India (India). India: the main sights and interesting places (with photos) India places worth visiting

India is one of the largest economically developed countries in the world in terms of territory and population. It was here that the ancient Indian culture was born and developed, giving the world many magnificent monuments.

Today, India is developing rapidly and moving forward with leaps and bounds. But its inhabitants do not forget about their history and culture. They carefully keep all their monuments and are happy to show them to guests and tourists who come to their ancient country.

TOP 10 attractions in India

India has a huge number of real wonders of the world, this country is generally similar to a fairy-tale kingdom: magnificent temples, palaces, minarets, mausoleums, which we remember from school days. Separately, it can be said about natural attractions.

This mausoleum and mosque in Agra was built by order of Shah Jahan in memory of his wife, who died untimely in childbirth. This is one of the most beautiful architectural creations in India, which for many centuries has delighted with the harmony of its lines.

The construction of the Taj Mahal began at the very beginning of the 17th century and lasted at least 12 years. Today Shah Jahan and his wife are buried in this magnificent snow-white mausoleum. Tourists from all over the world come to Agra to see this attraction with their own eyes.

2. City of Varanasi

This is the oldest Indian city, as significant for the Hindus as the Vatican is for the Catholics, i.e. being the center of Hinduism. It is located on the main river of the country -, and is a place of pilgrimage for Hindus from all over India and from abroad.

Varanasi is at least three thousand years old. It is mentioned in the Rigveda as the center of Brahmanism, science, literature and art. From the point of view of Indian cosmology, Varanasi is the center of the world, sung in the verses of the Skanda Purana.

The largest Indian river, near which local tribes settled since ancient times. It has always been of great, decisive importance in the economy and culture of this country, the Ganges is the sacred river of the Hindus, bathing in it is an obligatory Hindu ritual.

The Ganges originates in the Himalayan mountains and flows into the Bay of Bengal. In some places the river is navigable. A tourist visiting India should definitely visit the Ganges to look at one of the cradles where humanity was born.

Compared to Indian antiquities, this temple is very young. It was built in 1986 as a Baha'i center. Outwardly, the temple looks like a snow-white lotus flower, it looks extremely impressive, and is very much loved by tourists from all over the world.

Around the Lotus Temple there is a beautiful garden, the combination of magnificent architecture and the exquisite natural beauty of the flowers of the garden delivers a real aesthetic pleasure. The Lotus Temple today is a religious and tourist centre in Delhi.

These Buddhist temple and monastic complexes are located in 29 caves in the state of Maharashtra. There you can see prayer halls, cells for monks and shrines with Buddha statues. On the walls of the caves there are ancient paintings based on Buddhist myths and legends.

While the Taj Mahal shines with majestic marble brilliance, the Meenakshi Amman temple is full of bright colors. It is located in the South East Indian state of Tamil Nadu in the city of Madurai, which is considered one of the oldest continuously settlements in the world that has been functioning for more than two thousand years.

Photo: Pabloneco on Flickr

Photo: Bryce Edwards on Flickr

It is based on something extraordinary - the temple of the Hindu goddess Parvati, the wife of the god Shiva. The entire temple complex is guarded by towers known as gopuras. The tallest of these is the south tower, which was erected in 1559 and is over 170 feet high. And the eastern tower, founded in 1216, is considered the oldest, that is, it was built several centuries before Columbus went to discover distant lands.

Jantar Mantar

Photo: Guy Incognito on Flickr

The remarkable complex of buildings is similar to the scenery for a planet far from Earth from a sci-fi blockbuster. But in fact, these are instruments developed and used in Jaipur to observe celestial bodies. They were built by order of the Maharaja in the first decades of the 18th century and are still in use today.

Photo: McKay Savage on Flickr

Photo: Philip Cope on Flickr

Jai Singh II was born in 1688 and became Maharaja at the age of eleven, but inherited a kingdom that was on the verge of impoverishment. The kingdom of Amber (later Jaipur) was in a desperate situation, the cavalry numbered less than a thousand people. But on his thirtieth birthday, the ruler built Jantar-Mantar.

Kumbhalgarh - Great Indian Wall

It is the second largest continuous wall on our planet. Some call it by the name of the fort it surrounds - Kumbalgarh, and others - the Great Wall of China of India. Surprisingly, such an outstanding building is little known outside of its region.

Photo: Lamentables on Flickr

Photo: Beth on Flickr

The wall stretches for 36 kilometers. In many images, you can mistake it for the Great Wall of China. However, there were many centuries and cultural differences between them. Work on the creation of Kumbhalgarh did not begin until 1443 - just fifty years before Columbus sailed on Atlantic Ocean to make amazing discoveries on its other side.

Temple of Karni Mata

Photo: alschim on Flickr

From the outside, the Hindu temple of Karni Mata, located in the small town of Deshnok in the Indian province of Rajasthan, looks just like any other. But the beautifully and exquisitely decorated shrine, with a constant stream of worshipers, holds a surprise for unsuspecting visitors. The temple is inhabited by thousands of rats.

