Where is bishkek in which country. Bishkek

The city of Bishkek is the capital of Kyrgyzstan. It is considered the largest center in the republic. Different spheres are developed here: industry, transport, culture. Bishkek is a city of republican subordination. It is located in the center in the north. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis administrative center is 127 square meters. km.

A bit of history

The etymology of the name has two versions. According to one, the city is named after the hero of the legend - the hero Bishkek-Batyr. According to the second - the word "bishkek" from the local dialect is translated as "club". The formation of a settlement in this area is due to the fact that its eastern branch passed just through this territory - through the Chui valley. Over time, the sites became permanent, the population increased, and by the 12th century, the settlement of Dzhul was formed on these lands. After the Silk Road ceased to operate, the cities that existed thanks to it ceased to exist.

After some time, the Uzbek population takes root in this territory, forming the Kokand Khanate. Within the boundaries of the modern city, the Pishpek fortress was built, on the ruins of which the city was founded already in 1825. In 1926, the settlement of Pishpek was renamed Frunze. The city begins to actively develop in all respects of the USSR: industrial enterprises are being built, agriculture is gaining momentum, educational institutions, theaters, museums and other public buildings are being built, which proudly represent Kyrgyzstan. The capital (Frunze) received official status in 1936. After the collapse of the USSR, the name was changed to Bishkek.

Physical and geographical characteristics of the city

Bishkek is located at the foot of the Tien Shan. The terrain is hilly, the average height above sea level is 700-900 meters. The city borders between the temperate and subtropical climatic zones. The region of sharply continental climate is represented throughout the territory of such a state as Kyrgyzstan. The capital, of course, is no exception. Here, the average temperatures in January are -2° С…-4° С, in July +23° С…+25° С. In summer, the humidity rises up to 75%. The average annual rainfall is 400-500 mm. Two tributaries of the Chu watercourse flow through the city: the Ala-Archa and Alamedin rivers. Both originate on the tops of the southern mountain range. A part of the largest irrigation canal in Kyrgyzstan - the Bolshoi Chuisky (BChK) - passes through the northern district of the city.

Administrative-territorial division

Of course, if we consider all the cities that belong to the capital - the largest. According to the administrative division, since the times of the USSR, Bishkek has been divided into three districts: Leninsky, Sverdlovsky and Pervomaisky. Already in the 70s, another district of the city was built - Oktyabrsky. The largest is Leninsky. His subordination also includes settlements located near the city - the village. Chon-Aryk and village Orto-Sai. Each district is headed by an akim. This is the name of the head of the state district administration.

Population of the capital of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan

The capital is a city with almost a million inhabitants. According to statistics for 2016, more than 944 thousand people live in it. If we count with the neighboring agglomeration, then this number increases to 1 million. Bishkek can be called an international city. Representatives of many nationalities live in it. By percentage, they are located as follows: most of all, about 66% - Kyrgyz, 23% of the population - Russians. The remaining 20% ​​fall on such nationalities: Kazakhs, Tatars, Uzbeks, Koreans, Uighurs, Ukrainians, etc. In total, there are about 80 of them. The main language of communication in the city is Russian. As for religious affiliation, several religions are also practiced here. The local population, the Kyrgyz, are Sunni Muslims. Russians profess Orthodox Christianity. Representatives of other religions are present in a smaller percentage.

Economy of Bishkek

(see photo in the article) is rightly called the industrial center of the country. Enterprises of all industries operate in Bishkek. The largest of them specialize in metalworking and mechanical engineering, light and food industries and energy. They are concentrated mainly in the eastern part of the city. Due to its close location to Kazakhstan and China, Bishkek is also considered to be a trading center. This industry is one of the leading places. Why is that? And all because the capital of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan is an international trade hub between the above countries and Russia.

The management of Bishkek is taken over by the state administration - the city kenesh. All types of transport are developed here. There is a railway connection, the airport is located 20 km from the city. From public transport there are buses, trolleybuses, taxis. Also in the plans for the coming years is the construction of a metro line or an electric train.

Ecology and attractions

Bishkek is considered the ecological capital of Russia. The city received this status due to its abundant landscaping. Numerous parks, squares, alleys, boulevards make its territory a green "oasis" of Kyrgyzstan. There are many sights here that have been preserved since the Soviet Union. Among them are many buildings of this period - the Historical Museum, the Philharmonic and other historical monuments. After reviewing the information provided, each of you will be able to answer which is the capital of Kyrgyzstan, who lives in it and how this administrative center is developing.

The northern capital of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, is located in the heart of the Republic, on the northernmost outskirts of the Kyrgyz Range. The first mention of the city dates back to the 7th century, but even today Bishkek is the largest city of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, a major industrial and cultural center of the country. Being the center of international tourism, the city can offer its guests a large number of architectural and natural attractions - these are picturesque parks and gardens, as well as historically important buildings, monuments of the Soviet period.

How can I get there

Flights from the Russian capital to Bishkek are operated daily by Aeroflot, as well as by many Kyrgyz companies, each of which organizes 2-3 flights per week. In addition, you can get to Bishkek with Ural Airlines, which operate with a stopover in Tajikistan, for example, the Yekaterinburg-Khujand route, from where you can get to Bishkek by car, for example, from, and there is also a Yekaterinburg-Tashkent route. The journey will take about four hours.

If you prefer to travel by land, it is worth considering train routes from Moscow to Bishkek. Trains from the Russian capital depart 3 times a week, the average travel time will be about 78 hours. You can use the route with a change in Kazakhstan.

Bus routes will be an alternative to the train. Bishkek has an excellent bus connection with Alma-Ata. Buses, as well as mini-buses and private traders will be waiting for you at the Sairan bus station in Almaty. Departure occurs as the vehicle is full. The cost of a bus ride is about $4, a mini-bus is $8, and a seat in an ordinary passenger car is $12-15. Travel time - no more than 3 hours.

