Lucca Italy - attractions, city on the map. Lucca - the main sights and places of interest

December 7th, 2015

This wooden crucifix was carved from Lebanese cedar by the gospel Nicodemus. Nicodemus was a member of the Sanhedrin and a secret disciple of Christ. Together with Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus removed the body of Jesus from the Cross. When Nicodemus decided to make an image of the crucified Christ, he ran into a difficulty: he could not reproduce the facial features of Jesus. however, the Face appeared miraculously thanks to angelic help, as stated in some versions of the legend. The crucifix is ​​the main relic of Lucca.

I liked to look at the faces of the people accompanying the Holy Face, here each participant is carefully written out and with his own individual character. True, for this I had to sacrifice a coin to turn on the lighting in the dark chapel.

The most shocking detail of the interior is St. Zita. The mummified saint looks very creepy, just like. I will quote the wiki

Zita was born in 1212 in the village of Monsagrati, near the city of Lucca, Tuscany. At the age of 12, she began to serve in the Fatinelli family home. For a long time, employers overloaded the girl with work, often beat her. However, the continuous bad attitude towards Zita did not deprive her of inner world and tranquility. Zita endured bullying humbly, which, in the end, softened the attitude of the owners and colleagues towards her [colleagues, Giuseppe! who wrote this article?] at work. Zita's constant piety and patience led the Fatinelli family to Christian conversion. Zita considered her work a calling from God and an element of personal repentance.

After her death, members of this family began to venerate Zita as a saint. In 1580, her body was exhumed and it turned out that the relics of St. Zita were incorrupt. They were transferred to the Basilica of St. Fredian in the city of Lucca, where they are currently stored.

All three famous churches of Lucca impressed me, the best part is that they are located within a five-minute walk from each other, so even with a lack of time, it is quite possible to have time to see them in one sitting.

40. Amphitheater Square

In ancient times, Lucca was a rich city and could afford an arena for gladiator fights for ten thousand spectators. Over time, the Lucca Amphitheater was destroyed and built up with buildings. Now his arena rests at a depth of three meters under the square. But in the 19th century, the authorities decided to arrange a square on this site, repeating the shape of the Roman arena. This is how the picturesque and unusual in its oval shape Piazza dell "Anfiteatro" appeared.

I, as always, am beautiful, but since I saw my friend home in the morning, I had to capture myself in a mirrored window.

Lucca is a moderately touristy city, and I found the largest concentration of my fellows just on the Amphitheater Square. There is also the largest concentration of black brothers of traders of all sorts of nonsense.

On the outer side of the Amphitheater Square, in some places the remains of the upper tiers of the ancient arena have been preserved.

Lucca was just a balm for my weary soul trip. No, really, like, besides many interesting sights, there is a very pleasant atmosphere, a comfortable and prosperous city.

31. Guinigi Tower

In the Middle Ages, a whole "forest" of high residential towers rose above Lucca. They were built to decorate the city and demonstrate the wealth of the owner of the household. Now a similar landscape with towers can be seen, and in Lucca, in fact, only one tower has survived. The tower was built by the Guinigi family, who actually ruled Lucca at the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries. She left behind a rich residence with a 45-meter tower. It all ended with the fact that the last descendant of the Guinigi family transferred the tower to the ownership of the city.

The Guinigi were inventive builders: they decorated their tower with a hat of living green trees. On the upper platform of the tower there are boxes with earth, in which seven holm oaks grow. And from the top of the tower - just under the shadow of these very oaks - there is an excellent view of the whole city.

I decided that I must definitely climb the Guinigi tower, since the entrance there is quite inexpensive, three or four euros. While he was getting up, he looked into the windows of the houses of the Luccans (or how would a resident of Lucca be right?).

Clock tower and bell tower of San Frediano.

Amphitheater Square.

The clock tower is a little closer.

Those same famous oaks on the roof of the tower. First time I see this!

Duomo of Lucca.

Patios, it's amazing that there is so much greenery.

By and large, I have already bypassed the main sights of Lucca, but I decided to take a little walk around the city I liked.

The first column in Italy dedicated to the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. in honor of the adoption in the 19th century of the corresponding dogma. But in Lucca, she appeared as much as 200 years earlier, when Immaculate Conception did not become official dogma.

Another fountain with the purest drinking water. Then I just ran out of water, I got in line for the seniors and also filled a bottle of local mineral water. The water tastes very good!

Gothic San Francesco of the 15th century.

This is not only a church, but also a monastery. I got through the open gate and took a short walk around the monastery courtyards.

Rear facade of the church of the Franciscan monastery.

