What kind of aircraft fv 5787. General principles of seating passengers

    What to do if the flight is canceled

    If the flight was canceled more than 24 hours before departure, then passengers are transferred to similar flights of the airline. The costs are borne by the carrier, the service is free for the passenger. If none of the options offered by the airline suits you, most airlines can issue a “forced refund”. After confirmation by the airline, the money will be returned to your account. Sometimes this may take several weeks.

    How to check in at the airport

    Online check-in is available on the websites of most airlines. Most often, it opens 23 hours before the start of the flight. You can go through it no later than 1 hour before the departure of the aircraft.

    To check in at the airport you will need:

    • the identity card specified in the order,
    • birth certificate when traveling with children,
    • printed itinerary receipt (optional).
  • What can you take on a plane

    Hand luggage is the items that you take with you on the plane. The weight limit for hand luggage can vary from 5 to 10 kg, and its size most often should not exceed the sum of three dimensions (length, width and height) from 115 to 203 cm (depending on the airline). A handbag is not considered hand luggage and is carried freely.

    The bag that you take with you on the plane should not contain knives, scissors, medicines, aerosols, cosmetics. Alcohol from duty free shops can only be carried in sealed bags.

    How to pay for luggage at the airport

    If the weight of baggage exceeds the norms established by the airline (most often - 20-23 kg), you need to pay for each kilogram of excess. In addition, many Russian and foreign airlines, as well as low-cost airlines, have tariffs that do not include free baggage allowance and must be paid separately as an additional service.

    Baggage must be checked in at the airport at a separate drop-off check-in desk. If you are unable to print your boarding pass, you can get it at the regular check-in desk of the airline, and check in and check in your luggage there.

  • Where to find out the arrival time if you are a greeter

    You can find out the time of arrival of the aircraft on the online scoreboard of the airport. The Tutu.ru website has an online scoreboard of the main Russian and foreign airports.

    You can find out the exit (gate) number on the arrivals board at the airport. This number is located next to the arrival flight information.

    Pulkovo online departure board

    The departure board of Pulkovo airport shows about 1,400 flights every day.
    This is the international airport of St. Petersburg.
    The Pulkovo-1 terminal carries out regional and partly international transportation.
    The exact time of departure can be viewed on the Pulkovo online scoreboard.
    The Pulkovo-2 terminal is intended for international traffic only. About 1,300 passengers pass through both terminals daily.
    Before heading to the airport, check the status of the flight on the Pulkovo departure board.

The popularity of air travel poses new challenges for the developers of passenger liners. Today, experts consider the Boeing 737 800 to be a fairly successful design - these ships are used by Pegasus Fly, UTair, Aeroflot, Nord Wind and other well-known carriers. However, inexperienced passengers do not know how to choose the right seats on board this model at check-in. This review will highlight such a curious topic.

The board was first tested in 1998. The creation of a liner is a consequence of competition. The aircraft was designed as an analogue of another cult model -. The vessel belongs to the third generation group and has improved characteristics compared to the base model.

The passenger compartment here involves two configuration options - an aircraft designed for seats of one class, including up to 189 landing seats, and a two-class analogue, designed to accommodate up to 160 people. Less common are liners in which there is a separate compartment with VIP class seats.

Cabin width at 3.54 meters allows passengers to travel in comfort, and the total length of the liner at 39.41 m made it possible for designers to increase the number of seats. The increased area (125 m) and wingspan (34.31 m) in combination with the powerful engine of the aircraft help the liner to fly at a distance of 5,765 km at a maximum speed of 852 km/h.

However, these parameters do not say anything to a passenger who wants to fly such an aircraft. For readers, we will provide specific information about what the Boeing 737 800 is. The layout of the cabin, the best seats and row numbers that are better to refuse - you will see all this in our article. In the video below, general tips for choosing seats on an airplane.

General principles for seating passengers

People who have repeatedly flown regular and charter routes know that the purchased ticket does not contain information about the seat occupied by the passenger. This information is specified by the airport employee. However, at this time, a person does not see what the layout of seats in the Boeing 737 800 looks like, so beginners make a decision at random. Moreover, quite often such situations become the cause of spoiled impressions about the trip.

