Arezzo in Italy: the city of gold and the cradle of the Etruscan civilization. Arezzo attractions photo and description

Arezzo is another city in the southeastern part of Italian Tuscany that has left an unforgettable impression. It is incredibly beautiful, incredibly interesting, cozy and spacious at the same time.

Not a single blog post has been given to me with such difficulty ... In this city, it seems that every house is a palace or an architectural monument. At first we tried to stop in front of each building, trying to figure out what was in front of us, and then we realized that we would not go far this way and began to take pictures only on the go.

The city dates back its history from the 1st century BC. At the beginning of our era, Arezzo was the third largest Italian city after Rome and Naples. Today, Arezzo is best known as the city where the great Francesco Petrarca was born in 1304. One of the most famous sights of Arezzo is the house of Petrarch, but it is not known for certain whether this is the house in which he was born ...

The very first church that we saw in Arezzo - Santa Maria della Pieve is completely unique. The facade from the side of the street is decorated with galleries with columns in the Pisan style. There are 12 columns on the first tier, 24 on the second, and 32 on the third.

The church was built in the 12th-13th centuries on the foundations of an ancient Roman pagan temple.

Surprise on the medieval streets of Arezzo were mannequins hanging over their heads with umbrellas. Probably the designer who came up with this was trying to create the illusion that they took off like Mary Poppins. However, it seemed to us that people have completely different associations.

It should be noted that this tendency to disfigure and supplement ancient cities with modern design ideas in Italy is becoming more and more widespread ...

Along the way, we met a few more sculptures that were not entirely appropriate next to the antiquities. However, today they seem out of place, but tomorrow they will get used to them, and our descendants will simply write that the sculpture appeared next to the temple in such and such a year ...

We quickly reached the main square of the city.

The Great Square (Piazza Grande) is the center of the medieval part of Arezzo. Once there was a Roman forum, and what we see today took shape around the 13th century.

Piazza Grande in Arezzo is one of the most beautiful squares that we have ever been able to see, not only in Italy.

The area has a trapezoidal shape and is located under a strong slope, the level difference is about 10 meters. The houses on the square were built at different times and are a rather colorful mosaic. Many of them have the status of palaces.

Most notable is the Palazzo Pretorio, the residence of the captain of the city's militia until 1290. The facade of the building is decorated with coats of arms that belonged to the captains, podestas and military commissars of the city from the 14th to the 18th centuries.

The church Pieve di Santa Maria overlooks Piazza Grande. The entrance to the church is from the side of the street, we managed to look inside for a couple of minutes.

Piazza Grande in Arezzo has another unofficial name - Piazza Vasari, as it houses the Vasari Gallery, built in the late Renaissance.

Place Grande regularly hosts jousting tournaments and antique fairs. We came across a picturesque antique shop.

There are a lot of churches in Arezzo, and this time it was not possible to poke your nose into each of them.

They ran past the famous Basilica of San Francesco at full speed ...

The church is famous for its frescoes created by Piero della Francesca on the theme of the history of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.

In the church of San Domenico we rested a little, sat. There were a lot of photos, so I will dedicate a separate page to the church of San Domenico.

There is a church somewhere in Arezzo, the Church of the Most Holy Annunciation (Chiesa della Santissima Annunziata) built in 1491-1505. Its construction is associated with a miracle that occurred in 1490 - tears flowed from the eyes of the statue of the Madonna standing on this site.

Built in the Gothic style and dedicated to Saint Donato. I also give this cathedral a separate page on the blog, it's worth it.

We took some pictures from the observation deck in the city park il Prato (Parco il Prato).

There is a monument to Petrarch in the park. I didn't have the time or energy to get closer...

The eternal problem of a travel photographer - with a small amount of time, you need to find a good angle and lighting.

I usually take a lot of shots in sequential shooting mode, from which I then choose. Or I combine several in a slide show if I can’t or don’t want to choose the best.

Walking around new places, I take pictures of everything, and then I figure out what is what.

Arezzo is incredibly full of all kinds of interesting places, monuments, fragments. Just a city full of sights!

The more we walked around Arezzo, the more we realized that we would definitely return here, and more than once.

Cars always and everywhere spoil the shots ... How inappropriate they look on the streets of ancient cities!

Palazzo Communale, located on the western side of Liberty Square (Piazza della Liberta) opposite the Cathedral, was built in 1333. Today, the premises of the palace are the bodies of the municipality. The building has been rebuilt many times. Only one of the facades retained its former features.

We came across another palace - Palazzo Albergotti, built at the end of the 18th century. The palace is considered one of the finest examples of neoclassical architecture in Arezzo. The palace was designed by Leonardo Massimiliano De Vegni and is decorated with large terracotta statues, which is why it got its second name - the palace of statues.

Really incredible is the city - Arezzo! At every step, something draws attention.

An amphitheater (Anfiteatro Romano) has been preserved in Arezzo from Roman times. Already leaving the city, we saw it through the houses and trees, tried to find a parking lot to inspect. The idea failed, but the checkmark in our notebook marked “Visit Arezzo again” became much bolder ...

The ancient Italian city of Arezzo, the sights of the photo and description of which cannot be fully contained in a short story. This place is fraught with many mysteries, but everyone can see them with their own eyes and appreciate them for their part.

Before starting a conversation about sights, I suggest looking at the location of Arezzo.

The city is located in the beautiful region of Tuscany, which is famous for its marvelous views, wines and, of course, residents)

Aviamania regularly visits Tuscany and youtube channel avimania you can see the videos filmed in this Italian gem.

Arezzo on the map of Italy

Religious sights of Arezzo:

Basilica of San Francesco

Temple with many frescoes. It was they who glorified the basilica. In 1290, the temple was rebuilt after the complete destruction of the structure. It can be safely called one of the most popular in Italy.

