originates in the dense depths South Africa, where the natives used fragments of reflective mica, and then mirrors to summon spirits.

The first story about the Glassy Glassy appeared in the 17th century: a ship full of the dead entered the port of Bristol. Locked in the hold, black slaves survived. They told the frightened soldiers about Glassy Glassie, who came from the Black Continent through mirrors to take revenge on the merchants. Carefully documented evidence of this strange incident has survived: even modern scientists cannot really explain how the team died and why the captives survived.


This strange humanoid ape lives in Florida. So, at least, say numerous witnesses. Bipedal primates are distinguished by long dark hair and a very unpleasant odor. It is believed that the tribe has been moving through the swamps of the sunny state for several hundred years, from time to time meeting people - and attacking them.

The last appearance of Mayacca dates back to 2000: a woman sent a picture to the police, in which a strange creature makes its way through the backyard of her house.

Faces from the void

In 1979, the Pereira family first encountered a paranormal phenomenon: gloomy faces appeared on the floor and walls of the house, followed the inhabitants and disappeared just as suddenly. Patrolmen called in in a panic also saw faces - the town was filled with reporters from all over the country.

Over the next thirty years, the mysterious phenomenon was repeated with enviable tenacity, until the mayor of the city simply ordered that the cursed house be surrounded by a fence. Maybe faces are still appearing there, looking in the deserted silence at the dark corridors and empty rooms.

Gargoyle of Beckenham

A gloomy gargoyle looms over one of the playgrounds in the small town of Beckenham, England. Children bypass this place, and adults are in full solidarity with them.

Several times, passers-by called the police squad to the statue - they say, the gargoyle had just moved and was about to attack. The law enforcement officers could simply laugh at the impressionability of the townspeople, only the films from the surveillance camera really show that the stone sculpture meets the eaves every morning in a different place.

Room 428

This student dorm room is always closed. The doors were nailed down several decades ago: students have repeatedly reported strange activity that frightens the inhabitants of the hostel.

Sounds like another college tale, right? Approximately so argued the dean of the Faculty of Law Phillip Richards, who set out to put an end to this disgrace - the students had already called the police to the hostel several times. The dean decided to spend the night in the accursed room, demonstrating its complete safety. In the morning, room 428 was empty, and Richards was never seen again...