Climate in Bishkek

Bishkek, however, like the entire territory of the state, is located in the zone of influence of a sharply continental climate. All four seasons are clearly defined here. Climate formation, however, is strongly influenced by remoteness from the oceans and location in the depths of Eurasia, surrounded by deserts and mountains. The warmest time of the year is summer. The average temperature of the warmest month, i.e. July, reaches +24.5C. In winter, the temperature is characterized by a significant decrease. In January, the thermometer drops to about -4.6C. The most comfortable time to visit Bishkek is spring and autumn. Pace. during this period, it fluctuates between + 19C to + 24C. If the purpose of your trip is to visit mountainous areas, June-September is considered the best period, and December-April is favorable for the ski season.

Prices in local shops and hotels

Bishkek has several 5-star hotels, the price for accommodation in them is from $150 per day for a double room. Perhaps the most luxurious hotel in the city is the Hyatt Regency Bishkek. For $415 you get a double room, as well as a swimming pool, fitness room and, of course, a sauna. Cheaper rooms are provided by 2-3 star hotels costing from $50 per night. The best options are Baikhan Hotel ($85), Rich Hotel ($70) and Boutique Hotel ($120). For those who want to save on accommodation, they can also choose to stay in hostels. The cost of living here is from $ 12 per night in a 4-bed dorm.

Prices in shops in Bishkek are on average lower than in many states of Central Asia, and this is primarily due to the low standard of living in the state. If you decide to purchase food products, be prepared for the fact that 1 kg of potatoes will cost you 11-14 soms (0.2 $), a kg of vegetables - 140-145 soms (2.6 $), a kg of fruits - 34-45 soms (0.6 $) .

What interesting sights to see in Bishkek

There is no . However, a walk around the city can become quite exciting if you know how many wonderful corners, as well as historical monuments, iconic places are scattered across the territory of Bishkek. The main starting point of many excursion routes is the central square of Ala Too, as well as the Parliament building, the State flagpole (the changing of the guard takes place every hour), a bronze monument to the legendary local hero Manas. Not far from the square is a favorite place of rest for citizens and guests of the city - Oak Park with a monument of Friendship of Peoples. Here you can take a walk, as well as contemplate amazing sculptures made on stone, metal and wood.

Of the museums, it would be worth noting the Frunze Memorial House Museum, as well as the Museum of Fine Arts, nat. historical museum (previously it was named after Lenin). Since they are all located in the center, you can visit each in turn. In the Museum of Fine Arts you can get acquainted with the folk art of Kyrgyzstan, and in the historical museum you can get acquainted with the history of the region and the whole state, as well as with traditional clothing and art.

Fans of ancient architecture should definitely go to the historical and cultural zone called Burana, 80 km from Bishkek. Here you can see the Burana tower at 21m, bilbals (stone idols) of the 6th-10th centuries, petroglyphs (1000 years BC). Ak-Beshim settlement is located 6 km from this place - it was the cultural and also economic center of the Chui valley in the period of the 6th - 7th centuries.

Leisure and entertainment in Bishkek

The city of Bishkek will certainly appeal to adherents of various types of recreation, and one of the main riches of the region, of course, is its unique nature. The city has a Botanical Garden, where you can contemplate rare species of flora. One of the most attractive places in Kyrgyzstan is the Ala-Archa gorge, just 30 km from the capital. This natural park includes all kinds of natural zones of the state - from subalpine, expressed by the beauty of juniper, spruce, and birch forests, to high-mountainous, covered with snow and glaciers. It is worth visiting the balneological resort called Issyk-Ata, 40 km from Bishkek. Hiking trails will be interesting, as well as sources of mineral water for drinking, as well as for bathing.

For shopping, it is best to go to local markets. Dordoi market is considered to be the most famous place for shopping. Here you can buy beautiful shoes, outerwear, products made from valuable furs, bags, jewelry and household appliances. If you want to buy a souvenir to remember your vacation in Bishkek, visit the Kyyal market. For shopping, local shops are suitable, for example, TSUM Aichurek. Here you can buy antiques, as well as products for everyday use. Jewelry can be bought in Keldick.

Bishkek, among other things, is famous for restaurants and cafes of various levels. Here you can have a cheap meal in fast food establishments, where guests are offered to taste the Kyrgyz analogue of a hamburger: a sandwich with a cutlet, vegetables and sauce. Other options for so-called fast food are samsa, as well as kebabs and kebabs. To enjoy national cuisine, go to the Labyrinth cafe, as well as the Mazai, Astana and Faiza cafes. Refined dishes of European and Asian cuisine are offered by the Four seasons restaurant. Here you can have a great evening listening to live music.

At the foot of the snow-white mountains of the Kyrgyz Ala-Too, at an altitude of 750 m above sea level, 25 km from the border with Kazakhstan. This is the soul and heart of the republic in the full meaning of the word, its political, economic, scientific and cultural center, the main transport hub.

The population of the city according to the data for 2010 is 846.5 thousand inhabitants. Unlike the southern regions of the republic, a high percentage of the population is made up of Russians and Russian-speaking residents.

Bishkek, according to climatic conditions, occupies the extreme southern position in the continental climate region of temperate latitudes. The monthly duration of sunshine is greatest in July - 322 hours, the smallest in December - 126 hours. The climate in Bishkek is sharply continental, the average annual air temperature is +10.2°C. The coldest month of the year is January (-4°C), the warmest is July (+24.7°C). The average monthly relative humidity rises from 44% in June and July to 74% in March. The rivers Ala-Archa, Alamedin and the Big Chuisky Canal flow through the city.