The exterior design of the building is simple and classical. There are no domes or decorated walls, architectural delights. The building is stone, simple. There is a small window up high. And in general, the temple is relatively small, but when tourists go inside, they completely change their minds about what they saw.

The frescoes placed here symbolize different eras. The place is suitable for visiting by those who want to touch the history and know the spirit of bygone times.
The basilica has a lot of decor items, household items, which are placed on separate tables, decorated in a certain theme. You can enter the building for free.

Basilica di San Francesco on the map:

Cathedral of Arezzo

(Cattedrale dei Santi Pietro e Donato)

Church with the name of Saints Donatus and Peter. The cathedral was rebuilt at least three times in the same place. This is the main fiefdom of the Bishop of Arezzo, Cortona, Sanzepolcro.
In 1278, the construction of the last building of the cathedral began. It's so ancient place that today it is not possible to reliably determine how many times ancient temples were built on the territory.
Arches, columns, portals, decorated in antique style, lure travelers. Decorate with unusual works of art, bas-reliefs, cenotaphs, statuettes of famous people.
The collection is very high. The upper part is decorated with colored glass, closer to the top it narrows. It is spacious inside, and with a small number of visitors, a huge echo is heard.

We continue the theme - Arezzo attractions photo and description.

Cattedrale dei Santi Pietro e Donato on the map:

Basilica of Santa Maria delle Grazie

Religious landmark. Now the church is located on a place that was previously a sanctuary. The source allowed people who come here to be healed, get rid of diseases, in general, to perforate. One of the versions is that people who visited the basilica, after returning home, became calmer, comprehended happiness.
In 1425, Saint Bernardino of Siena wanted to destroy the sanctuary, but it was all in vain. The fact of his failure showed that the sanctuary was not ordinary, but had a spirit of its own.
The saint was expelled from the city. A few years later he managed to return, but this time Bernardino insisted on building a chapel. A fresco of the Madonna di Misericordia is inserted into the marble altar. She is depicted with a baby surrounded by saints and angels.
In 1490, the building was expanded with the addition of a small building. The medallion arcades were created and designed by an architect who was inspired by the work of local craftsmen.

Santa Maria delle Grazie on the map:

Architectural values ​​and sights of Arezzo

Palazzo del Capitano

An elegant building with a façade of great architectural significance. Here you can view a collection of antiquities collected by Ivan Bruska.
The building was built of hewn stone. This is a strict building, which is characterized by the absence of typical architectural delights, a large wide entrance and small windows. The walls are decorated with engravings.
Inside there is a small narrow corridor that leads to the courtyard area. There are the same strict balconies, there is a well, which today plays a special role in shaping the idea of ​​the reign of Arezzo. It is believed that important meetings were held here.
There are also columns and carved decorative elements on the territory of the courtyard. They practically did not collapse for a long time, they are constantly being repaired.
It is spacious inside, there is a staircase to the second floor, everything around is decorated with antiques and interesting objects, stucco does not prevail, but gives a slight decorative effect. Simplicity and comfort reign in the building.
It is better to come here during the day - fairs, thematic exhibitions are organized near the territory of the palazzo, antiques and valuable souvenirs are offered.

Palazzo del Capitano on the map:

Natural attractions of Arezzo:

Il Prato Park (Passeggio del Prato)

The park is located on top of a hill, so everyone should visit this place. There used to be many temples and religious buildings here. However, over time, the buildings were destroyed, and today there is a cozy park on the territory.

If you climb to the top observation deck, you can observe the life of the city from a height. The countryside surrounding the city is also visible.
There are several architectural monuments on the territory, each of which carries a certain idea and was created under the appropriate circumstances. So, a mother who is trying to save her son from war is especially touching for tourists. Lovers will be delighted by the statue of Cupid and Laura's medallion. Everything is here - images that personify true love, death, despair and hope.
Trees of an unusual shape grow on the territory of the park, there are benches, it is green and fresh here. Great place for an evening stroll.

Passeggio del Prato on the map:

Arezzo attractions photo and description: UnoAErre Museum

The jewelry brand, which operates not only in Italy, but also in most countries of the world, has opened its own museum. It is not large, but quite modern, interesting and original. Here are presented for viewing truly noteworthy jewelry. Precious stones, expensive products, the most complex processing and even equipment that is used in the work on jewelry.
In addition to products produced under the brand name, there are models of jewelry that were made by real masters of their craft. Complex works of specialists from different times are collected in the museum.
The idea, which is accompanied by the owners, is to show the history of the development of the field of jewelry creation.
The museum has excellent lighting, chic showcases, and a perfectly thought-out form of the hall. There is not only the usual jewelry, but also original items using precious materials associated with jewelry.
When to come. The museum is open from 09:00 to 18:00. Sometimes the schedule is reduced to 13:00.

Interestingly, during the trip, Aviamania filmed a video at the Pearl Factory, I recommend watching:

Unoaerre Industries Spa - produzione fedi nuziali, oreficeria on the map:

House of Vasari (Casa Vasari)

Until 1540, the house belonged to the owner, who hired an architect whose duties included supervising the progress of the building's construction. However, the house was built slowly, received proper support, and in general, its owner lost interest in the building. But the architect Giorgio Vasari was so imbued with the work that he offered to buy the building in order to carry out repairs in it on his own, and in general to prepare it.
Later, the building was enlarged several times at the expense of private investors. In the 19th century, it passed into private ownership, and today it is a landmark that everyone has access to.
The inside of the house is cozy and everything is at home. To this day, the smell of books lingers here. Antique furniture, small rooms, low-rise houses. If you want to get acquainted with the ancient way of life, it is recommended to go here in the daytime.

