Borders of Western Europe on a contour map. Europe map in Russian

Map of Europe from satellite. Explore the satellite map of Europe online in real time. A detailed map of Europe was created based on high-resolution satellite images. As close as possible, the satellite map of Europe allows you to study in detail the streets, individual houses and attractions of Europe. The map of Europe from a satellite can easily be switched to regular map mode (diagram).

Countries of Europe. Satellite maps of European countries:

Europe- one of the parts of the world that, together with Asia, is part of the mainland. More than 700 million people live in 50 countries in Europe. It is washed by the waters of the Arctic and Atlantic oceans, as well as the waters of their seas.

The relief of Europe is varied, but most of it is occupied by plains. Mountain regions make up only 17% of the country's entire territory with the highest point at 5642 meters. There are several climatic zones in Europe, but generally most European countries have a temperate climate, which is characterized by warm or hot summers and cold winters with snowfalls.

Europe- a contrasting and diverse part of the world with many countries, each of which has its own traditions, its own culture and its own attractions. Those who want to see European architectural masterpieces and learn more deeply about the culture and history of European states of past times should go to Germany or Austria with countless medieval castles, to France with its Eiffel Tower or Great Britain with the amazing atmosphere of London.

For those who want to spend time at sea, it is better to choose resorts in Bulgaria, Italy or Spain, since these countries are the favorite places for summer beach holidays for both European and tourists from other countries. Fans of active winter recreation should spend their holidays at the ski resorts of Austria or Switzerland, the best not only in Europe, but throughout the world.

In the East and Southeast (on the border with Asia) border of Europe considered to be the ridge of the Ural Mountains. The extreme points of this part of the world are considered: in the North - Cape Nordkin 71° 08' north latitude. In the south the extreme point is considered Cape Maroki, which is located at 36° north latitude. In the West, the extreme point is considered to be Cape of Destiny, located 9° 34’ east longitude, and in the east - the eastern part of the foot of the Urals up to about Baydaratskaya Bay, located at 67° 20' east longitude.
The western and northern shores of Europe are washed by the North Sea, the Baltic Sea and the Bay of Biscay, and the Mediterranean, Marmara and Azov Seas cut deeply into from South. The seas of the Arctic Ocean - Norwegian, Barents, Kara, White - wash Europe in the far north. In the southeast is the closed Caspian Sea-lake, formerly part of the ancient Mediterranean-Black Sea basin.

Europe is a part of the world, most of whose territory is in the Eastern Hemisphere. The Strait of Gibraltar separates it from Africa, the Bosphorus and Dardanelles from Asia, the eastern and south-eastern conventional border runs along the eastern foothills of the Urals and along the main Caucasian ridge.
Europe as a continent is characterized by the following features. Firstly, it is a large single monolith with Asia and therefore the division into Europe is more of a historical than physical-geographical nature. Secondly, it is relatively small in area - about 10.5 million sq. km. (together with the European part of Russia and Turkey), that is, only 500 thousand sq. km from Canada. Only Australia is smaller than Europe. Thirdly, a significant part of the territory of Europe consists of peninsulas - the Iberian, Apennine, Balkan, Scandinavian. Fourthly, the mainland of Europe is surrounded by fairly large islands (Great Britain, Spitsbergen, Novaya Zemlya, Iceland, Sicily, Sardinia, etc.), which significantly expand its territory. Fifthly, Europe is the only continent that does not occupy the tropical zone, which means that the natural diversity of climatic zones and plant zones is somewhat lower here.