The capital of Kyrgyzstan is a unique young city of a unique and mysterious mountainous country. Yes, perhaps there are no ancient or medieval historical monuments here, but this is absolutely no reason to consider this city boring and uninteresting. You can’t blame, for example, a child for being small. As for Bishkek, the city was founded only in 1825, and this is no more than a second for history. Therefore, for lack of a past, the Kyrgyz capital, accordingly, has no monuments of the past. Where do they come from? Nevertheless, the city is quite interesting, beautiful and unusually friendly. And very special and unique emotions arise at the sight of the majestic and alluring ridge of the Kyrgyz Alatau. Therefore, being in the city, it is quite difficult not to succumb to the temptation and not to rush to the mountains at any convenient opportunity.

An individual feature of the city is the strict layout of the streets, which intersect only at right angles. Residents of the capital are always proud of the fact that these streets are densely planted with trees and shrubs, which creates a special comfort and life-giving coolness. Therefore, it is not for nothing that they say that Bishkek is one of the greenest cities in the world.

Bishkek is the center of the national culture of Kyrgyzstan. Visitors are always welcome to the Museum of Fine Arts, the Museum. M.V. Frunze, the Opera and Ballet Theatre, Russian and Kyrgyz Drama Theatres, the Bishkek City Drama Theatre, the building of the State Philharmonic named after. T. Satylganova and other places for fun leisure activities.

Science and education in the capital is represented by the National Academy of Sciences and a large number of specialized secondary and higher educational institutions. Among them are 18 universities, 20 institutes, 9 academies, which annually graduate up to 5.5 thousand qualified specialists.

A variety of legends have been circulating about the name of the city for hundreds of years. According to one version, "Bishkek" is the name of the local hero, Bishkek-Baatyr, who did a lot of good for the common people, he lived here in the 18th century.

In general, the word "Bishkek" from Kyrgyz means "a stirrer for whipping koumiss (a drink obtained from mare's milk)."

But, in addition, according to some historians and writers, the word "Bishkek" means "the front, front part of a happy, beautiful mountain (Mount Baitik), as well as a five-walled fortress."

City `s history
The city of Bishkek (to be more precise, the territory on which the modern city is located) has been known since the 7th century as the settlement of Dzhul (Blacksmith's Fortress).
However, it was only in 1825 that the Kokand fortress Pishpek was formed on the territory of the Chui valley, which housed the largest garrison. Twice - September 4, 1860 and October 24, 1862 - the fortress was taken by Russian troops. In November 1862, it was destroyed, and two years later a Cossack picket was set up in its place, then a bazaar began to gather here. Later, already in April 1878, in connection with the transfer of the county center to Pishpek, the village received the status of a city.

From October 1924, the city became the administrative center of the Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Region, then the administrative center of the Kirghiz Autonomous Region. In 1926, Pishpek was renamed Frunze in honor of a native of the city, a Soviet military leader. Since 1936, Frunze had the status of the capital of the Kirghiz SSR. And after gaining independence, on February 1, 1991, by decision of the Supreme Council of Kyrgyzstan, the city was renamed Bishkek.

Bishkek, being the center of international tourism in Kyrgyzstan, often serves as a transit point and a resting place on the way to or and at the same time can offer tourists a large number of attractions.

The main and favorite place of rest and walks for guests and tourists of the capital is the center of Bishkek. Most of the museums, galleries, shops, parks, squares, squares, restaurants and cafes are concentrated here. By the way, Bishkek is the only city in Central Asia where a monument to Lenin stands to this day. True, now it is located not on the main square, but behind it, but even this is already a striking difference from other cities in the Central Asian region.

The city has 20 national parks, 4 artificial reservoirs, 6 swimming pools, 10 theaters, 5 open-air memorial museums, 8 specialized museums, as well as other squares of culture and recreation.
One of these objects is the oak park, where it is always cool under the dense crowns of trees, and fluffy frisky squirrels scurry along the trunks, peering into the faces of vacationers in anticipation of getting a treat. Oak Park is a kind of open-air sculpture museum. Sculptures made in stone, metal and wood are located here alone and in groups along park alleys, paths, and some are simply among the trees on green lawns.

Adjacent to the oak park is the so-called "Bishkek Vernissage" - Erkindik Gallery, where you can admire the work of local craftsmen and artists.

Behind the gallery opens the main square of the country - Ala-Too. Ala-Too Square is fraught with great tourism potential - the white marble Government House is located here. The square is decorated with fountains, a stage has been built right there, where mass concerts and discos are held. It is here that people flock in mass during holidays and festivities. There are also military parades and demonstrations.

The sights of the capital include the Museum of Art, which exhibits exhibits of Kyrgyz folk art and modern Russian and Soviet art. Some paintings and exhibits try to combine Kyrgyz images and European technology. There are also examples of elegant traditional Kyrgyz wall carpets (tushkiis, bashtiyks) of various sizes.

The Bishkek Philharmonic hosts concerts of classical and modern Western music, as well as concerts of Kyrgyz traditional and popular music. The Philharmonic Hall consists of two halls, the larger of which is usually used for concerts of Kyrgyz music and various shows.

The shops of the capital can offer tourists a variety of souvenirs and folk art products produced in such large organizations as "Kyyal", NGO "Zengi-Baba", "Altyn-Beshik", "Shaarbek", which constantly hold exhibitions and fairs of souvenirs and decorative products. applied art in the squares of the city.

Also, tourists here, in Bishkek, will not only be able to relax in yurts, get acquainted with the applied art of the nomadic Kyrgyz people, gain impressions of national customs, cooking, games, try Kyrgyz cuisine, buy souvenirs of folk crafts, but also get information about tourist routes along throughout the republic.
In Bishkek, as in any other Central Asian city, one of the most striking sights is the oriental bazaar, where generous gifts of the earth and goods from all over the world are presented in abundance at any time of the year, and you can also admire the beauty of mosques and Orthodox cathedrals here.

