The building of the National Hotel. The unique history of the National Hotel National History

Category of historical and cultural significance

federal significance

Object type


Basic typology

Monument of urban planning and architecture

Creation date information

Object address (location)

Moscow, st. Mokhovaya, 15/1, building 1 (part)

Name, date and number of the decision of the state authority on putting the facility under state protection

Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR On supplementing and partially amending the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of August 30, 1960 No. 1327 "On the further improvement of the protection of cultural monuments in the RSFSR" No. 624 of 04.12.1974

Description of the subject of protection

Urban planning characteristics of the building participating in the formation of the building front of Tverskaya and Mokhovaya streets, Manezhnaya Square; three-dimensional composition of the main building in the edition of 1901-1903; composition and architectural and artistic design of the facades of the main building in the edition of 1901-1903; four small polychrome majolica panels 1901-1903 at the level of the 6th floor; majolica panel with an industrial plot of the 1920s. at the level of the 7th floor; composition and architectural and artistic design of the facades of the courtyard of the main building in the original edition of 1901-1903; composition and architectural and artistic design of a fragment of the southwestern firewall, decorated in 1934 according to the project of academician I.V. Zholtovsky in connection with the construction of "Houses on Mokhovaya" on the neighboring site; the original function of the hotel. Space-planning structure and structures of the main walls of the main and courtyard buildings in 1901 - 1903. (basement-7 floors); vaulted ceiling system of the basement (the subject of protection of the vaulted ceilings of the basement is specified according to the results of the adaptation project). The original architectural and artistic design and decoration of the interiors of the main building: window bolsters and marble window sills; volume-spatial composition and decoration of the main vestibule of 1901-1903: stucco ceilings, a fragment of the floor, typed from the original metlakh tiles; volume-spatial composition, decorative design and constructions front staircase and an elevator hall from Mokhovaya Street 1901-1903. (floors 1-6): enclosing structures, stucco decoration of ceilings and walls, stained-glass filling of window openings, a fragment of the floor of the landing (floor 6?), recruited from the original tiles, figures of atlantes, metal railings for elevators n. XX century; volume-spatial composition and decorative design of the staircase from the side of Tverskaya street of the former "Shop of ready-made dresses and fur products of the Petukhov brothers": figured enclosing structures; location and volume-spatial solution of service stairs of the main building (basement - 7 floors) and courtyard building (basement - 5 floors); location and decoration of corridors and halls on floors 2-6 of the main building; the premises of the modern hall "St. Petersburg": decorative design and painting of ceilings, original mirror and heating radiators (2nd floor, southeast corner of the main building); premises of modern banquet halls "Suzdal" and "Kostroma": ceiling painting 1975-1976, made by artists I.V. Nikolaev and M.M. Dedova-Dzedushinsky (2nd floor, northern corner of the main building); the original structure of the rooms located along the main facades (3-6 floors); hotel room 178 (3rd floor): original layout, decorative ceilings, stained-glass window; hotel room 101 (3rd floor): stucco ceiling decoration with painting, corner fireplace; hotel room 107 (3rd floor): in 1918 V.I. Lenin and N.K. Krupskaya; hotel room 115 (3rd floor): artistic painting of the ceiling "Triumph of Juno" 1902, stucco decoration of the ceilings; hotel room 207 (4th floor): a fragment of a painting composition "Bacchus on a wooden bicycle", stucco ceiling decoration; hotel room 201 (4th floor): painting - a frieze with fantasy masks in gilded vignettes on a blue background. The commission proposes a clarification of the name of the object in the following edition: "Hotel National, 1901-1903, architect A.V. Ivanov". 2. The subject of protection for the object cultural heritage federal significance is approved in the prescribed manner.

Hotel "National" - one of the most famous and comfortable hotels in Moscow (class "5 stars"), located on the corner of Tverskaya and Mokhovaya streets.

The hotel was built in 1901-1903 according to the project of architect Alexander Ivanov on the site of a quarter of profitable houses with cheap apartments, the first floors of which were given over to shops. The corner ledge of the quarter had a semicircular shape: this was typical for Moscow architecture of the 18th and 19th centuries. During the construction of the hotel, the shape of the quarter was taken into account and preserved: the construction project provided for the preservation of the general features of the appearance of the previous building, including a semicircular corner.

