Baikal: the deepest and cleanest lake in the world. Where is the cleanest lake in the world? The cleanest lake in the world so far

lakes- natural reservoirs of water not connected to the oceans. Since ancient times, people settled on their banks and used these reservoirs for household and drinking needs. However, the impact of human activities on lakes is much higher than on rivers.

The water in such reservoirs changes much more slowly, so many lakes, including those related to natural attractions, are heavily polluted. For this reason, the cleanest lakes in the world are located in remote areas far from human settlements.

Which lake is the cleanest and most transparent in the world?

Several reservoirs located in different parts of the world are fighting for the title of "the cleanest lake".

Blue - there is no equal in purity

Until recently, Baikal was considered the cleanest lake on Earth. However, recently he was pushed off this unofficial pedestal Blue Lake in .

Its Maori name is Rotomairevenua, meaning "lake of the peaceful land".

In 2011, studies conducted by scientists showed that it was Blue Lake that deserved to bear the title of the cleanest lake. In terms of its transparency, the waters in the Blue Lake are comparable to distilled water, and the visibility of the water column is approximately 80 meters.

The blue lake is fed by the waters of the neighboring lake Constance, in which they undergo a kind of filtering. The water in Blue Lake changes completely within 24 hours. Due to the landslide rocks that make up the bottom of the reservoir, the water in it has different shades:

  • Blue;
  • Emerald;
  • The rarest Violet the color that distinguishes the most pure reservoirs.

The lake is located on the largest island of New Zealand - south island. Swimming and diving in the Blue Lake is strictly prohibited not only because of the unique cleanliness, but also because of its sacred status among the local Aborigines - the Maori.

Bowman - crystal clear

The most transparent Bowman Lake, Montana, is considered the lake of peace. A small body of water with an area of ​​less than 10 km² is located in the reserve glacier.

The water in this lake is so clear that you can see every pebble at the bottom. The high transparency of Bowman Lake is preserved, among other things, because it is practically there are no tourists, although visiting the lake is not prohibited.

A dirt road leads to the lake, and on its coast there is a campsite where anyone can order a boat ride on the water surface or fishing.

In addition to its extraordinary appearance, the Lake of the Five Flowers carries a few more mysteries. For example, water level it never changes, although the neighboring lakes dry up in the summer. In addition, in winter the reservoir never freezes. All these factors influenced the fact that the lake acquired a sacred status among the locals.


Peyto Lake is located in Canadian rocky mountains, in the province of Alberta, . Alpine lake, located at an altitude of almost 2 km above sea level, is the most popular and famous among the lakes located entirely on Canadian territory.

Peyto gained its enormous popularity for the unusual color of the water in the spring.

When the mountain glaciers that feed the lake begin to melt, the glacial flour gives water pale turquoise color, which is found only in tropical seaside resorts.

Transparent turquoise water against the backdrop of harsh mountains covered with coniferous forests creates several surreal painting. Also unusual is the shape of the lake, resembling a wolf's head.

largest lake system

Great Lakes, located on the border of the USA and Canada, this is the largest lake system in the world, which only Baikal can compete with in terms of water reserves. The lakes are of glacial origin and formed about 10 thousand years ago. The Great Lakes include:

  1. Lake Upper(the largest lake in the system);
  2. Huron;
  3. Michigan;
  4. Erie;
  5. Ontario.

Also, the Great Lakes system includes a small lake compared to the rest. St. Clair, however, it does not apply directly to the Great Lakes. Lake Superior is the largest freshwater lake in the world, second only to the salty Caspian Sea.

Hundreds of rivers and streams flow into the Great Lakes system, so the water in them has a normal color. A large number of people living on the shores of the lakes, rapid economic and economic activity led to the fact that by the middle of the 20th century the waters of the lakes were strongly got dirty.

Measures taken by the authorities of the United States and Canada have led to the fact that over the past decades the water has been significantly purified.

Now, environmental problems are largely left behind, and many species of fish are found in the lakes, including trout, which can only live in the purest water.

Last look at the interesting video about the cleanest lake in the world:

Every person in the summer heat wants to plunge into the coolness of the purest water. Unfortunately, in the modern world, finding a clean body of water is becoming increasingly difficult. Nevertheless, there are places on earth that civilization has not touched. It is there that the cleanest reservoirs in the world are located. And although not all of them are suitable for swimming, it is still a real pleasure to admire them. Let's find out where the cleanest lakes in the world are located.