Sights of the surroundings
Baytyk Valley - stretched behind the counters, which rests on the southern outskirts of the city. The valley is called so in honor of its former owner - the manap of the Kyrgyz tribe Orlto - Baityk Kanaev, who at one time contributed to the voluntary entry of Kyrgyzstan into Russia. Part of the slopes of the valley is planted with pistachios, while the other is in a natural state. There are a lot of bird species here. To the south-west of VDNKh of Kyrgyzstan there is Mount Boz-Peldek (1395 m), which can be reached by city buses. From its top, like a plan on paper, you can see the whole city.

Khan's Graves is a Kyrgyz cemetery located at the southern foot of Mount Boz-Peldek. The former ruler of the Baityk valley and his son Uzbek are buried here, over whose grave a magnificent wrought-iron lattice tower with a dome was erected.

Chon-Aryk State Botanical Preserve is located southeast of the city in the Besh-Kyungei tract. Plants such as Alatavian saffron, Kolpakovsky's iris, Kumakevich's juno, several types of tulips and others are strictly protected here. The surroundings of the city are rich in mineral springs.

The deposit of peat therapeutic mud is located near the village of Kamyshanovka. Therapeutic mud is used here to treat the supporting organs, the peripheral nervous system, the respiratory system, the gastrointestinal tract, and gynecological diseases.


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With its advantageous geographical position Bishkek city owes to the Great Silk Road. Since ancient times, caravans have passed from China by two routes. The eastern branch of the road in a convenient place in the Trans-Ili Alatau (through Kurdai) went into the Chui valley and here it met with another road leading through the Central Tien Shan, past Lake Issyk-Kul. Here at the intersection of these paths from ancient times there was a caravanserai, a resting place for merchants. It has been historically established that for a long time this site belonged to the tribal family of the Kyrgyz-Solto. Along the roads in these places there was usually a lively trade.

However, this tasty piece of land has always attracted conquerors and tempted them to take possession of it. A legend has been preserved that when innumerable hordes approached the crossroads of two roads, the locals were forced to flee to the mountains.

Travelers of the 17th-18th centuries claimed that in the interfluve of the wayward mountain streams of the Alamedin and Ala-Archa rivers, people settled in ancient times. On the territory of modern Bishkek, the remains of three cities were found, the life and prosperity of which was given by the Great Silk Road.

One of the largest medieval cities was the so-called Pishpek settlement (7-12 centuries), which occupied an area of ​​about 25-30 km2. It had a complex layout and a developed system of fortifications. Another significant ancient city, called the settlement "Forge Fortress", was located in the basin of the river. Alamedin and occupied the territory, judging by the distribution of the cultural layer, between the current streets of Kirov, Orozbekov, Karagacheva Grove and the river. Alamedin. However, its original area was much larger. The city center was located in the area of ​​the former Pishpek fortress.

Among the finds found on the territory of the settlement are 4 bronze trunks decorated with geometric, floral and epigraphic ornaments, a bronze figurine depicting a figure with a human head and an animal's body, a large number of pottery, burnt bricks and other items. The city existed in the 8th - early 13th century, during the invasion of the Tatar-Mongols it fell into decay, after some time life resumed in it (but not on its entire territory) and continued until the 15th century. Then the city comes to a final desolation.

Both cities, located on the caravan route passing through the Chui valley since ancient times, were visited by merchants from various countries of the East and West. City dwellers were engaged in trade, various crafts and agriculture. The names of these cities were not preserved in medieval written sources.

But it so happened historically that by the 16th century trade and cultural ties between the two civilizations - the West and the East - were finally interrupted. The legendary “silk road” ceased to exist, cities disappeared. Wars, plague epidemics, earthquakes finally turned the once flourishing Chui valley into a desert. City life was replaced by another way of life - the way of life of nomads, who did not need to settle in one place. Once beautiful palaces and mighty castles, cheerful and noisy trade and craft caravans have turned into sagging hills or completely razed to the ground. The Chui valley between the Ala-Archi and Alamedin rivers became for centuries the winter pasture of the Solto tribe, one of the forty tribes of the Kyrgyz. Rare trade caravans from Central Asia to China through the Semirechye Kyrgyz and Kazakh nomad camps enlivened this rocky area.

Mesopotamia Alamedin and Ala-Archa in many sources is considered a holy place. Springs with life-giving and healing water are mentioned, and other interesting facts are given. And maybe that's why this area has become especially valuable and tempting for many peoples. Therefore, outposts, caravanserai, fortresses arose here from ancient times. One well-known name before the appearance of the Kokand fortress, the settlement or aul was called Dzhul.

After the 15th c. on the territory of modern Bishkek in the interfluve Alamedin - Ala-Archa and the surrounding area there were nomad camps of the Kyrgyz. Settled, but relatively short-lived, life after a centuries-old break was revived here in 1825.

However, as depicted by written sources, at times the Kokand Khanate seized the territory between the rivers and, on the orders of Khan Modali, the Pishpek fortress was built here in 1825. Zachuisk region. The garrison and the khan's tax collectors were in the Pishpek fortress

The Kokand people needed control over the movements of merchants and nomads. Pishpek fortress. stood at the junction of nomads' paths from winter to summer pastures and along the road to Issyk-Kul and Semirechye. Here, in the fortress, the Kokand people collected customs tax from all caravans. The freedom-loving Soltins, led by their leader Baitik-Baatyr, tried more than once to take and destroy the fortress of Pishpek .. But there was not enough artillery. The Kokand people were not only strong, but also insidious. In the fortress, for example, relatives from noble Kyrgyz families were held hostage, including the son of Baitik Kanaev. In September 1862, the supreme leader of the Solto tribe, Baitik Kanaev, raised an uprising against the Kokand people, destroyed the commandant of the fortress Rakhmatulla and his convoy of 60 people, and sent a messenger to the city of Verny for the help of Russian artillery.