Europe has been and remains an important macro-region in the political, economic and cultural life of the entire planet.
Within Europe there are 43 independent states. In terms of territory size, they are small and quite compact. The largest countries in Europe are France, Spain, Sweden, which occupy an area of ​​603.7; 552.0; 504.8; 449.9 thousand km2. is a Eurasian power, covering an area of ​​17.1 million km2. Only twelve countries have an area from 100 to 449 thousand km2. 19 countries have an area from 20 to 100 thousand km2. The smallest area is occupied by the so-called dwarf countries of the Vatican, Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta.
All European countries, with the exception of the Vatican, are members of the United Nations.
For a long time, Europe of the 20th century. was divided into two parts - Eastern and Western. The first included the former so-called socialist countries (Central-Eastern or Middle and Eastern Europe), and the second included capitalist countries (Western Europe). The events of the late 80s and early 90s radically changed the nature of the modern era. The collapse of the socialist system led to the unification of the German lands into a single state (1990), the formation of independent independent states on the territory of the former Soviet Union (1991), the collapse of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) in 1992, Czechoslovakia in 1993. All this should not only be political, but also of great economic importance. Central-Eastern and Eastern Europe, as well as the countries of the Adriatic-Black Sea subregion, are gradually creating a market economy.

The new phase of detente, which began in the late 80s and early 90s of the 20th century, created a completely new situation. The idea of ​​a pan-European home from the Atlantic to the Urals has become an objective reality. Conditions have been created for the existence of various forms of integration in various regions of Europe, including Central-Eastern and Eastern Europe. The first such “swallow” in the conditions of the new Europe was an attempt to create an interstate association back in the early 1990s, which neighboring states consisting of Austria, Hungary, Italy and the former Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia called the “Pentagonalia” (now “Octagonal”). This combination of states with different political and socio-economic status showed that neighboring states have many common problems (environmental protection, energy use, cooperation in the field of culture, scientific and technical progress). After the collapse of the CMEA, a geopolitical vacuum arose in Central-Eastern Europe. Countries are looking for a way out of it in regional and subregional integration. Thus, in February 1991, the Visegrad subregional association emerged consisting of Poland, Hungary and the former Czechoslovakia, which pursued the goal of accelerating the entry of these countries into pan-European integration processes.

Shores of Europe heavily indented by bays and straits, there are many peninsulas and islands. The largest peninsulas are Scandinavian, Jutland, Iberian, Apennine, Balkan and Crimean. They occupy about 1/4 of the total area of ​​Europe. The area of ​​the European islands exceeds 700 thousand km2. This is Novaya Zemlya, the Franz Josef Land archipelago, Spitsbergen, Iceland, Great Britain, and Ireland. In the Mediterranean Sea there are such large islands as Corsica, Sicily, Sardinia.Sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean - the Norwegian, Barents, Kara , White - washed in the north of Europe . In the south-east is the undrained Caspian Sea - lake.

Coast of strongly indented bays and straits, there are many peninsulas and islands.The largest peninsula are Scandinavian, Jutland, Iberian, Apennine, Balkan and Crimea.They occupy about 1/4 of the total area of ​​Europe.

European islands area exceeds 700 km2.This Novaya Zemlya archipelago of Franz Josef Land, Spitsbergen, Iceland, UK, Ireland.In the Mediterranean, there are such large islands as Corsica, Sicily, Sardinia.

In the waters around the coast of the European land transport cross paths that lead to Africa and America, as well as bind Europe together.

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The map of Europe shows the western part of the continent of Eurasia (Europe). The map shows the Atlantic and Arctic oceans. Seas washed by Europe: Northern, Baltic, Mediterranean, Black, Barents, Caspian.

Here you can see a political map of Europe with countries, a physical map of Europe with cities (capitals of European countries), an economic map of Europe. Most maps of Europe are presented in Russian.

Large map of European countries in Russian

The large map of European countries in Russian shows all the countries and cities of Europe with their capitals. The large map of Europe shows roads. The map shows the distances between the main cities of Europe. The map in the upper left corner contains a map of the island of Iceland. The map of Europe is made in Russian on a scale of 1:4500000. In addition to the island of Iceland, the islands of Europe are shown on the map: Great Britain, Sardinia, Corsica, Balearic Islands, Maine, Zealand Islands.

Map of Europe with countries (Political map)

On the map of Europe with countries, on the political map all the countries of Europe are shown. The countries on the map of Europe are: Austria, Albania, Andorra, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vatican City, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Finland, France, Croatia, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden and Estonia. All symbols on the map are in Russian. All European countries are marked with their borders and main cities, including capitals. The political map of Europe shows the main ports of European countries.