Blue Lake is the cleanest lake in the world

This relatively tiny body of fresh water can be found in Nelson National Park, in the north of the Southern Alps, New Zealand. The lake gained its fame recently, after scientists from the National Institute of Water Resources proved that it has amazingly clean water. The visibility of the lake is simply amazing - the bottom can be seen eighty meters deep. Previously, this record belonged to another lake, Te Waikoropupu Springs, which is also located in New Zealand and is famous for its visibility of 63 meters.

The blue lake sparkles purple in the sun. This is how natural water filters work. The glacial waters from the mountains give life to the lake.

Hydrologist Rob Merriles first became interested in the lake, and he provoked public attention. After him, scientists from the National Institute, headed by Rob Davis-Colley, joined the research. Their research gave a clear reason to assert that the waters of the Blue Lake are the cleanest. That is why it occupies a special part of our rating.

The cleanest lakes in Russia

Any Russian person, when asked about lakes with clean water, will immediately say about Baikal without hesitation. And this is understandable, because Baikal is the cleanest lake in Russia, which is known, moreover, for its beauty and originality. The lake, located in Eastern Siberia, is truly unique. Crystal clear water and unusual climatic conditions have created a great place to live for many endemic animals, fish and birds, which can only be found on Lake Baikal.

Baikal has an unusual crescent shape. Its unusualness lies not only in the purity of the water, but also in the size and depth of the reservoir. It is Baikal that is the deepest storage of fresh water reserves on the entire planet. The lake feeds about three hundred springs, from turbulent rivers to small springs. According to the researchers, the water reserves of the “pride of Russia” will be quite a large river for four hundred years.

Now it is difficult to imagine such a huge amount of fresh and, moreover, drinkable water. In the modern world, in order to obtain a similar composition of water, it is necessary to use filters and purification systems. To get good water, it should be subjected to a long treatment before use. But in Baikal, the water is already suitable for drinking, and it is enriched with oxygen, and the amount of minerals in it is so negligible that the indicators are close to distilled water.

Lake Baikal is very transparent, although it cannot be compared with the first place in our rating. In winter, visibility reaches forty meters. In the heat, microorganisms do not allow to see the bottom, so visibility is reduced to ten meters.

The lake, located in the Chelyabinsk region, is the only one of its kind due to its location in the western part of the Ural Range. It is also the highest mountain both in the Southern Urals and in the entire European part of our country. The lake has been around for many years, scientists estimate its age to 12 thousand years.

The area of ​​the lake exceeds thirteen square kilometers. Previously, it was much smaller; the area increased after the construction of the dam. Perhaps this is the only plus, because after the water level rose, many historical monuments sank to the bottom, and the most valuable species of wood sank into the depths. The coastline of Zyuratkul is 26 kilometers, the maximum depth is 5 meters.

The water of Zyuratkul with a volume of 80 million cubic meters is distinguished by its purity. This is the only source of drinking water for the local population. But, although the water of the lake is constantly updated, it cannot be considered absolutely transparent. The secret is that at the bottom of Zyuratkul there are silty deposits with amazing healing properties. Rumor has it that they were treated during the Second World War, hospitalized soldiers.

Zyuratkul feeds many rivers, but only one flows out of it - Bolshaya Satka.

Lake Turgoyak is often called the pride of the Ural land, and for good reason, because it is the second cleanest lake in Russia, which is also a natural monument. The area of ​​the water surface exceeds 26 square kilometers, the depth is 36.5 meters. The purity of the water of the reservoir allows you to admire the bottom at a depth of 17.5 meters.

The lake is located among the Ural mountains, framed by a pine forest, which has always attracted many travelers here. But not only curious tourists can be found here, Turgoyak has long been of keen interest to scientists, including archaeologists. Archaeological excavations are constantly going on around the lake. The first inhabitants settled here more than a hundred thousand years ago. Not far from the western coast of Turgoyak is the island of the Holy Faith, which can be safely called an open-air museum.

Turgoyak is also famous for its healing properties of water and energy. Even a short pastime near a reservoir has a positive effect on the well-being of patients, depression and other nervous conditions go away, the body is energized.

This title is worthy of Bowman Lake, which is located in the northwest of Glacier National Park in Montana, America. This is a fairly remote point of the park, so you rarely see a person here. Although this circumstance is very pleasing to the local population of the town of Polebridge, which is ten kilometers from Bowman. It is they who get all the charms: virgin forests, the purest water of the lake with rich flora and fauna.

But, nevertheless, tourists are given a worthy welcome here. On the banks of the Bowman there is a camp that is open to anyone. Guests here are given the opportunity to relax in the bosom of nature, go fishing, swim, go boating and so on. Despite the fact that the lake is far from civilization, everything in the camp is equipped according to the most modern standards.