Photo: owenstache on Flickr

Photo: micbaun on Flickr

Rodents are not random inhabitants of the temple. Parishioners take special care of food for rats, as they are here in memory of the legendary woman - Karni Mata.

Jodhpur - the blue city of India

Photo: bodoluy on Flickr

Travelers traverse the arid landscapes of the Thar Desert in the Indian state of Rajasthan to reach this place. It seems that here the sky fell to the ground and everything became one color - blue. Jodhpur stretches before you like blue treasures in the middle of the desert.

Photo: Christopher Walker on Flickr

Photo: Il Fatto on Flickr

According to one version, the population of the Blue City paints their houses in various shades of blue due to the caste system prevailing in India. Brahmins belong to the highest Indian caste, and the blue color distinguishes their dwellings from other people.

Leh Palace

Photo: watchsmart on Flickr

In the early years of the seventeenth century, the King of the Kingdom of Ladakh, Senge Namgyal, ordered the construction of this huge palace. It is located on the top of the Himalayas in the city of Leh, currently the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. The building served as the home of a dynasty of rulers until they were overthrown and expelled in 1834. Since then, the lofty Lekh Palace has been abandoned. Nevertheless, it rises majestically in this region of India, which is often called Little Tibet.

Photo: teseum on Flickr

Photo: Matt Werner on Flickr

Supposedly it was modeled after the more famous Potala Palace in neighboring Tibet, which served as the residence of the Dalai Lama until 1959, when he left the country. The Leh Palace is smaller than the Potala Palace, but its nine-story structure is still impressive. The upper floors were occupied by King Namgyal, his family and crowds of courtiers. The lower floors housed servants, storage rooms and stables.

Living bridges of Meghalaya

Photo: Ashwin Mudigonda on Flickr

Our understanding of India, with its population of more than a billion people, is often limited by statistics. However, there are places in this subcontinent that still remain virtually inaccessible. The state of Meghalaya in the northeast of the country is replete with subtropical forests. To get around in this area, the locals resorted to an ingenious form of natural engineering - living root bridges.

Photo: Rajkumar1220 on Flickr

Photo: ARshiya Bose on Flickr

With every rain, fording through the rivers becomes very dangerous, and this is one of the wettest places on the planet. Steady rainfall combined with rugged terrain, steep slopes and dense deciduous forests turn many areas of Meghalaya into an impenetrable jungle. But the inventive and resourceful local population has created a unique system of natural suspension bridges.

Ajanta caves

Photo: Ashok66 on Flickr

Two thousand two hundred years ago, work began on an extensive series of cave monuments in the Indian state of Maharashtra. Over the course of hundreds of years, thirty-one monuments were carved out of the rocks. Around 1000 AD, the monks gradually abandoned the cave complex and it fell into disrepair. The overgrown dense jungle hid the caves from human eyes.

Photo: Franekn on Flickr

Show table of places of interest in India



Working hours

Ticket price

Taj Mahal

6:00 - 19:00, Fri - day off

Ajanta - Complex of temple caves


mon. - day off

Lotus Temple

is free

Victoria Terminus station

around the clock

is free

City of Varanasi

Uttar Pradesh

around the clock

is free

Hampi, Virupaksha Temple


is free

Minaret Qutub Minar

Kandarya Mahadeva Temple


Jaisalmer (Fortress)


is free

Harmandir Sahib

Punjab, Amritsar

around the clock

is free

Gateway of India

around the clock

is free

Gateway of India

around the clock

is free

Hawa Mahal Palace

red fort

500 r., 300 r. with a ticket to the Taj Mahal,

children under 15 years old - free of charge.

Mehrangarh fortress

Entrance 300 rub. and 100 r. for the photo

Lake Pichela Palace

around the clock

Depends on room rate

Dudhsagar waterfall

around the clock

is free

around the clock

is free

national park kanha


around the clock

500-2000 rubles for safari

Indian Museum

Serampora, Kolkata

300 r. with audio guide


Taj Mahal (Agra)

There are many photographers near the Taj Mahal who, for a small fee, will take an instant photo for you as a keepsake.

The most famous and impressive landmark of India is located in Agra. This miracle of architecture was created as a tomb for Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal, his beloved wife. The sight is built of rare white marble and decorated with precious inlay.

The object is named a World Heritage Site and is protected by UNESCO. Represents a special pride for the people of India.

Schedule: 6:00 - 19:00, Fri - day off
Price: 750 rubles

Ajanta - a complex of temples inside the caves (Maharashtra)

Ancient Buddhist complex of rock temples. Temples were carved directly into the rock for seven centuries. This huge complex, divided into caves. In five of them there are temple caves (viharas), in the remaining twenty-four caves there are monastic cells (chaityas). A standard cave temple looks like a large square hall with small cells in a circle. The cells are decorated with columns and interesting rich carvings. Many fragments of wall paintings have been preserved here, which belong to the genre of traditional Indian miniatures.

