Interesting facts about Asian countries. Presentation of the countries of Southwest Asia

The area of ​​Asia, together with the islands, exceeds 44 million square kilometers. Together with Europe, they form a single continent - Eurasia. There are more than 50 states on the territory of Asia, and they are all so different: India, China, Philippines, Russia, Uzbekistan. Each of them has its own customs and practices.

The term "Asia" itself comes from the ancient Greek language. Greek mythology, like any other, personified natural phenomena and the surrounding world. The name Asiya was borne by one of the oceanids, the wife of Prometheus. Hence the name of the mainland. By the time of Herodotus, this name was firmly entrenched behind the mainland, and the Scythians who lived beyond the Caspian Sea were called Asians.

2. So attractive and different

Asia itself is very diverse and contrasting: there are deserts and forests, steppes and mountains, jungles and tundra. It is in Asia that the highest mountain on the planet - Everest and the lowest place on land - the Dead Sea are located. The climate here is different: warm and humid in the south, cold in Siberia.

There is also a striking difference in culture, religion and the level of the economy.

So, for example, there are civilizations here, the history of which goes back thousands of years: Chinese, Japanese, Indian. It was here, on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates, that the very first states were born. Today in Asia there are countries with highly developed technologies (for example, Japan), and there are those where the inhabitants still lead a nomadic lifestyle (for example, the inhabitants of the Andaman Islands). Here are the most luxurious and rich cities, as well as the most terrible and poor slums.

And even women in Asia for every taste. So, in Muslim countries, they do not even show their faces, and in Thailand the number of prostitutes per Thai is greater than in any other state.

3. Interesting facts about Asia

Fact #1_. It is in Asia that the largest reserves of gold, oil and other minerals are located.

Fact #2_. 60% of the world's population lives in Asia.

Fact #3_. The area of ​​Asia is larger than the area of ​​the Moon.

Asia is the birthplace of not only the most ancient civilizations, but also the largest structure made by human hands - the Great Wall of China.

Fact #5_. The Middle East is considered the birthplace of Islam, but it is in Asia that most Muslims live.

Fact #6_. One of the most densely populated countries in the world is located in this part of the world. This is Bangladesh. Here 85% Muslims.

Fact #7_. The ten highest mountains are located in Asia.

There is a forecast that by 2025, 7 of the 10 largest cities in the world will be located in this part of the world.

Fact #9_. Real goddess girls live in Nepal. They are called Kumari.

Fact #10_. Asia is dominated by three religions: Hinduism, Islam and Buddhism.

Fact #11_. In some Asian languages, green and blue do not differ lexically. So, in Japan, until the twentieth century, one word was used to designate them - “aoi”.

Fact #12_. The cow is considered a sacred animal in most Asian countries.

Fact #13_. Many countries have their own unusual laws and regulations. For example, in Japan it is officially forbidden to be fat. The waist of a man should not exceed 85 centimeters, and women - 90 centimeters. This is prescribed by law. This is because thin people are healthier. Therefore, if a Japanese suddenly gets fat, he needs to follow a diet, and a company that employs a lot of overweight people must pay a fine.

Fact #14_. Asia is the fastest growing continent.

Asia has a great influence on the Western world. Amazing discoveries, innovative ideas, philosophies and much more, all this has a number of advantages for the West. However, with all this influence, we only barely manage to touch the slightest surface of the Asian cultural layer. We have selected ten extraordinary facts about Asia, some of which may be puzzling.

The Vietnamese celebrate the new year according to the lunar calendar, otherwise it is called Tet. The duration of the holiday is three weeks. Interestingly, in addition to the New Year itself, these numbers of the lunar calendar are the birthday of all Vietnamese. The Vietnamese count the number of Tet, that is, if the baby was born one week before the New Year, then he will already be 1 year old. It is curious that the documents of the Vietnamese still record the date, month, year of birth.

Shopping mall in a ghost town

- a billionaire from China decided in 2005 to build a huge shopping mall, which cannot be found in all of Asia. The city of Dongguan was chosen as a place for development, and as it turned out, this was not the best choice.

