Coupling speed of the head of the train. When a freight train was moving along the haul, an automatic coupling device broke

In order to establish a unified procedure for the actions of employees associated with the movement of trains, with employees of locomotive crews in the event of emergency and non-standard situations on the public tracks of the infrastructure of Russian Railways, in order to unconditionally ensure traffic safety requirements:

1. Approve the attached interaction of employees involved in the movement of trains with employees of locomotive crews in the event of emergency and non-standard situations on the public tracks of the infrastructure of Russian Railways (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations).

2. Deputy General Director - Head of the Central Directorate of Infrastructure Verkhovykh G.V., Deputy General Director - Head of the Directorate of Traction Valinsky O.S., Deputy General Director - Head of the Central Directorate of Traffic Control Ivanov P.A., Director of Russian Railways for Passenger transportation Pegov D.V., heads of branches, structural divisions and subsidiaries of JSC "Russian Railways" to ensure familiarization, study of the present by the employees involved and make appropriate changes to the internal documents of the divisions.

3. Recognize as invalid the Rules for the interaction of locomotive crews with the employees of Russian Railways involved, whose activities are directly related to the movement of trains, in the event of emergency and non-standard situations on the infrastructure of Russian Railways, approved by order of Russian Railways on December 30, 2010. N 2817r.

interaction of employees involved in the movement of trains with employees of locomotive crews in the event of emergency and non-standard situations on the public tracks of the infrastructure of Russian Railways

1. Preface

1.1. Developed - by the Directorate of Traction.

1.2. Introduced - by the Directorate of Traction.

1.3. Approved and put into effect - by order of the first vice-president of Russian Railways.

1.4. Introduced instead of the Regulations on the interaction of employees of locomotive crews with involved employees of Russian Railways, whose activities are directly related to the movement of trains, in the event of emergency and non-standard situations on the public tracks of the infrastructure of Russian Railways, approved by order of Russian Railways on December 30, 2010 city ​​N 2817r.

1.5. Revision and amendments to the Regulations are carried out - upon the entry into force of new regulatory documents of Russian Railways and the Ministry of Transport of Russia, which determine the organization of work of structural divisions on the infrastructure of Russian Railways in the field of ensuring train traffic safety.

1.6. A control copy of the document in electronic form can be retrieved from the Unified Document Management System (EASD).

2. Terms and definitions

ALSN - continuous automatic locomotive signaling.

BLOCK is a safe locomotive joint complex.

BHV - tail car block.

DTsUP - dispatching control center for transportation.

Chipboard - on duty at the railway station.

DNC - train dispatcher.

IDP - Appendix N 8 to the PTE - instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on the railway transport of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 4, 2012 N 162, registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 28, 2012

ISI - Appendix N 7 to the PTE - instructions for signaling on the railway transport of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 4, 2012 N 162, registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 28, 2012

CLUB is a complex locomotive safety device.

KLUB-U is a unified complex locomotive safety device.

KTSM (KTSM-01, KTSM-01D, KTSM-02, KTSM-K, etc.) - multifunctional complexes of technical means.

KT - signal sign the end of braking.

Locomotive crew - employees who manage and maintain locomotives, as well as multiple unit trains.

Locomotive - railway rolling stock designed to ensure the movement of trains or individual wagons along the railway tracks.

The driver is an employee who controls the locomotive, MVPS, SSPS and ensures traffic safety when driving the train and performing shunting work.

MVPS (motor-car rolling stock) - motor and non-motor cars, from which electric trains, diesel trains, railcars, diesel-electric trains, electric railcars are formed, designed to carry passengers and (or) luggage.

Local instruction - a regulatory document that determines the procedure for performing step-by-step work in a structural unit (depot), based on local conditions.

NT - signal sign the beginning of braking.

PU - a mobile unit of equipment, both self-propelled and non-self-propelled, designed to move along public railways (locomotive, wagon, motor-car section, etc.).

Train crew - a group of railway workers assigned to escort and service a passenger train, which includes the head of the train, conductors and train electrician.

Rules N 151 - Rules for the maintenance of brake equipment and control of the brakes of railway rolling stock, approved by the Council for Railway Transport of the States Members of the Commonwealth (Minutes of May 6-7, 2014 N 60).

PTE - Rules for the technical operation of railways of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated December 21, 2010 N 286, registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 28, 2011

PTO - maintenance point (cars).

FC - path distance.

PCHD - track distance controller.

SSPS - special self-propelled rolling stock.

SKNB - axle box heating control system.

SKNR - reducer heating control system.

Emergency braking - braking applied in cases requiring the immediate stop of the train, by applying the maximum braking force.

TRA - technical and administrative act of the railway station.

CPC is the central control point of the STK centralization system.

EPS - traction electric rolling stock (electric locomotives, electric trains, electric motors).

ECH - power supply distance.

ECC - energy manager.

EMM - driver's electronic route.

3. Purpose and scope

This Regulation on the interaction of employees associated with the movement of trains with employees of locomotive crews in the event of emergency and non-standard situations on the public tracks of the infrastructure of Russian Railways (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) establishes:

Regulations and requirements for the organization and implementation of measures by employees of JSC "Russian Railways" related to the movement of trains and the performance of shunting work in the event of emergency and non-standard situations on the infrastructure of JSC "Russian Railways";

List of regulatory documents of Russian Railways, the Ministry of Transport of Russia and the Ministry of Railways of Russia, defining the main directions of the organization for the interaction of employees of related services in matters of ensuring the safety of train traffic;

Regulations for interaction between participants in the transportation process in the event of emergency and non-standard situations.

The scope of the Regulations is determined by the requirements of the regulatory documents of Russian Railways, the Ministry of Railways of Russia and the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

4. General provisions

4.1. This Regulation has been developed in order to establish a unified procedure for the interaction of employees involved in the movement of trains with employees of locomotive crews on the public tracks of the infrastructure of Russian Railways.

4.2. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory documents of Russian Railways, the Ministry of Railways and the Ministry of Transport of Russia:

Rules for the technical operation of the railways of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia on December 21, 2010 N 286;

Regulations for the actions of locomotive crews in emergency and non-standard situations when working on adjacent sections of other railway administrations, approved at a meeting of the Council for Railway Transport of the States Members of the Commonwealth (minutes of May 21-22, 2009 N 50);

Annex No. 8 to the PTE (Instruction on the movement of trains and shunting work on the railway transport of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 4, 2012 N 162);

Annex No. 7 to the PTE (Instruction on signaling in the railway transport of the Russian Federation, approved on June 4, 2012 No. 162);

Rules for the maintenance of brake equipment and control of the brakes of railway rolling stock, approved by the Council for Railway Transport of the States Members of the Commonwealth (Minutes of May 5-6, 2014 N 60);

The procedure for the actions of employees of JSC "Russian Railways" in the event of a forced stop of a train on a stage with the subsequent provision of assistance to it by an auxiliary locomotive, approved by order of JSC "Russian Railways" dated February 27, 2015 N 554r;

Instructions for installation, commissioning, maintenance and repair of devices for monitoring the derailment of railway rolling stock, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on December 30, 2002 N TsV-TsSh-929;

Instructions for the placement, installation and operation of means for automatically monitoring the technical condition of rolling stock on the move of a train, approved by order of Russian Railways OJSC dated March 18, 2016 N 469r;

Instructions for the conductor of the passenger car of JSC FPC, approved by the order of JSC FPC dated April 27, 2015 N 515r;

Instruction of the head of the passenger train of JSC FPC, approved by order of JSC FPC dated July 20, 2015 N 916r;

Rules of Safety and Procedure for Liquidation of Emergency Situations with Dangerous Goods during Their Transportation by Rail of November 25, 1996 N TsM-407;

Regulations on the actions of employees of structural divisions of Russian Railways JSC upon receipt of information about injuries to citizens not related to production, rolling stock, approved by order of Russian Railways JSC dated May 29, 2015 N 290;

Decree of Russian Railways JSC dated December 27, 2012 N 2707r "On approval of labor protection instructions for locomotive crews of Russian Railways JSC";

Order of Russian Railways OJSC dated January 11, 2016 N 4p "On the Enactment of a Standard Instruction for Organizing Train Driving and Performing Shunting Work by Engine Drivers Without Driver Assistants (In One Person)".

Order of JSC Russian Railways dated April 17, 2017 N 734r "On approval of the temporary instruction on the procedure for the movement of trains on sections of the railway line Prokhorovka - Zhuravka - Chertkovo - Bataysk, equipped with a system for interval regulation of train traffic with moving block sections on hauls.

5. The procedure for the forced stop of the train

5.1. In the event of a forced stop of a train on a haul, the driver (assistant driver), having visually determined the coordinates of the place where the locomotive stopped, is obliged to immediately report the chipboard to the limiting haul, the DNC and the drivers of trains in the same and opposite directions on single-track, double-track and multi-track hauls about the stop and its reasons.

When the train is forced to stop on the stage, the driver (assistant driver), having specified the location (kilometer, picket), is obliged to start transmitting messages with the following text:

"Attention, everyone! I, the driver of (last name) of train N ... stopped at ... a kilometer, ... a picket on an even (odd) track of the stage ... due to (indicate the reason). Be vigilant!" (the message is repeated several times if necessary).

In cases where a train stops on a haul at a prohibiting traffic light, the driver must inform the drivers of the following trains and chipboard stations that limit the haul, or the DNC of the section with dispatcher centralization, with information about the stop indicating the kilometer, picket and path of the haul.

5.2. When the train stops due to a pressure drop in the brake line, the driver is obliged to immediately transmit a message by radio:

"Attention, everyone! I, the driver (surname) of train N ..., stopped due to a pressure drop in the brake line at ... a kilometer of an even (odd) haul track ..., I have no information about the violation of the gauge. Be vigilant!" .

5.3. When the train stops due to the derailment of the rolling stock, the driver is obliged to immediately transmit a message by radio:

"Attention, everyone! I am the driver (surname) of train N .... At ... a kilometer ... the picket of an even (odd) track of the stage ... the gauge was violated due to the derailment of the rolling stock. Be vigilant!".

The message is repeated until the driver of the stopped train receives confirmation of the perceived information from the drivers of oncoming and following trains, chipboard stations that limit the run, DNC with dispatcher centralization. In cases where there is no information about the confirmation of the received information from the drivers of the oncoming and following trains, including those following on the adjacent track of double-track or multi-track hauls, the driver of the train that has stopped on the haul is obliged to inform the DSP (DNC at dispatcher centralization) about this, which take measures to informing the drivers of these trains about the need to take appropriate measures.

Information is transmitted in the following sequence: on the VHF band to the drivers of trains traveling in the opposite or passing direction, when servicing a passenger train to the head of the train, then on the HF band of the DSP limiting the haul, DNC.

In exceptional cases, if the train was forced to stop in the zone of absence of the train radio station, the driver is allowed to use cellular communication and report to the duty officer of the main depot or the command and instructor staff about the coordinates and reasons for the stop, if it is impossible to proceed further to take measures for the speedy withdrawal of the train from haul. In this case, the assistant driver heads towards the expected train to guard the stopped train.

The depot duty officer or the command and instructor staff should continue the algorithm for transmitting information received via cellular communication from the driver of the stopped train DSP (DNC) until confirmation of the acceptance of information from the involved workers is received.

The withdrawal of the train from the haul is carried out in the manner established by the IDP.

Drivers of all trains located in the coverage area of ​​radio communications, DNC and DSP after the words "Attention everyone!" are obliged to stop radio communications, listen carefully to the message.

The drivers following the following and oncoming trains are required to confirm the information received in the form: "I, the driver of train N ____, surname, understood, train N _____ stopped at ____ km _____ picket, _____ way, _____ haul", make a note in the form DU-61 about place of the obstacle and take measures to ensure the safety of the train.

5.4. Drivers of oncoming and passing trains, as well as following on one of the tracks on a multi-track section, having heard information about the forced stop of the train in the absence of information about the presence of a gauge, are obliged:

Reduce the speed of the train by service braking and proceed along the stopped train at a speed of no more than 20 km / h, with special vigilance and readiness to stop if an obstacle is encountered for further movement;

To report to the driver of the stopped train and DSP (DNTs) of the stations limiting the run, about the presence of the clearance and the identified comments after the tail car passed by the locomotive.

In the event of being at a distance that does not ensure a timely reduction in speed to 20 km / h to an oncoming locomotive or from the tail of a stopped train, having heard information about the forced stop of the train in the absence of information about the presence of a gauge, the drivers of an oncoming and passing train on a multi-track section are required to:

Apply emergency braking;

Give an audible warning signal and briefly turn on and off the spotlight to confirm that they have taken measures to stop the train;

Find out from the driver of the stopped train the reason for the stop, the need for assistance. Assistance is provided upon the permission of the DSC in accordance with the procedure established by the IDP and the order of Russian Railways OJSC dated February 27, 2015 N 554r;

In the absence of a violation of the gauge, continue moving along the train at a speed of no more than 20 km / h with special vigilance and readiness to stop if an obstacle is encountered for further movement.

5.5. In all cases when the driver of a train that has stopped on a stage has information about a violation of the gauge of the rolling stock or the absence of such information, or in other cases when it is necessary to stop an oncoming train, he is obliged to turn on the red lights of the buffer lights. If red buffer lights or their malfunctions are not provided for by design, use the signal accessories located on the locomotive to stop the train.

5.6. In the event of a locomotive malfunction and in all cases when the train movement cannot be resumed after 10 minutes, the driver is obliged to request an auxiliary locomotive from the DNC through the chipboard of a nearby station. If it is not possible to keep the train in place on the auto brakes, the locomotive crew is obliged to immediately secure the train, in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 3 of Appendix 2 of Rules N 151 with the train fencing in accordance with the rules and regulations established by the ISI, IDP and orders of Russian Railways N 554r , followed by a report on fixing the composition of the DSP stations limiting the haul or DNC with dispatcher centralization.

When servicing a passenger train, the driver is obliged to inform the head of the train about the need to activate the hand brakes of the cars and lay the brake shoes, to protect the train in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 45, 46, 47, 48 of the ISI.

5.7. In the event of a train stop due to a locomotive malfunction (MVPS), the locomotive crew is prohibited from forcibly releasing the automatic brakes as part of the train until the cause of the non-standard situation is identified or in the event of a malfunction of the automatic braking equipment. Leave only after charging the brake line or securing the composition from unauthorized movement.

5.8. In all cases of a forced stop of a train on a stretch, traffic can be resumed only upon agreement with the DNC or the DSP of a nearby station.

6. The procedure for the appearance of signs of violation of the integrity of the brake line as part of the train

6.1. The reasons for the pressure drop in the brake line of the rolling stock are:

Separation of the brake hoses or other violation of the integrity of the brake line as part of the train;

Breakage (self-release) of automatic couplers in the rolling stock;

Rolling stock derailment in violation of the integrity of the brake line;

Opening the emergency stop valve (stop valve);

Activation of autostop braking;

Operation of the emergency braking accelerator;

Violation of the performance of compressors;

Loss of communication with BHV.

6.2. The signs by which the pressure drop in the brake line of the train, MVPS, is determined are:

Decrease in speed that does not correspond to the track profile;

Frequent switching on of compressors;

Rapid pressure drop in the main tanks after turning off the compressors when the sandboxes and typhons are not working;

Activation of the sensor for monitoring the condition of the brake line conv. N 418.

Control over the integrity of the brake line of the train is carried out by the driver using control devices (brake line pressure gauges and main reservoirs) located in the locomotive control cabin, MVPS.

6.3. The order of actions of the driver in case of pressure drop in the brake line of the rolling stock.

In the event of a pressure drop in the brake line of a passenger, mail-luggage, passenger-and-freight train, the MVPS, the driver must apply emergency braking by moving the driver's crane control body to the emergency braking position, and the auxiliary brake handle to the extreme brake position until it stops completely. When applying emergency braking, it is mandatory to use a sand supply system (if any) under the wheelsets, which must be stopped at a rolling stock speed of 10 km/h.

6.4. The procedure for the driver in case of pressure drop in the brake line of a freight train.

If during the passage of a freight train there are signs of a possible violation of the integrity of the brake line (frequent switching on of compressors or a rapid decrease in pressure in the main tanks after turning off the compressors with inoperative sand feeders and typhons, a sharp slowdown of the train, which does not correspond to the influence of the track profile), turn off the traction, switch to 5-7 seconds the driver's valve control body to a position that does not ensure the maintenance of the specified pressure in the brake line after braking, and observe the pressure of the brake line:

In the event that there is no rapid and continuous decrease in pressure in the brake line and a sharp deceleration of the train, perform service braking with the discharge of the brake line by the value of the first stage, then release the train's automatic brakes in the prescribed manner, while turning on the traction is allowed only after the train's automatic brakes are fully released ;

If, while a freight train was moving, the sensor for monitoring the state of the brake line was triggered or a spontaneous decrease in pressure in the brake line occurred, the driver is obliged to perform service braking with the brake line discharged by the first stage, and then move the control element of the driver’s crane to a position that does not ensure the maintenance of the specified pressure in brake line after braking and stop the train without applying the auxiliary brake of the locomotive.

After stopping, move the auxiliary brake valve control body to the extreme braking position. The driver's assistant must inspect the train, find out if it is complete by the number of the last car and check the presence of a train signal on this car, check the integrity and tightness of the brake line and perform an abbreviated brake test.

In case of repetition of signs of a possible violation of the integrity of the brake line of the train (including the operation of the sensor for monitoring the state of the brake line in the composition), it is necessary to switch to 5-7 seconds. the control element of the driver’s crane to a position that does not ensure the maintenance of the specified pressure in the brake line after braking and monitor the pressure of the brake line:

In the case when there is no rapid and continuous decrease in pressure in the brake line and a sharp deceleration of the train, perform service braking with the discharge of the brake line by the value of the first step, then release the train's automatic brakes in the prescribed manner, it is allowed to turn on the traction only after the train's automatic brakes are fully released;

In the case when there is a rapid and continuous decrease in pressure in the brake line or a sharp deceleration of the train, which does not correspond to the influence of the track profile, perform service braking by the value of the first stage. Then, the control body of the driver's crane should be moved to a position that does not ensure the maintenance of a given pressure in the brake line after braking, and the train should be stopped without applying the auxiliary brake of the locomotive. After the train stops, the control body of the auxiliary brake valve is transferred to the extreme braking position.

When the signs of a possible violation of the integrity of the brake line of the train are repeated, the driver is obliged to declare to the DNC through the chipboard of a nearby station a control check of the brakes in accordance with Chapter XIV of Rules N 151.