The water in the lake is so clean and transparent that it seems that the bottom is completely shallow. Such a beautiful view of the lake. The lake is 11 kilometers long and a kilometer wide. An area that deserves the closest attention.

Reservoirs, rivers, lakes have long attracted the attention of mankind with their incredible beauty, grandeur, some kind of mystical ability to calm and put in order not only the body, but also the soul. Due to industrial activity, daily life and gradual pollution of the planet's ecology, natural reservoirs have undergone irreversible anthropogenic changes - some of them have become shallow, some have completely disappeared from topographic maps, and the waters of others have turned from azure-transparent to swamp-green. However, you can still find crystal-clear lakes that are still able to amaze vacationers with their natural pristine and unique beauty. These are the cleanest lakes in the world - incredibly beautiful places from different parts of the world that we will consider in more detail in this article.

1. Crater Lake - in English. Crater Lake

An amazingly beautiful place, which miraculously managed to preserve its natural purity, is located in the USA, Oregon. Scientists claim that this incredible lake was formed approximately 8000 years ago on the site of the crater of an extinct volcano. To date, the reservoir is known throughout the world due to the unique purity of its waters. However, Crater impresses not only with the azure color of the water, but also with the depth parameters. It is this lake that is considered the deepest not only in the United States, but throughout North America. Its depth is about 350 m. A national park has been formed around the banks of the Crater, which has become a favorite place for tourists coming here from all over the world. There are plenty of trout and salmon in the crystal-clear water, and fishing on the shores of the lake is one of the most attractive activities for tourists.

If you still do not have the opportunity to go on a trip, then this video will allow you to appreciate how beautiful Crater Lake is.

You will find interesting materials about others by clicking on the link.

2. Lake Masyu - in English. Lake Mashū

A crystal clear reservoir is located on the island of Hokkaido in. It is surrounded on all sides by mountains and lush vegetation. The place where the lake was formed is the caldera of an active volcano. The waters of the reservoir are distinguished by a rich blue tint and a special mineral composition. There is a nature reserve around the lake, where you can find many rare plants, animals and birds, some of which are listed in the Red Book of the World. Several hot springs are considered to be the features of Lake Masya, which do not allow certain areas of the reservoir to freeze during the cold season. Scientists believe that the secret of the cleanliness of this place is the complete absence of streams that do not flow into or flow out of the lake.

I suggest watching two videos: a short one and a longer one. After watching both, I wanted to buy a ticket and go to the most beautiful and cleanest lake in Japan.

Here is the second video about Lake Masyu. Before you decide to go yourself, take a video trip and enjoy the chic pristine nature of Japan.

You can find more information about it by clicking on the link.

3. Lake Sheosar - in English. Sheosar Lake

Another reservoir, which is included in the list of the cleanest on the planet, is located in northern Pakistan. The depth of the lake itself is only 40 meters, and it is located in a remote part of the mountain range at an altitude of more than 4 km above sea level. The national park that was built around the lake is an attractive place for walking and car excursions. The reserve has more than 30 species of butterflies, some of which are extremely rare species.

A video about Lake Sheosar makes it possible to appreciate both the size and beauty of the landscapes surrounding the lake. After all, not every one of us will decide to go to Pakistan. Therefore, I suggest watching the video.

4. Lake Peyto - in English. peyto lake

The world-famous reservoir with very clean water, named after its discoverer, is located on the territory of the reserve in Canada. The lake has such popularity due to the surprisingly clear water and extraordinary shape. From a bird's eye view, Peyto resembles the head of a wolf. More than 5 km in area, the reservoir is located in an incredibly pretty foothill area. The waters of this place are distinguished by a rich turquoise hue and the presence of a large number of mineral components. Lake Peyto is constantly replenished with the waters of glaciers and mountain streams, becoming a refuge for many varieties of noble fish (trout, salmon, pike, etc.).

A quick and easy virtual tour of Peyto Lake is made possible by video.

5. Lake Baikal - on the drill. Baigal dalai

This reservoir, which is located in the Russian East, is simultaneously considered one of the largest in the world in terms of depth (over 1.5 km) and area (more than 30 sq. Km). Due to its tectonic origin, it is included in the list of the cleanest lakes in the world. The water of the reservoir is distinguished by high levels of oxygen in its composition and low temperature (the highest recorded values ​​are + 8℃) even in the warm season. A large number of plants, animals and aquatic inhabitants living in and around the reservoir cannot be found in any other place on Earth.

This video will help you make a trip to Baikal.