A huge amount of money was spent on the construction New Soth China Mall, which can accommodate 2350 stores. A copy of the Arc de Triomphe is installed in the center, a half-kilometer canal with boats is made. Amazingly, 97% of the territory of the shopping center has never been rented. Now the only workers in this place are the guards.

Why did it happen? Dongguan City has a population of 10 million people, but the vast majority of the inhabitants are peasants and factory workers. They simply do not have the money not only to buy goods in the shopping center, but even to get to it, because it is located at some distance from the residential areas of the city and closer to the industrial zones. This is how the poor choice of location played a cruel joke on the Chinese billionaire.

North Koreans don't celebrate Christmas like the rest of the world. As you know, December 24 is the date of Catholic Christmas and it is celebrated in many parts of the world. Many Asian countries do not disdain this, even those where Buddhism is considered the official religion.

The North Korean authorities have tight control over the population, and the appearance of religious groups is immediately cut down on the vine. By the way, the last such group of Christians was discredited in the 80s. But, December 24 is still a date, and Koreans have their own Christmas here. They celebrate the birthday of Kim Jong Il's mother, who coincidentally was born on December 24th.

Japan is considered the most slender country in the world and this is no coincidence. In the Land of the Rising Sun, there is a law according to which citizens cannot be overweight. There is a certain regulation - men cannot have a waist of more than 85 centimeters, women - 90 cm. The Japanese say that slender people are healthier.

Those who are not able to control their weight are consulted by psychologists and nutritionists. They undertake to undergo a state diet, which is agreed upon by the best doctors in the country. Sanctions are also imposed on companies where a large number of employees are overweight. Companies pay heavy fines, which then go to the health care of older Japanese.

One third of the world's population

2.5 billion people live in China and India - a third of the inhabitants of the entire globe. Amazingly, the numbers continue to grow. For example, Russia, the largest country in the world, is home to 143 million people. One province of Sichuan, in China, is larger in population than Greece or Canada.

In words, the countries say that they are struggling with such demographics, but in reality these are timid attempts to stop the growing population.

Indian ritual

In the mountain temple Solapur that in India, they perform an unusual ritual. He suggests that the baby who has passed this action is doomed to a happy life.

So, according to tradition, you need to climb with the baby to a height of 15 meters, then push him out of there. But of course not on the ground, what kind of happiness will there be? Downstairs, white sheets are stretched and waiting for the child to land. Despite the claims of various organizations, the Hindus of this land continue to perform the ritual. According to the locals, not a single injury has been recorded in 500 years.

It is curious that the Chinese like to give names to their children in honor of any significant events. For example, the Olympic Games were recently held in China, and so, 4000 names were recorded in the country. Ayun", which in translation means -" Olympic Games". This practice is normal in China, and the choice of name only provides a few options, thanks to events in the country.

It's funny, but the more popular names are " Protect your homeland», « Nation building". Yes, yes, this is how the Chinese choose names. 400,000 people now live in China with the name " Civilization”, of course it is in our language. "Conquest of space", "Satellite exit", "Space travel" are normal things. Just imagine if in Russia they would give the names "Space Station" or "Constitution Day".

One time for all

The length of China is more than five thousand kilometers, which covers as many as five time zones. However, time for each province in China flows the same way. The fact is that in 1949 the authorities decided to rally and unite the nation. A time zone was connected to this plan, and the authorities made the time for all provinces the same. It's interesting that when the sun rises in Beijing, the inhabitants of the western provinces expect it for another two hours, although the hands on the clock show - 6:00. They even tried to oppose the will of the party and created their own internal time, but the authorities do not approve of this step, but they do not strongly hinder it either.

Malaysia loves to eat

Food for Malays is sacred. A break for a meal must be respected and respected by the whole country. For example, a bus driver can interrupt the route and go to a cafe for a bite to eat and this is treated very respectfully, and many go to the cafe with the driver. Imagine if this happens in the Moscow metro.

This is just an isolated case, there is another very interesting example of the Malay love for food. At universities, it is not only allowed, but even approved, to eat during lectures. That is, while the teacher explains another example from mathematical analysis on the blackboard, the Malays calmly listen to him and gobble up lunch. It is hard for people from the Western world to understand such traditions, it is wild for them to stop work in broad daylight, while affecting the time of others. Although in the same Britain there is time for lunch, and in Spain for siesta.