6.5. The procedure for transmitting information about a train stopping due to a pressure drop in the brake line.

When the train is forced to stop due to a pressure drop in the brake line, the information is transmitted by the locomotive crew in the manner specified in these Regulations.

6.6. The order of inspection of the train.

The driver must send an assistant driver to inspect the composition of the train, having previously instructed him on the procedure.

Before leaving to inspect the train, the assistant driver must:

Write out the number of the tail car from the certificate on the provision of the train with brakes and their proper operation;

Take with you signal accessories, a portable radio station, for operational communication with the driver, a flashlight in the dark;

When a freight train stops on an unfavorable profile, take brake shoes to secure the cars, take measures to secure the train with the required number of brake shoes in accordance with the rules and regulations;

To determine the cause of the pressure drop in the brake line, inspect the entire train, paying special attention to the presence of a constant blast of compressed air from the brake network of the train, inspect the wheel pairs for derailment, as well as the condition of the automatic coupling equipment;

Having reached the last car, check its number with the number indicated in the certificate on providing the train with brakes of the form VU-45, check that the train tail is marked on the right side of the buffer bar in the form of a red disk with a reflector, the position of the brake line sleeve of the car (should be in limbo).

In a passenger train, additionally make sure that there are 3 red signal lights on the tail car and check with the conductor of the last car that it is the tail car in the train. Inspection of a passenger train is carried out jointly with the head of the train or train electrician.

When a locomotive is serviced by a one-person driver, a passenger train is inspected by a train crew; employees of locomotive crews of oncoming and passing trains, as well as SPSS, can be involved in inspecting a freight train.

6.7. The procedure for disconnecting the brake hoses or other violation of the integrity of the brake line as part of the train.

When detecting the separation of the brake hoses, the locomotive crew is obliged:

Inspect them, if a faulty hose is found, if necessary, replace it with a serviceable one, which is located on the locomotive in the technical first-aid kit, and if not, remove it from the tail car or the front beam of the locomotive;

Make sure that the number of the tail car corresponds to the number indicated in the certificate on the provision of the train with brakes and their proper operation;

Check the integrity of the brake line;

Perform a reduced brake test.

If a violation of the integrity of the brake line of the train is detected due to a malfunction of the brake equipment and the impossibility of its elimination, the locomotive crew is obliged:

Report the nature of the malfunction to DSC or DSP, request from DSC through the DSP of a nearby station an auxiliary locomotive to remove the tail section from the haul, and then follow the instructions of DSC;

If it is necessary to close the end valve to the faulty car, it is necessary, taking into account the track profile and the malfunction that has occurred, to secure the tail section of the train from unauthorized care in accordance with the rules and regulations established in accordance with the requirement of section III.7 of Rules N 151.

6.8. The procedure for detecting the separation (gap) of the train.

The procedure for disconnecting (breaking) a train is determined by paragraphs 9-13 of Appendix No. 7 of the IDP.

When disconnecting (breaking) a train on a stretch, the driver must:

Immediately report the incident by radio communication to the drivers of the trains following the stage, and the chipboard stations that limit the stage, who immediately report this to the DSC;

Through the assistant driver, check the condition of the train and coupling devices of the disconnected cars and, if they are in good condition, couple the train train. The detached parts of the coupling train should be set down with extreme caution so that in the event of a collision of wagons, the speed does not exceed 3 km / h;

Replace damaged brake hoses with spare ones or removed from the tail car and at the front beam of the locomotive;

In all cases, when operations to connect the disconnected parts of the train cannot be completed within 20 minutes, the driver must take measures to ensure that the part of the train left without a locomotive is secured with brake shoes and hand brakes.

After coupling the disconnected parts, the assistant driver, by the number of the tail car and the presence of a train signal on it, must verify the integrity of the train. Before the resumption of movement, hand brakes must be released, a reduced testing of auto brakes should be carried out, and brake shoes removed from under the cars.

It is not allowed to connect parts of the train on the haul:

During fog, snowstorms and other adverse conditions, when the signals are difficult to distinguish;

If the unhooked part is on a slope steeper than 0.0025 and can move away from the push during connection in the direction opposite to the direction of train movement.

In exceptional cases, a locomotive of the train behind the train may be used to connect with the unhooked part of the train in the manner prescribed in paragraph 22 of Appendix No. 7 of the IDP.

If it is impossible to connect the train, the driver must request an auxiliary locomotive or a recovery train in the manner provided for in paragraph 2 of Appendix No. 7 of the IDP, additionally indicating in the application the approximate distance between the disconnected parts of the train.

In exceptional cases, in the absence of telephone and radio communication with the DSP station or DNC, a train locomotive (with or without wagons) can be used to deliver a written request to the railway station. It is allowed to unhook the locomotive from the train only after securing the wagons from leaving by laying brake shoes under the wheels of the wagons and actuating the hand brakes. Before uncoupling the locomotive from the train, the autobrakes of the left cars must also be activated (by fully opening the end valve).

The tail of such a locomotive must be marked during the day - by an unfurled yellow flag at the buffer beam on the right side, at night - by a yellow light of a lantern.

It is not permitted to use a passenger train locomotive to deliver a demand to a railway station.

In the event of a break in the automatic couplers of cars, the driver, in accordance with the requirements of Section XIV of Rules No. 151, is obliged to declare to the DSC through the chipboard control check of the brakes.

6.9. Procedure for detecting derailment of rolling stock.

When detecting a rolling stock derailment, the locomotive crew is obliged to:

Immediately proceed to securing the cars standing on the rails after the derailed cars, in accordance with the requirements of Section III.7 of Rules N 151;

Fencing the exit point in accordance with the rules and regulations for fencing and, in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 48-49 of the ISI, report to the train driver.

The train driver, having received information about the derailment of the rolling stock, is obliged:

Report to the drivers of oncoming and following trains, DNC (chipboard limiting the haul);

Turn on the red lights of the buffer lights;

After a personal inspection of the place of descent, transfer the following information to the chipboard limiting the stage (DNC):

Are there human casualties;

The presence of a clearance on the adjacent path;

Specify exactly at what kilometer and picket the gathering occurred, the nature of the area, whether there are entrances to the railway track;

How many units of rolling stock derailed (is there a derailment of the locomotive),

Numbers of the departed wagons, the serial number of the first wagon that left the head of the train, the gap between the wagons (in meters);

Data on the state of the contact network and supports of the contact network;

Data on the state and integrity of infrastructure devices (paths, signaling devices);

In the future, be guided by the instructions of the DNC.

In the event of an emergency with wagons occupied by dangerous goods (DG), the locomotive driver immediately reports this via train radio communication or any other types of communication possible in the current situation to the DSC, DSP of the nearest stations that limit the haul. The locomotive driver and his assistant have the right to open the package with transportation documents.

The message should include a description of the nature of the emergency, information about the presence of victims, the name of the cargo contained in the shipping documents, the number of the emergency card (UN number of the cargo, if any), the amount of dangerous cargo in the emergency zone, and on electrified sections - information about the need relieve voltage in the contact network.

In an emergency, the locomotive crew takes action, guided by the instructions contained in the emergency card for this dangerous goods.

6.10. The procedure for detecting a breakdown of the stop crane in a passenger train.

If during the inspection of a passenger train it turns out that the pressure drop in the brake line occurred due to the failure of the stop valve, due to the detection of extraneous noise, jerks, shocks, operation of the SKNB, SKNR, then further inspection is carried out by the driver together with the head of the train.

Based on the results of the inspection, the decision on the order of further movement is made by the head of the train together with the driver. The locomotive driver must receive an act of the established form, which is drawn up by the head of the train on the fact and on the reasons for the failure of the stop valve.

The driver reports the reason for the failure of the stop-crane to the DNC.

6.11. In freight trains, in the event of a breakdown of the stop valve (in cars of refrigerated sections, passenger cars, etc.), act in accordance with the requirement of paragraph 179 of Rules N 151. The decision on the procedure for further movement based on the results of the inspection is made by the person accompanying the car, together with the driver , with drawing up a handwritten act and transferring it to the machinist.

7. Procedure for detecting a malfunction of the superstructure of the track

7.1. When following the service area and the driver detects vertical or horizontal vibrations of the locomotive, lateral, vertical push, the driver is obliged to apply service braking until the rolling stock stops completely, while visually monitoring its condition, both from the side of the driver and from the assistant the driver through the rear-view mirrors.

In the event that the rolling stock is out of gauge and signs of derailment appear, immediately take measures to stop the train by applying emergency braking.

7.2. After stopping, the driver, in accordance with the procedure established by these Regulations, reports on a sudden stop. It also transmits information about the place at which the shock occurred, indicating the kilometer, picket, haul route, and personally inspects the designated place, followed by a report on the results of the inspection of the chipboard and DNC when organizing train traffic with dispatcher centralization. When traveling with a passenger train, the driver transmits information about the reason for the stop to the head of the train.

7.3. If, based on the results of the inspection of the rolling stock and the track, no remarks threatening the further safe movement of the train were revealed, then after the report of the DSP and DNC on the results of the inspection, movement is allowed at a speed of no more than 20 km / h. After passing through a dangerous place, the entire train is allowed to proceed further at a set speed.

After stopping the passenger train, it is inspected by the driver together with the head of the train. Inspection of other trains is carried out by the train driver. When following a train under the control of a driver without an assistant driver, act in accordance with Section 17 of the Standard Instruction for organizing train driving and performing shunting work by drivers without an assistant driver "in one person", approved by order of JSC Russian Railways dated January 11, 2016 N 4r.

7.4. When inspecting the place of occurrence of the “shock” and identifying by the driver the cause of its occurrence, associated with malfunctions of the superstructure of the track, threatening the safety of train traffic (washout of the track, collapse, ejection of the track and other possible track malfunctions, such as subsidence of the track, skew, liquefaction and splashes ballast, violation of the ballast prism, etc.), further movement of the rolling stock is allowed, only after inspecting this place by an employee of the track distance by position not lower than the foreman of the track.

Permission to pass a dangerous place by rolling stock is a record of a representative of the distance of the track (a position not lower than the foreman of the track), made on the reverse side of the form DU-61 with the following content:

"I allow the driver (indicate surname) ______ of train N _____ to proceed along _____ km ______ pc at a speed of _____ km / h due to a malfunction of the superstructure of the track (indicate malfunction) __________

date ___________ 201____ Position ______________ Signature ____________ signature __________.

7.5. The chipboard station after receiving a message from the driver about the detection of a suspected malfunction of the superstructure of the track "push" must:

Record it in the inspection log;

Exclude the departure of trains to the stage where a malfunction was detected - a "jolt" on the way.

If the trains were previously sent to the stage, he is obliged to inform the drivers of the dispatched trains about the malfunction - "push" on the way - kilometer, picket, track number and name of the stage.

The first train on the haul track, from which a malfunction message was received - a “push” on the way, can be sent accompanied by a road foreman, and in his absence, a track foreman. The train driver is given a warning, which indicates a stop within a kilometer preceding the one on which a malfunction was detected - a "jolt" on the way, and further following at the direction of the employee. The employee accompanying the train establishes the procedure for passing trains, if necessary, issues an application for a speed limit.

7.6. Drivers of following trains, having received information about the "jolt on the way" are obliged:

Stop the train near the indicated place of the obstacle;

Make sure that it is possible to continue following by a personal inspection if no violations in the maintenance of the superstructure of the track are detected, follow the indicated place with a train at a speed that ensures the safety of train traffic, but not more than 20 km / h;

If a malfunction is detected that threatens traffic safety at the place of the obstacle, inform the drivers following the trains and chipboard by radio. The resumption of movement is allowed only after the elimination of the malfunction by the workers of the track distance.

7.7. When driving a train along the service area and visually detecting faults in the track structure that pose a threat to the safety of train traffic, including a break in the rail, track erosion, landslide, snow drift, track ejection, rock landslide, mudflow, etc. the driver is obliged to apply emergency braking, taking all possible measures to stop the train to a dangerous place that has arisen.

The driver is prohibited from resuming movement until the inspection and decision by the representative of the track distance is made. Further movement of the train shall be carried out in accordance with the procedure for passing a dangerous place by rolling stock, guided by these Regulations.

In case of detection of a break in the rail or a break in the joint, the driver is obliged to report to the chipboard, DNC kilometer, picket, the path of the haul on which the malfunction was detected.

If the train is stopped at a broken rail, on which, according to the conclusion of the foreman of the track, and in his absence, the driver, it is possible to let the train pass, then only one first train is allowed to pass along it at a speed of not more than 5 km / h.

In case of a through transverse fracture of the rail lash of a seamless track, if the resulting gap is less than 25 mm, before cutting out the defective place, it is allowed to connect the ends of the lash with overlays compressed by clamps (approved type). In this case, the trains pass through the defective lash for 3 hours at a speed of no more than 25 km/h. Such a joint must be under the continuous supervision of a specially assigned worker.

On a broken rail within a bridge or tunnel, the passage of trains in all cases is prohibited.

7.8. In the event of an obstacle (a broken rail, a washout of the track, a collapse, a snow drift, a collapsed load, a mudflow, etc.), when it is necessary to protect the place of an obstacle for the movement of trains that has arisen on an adjacent railway track, the driver must give a general alarm signal ( one long and three short signals) and organize its fencing in accordance with section III of paragraph 48 of Appendix No. 7 of the PTE.

7.9. In cases of an obstacle due to erosion or ejection of the railway track and its flooding, collapse, snow drift, cargo collapse, etc. on the adjacent track of a double-track or multi-track haul, the driver must:

Report about the occurrence of an obstacle to the movement of drivers of oncoming trains, DSP limiting the haul, DNC when organizing the driving of trains with dispatcher centralization;

Sound a general alarm with a high-volume typhon (one long and three short);

Organize the fencing of the obstacle in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs. 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 ISI.

8. Procedure for unauthorized stops of trains at traffic lights with a prohibitory indication

8.1. In cases where the train stops at a traffic light with a prohibitory indication, as well as incomprehensible and extinguished indications, and if there is information about the freedom of the block section ahead, the driver, guided by paragraph 87 of Appendix No. 6 of the PTE, and paragraph 5 of Appendix No. 1 IDP, will follow it at a speed no more than 20 km / h, and on non-public railway tracks - no more than 15 km / h and should be especially vigilant and ready to stop if there is an obstacle to traffic ahead.

8.2. After the train has stopped in front of a traffic light with a red light, as well as with an incomprehensible indication or has gone out, if the driver sees or knows that the block section ahead is occupied by the train or there is another obstacle to movement, it is forbidden to continue moving until the block section will not be released.

8.3. In accordance with the established procedure and in accordance with Appendix N 20 IDP, the driver informs the DSP, DNC and drivers following in the same direction about the unauthorized stop of the train at a traffic light with a prohibitory indication. The established order. and . of this Regulation will follow it, following the established regulation of service negotiations, paying special attention to the condition of the superstructure of the railway track. If a broken rail is found, act in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation.

8.4. In the absence of information about the freedom of the block section ahead or other obstacle, the driver, after stopping the train, is obliged to release the automatic brakes and, if during this time there is no clearing light at the traffic light, follow it in the established order and proceed to the next traffic light at a speed of no more than 20 km / h, and on non-public railway tracks - no more than 15 km / h.

8.5. In the case when the next traffic light is in the same position, the movement of the train after the stop continues in the same order.

If, after passing in the prescribed manner a through traffic light with a prohibitory indication, with an incomprehensible indication, or if a yellow or green light appears on the locomotive traffic light during further movement along the block section, the driver may increase the speed, but not more than 40 km / h, and follow with special vigilance until the next traffic light.

In case of an unstable indication of lights at a locomotive traffic light while following the block section, the driver should go to the next traffic light at a speed of no more than 20 km/h.

8.6. When appearing at a locomotive traffic light, block BIL KLUB-U, BLOCK red light, the locomotive crew must proceed at a speed of no more than 20 km / h with special vigilance and readiness to stop when the indications at the locomotive traffic light change to a more permissive indication. After changing the light at the locomotive traffic light, block BIL KLUB-U, BLOCK, the locomotive crew is obliged to fix the place with the indication of the kilometer and the picket on the warning form of the DU-61 form and report this information to the DSP, DNC.

8.7. DSP or DNC, having received from the driver information about the place of failure of the signaling devices and the restoration of their work, reports to the dispatchers of the distances of the signaling system and the path, which in turn send responsible employees, in positions not lower than the foreman, to inspect the indicated place, informs the driver following the oncoming train about the possible presence of a malfunction of the track circuit.

8.8. If a malfunction of the upper structure of the track is detected that threatens the safety of train traffic, further movement should be carried out in accordance with the procedure for passing a dangerous place by rolling stock, guided by these Regulations.

Actions of the driver following the oncoming train

8.9. The driver of the following train, upon receiving information about the reason for the stop of the train in front, in the manner established by Russian Railways, shall drive to the traffic light with a prohibitory indication. After stopping and fulfilling the established regulations for official negotiations (Appendix N 20 IDP), the driver informs the DSP limiting the haul, DNC and drivers following in the same direction about the train stopping at a traffic light with a prohibitory indication.

8.10. Finds out from the DSP (DNTs) limiting the stage, the reason for stopping at a traffic light with a prohibitory indication ahead of the next train.

8.11. In cases where the reason for the presence of a prohibitory light at a floor traffic light is established, which is not related to a malfunction of the superstructure of the track, the driver is allowed to follow it in the prescribed manner, while informing the departure time of the chipboard, DNC.

8.12. The driver, upon receiving information about the place of a possible violation of the integrity of the rail track, is prohibited from further movement until the malfunction is eliminated.

9. Procedure for actions in cases of unsatisfactory operation of automatic brakes in a train

9.1. In case of detection of unsatisfactory operation of autobrakes along the route, when after the first stage of braking the initial braking effect was not obtained with a passenger train, MVPS within 10 seconds, with an empty freight train up to 400 axles long and a passenger-and-freight train within 20 seconds, with the rest freight trains within 30 seconds, the driver must apply emergency braking and take all possible measures to stop the train.

9.2. After the train stops, the driver must activate the locomotive auxiliary brake valve by transferring the control body to the extreme braking position with fixing it with a special device from spontaneous release, and activate the automatic parking brake (hereinafter - AST, if any).

Reports a forced stop to drivers, chipboards limiting the haul, and when organizing train traffic with dispatcher centralization. The rules of negotiations are carried out in accordance with the requirements of section V of Appendix N 20 of the IDP.

Upon receiving a response from the called subscriber, the driver reports the reason for the forced stop and further actions taken to determine the causes that affected the unsatisfactory operation of the braking equipment of the rolling stock.