Behind the monastery is a vast area. There were no longer not only tourists, but also locals, it seems that they do not reach this area.

I again climbed out onto the city wall, only in the opposite part from the station in the north of the city. I remind you that Lucca is one of the four cities in Italy where the wall surrounding the city has completely survived. However, it looks a little like a wall, rather a boulevard.

A traditional cat, without which it is impossible to make a normal report.

And once again I emphasize that Lucca is charming and nice even away from the tourist routes.

I have not shown even half of the churches of Lucca. Getting around them all in half a day is simply unrealistic. Masterpieces like this 12th-century Chiesa di Santa Maria Forisportam are everywhere. The church is interesting in that a sundial is installed inside, made according to the principle of a camera obscura. A small hole is punched in the wall, and at noon a ray of sunshine points to a certain place on the floor of the church.

Memorial plaque in honor of Blessed Gemma Galgani.

In 1899, when she was 20 years old, Gemma developed stigmata. She stated that she began to receive private revelations from the Virgin Mary, the guardian angel and other saints. At the request of her spiritual father, Gemma prayed for the end of these visions and the stigmata disappeared.

Living in poverty, Gemma became widely known for her holy life in the city of Lucca, but she did not find support for her spiritual life, meeting neglect and negative attitude towards her visions among relatives and the church hierarchy. In early 1903, Gemma contracted tuberculosis. During her short but fatal illness, she received various extraordinary mystical phenomena. At the beginning of Holy Week, her health deteriorated sharply and she died on Good Friday, April 11, 1903.

After Gemma's death, her spiritual father, who kept all her mystical experiences secret, wrote a detailed biography, publishing Gemma's personal diary and letters. Church authorities after the publication of Gemma's writings recognized the authenticity of her mystical life.

Lucca- a small town with a population of approx. 83 thousand in the region in .

In the II century BC. Etruscan city Lucca, located in the valley of the Serchio River, became a Roman colony. AT antique period the city became one of the largest military camps of the Roman Empire and was already quite rich, and to XIII century Lucca became a major trading center in Europe and one of the first to establish contacts with the countries of the East. The city remained independent until the arrival of Napoleon, who conquered the Tuscan lands and gave Lucca to his sister Elisa Baciocchi, who ruled here until 1814. Then the Lucca province briefly went to the Parma Bourbons, in 1847 it was returned to the Grand Duchy of Tuscany and after 14 years it became part of the united kingdom of Italy.

walls(XVI-XVII centuries). Their length is 4200 m.

You can spend half a day to explore Lucca.

Orient yourself:

From the station to Piazza Ricasoli (piazza Ricasoli), located south of the walls of the city, you can go towards the northwest to Piazza Risorgimento (Piazza Risorgimento) and through Porta San Pietro gate (Porta San Pietro) - inside the walls. In the northern direction to the city center leads via Vittorio Veneto (Via Vittorio Veneto) via Piazza Napoleone (Piazza Napoleon) and further to Piazza San Michele (piazza San Michele).

Attractions Lucca:

The city is known for its well-preserved fortifications. walls(XVI-XVII centuries). Their length is 4200 m. Powerful walls (height - 12 m, width - 35 m) and bastions are in good condition, partly due to the fact that the city has practically not taken part in hostilities since their construction. At the end of the 19th century, an unusual city park was laid out on the defensive fortifications - several rows of plane trees were planted here, wide alleys were laid, children's and sports grounds were arranged.

There are many temples in Lucca - it is sometimes called the "City of a Hundred Churches". Na piazza San Martino (Piazza San Martino) is the most important of them - the cathedral the cathedralSan Martino).

Tourist itinerary in Lucca:

It starts from the station and passes by the main sights of the city. The entire route - 3.5 km - can be covered in a couple of hours.

The construction of the temple began in 1063 by order of Bishop Anselm, the future Pope Alexander II. The Romanesque apse and bell tower have been preserved, but the nave and transepts were rebuilt in the 14th century, already in the Gothic style.

At the entrance to the cathedral on one of the pilasters on the right side is carved labyrinth. An ancient Latin inscription to the right of it says that this is an image of a labyrinth built by Daedalus in Crete, from which no one could find a way out except Theseus, who was saved by the love and thread of Ariadne. Similar labyrinths are found in other Italian churches.

In the center of the right nave is volto santo chapel(Chapelle Volto Santo, Matteo Civitali, 1484), where the main relic of Lucca, a wooden crucifix, is kept. According to an ancient legend, the image of Christ was carved from the Lebanese cedar by the gospel Nicodemus, who was present at the crucifixion. Volto Santo has been kept in Lucca since the 8th century, and every year, on September 13, a grandiose procession is dedicated to him.

