Variegated sky program. "Motley sky" in Tsaritsyno

From May 26 to May 27, the Tsaritsyno park in Moscow will host the festival of kites called “Motley Sky”.

Once a year, thousands of inventors will improve their ability to fly a kite. An incredible colorful show will open before the eyes of the audience in the capital.

Kite Festival Motley Sky 2018: a great option for a weekend away

To see the largest kite in Russia, thousands of people will gather in Tsaritsyno. It is here, on the shore of the Lower Tsaritsyno Pond, that the kite festival “Motley Sky” will take place. All those who will not be able to attend this colorful show have a second chance to do it in the fall: in 2018, from September 1-2, the festival will be repeated again.

The club of fans of kites “Prokite” became the initiator of the festival. For the first time this festival was held in 2003 and immediately fell to the taste of many people. The organizers of the holiday admit that they hold this event not only for entertainment, but also to make outdoor recreation more popular. It is not necessary to come here with a kite - it can be done at the master class, which will be held on the shore of the pond. From 12:00-18:00 will be held holiday program, where fun music, surprises and exciting master classes await guests and participants of the festival.

Sometimes you can’t do without incidents here: in 2017, due to a strong gust of wind, several large kites were blown into the sky, while the rest were saved. This holiday is also suitable for lovers of passive recreation: away from the bustle of the city, you can simply relax in nature, admiring kites in the sky.

Kite Festival Motley Sky 2018: Rokkaku Battle

The apogee of the festival will be the battle of rokkaku. This tradition was borrowed from Japan. The participants in the battle were hexagonal kites depicting famous samurai. If in the old days they were made of bamboo and special paper, now a carbon fiber frame and nylon are used more often.

In order for the kite to be stable in the air flow, its design must be with sides 5: 4: 3. The number of guide sails is three. The meaning of the duel is to shoot down the enemy's kite by anyone. As a rule, teams participate in this competition. Two strategies are used to knock down a kite: you can tangle the lifelines and lines of all participants, or by turning the kite so that it cuts the competitor's lifeline. The winner is the one with the only kite left in the air. Before the start of the battle, all snakes are infused under the direction of the wind and undergo a thorough check.

The length of the sling, as a rule, reaches 45 meters. It should be noted that the winner of the bout gets the opponent's kite. A feature of the fights in Russia is that the pilots do not use lines coated with abrasive, as this allows you to quickly cut the enemy's rail, reports 1rre. This, in turn, is considered a tough move, due to which a bright show in the sky can end very quickly.

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The Colorful Sky Kite Festival is a holiday filled with bright colors and an amazing atmosphere. Not only brave pilots and astronauts can conquer the skies, but also those who are simply in love with the blue heights and know how to catch tailwind.

Every year, thousands of romantics and inventors gather in Moscow to compete in kite control. And while the owners of the kites remain on the ground, their creations soar up, conquering the heights of the clear sky and imposingly floating on the air waves.

Motley Sky 2019

And now we will tell you where and when this amazing and bright event will take place.

Kite Festival Motley Sky 2019 will run twice: May 25-26- spring and August 31 - September 1 - autumn event. The venue will remain the same. The festival will be held in Moscow on the banks of the Lower Tsaritsynsky Pond. The site is located between Shipilovsky passage and Novotsaritsynskoye highway. There will be a festive program from 12.00 to 18.00. The exact address and scheme can be viewed.

Welcome to one of the brightest events of this year - the #ColorfulSky Festival in Tsaritsyno!

Detailed program August 31 - September 1, 2019

Friends, detailed program Festival "Motley Sky" August 31 and September 1 can be seen.

About the Festival

For the first time, the Motley Sky Kite Festival was held in 2003 and rightfully received the status of the oldest holiday, since then every year it wins more and more hearts of people in love with the sky.

The Tsaritsyno Ponds have become a permanent venue for this vibrant event, and the time for meeting friends always remains the same - this is the last weekend of May and August.

If you don’t have a kite, don’t be upset, just lie on the green grass away from the bustle of the city and look at the sky painted in different colors and be alone with your thoughts is also a great pastime.

Fresh air and friends, great music and a fair wind, a sea of ​​smiles and a great mood, a friendly atmosphere and acquaintances - this is the Motley Sky Kite Festival.

The organizers of this holiday are the Prokite club and the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve.


The festival program is always full of bright events and pleasant surprises.

Here is an amazing blue sky, which is decorated with hundreds of multi-colored works of art presented by both the organizers of the event and its guests. Also here you can see the largest kite in Russia, the length of which reaches as much as 30 meters.

You will especially like the Wind Garden - these are ground-based installations of amazing beauty in the form of flags and ribbons fluttering in the wind.