Map of European countries in Russian

The map of European countries in Russian shows the countries of Europe, the capitals of European countries, the oceans and seas washing Europe, the islands: Faroe, Scottish, Hebrides, Orkney, Balearic, Crete and Rhodes.

Physical map of Europe with countries and cities.

The physical map of Europe with countries and cities shows the countries of Europe, the main cities of Europe, European rivers, seas and oceans with depths, mountains and hills of Europe, lowlands of Europe. The physical map of Europe shows the largest peaks of Europe: Elbrus, Mont Blanc, Kazbek, Olympus. Separately highlighted maps of the Carpathians (scale 1:8000000), map of the Alps (scale 1:8000000), map of the Strait of Gibraltai (scale 1:1000000). On the physical map of Europe, all symbols are in Russian.

Economic map of Europe

The economic map of Europe shows industrial centers. The centers of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy in Europe, the centers of mechanical engineering and metalworking of Europe, the centers of the chemical and petrochemical industries of Europe, the centers of the timber industry, the centers of production of building materials of Europe, the centers of light and food industries are plotted. On the economic map of Europe, the lands with the cultivation of various crops are highlighted in color. The map of Europe shows mining sites and power plants in Europe. The size of the mining icon depends on the economic importance of the deposit.

A political map of the world shows the boundaries between countries and often provides information about the government structure and form of government. Foreign Europe, the geography of which is studied in 11th grade, includes 40 countries that have large differences in all these indicators.


The political map of Overseas Europe shows the borders between the countries that are part of it. Foreign Europe has land borders with Russia and the CIS countries. The remaining borders are maritime.

Most of the countries that make up Overseas Europe are coastal.

The region's territory is divided into four parts - Western, Northern, Eastern, Southern Europe. The formation of this division began a long time ago and was due to geographical, cultural and economic differences.

Rice. 1. Regions of Foreign Europe.

Today, the political situation in Europe is quite stable and no significant changes are expected in the near future. The photo shows a modern political map in Russian.

Rice. 2. Countries of Foreign Europe.

Form of government and territorial structure

In addition to borders, using a political map you can determine such characteristics of countries as the form of government and territorial structure. What do these terms mean?

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  • Form of government is a system of organizing government power in a country. The order of their formation, duration of validity, and powers are indicated here.
  • Territorial structure - a way of organizing the territory of a state. This is how the internal structure of the country is determined.

Today there are two possible forms of government in the world:

  • monarchy- when the country is ruled by a king;
  • republic- in this case, the authorities are elected by the people.

There is a third form - an absolute theocratic monarchy. In this case, the supreme power belongs to the church. Today in the world there is only one state with this form of government, and it is located in Foreign Europe. This is the city-state of the Vatican.

Among the monarchies there are absolute And constitutional. In the first case, power belongs entirely to the king. In the second, the king is subject to the laws of the constitution.

There are republics parliamentary And presidential. In the first case, the country is governed by a parliament headed by a president. In the second case, all power belongs to the president.

Rice. 3. The Vatican is the only city-state in the world headed by a church.

According to the territorial structure there are:

  • unitary state: government is governed by a single center and is not divided into regions;
  • federation: there is a single control center and many subordinate fragments of the country, called subjects;
  • confederation: represents a union of two or more countries.

Characteristics of European countries in the table

A country

Form of government

Territorial structure


Bosnia and Herzegovina

Great Britain










San Marino







M - monarchy
R - republic
U - unitary
F – federation

As can be seen from the table, most countries of Foreign Europe are unitary republics. An interesting fact is that almost the entire Northern region is represented by monarchies. In the Eastern region, all countries are republics. In the Southern and Western regions there are approximately equal numbers of republics and monarchies.

What have we learned?

The political map of Overseas Europe is formed of 40 states that have borders between themselves and other regions. Countries have land and sea borders. The form of government is dominated by republics with a unitary organization of territory.

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