Experts recommend studying such nuances at home, before leaving for the airport terminal, in order to be fully equipped by the time of choice. The plan of the Boeing 737 800 aircraft, which is presented in the gallery of the article, will help to determine the principles of landing on liners a little. Armchairs in the standard cabin of the liner are arranged in two rows, each of which contains 3 seats.

Now a few words about the fundamental aspects of choice. For people who are afraid of flying, it is advisable to choose outer seats located near the aisle. This technique will allow you to avoid accidental glances through the porthole and get the help of the stewards as quickly as possible if necessary. In addition, these chairs make it possible to move freely without causing inconvenience to neighbors.

Although there are some negative sides - a passenger who has taken an aisle seat will have to let fellow travelers pass when they need to leave the seat. In addition, service personnel passing by sometimes inadvertently touch passengers sitting on the edge.

A seat located in the center of the row is considered by experts not the best choice for single passengers.. After all, its location implies a flight in close proximity with strangers. Many people feel uncomfortable under such circumstances. And the armrests occupied by neighbors will only enhance such sensations.

Seats next to the window will allow you to enjoy the surrounding view for the entire flight, but it will be difficult to leave the seat. To go to the salon, you have to lift both neighbors. So in general terms, the first principles for choosing the seats of the 800 aircraft look like. The cabin layout of the liner allows us to demonstrate this point, but there are other ways to determine the optimal seat location for the flight.

Choice among one-class cabins of the liner

Let's start by reviewing each row for flight comfort. Rossiya Airlines offers passengers aircraft of this particular category in several different modifications. We will look at the VQ-BCJ model of this fleet and find out what criteria to use when choosing seats when buying a ticket for such a Boeing 737 800.

The layout of the cabin, the best seats and chairs that are appropriate to refuse, we will list below, using the marking given in Latin letters.

Here, the first three seats are not far from the pilots' toilets and the cabin partition, but there is enough space in front of the seats to get out without causing inconvenience to anyone. A slightly different situation with the second row seats. 2F, 2E, 2D are located directly behind the baffle. Therefore, it is better for passengers who suffer from the fear of confined spaces to refuse such a choice - after all, the wall in front of their eyes during the flight will only exacerbate this phobia.

A good choice of food becomes a plus here - after all, food is delivered starting from the nose of the liner. And the inconvenience with the reclined back of the seat of the person sitting in front is excluded here. If you want to buy tickets in row 14, keep in mind that it is usually cooler here than in the rest of the cabin.

All places of the 15th and 16th rows have restrictions on the folding of the seats, because emergency exits are located in the sixteenth and seventeenth rows. 17 B, 17 C, 17 D and 17 E - the so-called spase seats - the seats are quite comfortable, because the seats here are at a decent distance from the previous row. But here it should be borne in mind that tickets for all these places will be sold only to adult passengers who do not have disabilities and restrictions on movement. Indeed, in an emergency, the duty to open the emergency exit lies with the people occupying them.

Perhaps very good seats in the liner are chairs 18A and 18F- there is enough free space in front of them to exit. As for the least attractive options, here experts call the seats installed in the 33rd row, behind which the toilets are located. There are always limitations to the reclining function of the chair. In addition, due to the constant visits to toilets by passengers, it is always noisy here.

Model overview with business class zone

Consider another model owned by the same airline. The VQ-BIZ airliner is the only copy in the fleet of Rossiya.

Here, the first three rows are occupied by business class seats - double seats. Of course, these seats are quite comfortable, but 1A, 1B, 1C and 1D are located just behind the cockpit partition. Accordingly, there is not enough free space in front of the chairs, and the view of the wall is unlikely to impress tourists. Although it is advisable to buy tickets here to do work on the road.

Let's move on to and see what the layout of the Boeing 737 800 is, how many seats are provided by the designers in this liner and which seats will be the best choice for a passenger. There are 154 seats in this salon.

It will be comfortable to fly in the fourth row because of the free space in front of the seats - there is only a partition in front that separates the seats of increased comfort. Emergency exit hatches are located on rows 12 and 13. That is, people who buy seats in rows 11 and 12 should think about the likely inability to recline the back of the chair.

13 C, 13E, 13B and 13D - the seats located at the emergency doors are a good option. In addition, a good option would be to choose row 14 with seats A and F. After all, there is enough free space in front of them.

Accordingly, the places of the last, 29th row are not the best option. It is always crowded and noisy due to the proximity of the toilets. In addition, the seatbacks cannot be fully reclined. And the stewards offering food will come here only after going around the entire plane. As you can see, there are many selection criteria, and most of the nuances depend on the personal preferences of the passenger.