Casa Vasari on the map:

Fortress La Fortezza (Medicean Fortress)

Once the fortress was called a citadel. There is a real old town here. The church, residential buildings, the market, the town hall, the palace - everything is poorly preserved, but there is something to see. The surrounding territory does not belong to the fortress, but it is united by a common style and a certain separation from the rest of the world. Being here, you can feel like a time traveler.

You can also look at the bridge that connects the rest of the land and the fortress. There is a shallow ditch under the bridge. The territory is quite large, there are small entrances to the powder magazines, places for storing supplies that were intended to meet the needs in wartime.
Interesting place- Balvedere and bastion - between them are fragments of an ancient amphitheater.
It is also recommended to go to the pagan complex, which is dedicated to Jupiter, Minerva, Juno.

Medicean Fortress on the map:

Piazza San Domenico

A very beautiful, charming square, which is constantly being renovated, but with the observance of the ancient features of architecture and the general style. Nearby stands a fortress, there is a beautiful park for recreation.
The houses along the square are old. They were built in the Middle Ages, so more than once they needed restoration and even partial restructuring. Inside each house there is a separate courtyard, garden, benches. There is an unusual atmosphere here. You can enter the territory of some houses by invitation.
Palazzo Fossombroni belonged to Vittorio Fossombroni. This is a politician and scientist who initiated the construction of many buildings. Inside the house was a large ornate fireplace from 1533. It has recently been relocated to the Museum of Medieval Art.
Also on the square there is a monument that was erected in honor of Vittorio Fossombroni. Dominican monastery, church of San Domenico. The difference of the monastery is an elongated bell tower, which differs from other temples, churches and buildings in general. The architecture of the place is original, but inside there is something to see.

Piazza San Domenico on the map:

Corso Italia street

One of the main city streets. Previously, it led right up to the top of the local hill. For medieval city streets, the direct location and, in general, such a length were unusual. Therefore, races, equestrian competitions were organized here, people gathered. However, as before, this street is not very wide. But this only adds a special charm to the area.
The facades of buildings located on the street have historical and architectural significance. And if many have already been restored and renovated inside, then outside everything looks the same as it did several centuries ago.
Palazzo Sassoli is one of the most interesting buildings. It used to be used as a prison. On the facade are family coats of arms, which is not uncommon for local buildings.
Here are the State Archives and the oldest Bank. You can go to the local museum, church, palace. Walking along the street, you can get acquainted with the history that tells about the different temporal stages of the city's development.

Corso Italia on the map:

Piazza Grande Square

This main square cities. The main thing that she was famous for was the adventure in this place of the Etruscan road. Age - the third century BC.
Previously, there were two cities here - they were called the "City of the Living" and the "City of the Dead". The history of the area is enormous. Here was the largest market, knightly tournaments were held, and now there are City Halls.
Tourists can be advised to visit a stone column with a cross and a ball at the top. This is a modern copy of a real column erected in the 13th century. Unfortunately, it has not survived to this day, but was restored, because it carried an unusual purpose - it served to denounce debtors and criminals.
Those who want to look at the ancient fountain can be advised to go down to the lower part of the square. It was built in 1602.

Piazza Grande on the map:

The beautiful city of Arezzo, the sights, photos and descriptions of which literally make tourists and travelers visit this place, and those who have already been here, then come back. Fascinating architecture, ancient relics and simply beautiful nature make Arezzo magical and alluring. Do not miss the chance to visit here and see everything with your own eyes.

One might wonder how small quiet Italian cities, at times, become, if not the center of the universe, then no less significant in science, culture and art for many centuries. One of these is Arezzo, Italy. This is an amazing city with charming cityscapes, which has gathered on its streets and squares many sights and memorable places, which can tell a lot about the pages of both the distant past and the present.

Is it not a curious fact that the town became the cradle of such a formidable and painful invention for not very diligent students in musical institutions - the science of solfeggio. The authorship of this invention belongs to the medieval Benedictine monk Guido d'Arezzo, who decided that playing from memory and using the available methods of transferring music is not very convenient. For this purpose, so that it would be clear and simple for everyone, I “designed” on a sheet a musical staff with four rulers and circles - notes. In total, as you know, there are seven of them.

What is interesting

Already later, three centuries later, the city gave not only Italy, but the whole world a brilliant poet, the brilliant Petrarch. The main Italian poet did a lot to popularize such a genre as a sonnet, plus everything was improved by him, if he did not come up with a parallel technique for writing poetry in both Latin and Italian.

Then, two centuries later, the painter Giorgio Vasari was “sent” to the city, who became the creator of a special, as it is now commonly called, Tuscan style of writing. His creations managed to significantly enrich the country with a large number of amazing buildings.

Speaking of great personalities closely associated with Arezzo, one cannot fail to mention modern creators. At one time, the town was honored by the attention of the director R. Benigni. A film with a life-affirming message was filmed on its streets, which glorified the city at the Cannes Film Festival. Life is Beautiful won a lion and three Oscars.

Do you really need more examples to understand the city should not be overlooked during a trip to Italy, besides, there is a lot more interesting here.

Arezzo is a city located in the Tuscany region, in the center of Italy, is one of the oldest settlements. The city is relatively small, the last census showed that almost one hundred thousand people live in it. Of course, not a millionaire city, but nevertheless, a much larger metropolis can envy the number of tourists. It is no coincidence that today Arezz is a large tourist centre. The city is also famous far beyond its borders for the production of jewelry.

From the history

Historical research shows that the first settlements on the territory of Arrezo appeared in the sixth century before our millennium. Trade with neighbors was the main occupation of the townspeople, thanks to its intensive course, the city grew literally before our eyes, and soon it was already one of the twelve city-states in Etruria.