6. Lake Jenny - in English. jenny lake

The reservoir got its name in honor of the wife of the leader of one of the first expeditionary groups that explored the surrounding area. The lake is annually filled with the waters of melted glaciers, therefore, the water in it is constantly sapphire in color. The reservoir is located at an altitude of 2 km above sea level and has a maximum depth of 130 m. The most favorite hobbies of tourists are: a boat trip on the crystal clear waters of Jenny, a trip to the Cascade Canyon and viewing the local flora and fauna.

Until you find an opportunity to go, take a video trip. At the same time, practice your English.

7. Lake Tahoe - in English. Lake Tahoe

Another of the cleanest freshwater reservoirs in the world is located in the USA in the state. The lake is surrounded by several ski resorts, therefore, it is very popular among foreign tourists. This lake occupies an honorable second place among the deepest and largest lakes in the States. Its depth reaches 305 meters, and its area is 500 square meters. km. Tahoe has amazingly clear water and a large number of coniferous forests around. Rare species of pines, firs, grasses and shrubs - all this attracts many visitors and makes the reservoir itself and the surrounding area a special place for recreation.

Lake Tahoe, if not the cleanest, then one of them. And in the Top 10 it keeps confidently despite the number of tourists that it is visited both in summer and in winter. Don't believe? Watch the video.

8. Blue Lake - in English. Blue Lake, in Maori Rotomairewhenua

A reservoir with incredibly clear waters and miniature sizes is located in. Every year, the lake is filled with the waters of the surrounding glaciers, so the waters of the reservoir are considered extremely clean and tend to change color from sky blue to purple during daylight hours. Due to the fact that on the way to the reservoir, water passes through a large number of mountain rapids and is filtered naturally, scientists equate the quality and purity of the lake to distilled water.

9. Moraine Lake - in English. Moraine Lake

The famous glacial reservoir is located in and has an area of ​​​​500 square meters. m, and the depth - no more than 14 m. Due to the fact that the lake is located in a very remote and inaccessible place, the period of visiting the reservoir is extremely short. Tourists can admire the beauty of the crystal water and the surrounding mountain ranges only from May to September, as in another period the authorities block mountain roads because of the danger of their use.

10. Lake Brebeneskul - registered as Lake Berbenyaskul

This amazing body of water is located in on. In order to enjoy the incredible purity of the water, it is necessary to cover a distance of almost 2 km above sea level. The route passing through Brebeneskul is considered one of the most popular tourist routes in the Transcarpathian region. The length of the route is approximately 40 km and it takes a long time to overcome it. The water of the lake remains clean because the reservoir is one of the highest in Ukraine and is located at a sufficient distance from industrial and residential areas.

If you are not a fan of climbing high in the mountains, then the author of the video gives you the opportunity to see Lake Brebeneskul and the beauty of the Ukrainian Carpathians not only without leaving your home, but also without leaving your computer. No need to go anywhere... just enjoy...

The Top 10 cleanest lakes on Earth collected for you has ended. As you can see, there are still a large number of amazing places on planet Earth that are still able to inspire people with their natural beauty. Well, to the question of what is the cleanest lake in the world, scientists still answer - Baikal.

In some areas of our planet there are very beautiful places with incredibly clear water, but no one can exactly explain what processes result in the water in these reservoirs being so clear. Most of these places are located in the tropical zone, but there are others that were formed as a result of volcanic processes. Here are 40 of the most impressive bodies of water, but there are many more such places on Earth.

In addition to Cozumel, there are several other areas in Mexico with clean and clear water. This place is very popular, as cruise ships bring tourists here to scuba dive and swim in the crystal clear water.

If someone likes to swim with sharks, then Jardines de la Reina is the perfect place. Many photographers do not miss the opportunity to photograph these ocean monsters in unsafe proximity.

Thanks to the clean and clear waters of the sea in Wakatobi, Indonesia, you can enjoy the beauty of the underwater world, including brightly colored fish, algae, without having to dive deep. Wakatobi is an island national park in Indonesia.

The lake, with an average depth of more than 700 m, is already 25 million years old. When it freezes, standing on the ice, one can see far into the depths thanks to the clear water.

In the Red Sea, you can swim with dolphins in crystal clear waters. The company can also be made up of giant turtles.

The name speaks for itself. "Playa Blanca" means "white beach" in Spanish. And indeed in the Canary Islands, on the beaches, white sand. In addition, the water near the islands is very clean and transparent.

Sipadan Island tops the list of the best places in the world with crystal clear waters for scuba diving. Off the coast of the island, tourists can enjoy swimming in clear waters and watch the hammerhead sharks and barracudas that often swim here.

Lake Mackenzie is located off the coast of Queensland, Australia, on a picturesque island surrounded by jungle and eucalyptus trees. Fraser is considered the largest sand island in the world, according to the Australian Department of the Environment.