9.3. To find out the reason for the unsatisfactory operation of the automatic brakes, he sends an assistant driver to inspect the rolling stock and check their operation for each car.

If, according to the results of the inspection, the reason for the unsatisfactory operation of the automatic brakes was not identified, then the driver, in accordance with Section XIV of Rules N 151, declares to the DNC through one of the chipboards that limit the haul about the need to conduct a control check of the brakes.

The driver and DNC jointly determine the station at which the control check of the brakes will be carried out, the order of the train to this station.

The control check of the brakes is carried out jointly by representatives of the operational locomotive and wagon depot. When conducting a control check in a passenger train, representatives of the owner of the rolling stock are involved.

9.4. When the train is moving to the control check station, the driver must:

With a green light of a locomotive traffic light, follow at a speed of no more than 40 km / h;

Traffic lights with a yellow indication proceed at a speed of no more than 20 km / h;

Follow a traffic light with a prohibitory indication at a speed of no more than 5 km / h.

9.5. When checking the action of autobrakes along the route for their action, if there is no decrease in speed by 10 km / h, and with empty freight cars by 4-6 km / h by the established calculated value of the braking distance, the driver is obliged to apply emergency braking.

The braking distance must correspond to the distance protected by the signs "NT" and "CT", established by the technical and distribution order of the owner of the infrastructure.

The actions of the locomotive crew must comply with the requirements of these Regulations.

9.6. In the event of a failure of the brakes in the train after the control of the driver's crane has been transferred to the emergency braking position and there is no braking effect, the driver is obliged to take all available measures to stop it.

In accordance with the requirement of paragraph 30 of Appendix N 20 of the IDP, the driver or assistant driver is obliged to inform the DNC, chipboard stations that limit the haul, and the drivers of other trains on the haul. The report form is given below.

"Attention, everyone! The driver (surname) of train N ..., I follow the stage ..., a kilometer ..., the brakes are out of order. Take action" (a call via a radio channel lasts 12-15 seconds, after which it must be repeated until a response is received from DSP stations or DSC).

9.7. To stop an uncontrolled train, the driver must do the following:

Move the double traction valve to the emergency braking position;

Activate the stop valve, emergency emergency discharge valve buttons, emergency braking valves (on a series of locomotives, where they are provided for by the locomotive design);

Trigger forced auto-stop braking, for which:

Turn off the EPC in the absence of pressure in the brake cylinders or the impulse line of the locomotive equipped with the KOH device;

Turn off the EPC and turn it on without pressing the RB button;

Press and hold the RB button on a locomotive equipped with ALSN or KPD;

Turn off the ALSN circuit breakers or the "locomotive signaling" button when the EPK is on;

Ensure a continuous supply of sand under the wheel sets of the locomotive;

Apply electric braking on those series of locomotives, where it is provided, while the locomotive brake must be released.

It is not allowed to simultaneously apply pneumatic and electric braking on electric locomotives and diesel locomotives in cases not provided for by the locomotive scheme;

9.8. When driving a passenger train, transmit via radio communication a request to the head of the train to activate the emergency stop valves (stop valves) and hand brakes of the cars.

If it is impossible to contact by radio, give a high-volume typhon signal "three long" (requirement for employees servicing the train "Slow down!").

9.9. After all attempts to stop the train, the locomotive crew is obliged to give a general alarm signal and, via train radio communication, additionally inform the DSP, limiting the haul or DNC (when organizing train traffic with dispatcher centralization) about the failure of the brakes in the train and the inability to stop it under the conditions of the track profile.

9.10. In the event of a spontaneous stop of an uncontrolled train along the track profile (lifting), the driver immediately fixes the train with brake shoes and hand brakes, in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 3 of Appendix No. 2 of Rules No. 151, and proceeds to identify the cause of brake failure.

9.11. If the reason for the failure of the automatic brakes is not identified or it is impossible to eliminate the identified cause on their own, the locomotive crew is obliged to report to the DSC on the order of the train.

In order to provide sufficient brake pressing and safe withdrawal of an uncontrolled train from the haul, it can be removed using several locomotives with their attachment to the train or in parts, with each part of the train withdrawn from the haul provided with brake pressing, ensuring traffic safety.

9.12. Having received information about the movement of a train that has lost control of the brakes, the DSC and DSP are obliged, based on the train situation, to take measures to minimize the severity of the consequences, excluding the departure of trains of oncoming and passing directions.

In the event that such trains were previously sent to the haul, he is obliged to inform the drivers of the dispatched trains the track number and the name of the haul along which the uncontrolled train follows, as well as its number. First of all, messages are transmitted to the drivers of trains following the adjacent haul tracks, then to the driver of the train following the haul ahead of the uncontrolled train.

When an uncontrolled train moves to the station, it is organized to stop it by all available means (installation of brake shoes, using a locomotive, SSPS, dropping wits and arrows, wheel-dropping shoes, stationary brake stops, etc.).

When directing an uncontrolled train to a haul track occupied by a train. Locomotive brigades of trains must be warned about the current situation.

Take all possible measures to stop the train that has lost control of the brakes.

9.13. The message about the following train that has lost control of the brakes, depending on the situation, the driver of the oncoming train takes measures to stop it or reduce the speed by laying the brake shoes, for which he directs the assistant driver forward to install the brake shoes on the rails on the adjacent track. The installation of brake shoes is carried out on both rail threads and by adding soil to the contact zone of the wheel with the toe of the brake shoe in order to reduce the likelihood of the brake shoe knocking out when the wheel runs over.

10. Procedure for actions when receiving information about the movement of an oncoming train that has lost control of the brakes or in case of unauthorized movement of cars

10.1. After receiving a message from the DSP or DNC (when organizing train driving with dispatcher centralization) about the passage of an oncoming train that has lost control of the brakes of the rolling stock or unauthorized movement of cars, the driver must:

Immediately stop the train by emergency braking, at the same time confirm the information received, clarify the time of departure of the train (cars) on the route;

By train radio communication, inform the DSC, DSP, limiting the haul, and the drivers of oncoming and passing trains on the haul, about the stopping place;

Unhook the locomotive from the braked train and drive away from it as far as possible, while sending an assistant driver to lay the brake shoes and actuate the hand brakes to secure the train from leaving;

Depending on the situation, inform the DSC or DSP by radio about the measures taken;

After stopping, brake the locomotive with an auxiliary brake until the maximum air pressure in the brake cylinders is reached and, depending on the type of locomotive, lower the pantographs, turn off the diesel engine, turn off the battery switch, and apply the hand brakes.

10.2. Depending on the situation, after the train has stopped or the locomotive has uncoupled from the train, the driver, observing personal safety measures, is obliged to detain unauthorized cars (oncoming train) to put the brake shoes on the rails at the greatest possible distance from the locomotive and, observing personal safety measures, immediately move away to a safe distance.

10.3. Upon receipt of information about the unauthorized movement of cars towards the passenger train, the driver is obliged to stop the train by emergency braking. Call the head of the passenger train via VHF radio and give the command to activate the hand brakes of the cars and the immediate evacuation of passengers. The head of the passenger train, having received this information, ensures the evacuation of passengers and the activation of the hand brakes of the cars by the train crew.

10.4. In the event of a malfunction or lack of train radio communication after the train stops, the driver sends a command through the conductor of the first car to immediately evacuate passengers and secure the train with hand brakes, about which the conductor of the first car in the chain informs the head of the passenger train.

10.5. After the transfer of information, the locomotive crew is obliged to unhook the locomotive from the train and drive away from the train as far as possible towards the moving cars. In the zone of their visibility, stop the locomotive, put it inoperative and leave the control cabin, move to a safe distance from the rolling stock.

10.6. The driver of the MVPS, upon receiving information about the unauthorized movement of cars towards them along the route, is obliged to stop the train by emergency braking, announce to the passengers on the loudspeaker about the immediate evacuation and their departure to a safe distance from the train. During the evacuation of passengers, the driver's assistant secures the rolling stock with brake shoes and provides assistance to passengers.

The driver is obliged to call a chipboard in front of the lying railway station via train radio communication, report the situation and leave the control cabin, moving to a safe distance.

11. The order of actions in case of alarm indications of the means of automatic control of the technical condition of the rolling stock on the move of the train

11.1. The train driver, guided by the message of the voice informant "Attention! The driver of the odd (even) train to the station (station name) KTSM. Alarm-1, (Alarm-2). Warning", indicating the chipboard or DNC and (or) the indications of the signal light indicator or input (output) traffic light of the station must:

Upon receipt of information about the detection of a PE in the train with indications of the "Alarm-1" level, take measures to smoothly reduce the speed in order to follow the entrance arrows of the station at a speed of no more than 20 km / h and follow with special vigilance, watching the train, to the path of the station reception with a train stop;

Upon receipt of information about the detection of a PE in the train with indications of the "Alarm-2" level, immediately take measures to stop the train by service braking, inform the drivers of trains on the haul, DSP (DNC). Inspect the PEs in which the CTSM recorded signs of a malfunction and report to the DSP (DNC) about the possibility of traveling with the train to the station or request the wagon workers (if they are at the station) to the train or the need to obtain advice from the wagon workers on the possibility of further traveling on the train faulty PE.

In the event of a stop of a passenger train, the driver is obliged to inform the head of the train about this and, together with him, inspect the PU, in which the CTSM recorded signs of malfunction. Depending on the state of the wagon units, the head of the train decides whether it is possible to follow the PU with the train or whether it is necessary to request wagon workers from the DSP to the train, which is reported to the train driver, to transfer information to the DSP (DNTs).

In case of receiving information about the detection of a unit in a multi-unit rolling stock with indications of the level "Alarm-1", "Alarm-2", the driver takes measures to smoothly reduce the speed (if an emergency stop of the train is not required) and stop the train for inspection of the unit in which KTSM recorded signs of malfunction. At the end of the inspection, the train driver is obliged to report to the DSP (DNTs) the inventory numbers of the cars, the presence of heating of the axle boxes, signs of malfunction and the order of the train's further movement.

All actions to inspect the PE and make a decision on the procedure for the further movement of the multiple unit rolling stock are carried out personally by the driver.

11.2. Carriage workers (in their absence - the locomotive crew) after stopping the train according to the indications of the KTSM at the station or stage are required to inspect the displayed units (if heated axle boxes are detected) no later than 15 minutes after the train stops. Inspection of units and running parts of locomotives, cars of electric trains, special self-propelled rolling stock and cars of multi-unit trains is carried out by a locomotive brigade.

If, as a result of the inspection, it is found that there are no faulty units in the cars shown by CTCM (at "Alarm-1" or "Alarm-2"), two adjacent PUs on both sides of the fixed one should be examined. If there is information about the failures of the CTSM in the PU account for this train, all PUs from the indicated CTSM side of the train are inspected.

Inspection of wagons at the station is carried out by workers of the wagon economy (in their absence - by the locomotive crew). If necessary, a notice is given to the DSP (DNTs) about the uncoupling of faulty wagons.

In the event of a train stopping on the basis of the indications of the KTSM on the haul and inspection of the rolling stock by the locomotive crew, if it was found that the train could not go to the station, the inspection and the decision to withdraw the faulty cars from the haul to the nearest station should be made by the employees of the wagon economy who arrived at the place where the train stopped.

Departure of trains is prohibited if a heated axle box of the wagons is detected without a decision being made by a wagon specialist. Departure of such trains without the conclusion of a wagon specialist should be carried out only after the uncoupling of the faulty wagon.

After completing the inspection or repair of the PU, the employees of the carriage economy (locomotive crew) notify the DSP (DNC) or the person who takes the readings of the recording devices about the readiness of the train for departure.

Inspection of units and chassis of special rolling stock following with the escort brigade is carried out by the locomotive brigade and the escort brigade.

11.3. If during the inspection of the PU, in which the CTSM recorded signs of a malfunction, it is found that their repair is not required and the train can be sent from the station for further movement, then information about this, as well as the serial number of the PU, the type of malfunction is transmitted through the operator of the central post (TsPK) to the subsequent station to increase the vigilance of the employees of the wagon economy, and when the train stops - to inspect such wagons. Similar information is also transmitted in the case when axlebox units or generator drive pulleys with a pre-emergency level of heating were not examined at this control point due to the absence of a train stop at the station according to the traffic schedule.

11.4. In the event that during the inspection of trains at the station in front of which the CTSM are installed, faulty units of the rolling stock are found that are not registered by these CTSM and require uncoupling of the car, based on the results of the inspection of such cars by the inspector-repairman (inspector) and the train driver, an act is drawn up in which information about the technical condition of the controlled wagon unit, train number, wagon number, control time, etc.

11.5. In case of detection of blockage of wheel sets, the locomotive crew is obliged to identify the cause (in passenger trains, together with the head of the train or a person replacing him) and, if possible, eliminate the malfunction (in passenger trains, assist the head of the train or a person replacing him), in the absence of defects, rejection parameters on on the rolling surface of wheel pairs proceed further at a set speed to the station where there is a depot or a wagon maintenance point.

11.6. If obvious external signs of destruction of the axle box are found, the driver must call a wagon worker through the DSP (DNC) to determine the possibility of further movement of the registered wagon.

The decision to leave the train from the station upon confirmation of heating with indications exceeding the rejection level of heating for this type of node is made by the employee of the wagon economy. Departure of such trains without the conclusion of an employee of the wagon economy is to be carried out only after the uncoupling of the faulty wagon from the train.

In order to organize the uncoupling of a faulty car at stations with dispatch centralization, the DSC calls the station's fire department, which is obliged to organize shunting movements to uncouple the faulty car. When uncoupling a faulty wagon, the speed of movement is not more than 5 km / h, while a station worker must follow next to the faulty wheel pair, ready to give the locomotive driver a stop signal in case of a threat of a wagon derailment or destruction of the mechanical part of the wagon.

In the event that the train was stopped due to information about dragging, and the driver, when inspecting the registered wagon, did not reveal the reason, as well as if there is information about failures of control devices in the wagon count, he is obliged to inspect the condition of the entire train from both sides.

11.7. In all cases of train stop according to the indications of KTSM (Alarm-1, Alert-2), after the train stops, the driver is obliged to check with the DSP (DNC) the previously received information:

The presence of faulty wagons in the train and their number;

Type of malfunction (heating of the axle box, inhibition of wheel sets, violation of the lower dimension (drawing));

The serial number of the registered PE;

The side in the direction of travel and the serial number of the axis of the registered PU;

Level (temperature) of heating;

The presence of failures of controls in the account of wagons.

When checking the condition of the axle box, the driver is obliged to check visually, with an infrared device for measuring temperature of the Kelvin type (if any) and to the touch the degree of heating of the axle boxes, wheel rims and inspect the wheel rolling surface in order to identify sliders, welds, tempering colors due to for the inhibition of wheel sets (in the event of a malfunction of the auto-braking equipment of cars), paying attention to:

The presence of a "fresh" release of lubricant on the disc, rim, wheel hub, parts of the brake linkage;

The condition of the axle box cover (presence of scale, discoloration, swelling of paint, deformation and holes in the cover);

The presence of bolts for fastening the inspection and mounting covers, their possible eversion or loosening;

Fresh streaks of grease in the lower part of the axle box housing, the presence of a smell of heated grease;

Displacement (shift) of the box body;

Skewed axle box, turning it in the axle box opening of the sidewall of the bogies;

In winter - for melting snow on the body of the axle box (unlike other axle boxes).

If, based on the results of the inspection, it is established that there are no axle box failures and no braked wheel sets, the train proceeds at a set speed to the station where there is a wagon management employee and an act is drawn up together with him.

If, as a result of the inspection of the train on the haul, it is established that the condition of the axle box allows to proceed to the nearest station (there are no obvious external signs of the destruction of the axle box) or a malfunction is not detected, the locomotive crew can continue moving to the first station, which is reported by the CPD of the nearest station (DNC) and summons workers of the carriage economy to this station to inspect and give an opinion on the possibility of further movement of the train. When moving, the locomotive crew is obliged to monitor the condition of the train in curved sections of the track from the locomotive cab.

11.8. When the train stops at the station according to the indications of the KTSM or according to the schedule, the locomotive crew (in the absence of a wagon inspector) is obliged to inspect the wagons with a pre-emergency heating level (Alarm - 0) of the axle box or inhibition of wheel sets (if it has such information).

11.9. In order to exclude unreasonable stops of the train according to the readings of the KTSM control devices, the driver must choose the place of stop and the mode of further movement of the train in such a way as to follow the floor devices of the KTSM at a constant speed of at least 10 km / h.

12. The order of actions in case of operation of devices for monitoring the derailment of rolling stock

12.1. Chipboard or DNC, having received information about the operation of the UKSPS and about the blocking of the input or through traffic lights from allowing to prohibitive, and making sure that they are in the area approaching the train station, is obliged:

To exclude the departure of trains of oncoming and passing directions of traffic to the neighboring track (on double-track and multi-track sections of railways);

Call the train driver by radio, during the passage of which the UKSPS worked, inform him about this with the following text:

"Attention! The driver of train N ... Your train caused the operation of the UKSPS! Stop immediately! DSP station ... (station name, surname)";

Call the train driver of the opposite direction by radio, if he follows the station or was previously sent to the stage, inform him about the operation of the UKSPS and the train stopping on the adjacent track;

Having received information about the results of the inspection of the train, together with the DSC, it establishes the procedure for the further movement of the train and the organization of train traffic, decides on the transfer of information to the station managers and on the implementation of emergency recovery measures.

12.2. If, when approaching a railway station (man-made structure) in front of which the UKSPS is installed, the input (crossing) traffic light switches from allowing to prohibitive indication, the warning traffic light to a more prohibitive indication, the barrier traffic light is turned on, or upon receiving information about the operation of the UKSPS from a voice informant , DSP (DNTs) by train radio communication, the driver must:

Stop the train with a service brake and turn on the red lights of the lights at the buffer beam of the locomotive;

Report by radio communication about the stop of the train in the manner established in these Regulations;

Give a general alarm signal (sound and light with a transparent white spotlight) when a train of the opposite direction approaches in the line-of-sight zone, if no response is received from it via radio communication;

Send an assistant driver to inspect the train;

On the results of the inspection and the measures taken, as well as on the possibility of further movement of trains on the stage, inform the DSP or DNC.

The driver's assistant must:

Inspect the train from both sides to the tail of the train;

Pay attention to dragging, parts going beyond the gauge of the rolling stock, or derailment of wheel sets in the train;

Inspect the condition of the UKSPS sensors, provided they are under the train or not further than 300 meters from the tail car, paying attention to the number, numbers of sensors, traces of destruction or interaction with the elements of the train running gears (if possible, make photo and video recording of the state of the sensors).