Many people believe that the Vietnamese are Buddhists. However, this is misleading. In fact, only 9% of the country's population are Buddhists, most of them have their own religion. A kind of cult of the customs of the ancestors, based on a philosophical understanding of nature and the environment. This is very interesting, because in its history, Vietnam has been subjected to the advent of strangers with its own customs and rules, but it has retained its religion.

Many in Vietnam hang a mirror on the front door from the side of the street, as the Vietnamese assure, the evil spirit, seeing itself in the mirror, immediately leaves. Also, looking closely, you can see a lot of interesting figures in the yards, on the windowsills, at the doors.

geographic data.

Turkey is located in the Eastern Hemisphere. Its area is 779,452 sq. km. Part of the territory of Turkey - 97% - is located in Asia and 3% - in Europe. The geographical feature of Turkey is its location at the crossroads of important routes connecting Europe with Asia since ancient times. Nowadays, highways and railway lines run through the territory of Turkey, connecting Europe with many Asian countries.

From three sides it is washed by the seas: in the north - by the Black Sea, in the west - by the Aegean, in the south - by the Mediterranean. In the southern part of the Bosphorus and the Golden Horn is one of the most beautiful cities in the world and the largest city in Turkey - Istanbul (former Constantinople).


There are more than 100 types of minerals in Turkey. The country has many types of ore, mining, chemical, fuel and energy raw materials. First of all, tungsten, copper ores, borates, marble, coal, etc. should be mentioned. Turkey accounts for 25% of the world's mercury reserves.


Turkey is a predominantly mountainous country. In this regard, the climate of the country has an average mountainous character and features of a continental climate. Summers in Turkey are hot and dry everywhere, winters are snowy and cold.


The main population of the country is Turks. The country has never conducted a population census by ethnic composition.

More than half a million Arabs live compactly in the southeast of Turkey. In large cities, especially in Istanbul, Assyrians are also numerous. The Jews of Turkey, who in Turkey are approximately 0.1% of the population and living in large cities, consider themselves Turks who practice Judaism. Greeks, Albanians, Georgians, Azerbaijanis and representatives of many other peoples live throughout the country, mainly in Istanbul, Izmir, Ankara and other large cities. Several thousand Russians live permanently in Turkey.

Turks are Muslims by religion.

Ankara is the capital of Turkey.

Ankara, the capital of the Republic of Turkey and the administrative center of the province of the same name. The second largest city and an important political and economic center of the country.

Mausoleum of Atotürk.

Of course, the Ataturk Mausoleum is the most visited and attractive attraction in Ankara. It is located on the territory of a carefully guarded huge park. The best craftsmen from Egypt, Spain, Italy and Germany worked on its creation.

Quite obviously, features and ancient Egyptian tombs are visible in the architectural details and decorative design of this structure. From the viewing platforms of the Mausoleum, a magnificent all-round panorama of the central part of Ankara opens up. In the halls of the Mausoleum, in addition to the tomb with the ashes of Ataturk, there are several museum expositions, including cars that the beloved leader of the Turkish people liked to ride.

Ataturk died on November 10, 1938 at the age of fifty-seven. The founder of the Turkish Republic, the great leader of the Turkish Liberation War and the man who brought about great reforms, Atatürk spent his life fighting for the independence of the Turkish people and for Turkey to reach the level of progressive countries. It was under his leadership that Turkey, with its state system, reached the level of modern civilization. An idea arose to build such a mausoleum, which would emphasize the greatness of this man with all its appearance, reflect his principles and ideas aimed at the development of the country. This was the desire of the Turkish people, grieving for the loss of the Great Leader.


The Islamic Republic of Iran is a state in southwestern Asia. The capital is the city of Tehran. Iran is one of the oldest states in the world. Iran is one of the most technologically advanced states in the region.

Iran has an arid climate. Along the coast of the Caspian Sea - subtropical. In the north of the country in winter, the temperature often drops below 0°, in July it occasionally reaches 30°. In summer the temperature in the deserts can exceed 40°C. In the west of Iran, in the Zagros mountains, the temperature in winter is almost always below 0 °, heavy snowfalls and strong winds are characteristic. On the plains along the coast of the Persian Gulf, winters are mostly mild, summers are hot and humid.