Traces of the former Etruscan city bear the remains of the surviving ruins of the walls of the fortress of the wall, the necropolis of Poggio del Sol, as well as bronze sculptures of Chimera and Minerva. After a while, approximately in the year 300 BC, the city was invaded by the Romans, as a result of the capture, it was renamed Arretium. The development of the colony was carried out on a colossal scale, which allowed the city to increase the population by the beginning of the new century to almost one hundred thousand people.

At that time, this was a very significant indicator, which put Arretium in the top three. largest cities, the first, of course, were Rome and Naples. Buildings grew, the territory of the city increased. A huge building of the amphitheater was built here, many public institutions and public baths began to appear on the streets of the city.

When the Roman Empire fell, the significance of Arezzo did not change in any way, because it was conveniently located between Rome and the river valley. Later, the city was among the first in the state to come under the control of the Lombards. They considered it necessary to make the central part of the city on a hill, for this they first started building a castle. At the end of the 10th century, Arezzo was admitted to the Holy Roman Empire. It would seem that times of prosperity and prosperity came for the city, but it was a period of economic and cultural decline.

Changes for the better began to occur only decades later, when Arezzo formed a commune in the eleventh century. Only two centuries later, a period of cultural flourishing began here. The city was renewed and grew before our eyes. In place of the old ones, it was decided to build new city walls, then the Basilica of Santa Maria della Pieve was erected. Also, this time is marked by the construction of the cathedral, as well as one of the first universities in the country. The genius of F. Petrarch was born here, it happened in 1302. With this fact alone, the city is already attracting close attention.

By the end of the fourteenth century, the city came under the control of the Florentine Republic. This could not but affect its socio-political and cultural development. In the sixteenth century, in order to strengthen the military significance of the city, it was decided to rebuild its central part. The result of this "modernization" was not only the appearance of a whole complex of protective structures, but also the destruction of a number of cultural and historical heritage- there was no place left for the episcopal cathedral and the palace of the commune.

Then, no less significant stages took place in the development of the city. Of particular note is the stage of construction of communication lines. This allowed the city in the nineteenth century to have a good connection with many cities and rural settlements, not only in the Tuscany region, but throughout the country.

How to get there

  • There is no airport in Arezzo, if you are going to fly there by plane, then the airports of Florence and Pisa are closest to this city.
  • But you can get here by rail, there is an excellent railway connection with Tuscan cities, for example, with Florence. You will have to spend about an hour on the road, the average ticket price is 10 euros; you can also quite successfully get here by train from Rome. The whole journey will take no more than two and a half hours, a ticket will cost an average of 15 euros.
  • Buses depart here, making long-distance flights. This is the most practical option, as this type of transport is sent to Arezzo from almost every locality country.

Intracity transport

The city has a sufficient number of municipal buses that will allow you to visit different places in the village and see all the sights of Arezzo. It is considered the most suitable route (namely for those who came specially to the city on travel vouchers), called the "Historic Center" (Centro Storico). It, as it is easy to understand by the name, passes in close proximity to the main sights of Arezzo.

The city itself is not so big, here it is quite possible to get by on foot in order to see individual historical sights. Especially the center, as the objects are not separated from each other by large distances, moreover, there is a sufficient number of sidewalks and pedestrian zones. However, here it must be borne in mind that the city is not located exactly above sea level, but is stretched along a hill, so it will be necessary in some places to put physical stress on the muscles of the legs. Keep in mind that the city is located on a hill, so walking through it will require some physical effort.

In the case when you are clearly not a fan of walking, but rent a car for walking, you need to know where you can leave it. To do this, there are municipal parking lots, which are located in front of the entrance to Old city. For such a service, you will have to pay a little more than 10 euros, the car can stay for this fee all day.


There are enough rooms for living in Arezzo, there is a fairly large number of various hotels, for example, private pensions and rural hotels with three and even four stars. Of course, you should not count on some very luxurious services in most establishments, as a rule, they work according to the usual scheme - the guest must have an overnight stay and breakfast.

However, this in no way diminishes their dignity, especially since there are many drinking and eating establishments in the district. For an overnight stay in such a room, you will have to pay from 50 to 80 euros. A night in a hotel with, for example, four stars will cost more - up to 125 euros. For those who wish to use an exclusive room, for example, in a restored villa, the pleasure will cost 60-80 euros more.

Here you can book the most popular hotels at affordable room rates:

  • Hotel Minervafrom. The price is 4.6 thousand rubles. Address: Arezzo Via Fiorentina 4
  • Etrusco Arezzo Hotelfrom 4.6 thousand rubles. Address: Arezzo Via A. Fleming 39
  • Hotel L’Aretinofrom 5.8 thousand rubles. Address: Arezzo Via Madonna del Prato 83
  • Casa Volpifrom 5.4 thousand rubles. Address: Arezzo Via Simone Martini 29
  • Hotel Ceccofrom 3.5 thousand rubles. Address: Arezzo Corso Italia N° 215

Cuisine and restaurants

It's no secret that the inhabitants of Italy are not only very skilled chefs and confectioners, but also specialists who love their work. Arezzo residents are no exception. They are excellent inventors of authentic dishes, trying to be gastronomic successors of their predecessors. Among the traditional local dishes, which are in their own way calling card- soups with bread

They prepare, for example, “aquacotta”, one of the soups, with the addition of mushrooms, and the other - “ribollita” - with a wide variety of vegetables, it turns out something like a stew. Beef steak is always prepared for visitors here. If desired, it can always be accompanied by a vegetable salad with a glass of wine, by the way, also of traditional local varieties. To visit Arezzo and not try traditional pizza and pasta is simply unforgivable.

For those who want to get to know the urban cuisine closer, in all, so to speak, tastefulness, there are special “tasting menus” - this is when you are offered mini-sets of dish options that are served as Balkan “mezes”.