12.3. If the locomotive crew of a stopped train has detected a derailment or dragging of parts of the rolling stock, it is obliged to:

Find out the state of the rolling stock, the presence of clearance on the adjacent track and report this information to the DNC or DSP stations that limit this haul;

In the event of a derailment of rolling stock, immediately fence it off.

The driver of a train in the opposite direction, having received a radio message about a train stopping on an adjacent railway track, must reduce the speed to 20 km / h and follow the composition of the standing train at a speed of no more than 20 km / h with special vigilance and readiness to stop if an obstacle is encountered for further movement . After the passage of the train standing on the adjacent railway track and the absence of an obstacle to movement, the driver informs the DSC (DSP) about this and leads the train further according to the traffic lights.

The driver of the train, during the passage of which the UKSPS was triggered, after stopping the train, is obliged to send an assistant driver to inspect the train from both sides in order to detect dragging parts or derailed wheel sets of railway rolling stock. The driver reports to the DSC (DSP) on the results of the inspection and the measures taken.

When driving a train by a driver without an assistant driver, the procedure for inspecting the train when the UKSPS is triggered is established by the owner of the infrastructure.

In case of elimination of the causes of operation or false operation of the UKSPS, the driver reports this to the DNC (DSP).

12.4. If no malfunction is found in the train, then the DSP, in agreement with the DSC, accepts the train in the prescribed manner.

12.5. The train arriving at the station is inspected by an employee of the carriage economy, and in his absence, by the locomotive driver. According to the results of the inspection, the order of further following is determined. If a malfunction is not detected, then the train goes to the nearest wagon maintenance point at a set speed.

12.6. If the train driver, in the event of a malfunction or derailment of the rolling stock, cannot call the DSP or DNC by radio, then he must inform the drivers of the trains of the passing and opposite directions of movement to transmit the relevant information.

12.7. When the UKSPS is triggered under a train moving along the wrong track according to the signals of an automatic locomotive signaling on a double-track (multi-track) section or when moving on a single-track section, the DSC or DSP of the departure station via train radio communication must give the train driver a command of the following content:

"Attention! The driver of train N .... following ... the path in the wrong direction on the stage ... stop immediately! Your train caused the operation of the UKSPS!

The command is transmitted until a response from the train driver is received.

12.8. In the event of a stop of a passenger train on the haul due to the operation of the UKSPS, the driver, after fulfilling the requirements of these Regulations, is obliged to inform the head of the train about this and, together with him, inspect the cars and the locomotive.

12.9. In the event of a stop of the MVPS due to the operation of the UKSPS, the driver inspects the train. Based on the results of the inspection, the driver independently decides on the procedure for further movement and the need for a second inspection, as reported by the DSP or DNC.

13. Procedure for damage to the rail of the lower gauge of the rolling stock

13.1. Upon receipt of information about damage to the rail of the lower gauge of the rolling stock, the driver must:

Stop the train by applying the service brake;

To inform about the stop by radio communication about the stop of the train in the manner established in this regulation;

Turn on the red lights of the lights at the buffer beam of the locomotive;

Send an assistant driver to inspect the train, who is obliged to inspect the train from both sides to the tail of the train, paying attention to dragging, overrunning of the rolling stock, or derailment of wheel sets in the train;

Report the results of the inspection and the measures taken, as well as the possibility of further movement of trains on the haul, to inform the DSP or DNC.

13.2. If the locomotive crew of a stopped train detects a derailment or dragging of parts of the rolling stock, then it is obliged:

Find out the state of the rolling stock, the presence of clearance on the adjacent track and immediately transfer this information to the DNC or DSP that limit this run;

In the event of a derailment of the rolling stock, immediately fence it off;

Measures to eliminate the consequences of dragging or derailment of the rolling stock and the restoration of traffic should be coordinated with the DSP or DNC.

13.3. If a malfunction in the train is not detected, the train should go to the nearest wagon maintenance point at a set speed.

13.4. If the train driver, in the event of a malfunction or derailment of the rolling stock, cannot call the DSP or DNC by radio, then he is obliged to inform the drivers of trains in the same or opposite direction of movement, the duty officer for the crossing, or use cellular communications to transmit the relevant information.

13.5. In the event of a stop of a passenger train on the haul due to damage to the rail of the lower gauge of the rolling stock, the driver, after meeting the requirements of these Regulations, is obliged to inform the head of the train about this and, together with him, inspect the cars and the locomotive.

Based on the results of the check or troubleshooting, the head of the train, together with the locomotive driver, decide on the procedure for further movement, about which the driver is obliged to report to the DSP (DNC) via radio communication. On the reasons and time of the stop, the head of the train draws up an act, which is transferred to the driver at the next station, where the train will have a stop on schedule.

The train follows at a set speed to the point of technical inspection of passenger cars, where the inspection of cars and locomotives is carried out by employees of the wagon and locomotive facilities.

13.6. In the event of a stop of the MVPS due to damage to the gauge bar of the rolling stock, the driver inspects the train. Based on the results of the inspection, the driver independently decides on the order of further movement, as reported by the DSP or DNC. The train follows at a set speed to the final station, where the train is re-inspected.

14. The procedure for the forced stop of the train on the haul due to a malfunction of the locomotive

14.1. In case of failure on the locomotive of the equipment that ensures the operation of the train and it is impossible to eliminate the cause of the failure, the driver is strictly forbidden to follow the station and go to the haul.

14.2. When following the haul, depending on the current situation and the train situation and the inability to bring the train to the station, the driver must:

Stop the train, if possible, on the site and on the straight section of the track, if an emergency stop is not required;

Activate the automatic brakes of the train and the auxiliary brake of the locomotive with fixing it in the extreme braking position, if necessary, secure the train with hand brakes and brake shoes;

Immediately announce by radio the reasons for and place of stopping in accordance with the requirements of these Regulations (in addition, the driver of a passenger train is obliged to inform the head or electromechanic of the passenger train, and the driver of a special self-propelled rolling stock - to the head of work in the utility train), after which 10 minute countdown to determine the malfunction and the possibility of its elimination. In exceptional cases, in the absence of train radio communication with the DSP or DNC, the driver of the stopped train takes measures to transmit a message about the stop (about requesting an auxiliary locomotive) through the drivers of trains of the opposite (passing) direction or using cellular communications.

14.3. After receiving a report from the train driver about a forced stop due to a malfunction of the traction rolling stock, DSC and DSP are prohibited from distracting the locomotive crew with radio calls for 10 minutes.

14.4. In case of failures of the locomotive equipment (MVPS, SSRS), in order to restore their performance, the locomotive crew must, observing safety measures, use the standard emergency schemes provided by the manufacturer.

14.5. If it is impossible to eliminate the malfunction that has arisen after 10 minutes after the train stops, the driver must:

Personally verify the actual location of the train at the nearest kilometer and picket posts;

Request an auxiliary locomotive through the DSP (DNC), while indicating at what kilometer, the picket is the head of the train, in connection with which assistance is required and the time of its request;

If the movement of the train cannot be resumed within 20 minutes from the moment of stopping and the impossibility to keep the train in place on the automatic brakes, give a signal to activate the hand brakes available in the composition of the hand brakes by the conductors of passenger cars, conductors, supervisors of work in the utility train, instruct the assistant the driver to secure the freight train with brake shoes and hand brakes of the wagons;

Report by radio to the nearest chipboard, limiting the haul, and DNC on securing the train, indicating the number of brake shoes that secure the rolling stock;

When servicing locomotives of passenger trains by one driver, operations to secure and fencing the train are carried out by the head of the train (train electrician) and the conductor of the tail car at the direction of the driver, transmitted by radio.

14.6. In the event of a malfunction on the locomotive (MVPS, SSPS), the locomotive driver (MVPS, SSPS), who stopped on the haul and requested an auxiliary locomotive, is strictly prohibited from setting the locomotive (MVPS, SSPS) in motion, while the driver is obliged to report via radio to the nearest chipboard limiting the haul and DNC on troubleshooting and agree on further actions with them.

If the movement of the train cannot be resumed within 20 minutes from the moment of stopping and the impossibility to keep the train in place on automatic brakes, at the instruction of the driver, the assistant driver is obliged to secure the train with brake shoes and hand brakes of the cars.

Laying of brake shoes is carried out under loaded cars from the side of the slope (the toe of the brake shoe skid laid on the rail must touch the wheel rim of the car). Fastening is carried out at the rate of one brake shoe for one car.

If necessary, the hand brakes of the wagons are activated in the quantity and in accordance with the standards specified in Appendix No. 2, Section III.7., Table No. III.4 of Rules No. 151.

Emergency tables indicating the norms of fastening, depending on the weight of the train and the track profile of the serviced sections, are developed in operational locomotive depots;

After returning, report to the driver, chipboard limiting the run (DNTs) about securing the train with brake shoes, indicating their number, as well as the number of cars on which the hand brakes are activated, after which make an entry in the log form TU-152.

Upon receipt of permission from the DSC to depart from the haul, the driver must:

Perform a reduced brake test (if necessary);

Give a command to the assistant driver to remove the brake shoes from under the wheels of the wagons and release the hand brakes of the wagons, and in a passenger train - transmit information about the removal of the brake shoes and the release of the hand brakes to the head of the train;

After returning to the locomotive cab (MVPS, SSPS), the assistant driver releases the hand brakes of the locomotive (MVPS, SSPS).

14.7. The driver's assistant must:

To fix the time of transmission by the driver via radio communication of information about the reasons, place and time of the forced stop of the train, as well as the time and names of the drivers of the following and (or) oncoming trains, chipboard, DNC on confirmation of the information received by them on the reverse side of the warning form form DU-61;

Activate the hand brakes of the locomotive;

To make a set of air in the spare tank of the pantograph (if it is provided for by the design of the locomotive);

Make sure that the train is braked, and the auxiliary brake valve control is in the extreme braking position with its fixation on the latch with a special device;

If it is necessary to eliminate the malfunction with entering the high-voltage chamber of the electric locomotive, visually make sure that the pantographs are lowered;

If necessary, negotiate by radio, indicating his name and position;

Control the countdown from the moment of stopping and report to the driver;

To determine the layout of the brake shoes according to the full-scale sheet of the train, establish the presence in the composition of loaded cars and their serial numbers from the head;

If the movement of the train cannot be resumed within 15 minutes from the moment of stopping and the inability to keep the train in place on automatic brakes, take actions in accordance with these Regulations.

14.8. The order to close the section for the movement of trains is transferred by the DSC to the chipboard, which restricts the section, to the train driver who requested help and to the driver of the auxiliary locomotive.

14.9. In the event of a forced stop of a train on a section, the driver, after receiving the order from the DNC to close the section and information on the procedure for providing assistance, provides fencing of the train in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 45-49 of the ISI.

Fastening is carried out at the direction of the driver of the stopped train by the train crew of the passenger train and the assistant driver with the rest of the trains.

14.10. After determining the procedure for providing assistance (in accordance with the requirements of the IDP), the DSC, DSP and the driver of the auxiliary locomotive are obliged to verify by radio communication with the driver of the stopped train the data on the stopping place of the locomotive (MVPS, SSPS) that requested assistance and information on the departure of the auxiliary locomotive.

14.11. Permission form DU-64 is issued by the DSP after receiving the order from the DSC to close the haul (way of the haul), and when organizing traffic with dispatcher centralization, a registered order from the DSC.

14.12. The driver of an auxiliary locomotive, when providing assistance to a stopped train (on a stage), must be guided by the Procedure for the actions of employees of Russian Railways in the event of a forced stop of a train on a stage, followed by assistance to him by an auxiliary locomotive, approved by order of Russian Railways OJSC dated February 27, 2015 N 554r:

When moving along the wrong track, to assist a train that has stopped on the haul from the head of the train, at a speed of not more than 60 km / h, and after stopping at a distance of at least 2 km to the place specified in the permission form DU-64 - at a speed no more than 20 km/h;

When moving along the right track, to assist a train that has stopped on the stage from the tail of the train on auto-blocking signals, and after stopping at a red traffic light - at a speed of no more than 20 km / h;

On the right track, to assist a train that has stopped on the haul from the tail of the train during semi-automatic blocking, at a speed of not more than 60 km / h, and after stopping at a distance of at least 2 km to the place indicated in the permission form DU-64 - at a speed no more than 20 km/h;

With an electric wand system and telephone communications, it is similar to following with a semi-automatic blocking.

14.13. When assisting a stopped train from the head, the driver of an auxiliary locomotive, after stopping at least 2 km before the place specified in the permission form DU-64, is obliged:

Contact by radio with the driver of the train that stopped on the haul (MVPS, SSPS) to clarify the actual location of his location and coordinate actions;

At the signal given by the assistant driver of the enclosing train, stop and, after removing the firecrackers, land on the locomotive, continue moving at a speed of no more than 20 km / h with special vigilance and readiness to stop;

Stop 10-15 m before the locomotive of the train, coordinate their actions with the driver of the stopped train, clutch, charge the brakes and carry out a short test of passenger, technological testing in freight trains, make sure that the brake shoes are removed and the hand brakes of the rolling stock are released ;

Report to DSC (via DSP) about readiness for departure.

14.14. In the event of a forced stop on the haul of a multi-unit train and the impossibility of its further independent movement, it is allowed to attach the next multi-unit rolling stock to it for output to the railway station. The procedure for providing assistance is determined by the owner of the infrastructure.

15. Procedure for failure of the contact network or damage to current collectors

15.1. The driver of a train that has stopped on a stage due to damage to the contact network or other power supply devices must:

Immediately inform by radio about the stop of the train in the manner established by these Regulations;

In case of detection of damage to pantographs, roof equipment of the locomotive, MVPS or contact network, apply emergency braking and, at the same time, take measures to lower the pantographs on the electric rolling stock;

If the contact wire is on the roof of the rolling stock, after stopping the train, take all possible measures to prevent people from entering the danger zone, with the passenger train, warn the head of the train at the MVPS by loudspeaker about the prohibition of passengers leaving the cars.

It is forbidden to climb and perform any work on the roof of the locomotive until the voltage is removed and the contact network is grounded by the arrived EC workers.

15.2. After the train stops, the locomotive crew must:

Disconnect power and auxiliary circuits on the locomotive, MVPS, contactors for heating the passenger train cars, lower the pantographs;

Inspect the locomotive, MVPS (without climbing to the roof), contact network and train composition;

By radio, call the chipboard of the nearest station or DNC and report on the nature of the malfunction of the contact network, locomotive, MVPS (breakage of the string, contact network retainer, burnout or breakage of the contact wire, kink in the current collector, overestimated zigzag of the contact wire, tilt or fall of the support of the contact network and the presence of a clearance on an adjacent path), indicating the possible cause of the damage;

If the inspection establishes that traffic can be resumed, continue driving, informing the DSP (DNC) of the measures taken;

In case of damage to the contact network, allowing the movement of the locomotive. MVPS with lowered pantographs to inform DSP (DNTs) kilometer, picket and support numbers of the beginning and end of the damaged section of the contact network;

If, according to the conditions of the profile, it is impossible to trace the place of damage to the contact network with the pantographs lowered or when the damaged structures go beyond the gauge of the rolling stock, stop the train, inform the stations limiting the run, and the drivers of the following trains, by radio communication, about the reason for the stop, fixing the rolling stock, in accordance with established standards, draw air into the main and reserve tanks and, if possible, ensure the specified air pressure in the supply and brake lines;

In case of damage to the contact network, current collectors, roof electrical equipment, in which the movement of the locomotive, MVPS is impossible, in the absence of the gauge of the superstructure of the track or the gauge of the rolling stock, immediately call the workers of the contact network.

15.3. Employees of the power supply distance begin restoration work on the contact network only after receiving an order from the ECC to carry out work.

EChTs through DSP (DNTs) notifies the driver about the removal of voltage in the contact network at the site of damage.

15.4. Employees of the power supply distance are allowed on the roof of the locomotive, MVPS only after grounding the contact network with portable grounding rods and presenting to the driver a certificate for the right to work on the contact network. At the same time, EC workers are the first to climb onto the roof of the rolling stock.

15.5. Work on the inspection and linkage of the pantograph is carried out under the guidance of an EC worker in accordance with the safety instructions for electricians of the contact network. The driver, together with the EP worker, links the pantograph after removing the voltage and grounding the contact network on both sides of the place of work on the EPS by the EP workers. In this case, the faulty pantograph must be disconnected from the power circuit by a high-voltage disconnector.

The pantograph with a skid missing for some reason is also subject to linkage.

The driver is responsible for the quality of linking the pantographs and the technical condition of other roof equipment.

Upon completion of the inspection and linking of the pantographs, removing the ground from the contact network, the driver must receive a notification from the EC workers about the voltage supply to the contact network.

When operating DC locomotives, according to the conditions of the characteristics of pantographs according to the maximum current value, it is forbidden to depart if two or more pantographs fail.

15.6. Representatives of the operating and service locomotive depot, together with employees of the contact network, are investigating the causes of damage at the point of changing locomotive crews or changing a locomotive with the execution of a joint act.

16. The procedure for switching off the voltage in the contact network

16.1. When the voltage in the contact network is turned off, the driver must:

Immediately transfer the controller to the zero position and visually check the condition of the pantographs and elements of the contact network;

In the absence of damage to the pantographs and the contact network, continue the movement of the train on the coast with the power, auxiliary circuits and the train heating contactor turned off;

Control the air supply in the main locomotive tanks, the reading of the kilovoltmeter of the contact network;

Upon successful supply of voltage to the contact network, resume the movement of the train in traction mode.

When the kilovoltmeter reading is zero, the driver checks the presence of voltage in the contact network in accordance with the design features of the locomotive and MVPS using a kilovoltmeter located in the rear cabin.

16.2. In the absence of voltage in the contact network in the interval from the first to the second minute, the driver must lower the pantographs.

16.3. In the time interval from two to four minutes inclusive, after lowering all pantographs on the EPS, the serviceability of the power supply devices is checked, and the train is stopped by service braking, followed by a report on the state of the EPS contact network (DNTs).

16.4. In the time interval from 4 to 10 minutes after the first removal of voltage from the contact network, the locomotive crews, in agreement with the DSC, on hauls and chipboards at the stations, alternately lift the pantographs to the EPS. On the MVPS, the pantograph located first in the direction of the train is the first to rise. At the same time, locomotive crews carefully monitor the condition of pantographs and other roof electrical equipment in order to identify a malfunction. In the absence of visible faults on the ERS, the power and auxiliary circuits, the train heating contactor are switched on. In the presence of voltage in the contact network, movement in traction mode is resumed.