Major cities.

Tehran is the capital and largest city of Iran and one of the largest cities in Asia. Political, economic, transport, trade, financial and cultural center of the country.

Mashkhemd is a city in the northeast of Iran, the administrative center of the Khorasan-Rezavi province. The population is over 2.5 million people.

Keremj is a city in northern Iran, a suburb of Tehran, located at the foot of the Elbrus mountains. Population - 1223 thousand inhabitants. Keredj is an important transport center through which all cargoes heading to Tehran from the Caspian Sea pass.

Isfahamn is a city in Iran on the banks of the Zayandeh River, located 340 km south of Tehran. The administrative center of the province of Isfahan, the third largest city in Iran. Population - 1583 thousand people

Tabriz is a city of 1.4 million people near Lake Uremia in Iran, the administrative center of the Iranian province of East Azerbaijan.

Shiraz is a city in southern Iran, the administrative center of Fars province. Shiraz is located in the valley of the small river Khoshk in the Zagros Mountains at an altitude of more than 1500 meters above sea level.

Qom is a city in Iran. The population is over a million people. Qom is the holy city of the Shiites, the city is growing rapidly. The school of Muslim theology in Qom is considered the second most important among the Shiites after the school in An-Najaf.

Ahvaz is a city in western Iran, the administrative center of Khuzestan. Located on the banks of the Karun River. The population is about 841 thousand. An important center of the metallurgical industry.


The Republic of Iraq is a state in the Middle East, in the Mesopotamian lowland, in the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Iraq has large reserves of oil and natural gas.

The climate in Iraq is continental, with dry hot summers and relatively rainy cool winters, subtropical in the north and tropical in the south. The average January temperatures increase from north to south from 7 to 12°C, the average July temperature is 34°C everywhere. The annual rainfall is 50-150 mm in the plains and up to 1500 mm in the mountains. Dust storms are frequent in the south in summer.

Capital of Baghdad.

Baghdad is located almost in the center of Iraq, on the banks of the Tigris River, not far from the mouth of the Diyala River. Natural vegetation is represented mainly by comb, date palm, and in the coastal zone - solonchak grasses, reeds, reeds, willows. The population of Baghdad before the start of hostilities with the United States was over 5 million people. However, as a result of the death of part of the inhabitants of the city, as well as the emigration of Baghdadians to other cities of the country and beyond its borders, the number of urban population has significantly decreased, there are no exact data at the moment. The national composition of the population of the city is represented mainly by Arabs, as well as Kurds, Turks, Assyrians, Armenians, Jews, etc. The state language is Arabic, and Kurdish, which has received official status, is also widely used.


The Syrian Arab Republic is a state in the Middle East. The population of Syria is 20 million people. The capital is Damascus, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world.

The climate is generally dry. The average annual rainfall does not exceed 100 mm. The average temperature in January is 7°, in July 26.

Capital Damascus.

Damascus is the capital of Syria. One of the oldest cities in the world.

Attractions of Damascus:

Sayyid Zeynab Mosque

Sayyid Rakaya Mosque

The Umayyad Mosque is the largest mosque in Syria.

Cathedral of Damascus

Cathedral of the Virgin Mary

House of Saint Ananias

St. Paul's Chapel

Roman Catholic Cathedral

Church of Saint John

St. Paul's Lavra

Sanctuary of Saint George

Old houses

Azem Palace

Bait al-Akkad

Maktab Anbar

Bayt al-Mamluk


Lebanon is a small mountainous state in the Middle East. The population of Lebanon is about 4 million people. The republic stands out in the Arab world for its extraordinary religious diversity.

Lebanon has a Mediterranean climate. In coastal regions, winters tend to be cool, while summers are hot and humid. In winter, in the mountains, the temperature drops below 0 °, snow is possible. Although the average annual rainfall in Lebanon is much higher than in neighboring countries, an arid climate prevails in the northeast, as the mountains block the flow of moist air from the sea. Sand and dust storms often occur.