With the advance of tsarism deep into Central Asia, during the clashes between Russia and Kokand, on September 4, 1860, the fortress was taken by storm by a military detachment that came from Verny. After his departure, the Kokandians settled again in Pishpek, strengthening the fortifications. In September 1862, part of the Chui Kyrgyz opposed the Kokand people. They laid siege to Pishpek and appealed to the Russian authorities of Verny for help. In October (24), the Pishpek fortress was taken a second time by Russian troops with the active assistance of the surrounding Kyrgyz and destroyed. In 1863, with the liquidation of the power of the Kokand Khanate in the Chui Valley, its population voluntarily became part of Russia.

On October 13, 1862, the head of the Alatava district, G. A. Kolpakovsky, with a detachment of 1,400 people and artillery, began a complete siege of the fortress. On October 24 of the same year, the Kokandans surrendered. On November 2, the Russian detachment left the remains of the fortress and went to the city of Verny. By order of Baitik-Baatyr, in revenge on the Kokandians, the Kyrgyz completely destroyed the remains of the fortress. One of the central streets of our capital (part of Sovetskaya Street) is now named after Baitik-Batyr.
In 1863, the Kyrgyz, up to Alai, joined Russia. In Omsk, the General Government signed the Treaty on joining Russia. Self-government is established in the region. In the Chui valley and near the ruins of the Pishpek fortress, a number of urban and agricultural settlements appeared under the control of the tsarist administration.

In 1868 - p. Lebedinovka, Novo-Pokrovka and 50 families settle on the postal route in the Pishpek tract. So the Tashkent road became the first street of the future district town of Pishpek. Pishpek is the Kyrgyz name of the locality Bishkek, misheard by Russian survey officers. The first Russian peasant families from the Penza, Samara, Voronezh and Tambov provinces chose for themselves estate plots along the tract road, building at first dugouts and huts. The first settlers were joined by Uzbek merchants from Tashkent, Namangan and other areas of Uzbekistan. Along the Alamedin River, impoverished Kyrgyz, Uzbeks who did not have livestock and gardeners, as well as families of the former garrison of the Kokand fortress of Bishkek, also lived. By 1876, 58 families lived in Pishpek - 182 people of both sexes, including 94 women. By nationality, the inhabitants were divided as follows: there were 9 Russian families, 48 ​​Uzbek families and a Tatar family - 1.

The then Pishpek differed from the bulk of the Russian-Ukrainian villages in the region only by its very good location and the presence of a post office. The Pishpek fortress itself was destroyed, and its buildings on the ancient hill were leveled as useless. There was no need for military fortification on the lands of the Kyrgyz, since the relationship between the two peoples was laid on a peaceful basis. The first settlers dismantled clay from the walls of the fortress for their buildings, so the first street was formed - Tashkentskaya. The once formidable bastion of the Kokand people turned into a peaceful hill that hid the secrets of many centuries. The Semirechye authorities planned to establish the center of the county administration of the north of Kyrgyzstan in Kochkorka or Kutymaldy (Balykchi), but the Turkestan Governor-General, after a trip to Semirechye in 1870, chose Pishpek. On April 29, 1878, the county administration was located in Pishpek.
"The plan for the design location of the newly proposed city of Pishpek" - a city with buildings of the European type was approved on August 31, 1878 by the military governor of the Semirechensk region, Lieutenant General G.A. Kolpakovsky.

The basic layout was simple and blended well with the surrounding area. Its street grid, broken in a checkerboard pattern, favored the construction of a ditch network and natural ventilation of the streets. The compact territory of the city between the Ala-Archi and Alamedin rivers was located in such a way that it was also the most favorable area seismically. Initially, the construction base in Pishpek was extremely primitive, there was not even a brick factory. A number of houses were built from centuries-old Tien Shan fir trees, the trunks of which were rafted from the gorges along mountain streams, most of the houses were literally “molded” from clay. Russian, Ukrainian, Moldavian settlers learned from local residents Asian ways of housing construction.

The city was made of clay, but its layout turned out to be progressive in its essence. It was one of the first cities of the European type with an incomparably higher level of development of Russian urban art. And the traditions of this planning have been preserved and improved in modern Bishkek.

The only decoration in that small adobe Pishpek was a magnificent panorama of the mountains of the Kyrgyz Ala-Too. Its highest peaks rise as an ice ensemble over the interfluve of Ala-Archi and Alamedin. What the valley was like at that time can be seen on small canvases by the Russian officer and outstanding artist V.V. Vereshchagin, who visited these places with an expedition of military topographers in the 19th century. These small masterpieces, witnesses of the Kyrgyz history, are exhibited at the KSMII. G. Aitieva.

Gardens and parks became the second decoration of Pishpek. It is hard to believe now that the city was founded in a semi-desert. Here is the evidence of that time: "... just a few houses scattered here and there, ... and further behind them to a distant space stretched a bare, barren dead steppe with hot sands and stones ...". F. Poyarkov.
The city administration, ordinary citizens did their best to turn Pishpek into a garden city. Each citizen was obliged to plant at least 25 trees near the house along the street, each visiting merchant was obliged to allocate funds from the income of his trade for landscaping Pishpek. One of the best amateur gardeners was a native of Namangan, Selim Raimbaev, who had a vast garden in the Alamedin tract since the 40s of the 19th century and subsequently supplied Pishpek new settlers with seedlings of fruit trees and talom. The pioneer of cultural gardening and artificial afforestation in the region was the Pishpek horticulturalist A.N. Fetisov, founder of Karagacheva Grove in 1881. At the same time, the first planning of streets and squares was carried out, places were allocated for housing, government buildings and barracks, as well as for trade, forges and other craft establishments.
At the end of the 19th - at the beginning of the 20th centuries. in Pishpek there were already 40 streets (without a hard surface and sidewalks), 6 large squares (improper and dirty).