17. Procedure for recharging the brake line as part of a passenger train

17.1. In case of unauthorized overpressure in the brake line of a passenger train, the overcharging of the TM is eliminated after it is stopped by the braking stage on automatic brakes with a discharge of 0.03-0.04 MPa. In this case, the driver must:

In case of TM recharging up to 0.6 MPa, perform service braking with discharge up to 0.4 MPa and release the brakes with overpressure in the UR up to 0.53-0.54 MPa (this pressure value is 0.02-0.03 MPa higher pressure remaining in the reserve tank of the car with the smallest rod output);

If the line is recharged to 0.7 MPa, brake by reducing the pressure to 0.5 MPa, after 15-20 seconds, release the brakes by increasing the pressure to 0.62-0.63 MPa, and after 1-1.5 minutes, brake again by reducing the pressure in the UR to 0.4 MPa and release the brakes by increasing the pressure to 0.53-0.54 MPa;

In case of recharging up to 0.8 MPa, perform three braking, each time reducing the pressure by 0.2 MPa and increasing it during release by 0.12 MPa after 1.0-1.5 minutes;

If the brake line is recharged above the compressor cut-in pressure, take into account that when the pressure in the GR drops below the TM recharge pressure, the brakes in the train will work.

After restoring charging pressure, the driver must send an assistant driver to the tail of the train to check the release of the brakes. If, during the test, individual cars do not release the brakes, the driver's assistant must release the brakes by venting air from the reserve tanks through the release valve.

After charging the train brakes, the train driver must brake with a discharge of TM by 0.05-0.06 MPa and release the brakes. The driver's assistant, when moving from the tail car to the locomotive, is obliged to check the release of all cars in the train.

17.2. In case of unauthorized overpressure in the MVPS brake line, the driver must:

Smoothly stop the train with an electro-pneumatic brake using the minimum pressure in the brake cylinders;

Shut off the uncoupling valve from the driver's crane conv. N 395 to the brake line;

Discharge surge tank to normal charging pressure;

Applying electro-pneumatic brakes, perform several braking followed by release until the pressure in the brake line drops to a pressure that is 0.01-0.02 MPa less than in the surge tank;

Open the uncoupling valve from the driver's crane conv. N 395 to the brake line and perform the stage of braking with automatic brakes with a discharge of 0.1 MPa;

After the overcharging of the brake line has been eliminated, in the absence of a train brake release signaling device on the MVPS, send an assistant driver along the train, who, observing safety precautions, must check the brake release of each car for the absence of the brake cylinder rods and the brake pads moving away from the wheels;

After convincing the assistant driver to release the brakes of the entire train and his report on this upon arrival at the tail control cabin, carry out a reduced test of the brakes;

When equipping the MVPS with a signaling device for the operation and release of the brakes of the tail car, conduct an abbreviated test of the brakes by actuating its signal lamp, without the participation of the driver's assistant.

18. Procedure for recharging the brake line as part of a freight train

18.1. When controlling the brakes of a freight train (the air distributors are set to the flat mode) and overestimating the pressure in the brake line, the driver is obliged to check the clarity of setting the control element of the driver's crane to the "Train" position. Provided that the driver's crane stabilizer is correctly adjusted at a rate of 0.02 MPa in 80-120 seconds. and a satisfactory density of the equalizing piston, pressure reduction to the charging piston will occur automatically. For trains of increased length, the pressure decrease in the surge tank at a rate of 0.02 MPa should occur in 100-120 seconds.

18.2. If during the transition to normal charging pressure it becomes necessary to apply control braking or spontaneous operation of the automatic brakes of the train occurs, the driver must:

Stop the train by discharging the brake line by the value of the first stage of 0.06-0.07 MPa;

After stopping, reduce the pressure in the brake line of the train to 0.35 MPa and after 1 minute, with the brake compressor operating and the maximum pressure in the supply line, release the brakes by increasing the pressure on the pressure gauge of the surge tank by 0.03-0.05 MPa higher than the charging one up to 400 axles and 0.05- 0.07 MPa over 400 axles depending on the density of the brake line.

18.3. The driver's assistant must:

Inspect the train, while making sure that the brakes of each car are released;

If wagons with unreleased brakes are detected, release manually by discharging the working chamber of the air distributor;

Upon arrival at the tail car as part of the train, purge the brake line by opening the end valve of the connecting sleeve with a time delay of 8-10 seconds;

At the end of the purging of the brake line, together with the driver, perform a short test of the brakes by actuating 2 tail cars by discharging the brake line according to the pressure gauge of the surge tank by 0.06-0.07 MPa;

Write down the number of the tail car and make sure that there is a signal of the tail car fencing in the form of a disk near the right lower buffer;

Returning to the locomotive, check the release of the brakes of each car.

18.4. When recharging the brake line of a freight train with air distributors set to the mountain mode, their release after stopping is carried out manually by discharging the working chamber.

18.5. If an overpressure of the brake line is detected along the route, with the position of the control element of the driver’s crane in position II, the driver must transfer it to position IV, while observing the change in compressed air pressure using the pressure gauge:

If the increase in compressed air pressure has stopped, then, according to the conditions of the train and the discretion of the driver, continue moving to the first nearby railway station by moving the control element of the driver’s crane from position II to position IV and back, fulfilling one condition under which a constant pressure in the TM is maintained within the range from 0.5 MPa to 0.52 MPa;

If the increase in compressed air pressure when the driver’s crane control is in position II in the surge tank and the brake line has not stopped and the possibility of further travel to the first railway station is excluded by tightening the stabilizer spring clockwise, increase the rate of elimination of supercharged pressure;

If there is no reduction in compressed air pressure by increasing the rate of elimination of overcharge pressure, smoothly loosen the valve plug in the upper part of the stabilizer.

All the facts of overcharging pressure in the brake line, the identified causes and the actions taken to eliminate them, the locomotive driver indicates in the logbook of the TU-152 form and in the report.

19. Procedure in the event of a fire on the train

19.1. If a fire is detected on a locomotive or as part of a train while following the haul, the driver must stop it on the site, if possible on a horizontal and favorable track profile and the possibility of fire trucks approaching (near highways, crossings).

19.2. It is strictly forbidden to stop a train with burning cars, regardless of the type of cargo: on railway bridges, in tunnels, under bridges, near transformer substations, traction substations, combustible buildings or other places that create a threat of rapid spread of fire or hinder the organization of fire extinguishing and evacuation of passengers.

In some cases, when the train is on an unfavorable section of the track (dredging, high embankment, etc.) or when it is not possible to extinguish the fire with the available means, the train driver, having made sure according to the documents that there are no dangerous goods in the burning and nearby wagons, Classes 1-3, in agreement with the DSC, can continue traveling to the nearest station, reporting the fire and the type of burning cargo to the DSC or chipboard, to which the train is going, for them to take action.

Stopping a train on electrified railway lines must be carried out in such a way that burning cars or a locomotive are not located under rigid or flexible crossbars, sectional insulators, or air arrows.

19.3. Simultaneously with taking measures to stop the train, the driver must give an audible fire alarm (one long and two short signals) and, using the train radio communication or any other type of communication possible in the situation, report the fire to the DNC or DSP of the nearest station to call the fire departments , as well as the head of the passenger train.

19.4. Before receiving an order from the ECC to relieve voltage in the contact network and ground it, ECH employees are prohibited from approaching wires and other parts of the contact network and overhead lines at a distance of less than 2 m, and to broken wires of the contact network at a distance of less than 8 m to their grounding.

Until the voltage in the contact network is removed, it is allowed to extinguish burning objects only with carbon dioxide, aerosol and powder fire extinguishers, not approaching the wires of the contact network closer than 2 m.

The use of water, chemical, foam or air-foam fire extinguishers is permitted only after the voltage has been removed and the contact network has been grounded.

Extinguishing burning materials located at a distance of more than 8 m from the contact network under voltage is allowed by any fire extinguishing means without removing the voltage. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the jet of water or foam solution does not approach the contact network at a distance of less than 2 m.

19.5. The organization of work to extinguish a fire on a train before the arrival of fire departments is carried out:

at the railway station by the head of the station, his deputy, and in their absence by the chipboard;

on the haul - by the locomotive crew together with the train crew of the passenger train;

in all other cases, the locomotive crew.

19.6. After the train stops, the locomotive crew must:

Take measures to secure it in place and clarify the car in which the fire was discovered;

Open the package with transportation documents, establish the name of the cargo in the burning and nearby wagons, and if there is dangerous cargo, its quantity, the number of the emergency card.

19.7. The locomotive crew needs in case of fire:

For wagons with combustible cargo, simultaneously with calling the fire department, secure the abandoned wagons with brake shoes and uncouple the train, moving the burning wagons away from the train at a distance of at least 200 m and where there are no fire hazardous objects within a radius of at least 200 m;

Tanks with flammable (flammable liquids) and combustible (FL) liquids shall be removed from the train to a distance where there are no fire hazardous objects within a radius of 200 m;

Cars with compressed and liquefied gases in cylinders - unhook and move the burning car from the train by 200 m, secure it and at the same time start extinguishing it with the fire extinguishing equipment at its disposal;

Tanks with liquefied gas compressed under pressure and there is a danger of its explosion, take the burning tank to a safe distance and organize its protection (extinguishing such a tank with fire extinguishers is prohibited);

The wagon with explosive materials (EM) must immediately disengage the train, take the burning wagon to a safe distance indicated in the emergency card, but not less than 800 m, and proceed further in accordance with the requirements set forth in the emergency card for this type of cargo or instructions held by the attendants load of persons.

In the carriages of a passenger train, fire extinguishing is carried out by a train crew, the locomotive crew does not participate in fire extinguishing.

In all cases of uncoupling of wagons, their fastening is carried out in accordance with established standards.

19.8. In the event of a fire in a locomotive, the locomotive crew must:

Set the driver's console controller to zero position, stop the diesel engine (on a diesel locomotive), turn off auxiliary machines, turn off the main switch, lower the pantograph and stop the train;

Take measures to secure the train in place and turn off the control devices and the locomotive battery switch;

On electric locomotives, make sure that the pantograph is lowered and the contact wire does not touch the roof or the equipment on it, and if the fire is located no closer than 2 m to the contact wire, proceed with the assistant driver to extinguish the fire using the available fire extinguishers and dry sand;

Turn on the stationary fire extinguishing system depending on the design features of the locomotive;

In case of fire of traction motors or supply cables to them, fire extinguishing should be started from the locomotive body;

If the fire cannot be extinguished on your own and with the available means, unhook the electric locomotive and take it away from the train at a distance of at least 50 meters and then, if there is a danger of fire spreading from the burning section to another, unhook them with a tap to a safe distance, having previously secured burning section with brake shoes.

When extinguishing a fire, the locomotive crew must observe the following safety measures:

When electrical equipment catches fire, only freon fire extinguishers, carbon dioxide ones, equipped with a diffuser made of polymeric materials, and also air-emulsion ones with a finely sprayed jet should be used to extinguish it;

When using a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, cotton mittens (gloves) must be used. It is forbidden to take on the socket of a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher in order to avoid frostbite of the hands;

It is forbidden to use water and air-foam fire extinguishers and water when extinguishing electrical appliances, equipment, cables, electrical machines under voltage.

In the event of a fire on a gas locomotive (gas turbine locomotive), the locomotive crew must:

Stop the engine (power unit);

Ensure cutoff of the gas flow from the cryogenic tank using an automatic control system;

Activate the fire extinguishing system. It is forbidden to be in the engine room of a gas turbine locomotive when the fire extinguishing system is activated;

Put on a gas mask and leave the gas locomotive (gas turbine locomotive) at a distance of 800 m.

Do not approach a burning cryogenic container.

If foam gets on unprotected areas of the body, wipe it off with a handkerchief or other material and rinse abundantly with a weak stream of running water;

If clothing catches fire, extinguish fire. In this case, it is impossible to shoot down the flame with unprotected hands;

Flammable clothes should be quickly thrown off, torn off, or extinguished by flooding with water, sprinkling with snow in winter. Bring down the flames, rolling in burning clothes on the floor, the ground. Throw a dense cloth, blanket, tarpaulin over a person in burning clothes, which, after the elimination of the flame, must be removed in order to reduce the thermal effect on the human skin.

A person in burning clothes should not be wrapped up with his head, as this can lead to damage to the respiratory tract and poisoning with toxic combustion products.

After the fire is extinguished, it is prohibited to apply voltage to the locomotive (starting the diesel engine), where the electrical equipment and wires were damaged. A locomotive damaged by fire must proceed to the depot with the pantographs lowered and the control circuits disconnected.

19.9. In the event of a fire in the MVPS, the locomotive crew must:

On electric trains - set the controller handle to zero position, turn off the control switch (on DC trains), or the main switch (on AC trains), lower all pantographs, stop the train and take measures to keep it in place;

On diesel trains (railcars, rail buses) - set the controller handle to zero position and stop the diesel engine, turn off all control devices on the control panel, stop the diesel train (railcar, rail bus) and take measures to keep it in place;

Sound a fire alarm (one long, two short) and report a fire to the DNC or chipboard, limiting the haul;

Make sure that all current collectors are lowered and that the contact wire, which can be burned, does not touch the wagons;

If necessary, notify passengers about the incident via internal communication, organize the evacuation of passengers from a burning car and cars that are in danger;

Lock the cabin from which the control was made, and proceed with the assistant to extinguish the fire, using the available fire extinguishers and sand;

If the rolling stock is equipped with a fire extinguishing installation, put it into operation;

If the fire cannot be extinguished by one's own strength and available means, take measures to uncouple the train and move the burning car to a distance that excludes the possibility of fire spreading to neighboring cars or those located near buildings and structures, at least 50 m, securing it with brake shoes and together with arriving fire departments to put out the fire.

20. Procedure for detecting malfunctions of wheel sets of rolling stock along the way

20.1. In case of detection of faults in the wheel sets of the locomotive, MVPS, wagons, the locomotive crew is obliged to:

Report by radio communication DSP (DNC) about the reason for the stop;

Inspect the wheelset and determine if there is a loosening of the bandage on the wheel center rim and, if the bandage is not loosened, check the condition of the retaining ring;

If the bandage or retaining ring is loosened in more than 3 places: along its circumference, the total length of the weakened place is more than 30% of the total circumference of the ring - for locomotives and more than 20% for MVPS, and also closer than 100 mm from the lock of the ring, order an auxiliary locomotive with the tail of the train, and after the arrival of the auxiliary locomotive, turn off the traction motor, the brake cylinder of the faulty wheelset and follow the reserve at a speed of no more than 15 km/h;

When turning the tire of the wheel set without signs of weakening of the tire and the retaining ring, on this wheel set, turn off the traction motor, exclude the action of the brakes, put a new mark and, having established control over the technical condition of this wheel set, bring the train to the final station;

If a repeated rotation of the tire is detected along the route, unhook the locomotive from the freight train and follow the reserve at a speed of no more than 15 km/h with the traction motor and brake cylinder of the faulty wheel set turned off;

When traveling with a passenger train, request an auxiliary locomotive, and after the arrival of the auxiliary locomotive, turn off the traction motor and brake cylinder of the faulty wheel set and follow the reserve at a speed of no more than 15 km / h to the nearest station;

To make an entry in the log of the technical condition of the locomotive of the form TU-152 about the detected rotation of the bandage.

20.2. The procedure for detecting malfunctions of wheel sets of rolling stock along the way:

If a slider (pothole) with a depth of more than 1 mm, but not more than 2 mm, is found on the route near a passenger or freight car (except for an MVPS motor car or a tender with axle boxes with roller bearings), it is allowed to bring such a car (tender) without uncoupling from the train to the nearest a maintenance point that has the means to replace wheel sets at a speed of no more than 100 km/h with a passenger train, while the brakes are controlled on automatic brakes during further movement, and with freight trains no more than 70 km/h;

With a slider depth of more than 2 to 6 mm for cars, except for the MVPS motor car, and from 1 to 2 mm for the MVPS locomotive and motor car, the train is allowed to run to the nearest railway station at a speed of not more than 15 km / h on automatic brakes to the nearest station, where the wheelset is to be replaced;

With a slider depth of more than 6 to 12 mm and more than 2 to 4 mm, respectively, at a speed of not more than 10 km / h. At the nearest railway station, the wheelset must be replaced;

With a slider depth of more than 12 mm for the car and tender, more than 4 mm for the locomotive and motor car of the MVPS, it is allowed to travel at a speed of not more than 10 km / h with automatic brakes, provided that the possibility of rotation of the wheelset is excluded (hanging, using brake shoes or a hand brake ). In this case, the locomotive must be uncoupled from the train, the brake cylinders and the traction motor (engine group) of the damaged wheelset must be switched off.

The slider depth is measured with an absolute gauge. In the absence of a template, it is allowed at stops along the route to determine the depth of the slider by its length using the data indicated in the table:

Slider depth, mm Slider length, mm, on wheels with a diameter, mm
diameter 1250 diameter 1050 diameter 950
0,7 60 55 50
1,0 71 65 60
2,0 100 92 85
4,0 141 129 120
6,0 173 158 150
12,0 244 223 210

If, during inspection at intermediate stations, passenger cars are detected at speeds up to 140 km / h with dents on the wheel tread surface, the length is:

From 25 mm but not more than 40 mm, it is allowed to continue the wagon at a set speed to the nearest point with means for changing wheelsets;

More than 40 mm but not more than 80 mm, it is allowed to bring such a car without uncoupling from the train at a speed of not more than 100 km / h to the nearest point with means for changing wheelsets;

More than 80 mm, the train is allowed to run at a speed of not more than 15 km / h to the nearest station, where the wheelset must be replaced or the car uncoupled.

Scratches on wheel pairs of passenger cars at speeds of more than 140 km/h are not allowed.

21. Procedure in case of malfunction of train radio communication devices

21.1. In the event of a train radio communication malfunction, the train driver is obliged to inform the DSC or DSP station from the nearest railway station (in person or through the assistant driver, conductor, head (mechanic-foreman) of the passenger train and other available means of communication) and follow the order of the DSC transmitted by Chipboard of stations limiting the haul to the nearest railway station, where replacement (repair) of train radio communication devices must be made without uncoupling the locomotive or replacement of the locomotive, or an auxiliary locomotive is requested when servicing the locomotive of a passenger train by one driver.

21.2. In the event of failure of the radio communication of the HF and VHF bands on the MVPS, the driver must bring the train to the final station, provided that the assistant driver is in the rear cabin, as well as serviceable inter-cabin communication, serviceable and switched on radio communication in the rear cabin. Following the train is carried out by order of the DNC.