The Caribbean region boasts a large number of beautiful islands, among which Dog Island in Panama is worth noting. Off the coast of the island, the water is so clear that it seems that you can even drink it. The San Blas Islands are the most popular among tourists who visit Panama.

In the Enchanted River, the water is completely clear, and you can easily see the fish swimming in it. They say that it got its name as a result of the fact that a person who looks at the water for a long time becomes like a bewitched one. The beautiful blue color of the water was due to special minerals at the bottom of the river.

There is another beautiful island in Malaysia, Mabul Island. For several years, he topped the list of places where you can safely watch fish swimming in the water with the naked eye.

Perhaps Corfu is very popular among tourists due to the climate or the existence of the world's first philharmonic orchestra, or the school of arts, which is on the island. But we should not forget that off the coast of a beautiful island there is very clear water, which attracts here to relax and enjoy the beauties.

Tobermory is a peninsula off the coast of Ontario, Canada. At the bottom off the coast of this peninsula, you can count up to 50 sunken ships. The water is so clear that all the ships are clearly visible at the bottom. Tourists are happy to pay for the opportunity to scuba dive around them.

The town of Bonito, located in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, is known for having very clear water in the local river. Photographer Franco Banfi was able to photograph people above the surface of the water feeding the fish from the bottom of the river.

Kanawa Island belongs to the territory of the Komodo National Park and is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World. You can rent a bungalow there for $70 per night. Unfortunately, there are often no available rooms due to the low cost.

Not many people know about the clean and clear water of Lake Arnancy, which is located in Switzerland. In it, the boat rather does not float, but soars through the air - in any case, this is the impression that is created. Most likely, due to its low popularity, this place has retained its originality and purity.

There are many beautiful photos on the Internet that testify to the uniqueness of Cala Corsara in the Maddalena archipelago, Italy. Not surprisingly, this is where George Clooney bought a house on the shores of Lake Como, which is located 15 hours from Sardinia.

On the island of Ternate there are several active volcanoes. Most likely, it is volcanic activity that is the reason for all the beauty that awaits everyone who is going to visit this place.

In Bonito, among the jungle, there is the Prata River with clear and transparent water. This is an ideal place for snorkeling and watching swimming fish. A real paradise for divers.

If you want to go to the most popular place among movie stars, then you need to go to Tahiti. Celebrities such as Orlando Bloom and Nicole Kidman spent their holidays in this part of the Pacific Ocean, on the island of Bora Bora. Many newlyweds plan their honeymoon here.
If it’s boring to relax, swinging on quiet waves and watching the fish passing by, then you should go to one of

We present to your attention a selection of 10 places with the cleanest and most transparent water.

1. Maldives.
The Maldives is a favorite destination for tourists from all over the world. There are a lot of reasons for this here: the sun, the sea, and the beautiful islands. The water here is so clear that being in a boat, you can see your shadow on the bottom of the sea.

2. Australia.
The water in this red stone cave is surprisingly clear. The only thing that distorts the view of the bottom is a slight ripple formed by a nearby waterfall.

3. Lake of five colors, China.
This lake is located in the Jiuzhaigou Valley in the northern Chinese province of Sichuan. The lake of five colors is famous for its bottom, covered with a carpet of ancient trees, covered with a layer of clear water.

4. Sardinia.
Another popular place among tourists, you don’t even need to describe anything here, just look at the photo. The second largest island in the Mediterranean, Sardinia is home to some of the rarest animal and fish species.

5. Lake Crater.
Located in Oregon, Crater Lake was formed by the explosion of an ancient volcano about 7,000 years ago.

6. Piccaninnie Ponds, Australia.
These ponds are a real nature reserve located in South Australia. You can dive into the water here only after obtaining a special permit, but it's worth it.

7. Lake Mashu.
Officially, this is one of the most transparent lakes in the world, which got its name from the mountain of the same name, at the foot of which it is located. The transparency of the water here reaches 41.6 meters.

8. Lake Sheosar, Pakistan.
Located in the northern part of Pakistan, this natural lake is so perfect that you might think it is the work of man. Surrounded by mountains, with animals walking along its shores, Lake Sheosar is deservedly considered one of the most picturesque places on the planet.

9. Lake Peyto.
The attractive turquoise of Peyto Lake is the work of a local glacier.

10. Lake Baikal.
In addition to its purity, Lake Baikal is known as the deepest lake in the world. The world's second contender for this title, Lake Tanganyika, is behind the leader by as much as 200 meters. In spring, the transparency of Baikal water is as much as 40 meters.