The acquisition of city status contributed to the growth of Pishpek. The first handicraft enterprises appeared in Pishpek in the second half of the 19th century. In 1883, a tannery began to operate, in 1885 a cheese-making production was organized. All power in Pishpek and the county was at the county chief, and since 1895, the economy of the city was in charge of public self-government from the Pishpek bourgeoisie, dependent on the tsarist authorities. Contrary to the policy of tsarism, aimed at limiting the development of the culture of the peoples of the national outskirts, the first cultural and educational institutions, schools, and hospitals appeared in Pishpek.

A memorable trace in the history of the city was left by representatives of the progressive Russian intelligentsia. Among them - the first paramedic V.M. Frunze, in whose family on January 21, 1885, the son Mikhail was born - the future party, statesman and military leader; scientist horticulturalist A.M. Fetisov, who was in charge of the Kyrgyz school of horticulture.

An economic committee was created from wealthy homeowners and merchants, headed by officials from the county administration. The volost administration of the lands adjacent to the city was headed by Uzbek Boshkoev, the nephew of the famous Baitik-baatyr and a participant in the military campaigns of General Chernyaev against Tashkent. Uzbek Boshkoev was the grandfather of the ideological founder of modern Kyrgyz statehood Abdykerim Sydykov.

The city was a trading city, but it also had its own intelligentsia: the Terentyev family, doctor F.V. Poyarkov, paramedic V.M. Frunze, gymnasium teacher K.F. Svirchevsky, irrigator Vasiliev and others who brought to this region all the best from European civilization. Outstanding travelers passed through the city and stopped here: I.V. Mushketov, N.M. Przhevalsky, Delmaz Morgan, Capu, Bonvalo, Blank. At the same time, the Kyrgyz intelligentsia was also rising. The children of major Kyrgyz merchants and industrialists were already studying at Russian gymnasiums and universities. The city acquired a permanent connection with European civilization through the telegraph and mail. Pishpek joined the same historical events that ruled the entire continent. And it is no coincidence that our city was one of the first to peacefully accept Soviet power. Here, on the outskirts of the Russian Empire, the significance of the October Revolution was well understood.

Immediately after the February events of 1917 in Russia, after the abdication of Tsar Nicholas I from the throne, here, in distant Pishpek, on March 31, 1917, the Pishpek Council of Soldiers, Officers and Workers' Deputies was created. The group of Bolsheviks was strong in the city and district. On January 1, 1918, the Bolshevik G.I. Shvets-Bazarny (the first Soviet mayor of the city) was elected chairman of the Pishpek Council, and a resolution was adopted recognizing the central Soviet power.

But by December 1917, the entire Semirechye was engulfed in a White Cossack rebellion. On December 14, 1917, armed detachments of White Cossacks and Left Socialist-Revolutionaries from the village. Belovodskoye broke through to Pishpek and occupied its western part. The White Cossacks had far-reaching plans to create an "independent Cossack Republic of Semirechye" without the Bolsheviks, the tsar, the "holytba" and the Kirghiz. And the peaceful city of Pishpek, lying on the way between Tashkent and Verny (Almaty) was a "stumbling block" for the implementation of these plans.
The city was defended by the 1st Pishpek Regiment under the command of Ya.M. Logvinenko, who arrived from the Northern Semirechensky Front. By December 28, the entire county was cleared of counter-revolutionaries.

The first people who fell in the struggle for power of the people were buried on January 1, 1919 in the center of Pishpek, in an oak park, near the St. Nicholas Church, where a rally under the slogan "For the power of the Soviets" once took place. Nowadays, a 2-meter granite obelisk rises above a small mound of a mass grave with four cannons.

All the people of Kyrgyzstan, raised by the Revolution, rushed to a new life. A few days after the establishment of Soviet power, on November 16, 1917, the "Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia" was issued, signed by V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin). The Declaration proclaimed the equality and sovereignty of the peoples of Russia, their right to self-determination, up to secession.

With great enthusiasm, all the progressive people of Kyrgyzstan perceived this opportunity to create an independent statehood. The best minds of the Kyrgyz intelligentsia took a lively part in the practical implementation of this idea. A. Sydykov, I. Arabaev, D. Sooronbaev and others already in the summer of 1917, even before the October Revolution, united to concretely formalize the idea of ​​Kyrgyz statehood. Not everyone was able to see the fruits of their ideas. In the 1920s and 1930s, national state associations of the huge Union were created in a hidden, difficult internal political struggle. "They all died tragically in the bloody bacchanalia of the totalitarian regime," A. Akayev said about these people.

The people have not forgotten their heroes. The streets of Bishkek and universities are now named after these people with a tragic but lofty fate. In the autumn of 1996, a gallery of busts was opened next to Ala-Too Square near the first government building of the former Pishpek, the oldest storey building in the city, near the House of Friendship of Peoples (former State Historical Museum, architect Zenkov, 1927).

And, most importantly, the dream of these extraordinary people came true. Gradually, with great efforts, and at the same time a great spiritual upsurge, the Kyrgyz statehood was created, a modern economy was formed, the Kyrgyz culture developed. From feudalism, in just a few decades, Kyrgyzstan stepped into a new society, taking a worthy place in modern civilization.
A. Orozbekov, Yu. Abdrakhmanov, Razzakov, T. Kulatov and our other contemporaries, including the first President of independent Kyrgyzstan A. Akaev, became the practical executors of this idea at the head of their people.

And the former small county town of Pishpek became the political and economic center of the great transformations.
October 14, 1924 Pishpek - the center of the Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Region. February 1, 1926 Pishpek - the capital of the Kirghiz ASSR. On May 12, 1926, the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR approved the name of Frunze for the city of Pishpek. Since December 5, 1936, the city of Frunze has been the capital of the Kirghiz SSR. Frunze has been a flourishing region with a powerful diversified industry and highly developed mechanized versatile agriculture. The former remote province, which did not even have country roads before the revolution, was covered with a network of paved highways and steel highways. Routes of local and allied airlines lay in the sky, connecting the capital of the republic - Frunze with Moscow, Leningrad, Sverdlovsk, Novosibirsk and other cities of the former union.