22. Procedure for failure of locomotive safety devices

22.1. In the event of a malfunction of the main security systems ALSN, KLUB, KLUB-U, BLOCK and the impossibility of restoring their operation, the driver must:

Immediately request a registered order from the DNC for a train with faulty safety devices;

If there is a message from the DNC about the freedom of the interstation run, proceed at a speed of no more than 100 km/h for passenger trains and MVPS and no more than 70 km/h for freight trains;

In the absence of a message from the DNC about the freedom of the interstation run, follow the green light of the traffic light at a speed of no more than 80 km/h for passenger trains and MVPS and no more than 50 km/h for freight trains;

Traffic light with yellow light (two yellow lights) proceed at a speed of no more than 40 km/h.

22.2. When following the section, the driver is obliged to periodically check the operability of safety devices and, if their operability is restored, continue to move with the devices turned on, informing the DSC about this in order to receive a registered order to cancel the previous order to follow.

22.3. Upon arrival at the final destination, the driver is obliged to report to the depot duty officer about the case of driving a train with faulty safety devices. Make an entry on the reverse side of the speed measuring tape or accompanying documents if electronic media are available, as well as make an entry in the log of the technical condition of the locomotive form TU-152.

Actions of employees of locomotive crews in case of malfunction of locomotive safety devices when following sections equipped with a system for interval regulation of train traffic with moving block sections on hauls not equipped with traffic lights

22.4. In the train circulation sections equipped with the interval train traffic control system, in case of detection of any malfunction of the ALS on-board devices before the train leaves the station or when the train leaves the non-coded track, the operation of the train traffic interval control system on the stretch is closed and the train traffic is established by telephone means of communication in the manner prescribed by Appendix No. 5 to the IDP.

22.5. In the event of a malfunction of the on-board devices of automatic locomotive signaling when moving along the railway tracks of the haul, the driver is obliged to stop the train by service braking, and then be guided by section 5.6. Instructions on the procedure for using continuous type locomotive signaling (ALSN) and driver vigilance control devices dated October 25, 2001 N TsT-TsSh-889.

22.6. Malfunctions in which it is necessary to stop the operation of the System on the haul and switch to telephone means of communication include:

False employment of three or more DCs located in a row;

The impossibility of changing direction, including with the help of the auxiliary mode (it is allowed to use devices in the established direction of movement);

Availability of control over the vacancy of the track section on the haul when it is actually occupied by the train;

Movement on a white signal of a locomotive traffic light (display unit) (traffic light) for more than 1500 meters.

22.7. When traveling with faulty safety devices, it is prohibited to:

Transfer control of the locomotive to the assistant driver;

Assistant driver to leave the control cab.

23. Procedure for actions in case of receiving a message about the bombing of a train or the commission of a terrorist act on a train

Upon receipt of an oral message about the mining of a train, the locomotive crew must:

Remember the external signs of the applicant, as well as information about the place of the explosion or the laying of the explosive device, the time of its operation, the information received, immediately transfer the DNC, DSP to the nearest station;

When traveling with a freight train, in agreement with the DSC and DSP of the nearest station, take measures to reduce the speed to 40 km/h and proceed to the station indicated by the DSC;

When traveling with a passenger train, inform the head of the train about this, and if it is impossible to call the head of the train by radio, stop the train and transfer the information received to the conductor of the first car;

If necessary, take part in the evacuation of passengers.

24. Procedure in case of loss of the driver's ability to control the locomotive

24.1. The driver's assistant, in the event of the driver's loss of the ability to drive the locomotive, is obliged:

Stop the train by emergency braking or move the handle of the combined crane to the extreme right position;

After the train stops, the control body of the auxiliary brake valve is transferred to the extreme braking position and fixed with a special device from spontaneous release;

Report the incident by radio communication to the DSC, DSP, limiting the haul, and the drivers of oncoming and passing trains on the haul, in the passenger train, to the head of the train, to the MVPS, to make an announcement on the alert installation to call medical workers from among the passengers to provide assistance;

Provide first aid to the driver;

Agree with the DSC the procedure for further actions;

If it is impossible to proceed further, in agreement with the DSC, secure the train with all available means of the locomotive (hand brakes of the locomotive, brake shoes).

24.2. The driver of the first oncoming train (or passing direction), who received information about the stop of the train due to the driver's loss of the ability to control the locomotive, must:

Stop to provide medical assistance and transport the victim to the nearest medical facility;

Check the correctness of fixing the composition of the stopped train (if necessary, provide assistance in securing the composition).

24.3. In the event of a driver becoming incapacitated while driving a train, an assistant driver who has the right to drive a locomotive, in agreement with the DNC, has the right to bring the train to the nearest station, where medical assistance will be provided to the driver with special vigilance and at a speed that ensures traffic safety.

25. The order of actions in case of a collision with a person, mechanisms, a foreign object or a collision with a motor vehicle

25.1. If there is a person, mechanisms, a foreign object (going beyond the gauge of the rolling stock) or a motor vehicle on the railway track, which is part of the train route, the locomotive crew is obliged:

Give a warning signal until a person or vehicle leaves the danger zone;

Apply emergency braking in the event of a threat of a collision or collision (a person does not respond to sound signals, the vehicle does not leave the danger zone, track distance workers do not remove equipment or mechanisms);

If it is impossible to prevent a collision with a vehicle, the locomotive crew must leave the control cabin before the collision.

25.2. After a collision with a vehicle, collision with equipment or mechanisms, a foreign object, the driver must:

Report the reasons for the stop, the presence or absence of a gauge by radio communication to the DSC, DSP and drivers of oncoming and passing trains on the haul, and in a passenger train to the head of the train;

After examining the scene of the incident, additionally report on the presence of victims, the need to call an ambulance resuscitation team, and the presence of the gauge of the adjacent track;

Inspect the locomotive with train cars and, if possible, eliminate the malfunctions, and if it is impossible to eliminate them, inform the DSC (DSP) about this;

If it is impossible to proceed further, request an auxiliary locomotive or a recovery train (if necessary);

Agree with the DSC (DSP) the procedure for further actions in case there are victims, victims or the size is violated.

25.3. When hitting a person, the driver must:

Inform the drivers of oncoming and passing trains who are on the haul, and in a passenger train - to the head of the train about the reasons for the stop by radio communication of the DSC, DSP;

Send an assistant driver to the scene of the accident;

After receiving information from the assistant driver about the results of the inspection of the scene, coordinate further actions with the DSC (in the event of a train stopping on the stage) or with the DSP (in the event of a train stopping within the station): wait for an ambulance team, and in case of impossibility of the arrival of medical workers to the scene of a transport accident - to ensure, if it is technically possible (car of a passenger train, MVPS, SSPS, etc.), the delivery of the injured person under the supervision of employees not engaged in production duties or passengers (as agreed), trained in the rules of first aid, to the nearest place where it can be transferred to the ambulance team;

When transferring the injured to the ambulance team, it records information about the number of the order of the ambulance team.

25.4. When hitting a person, the assistant driver must:

Find the victim and assess his condition;

Determine the need for first aid to the victim and provide first aid to the victim;

Report to the train driver about the condition of the victim. Observe the victim until the arrival of the ambulance team or further instructions from the driver.

The driver, working in one person, acts according to the instructions of the DSP (DNC).

25.5. If the injured person has no signs of life or has injuries incompatible with life, information about the injured person is transmitted via train radio communication (assistant driver through the driver) of the DSP of the nearest railway station along the route of movement in order to call medical workers to the scene of the transport accident (for ascertaining death of the victim) and other operational services (if necessary).

25.6. In the event that there are no ambulance workers, police or other specialized services at the place of delivery of the victim, further actions of the locomotive crew until the transfer of the victim to the appropriate workers are coordinated with the DSP (DNC).

26. Procedure for testing, servicing and controlling the brakes of a passenger train

26.1. When checking the testing of electro-pneumatic brakes at railway stations for the formation and circulation of passenger trains, changing locomotives and locomotive crews, employees who are entrusted with the responsibility of carrying out this technological process are required to check the serviceability of the EVR selenium rectifier.

To determine the malfunction of the rectifier, the driver, at the command of the workers testing the brakes "Release the brakes", is obliged to turn off the power source of the electro-pneumatic brake when the control element of the driver's crane is in position IV (shutdown with power), ensuring that the specified pressure is maintained after braking. After the release of the brakes, the driver after 15-25 seconds. includes a power source for the electro-pneumatic brake, and employees participating in the testing of the brakes are required to check their release on each car in the passenger train.

In the event of a breakdown of the rectifier valve and the driver’s valve control is in position IV, which ensures that the specified pressure is maintained after braking, the electromagnetic valve that provides braking will be under constant power, which will lead to the filling of the brake cylinders of the car to a reserve reservoir pressure of 0.49 MPa. The use of an electric air distributor with this malfunction in operation can lead to jamming of wheel sets along the route, and as a result, to the formation of sliders.

26.2. When checking the integrity of the brake line of a passenger train by opening the end valve on the tail car, the employees who are entrusted with the duty of testing the brakes at the railway station must make sure that the compressed air passes freely and that at least two emergency braking accelerators of the air distributors on the cars at the tail and head of the train are activated . To process this technological process, an employee located in the head of the passenger train must be between the first and second cars and control the operation of the emergency braking accelerators.

For the free passage of compressed air of the brake line, the serviceability and performance of emergency braking accelerators for the operation of passenger cars, the responsibility is borne by employees who are entrusted with the duty of testing the brakes. On passenger locomotives, the responsibility for the operation of emergency braking accelerators lies with the driver of the locomotive under whose control he is, while the pressure in the brake line according to the TM pressure gauge in the locomotive cab must decrease by at least 0.08 MPa.

26.3. The failure of emergency braking accelerators during the integrity check of the brake line in the first part of the passenger train and on the locomotive indicates that an obstacle to the free passage of compressed air is a plug or narrowing of the brake line section, as well as a malfunction of the emergency braking accelerator of the air distributor conv. N 292, which do not allow to achieve the required rate of pressure reduction for the operation of the accelerators.

It is strictly forbidden for the driver to leave the railway station for the haul with this malfunction, as this may lead to unauthorized operation of emergency braking accelerators when following the service area.

26.4. If cracks, sliders or (welds) on at least one wheel pair are found on the rolling surface of the train, the employees who are responsible for testing the brakes make a note in the certificate on the provision of the train with brakes and their proper operation, on the nature of the malfunction, indicating the results of the measurements taken and the permissible speed of further movement. In this case, the driver is obliged to drive the train through the section to the wagon maintenance point, where the wheelset will be replaced or the opinion of the wagon worker will be issued on the possibility of following without any restrictions, exclusively on automatic brakes without the use of electro-pneumatic ones.

27. The procedure for preventing the formation of wheel pair sliders in passenger trains after applying emergency braking

The reason for the formation of crawlers can also be the premature setting of the passenger train in motion after emergency braking before the end of the full release of the auto brakes, due to incomplete restoration of the charging pressure in the brake line, spare tanks of passenger cars and, as a result, no departure of the pads and the movement of wheel pairs skidding.

To prevent skidding of wheel pairs of passenger cars after applying emergency braking, the locomotive crew must take the following actions:

Release at maximum pressure in the main tanks and charge the automatic brakes of a passenger train in accordance with paragraph 56 of Chapter 2 of Appendix 3 of Regulation No. 151;

Perform service braking by reducing the pressure in the surge tank and the brake line by 0.05-0.06 MPa, followed by release of the 1st position of the control element of the driver's crane conv. N 395, 130 up to a pressure of 0.52 MPa;

When setting the train in motion after parking in accordance with the requirement of paragraph 57 of Chapter 2 of Appendix 3 of Regulation N 151, evaluate the "freedom" of the train;

Require the head (mechanic-foreman) of the train to check the release of automatic brakes by the conductors at each car;

Obtain confirmation of the leave by radio communication of the driver-chief (mechanic-foreman) of the train and the absence of extraneous knocking from the wheel pairs of cars when dragging the train for a distance of at least 50 meters at a speed of no more than 5 km / h;

If you suspect that the automatic brakes have not been released or if you receive information from the head (mechanic-foreman) of the train about an extraneous knock at the wheelsets of the cars, stop the train and send an assistant driver to inspect the train together with the head of the train;

When crawlers (fat gains) are detected on the wheel pairs of wagons, the decision on the further movement of the train is made by the head of the train.

28. Procedure for actions in case of detection of the passage of people on the external parts of the MVPS

28.1. When detecting or receiving information about the presence of people on the outer parts of the MVPS, the driver must:

Stop the train by applying service braking, if possible, within the passenger platforms, at the station - without passing the exit traffic light (with the exception of bridges, tunnels, and other artificial structures);

Immediately report by radio the reasons for the forced stop to the drivers of all trains that are in the radio coverage area, DSP (DNTs) indicating the exact stopping place (km, pc), warn about the danger of people entering the railway tracks in an unspecified place, showing increased vigilance when proceeding train stops;

Inform passengers about the non-scheduled stop of the train, call the police and / or security officers accompanying the train to the place where people were found on the outer parts of the MVPS to suppress illegal actions and remove people;

Perform a visual inspection of the train personally or through an assistant driver;

Report the results of the inspection, the measures taken, as well as the possibility of further movement to report to the DSP (DNC);

If necessary, request police officers (if they are not on the train) to the train composition through the DSP or DNC to stop illegal actions and remove people, and if there are victims, call an ambulance or the Ministry of Emergency Situations, depending on the circumstances, deliver the injured (victims) to the station.

28.2. The order of inspection of the composition:

Perform a visual inspection of the train, if possible, from both sides from the head to the tail car of the train, while moving along the inter-track along the train with special attention, monitor the approach of oncoming trains along the adjacent track (when a train approaches along the adjacent track at a distance of at least 400 m, move away to the side of the track at a distance of at least 2 m from the outermost rail at established train speeds of up to 140 km/h and 5 m - at established speeds of more than 140 km/h or to the middle of a wide inter-track), while wearing a signal vest, with a stencil. An employee of the locomotive crew, who is in the control cabin through an open side window (or an external surveillance camera), observes the movement of the driver (assistant driver) along the intertrack;

Pay attention to the presence and number of people on the external parts of the rolling stock, the presence of victims, the need to call the police, ambulance, the Ministry of Emergency Situations;

Make sure that there are no or presence of damage to the MVPS that prevent further progress.

28.3. The driver is prohibited from raising the pantographs (if they are lowered) and setting the train in motion with people on the outer parts of the MVPS.

28.4. The departure of the train from the stage or station is carried out in agreement with the DSP (DNC) after the police officers remove people from the external parts of the MVPS or their voluntary departure from the external parts of the MVPS.

28.5. After the removal of people from the outer parts of the rolling stock, the locomotive crew continues further movement. If people created the appearance of stopping illegal actions (went to a safe distance), and when traffic resumed, they again settled on the outer parts of the MVPS, the locomotive crew makes a second stop and acts in the above order.

28.6. The locomotive crew of the train, having received information about the stop of an oncoming (passing on a multi-track section) commuter train due to the presence of people on the outer parts of the MVPS, is obliged to follow the stopped train with special vigilance, giving high volume signals and being ready to stop immediately when an obstacle appears.

28.7. When passing a stopped MVTS, the driver of an oncoming train inspects the train for the presence of people on the outer parts of the MVTS.

28.8. The locomotive crew of the oncoming train reports the results to the driver of the stopped MVPS via train radio communication.

28.9. Upon receipt of information from employees of Russian Railways about the presence of people on the external parts of the MVPS, the DSP immediately informs the driver of this train about this, informs the DSC.

29. Procedure in case of detecting the passage of people on the roof of the MVPS

29.1. After detecting or receiving information about the passage of people on the roof of the serviced MVPS, the driver acts in accordance with these Regulations. In addition, you must additionally:

Take measures to lower the pantographs;

Inform DSP (DNTs) about the need to relieve voltage in the contact network;

After stopping, visually inspect the train by passing along the MVPS without climbing to the roof in accordance with these Regulations.

29.2. When receiving information from Russian Railways employees about the presence of unauthorized persons on the roof on an electrified section, the chipboard informs the ECC to quickly relieve voltage in the contact network, informs the drivers of oncoming and passing trains about the train stopping on the haul, indicating the exact location of the stopped train (km, pc ), the need to follow the stopping place with special vigilance.

29.3. In case of refusal to voluntarily leave unauthorized persons from the roof, the driver informs the DSP (DNC) about the need to call the police to remove people, as well as the team of the contact network area for grounding the MVPS.

In the presence of victims, the driver additionally calls for ambulance workers and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

After the report of the driver on the results of the inspection of the chipboard, if necessary, calls the police, an ambulance or the Ministry of Emergency Situations to remove unauthorized persons or provide assistance.

When the police officers are called, the DSP determines with the linear police department the procedure for the employees to leave for the stopped train. For the delivery of police officers to the stage, the chipboard uses any train.

29.4. When the driver of the MVPS is requested through the DSP (DNC) about the need to ground the contact network, the ECC organizes the departure of the brigade of the contact network area to ground the site with the installation of grounding rods. Until the arrival of employees of the power supply and grounding distance of the electric train, climbing onto the roof of the MVPS is prohibited.

29.5. Removal of the victim from the roof of the car is carried out only by employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the presence of EC employees and the driver.

29.6. The voltage supply to the contact network is carried out only at the command of the EC after the elimination of the reasons for the stop (removal or voluntary departure of people).

29.7. In the event of damage to the contact network, current collector, the EC employees and the locomotive crew, after removing the victim, act in accordance with instruction N TsT-TsE-860 dated October 9, 2001 of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation.

29.8. Further following the MVPS along the route of movement is carried out after the removal of people from the roof or their voluntary departure as agreed in the DSP (DNC).

30. Procedure for actions in the event of a passenger in a suburban train car experiencing a condition or disease that threatens his life and health

30.1. Upon receipt by the locomotive crew of information about the presence in the train of a passenger whose condition or illness threatens his life and health, he specifies:

30.2. Through internal communication, it attracts other passengers of the train with medical education, knowledge and practical skills to provide first aid to the injured passenger using first aid kit.

30.3. Informs via train radio communication the person on duty at the nearest station or the train dispatcher about the current non-standard situation, specifying:

Condition of the injured passenger (conscious/unconscious);

The reason for the deterioration of health (signs);

The need to call the resuscitation ambulance team.

30.4. The further order of the train, its stop and parking in the area of ​​​​accessibility of medical care is carried out in agreement with the employees of the ambulance team in accordance with the commands of the DSP (DNC).

Document overview

The regulation on the interaction of employees involved in the movement of trains with employees of locomotive crews in the event of emergency and non-standard situations on the public tracks of the infrastructure of Russian Railways has been updated.