Particularly inquisitive will love the exciting workshops, where you and your children can learn how to make real kites, and then they can be launched into the sky.

Traditional Japanese rokakku fights will also be spectacular - this is a battle of Japanese fighting kites, and absolutely all guests will be able to take part in them.

In addition, guests will find a sea of ​​interesting and pleasant surprises, so come visit!


We invite you to see how this amazing and colorful event takes place in Tsaritsyno Park. But, as they say, it is better to see once for yourself than to hear a hundred times. So come visit with the whole family or a friendly company. Here you will always be welcome! See you!

The organizer of the event is the club of fans of kites "Prokite" with the assistance of the State Budgetary Institution "Mospriroda" of the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection and the State Budgetary Institution of Culture of Moscow State Museum-Reserve"Tsaritsyno".

The purpose of the festival is to popularize outdoor activities, create a platform for joint creativity and exchange of experience.
In the program of the event:
- kite making workshop
- a parade of kites with the participation of the largest in Russia - 30 meters long;
- wind garden (ground installations: waving flags and ribbons)
- a master class on making a fighter plane using the origami technique
- fights on rokkaku-traditional Japanese fighting snakes. Everyone can take part in the battle
- food market
- music sets

SPECIAL GUEST– AWITA team (France), which is already over 10 years old. During this time, the guys have collected one of the largest collections of kites in the world. Passionate lovers of the sky, the guys are ready to fly kites in any weather, fully justifying the name of their team: after all, AWITA is All Ways In The Air, i.е. "Always in the air."

Entrance to the festival is free.

Time of the event: from 12:00 to 18:00
Location: the territory of the Lower Tsaritsynskoye pond between Shipilovsky passage and Novotsaritsynskoye highway.
Address landmark: 11B Bazhenova st., GPS coord: 55.623412, 37.687569
How to get there: Art. m. "Orekhovo" or "Tsaritsyno"

Last weekend, September 1-2, near the Lower Tsaritsyno Pond, a colorful festival of kites "Motley Sky" unfolded. The event has its own history - the festival has been held for fifteen years. The first of the festivals took off into the sky in 2003, and since then, the Motley Sky has become a vibrant and interesting tradition. From noon until seven o'clock in the evening, the festival was waiting for both adults and very young visitors.

The organizers of the festival are the museum-reserve "Tsaritsyno" and "Prokite", a club of kite lovers. It was they who managed to give us an original, memorable event (by the way, on given time"Motley Sky" can be deservedly called the oldest kite festival in Russia). It takes place not once, but twice a year - at the end of May and the beginning of September. Why is this the choice of dates? This question is easy to answer - firstly, you can count on already - or still - good or at least good weather; and secondly, there are a lot of children at the event, and if the festival were held in the summer, many of the likely young visitors would already be vacationing outside the city.

The Motley Sky, like any other cultural event of this kind, has its own goals, simple, but very positive. Among them, the organizers name leisure in the bosom of nature, forming a platform for those wishing to exchange experiences or create something new together. In addition, it is no secret that the festival is visited first of all by ordinary people, not kite ballooning professionals, many of whom know very little about kites. And the Motley Sky festival gives them the opportunity to join a bright, entertaining, and, by the way, sports pastime - some people buy their first kite after the Motley Sky. And sometimes even on time!

You can estimate the scale of the largest kite from these photographs.

It should be noted that French kite connoisseurs were among the participants of the festival. It is always nice when an event of this kind attracts not only those who, as they say, are “close, but because why not go?”

At the festival, visitors could admire a variety of kites, from small to huge - whales and what looked like a stingray attracted the attention of everyone who came. Most of the kites flew into the air from the hands of ordinary visitors to the festival - the Motley Sky welcomed the idea of ​​bringing an "air favorite" with you. Moreover, the launch of kites by visitors was a separate item in the program of the event.

Those who wished could attend a kite-making master class from two o'clock in the afternoon. From children's hands with the help of thin paper, scissors, rulers, plastic sticks and felt-tip pens, even simple, slanting, but self-made kites came out! Attending the festival was free, but the master classes were also free. Within five minutes, a queue of several dozen people formed at the tables where they were held - the popularity of the master class was beyond doubt!

In addition to kites, visitors were pleased with ground-based installations in the form of multi-colored waving flags - white, blue, yellow ... Immensely beautiful were also rainbow "turntables", as the little visitors called them, lined up along the path at a sufficient height so as not to interfere with the passage of visitors . The complex of installations bore the beautiful name "garden of the wind".