The science and art of the Kirghiz people reached an unprecedented development, their literature and cinematography received world recognition. The level of well-being of the working people of Kyrgyzstan has grown immeasurably. Deprived of basic amenities before the revolution, the former nomadic pastoralists and their descendants live in beautiful modern cities and villages, enjoying all the benefits and achievements of civilization. The majestic transformations that the working people of the republic are undergoing reveal new qualities of people, new phenomena peculiar only to socialist reality, which form a multi-colored picture of the present existence of the republic, where representatives of more than 80 nations and nationalities of our country live and work as a single family, where they develop and bear wonderful fruits. the best, carefully preserved national traditions, enriched by the experience of the fraternal international community.

In accordance with the Constitution adopted on May 5, 1993, the Kyrgyz Republic is a sovereign unitary democratic republic built on the principles of a legal secular state. The city of Bishkek is its capital.
In April 1991, the Supreme Soviet of the SSR decided to rename the city of Frunze. The city was returned to its ancient original name.

Bishkek today

City symbols: Flag Coat of arms

The city was built according to an orthogonal plan, which contributes to its ventilation with mountain air. There are 938 streets in Bishkek. The main streets of the city: Manas Avenue, Chui Avenue - st. Den Xiao Ping, Abdrakhmanov, Alma-Ata, Pravda, Zhibek Zholu (Silk Road), Baitik Batyr (former Soviet) - Baku, Moscow. On Erkindik and Young Guard boulevards there are many playgrounds and summer cafes. Residential areas are located in the south: micro-districts from 3 to 12, Asanbay district; in the east: Alamedin-1, Vostok-5, Vostok-6; in the southeast: "Kok-Zhar", "Ulan"; in the central part - "South-2".



Railway communication is carried out by three railway stations: Pishpek, Bishkek and Alamedin. The main flow of passengers and cargo is oriented to the cities of Russia through the territory of Kazakhstan. There are also local intercity and suburban trains.


There is a trolleybus system for urban public transport. Trolleybuses are also used in the cities of Osh and Naryn.


The main type of public transport is automobile: buses, fixed-route taxis, taxis.

The number of cars from 2000 to 2011 increased 3 times. The number of trucks slightly decreased from 9 thousand in 2000 to 8.7 thousand in 2011. The number of buses registered in the capital has doubled.

Currently, 160,106 vehicles are registered. Of these, 145,957 cars belong to individuals, 14,139 to legal entities. In 2010, 141,433 cars were registered in Bishkek. Of these, 127,168 cars belonged to individuals and 14,265 to legal entities.

The construction of the first ring road began in the city, and, under the grant of the Japanese government, the bridges of the city were reconstructed. The length of roads is more than 1.2 thousand km. The repair of the bypass road has also begun, which should lead to a decrease in traffic jams on the streets of the capital.


On the administrative territory of Bishkek, 23 km from the city limits, there is the Manas International Airport, named after the hero of the Kyrgyz epic of the same name. Today, one of the US Air Force air bases is located in the airport area. According to the ICAO classification, Manas is a class 4E airport. Its 4.2 km long runway allows it to receive aircraft of all types, including in adverse weather conditions. The total platform area is 242,000 m². The airport has 38 parking lots and two air bridges. A new terminal is under construction.


Bishkek is the economic center of the country.

In 2011, the city produced industrial products worth 28,108.4 million soms, an increase of 117.2%. Of the total volume of services rendered in the republic, Bishkek accounts for 58.7%. The average monthly salary for January-November 2011 amounted to 12,035 soms, which is 1.4 times higher than the republican level. Bishkek is a donor for other regions of the republic. The expected contribution to the country's GDP will be 36.1% in 2012. The Bishkek free economic zone is located in the vicinity of the capital.


There are all branches of industrial production. Among them, the main ones are: mechanical engineering and metalworking, light and food industries, energy. Large industrial enterprises of Bishkek include: CHPP, Reemtsma-Kyrgyzstn JSC, Dastan Corporation, Komvolno-cloth factory, Coca-Cola Bishkek Bottlers, Bishkek Dan-Azyk; joint-stock companies: "Bishkeksyut", Bishkek Machine-Building Plant, "Kyrgyzavtomash", "Kyrgyzshampany", reinforced concrete plant "Bishkek", "Keramin", enterprises-associations "Bulgary", Zhyldyz "Baypak", etc.

Industrial enterprises are located in the west and east of Bishkek. Among them: the Akun flour mill, the Kyrgyz Konyagy cognac factory, Kyrgyzmebel JSC, the manufacturer of national drinks Shoro, Severelectro, and a thermal power plant.


The city of Bishkek is a regional center of trade, being a hub between the People's Republic of China, Kazakhstan and Russia. Bishkek has the largest wholesale and retail market in Central Asia: Dordoi, the largest auto market: Azamat, and a number of other markets: Osh (market), Alamedin (market), Ortho-Sai ( market), "Ala-Archa-2" (market), "Kudaibergen" and others; There are large shopping centers: "Vefa", "Bishkek-Park", "Dordoi-plaza", "Tash-Rabat", "TsUM-Aichurek", "Caravan", "Children's World", "Beta Stores", etc. The city has representative offices of such large international companies as Mercedes-Benz, Audi-VW, Sumitomo, Federal Express, DHL, UPS, LG-Electronics, Daewoo, Phillips, Siemens, Panasonic, Reemtsma, Coca-Cola, Samsung, Toyota, Kia and etc.


Head offices of banks are located in Bishkek: "RSK-Bank", "Aiyl-Bank" (both state-owned), "Demir Kyrgyz International Bank", "Dos-Kredobank", "Bank-Asia", "Rosinbank", "EcoIslamic Bank" , Bakai-Bank" and others.