Sarcophagus of Ilaria del Caretto(1406) is kept in the sacristy. The ruler of Lucca, Paolo Guinigi, ordered it from the Sienese sculptor Jacopo della Quercia to perpetuate the memory of his wife, who died in her youth. This marble headstone is considered one of the most valuable works of art kept in Lucca. In the cathedral there is another work of the same master - a statue of John the Baptist, as well as the work of Ghirlandaio, Tintoretto and Fra Bartolomeo.

The western and northern facades of the cathedral face respectively piazza San Martino (piazza San Martino) and piazza Antelminelli (Piazza Antelminelli), from where via Duomo (Via Duomo) leads to Church of San Giovanni(Chiesa di San Giovanni) on the square of the same name.

Chiesa di San Giovanni

The church was rebuilt many times and was badly damaged during the French occupation. on the facade (1589) a Romanesque portal of the 12th century has been preserved, in the interior the three naves are separated by antique Roman columns, the wooden coffered ceiling dates back to the 16th century.

Giglio Theater

Next door is piazza Giglio (Piazza Giglio), where the opera house of the same name stands Giglio theater(Teatro del Giglio, 1819). At the beginning of the 19th century, this scene was extremely popular in Italy and competed with the theaters of San Carlo in Naples and La Scala in Milan.

The urban layout has been preserved since ancient times. Via Cenami (via Chenami) and via Fillungo (via Fillungo), going from north to south, as well as via S. Paolino (Via San Paolino) via Roma (Via Roma) and via Santa Croce (via Santa Croce) in the direction west - east divide Lucca into four parts. Near their intersection was the city forum, on the site of which is now located piazzaSanMicheleinForo(piazza San Michele in Foro), or simply Foro (Foro).

Chiesa di San Michele in Foro

Here stands a church San Michele in Foro(Chiesa di San Michele in Foro), which was built over several centuries. The lower tier of the main facade is made in the Romanesque style, the other levels are decorated with Gothic loggias (XIII century). The bell tower dates from the 14th century.

On the main facade there is a marble sculpture of the Archangel Michael with metal wings. It is said in the city that one rich parishioner, struck by the beauty of San Michele, donated an emerald to the church, the stone was inserted into the ring on the archangel's hand, and now locals and tourists are staring skyward, hoping to catch a green reflection.

  • San Michele in Foro
  • Piazza San Michele in Foro
  • 08.00–12.00, 15.00– 18.00

Casa di Puccini

Next to the Church of San Michele is located up to m Puccini(Casa di Puccini), where the Italian composer was born in 1858.

Inside there is a museum dedicated to the life of the composer, documents, photographs and musical instruments are stored here.

  • Puccini's house
  • Corte San Lorenzo, 9
  • summer Tue–Sun 10.00–18.00, winter Tue–Sun 10.00–13.00, 15.00–18.00

Torre della Ore

On the other side via Fillungo worth clock towerI(Torre della Ore, 50 m). The tower itself dates from the 13th century, and the clock was made in 1754 in Geneva.

Guinji Tower

A little further is Guinigi tower(Torre Guinigi, 1384), she is also the "Tower with a garden", which is considered one of the symbols of the city. evergreen trees really grow on its upper platform (41 m). Once upon a time, the tower itself and the palace to which it adjoins belonged to the Guinigi family, and are now owned by the municipality. In the late 1980s, this monument of architecture was restored and opened to the public (230 steps lead to the observation deck).

  • Guinigi tower
  • Via Sant'Andrea, 45
  • daily March–Sept. 09.00–19.30, Oct. 10.00–18.00, Nov.–Feb. 10.00–16.30, 25 Dec. close

Romanesque Church of San Frediano

Romanesque church San Frediano(Chiesa di San Frediano, reconstruction XII century) - one of the most ancient temples of Lucca. The façade is decorated with a golden mosaic (Berlingiero di Milanese, 13th century) depicting the ascension of Christ. In the interior, a Romanesque font, a 16th-century organ and an altar, under which the relics of St. Fridian, Bishop of Lucca (d. 588).

  • Church of San Frediano
  • Via degli Angeli, 19

Via Fillungo goes to piazza dell'Anfiteatro (Piazza dell'Anfiteatro). The Roman amphitheater is no longer there - it was dismantled in the Middle Ages, but the building of the square exactly repeats the plan of the arena.