In order not to spoil the mood at the very beginning of the vacation during the flight, it is advisable for inexperienced passengers to take the advice of experienced people. We will give general recommendations for choosing seats in the cabin of the liner. For a person who has not previously flown on board this model, it is appropriate in detail study the layout of the aircraft cabin and familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of the model. In addition, it does not hurt to ask the airline staff about the choice made during check-in or ask them for advice.

Consider your personal perception of turbulence. Here, experts suggest choosing places closer to the nose of the aircraft - shaking here is not felt as much as in the tail. It is advisable to avoid purchasing tickets for rows located in front of evacuation hatches or toilets. Remember, it is usually not possible to travel reclining here due to safety and design restrictions.

The seats located next to the ancillary areas of the liner are unlikely to meet the expectations of a passenger who dreams of flying in silence. It's always noisy and crowded here. Consider your own personal preferences and qualities. Traveling with a pet in your arms is advisable to plan closer to the aisle of the cabin.


As you can see, the selection criteria are simple. A thoughtful and planned approach is the key to a pleasant flight experience, because a well-chosen place for a trip sets the tone for any trip. And the ability to choose a comfortable option for yourself will turn into a good mood.

Boeing 737 800 is a new generation aircraft that allows transportation of up to 189 people
The general layout of the one-class cabin of the liner
The best seats on board this model are 17 V, 17 C, 17 D and 17 E
In aircraft with a single-class cabin, the seats are arranged in rows in a 3 + 3 format
The most comfortable seats are located in the business class cabin

Rossiya is the largest airline in the Aeroflot group. The geography of its flights covers 120 routes within the Russian Federation and 22 foreign destinations. In 2014, the Zenit football club appointed Rossiya as its official air carrier.

The main airport is Pulkovo in St. Petersburg. There are 61 aircraft in the aircraft fleet, 16 of them are Boeing 737-800.

Boeing 737 liners are used on short and medium range routes.

Boeing 737-800 cabin layout

Rossiya uses 3 types of seat layouts on the Boeing 737-800 aircraft. Two of them are fully economy class for 189 passengers. They differ only in the placement of the 1st row: it can start on the left side with seats A, B, C or on the right - D, E, F.

The two-cabin layout is designed for 168 seats.

Can I choose my own seat and fly with more comfort? And where is the best place to sit on a Boeing 737-800?

Cabin layout for one class

Consider the location of seats in an aircraft of only one class. Rossiya has such a layout of the Boeing 737-800 cabin designed for 189 passengers and consists of 32 rows.

Layout for 189 passengers

1-10 row - bow. If you are asked about your preferences during check-in, feel free to choose seats in this part of the aircraft, they are considered the most convenient. Why?

The most comfortable in this zone of the Boeing 737 "Russia" is considered the first row A, B, C and the second D, E, F (and vice versa, see the cabin diagram). Sitting here will be comfortable for pregnant women, disabled people and passengers with small children: the space in front of the seats is very comfortable and there are holders for the cradle (see photo).

Cradle for baby in the front row

If you require a baby cot, please request one at least 36 hours before departure. Upon registration, you will receive priority for its use.

11-21 row - the middle part of the aircraft above the wings. If you are afraid of turbulence, choose places here, this zone is the most stable. The view from the windows will be partially blocked by the wings, so those who like to look out the window will not like it here.

22-32 row. The tail section of the aircraft is the most uncomfortable area. Here, the noise of the motors is strongly audible and turbulence is felt more. At the last five rows, there is a queue for the toilets. The worst places are considered the places of the last row. The backs do not fold out, because they are blocked by a partition.

Seats at emergency exits

In front of the 15th and 16th rows, on both sides, there are 4 emergency exits. Sitting here is very comfortable due to the large space in front of the chairs. If you look at the layout of the cabin, then in this area the most convenient in the Boeing 737-800 is the 16th row. Rossiya does not provide these seats to the following categories of passengers:

  • Passengers with children from 2 to 12 years old.
  • Unaccompanied children under 18 years of age.
  • Pregnant.
  • Passengers with animals.
  • Foreigners who do not speak Russian and English.
  • Disabled people.