In ancient Lebanon, forests of the Lebanese cedar, which became a symbol of the country, grew in huge numbers. For centuries, trees have been cut down without replanting as the main material in shipbuilding. This led to the fact that by the 20th century, only separate islands of greenery remained on the site of the richest forests.

Capital Beirut.

Beirut is the capital and largest city of Lebanon, a major seaport. Beirut is the most important financial and banking center of the entire Middle East. In addition, many international organizations are based in Beirut. The population is 70% Muslim and 30% Christian.

Currently, the city center has been practically restored, city architects are building a new Beirut with high-rise buildings, commercial complexes and cultural centers.


Jordan is an Arab state in the Middle East. About 90% is occupied by desert and semi-desert.

Tourists visiting Jordan can visit the beaches and coral reefs of the Gulf of Aqaba, where the underwater world can be observed almost from the shore, the beauty of the Dead Sea and ancient monuments. But the largest number of tourists is attracted by one of the new seven wonders of the world - Petra.

Museums and libraries.

The national heritage is preserved in three small museums in Amman: the Archaeological Museum, located in the city's citadel, the Folklore Museum, located in the lower galleries of the Roman amphitheater in the city center, and the National Art Museum, which contains the work of local artists. In Madaba, the museum, which occupies several old city buildings, houses a collection of late Byzantine mosaics.

Pemtra is an ancient city. It is located on the territory of modern Jordan, at an altitude of more than 900 m above sea level and 660 m above the surrounding area, the Arava Valley, in the narrow Siq Canyon. The territory of Petra occupies a large area. From the center, where the ruins of numerous buildings, no longer rocky, but built in the traditional way, from stone, are well preserved, it stretches for several kilometers.

Capital Amman

Ammamn is the capital of Jordan and the country's largest city. One of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. The population is 2.5 million people.


The city is located 65 km east of Jerusalem, on seven hills, which are represented on the flag of Jordan by a seven-pointed star.

The Kingdom of Bahrain is an island state on the archipelago of the same name in the Persian Gulf in Southwest Asia, the smallest Arab state. Capital Manama.


The area is 620 km².

Coastline: 161 km.

Bahrain occupies three relatively large and many small islands 16 km east of the coast of Saudi Arabia and is connected to this country by a road bridge.

Qatar is a country in southwestern Asia, located on the Qatar Peninsula in the northeastern part of the Arabian Peninsula.


40% of the population are Arabs. There are also immigrants from Pakistan, India, Iran, and other countries. The official language is Arabic, but English is widely spoken. The state religion is Sunni Islam, Iranians are Shiites.

Almost the entire territory of the country is a desert. To the north is a low sandy plain with occasional oases, covered with shifting sands; in the middle part of the peninsula there is a rocky desert with patches of solonchaks; in the south are high sandy hills. The climate is continental tropical, dry. In summer, the temperature often rises to 50 °C. The peninsula is poor in water. There are no permanent rivers, most of the water has to be obtained by desalination of the sea. Underground sources of fresh water and oases are located mainly in the north of the country. The animal world is poor, reptiles and rodents predominate.

United Arab Emirates

The United Arab Emirates is a state in southwestern Asia in the eastern part of the Arabian Peninsula.


The United Arab Emirates occupies an area shaped like a rhinoceros horn that protrudes into the Persian Gulf from the northeast end of the Arabian Peninsula. The UAE borders Saudi Arabia to the south and west, and Oman to the east.

The climate of the country is tropical desert. There are often sandstorms. The temperature in summer is 35-40 degrees C, often reaching 50, and in winter it is 20-23 degrees during the day, it is colder at night, but frosts are an extremely rare phenomenon, precipitation is irregular.


The population of the United Arab Emirates is approximately 4.5 million people, of which ethnic Arabs make up only a third, and indigenous people - 11%. The rest are from Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and other South Asian countries who immigrated to the UAE as temporary workers. 85% of the people living in the country are not its citizens. Arab immigrants are represented mainly by Palestinian refugees.

Oman is a state in Southwest Asia, in the southeast of the Arabian Peninsula.

geographic data.