The building of the hotel "National" was built in the style of eclecticism with the borrowing of modern elements. Initially conceived as a world-class hotel, the National Hotel was finished with the highest quality and most expensive materials and received a rich decorative design, replete with stucco and sculptures. The corner ledge received a solemn and luxurious look: it was decorated with a decorative colonnade and caryatids, and a majolica panel "Apollo and the Muses" appeared on the attic, made according to sketches by artists Sergei Chekhonin and Alexander Golovin at the Moscow Butyrka ceramic factory "Abramtsevo" Savva Mamontov. The border with an ornament in the form of oak leaves, which completes the 5th floor of the building, also attracts attention.

The interior design of the hotel did not yield to the exterior: marble stairs, figures of Atlanteans, mosaic floors and stained-glass windows made the interiors of the hotel truly luxurious. The decoration was echoed by the equipment - the hotel was equipped with the latest technology: elevators were installed in the building (incredible luxury at the beginning of the 20th century) and a steam heating system, and telephones appeared in the rooms.

In 1918, the government structures of the established Soviet power occupied the building, and the hotel stopped working for 15 years, turning into First House of Soviets. In 1931-1932, as part of the Leninist program of monumental propaganda, the majolica panel "Apollo and the Muses" on the corner attic was replaced with an industrial-themed panel. In 1932 the building again became a hotel.

In 1991-1995, the National Hotel underwent reconstruction and restoration, as a result of which some lost elements of pre-revolutionary interiors were restored, and an indoor restaurant was equipped in the courtyard-well of the building.

Initially, the hotel had 160 rooms, now their number has increased to 206. Over the years, members of the imperial family, Vladimir Lenin, Fyodor Chaliapin, Ivan Bunin, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Catherine Deneuve, Pele, Alain Delon, Joseph Stalin, Mikhail Sholokhov, Nicolas Sarkozy and other famous people.

Hotel "National" is located at Mokhovaya street, 15/1. It can be reached on foot from metro stations. "Okhotny Ryad" Sokolnicheskaya line and "Theatrical" Zamoskvoretskaya.

Guide to Architectural Styles

But in the 19th century, the Varvara joint-stock company bought a corner plot for new development. First, several houses appeared here with cheap apartments and shops on the ground floors. But then the idea arose to build a luxury hotel.

At first the hotel was called "National". Accommodation was not cheap - up to 25 rubles per day, but there was no end to clients. All thanks to the excellent finishes and technical equipment: marble stairs, stucco, mosaic floors, stained glass windows, mahogany furniture. The majolica panels on the top floor were made at the Abramtsevo factory especially for the National. One of the paintings depicted the god Bacchus on a wooden bicycle. The hotel was equipped with technical innovations of that time: elevators worked, and telephones, water closets and bathtubs appeared in the rooms.

In Soviet times, after the transfer of the capital from Petrograd to Moscow, members of the Bolshevik government lived here for some time. The National Hotel turned into the First House of Soviets.

How to Read Facades: A Cheat Sheet on Architectural Elements

The hotel functions of the building were returned in the 1930s. The hotel was renovated, and the interiors were replenished with furniture from Anichkov and Tsarskoye Selo palaces. At the same time, an “industrial” panel by I.I. Rerberg. And during the Second World War, the residences of 16 foreign embassies and diplomatic missions were arranged in the National.

The renovated National Hotel opened on May 9, 1995, when Russia celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Today the hotel has 202 rooms, and each one is a small museum. Antique vases from the time of Napoleon, gilded chandeliers, furniture sets made of Karelian birch send guests back to the times of Tsarist Moscow. In total, there are 500 authentic antiques on seven floors of the National.

architectural monument (federal)

Hotel "National"- a 5-star hotel in the center of Moscow. The hotel building occupies the corner of Tverskaya and Mokhovaya streets, being also an important component of the architectural appearance of Manezhnaya Square.

History of creation

At the place where the hotel is now located, from the end of the 18th century there were profitable houses of the merchant Moskvin. In the 19th century, the Varvarin Joint-Stock Company of Homeowners bought a corner plot for new development - soon several houses with cheap apartments appeared here, the first floors of which were given over to benches. At the same time, the designers gave the corner ledge of the main building a semicircular shape, characteristic of Moscow architecture of the late 18th century. In 1901, the new owners began the construction of a luxurious hotel designed by the architect A.V. Ivanov. The new architectural project provided for the preservation in general terms of the appearance of the previous building (the profitable house of the architect L. N. Benois), including the semicircular corner. The building of the National Hotel, opened on December 29, 1902, was designed in the eclectic style with Art Nouveau elements. The National was originally conceived as a world-class luxury hotel. The decoration used expensive materials. The exterior decoration is marked by the use of large amounts of stucco; mosaic floors and stained-glass windows were used in the interiors. The hotel was equipped with advanced technical innovations of that time: elevators were installed, and telephones, water closets and bathtubs appeared in the rooms. Initially, the hotel was designed for 160 rooms, which were located on the top four floors.