In particular, the procedure is prescribed in case of detection of people passing on the external parts or the roof of a multiple unit rolling stock, as well as in the event that a passenger in a suburban train car has a condition or disease that threatens his life and health.

To assist a train that has stopped on the haul from the tail of the train on the right track, the driver of the auxiliary locomotive is obliged to follow the auto-blocking signals at a set speed, and after stopping at a traffic light with a prohibitory indication, call the driver of the train who is being assisted, clarify the place of his stop and the conditional length of the train specified in the permit form DU-64, then continue moving at a speed not exceeding 20 km/h.

Before reaching the composition of this train, the driver must stop, personally inspect the automatic coupler of the tail car, fix the automatic coupler of the locomotive in the “buffer” position, and only after that carefully drive up to the train. Pushing begins on the instructions given by the driver of the first train, and in the future, the drivers of both locomotives are required to communicate with each other by radio and coordinate their actions. When the need for assistance is over, the second locomotive, at the direction of the leading locomotive, stops pushing. After the push stops, it continues to move, independently guided by the auto-lock signals.

On sections equipped with automatic blocking and train radio communication, in good visibility conditions, to assist a train that has stopped on the haul it is possible to use a locomotive uncoupled from a freight train, following the haul behind the stopped train.

Rendering assistance by a locomotive behind a moving trainis carried out according to the registered order of the DSC section, after the closure of train traffic on this stage. At the same time, the locomotive can be uncoupled from the train only after the train has been secured in the prescribed manner, taking into account the guiding slope, track profile and securing standards for this service section. The procedure for going to the train that requested assistance is carried out similarly to the procedure for providing assistance by a single locomotive.

After the stop of pushing, the locomotive returns to the abandoned train, and if this locomotive, in the process of providing assistance, along with the train, arrives at the train in front, it will be returned to the train left on the haul after the haul (the haul track) is closed by order of the DSC at the direction of the chipboard station with the delivery of permission to form DU-64. Before reaching the abandoned train, the driver stops the locomotive and personally makes sure that the automatic coupler is ready for coupling. After hitching and charging the brake line to the set pressure, a short test of the auto brakes is carried out, and then the brake shoes are removed from under the wheels of the cars and the hand brakes are released.

It is not allowed to render assistance to a train that has stopped on the haul by a moving train without uncoupling the leading locomotive from it on the road..

When disconnecting a train on a stretch, the driver must:

1) immediately report the incident by radio communication to the drivers of trains following the haul, and to the chipboard stations that limit the haul, who immediately report this to the DSC.

2) through the assistant driver, check the condition of the train and coupling devices of the disconnected cars and, if they are in good condition, couple the train train. The detached parts of the coupling train should be set down with extreme caution so that in the event of a collision of wagons, the speed does not exceed 3 km / h;

3) replace damaged brake hoses with spare ones or removed from the tail car and at the front beam of the locomotive.

In all cases, when operations to connect the disconnected parts of the train cannot be completed within 20 minutes, the driver must take measures to ensure that the part of the train left without a locomotive is secured with brake shoes and hand brakes.

After coupling the disconnected parts, the assistant driver, by the number of the tail car and the presence of a train signal on it, must verify the integrity of the train. Before the resumption of movement, hand brakes must be released, a reduced testing of auto brakes should be carried out, and brake shoes removed from under the cars.

It is not allowed to connect parts of the train on the haul:

1) during fog, blizzard and under other adverse conditions, when the signals are difficult to distinguish;

2) if the unhooked part is on a slope steeper than 0.0025 and from the push during connection it can go in the direction opposite to the direction of the train.

In exceptional cases, a locomotive behind the moving train can be used to connect with the unhooked part of the train.

If it is not possible to connect the train, the driver must request an auxiliary locomotive. When providing assistance from the tail of the train, if the location of the tail section is unknown, the driver of the auxiliary locomotive (recovery train), in addition to permission on the form DU-64, is given a warning:

"The location of the wagons that separated on the haul is unknown."

In the presence of such a warning, the driver of the train providing assistance must follow the stage with special vigilance and at such a speed that would ensure a timely stop in front of an obstacle.

The movement of economic trains, in the performance of work on the railway tracks during the period of "windows".

For the production of large-scale repair and construction work, the traffic schedule must provide for windows in the movement of trains and take into account the speed limits caused by these works.

Window- the time during which the movement of trains along the haul, separate tracks of the haul or station for the performance of repair and construction work is stopped.

Utility train- a train designed to perform work on the maintenance, maintenance and repair of the railway. way.

Performance Manager- a responsible person who is entrusted with the management of repair, restoration work during the "window" period.

Closing and opening of the haul before the start of work and after they are completed are formalized by order of the DSC. It is forbidden to start work before receiving an order from the DSC and before the work site is fenced with installed signals.

The permit for the performance of work must indicate: the types of work, the time for which the closure of the haul or a separate track is agreed, the position and surname of the person exercising the unified management of these works.

Departure of economic trains to the stage, closed for repairs, is carried out according to permits on the form DU-64. In accordance with the permit, the form DU-64 indicates the place (kilometer) of the initial stop of each train.

PERMISSION STABILITY Station (stamp) "____" ____________________________ 20___ I authorize train No. _________________________ with locomotive No. ____________________________ to go to the stage _______________________ on ______________ way to _________________ km for ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ This permit gives the right to pass the output signal of the station with a prohibitory indication and follow haul, regardless of the indications of automatic blocking traffic lights. Station duty officer _______________________________ (signature) (white form with a red diagonal stripe) PERMISSION Station (stamp) “____” ____________________________ 20___ I authorize train No. _________________________ with locomotive No. ____________________________ to go to the stage _______________________ along ______________ way to _________________ km for ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ regardless of the indications of automatic blocking traffic lights. Station duty officer _______________________________ (signature) (white form with a red diagonal stripe)

The driver of each economic train must go to the place indicated in the permit on the form DU-64. The first train follows at a set speed, the subsequent ones at a speed of no more than 20 km / h. The places of the initial stop of utility trains sequentially sent to the haul must be located at a distance of at least 1 km from each other. Utility trains must proceed with special vigilance, at a speed of no more than 20 km / h, only to the place indicated in the permit, where, at the direction of the work manager, a portable stop signal is installed, guarded by a signalman standing near him with a manual red signal. After the stop, further movement of utility trains along the haul is carried out at the direction of the head of work at a speed of no more than 20 km/h.

Departure of economic trains for haul, "to be closed".

If work is carried out on a section equipped with automatic blocking, then, in agreement with the DSC, it is allowed to send utility trains to the place of work on the signals of automatic blocking, without waiting for the section to be closed.

The driver of each train is given a warning about stopping on the stage at the place indicated in the application of the work manager.

Permission on the form DU-64 when such trains are sent to the stage to be closed is handed over to the work manager, who hands it over to the driver after the train stops on the stage at a specified place and receives an order from the DNC to close the stage. The haul is closed for repair work by order of the DNC after the release of trains sent ahead of the service trains.

Utility trains departing from a railway station in the same train for simultaneous operation on the haul may be uncoupled or connected on the haul at the direction of the work supervisor.

When departing from the railway station of several economic trains connected to each other for their subsequent work on the haul at the direction of the work manager, the driver of each of them must be issued a separate permit on the form DU-64 with the assignment of a separate number to each economic train. In the absence of permission on the form DU-64, the work manager is prohibited from uncoupling utility trains on the haul.

Departure of utility trains from the haulis carried out at the direction of the work manager, agreed in advance with the DSC.

If on double-track hauls equipped with automatic blocking, after the completion of work, utility trains are sent to the station along the correct track, then their movement, regardless of whether the drivers have permission on the form DU-64, is carried out according to the automatic blocking signals at a set speed.

In other cases, the speed of service trains returning after work on the haul (except the first one) should be no more than 20 km / h, with a distance between them of at least 1 km.

The opening of the stage is carried out by order of the DNC.

Actions of the locomotive brigade during the disconnection, rupture of the train on the haul.

14.1. When disconnecting (self-disengaging) a train on a haul, the driver must:

Immediately report the incident by radio communication to the drivers of trains following the haul and chipboard stations that limit the haul;

Through the assistant driver or personally check the condition of the couplers of the disconnected cars and, if they are in good condition, couple the train;

Carry out a reduced brake test;

Before resuming traffic, check the number of the tail car and the presence of a tail signal on it against the full-scale sheet.

a) during fog, blizzard and under other adverse conditions, when the signals are difficult to distinguish;

b) if the unhooked part is on a slope steeper than 0.0025 and, when pushed, can move away in the direction opposite to the direction of movement;

If the train contains wagons with bit loads.

14.3. In these cases, to connect the disconnected parts, assistance can be provided to the following single locomotive or freight train with or without uncoupling of the locomotive from the train according to the registered order of the train dispatcher, transmitted to the drivers of both trains by radio.

In this case, the connection of the uncoupled train is carried out in the following order:

The driver of the second locomotive, having received the dispatcher's order, couples with the tail section of the first train;

Coupling is carried out either by retracting the head section, or by thrusting the tail section by the locomotive or by the following train.

14.4. In case of self-uncoupling of the train due to a malfunction of the automatic coupling mechanism, it is necessary to proceed as follows:

a) if the lock spontaneously sinks into the body of the automatic coupler, it is necessary to bring it into the engaged state and drive a wooden wedge between the signal process and the body of the automatic coupler from the side of the small tooth;

b) if the lock is stuck in the recessed state, drown the lock of the second automatic coupler in the same way and insert the brake shoe into the vacant space.

By tensioning the train, check the reliability of the clutch.

14.5. Driving with a jammed automatic coupler is allowed only to the first station, where it must be repaired or the car uncoupled.

14.6. If it is impossible to connect the train, the driver must inform the dispatcher about this.

The withdrawal of the train in this case can be made:

With the help of an auxiliary locomotive sent from the station;

With the help of a following single locomotive;

With the help of the following train without uncoupling or with uncoupling of the locomotive;

In parts.

14.7. In any case, if the tail section of the train is driven forward by the cars, the brake line of the pushing locomotive must be connected to the brake line of the uncoupled part and a reduced brake test must be made with this group of cars.

The following speed in this case should not exceed 5 km/h.

At the same time, an assistant driver must be in front in the direction of travel on the brake pad or a special footboard.

14.8. If necessary, the withdrawal of a part of the train from the haul with non-braked tail cars is possible only if the train is on the platform or on a slope towards the station in front. Otherwise, an auxiliary locomotive must be called.

Investigation of faulty traffic lights.

15.1. If the train stopped at a traffic light with a red light, as well as with an incomprehensible indication, and the driver does not know that he is on the block section of the train in front, he must release the brakes after stopping and, if the indication has not switched to permissive during this time, drive the train from at a speed of no more than 20 km / h until the next traffic light with special vigilance and readiness to stop when an obstacle arises.

Periodically, when following the entire block section, give vigilance signals (- --).

If, after passing a traffic light with a red light or an incomprehensible indication, a permissive indication appears on the locomotive traffic light, the driver is allowed to increase the speed to the next through traffic light up to 40 km / h, but at the same time, if a push is felt, do not increase the speed, and if necessary, stop to find out why.

15.2. If the readings of the floor and locomotive traffic lights do not match, then be guided by the readings of the floor traffic light.

15.3. If the fire is not lit at the passing traffic light, and white is lit at the locomotive, it is followed in the manner specified in clause 15.1.

15.4. Non-burning traffic lights, regardless of their number, if there is a permissive indication at the locomotive traffic light, it is allowed to proceed without stopping, guided by the indication of the locomotive traffic light. Follow with increased vigilance, periodically throughout the entire block section give vigilance signals. (- ---).

15.5. Report the malfunctions listed in clauses 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4 to the DSP.

Before handing over the speedometer tape, on the reverse side of it, make an appropriate entry and the name of the chipboard to which the message was sent.

The tape in such cases should be handed over together with the route to the duty officer of the main depot immediately after the trip.


2. Procedure for detecting a disconnection (break) of a train. If during the inspection of the train a self-uncoupling or a break in automatic couplers is detected, the assistant driver must:
- take measures to secure the unhooked part of the train by laying the brake shoes on the side of the slope and actuating the existing hand brakes of freight cars, in accordance with the standards for securing;
- in a passenger train, through the conductors of the cars, activate the hand brakes of each car of the unhooked part;
- make sure that the number of the last car of the detached group corresponds to the number indicated in the VU-45 certificate;
- report to the driver about securing the uncoupled wagons, the distance between them, the condition of their automatic couplers and brake hoses.
After receiving information from the assistant driver, the driver coordinates further actions with the DSC.
In the passenger train, report the self-disconnection to the head of the train. Together with him and the train electrician, after disconnecting the high-voltage heating cable of the train, inspect the automatic couplers. While maintaining the mobility of the locks of both automatic couplers and the absence of visible malfunctions in them, the assistant driver, in the presence of the head of the train, must coupling the cars with a speed of upsetting the head of the train no more than 3 km / h. During the connection, the head of the train is in the vestibule of the car at a serviceable stop crane, controls the approach and coupling of parts of the train.
In the event of a malfunction of the mechanism of one of the automatic couplers of the disconnected cars, after connecting the train, replace the internal mechanism of the automatic coupler, removed from the automatic coupler of the last car or locomotive.
If it is impossible to replace the mechanism, if the automatic coupler is defective, request an auxiliary locomotive.
- in a freight train, check the serviceability of the mechanism of automatic couplers and connecting sleeves of disconnected cars. After receiving information from the assistant driver about the exit from the inter-car space, connect the train, while pulling down the head of the train should be done with extreme caution so that when the cars are coupled, the speed does not exceed 3 km / h
- replace damaged brake hoses with spare ones, and in case of their absence, remove them from the tail car or the front beam of the locomotive;
After connecting the parts of the train on the haul, charge the brakes, shorten the brake test on two tail cars, remove the brake shoes from under the cars, release the hand brakes and take the rest of the train off the haul.
It is forbidden to connect parts of the train on the haul:
a) during fog, blizzard and under other adverse conditions, when the signals are difficult to distinguish;

Ticket 16

1. When is a reduced brake test performed? What is being checked?

Reduced brake testing is carried out:

After hitching the train locomotive to the train.

After any brake line disconnection.

After a freight train has stopped for more than 30 minutes.

After changing locomotive crews without uncoupling the locomotive from the train.

After the passenger train has stopped at the station for more than 20 minutes.

What are they checking? When setting the KM in one of the braking positions, check the rod exit to the TC and the fit of the pad to the gearbox, and when released, turn.

2. The procedure for providing assistance to a train that has stopped on the haul by a single locomotive during AB and PAB (from the head of the train)

On the wrong path (AB and PAB) - follow at a speed of no more than 60 km / h, and after stopping at least 2 km to the place specified in the permit DU-64, at a speed of no more than 20 km / h. We pick up an assistant and follow no more than 10 km / h., 10-15 meters stop. hitch speed no more than 3 km / h.

3. When following the stage, the train is approaching a traffic light with a prohibitory indication. What are the rules of action and negotiations in this production situation.

· Attention!!! ahead red

for 400-500m speed no more than 20

for 100-150m speed no more than 3

After the RB is triggered, report on the position of the driver's controller and the position of the KM handle

50m stop

1.Kinds of separate items. station boundary.

Separate points are railway stations, sidings, passing points and waypoints, automatic blocking traffic lights, as well as the boundaries of block sections with ALSN, used as an independent means of signaling and communication.

The boundaries of the railway station are:

on single-track sections - entrance traffic lights;

· on double-track sections - for each main track separately, on one side - an entrance traffic light, and on the other - a signal sign "Station Border", installed at a distance of at least 50 m behind the last exit turnout.

2. Regulations for negotiations in case of a forced stop of the train on the haul.

1. Stop the train on a favorable track profile, unless an emergency stop is required.

2. After the stop, report following the oncoming and oncoming trains, chipboard, DNC: “Attention everyone! I am a train driver No., full name, stopped at ___ kilometer, ___ picket, stage __, stop time __, even (odd) way, due to _____, I have / do not have information about the presence of a gauge. Be carefull!"

3. Repeat the message several times until confirmation is received from the drivers of the oncoming and following trains, if there is no answer, we inform the DSP, DNC about this. Turn on the red lights of the buffer lights.

3. When moving along the stage, a violation of the smoothness of the train was detected. What is the procedure for lok. brig. in this situation?

1. In what cases is a full test of the brakes performed? What is being checked?

Full testing of the brakes is carried out in the following cases:

At the formation station before departure;

After changing the locomotive;

At stations separating adjacent guaranteed sections of freight trains, without changing the locomotive;

At stations where parking is provided, with steep long descents 0.0018 and steeper.

Check: The output of current from the shopping center and the fit of the brake pads to the gearbox. On vacation, the opposite is true.

2. Responsibilities of the TCMP in the event of a forced stop of the train on the haul.

Before leaving to inspect the train, the assistant driver must:

Write out the number of the tail car from the certificate of brakes form VU-45;

Take signal accessories with you, a lantern at night;

When stopping a freight train on an unfavorable profile, take a brake shoe to secure the wagons;

Having reached the last car, check it with the number indicated in the VU-45 certificate, make sure that there are tail signals on the car, and also that the end valve is in the closed position, and the brake line sleeve is suspended.

3. When the train was moving along the stage, the driver lost the ability to control the train. What is the procedure for PTMP in this situation?

The driver's assistant must:

Stop the train by emergency braking, move the KM handle to the VI position or the handle of the combined crane to the extreme right position;

After the train stops, the handle of the auxiliary brake valve is moved to the extreme braking position and fixed with a lock;

Report the incident by radio communication to the DSC, DSP, limiting the haul, and the drivers of oncoming and passing trains on the haul, in the passenger train, to the head of the train, to the MVPS, to make an announcement on the alert installation to call medical workers from among the passengers to provide assistance;

Provide first aid to the driver;

Agree with the DSC the procedure for further actions;

If it is impossible to proceed further, in agreement with the DSC, secure the train with all available means of the locomotive (hand brakes of the locomotive, brake shoes).

Ticket 19

1. Malfunctions of the gearbox, in which their operation is not allowed?

Crack in the bandage, wheel center, axle, gear wheel;

Cracks on the tread surface of the tire with a length of more than 10 mm and a depth of more than 3 mm;

Cracks or dents at the top of the ridge more than 4 mm long;

Local widening of the bandage is more than 6 mm;

Weakening of the bandage, wheel center, gear wheel;

Slider (pothole) on the tread surface of the bandage is more than 1 mm;

Vertical undercut of the ridge more than 18 mm, measured with a special template;

The thickness of bandages is less than 36 mm (for freight diesel locomotives), and less than 45 mm (for passenger ones);

Weakening of the bandage ring - in total for a length of more than 30% in no more than three places and 100 mm from the lock;

Pointed rolling comb 2mm;

Rolled in a rolling circle of more than 7 mm;

The thickness of the ridge is more than 33 mm or less than 25 mm, when measured at a distance of 20 mm from the top of the ridge;

In the absence of a template, the depth of the slide along the path can be determined from its length.