For lovers of antiques, there is always a time and a place where you can admire the collections of antiques with pleasure, which vary in size and age, but most importantly - in price. On the first weekend of every month, the largest flea market in Piazza Grande is organized here. More than half a thousand sellers participate in the auction, who exhibit not only consumer goods, but also antiques that are really significant in antiquarian and artistic terms.

The walk is best done on foot, but if you rent a car, you can identify it in the parking lot, which is located near the Cathedral - this is the closest place.

Here you can buy a variety of souvenirs about the city. They are located nearby and are sold in any kiosk or shop, of which there are quite a lot in the center of the Old Town. If you're looking for the freshest "terroir" produce, Piazza Sant'Agostino is the place to be. Here, three times a week: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, agricultural products are delivered for sale from fields and farms.

Visit Arezzo and do 5 things!

Seasoned tourists say that if you've been to Arezzo and haven't done five things, it means you haven't seen and understood this city enough. What do they advise?

  • It is necessary to pronounce the words “Maria! La chiave!" where Roberto Benigni shouted them.
  • Give a rose to the horseman, thereby cheering him up at one of the Saracen Tournaments.
  • Visit the house of the brilliant Italian poet Francesco Petrarca.
  • Be sure to find time for a cultural run through one of the main attractions - the Vasari frescoes.
  • Try aquacotta and appreciate not only the mushroom soup, but also the sides of fine Italian wine.


  • Tourists rightfully consider it the brightest and richest event in the city, which every year attracts thousands of spectators - the Tournament of the Knights of the Saracens. It takes place twice a year. The first time the tournament starts on the third Sunday of June, and the second time on the first Sunday of September. Knights, dressed in costumes of the Middle Ages, representing their city quarters, are in a stubborn competition, trying to get ahead of each other in shooting accuracy. To do this, they need a clear defeat of a wooden target. Spectators also take an active part, cheering the participants and competing among themselves in the best attire.
  • In the summer, here in Arezzo, you can participate in a theater festival.
  • Unfortunately, there is no ArezzoWave music festival lately, as it is now held in one of the suburbs of Florence.


The main attractions of the city are concentrated, as in most cities, in the historical center.

Piazza Grande, also known as Piazza Vasari, is the most attractive square in Arezzo. It is located at the junction of roads, about two hundred meters from the Duomo; surrounded by the same as itself medieval buildings and religious buildings.

Twice a year, the Gistra del Saracino, well-known outside the city and very popular tournament of knights, is held here. The tradition originates from the distant Middle Ages. Riders in medieval armor compete in shooting accuracy at a wooden target.

Tourists will not remain indifferent from going to the market, which is located on the same square. The summer theater festival Arezzo Festival is also held here. A little away from the central square, you can see the towering Lodge Vasariane. It is one of the most attractive buildings; it began to be built in the sixteenth century.

Surprise and amaze the arched church facade of Santa Maria, a building built in the twelfth century, the Romanesque style and twelve reliefs made of marble, which mean the months of the year, are especially attractive. It is impossible not to look at the bell tower, which symbolizes the city, built two centuries later.

No less elegant is San Francesco - the church, where those who wish can admire the colossal work of Francesca, the frescoes are especially attractive - ten compositions that complement each other. The master dedicated this large-scale work to the Holy Cross.

Other attractions

You can also see amazing church buildings, such as Santa Maria delle Grazie and others.

  • The cathedral, proudly stands on a hill, which attracts attention even more and seems to be watching everything that happens, has a monumental stone facade. There are also many marble bas-reliefs made by a first-class master. Of particular note are the delightful frescoes of Francesca.
  • Roman amphitheater. A very fascinating sight, returning to the old days. He is the main witness to imperial rule. Here one can only imagine the entertainment of distant ancestors.
  • Palace of Priors. To see this magnificent creation of human hands, built in the twelfth century, you need to go to the western part of Freedom Square.
  • House of Vasari. Acquired by the owner in the middle of the sixteenth century. Located at Via XX Settembre.
  • Medici Fortress - once a defense structure, built in the sixteenth century. It occupies part of the territory of the hill of St. Donat.
  • Praetor Palace. This building is a complex of amazing and original architectural design buildings.
  • Theater of Petrarch. It is the main theatrical institution of the city. You can visit it if you walk six hundred meters in a southwest direction from the Cathedral along Via Guido Monaco.
  • Prato park. This is one of the most beautiful and oldest parks in the city, it is comfortably spread out along the hill between the cathedral and the fortress.


  • Our Lady in Grad. A very beautiful building, located on the square of the same name, on the street, where there is a steep climb.
  • St. Michael the Archangel, located on the square of the same name.
  • Saint Augustine. It occupies the territory of the square of the same name Sant'Agostino). It began to be laid back in the thirteenth century, then it was reconstructed two centuries later.
  • Saint Dominic. It can be seen on the square with the same name, for this you need to walk two hundred meters from the Cathedral in a northerly direction.
  • Our Lady of Mercy. It is located outside the historic center.
  • Holy Annunciation. You can find it if you walk along via Giuseppe Garibaldi.
  • Parish Church of Our Lady. It is considered by the townspeople the most elegant building.
  • Monastery of Saints Flora and Lukilla.
  • Mary Magdalene. Those who wish can visit the Museum of the Cathedral here. It has a sufficient number of various artifacts. Of great interest to visitors is, for example, the vase "Efronius Crater". It very picturesquely depicts the exploits of the mythical hero Hercules.


  • Archaeological. There are a lot of different exhibits that tell about the Etruscan and ancient Roman times.
  • Medieval and modern art. It widely shows the canvases of painters and sculptures of local masters for the period of the thirteenth - eighteenth centuries.
  • Ivan Brusky. The house is named after the founder of the museum. Here is a lot of antique interior items.


