Corporate outings. Summer corporate party in nature Our services and prices

Do you need fresh ideas for organizing corporate outdoor recreation? You have come to the right address. Specialists of the Antego event agency have a large stock of creative proposals for holding a bright, memorable event outside the city.

We will provide you with a carefree corporate outdoor recreation in the Moscow region

Having decided to order from Antego, you can count on a professional approach and orientation of the staff to your wishes. We will take care of the search and preparation comfortable place for the celebration, as well as the provision of transfers in both directions. Do not know how to solve the issue with the delivery of food and drinks? We offer catering services: agency staff will discuss the menu with you and control the timely delivery of delicious dishes.

Finding it difficult to choose the concept of corporate outdoor recreation in Moscow? Thematic transformation into the heroes of your own film, members of the Mayan tribe or students of the course of a young fighter will allow you to organize teamwork and bring the team of your company closer. We recommend filling out a brief on the Antego website. So, you will give the team of experts a starting point for developing the program.

A holiday from the Antego event agency is always positive emotions for employees and managers, as well as an opportunity to switch attention to another type of activity and get a boost of energy for further work achievements.

Organization of a summer corporate party has no fundamental seasonal differences from the organization of the event at any other time of the year, but still there are slight differences. Of course, you can organize a corporate event both in winter and in summer anywhere, with almost any program. But summer remains the most popular season for organizing corporate holidays, so a summer corporate holiday is the most popular type of corporate holiday.

Area? No, you should start with the date and weather forecast

How do we imagine summer? Of course, this is a sultry sun, 30 degrees of heat, a clear blue sky ... But many do not take into account the climatic factor, and the weather surprises already during a summer corporate party. In Moscow and the Moscow region, the weather is particularly unstable in the summer season. The summer of 2015, for example, is quite rainy. You should take care in case of rain, prepare shelters, make a second plan-scenario for a corporate party, take care of the presence of raincoats. Guests should also be warned that they should take outerwear and umbrellas with them. If your corporate event is held by an agency, ask him how exactly certain activities will take place in case of rain, what they will be replaced with.

Make sure to have protective raincoats - then the rain will not interfere with the fun!

Do you feel safe?

Organizers quite often omit this item, but do not forget that when holding a corporate party in nature, the danger factor rises sharply. These are sports injuries in the rain, the threat of burns or sunstroke under the scorching sun, taking into account age characteristics and sports training of participants. If you are holding events near a body of water, you must have a lifeguard. Organization of a summer corporate party in nature also suggests the presence of a security service. Security must be provided by the organizer or the venue where you are resting. When organizing a large event, the presence of an ambulance is mandatory!

It is not the place that colors the event, but the event is the place.

The organization of corporate parties in Moscow in nature implies the presence of a venue for holding. There are two ways - a specialized site (hotel, resort, banquet complex, summer terrace, restaurant) or non-specialized (park, forest, glade, public beach area). In the first case, the organization is simpler - there are no problems with food, parking, security, permits, electricity, water and hygiene. But there is rent, a minimum menu order, and other costs. In the second case organization of a country corporate party can be much cheaper, but the preparation process can be very complicated. Finding a venue, negotiating with local authorities, planning meals, setting up mobile shelters in case of rain, delivering generators are just a few of the difficulties of organizing an event on an unprepared site.

If you are already held a summer corporate and you have a positive experience with the site, it may not be worth changing it. But if you are determined to try something new, then it is best to contact the agency. The agency will select you several proven sites in accordance with your wishes. Feel free to ask the agent for a discount - at least 5%. Is the cost an important aspect when organizing a summer corporate party in nature? If it is, then it is worth abandoning the sites in Moscow, and pay attention to the sites in the nearest suburbs. There are several summer and cozy venues in Moscow that are easily accessible from the metro and have low rental costs, but agencies do not cover such facilities, leaving them for events with a minimal budget.

What disadvantages lie in wait for you on the sites in close proximity to the center? First of all, such complexes always cause the process of a long gathering of guests and an earlier departure. Also, organization of corporate parties in Moscow in nature due to the unique location of the site within the city, it will be a priori more expensive.

What to do at a summer corporate party?

Holding a country corporate party requires an integrated approach. Finding the right balance between active training, fun, effective relaxation and the right atmosphere is not an easy task! On the market great amount proposals – interesting, bright programs and concepts. Demand an individual approach from the agency and original concept! The market allows it. Do not try to please all employees at once and, conversely, do not focus on only one manager. You can conduct a mini-survey in order to identify the preferences of the team on the topic of holding a country corporate party. The saturation of your event should be balanced - this is the most important thing!

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The portal contains all the companies that offer services for organizing a corporate party in nature. Tables that are convenient for comparison show prices for the service - you can compare the offers of companies and choose the best option in terms of cost. The reviews left by real customers of the companies deserve special attention.