In 1918, after the Soviet government moved to Moscow, the hotel building was occupied by government departments of the new government (and occupied for the next 15 years); the hotel was named First House of Soviets. For several days in March 1918, the head of the Soviet state, V. I. Lenin, with his wife, N. K. Krupskaya, and sister, M. I. Ulyanova, lived in a two-room suite 107-109. The involvement of the hotel in revolutionary history is reminded by a majolica panel on an industrial theme, installed on the corner attic in 1931-1932 - one of the first examples of the implementation of Lenin's plan "Monumental Agitation and Propaganda". In 1932, the building was returned to hotel status.

From 1991 to 1995, a large-scale reconstruction and restoration of the National was carried out.

Current state

Today the hotel is one of the most comfortable in Moscow. In 2006, the hotel received official name"Royal Meridien National" entered the international hotel corporation "Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide". On September 1, 2009, after another renovation, the National Hotel changed the Le Royal Meridien brand to The Luxury Collection, which is also owned by Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide. From that moment on, the hotel bears the name "Hotel National, a Luxury Collection Hotel". The hotel has 206 rooms, including 37 suites with a view of the Kremlin, individually designed and furnished with antique furniture, as well as. "National" has repeatedly been awarded the title of "The Best Hotel in Russia in the five-star category" and has a "Royal status". Among the guests of the National there are heads of states and governments, show business stars, famous cultural figures.

In December 2011, the hotel, previously owned by the Moscow government, was privatized. The winner of the auction was the structure of the entrepreneur Mikhail Gutseriev, who offered 4.674 billion rubles for the National.

see also

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An excerpt characterizing the National (hotel, Moscow)

No, but I need something else. I need a peasant dress and a pistol,” said Pierre, suddenly blushing.
“I’m listening,” said Gerasim after thinking.
Pierre spent the rest of that day alone in the benefactor's office, pacing uneasily from one corner to another, as Gerasim heard, and talking to himself, and spent the night on the bed prepared for him right there.
Gerasim, with the habit of a servant who had seen many strange things in his lifetime, accepted Pierre's relocation without surprise and seemed to be pleased that he had someone to serve. On the same evening, without even asking himself what it was for, he got Pierre a caftan and a hat and promised to get the required pistol the next day. Makar Alekseevich that evening twice, slapping his galoshes, went up to the door and stopped, looking ingratiatingly at Pierre. But as soon as Pierre turned to him, he bashfully and angrily wrapped up his dressing gown and hurriedly left. While Pierre, in a coachman's caftan, purchased and steamed for him by Gerasim, went with him to buy a pistol at the Sukharev Tower, he met the Rostovs.