So many amazing places has a country like Italy, Arezzo is only a small part of everything cultural heritage. But there are so many interesting things here.

In Arezzo, there is an opportunity to walk along the streets and squares where the shooting of “Life is Beautiful” took place; prudently hung signs with photos speak of these places. You can imagine how the inhabitants of the street feel, on which tourists do not stop enthusiastically repeating after the hero of the film “Maria! La chiave!

Isn't it interesting to visit the House of Vasari, around the corner which he himself designed and furnished with a brilliant painter. Or look at the house of another genius - Petrarch, who sang Laura. You can get into the house only by pre-registration, or at a very good request.

Many people dream of looking at the city from above. medieval fortress, which was built in the sixteenth century and proudly rises above the town.

Arezzo(Arezzo, Tuscany, Italy) is located at the intersection of the four valleys (Valdarno, Valdichiana, Val Tiberina and Cosentino) that make up this province. It is thanks to his geographical location in the heart of Italy, Arezzo is a meeting place for different civilizations and cultures. The city was badly damaged during the Second World War, but many masterpieces are still preserved here.
A visit to Arezzo is interesting for people who are deeply passionate about art. It was here that the “stave” method was invented - a method of recording music “in circles on five rulers”, the great Petrarch was born here and the artist Vasari worked.
If you are somewhat tired of the crowds of tourists and the noise of motorcycles - you are here, in Arezzo.
All guidebooks also mention that the Oscar-winning Italian film "Life is Beautiful" directed by Benigni took place here.

Arezzo - how to get there

By train - from Rome (2 hours), from Florence (1 hour 15 minutes),
By bus - from Cortona (1 hour), from Sienna (1 hour 15 minutes).
By car - the A1 highway runs a few kilometers from the city, you can leave the car at the municipal parking lot at the entrance to the Old Town.
Arezzo is a small town, easy to explore on foot.
The map of Arezzo is presented in the picture on the right.

Attractions Arezzo

You should start your tour of Arezzo in Piazza San Francesco, the highlight of which is the Gothic Church of San Francesco(Chiesa di San Francesco). The church was created in the XIII century and rebuilt in 1318-77. in the forms of Umbrotuscan Gothic. The facade remained unfinished: the bell tower dates back to the 16th century.
In the vast deserted Gothic interior with chapels from the 14th century and the Renaissance, the remains of wall frescoes made in the 14th and 15th centuries stand out. Opposite is a round carved window in the form of a rose - roson - with a beautiful stained glass window by Guillaume de Marsilpat.

One of the masterpieces of the Italian Renaissance has been preserved in the choir stalls: a cycle of frescoes based on " Legends of the Holy Cross» (Vera Croce), made by Piero della Francesca in 1453-66. This cycle was inspired by the Golden Legend of Blessed Jacopo da Varagine. After the last restoration, an extraordinary wealth of color and light appeared, which Piero achieved through the use of various techniques, as well as through a deeply and in a new way rethought the concept of space and perspective. The scenes of the frescoes represent the history of the cross on which Christ was crucified.
Above the choirs stretches the Crucifix with the image of San Francesco by the Master of San Francesco (XIII century). Also noteworthy are the Guasconi Chapel with frescoes by Spinello Aretino (c. 1400) and the Tarlati Chapel. Here is the Annunciation, which is attributed to both Luca Signorelli and Bartolomeo della Gatta. Details on the website

IN abbey church, erected by the Benedictines in the 13th century and expanded in the middle of the 16th century, Vasari (the bell tower was built in 1650), the Crucifix by Segna di Bonaventura and the monumental altar by Giorgio Vasari have been preserved.
On the territory of the former monastery, to the right of the church, there is an elegant kiostr (monastery courtyard) of the 15th century.

On Corso Italia, which has been the main city thoroughfare since time immemorial, are the church of San Michele (XIII century) with a bell tower of the XIV century; the palaces of Palazzo Bacci and Palazzo Altucci: the tower house of the 13th century and the palace of Palazzo Camayani-Albergotti of the 14th century.

Next to the palace rises the so-called tower Torre della Bagazza(1351), which during the time of fascism was used as a "lictor tower" (lictors - a guard and escort service in ancient Italy).

Opposite the tower house stands out one of the most significant examples of the Romanesque style in Tuscany - the parish Church of Santa Maria(Pieve di Santa Maria), the construction of which began in 1140 and continued, with the introduction of Gothic elements, until the first decades of the XIV century. In the 16th century, the church was rebuilt according to the design of Vasari and was completely restored at the end of the 19th century. Its beautiful facade is made in the Romanesque style under the influence of the Pisan-Luccan school (XIII century). The central portal is decorated with the image of the Months, a powerful bell tower (1330) with windows separated by columns is called the tower of "hundred holes". The majestic interior houses the font of Giovanni di Agostino and a polyptych by Pietro Lorenzetti (1320-24)

Piazza Grande, which is also called Piazza Vasari, is one of the most picturesque squares in Italy (interestingly, it has a slope of almost 30 degrees). In June and September there are Knightly Tournaments of the Saracens(Giostra del Saracino, the third Sunday of June and the first Sunday of September - an unusual, colorful and memorable event); every month (on the first Sunday of the month) the famous Antiques Fair is held (

The attractions of the square are: the Public Fountain (XVI century), the Court Palace and the elegant Palace of the Confraternity of Novices, the lower floor of which was built in the Gothic style, and the upper one in the Renaissance style. Worthy of attention is the Palais des Loggias, designed by Vasari in 1537.