The event had a good, albeit expensive food court. Those who wished could buy ice cream, drink coffee, eat a hot dog, french fries or hot sausage. Alas, a slight disappointment (both in children and adults) caused "Ice cream for adults". Apparently, most adult patrons were counting on something other than just adding a small amount of alcohol to the ice cream (which inflated its price to almost obscene, as some patrons openly said). However, others with a laugh immediately admitted that “something else” could hardly be present at a family-type festival, where they come with children of all ages ...

Musical accompaniment from several DJs, relatively quiet and partly for this reason pleasantly unobtrusive, successfully fit into the general outline of the festival. It was evident - or rather, heard - that the DJs approached the selection of music with all diligence - and did not fail!

Fights on traditional Rokkaku kites were a separate item of the festival. However, very few visitors to the festival knew what “rokkaku” was, and therefore I would like to say a few words about it here.

Actually, we are talking about the Japanese tradition of kites. Rokkaku is a hexagonal kite (the word itself translates as "six corners"). According to the original historical tradition, the snake was made from bamboo and washi (paper made from the fibers of the bark of the "paper tree"), and then decorated with drawings. Of course, in those days the painting was done by hand. The theme of the painting was often portraits of famous samurai.

In fact, at the master class, they just suggested doing something similar - two rails were attached to a hexagon cut out of paper, and then the kite makers hurried to the table, on which colored felt-tip pens of various shades lay in the public domain.

If we talk about the homeland of rokkaku, then in Japan such fights are held in two cities - Sanjo and Mitsuki. In Sanjo, one and a half meter kites take off into the air. A team of 5 to 10 people is responsible for one kite. The goal of the battles is simple - to shoot down the enemy's kite in any way. This can be achieved, for example, by cutting the rail (roughly speaking, rope) of the enemy’s snake with your own, you can turn the enemy’s snake so that, having lost the wind, it collapses to the ground, you can confuse several “objects” belonging to rivals with one of your snakes ... In theory , even one person could control a kite of this size - if we were talking about ordinary aeronautics. But here the whole team has to run - either to help pull the rail, or to move the rail basket ... The winner is the one whose kite eventually remains in the air.

In Mitsuki, the rules are somewhat different. The competition takes place there by the river, just like in Sanjo, but ... kites are already launched here in a much larger format - from three and a half meters. Of course, it is almost impossible for one person to keep such a structure, and therefore flying a kite becomes a team affair. Here, the goal is no longer to shoot down the "object" of the enemy, but to hook it and drag it to your own bank of the river (initially, the teams are on opposite banks of it).

Well, the last thing I would like to tell you about is the fair. At the festival, you could buy books, printed T-shirts and lanyards, funny little things - from bracelets to bronze figurines and colorful neckerchiefs and, of course, kites. Among the latter, there was a fairly good selection of prints, however, rather purely for children, which even upset me a little, and the price range ranged from 700 to 2000 r, depending on the size and model of the kite.

The festival lacked some specially allocated space, where kite owners could demonstrate their "pets" and their talents. Therefore, the snakes hovered right over their heads, and, to be honest, it was even scary to walk past a young enthusiast trying to launch a snake ... somewhere - and you might have to dodge a snake attack!

According to experienced visitors-participants of the festival, this time they were somewhat let down by the wind. On a remarkably sunny day, there was almost complete calm, which, of course, made it difficult to fly kites. But, despite this, "Motley Sky" succeeded, giving a day of smiles to many visitors to the festival.

Look at the sky!

The bright colorful festival, which is held 2 times a year in Tsaritsyno, is glad to open its doors to both adults and children! On August 26 and 27, come to the museum-reserve and take part in colorful demonstrations, funny fights and exciting master classes. Who is the culprit of the celebration? Kites!

The first time in 2017 the festival was held in May and, as usual, attracted a lot of attention. Event " colorful sky"- this is not only an opportunity for everyone to demonstrate their kite, but also to learn how to make it with their own hands, if you don't have aerial fun yet!

For observers

A "garden of the wind" will be set up in the museum-reserve - ribbons, flags and other structures fluttering in the wind. And 20 different “kites” will fly over the Tsaritsyno park: in the form of an octopus, a bear, fish and other animals. Therefore, even looking into the heavenly heights, you can enjoy the original flight of fancy contained in the heavenly "dragons".

Have you heard of kite fighting? The peculiarity of the idea is that a couple of opponents are trying to make the opponent's "kite" lose stability in the air and land. 6 "pilots" will take part in the battle, we invite you to look at this spectacle!

Enjoy summer! Visit the Motley Sky Festival at the end of August. We are sure that both adults and children will be delighted with what they see. If you get hungry, then be sure to drop by the fair, which will be set up on the shore of the pond. Under the incendiary music of DJs, you will definitely get a charge of positive mood and thoughts for the weeks ahead!