In 1983, the temple complex was included in the protected sites of UNESCO.

Schedule: 9:00-17:30, Mon. - day off
Price: 250 r.

Lotus Temple (New Delhi)

The building is very well suited for video shooting from a quadrocopter
Unlike all the sights of India, which are surrounded by a halo of antiquity, this temple was built relatively recently - in 1986. This main temple of the Baha religious movement is located in New Delhi. It is an image of a huge white lotus flower and has a very unique architecture.

Important: The temple is open to the public for people of all faiths. It does not read sermons and do not conduct ritual ceremonies.

Schedule: 09:00 — 19:00
Price: is free

Victoria Terminus Station (Chhatrapati Shivaji)

Be sure to visit the station at night!

The most interesting and unique architectural solution for Mumbai. The building of the station with its quirkiness resembles the architecture of the Maharaja's palace. Construction was carried out by architects from Britain during the period of colonization, but the stylization took emphasis on local traditions. Named after a national hero who rebelled against Muslim rulers.

The train station is famous as one of the main locations in the famous movie "Slumdog Millionaire"

Schedule: around the clock
Price: is free

City of Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh)

The oldest and most revered city of India on the Ganges River. It serves as an important center of pilgrimage. People from all over India (and not only) flock to Varanasi. Ritual rites of cremation of the dead are performed around the clock on the banks of the river. To be cremated in this city is a great honor for any Hindu.

The city has unique history and its architectural features. Also, in view of ritual rites, a characteristic way of life and everyday life was formed.

Important: be careful with video and photography of the cremation ceremony. For one photo you will be charged a lot of money.

Schedule: around the clock
Price: is free

Hampi (Karnataka)

If possible, take a good camera or even a quadcopter with you. Great shots guaranteed!

An amazing place with the ruins of the ancient city of Vajayanagara. In the 14th century it was the capital of the Vijayanagara Empire and a major trading city, and now it is an important architectural monument. There are more than 20 important historical monuments in Hampi that are protected by UNESCO. Not far from each other, there are many functioning temples with the remnants of the former majestic empire. The center of Hampi is the Virupaksha temple, which is the most sacred in the state of Karnataka.

In addition to architecture, Hampi is distinguished by its striking landscapes. Mountains of huge boulders, stunning sunsets and an abundance of wildlife. The place is very popular with amateur photographers.

Advice: be sure to carry drinking water with you and wear hats. Due to the terrain, it is very hot here.

— Temple complex of Virupaksha. The current complex, which is dedicated to the incarnation of Shiva and his wife Pampa.
- Statue of Narasimha. Massive rock statue in honor of one of the incarnations of Vishnu.
- Temple of Anjaneya. Here, according to legend, the monkey-like deity Hanuman was born.
— Vitthala Temple. Dedicated to another incarnation of Vishnu. Opposite the temple is Hampi's signature stone chariot-ratha.

Opening hours (Virupaksha Temple): 08:00-18:00
Price: is free

Minaret Qutab Minar (New Delhi)

It is best to visit in the morning when there are not so many groups of tourists
72-meter brick minaret (the highest in the world) in Delhi. The high-rise building is covered to its full height with carvings and artistic brickwork. Several generations of Delhi rulers-sultans were engaged in the construction of this Minaret in the Mehrauli region. For the construction, materials were used from the ruins of many Hindu temples. The object is also protected by UNESCO.

Schedule: 07:00-17:00
Price: 200 r.

Kandarya Mahadeva Temple (Khajuraho)

Located in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, the city of Khajuraho. The construction of the complex dates back to 1050. The outer perimeter walls contain 646 sculptures of animals, musicians and dancers. Tourists pay the most attention to impressive erotic sculptures. Inside the temple there are several spacious halls, high colonnades and balconies. In the main sanctuary, there is a 3-meter statue of the Shiva Lingam made of solid marble.

The main temple has a high 31-meter spire with 84 miniature copies in a circle.

Under the protection of UNESCO.

Schedule: 06:00-18:00
Price: 250 r.

Jaisalmer (Rajasthan)

The "Golden City" is located in the heart of the Thar Desert. A fort with a palace and temples was erected on the hill of the city. The city was founded in the 12th century at the crossroads of camel caravan routes that transported expensive goods: spices, silk and jewelry. The strategically important location of the city made it possible to collect trade duties from Indian, Persian and Egyptian caravans. In the city you can see ancient Jain temples and a repository of manuscripts.

Important: The fort is very poorly maintained: many buildings are in disrepair. It is safer to spend the night outside, in one of the many hotels.

Schedule: 07:00 — 21:00
Price: is free

Harmandir Sahib (Punjab, Amritsar)

Best to visit in the afternoon

Alternative name - Golden Temple. The most important Holy place Sikhs. The Golden Temple is built on a special platform and is surrounded on all sides by water. This building can be entered from four sides - a kind of symbol of the openness of the religion of Sikhism. Entrance to the temple is open to followers of any denomination.