In the north-east of the country, along the coast of the Gulf of Oman, the coastal plain of El-Batin stretches in a narrow strip, the most developed and densely populated part of the country. A vast expanse to the west of this plain is occupied by the mountains of El-Hajar-el-Gharbi. Some peaks reach 3000 m (the highest point is 3353 m). In the middle part of the country there is a low plateau, largely covered with sand. Its average height is 500 m. In the southern part of the country, Dhofar, mountains rise, the highest near the southern coast - up to 1678 m. There are no permanent rivers in Oman. All rivers have only periodic flow, mainly in winter.

The vegetation is poor. In the mountains there are groves of tamarisk, fig, sycamore and oak, but their total area is small. There are savannahs in the foothills. There are palm groves on the north and south coasts.

In the middle part of Oman there is a desert, there are areas completely devoid of any vegetation.

The animal world is quite diverse. Lots of sand gazelles and rodents. Predators live - striped hyena, jackal, fox. Lots of birds. Reptiles are very numerous - agamas, foot-and-mouth disease, geckos, chameleons, as well as arachnids - phalanges, scorpions.

Capital Muscat.

Muscat is the capital and largest city of the Sultanate of Oman. The territory of Muscat with its suburbs covers an area of ​​about 1500 km2. Since the beginning of the modernization of Oman in the 1970s, Muscat has undergone a rapid development of infrastructure and urbanization, and, as is usually the case in other cities of the world, neighboring towns have gradually merged into the metropolis.


Sultan Qaboos Mosque - In 1992 Sultan Qaboos ordered that his nation of Oman have its own Grand Mosque. A competition was held in 1993 and construction began in 1995. Construction work took six years and four months.

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1. Asia is the largest continent in terms of area and population. The area of ​​Asia exceeds the area of ​​the Moon (44 million 500 thousand sq. km. and 37 million sq. km., respectively).

2. Asia has a population of 4 billion, or more than 60% of the world's population. If all these people stand next to each other, holding hands, they will circle the globe more than 100 times at the equator.

3. More than half of Asia's population lives in two countries - China (1.3 billion people) and India (1.1 billion people). India is expected to surpass China in terms of population in 20 years.

4. The borders of Asia stretch from the Suez Canal and the Ural Mountains in the west to the Caucasus Mountains, the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea in the south. In the south, Asia is washed by the Indian Ocean, in the north by the Arctic Ocean, and in the Far East by the Pacific Ocean.

5. Asia can be divided into seven subcontinents:
one). Central Asia - Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan;
2). East Asia - China, Mongolia, Taiwan, North and South Korea;
3). Northern Asia - Russia;
four). Indian subcontinent - India, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka;
5). Southeast Asia - Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos;
6). Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma), Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam;
7). Southwest Asia - Turkey, Iran, Cyprus, Israel, Lebanon.

6. The three leading economic powers in Asia are China, Japan and India. They are ranked second, third and fourth respectively. However, the population of tiny Japan is less than 1/10 of the population of China or India. However, the Asian economy lags behind the economies of North America and Europe.

7. The three dominant financial centers in Asia are Tokyo, Hong Kong and Singapore.

8. The predominant religions in Asia are Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism/Taoism and Islam.

9. The extreme western point of Asia - Cape Baba (Baba), it is located in the north-west of Turkey.

10. The extreme northern point of Asia is Cape Chelyuskin in Siberia.

11. The width of Asia is 8,527 km.

12. Asia has the highest and lowest points on Earth: Mount Everest (8,848 m above sea level) and the Dead Sea (395 m below sea level).

13. Asia is the cradle of human civilization, which originated in the interfluve of the Tigris and Euphrates.

14. The ten longest rivers in Asia:
one). Yangtze (Chang Jiang) - 6,300 km,
2). Yellow River (Huang He) - 5,464 km,
3). Lena - 4,400 km,
four). Mekong (Mekong) - 4 350 km,
5). Irtysh - 4,248 km,
6). Yenisei - 4,090 km,
7). Ob - 3,650 km,
eight). Lower Tunguska - 2,989 km,
9). Indus - 2,900 km,
ten). Brahmaputra - 2900 km.

If all these rivers are connected to each other, they will circle the globe along the equator.