On September 1, at night, Kutuzov ordered the retreat of Russian troops through Moscow to the Ryazan road.
The first troops moved into the night. The troops marching at night were in no hurry and moved slowly and sedately; but at dawn, the moving troops, approaching the Dorogomilovsky bridge, saw in front of them, on the other side, crowding, hurrying along the bridge and on the other side rising and flooding the streets and alleys, and behind them - pushing, endless masses of troops. And causeless haste and anxiety seized the troops. Everything rushed forward to the bridge, onto the bridge, into the fords and into the boats. Kutuzov ordered that he be taken around the back streets to the other side of Moscow.
By ten o'clock in the morning on September 2, only the troops of the rear guard remained in the Dorogomilovsky suburb. The army was already on the other side of Moscow and beyond Moscow.
At the same time, at ten o'clock in the morning on September 2, Napoleon stood between his troops on Poklonnaya Hill and looked at the spectacle that opened before him. From August 26 to September 2, from the Battle of Borodino to the entry of the enemy into Moscow, all the days of this anxious, this memorable week, there was that extraordinary autumn weather, which always surprises people, when the low sun heats hotter than in spring, when everything glitters in the rare, clean air so that it hurts the eyes when the chest grows stronger and fresher, inhaling the odorous autumn air, when the nights are even warm and when in these dark warm nights from the sky incessantly, frightening and delighting, golden stars are pouring.
On September 2, at ten o'clock in the morning, the weather was like this. The sparkle of the morning was magical. Moscow from Poklonnaya Gora spread out spaciously with its river, its gardens and churches, and it seemed to live its own life, quivering like stars, its domes in the rays of the sun.
At the sight of a strange city with unprecedented forms of extraordinary architecture, Napoleon experienced that somewhat envious and restless curiosity that people experience when they see the forms of an alien life that does not know about them. Obviously, this city lived with all the forces of its life. By those indefinable signs by which, at a long distance, a living body is unmistakably recognized from a dead one. Napoleon from Poklonnaya Gora saw the trembling of life in the city and felt, as it were, the breath of this large and beautiful body.
- Cette ville asiatique aux innombrables eglises, Moscou la sainte. La voila donc enfin, cette fameuse ville! Il etait temps, [This Asiatic city with countless churches, Moscow, their holy Moscow! Here it is, finally, this famous city! It's time!] - Napoleon said and, getting off his horse, ordered the plan of this Moscou to be laid out in front of him and called the translator Lelorgne d "Ideville. "Une ville occupee par l" ennemi ressemble a une fille qui a perdu son honneur, [City occupied by the enemy , is like a girl who has lost her innocence.] - he thought (as he said this to Tuchkov in Smolensk). And from this point of view, he looked at the oriental beauty lying in front of him, which he had never seen before. It was strange to him that, at last, his long-standing, which seemed to him impossible, wish had come true. In the clear morning light, he looked first at the city, then at the plan, checking the details of this city, and the certainty of possession thrilled and terrified him.
“But how could it be otherwise? he thought. - Here it is, this capital, at my feet, waiting for its fate. Where is Alexander now and what does he think? Strange, beautiful, majestic city! And strange and majestic this minute! In what light do I present myself to them! he thought of his troops. “Here it is, the reward for all these unbelievers,” he thought, looking around at those close to him and at the troops approaching and lining up. “One word of mine, one movement of my hand, and this ancient capital des Czars. Mais ma clemence est toujours prompte a descendre sur les vaincus. [kings. But my mercy is always ready to descend to the vanquished.] I must be magnanimous and truly great. But no, it's not true that I'm in Moscow, it suddenly occurred to him. “However, here she lies at my feet, playing and trembling with golden domes and crosses in the rays of the sun. But I will spare her. On the ancient monuments of barbarism and despotism, I will write great words of justice and mercy ... Alexander will understand this most painfully, I know him. (It seemed to Napoleon that the main significance of what was happening lay in his personal struggle with Alexander.) From the heights of the Kremlin - yes, this is the Kremlin, yes - I will give them the laws of justice, I will show them the meaning of true civilization, I will force generations boyars lovingly commemorate the name of their conqueror. I will tell the deputation that I did not and do not want war; that I waged war only against the false policy of their court, that I love and respect Alexander, and that I will accept peace conditions in Moscow worthy of me and my peoples. I do not want to take advantage of the happiness of war to humiliate the respected sovereign. Boyars - I will tell them: I do not want war, but I want peace and prosperity for all my subjects. However, I know that their presence will inspire me, and I will tell them, as I always say: clear, solemn and great. But is it really true that I'm in Moscow? Yes, here she is!
- Qu "on m" amene les boyards, [Bring the boyars.] - he turned to the retinue. The general with a brilliant retinue immediately galloped after the boyars.
Two hours have passed. Napoleon had breakfast and again stood in the same place on Poklonnaya Hill, waiting for the deputation. His speech to the boyars was already clearly formed in his imagination. This speech was full of dignity and that grandeur that Napoleon understood.
The tone of generosity in which Napoleon intended to act in Moscow captivated him. In his imagination, he appointed the days of reunion dans le palais des Czars [meetings in the palace of the tsars.], where the Russian nobles were to meet with the nobles of the French emperor. He mentally appointed a governor, one who would be able to attract the population to him. Having learned that there were many charitable institutions in Moscow, he decided in his imagination that all these institutions would be showered with his favors. He thought that just as in Africa one had to sit in a burnous in a mosque, so in Moscow one had to be merciful, like tsars. And, in order to finally touch the hearts of Russians, he, like every Frenchman, who cannot imagine anything sensitive without mentioning ma chere, ma tendre, ma pauvre mere, [my dear, tender, poor mother,] he decided that in all these institutions, he orders to write capital letters: Etablissement dedie a ma chere Mere. No, just: Maison de ma Mere, [Institution dedicated to my dear mother... My mother's house.] - he decided to himself. “But am I really in Moscow? Yes, there she is in front of me. But why is the deputation of the city not appearing for so long? he thought.