Important: All visitors to the temple must take off their shoes and cover their heads before entering.

Schedule: around the clock
Price: is free

India Gate (New Delhi)

Relative of the French Arc de Triomphe

The forty-meter gates serve as a monument to the soldiers who died during the battles of the First World War. Built of sandstone and opened in the 30s. The engravings of the names of the dead Indians are carved on the walls, and next to it is the memorial Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers. On the territory of the memorial complex there is a green recreation park for locals and tourists.

Schedule: around the clock
Price: is free

Gateway of India (Mumbai)

Near the gate you can book a water excursion.

Another symbolic gate, but this time on the sea embankment of the city of Mumbai. It was erected on the occasion of George V's visit to India. British soldiers marched under this arch when they left Indian territory after gaining their independence.

Schedule: around the clock
Price: is free

Hawa Mahal Palace (Jaipur)

The alternative name of the attraction is the Palace of the Winds. The peculiarity of the architectural solution of the building is that its facade is pierced by more than 950 tiny windows. The palace was built as a building for a harem, so all the windows are covered with white marble bars. The building has five floors built of pink sandstone.

Schedule: 09:00 — 16:30
Price: 50 r.

Red Fort (Agra)

If you have a ticket to the Taj Mahal, there is a significant discount on visiting the fort

Majestic fortification from red sandstone. Located just a few kilometers from the Taj Mahal. The fort can be called one of the most visited excursions in the city. The building served as the residence of the rulers for several generations of the Great Mughals. Built in the 16th century. Behind the massive and impregnable walls there is a large complex of buildings, park areas and palaces. The fort is under the protection of UNESCO.

Schedule: 6:30 — 19:00
Price: 500 r. or 300 r. with a ticket to the Taj Mahal, children under 15 years old are free of charge.

Mehrangarh Fort (Jaipur, Rajasthan)

At sunset, an incredibly picturesque view opens from the upper points of the fortress.

A huge fortification on top of a mountain. The fortress was built starting from 1459, along with the foundation of the city. Over the course of several centuries, walls and gates were rebuilt, turning into huge monumental buildings. Until 1943, representatives of the ruling family lived in this fortress. Inside there is a full-fledged museum, observation platforms and palaces.

Schedule: 9:00 — 17:00
Price: Entrance 300 rub. and 100 r. for the photo

Pichela Lake Palace (Udaipur)

Summer residence of the local ruler. Located right in the middle of the lake on a rocky base. This is a snow-white eastern castle, all covered with carvings and beautiful columns. The palace has more than a hundred luxurious hotel rooms that are rented out to any tourist.

Schedule: around the clock
Price: depends on room rate

Dudhsagar waterfall (Goa)

Be sure to bring a towel with you, as there are many small drops of water in the air.

Natural attraction in the natural park Goa. Dudhsagar is one of the largest waterfalls in India. It is advisable to get there by jeeps, as the road runs through the river. You can also get there by motorcycle, but for this you need to have a rich driving experience. The height of the waterfall is 300 meters. The waterfall looks great in photographs, as it is located directly above the railway bridge.

Schedule: around the clock
Price: free of charge (if it is not possible to get there on your own, you can look for a jeep tour)

Goa (whole state)

During the tourist season, there are many music festivals.

An entire state as a tourist attraction. 100 km. beaches and a corner of freedom for creative people from around the world. Goa can be divided into North and South.

The north coast is a kind of mecca for hippies and an abundance of nightlife for young people. The entire coast is strewn with restaurants, nightclubs and hotels. South coast much quieter and more expensive, as there are not many hotels and resorts here.
In Goa, most of the beaches are suitable for a relaxing swim.

Schedule: around the clock
Price: is free

Kanha National Park (Maharashtra)

If possible, please leave a small donation to support wildlife

Kanha Tiger Reserve is one of the most beautiful and lively wildlife parks in the world. The reserve hosts great amount species of animals living in their natural wild habitat. It was here that Kipling took inspiration to write the world-famous novel The Jungle Book.

Important:Best time to visit Kanha: February - June.

Schedule: around the clock
Price: 500-2000 rubles for safari

Indian Museum (Serampora, Kolkata)

Recommended to visit with children. The museum has many unique exhibits.

The largest museum and hot spot for people who are passionate about ancient art. Founded in 1814 by a biologist from Denmark. Finds collected from all over the world are exhibited here: an Egyptian mummy, things related to the life of the Buddha, a collection of meteorites, ancient fossils and all kinds of remains, as well as all kinds of works of art. The museum is one of the oldest museums in the world.

Schedule: 10:00 — 17:00
Price: 300 r. with audio guide

Answers to frequently asked questions:

Q: What is the best currency to take with you?

A: It is best to take dollars. You can withdraw money from Visa and Mastercard bank cards at any ATM.