Palazzo Mansi

From the Church of San Frediano via San Giorgio (Via San Giorgio) you can walk to the intersection with via Galli Tassi(Via Galli Tassi), where Palazzo Mansi (Palazzo Mansi, XVI century). Currently, the building houses ( Pinacoteca Nazionale), where there are works by Tintoretto and Luca Giordano, in addition, you can see the chambers of the palazzo, where the atmosphere of the 17th century has been preserved.

  • Palazzo Mansi
  • National Art Gallery
  • Via Galli Tassi, 43
  • daily 09.00–19.00, Sun, holidays until 14.00,
  • Jan 1, May 1 and Dec 25, Mon closed

Map of Lucca:

Travel notes, day 5

Lucca is a small town in Tuscany, 20 kilometers from Pisa and not far from Florence. It takes only 20 minutes to get here from Pisa by train. This is the capital city of the province of the same name, to which it belongs, for example, where all our oligarchs live. But few people get to this beautiful city.

It is famous primarily for the well-preserved bastion-type fortress (it is considered the second largest in Europe) and the fact that Gaius Julius Caesar and his comrades from the first triumvirate stopped by here. The streets of Lucca repeat the ancient Roman layout, and the Way of the Franks, an ancient pilgrimage route, also passed through the city.

01. The Polish train PESA runs from Pisa to Lucca.

02. In 20 minutes you comfortably reach your destination.


04. And it takes literally 5 minutes to walk from the station to the fortress walls.

05. Fortress gates (gates of St. Peter). They were built in the 16th century during the reconstruction of the fortification.

06. They are carefully guarded by lions.

07. Beauty begins immediately behind the fortress walls! Wherever you look - everywhere a miracle and a fairy tale. If in other cities you need to look for some Beautiful places, then in Lucca you need to try to find something ugly - and you will not find it!

08. The city is very green.

09. Cathedral St. Martin. The first temple on this site was built in the 6th century, then it was rebuilt several times. The history of this particular building dates back to 1060.

10. Having bought a ticket, you can climb its tower.



13. In general, there are a lot of towers in Lucca, you have to climb everything on foot, and from all of them there is an amazing view.

14. Left - Clock Tower, the highest of medieval towers Lucca. There are 130 of them in total, but with viewing platforms not all are visible.

15. A row of trees is a fortress wall on which plane trees are planted. You can walk on it.

16. Flea market near the cathedral (we will return to it later)

17. And this is the Gvinidzhi tower. But this is not the bell tower of the cathedral, but one of the first penthouses. That is, it is a residential tower with trees on the roof! A garden of evergreen oaks has been planted on the upper platform, and below it there used to be a kitchen. By the way, Gvinidzhi is not just another saint, but an influential family from Lucca, who built the tower. Such is the ancient Italian Trump Tower.

18. I have already climbed it. View of the cathedral, from the bell tower of which the previous shots were taken.


20. Beauty!

21. Belfry of the Basilica of St. Fridiana.


23. Can you tell me what century it is now?

24. In the middle is the bell tower of the church of San Michele

25. Apennines


27. Narrow medieval streets are perfectly preserved in the city.




31. Parking seems like a foreign element.





36. Public space)



39. Sometimes there are wrecks on the streets.


41. Oval Square

42. Its other name is the Amphitheater Square. There really was once an ancient Roman amphitheater here, then salt warehouses and even a prison, but in the 19th century the architects decided to return the square to its original form.


44. Now this is the base for several street cafes.





49. Flea market



52. Here, as expected, they sell all sorts of junk.




56. Compared to the flea markets near Moscow, everything is very civilized and even beautiful.

57. You can buy yourself a residence.





62. There are even such things.

Italy is a country where tourists from all over the world come in search of inspiration. Country with rich history, on the territory of which the most powerful state was located - Ancient Rome. This is a country that gave the world culture the great creators and their works of art of the era Renaissance. Italy is located in the central part Southern Europe . It seems that everything fits in Italy: majestic Alpine mountains , and clear waters mediterranean sea and even volcanoes Vesuvius and Etna. Italy is a country of romance, passion and love.

What is the city of Lucca?

One of the cities worth visiting while in Italy is Lucca. A small city with a population of about ninety thousand people. The city is located in the northwest of Tuscany, near Pisa, Viareggio and Livorno. Lucca is one of those cities in which history has been preserved to this day. Since Lucca is a small city, it is very convenient for a tourist to travel around it on foot.

Sights of the city of Lucca

The Basilica of San Fridiano is a Romanesque-style Catholic church located on the Piazza Basilica di San Frediano. By order of Bishop Fridian, the building was created in the VI century and was called San Vincenzo di Saragossa. But after the death of the bishop, the temple was renamed. The relics of the saint are kept in the altar of the church.