15. Ten highest mountain peaks in Asia:
one). Everest (Everest) - 8 848 m, Nepal-Tibet,
2). K2 - 8611 m, Pakistan-China,
3). Kangchenjunga - 8,586 m, Nepal-Sikkim (India),
four). Lhotse (Lhotse) - 8 516 m, Nepal-Tibet (China),
5). Makalu - 8462 m, Nepal-Tibet (China),
6). Cho Oyu - 8201 m, Nepal-Tibet (China),
7). Dhaulagiri - 8167 m, Nepal,
eight). Manaslu - 8156 m, Nepal,
9). Nanga Parbat - 8,125 m, Pakistan,
ten). Annapurna 8091 m, Nepal.

If all these vertices are placed one on top of the other, they will reach space. For comparison, Mount Fuji, at 3,776 meters, is more than twice as tall as the lowest peak on this list.

1. Asia is the largest continent in terms of area and population. The area of ​​Asia exceeds the area of ​​the Moon (44 million 500 thousand sq. km. and 37 million sq. km., respectively).

2. Asia has a population of 4 billion, or more than 60% of the world's population. If all these people stand next to each other, holding hands, they will circle the globe more than 100 times at the equator.

3. More than half of Asia's population lives in two countries - China (1.3 million people) and India (1.1 million people). India is expected to surpass China in terms of population in 20 years.

4. The borders of Asia stretch from the Suez Canal and the Ural Mountains in the west to the Caucasus Mountains, the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea in the south. In the south, Asia is washed by the Indian Ocean, in the north by the Arctic Ocean, and in the Far East by the Pacific Ocean.

5. Asia can be divided into seven subcontinents:
one). Central Asia - Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan;
2). East Asia - China, Mongolia, Taiwan, North and South Korea;
3). Northern Asia - Russia;
four). Indian subcontinent - India, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka;
5). Southeast Asia - Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos;
6). Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma), Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam;
7). Southwest Asia - Turkey, Iran, Cyprus, Israel, Lebanon.

6. The three leading economic powers in Asia are China, Japan and India. They are ranked second, third and fourth respectively. However, the population of tiny Japan is less than 1/10 of the population of China or India. However, the Asian economy lags behind the economies of North America and Europe.

7. The three dominant financial centers in Asia are Tokyo, Hong Kong and Singapore.

8. The predominant religions in Asia are Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism/Taoism and Islam.

9. The extreme western point of Asia - Cape Baba (Baba), it is located in the north-west of Turkey.

10. The extreme northern point of Asia is Cape Chelyuskin in Siberia.

11. The width of Asia is 8,527 km.

12. Asia has the highest and lowest points on Earth: Mount Everest (8,848 m above sea level) and the Dead Sea (395 m below sea level).

13. Asia is the cradle of human civilization, which originated in the interfluve of the Tigris and Euphrates.

14. The ten longest rivers in Asia:
one). Yangtze (Chang Jiang) - 6,300 km,
2). Yellow River (Huang He) - 5,464 km,
3). Lena - 4,400 km,
four). Mekong (Mekong) - 4 350 km,
5). Irtysh - 4,248 km,
6). Yenisei - 4,090 km,
7). Ob - 3,650 km,
eight). Lower Tunguska - 2,989 km,
9). Indus - 2,900 km,
ten). Brahmaputra - 2900 km.

If all these rivers are connected to each other, they will circle the globe along the equator.

15. Ten highest mountain peaks in Asia:
one). Everest (Everest) - 8 848 m, Nepal-Tibet,
2). K2 - 8611 m, Pakistan-China,
3). Kangchenjunga - 8,586 m, Nepal-Sikkim (India),
four). Lhotse (Lhotse) - 8 516 m, Nepal-Tibet (China),
5). Makalu - 8462 m, Nepal-Tibet (China),
6). Cho Oyu - 8201 m, Nepal-Tibet (China),
7). Dhaulagiri - 8167 m, Nepal,
eight). Manaslu - 8156 m, Nepal,
9). Nanga Parbat - 8 125 m, Pakistan,
ten). Annapurna 8091 m, Nepal.

If all these vertices are placed one on top of the other, they will reach space. For comparison, Mount Fuji, at 3,776 meters, is more than twice as tall as the lowest peak on this list.