Q: Do I need to be vaccinated before traveling?

A: Vaccinations are not required, but it is better to play it safe once again.

Q: How to protect yourself while traveling in India?

A: The rules are the same as everywhere - do not leave things unattended. Keep your money out of reach (there are a lot of pickpockets in India). When leaving for a walk, it is better to hand over valuables to the luggage room at the hotel.

India is the seventh largest country in the world, stretching from the Himalayas to the sandy expanses of the desert. The inhabitants of the country speak different languages, and the state itself has more than two thousand ethnic groups. That is why India is mysterious and has many unique monuments of various cultures, many exotic places, religious shrines. The sights of India will be appreciated by every tourist!

The most striking and unique sights include the ancient monuments and caves of Goa, the memorial arch "Gate of India" in Delhi, the Palace of the Winds in Jaipur, mausoleums in the cities of Agra and Hampi. Each Indian city has unique, majestic temples, luxurious picturesque gardens and parks, many architectural buildings erected during different eras.

What to see in Goa

The small Indian state of Goa is the most popular tourist destination in the world. Travelers meet him picturesque beaches sunrises and sunsets that impress with their picturesque natural landscapes. Tourists are attracted by the Dudhsagar waterfall, the bastion forts of Alorn and Aguada and architectural complex.

Waters of Dudhsagar

The Dudhsagar waterfall is the largest in India. Its waters flow in the foothills of the Ghats. This place is surrounded by virgin tropical forests, so the magnificence of the local landscapes will impress any traveler. The amazing jets of the majestic waterfall seem white.

The name of the unique place in translation means "milky ocean". At the foot of the waterfall with snow-white streams, there is a beautiful Indian lake. The road by car to the lake and the waterfall takes about an hour. You can also get to the place by bus. A rocky path leads to the waterfall itself. There are many wild monkeys in the vicinity of Dudhsagar, and the virgin nature impresses with a variety of tropical plants and trees.

Waterfall Arvalem

close north goa fall from a height of 50 meters of the water of Arvalem - another picturesque and beautiful waterfall Goa. The sound of water can be heard three kilometers from this place. At the bottom of the waterfall, its jets form a lake framed by amazing landscapes. The stone stairs located next to the lake lead to Sri Murdeshwar Temple. The stone bridge allows you to fully enjoy the amazing views of the virgin nature of Goa.

A visit to the Arvalem caves will be an excellent addition to an exciting tour of the reserve. The caves were created by Buddhist wanderers for lodging for the night in the 5th-6th centuries. By themselves, they form five tunnels that lead to Big hall. On the walls of the caves, ancient rock inscriptions, which are already eight hundred years old, have been preserved to this day. These attractions ancient india allow you to plunge into the past era, completely dissolving in the imprints of past civilizations.

Fortress of Aguada

Goa is also home to the impregnable Fort of Aguada. The fortress is the main attraction of the state. It is located near the beach, and the ancient fort itself is considered the best preserved fortification of the seventeenth century. Once upon a time, the fortification reliably protected Goa and its main city from enemies and served as a reservoir of water for the inhabitants. In the fortress there is a non-functioning old lighthouse, and not far from the fort there is a fashionable hotel. Fort Aguada in Goa is historical monument Portuguese colonization of the country. It is built on a picturesque hill, which offers a magnificent view of the sea rocky coast. The Goa fortification was built in the form of a semicircle on the very edge. In ancient times, Fort Aguada was built to fire on enemy ships.

spice plantations

An excursion to the spice plantation - the highlight of the state of Goa - will leave many pleasant impressions. The list of entertainment here includes an elephant ride, a rich lunch of exotic dishes and belly dancing. Fragrant Indian plantations will allow you to plunge into the world of fragrant herbs, vanilla, cardamom, pepper and cloves. Throughout the state there are several exotic plantations that grow papaya, pineapples, coconuts, cashews.

Cathedral of Saint Catherine

The sights of Goa do not end only with a visit to the picturesque reserves and the fort. The unique "Growing Cross" can be seen in St. Catherine's Cathedral. The chapels of this cathedral keep an ancient crucifix of the 17th century carved from wood. According to legend, the cross was placed in the chapel where it began to grow. In Asia, the cathedral is the largest building of Christianity.

Sights of Delhi

Many sights of India are located in Delhi - a city in which there is vanity, chaos and an abundance of antiquities. This modern city is of particular historical interest. Here are the Red Fort, the famous Hindu temple complexes Akshardham and Bangla Sahib, the Gandhi memorial, the ancient tomb of Humayun, the Qutub Minar minaret. All these monuments and shrines of Delhi make for an impressive sight.

Red Fort

The fortress is a symbol of the reign of Indian dynasties and is famous for its unique architectural beauty. The Red Fort is a palace where the shahs ruled, and includes an audience hall, multi-colored palace pavilions, an archaeological museum, collections of paintings, a memorial. The fortress was built ten years. The last emperor to occupy a fort in Delhi was Bahadur Shah II. During the reign of the British, the fort was a military town.