Internet and Cellular

The city has a significant mass of Internet and mobile communication users. Internet is provided via optical line, ADSL technology and Wi-Fi. There are more than 10 Internet providers, the largest: Asia-Info, Kyrgyztelecom, ElKat, Aknet, Megaline, Homeline, Saima-Telecom. The Internet coverage area is almost 90% of the city.

Cellular communication in the city is represented by 6 large companies, under the brands "Beeline", "MegaCom", "O!", "Fonex", "Katel", "Nexi". On average, every resident of the capital has a cell phone.

Mass media



  • Men's premium intellectual magazine "One Magazine"
  • Fashionable women's magazine "FEMME"
  • Glossy magazine for smart and successful "for Woman"
  • Blife magazine in Russian and English
  • Magazine for parents "Little Joy"
  • Magazine "Festive Cocktail"
  • Glossy women's magazine in Russian and Kyrgyz languages ​​"Bishkekchanka"
  • glossy magazine "BiStar" - in Russian

Information agencies

  • inform kg
  • AKI press
  • 24 kg
  • "Kabar"
  • IA "KANT kg"
  • kloop kg

Science and education

Bishkek is the largest scientific and educational center of Kyrgyzstan. In Bishkek there are:

  • Kyrgyz State Institute of Arts named after B.Beishenalieva (KSII)
  • National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • Scientific station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek
  • Kyrgyz National University named after Zhusup Balasagyn
  • Kyrgyz State Technical University named after Isak Razakov (former Frunze Polytechnic Institute)
  • Kyrgyz Economic University named after M. Ryskulbekov
  • Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture (KGUSTA)
  • Kyrgyz Agrarian University named after K. Skryabin (former Agricultural Institute named after K. Skryabin)
  • Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K.Akhunbaev
  • Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University
  • American University of Central Asia
  • International University of Kyrgyzstan
  • Kyrgyz-Turkish University "Manas"
  • Bishkek Academy of Finance and Economics
  • Kyrgyz Academy of Tourism
  • Higher Military Institute of the Armed Forces of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • International Academy of Management, Law, Finance and Business
  • Kyrgyz Academy of Physical Culture and Sports

Bishkek is also home to the following research organizations:

  • National Surgical Center of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic

There are two large libraries

  • Library named after V.I. Lenin
  • Republican Public Library named after N.G. Chernyshevsky


  • Forge fortress (hill and parts of the fortress)
  • Memorial complex "Ata-Beyit"
  • State Circus
  • Hippodrome
  • Republican Center for Children and Youth "Seytek"
  • south gate


  • Ala-Too Square is the central square of Bishkek. Here is the monument to "Manas the Magnanimous"
  • Old Square
  • Victory Square and Victory Monument
  • station Square
  • University Square
  • theatre square
  • Sovetskaya Square is an architectural complex between the City Hall and the Philharmonic.

Bishkek is the largest city in Kyrgyzstan, as well as the modern cultural, political and economic center of the republic. This is a calm city with wide streets and beautiful houses with its own original, measured rhythm of life. Arriving in Bishkek, the first thing that attracts attention is that the city is literally buried in greenery. A huge number of parks makes the air unusually fresh and clean. It is commonly believed that there are more trees per inhabitant here than in any other city in Central Asia.

Geographic location

The city is located in the very center of the Chui valley, at the foot of the snow-white mountains of the Kyrgyz Ala-Too, at an altitude of 750 m above sea level. The area of ​​the territory is 160 sq. km.


The climate in Bishkek is sharply continental, the average annual air temperature is 10.2 C. The coldest month is January (-24.7 C), the warmest is July (34.5 C).


The population of Bishkek in 2012 reached 1 million 42 thousand 783 people, of which women - 579 thousand 235, of them of childbearing age - 344 thousand 528 (60 percent), teenagers - 23 thousand 220.

The population of Bishkek is ethnically heterogeneous. Kyrgyz make up 51%, Russians - 20%, the remaining 29% are ethnic groups such as Ukrainians, Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Germans, Tajiks, Koreans, etc. Bishkek is divided into four administrative districts.

Most residents of the capital profess Sunni Islam. Orthodoxy is widespread in the city, which is followed mainly by the Russian population.


Bishkek was founded in 1825 on the ruins of the ancient Pishpek settlement and the Kokand fortress Pishpek, which from the 7th to the 13th centuries were county trading cities on the caravan route. After the 13th century, settlements of nomadic Kyrgyz tribes appeared on the sites of the fortress and settlement, which existed until 1825, when the ancient city of Pishpek was revived. At this time, taking advantage of the civil strife among the Kyrgyz, Pishpek conquered the Kokand commander. The city became the place where the Kokand tax collectors, merchants and artisans settled down. In 1862, during the clashes between Russia and Kokand, the city was conquered by Russian troops. After the defeat of the Kokand Khanate, the population of Pishpek and the Chui valley voluntarily became part of Russia. Peasants from various Russian provinces began to move to the city and the valley. They shared their farming experience with the locals and built European-style houses.

The rapid development of the city began after 1917. In 1926, in honor of the revolutionary and statesman, Pishpek was renamed Frunze. During the Soviet period, Frunze developed along the lines common to all the allied capitals. Architects and engineers from Moscow and Leningrad took part in the planning of the city. During this time, a significant number of educational institutions, theaters, museums were erected on the territory of Frunze, a philharmonic society, the Central Department Store, and the central city registry office were built.

After Kyrgyzstan became a sovereign country in 1991, the capital was renamed Bishkek. Despite the fact that the decision to change the name of the capital was made relatively recently, no one knows a clear interpretation of the name Bishkek. Some sources claim that the city is named after a special wooden spoon for cooking koumiss in the ancient way - a symbol of the ancient nomadic Kyrgyz, other sources say that the capital is named after one of the forty most courageous and brave warriors of Manas.