Organization of corporate events in nature

The organization of corporate events in nature is a fairly popular service among event agencies in Moscow, because this is a good opportunity to spend leisure time outside the usual premises and at the same time unite the team and establish relationships within it.

What are corporate parties?

There are quite a few formats of corporate outdoor recreation. The company can use one of the ready-made scenarios or order the development of an individual program tailored to its needs. A corporate event can last a few hours or 2-3 days. In such cases, employees are offered accommodation in a hotel complex or lodges.


Team sports competitions are one of the most popular types of corporate events in nature. They combine both rest, and useful physical activity, and team building. All kinds of competitions, active games, championships and olympiads can be offered to teams. In spring and summer, corporate parties are often held near rivers and lakes, horseback riding and paintball are offered. And in winter, participants are taken to the forest for sledding, skiing, playing hockey and competing in other winter sports.


You can rally the team and improve communication skills not only in a sports game, but also with the help of adventure programs in nature. Event-agencies in Moscow have developed many quest scenarios, exciting events, during which participants will be required to solve puzzles, complete tasks of varying complexity and overcome obstacles. You can order a corporate quest based on a movie or a work of art, or you can set a specific theme, for example, an adventure for Valentine's Day, a New Year's quest.


Costumed shows with a role for each employee and a detailed script - good way reveal the creative potential of team members. It can be both impromptu performances and shows according to a given scenario for all participants.


Picnics give employees the opportunity to simply take a break from work and chat with each other in an informal setting. For such corporate events, holiday agencies prepare an entertainment program and provide catering services. In the warm season, boat trips are very popular. Fresh air, beautiful landscapes overboard, combined with an interesting program, help team members to relax and get to know each other better.

Which agency in Moscow should I contact?

Holding a corporate party in nature has its own subtleties. It is necessary to take into account possible weather changes and undeveloped infrastructure. Electricity, sound, and sometimes lighting must be provided. Corporate events in nature will not do without refreshments, and besides this, you need to organize a transfer for all employees. Holding a corporate event taking into account all these nuances is only possible for professionals with certain experience in organizing such events, so you should choose an event agency after carefully reading its portfolio and customer reviews.

Work with the company should be started only after signing the contract, which should indicate the final price, complete list services, as well as the actions of both parties in case of unforeseen circumstances (for example, a bus breakdown or bad weather on corporate day).

With friends - a great pastime when you can chat with each other and. Long ones are designed just for this, so that we can get out of town for a picnic and have fun.

Organizing a fun picnic with friends is easy. The most difficult thing that can be is to gather everyone together and take them out of town. But these are already your problems, and ours is to help with advice to organize an active picnic with friends in nature.


The first thing to do is to gather all your friends and decide where you will go anyway. It will be a camp site, an equipped camping site, an ordinary forest or a lake shore ... You will go with an overnight stay or just spend time until the evening, on which you will get there and back. It will not be superfluous to make up (brazier, skewers, tent, sleeping bags, camping furniture and utensils, first aid kit, blankets, bedding), products and raise money for all necessary expenses. We, the traffic police and the Ministry of Health warn that alcohol can only be drunk if you do not drive. It is better to buy alcohol in large hypermarkets and only proven brands, so that God forbid you do not get poisoned. Otherwise, all your fun holiday reduced to a hospital bed - and this is at best!


So that your outing into nature is not limited to drinking alcohol, drunken conversations and eating fatty meat, but is really fun and active, take care of the games. Agree, everyone is tired of playing "Fool", "Crocodile", "Mafia", "Dodgeball", volleyball, badminton ... Although, if you are not tired of them, you can safely play them, but we will advise you these are the games:

Outdoor recreation with a large company: a bold all-terrain vehicle

This game is aimed at getting people to know each other - ideal for a large company where people do not know each other very well. Someone should think over the obstacle course, but you can do it with the whole company. Then, everyone is divided into pairs and their legs are tied to each other. In such an uncomfortable form, the couple must overcome obstacles as quickly as possible. Whoever crosses the finish line first wins a prize.

Recreation with friends in nature: water paintball

A very fun game, you just need to predict the weather in advance - it should not be very cold. All you need is water guns and water. The participants of the game run from each other, hide behind trees, bumps, in pits and try to get into their "victim". There are no losers, only satisfied winners. Just do not forget to change into dry clothes after such an active game so as not to catch a cold.

Recreation with friends in nature: on horseback!

All participants in the picnic are divided into pairs (preferably a boy-girl), one sits on top of the other. The one who is on top, the so-called rider, is attached to the back of a piece of paper with a long and complex word. On the count of three, the couples should scatter and chase each other, trying to read the words of the other players. The game is very active, loud and fun. Nobody will be bored for sure.