Gateway of India

The India Gate Memorial Arch in Delhi commemorates the 90,000 British soldiers who lost their lives in the First World War. Their names are carved on the walls of the building, and at the foot of the symbol of Delhi, the eternal flame does not go out. Near the memorial are beautiful parks and green lawns of Delhi. Today, a visit to the arch is a must in state visits by prominent political figures. The steps of the Gateway of India descend directly to the water, and after sunset, you can enjoy the beauty of the illumination of the memorial.

Akshardham Temple

This Hindu temple is one of Delhi's famous landmarks. Akshardham fully reflects the Hindu culture. The temple is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most majestic and largest complex in the world. Its buildings contain a wide variety of architectural styles, and the temple itself is built of marble and pink sandstone. There are more than twenty thousand statues in the shrine.

Through the water channels of the territory temple complex you can make an exciting trip on a rented boat. Delhi tourists expect musical beautiful fountains, luxurious flower beds, a large number of antique sculptures, a cafe and a shop.

What to visit in Jaipur

Jaipur has prepared for its guests many interesting places of Ancient India. The city is the capital of the state of Rajasthan. This lively metropolis has historical ancient features in its appearance. The city has many carved Indian temples, luxurious palaces, fortresses and gardens.

Hawa Mahal

Hawa Mahal Palace and Jaipur are two inseparable things. This "Palace of the Winds" is rightly called calling card cities. The frontal part of the palace complex is a honeycomb of a beehive. Many small windows of the building look out to Jaipur, decorated with elegant wrought-iron lattices. The palace itself resembles the crown of the god Krishna. In ancient times, noble women of the harem watched the everyday life of the townspeople from miniature windows. The bars on the windows were intended to hide the faces of the ladies from the harem. The Palace of the Winds is located in the heart of the city of Jaipur. Around the majestic building, the life of the business Indian quarter is in full swing. The Palace of the Winds was built from pink and red sandstone. It looks especially impressive when the rays of the sun fall on its walls.

Amber Fort

A huge and impregnable palace-fortress rises among the Indian rocks and is located eleven kilometers from the city. The fort resembles a whole town and is divided into four parts. The fortress is an example of the wealth of the Maharajas. Here is a temple to the goddess Strength, her statue was brought from Bengal. A double row of columns is crowned with elephants and galleries. The pleasure hall of the fortress is built of ivory and sandal wood. When visiting Jaipur, you should definitely visit the Amber Fort.

jal mahal

The unique palace on the water Jal Mahal seems to be hanging in the air. The building of the palace is immersed in the water of the lake, therefore it is a real miracle of architecture. Its construction began in the XVIII century, when Jaipur was intended for recreation of Indian rulers. When summer and the dry season come, the walls of the palace appear from the lake waters. The palace can only be reached by boat.

City Palace

This architectural complex is the most luxurious among the palaces that Jaipur has. It is located in the very center of the city. The complex houses numerous museums, and most of it is the royal residence. City Palace has unique Museum weapons, which presents many exhibits from different eras. The attraction of the palace is its gate, representing a majestic arch. They are decorated with unique carvings and ornaments.

What to see in Agra

The city of Agra is rich in ancient treasures and Indian shrines. Here is the tomb of Akbar, the mausoleums of significant Indian personalities, the luxurious Rambach Garden, the Taj Mahal, a fortress and a real ghost town.

Tomb of Akbar

The tomb is located in the vicinity of the city of Agra. It is made in the Spartan style and is a real masterpiece of Muslim architecture. The mausoleum includes two buildings, which are connected by a paved path. The buildings of the tomb are built of pink sandstone marble. The mausoleum itself, located near Agra, has four towers with sharp ends. And on the territory around the unique tomb live monkeys, which are often met by tourists.

Taj Mahal

The snow-white Taj Mahal is the main attraction that Agra is so rich in. The building was erected as a tomb for the wife of the Mughal emperor. The building is made in the Persian architectural style and has its own characteristics. Agra has many palaces and mausoleums, but the Taj Mahal is unique in its own way. High minarets are located at its corners, the walls of the tomb are decorated with mosaics, ornaments and the finest patterns. This is a true work of ancient architecture. The Taj Mahal is decorated with numerous precious stones and is surrounded by a beautiful park and mosques.

Fatherpuh Sikri

The ghost town is located a few kilometers from the city. Once it was the capital, but was abandoned by the ancient inhabitants due to lack of drinking water. Today, this architectural historical complex is included in the UNESCO heritage list and is the most famous landmark in India. There are tombs, monuments of ancient eras, mosques and the Panch Mahal palace. The ancient buildings are built in various styles and include Indian, Islamic and Persian architecture.