These restrictions are introduced for flight safety. The people sitting here, in the event of an accident, will have to strictly follow the instructions of the pilots and flight attendants.

Best Places

The best seats on the plane "" sells for an additional fee. They are called "Space+". Check this information when checking in for your flight.

Seats of increased comfort in the Boeing 737-800

According to the scheme, the best places in the cabin of the Boeing 737 800 of Rossiya Airlines are:

  • 1 A, B, C and 2 D, E, F - wide seat pitch and carrycot attachments.

Be careful, on VQ-BUF and VQ-BUE aircraft these are:

  • 1 D, E, F and 2 A, B, C
  • 16 A, B, C, D, E, F (in all single-cabin Boeing 737 800) - a large space in front of the seats.

good places

  • 15 A, B, C, D, E, F - comfortable legroom, but the backs of the seats are locked.

bad places

  • 31 C, D - aisle seats next to toilets, possible constant disturbance by people standing in line;
  • 32 A, B, C, D, E, F - locked seat backs, proximity to toilets.

When can I choose the best seats on the plane? If you are flying with Rossiya on a Boeing 737-800, this can be done at check-in at the airport or on your own online 24 hours before departure.

Cabin layout for two classes

Boeing 737-800 "Russia" with two classes of service on board is designed for 168 passengers. According to the cabin scheme, 12 seats are reserved for the "business class" and 156 for the "economy" class. Consider how to choose the best places.

100% comfort in business class

The "business class" cabin is 3 rows of 2 seats on each side. Comfortable space between the seats allows you to relax during the flight. This salon is not as noisy as in the "economy".

During the flight, "business" passengers can use blankets and sleep masks.

On board the aircraft, it is allowed to use phones, tablets and computers without access to the Internet.

Comfortable rest in business class Boeing 737-800 "Russia"

Economy class

The Boeing 737-800 has 26 rows in the economy class. It starts with 4 rows. Consider carefully the scheme and choose priority places.

4-9 row - bow. If these places are free, choose them. Many airlines sell them at a premium rate.

The first row is the most convenient for passengers with babies, there are attachments for the cradle. It will also be convenient for passengers with disabilities.

The cradle is provided for children up to one year old weighing up to 9 kg.

For children over 2 years old, a child seat is provided, which is attached to the seat in the aircraft.

In this part of the liner, it is better for transit passengers to board. After landing, they will quickly leave and go to check-in for a connecting flight. The photo shows the first row of the economy class.

The first row in the economy class of the Boeing 737-800 "Russia"

10-17 row - the middle part of the aircraft above the wings. If you are afraid of flying, you are afraid of turbulence, choose seats in this zone, you will be more relaxed.

The view from the windows in the middle part of the aircraft is partially limited by the wings; for those who like to view the panorama, this is not the best option.

12th and 13th row - places of increased comfort at emergency exits. Of the minuses - you can’t put bags under the seats, it’s cooler here and in the 12th row the backs of the seats do not recline. Not all categories of passengers can sit in the seats at emergency exits (see above in the description of the cabin with one class of service).

17-26 row - tail. The tail of an airplane is an uncomfortable zone. Here, the noise of engines is strongly audible and the chatter is the most.

The worst seats are the aisle seats at the end of the cabin and the very last row.

Designations of seats in the cabin

All seats on the plane are marked with letters:

  • At the windows, these are the letters A and F. For those who fly alone, who like to read or sleep, this is the best choice.
  • Medium - B, E. In the middle it is better for people with aerophobia to sit.
  • Extreme - C, D. The aisle is good for those who like to sit with their legs stretched out, or often walk around the cabin during the flight.

Best Places

In the Rossiya airline, with any layout of the Boeing 737-800 cabins, these are places with a large seat pitch:

good places

  • 12 A, B, C, D, E, F - large legroom, but fixed seatbacks;
  • 13 A, F - no armrests on the side of the aircraft.

Worst Places

  • 28 C, D - aisle seats near the toilets;
  • 29 A, B, C, D, E, F - the very last row, the backs of the seats are fixed.

Video review of the aircraft

You can look at the Boeing 737-800 of Rossiya Airlines in a presentation video dedicated to the Kaluga airliner, which arrived at the airport of the same name:

To make your flight on the Boeing 737-800 comfortable, carefully study the cabin map in advance and choose the best seats based on your own priorities. Rossiya wishes you a pleasant flight!