On Via Pileati, a continuation of Corso Italia, are the monumental Praetor Palace (XIV-XV centuries) and the alleged Petrarch's house(Casa Petrarca, at the intersection of Via dei Pileati and Via del Orto), which now houses the Petrarch Academy of Literature, Arts and Sciences.

Passing along the boulevard Passegio del Prato with the ruined Fortress of the Medici, you get to Cathedral (Duomo), the construction of which began in the XIII century and was completed at the beginning of the XVI century. Inside the cathedral are the Gothic arch of San Donato, the "Magdalene" fresco by Piero della Francesca and the cenotaph of Bishop Guido Tarlati (1330). , and precious jewelry.
Nearby, in a small secluded square surrounded by trees, stands the church of San Domenico, inside which is placed the grandiose Crucifixion, an early work of Cimabue.

An excellent example of Tuscan mannerism is Vasari's house where Giorgio Vasari lived. This house was created according to his own project (1540-48).

From here, bypassing the church (XI-XII centuries) Santa Maria in Gradi (rebuilt in 1592 by the architect Ammannati). you can get to Museum of Medieval and Modern Art, which is housed in the Renaissance palace of the Palazzo Bruni-Ciocchi piece, as it is called, the Customs Palace (XV century). The palace is located at a monumental crossroads, complemented by palaces from the 14th century and the Renaissance.
The museum was born from the merger of the municipal collections and the collections of the Brotherhood of the Hermits. He offers detailed review painting of Arezzo and Tuscany from the 14th to the XLX centuries. Here are works by Giorgio Vasari, Margarito Darezzo, Spinello. Aretino, Luca Signorelli, Bartolomeo della Gatta, Ludovico Carracci. The Madonna della Misericordia by Parri di Spinello is exhibited here. as well as painting from the 17th century (Grechetto, Pietro Benvenuti) to the 19th century, which is represented by the Tachi artists Giovanni Fattori and Telemaco Signorini. In addition, the museum exhibits jewelry, bronze sculptures, majolica (one of the richest collections in Italy), weapons, coins and medals.

On the old street"Via Sacra", which enclosed in a semicircle medieval city, is the church of Santissima Annunziata. This is a Renaissance building with an unfinished facade and an elegant three-arched window (XVI century). Inside is the venerated terracotta sculpture Madonna and Child by Michele da Firenze (c. 1430).

Archaeological Museum of Patrons is located in the former monastery of San Bernardo, partly located on the ruins of a Roman amphitheater (117-138 AD). The collection of the museum is represented by works from private collections of the 18th-19th centuries and objects discovered during recent excavations. In addition to the department of Etruscan and Hellenistic cultures, the museum houses objects found in the lands of Arezzo (Eifronios spiral bowl), Valdikiana (Attic amphora) and Casentino. In the department of Roman culture, the so-called coral vases, or “sealed lands”, Aretine tableware made of ceramics covered with red paint, as well as the Attic cup of Duris, glassware and jewelry (a male portrait made in the technique of cryography - painted with gold ink) deserve attention. on parchment), numismatics, Etruscan and Roman bronzes. The museum has departments dedicated to prehistory and paleontology.

Outside the city, on the site of the ancient "Fons Tect" stands the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, built in 1435-44. In front of the austere Gothic church is an elegant vaulted portico designed by the architect Benedetto da Maiano. Inside is a marble central altar and glazed terracotta by Andrea della Robbia, which contains frescoes by Parri di Spinello.
Behind Alpi di Poti is 18.5 km to the east the Abbey of Sai Veriano, a Romanesque church from the 11th century.

Arezzo - a bit of history

The Arretium, about which there is information dating back to the 4th century BC, was perhaps one of the 12 powerful Etruscan lucomonies. It became a Roman military center and established itself under Emperor Augustus. In the 1st century BC. here the production of “sealed land” (“ter-ra sijillata”) develops, which falls into decay along with the city at the beginning of the 2nd century.
The economic and urban revival begins in the 12th century during the period of communal administration, a university was founded here. In 1289, after the defeat of Campaldino, which Dante mentions, the city falls under the influence of Florence. which is sold for the first time in 1337, and then, finally, in 1384. During this period, the decline of the city begins, which damages artistic and cultural independence.
A new impetus to development arises during the period of Italian Unification and, above all, after the construction railway Florence - Rome (1862-66).

Stones of Arezzo
from stones made by centuries,
that keep the echoes of speeches,
the screams of victims with their necks bared...
and the repentance of their executioners...
from the stones on a quiet, impassive night,
from their trembling in the squares,
idle reality freezes,
vanity turns to dust...

this city, conceived by the antique,
greedily drinks from the flow of currencies ...
fat birds peck at trifles,
that can't fit into the pasted
poster comfort at the gate ...
discern behind a smiling face
mannequins ringing showcases,
yours, Arezzo, forgotten with haste
for the aging of sweet wines,

for fermenting flirting and singing
on your paved squares,
faint voice of innocent decay,
the ashes of the slain prisoner ...
Author — Elena Serebrovskaya-Migliori

We decided to visit old City Arezzo is one of the most charming cities in Italy. The city is located in the center of the country on the hills through which the river Arno flows. Arezzo is not Big city, however, it contains great amount historical sights and memorials. It has preserved narrow streets lined with paving stones and houses built in the 15th century. The city of Arezzo conveys the true charm of Italy. If you plan to explore most of the town's monuments on foot, you'll need a whole day. However, it is worth noting that the most important sights of this city are concentrated in the center.

History of the city of Arezzo.

The ancient Arretium (VI-IV centuries BC) was presumably inhabited by the Umbrian tribe. The city was famous for the production of ceramics and bronze, as well as the famous Aretian vases in ancient times. Under the Romans, the city expanded greatly in the southeast direction, baths, a theater, and an amphitheater appeared. Arretium became the third most important city after Rome and Capua and retained its importance until the 2nd century. In 575, the city fell under the rule of the Lombards, then the Franks, and after the collapse of the Frankish state, it was revived again.