Mausoleum of Itimad ud Daula

Agra is a modern Indian city, but it has many unique monuments and mausoleums. In a large picturesque garden is the mausoleum of Itimad ud Daula. The territory of the tomb is crossed by water channels and paths for pedestrians. The marble walls of the tomb are decorated with precious stones, as well as carnelian, jasper, topaz, and onyx. The elegant buildings have hexagonal towers and interesting architectural elements.

What to visit in Hampi

The sights of India are also concentrated in Hampi, a mysterious and mysterious Indian village. This place attracts a large number of tourists from all over the world. The village is located near a river in the north of the southern state of Karnataka.


The ancient ruins of the city of Vijayanagar brought world fame to Hampi. Once upon a time, the capital of a powerful ancient empire was located here. The waters of the river near Hampi are considered curative. Ruin ancient capital occupy twenty-six square meters of area. There are many ancient monuments here, so the ruins of the city are included in the UNESCO heritage list.

Lotus Palace

In the Royal center of the village of Hampi is the Lotus Palace, the royal baths, the temple of Rama. The center also houses the Museum of Archeology, which displays ancient Indian sculptures. Near the unique palace there is an arena designed for elephants.

Virupaksha Temple

In the bazaar area there is a temple with palace pavilions, an elephant herd and a royal bath. The complex has a unique layout and halls for the imperial wives. The Virupaksha temple has eleven buildings, which are interconnected by a common roof.


Sixteen kilometers from Hampi is an interesting bear reserve. At night, the ancient monuments located on its territory are illuminated, and colorful national performances are carried out around it to national motives. The reserve has a beautifully clean lake where you can swim. On a round bamboo boat, you can make an exciting journey along the picturesque river.

We will tell you what to see in India. We collected 19 main sights of the republic, each one was provided with a photo and brief description. Read.

While one empire in the territory modern India replaced another, and the British and Portuguese colonized the peninsula, a lot of interesting things happened in these places. According to legend, it was here that the Buddha was born, India is the birthplace of Mahatma Gandhi and Indira Gandhi, who, by the way, are not relatives. In the end, the Dalai Lama himself moved to India after the occupation of Tibet. And of course, such a complex, confusing and interesting story found its expression in hundreds of sights that take your breath away!

The largest number of Indian cultural and architectural monuments is concentrated in the northern states. In the world's best ashrams for the study of yoga and Hinduism are located. Western and Eastern India became the center of British and Portuguese colonial culture, and the southern states concentrated unique natural parks, nature reserves and best beaches country.

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Landmarks of East India

Victoria Memorial

The main attraction of the capital of British India, the snow-white facades are comparable to the Taj Mahal. The building in the style of the Italian Renaissance was built in the early 20th century in honor of the Queen of England and concurrent Empress of India. Against the background of typical Indian cityscapes, the memorial looks both majestic and alien. The building houses a museum dedicated to colonial India and the history of Calcutta ().Entrance: 150 INR. Daily from 10:00 to 17:00.

Railway to Darjeeling

At unique narrow-gauge railway built in mountainous areas West Bengal and became widely known, including thanks to the Wes Anderson film The Darjeeling Limited. Only 86 km of steep loops and amazing scenery, and rising from 100 meters above sea level in the city of Siliguri to 2200 meters in the highlands of Darjeeling, you can enjoy a cup of the famous tea of ​​the same name.

Landmarks of Western India

Gateway of India

A triumphal arch built at the beginning of the last century on the Bombay embankment next to the main hotel of the city, Taj Mahal Palace, in honor of the visit of King George V after the coronation. In 25 years, the last ship with the British military will sail from here, and India will gain independence. And the India Gate will become the main symbol of the republic.Free of charge and around the clock, screening at the entrance.

Victoria Terminus

E it is not just the Mumbai Central Station, but a real work of colonial art and the most beautiful building in the city. Majestic lions at the entrance, wrought-iron twisted gates, preserved interiors with murals and intricate ornaments - looking at it takes your breath away!Free and around the clock.

Elephanta caves

They are located on the island of Gharapauri, an hour's ferry ride from the India Gate promenade. In the center of the island there is a whole complex of caves with carved images and figures of Shiva, whose age dates back to the 5th-8th centuries AD. At the end of the 20th century, the caves were included in the list of objects world heritage UNESCO.Entrance: 260 INR. Ferry: 130 INR. Every day, except Monday, from 9:00 to 15:00.

Old Goa

Once it was the center of Portuguese India, all the wealth of the colonial empire flocked here. However, after the river leading to the city became shallow and the malaria epidemic passed, the inhabitants of Zolote moved to the modern capital of the state - Panaji, and the city was deserted. Now only working Catholic churches and basilicas remain on its territory, as well as picturesque ruins monasteries in the area - all sights under the protection of UNESCO.