The church itself has its own sights: the chapel of St. Zita, in which her relics are located, the chapel Trent depicting the Virgin Mary and Child, Chapel of the Holy Cross with works Amiko Asspertini.

The Torre Guinigi tower is located on Via Sant'Andrea. At the beginning of the XIV century, the city had more than two hundred towers. The Guinigi family, who ruled the city, built a tower and planted trees on the roof of the building. Thus, the tower became a symbol of the era Renaissance. The tower is one of the few that have survived to this day. Tourists are offered to climb onto the roof, overcoming two hundred and twenty-five steps. The rooftop offers a beautiful panoramic view of the historical center of Lucca. Here is located hanging garden , represented by oaks.

The Botanical Garden of Lucca is located on the street Via Giardino Botanico. It was created at the beginning of the 19th century by the Duchess Maria Louise of Spain. The collection of the garden includes more than two hundred species of plants. On the way, tourists meet huge ceramic slabs depicting significant events in the history of the garden. Here you get amazing photos! FROM botanical garden related Legend of a certain mysterious lady Lucida Mansi who sold her soul to the devil in exchange for youth. At the end of the contract, Satan brought the woman to the garden of Lucca and threw her into the local lake. It is said that if you put your head in the lake, you can see the face of this woman.

Villa Marlia is a 15th-century Renaissance palace belonging to the Buonvisi family. Located in the province of Lucca, the town of Capannori. A water theater with fountains, a green theater with hedges, a lemon garden with a large pool evoke a feeling of delight.

Villa Torrigiani is located in the province of Lucca, the town of Camigliano. The palace belonged to the Buonvisi family and was built in the 16th century. The architect of the villa was Alfonso Torreggiani. The creation of which still causes delight of tourists.

Cathedral of San Martino main cathedral Lucca. Construction began in the 11th century by the Bishop of Anselm, who later became Pope Alexander II. In the center of the cathedral in the chapel is the main attraction - Volto Santo di Lucca, or Sacred Face - a wooden crucifixion of Christ. Another pride of the cathedral is the labyrinth dating back to the 12th-13th century. It is assumed that it was this labyrinth that became the standard for the structure of subsequent labyrinths.

The National Museum of Villa Guinigi is housed in Paolo Guinigi's palace built in the 15th century. The first section of the museum is dedicated to the life of the city of Lucca, starting from the 8th century, ancient figurines, amphoras, grave goods, finds of necropolises - this is all that can be seen here. The second section is devoted to Christianity. In the middle of the hall stands a wonderful marble sculpture Madonna and Child.

Apuan Alps National Park
The Apuan Alps National Park is located near Versilia in Tuscany, Italy. Mount Monte Pisanino reaches a height of almost two kilometers! The peculiarity of the landscape amazes the tourist, and the panoramic views are breathtaking. Here is the underground Labyrinth of Antro del Corchia seventy kilometers long, caves and valleys, as well as a bird sanctuary with the opportunity to watch birds.

San Michele in Foro is a Roman Catholic church, the first mention of which dates back to 795. The cathedral is dedicated to Archangel Michael. At the top is a four-meter statue of St. Michael, flanked by two angels. Legend has it that there was once a large diamond on the angel's finger. Also, the tourist's eye is attracted by the statue of the Madonna made by the sculptor Matteo Civitali, which marks the victory over the plague in the 15th century.

Migliarino, San Rossore and Massaciuccoli Park
The Migliarino, San Rossore and Massaciuccoli Park is located in Italian Tuscany, created at the end of the 20th century. Here is Lake Massaciuccoli, on the banks of which the town stretched, in which the composer lived for a long time Giacomo Puccini. Now tourists can get acquainted with the life of a musician by visiting the house-museum. Many species of animals and the opportunity to observe them in natural conditions is what tourists remember for a lifetime.

Palazzo Mansi is a real house-museum. In the XVIII-XIX centuries it was the center of public life in Lucca. Now the palace houses an art gallery, which presents the works of Pietro Leopoldo of Tuscany and the works of other artists of the 16th-18th centuries.

Palazzo Pfanner was built by the Moriconi family in the 17th century. Later, the palace was bought by the Pfanner family, who still own the estate. The film "Portrait of a Lady" was filmed on the territory of the palace. There is an interesting exhibition here, presented with ancient surgical instruments and medical treatises. The exhibits of the exhibition are collected Pietro Pfanner- doctor and mayor of Lucca (early 20th century). Unfortunately, tourists will be able to see not the whole palace, but only Big hall for receptions and side rooms with old furniture and a statue of Michael from the 14th century.