During the XIII-XIV centuries, most of the religious and civil buildings were built and the appearance of the city was formed, which is preserved to this day. In the XIV century, the city lost its independence, fell under the rule of Florence and was included in the Grand Duchy of Tuscany. The new signors, the Medici, cared not so much about the interests of the Aretinians, but about asserting their own power.

Church of San Francesco.

You should start your tour of Arezzo in Piazza San Francesco, the main attraction of which is the Gothic church of San Francesco (Chiesa di San Francesco). The church was built in the 13th century and rebuilt in the 14th century in the form of Umbrotuscan Gothic. In the vast deserted Gothic interior, the remains of wall frescoes made in the 14th and 15th centuries stand out. One of the masterpieces of the Italian Renaissance has been preserved in the choir stalls: a cycle of frescoes based on the Legend of the Holy Cross, made by Piero della Francesca in the 15th century. Above the choir is a crucifix depicting San Francesco, the work of the Master of San Francesco (XIII century). Also noteworthy are the Guasconi Chapel with frescoes by Spinello Aretino (c. 1400) and the Tarlati Chapel. Here is the Annunciation, which is attributed to both Luca Signorelli and Bartolomeo della Gatta.

Abbey Church of Arezzo.

In the Abbey Church, erected by the Benedictines in the 13th century and expanded in the middle of the 16th century, Vasari (the bell tower was built in 1650), the Crucifix by Segna di Bonaventura and the monumental altar by Giorgio Vasari have been preserved. On the territory of the former monastery, to the right of the church, there is an elegant monastery courtyard of the 15th century.

Avenue Corso Italia in Arezzo.

On Corso Italia Avenue, which has been the main city thoroughfare since time immemorial, there are the church of San Michele (XIII century) with a bell tower of the XIV century; the palaces of Palazzo Bacci and Palazzo Altucci: the tower house of the 13th century and the palace of Palazzo Camayani-Albergotti of the 14th century. Next to the palace rises the so-called Torre della Bagazza, built in 1351, which was used during the Nazi era as a "lictor tower" (lictors - a guard and escort service in ancient Italy).

Church of Santa Maria.

Opposite Torre della Bagazza, one of the most significant examples of the Romanesque style in Tuscany stands out - the parish church of Santa Maria (Pieve di Santa Maria), the construction of which began in 1140 and continued, with the introduction of Gothic elements, until the first decades of the XIV century. In the 16th century, the church was rebuilt according to the design of Vasari and was completely restored at the end of the 19th century. Its beautiful facade is made in the Romanesque style under the influence of the Pisan-Luccan school (XIII century). The central portal is decorated with the image of the Months, a powerful bell tower (1330) with windows separated by columns is called the tower of "hundred holes". The majestic interior houses the font of Giovanni di Agostino and a polyptych by Pietro Lorenzetti (1320-24)

Piazza Grande.

Piazza Grande, also called Piazza Vasari, is one of the most picturesque squares in Italy, interestingly, it has a slope of almost 30 degrees. In June and September, the Knights' Tournaments of the Saracens are held here - an unusual, colorful and memorable event. Every month (on the first Sunday of the month) the famous Antiques Fair is held. The sights of the square are: the Public Fountain (XVI century), the Court Palace and the elegant Palace of the Confraternity of Novices, the lower floor of which was built in the Gothic style, and the upper one in the Renaissance style. Worthy of attention is the Palais des Loggias, designed by Vasari in 1537.

Praetor Palace.

On Via Pileati, a continuation of Corso Italia, there is a monumental Praetor Palace built in XIV-XV centuries and the supposed home of Petrarch, which houses the Petrarch Academy of Letters, Arts and Sciences. Passing along the boulevard Passegio del Prato with the ruined Fortress of the Medici, you get to Cathedral. The construction of the cathedral began in the 13th century and was completed at the beginning of the 16th century. Inside the cathedral are the Gothic arch of San Donato, the fresco "Magdalene" by Piero della Francesca and the cenotaph of Bishop Guido Tarlati (1330). Nearby, in a small secluded square surrounded by trees, stands the church of San Domenico, inside which is placed the grandiose Crucifixion, an early work of Cimabue.

House of Vasari.

Noteworthy is the Vasari House, where Giorgio Vasari lived. This house was created according to his own project in 1548. From here, bypassing the church of Santa Maria in Gradi, built in the 11th century and rebuilt in 1592 by the architect Ammannati, you can reach the Museum of Medieval and Modern Art. The museum is located in the Renaissance palace Palazzo Bruni Ciocchi built in the 5th century, otherwise it is called the Customs Palace. The palace is located at a monumental crossroads, complemented by palaces from the 14th century and the Renaissance.

Church of Santissima Annunziata.

On the ancient street "Via Sacra", which enclosed the medieval city in a semicircle, there is the church of Santissima Annunziata. It is a Renaissance building with an unfinished façade and an elegant three-arched window. Inside is the revered terracotta sculpture Madonna and Child by Michele da Firenze.

Archaeological Museum of Patrons.

The Archaeological Museum of the Patrons is housed in the former monastery of San Bernardo, partly located on the ruins of a Roman amphitheatre. The collection of the museum is represented by works from private collections of the 18th-19th centuries and objects discovered during recent excavations. In the department of Roman culture, the so-called coral vases, or “sealed lands”, Aretine tableware made of ceramics covered with red paint, as well as the Attic bowl of Duris, glassware and jewelry (a male portrait made in the technique of cryography - painted with gold ink) deserve attention. on parchment), numismatics, Etruscan and Roman bronzes. The museum has departments dedicated to prehistory and paleontology.