Qutab Minar

With The highest minaret in the world (72.6m) is included in the list of world heritage sites and is protected by UNESCO. It was built for almost 200 years and was used not only for prayers and religious ceremonies, but also to protect the city and monitor the surroundings. The uniqueness of the minaret is in the traditional Indian patterns on the walls. Such an architectural idea is explained by the fact that during the construction of the minaret, materials from Indian temples destroyed in the area were used.Entrance: 500 INR. Daily from 7:00 to 17:00.

Taj Mahal

The construction of the times of the Muslim Mughal Empire, the main attraction of India and one of the 7 new wonders of the world. It is a mosque and a tomb built in honor of Mumtaz Mahal, the wife of the padishah, who died in childbirth. Shah Jahan himself, after his death, was also buried on the territory of the Taj Mahal.

The best view of the mausoleum-mosque opens when passing through the Great Gate. It is believed that all the magic of the Taj Mahal can only be seen in the early morning, when the snow-white building shrouded in predawn haze seems to be floating in the air. However, landfills are constantly burning in the vicinity of Agra, so you can see the soaring Taj Mahal at any time of the day.Entrance: 1000 INR. Daily, except Friday, from dawn to dusk.

Healthy: Review of the trip to

red fort

Another fortress of the Mughal Empire. The highest walls alone, erected specifically to protect the fortress from war elephants, make an impression no less than the Taj Mahal. Until now, part of the fort is used by the Indian military and is closed to the public, the rest is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.Entrance: 550 INR. Daily from dawn to dusk.

Hawa Mahal

The main attraction of the "pink city" Jaipur. The palace was built in the 18th century for the harem of an Indian prince - the Maharaja. The facade of the building is made of pink sandstone, which was used in local architecture and gave the second name to Jaipur - the pink city. Hawa Mahal is also known as the "Palace of the Winds". Thanks to the many windows on the facade, on hot days, with the help of drafts, excellent ventilation was created inside the building, saving the Maharaja's concubines from the heat of the day.Entrance: 200 INR. Daily from 9:00 to 16:30.


A complex of 20 medieval Hindu temples, decorated with thousands of figures from the Kamasutra. The site was once the religious center of the Chandela dynasty, but after its decline in the 13th century, it was abandoned by the inhabitants and lost until it was accidentally found in the jungle by a British officer in the mid-19th century. Since then, a village has been built next to the preserved temples and began to receive tourists from all over the world, and UNESCO included the place in the list of world heritage sites.Entrance to the western group of temples: 250 INR. Daily from dawn to dusk.

Manikarnika Ghat

H ashore in the sacred for Hindus "city of the dead" Varanasi (Benares). Here, fires do not go out around the clock, on which the deceased Hindus are cremated, and after that their ashes or unburned bodies are sent to sail along the sacred Ganges River. In the evenings, colorful Ganga-aarti rituals take place nearby in the Dashashwamedh Ghat. worship and offerings to the sacred river.

Note: State Overview

The main temple of the Dalai Lama

R The residence of the spiritual leader of the Buddhists is located in the very north of India in the foothills of the Himalayas. Before visiting a temple, Buddhists perform kora, i.e. walk around sacred place clockwise. The trail around the main Buddhist temple of the world is decorated with thousands of colorful flags and brightly written mantras.Daily April-October from 5:00 to 20:00, November-March from 6:00 to 18:00. Free admission.

Interesting: holy city

Landmarks of South India

Backwaters, or Backwaters

An area with many rivers, lakes, lagoons and backwaters along the coast of the Arabian Sea, united in one system. Scattered throughout the area among the jungle are small villages with houses on the water, just like in Venice. You can explore the backwaters either on a public water bus or a rented boat, or by settling in a floating house.

Interesting: Review of the trip to

Meenakshi Temple

With the oldest Hindu temple built before our era. Life in Madurai, the oldest of existing cities country, is centered around this temple complex of extraordinary beauty. Its 50 meter tower is adorned with several thousand painted statues of gods, brahmins, commoners and animals, and not a single figure is repeated.Entrance: 50 INR. Daily from 5:00 to 12:30.

Important: Detailed view of the city

Amba Vilas Palace

The second most visited attraction in India after the Taj Mahal. Mysore was once the capital of a principality independent of the powerful Vijayanagar Empire and the last to be ruled by the British. The Voyader royal family, ruling in Mysore until India gained independence in 1947, built 17 palaces and dozens of temples in the city. amazing beauty. That is why Mysore is called the "city of palaces".


City-attraction and the only place in the country where you can see Indian Ocean. It is here that the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea merge, and on a small island on the border of the "three seas" an impressive statue of the Indian poet Thiruvalluvar, considered a Hindu saint, was erected. In addition, Mahatma Gandhi bequeathed to dispel his ashes in Kanyakumari, and now a small memorial in memory of this event has become a place of pilgrimage for Indians from all over the country.Entrance to the memorial is free, daily from 07:00 to 19:00. Ferry to the island with the statue: 20 INR, daily from 8:00 to 16:00.

Note: State Overview

Such is it, the Republic of India and its sights. Watch this video to get the impression.

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