2. The procedure for the departure of trains at a group traffic light.

It is made according to the permissive indication of a traffic light and a route indicator with a green number, the number of the track from which the train is allowed to depart. According to the indication of a repeating traffic light and by radio communication by a registered order, also by permission on a green form with the completion of paragraph II, (form form DU-54).

3. When the train was moving along the stage, the driver received from the driver of the train in front of the push on the way. What is the procedure for the locomotive crew in this situation?

Drivers of following trains, having received information about the "shock"
are obliged:
- stop the train near the indicated place of the obstacle, make sure that it is possible to proceed further and follow this place with the whole train at a speed that ensures the safety of train traffic, but not more than 20 km/h.
- inform the drivers of following trains and chipboard about the malfunctions detected at the place of the obstacle, and if a malfunction is detected that threatens traffic safety, stop the train and resume movement only after the elimination of this malfunction by the track workers.

1. Malfunctions in which the operation of loco-ins is not allowed?

malfunction of the device for giving a sound signal;

malfunction of pneumatic, electro-pneumatic, electric, hand brakes

malfunction or shutdown of at least one TED

malfunction of automatic locomotive signaling or safety devices;

malfunction of the speedometer and recording devices

malfunction of the searchlight, buffer lamp, lighting, control or measuring device;

crack in the clamp, spring suspension or main leaf of the spring, breakage of the spring leaf;

crack in the hull

crack or fracture of at least one tooth of the traction gear;

malfunction of the gear housing, causing leakage of lubricant;

high voltage chamber safety interlock failure

current collector fault

malfunction of fire extinguishing equipment or automatic fire alarm;

malfunction of locking devices or control of closing of entrance doors

2. Departure of the train with a prohibitory indication of the exit traffic light at AB and PAB

On a single-track stage or on the wrong track of a double-track section with two-way automatic blocking, when the exit traffic light is prohibited, the train departs:

1) by a registered order of the station duty officer, transmitted to the train driver via radio communication

2) by permission on a green form with the completion of paragraph 1 of the form DU-54.

Departure of a train on a single-track stage and on the wrong track of a double-track section at the invitation signal is prohibited.

3. When the train approached the railway crossing, the indication of the locomotive traffic light changed from “yellow-red” to “red”. What is the order of action of the loco / brigade

the assistant should be standing near the driver.

P: Attention!!! ahead red

P: for 400-500m speed no more than 20

P: for 100-150m speed no more than 3

After that, as the RB will work, report on the position of the driver's controller and the position of the KM handle

TCMP: 50m stop

TFM: understandable for 50 stop

after stopping, three short beeps (three short - STOP)

We report chipboard.

1. PTE requirement for braking equipment.

Railway rolling stock must be equipped with automatic brakes, and passenger cars and locomotives, cars of multi-unit railway rolling stock, in addition, are equipped with electro-pneumatic brakes. Automatic and electro-pneumatic brakes of railway rolling stock and special rolling stock must be maintained in accordance with the rules and regulations and have controllability and reliability in various operating conditions, ensure smooth braking, and automatic brakes also stop the train when the brake line is disconnected or broken and when the stops are opened. -crane (emergency braking crane).

Automatic and electro-pneumatic brakes of railway rolling stock must provide a brake pressure that guarantees the train to stop in case of emergency braking at a distance not exceeding the braking distance determined from the calculated data approved by the rules and regulations.

Automatic brakes should provide the possibility of using different braking modes depending on the load of the wagons, the length of the train and the profile of the railway track.

2. Alarms and special signs.

Alarms are given by whistles, whistles of locomotives (multi-unit trains) and special self-propelled rolling stock, sirens, wind horns, military signal pipes, blows to suspended metal objects.

The sounds indicated in the scheme of sound signals, if they are given by blows, are reproduced :

long - often following one after another blows;

short - rare strikes on the number of necessary short sounds.

The “General alarm” signal is given in groups of one long and three short beeps

in the following cases:

If a malfunction is detected on the way that threatens traffic safety;

When a train stops in a snowdrift, a train wreck, and in other cases when assistance is required.

The “Fire alarm” signal is given in groups of one long and two short sounds.

The “Air Raid” signal is given by the lingering sound of sirens, as well as a series of short sounds "continuously for 2-3 minutes

The signal “Radiation hazard” or “Chemical alarm” is given within 2-3 minutes: on hauls - by locomotive whistles; at stations - frequent blows to suspended metal objects.

3. When the train is moving along the stage, a message from the voice informant "Alarm - 2" was received. What is the procedure for l / b in this situation?

Take measures to stop the train on the haul by service braking, following the tail section of the floor control devices;

Report this to the drivers of trains on the haul;

Conduct a train inspection
If obvious external signs of the destruction of the axle box are found, the driver must report this to the DSP (DNTs), which calls a wagon worker to the train to determine the possibility of further carriage.
If, as a result of the inspection of the train on the haul, it is established that the condition of the axle box allows to proceed to the nearest station or no malfunction has been detected, the locomotive crew can continue moving to the station at a speed of no more than 20 km / h, which is reported by the CPD of the nearest station (DNTS) and calls to this station workers
wagon economy for inspection and giving an opinion on the possibility of further movement of the train. When moving, the locomotive crew is obliged to monitor the condition of the train in curved sections of the track from the locomotive cab.
Inspection of the train at the station and a decision on further movement is made by an employee of the carriage economy, and in his absence - by the train driver.
In the case when the train was stopped with information about dragging, and the driver, when inspecting the registered car, did not reveal the reason, he is obliged to inspect the condition of the entire train from both sides. If there is no malfunction, the train travels at a speed of 40 km/h to the entrance traffic light of the station, and at a speed of 20 km/h from the entrance traffic light to a stop at
reception path. Inspection of the train is carried out by an employee of the carriage economy, and in his absence - by the train driver with a report from the DSP, DNC on the results of the inspection and the possibility of further movement.

1. PTE requirements for an automatic coupler.

The height of the automatic coupling axle above the level of the top of the rail heads must be:

- no more than 1080 mm (at the locomotive, passenger and cargo empty cars);

- not less than 980 mm (at the locomotive and carriage with passengers).

– not less than 950mm (for a loaded freight car)

2. The difference in height between the longitudinal axes of coupled automatic couplers must be:

In a freight train - no more than 100mm;

Between the locomotive and the 1st wagon of a freight train - no more than 110 mm;

Between the locomotive and the 1st carriage of a passenger train - no more than 100 mm;

Between the cars of a passenger train at a speed of up to 120 km/h - no more than 70 mm;

Between the cars of a passenger train at a speed of over 120 km/h - no more than 50 mm



17.1 . When a freight train is broken on the haul and delivered to the station, be guided by clause 16.48 of the PTE and the Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work.

Upon delivery of the ruptured train from the haul, replace the damaged connecting brake hoses with spare ones or removed from the tail car and locomotive.

17.2. When a burst train is taken out of the haul, the absence of compressed air in the TM of the last cars can be allowed only if it is impossible to restore the integrity of the TM and, for this reason, it is necessary to close the end valves. At the same time, the driver of a train on the rise must declare the need to provide an auxiliary locomotive at the tail of the train (or take the train out in parts) to move to the nearest station. Where the fault must be repaired or the faulty wagon uncoupled.

The procedure for the withdrawal of such trains from the stage, the speed of their movement, taking into account the provision of brake pressure and track profile, is established by order of the head of the road and indicated in local instructions.

Before the train leaves the haul, perform a short test of the autobrakes of the serviceable part of the train.


For normal and uninterrupted operation of auto-brake equipment on locomotives, MVPS and wagons in winter conditions, it is necessary to prepare it for work in these conditions in a timely and thorough manner and ensure proper care for it during operation.

18.1. Measures to ensure proper operation of the brake equipment of locomotives and multiple unit trains in winter conditions

18.1.1. To ensure proper operation of the braking equipment in winter conditions, the locomotive crew must:

- on locomotives that are in the sludge, at an air temperature below -30 0 C, do not allow compressors to start without preheating the oil in the crankcases;

- during the start-up of the steam-air pump, open the steam valve constantly, turn on the pump at a slow speed, with the outlet cocks of the steam and air cylinders open. Only after the condensate has been removed from the cylinders and the pump has warmed up sufficiently, close the outlet cocks, and then increase the opening of the steam valve;

- during long stops of the train, the compressors (steam-air pump on a steam locomotive) should not be turned off.

18.1.2. After the arrival of the locomotive or MVPS from the voyage to the depot, the locomotive crew is obliged to drain the condensate from the main tanks and collectors, blow out the brake line at the I position of the driver’s valve handle by successively opening the end valves on both sides, perform other work according to local instructions.

18.1.3. The locomotive crew is obliged during the operation of the locomotive and the MVPS to prevent freezing of brake parts. Ice that appears on the brake parts and linkage of the locomotive and MVPS, the locomotive crew must remove as soon as possible (when parking at the station, at the turnaround point).

18.1.4. At sub-zero ambient temperatures, the locomotive crew that receives the locomotive without uncoupling it from the train is obliged to disconnect the TM sleeves. Blow out the brake lines of the locomotive and train, reconnect them and open the end valves.

18.2. Measures to ensure proper operation of the brake equipment of wagons

18.2.1. The circulating stock of VR intended for replacement of faulty ones on railcars shall be kept on closed racks at ambient temperature, but not more than 6 months.

18.2.2. In winter, when preparing the brakes in the composition, pay attention to the tightness of the flange connections of the brake devices and the cuffs of the brake cylinders.

18.2.3. Wagon inspectors and rolling stock repairmen are required to do the following:

- before connecting the TM hoses, blow it out with compressed air, clean the heads of the connecting hoses from dirt, ice and snow, clean the surfaces of the electrical contacts of the heads of the hoses No. 369A, and also check the condition of the sealing rings. Replace bad rings. It is forbidden to apply oil to the rings;

- when purging the TM in the process of connecting the hoses and charging the brakes, make sure that the air passes freely;

- open the frozen brake cylinder, remove the piston, clean the working surface of the cylinder, wipe it with a dry technical cloth and lubricate. Change bad cuff. After assembly, check the cylinder for tightness;

- before testing the automatic brakes as part of a stationary compressor unit at a temperature of –40 0 C and below, after fully charging the brake network, perform full braking and release at least 2 times;

- before testing the automatic brakes and detecting VR that did not work for braking and release, as well as those that had a slow release, fix the flanges, inspect and clean the dust-catching mesh and filter, and then repeat the test of the brakes; in case of an unsatisfactory test result, replace the BP;

- in case of poor mobility of the linkage parts, lubricate their hinged joints with axle oil with the addition of kerosene, remove the formed ice.

On passenger cars at the points of formation and turnover of the train, the conductors are obliged to clear the ice from the brake linkage. It is not allowed to send to the train wagons with brake pads that do not move away from the wheels due to freezing of the leverage;

- while the train is moving through the station, it is imperative to monitor the condition of the entire train. In case of detection of wagons with wheels that are skidding, have potholes (sliders) or other malfunctions that threaten traffic safety, and take measures to stop the train.

18.3. The procedure for warming frozen places of brake equipment

18.3.1. It is allowed to heat the main reservoirs, injection, feed pipes and the main air pipeline with an open fire (torch) on steam locomotives that run on solid fuel, electric locomotives and electric trains, subject to fire safety rules that exclude the possibility of ignition of structural elements of locomotives and electric trains.

18.3.2. On diesel locomotives, diesel trains, railcars and steam locomotives running on liquid fuel, the use of a torch is only allowed to warm up those frozen places in the brake system that are at least 2 meters away from the fuel tanks, and oil supply fittings, oil and fuel lines.

18.3.3. It is forbidden to use an open fire to warm up the braking equipment on locomotives and MVPS in their parking areas in the presence of flammable and combustible liquids spilled on the tracks at the points of equipping locomotives with liquid fuel, in the vicinity of loading and unloading devices, parks with tanks for petroleum products, warehouses of flammable materials and other fire hazardous places, as well as in the presence of wagons with discharge, flammable and liquid cargoes on adjacent tracks.

18.3.4. In case of freezing of the main air duct, first of all, tap it with light blows of a hammer - a dull sound indicates the presence of a water plug. Such a place in the air duct must be warmed up, and then the line must be blown through the end valves until the ice plug is completely removed.

18.3.5. It is possible to heat the main reservoirs, injection, feed and bypass pipes with fire only after the compressed air has been released from them and with the inlet valves closed. It is allowed to open the taps only after the fire has been removed.

18.3.6. On steam locomotives, when the tube of the stroke regulator of the steam-air pump freezes, the pressure rises above the set value. In this case, it is necessary to turn off the pump, reduce the pressure to normal, and then warm the frozen place.

18.3.7. Frozen connecting hoses of the air ducts should be removed, warmed up and reinstalled or replaced with spare ones.

18.3.8. When the BP freezes, turn it off and release air from the working volumes with the exhaust valve until the TC rod completely leaves, after arriving at the BP depot, replace it.

18.3.9. It is forbidden to thaw frozen brake devices and their components with an open fire.

18.3.10. If one of the brake cylinders freezes, it is necessary to leave the VR switched on and continue working with the rest of the TC. After arriving at the depot, eliminate the malfunction of the brake cylinder.

In this case, turn off the VR on MVPS cars, and after arriving at the depot, open the brake cylinder, remove the piston, clear the cylinder and piston of ice, and lubricate their working surfaces. After assembling the shopping center, check its density.

Other malfunctions of brake equipment that are associated with their freezing and methods for their temporary operation are indicated in local instructions.

18.3.11. In all cases of malfunction of the brakes on locomotives and wagons of the MVPS and if it is impossible to eliminate it, the driver must personally turn off the brake, completely bleed the air with the exhaust valve and check the brake pads from the wheels.

The malfunction of the brake equipment must be eliminated at the nearest station where the depot or PTO is located.

18.4. Features of brake control in winter

18.4.1. At zero and sub-zero ambient temperatures, braking when checking the operation of automatic brakes is carried out by reducing the pressure in the surge tank:

- in freight loaded trains by 0.8-0.9 kgf/cm 2 ;

- in empty freight trains by 0.5-0.6 kgf / cm 2;

- in passenger trains and MVPS by 0.5-0.6 kgf / cm 2. (To check the EPT, the pressure in the TC should be 1.5-2.0 kgf / cm 2);

- in passenger trains and MVPS with composite brake pads or disc brakes by 0.6-0.7 kgf / cm 2 (for EPT, the pressure in the TC should be 2.0-2.5 kgf / cm 2).

In case of snowfalls, snowdrifts, blizzards, before checking the operation of the brakes of a train with composite pads or disc brakes, perform service braking to remove snow and ice from the friction surface of the pads or linings. If such braking (before checking the brakes) is impossible, then counting the distance traveled by the train in the process of reducing the speed by 10 km / h should be done first by reducing the speed, but not later than the train passes a distance of 200-250 meters after the start of braking. In this case, the locomotive crew is guided not by the signal signs "End of braking", but by the distance indicated in tables 10.1., 10.2. this instruction. Depending on local conditions, local regulations may set two brakes: initial (to clear the pads from snow and ice) and to check the operation of the brakes.

18.4.2. For all types of testing of automatic brakes, the first stage of braking should be performed by reducing the pressure in the UR in accordance with paragraphs 9.2.3., 9.2.4. of this Instruction, and at temperatures below - 30 0 C - by 0.8-0.9 kgf / cm 2 in freight trains and by 0.5-0.6 kgf / cm 2 in passenger trains of normal length.

18.4.3. At air temperatures below -40 0 C, as well as at higher temperatures in conditions of snowfalls, snow drifts, blizzards, the first stage of braking should be carried out by reducing the pressure in empty freight trains by 0.6-0.7 kgf / cm 2, and in the rest cases according to clause 18.4.1. Strengthen braking in a freight train to produce a step of 0.5-1.0 kgf/cm 2 .

18.4.4. On steep long descents during snowfalls, snowdrifts and blizzards, the first stage of braking at the beginning of the descent on freight trains is performed by reducing the pressure of the brake line by 1.0-1.2 kgf / cm 2, and if necessary, the discharge is increased to full service braking.

18.4.5. The time from the moment the driver’s crane handle is moved to the vacation position until the train (except for MVPS) is set in motion after it stops increases by 1.5 times in comparison with the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in clause 10.3.13. this instruction.

18.4.6. Taking into account the experience of operating the brakes, it is allowed on long descents with snow drifts, or when the snow level covers the rail heads, to switch on the air distributors of freight cars equipped with composite brake pads in the loaded mode with a net load of more than 10 tf per axle within the road. This procedure is introduced by the instruction (order) of the head of the railway. After passing the section with steep long descents before the transfer of cars to another railway, the VR braking modes must be switched in accordance with clause 7.1.12. this instruction.

Taking into account the experience of operating brakes on steep long descents, the heads of railways are allowed by their order to establish a procedure in which, in the event of snow drifts, snowfall, blizzard or snow level exceeding the level of rail heads, temporarily close such sections to traffic until the tracks and rails are cleared of snow .

18.4.7. Frequently check the operation of the automatic brakes on the way, performing a braking stage to clear the blocks from snow and ice. Subject to the same check and EPT when driving passenger trains and multiple unit trains.

The time after which the brake test must be carried out is specified in the local instructions. It also indicates additional places to use the brakes before following the slopes.

During snowfall, blizzard, snowdrift and freshly fallen snow, the level of which exceeds the level of the rail heads, before braking before entering the station where the train will stop, or before following the descent, brake to check the brakes, if the train travel time without braking before exceeds 20 min.

18.4.8. With a degree of braking of more than 1.0 kgf / cm 2 (more than 2.5 kgf / cm 2 in the shopping center), sand is first supplied to the rails 50-100 meters before the start of braking until the end of braking (except for the single next locomotive - see paragraph 10.1.25.).

18.4.9. If, when approaching the stations, with a prohibition signal and a signal to reduce speed, when following the descent after the first stage of braking, the initial braking effect is not obtained within 20-30 seconds or the necessary braking effect in the train is absent during further movement, perform emergency braking; in case of an unsuccessful attempt to stop the train, act in accordance with clause 10.1.14. this instruction.