Mausoleum of the Taj Mahal. Taj Mahal: interesting facts, stories, circumstances

Many people have heard this phrase, perhaps even seen photographs, but not everyone knows exactly what the Taj Mahal is, in which city and country it is located. Let's try to take a short trip and introduce you to the greatest work of art, an architectural masterpiece and a monument to eternal and true love.

The pearl of Muslim culture Taj Mahal short description which, of course, will not allow to fully describe the grandeur and magnificence of this monument, a truly beautiful structure, as if it came from oriental fairy tales. Its architecture harmoniously intertwines the styles of Persia, India and Islam.

Where is the Taj Mahal located? This mosque is located on the banks of the Jumna River, not far from the Indian city of Agra, and was built by order of Shah Jahan, the ruler of the Great Moghuls and great-grandson of the famous conqueror Tamerlane, in memory of the deceased wife of Mumtaz Mahal.

Taj Mahal is huge complex from white marble. The main structure is a mausoleum with five domes, surrounded by graceful minarets on four sides and having a height of 74m. Its white stone walls, reflected in the still waters of the artificial pool, create the impression of weightlessness and are like a mirage hovering above the earth. Featuring a polished marble finish architectural ensemble, depending on the time of day, changes color shades from snow-white to lilac-pink, and casts silver in the moonlight.

Part of the park that frames the complex is a road that leads to the entrance to the mausoleum. The path, lined with cypress trees, symbolizing sadness, represents the entrance to the paradise that Shah Jahan built for his beloved wife. In the middle of this road is a water channel lined with marble slabs. Once, during the time of the ruler, outlandish ornamental fish swam in it, and important peacocks walked along the paths around the pool.

The tomb itself stands on a square marble pedestal and is a symmetrical octagonal building with a large entrance arch topped with an onion-shaped dome. Initially, the crown of the dome was gold, but later, it was replaced by an ideal bronze copy. The shape of the main dome is aesthetically emphasized by four smaller domed structures that are located at the corners above the tomb. The facade is decorated with refined lancet arches, and a majestic staircase leads to the very center.


Minarets, about 50 m high, are located in strict accordance with axial symmetry, relative to the mausoleum. A slight slope to the side is due to the protection of the main building from destruction, in the event of a fall of the towers. Each of them is divided into three by two balconies, which encircle the building in a circle. All decorative ornaments are covered with gilding and successfully complement the overall picture.


The artistic exterior of the Taj Mahal is considered a masterpiece of architectural art. It is selected taking into account all the nuances of the building material - marble, its surface in different areas is distinguished by its structure. The use of various types of plaster, inlays and stone figures turned the decorative elements of the monument into works of art and gave it a unique style.

The white stone of the walls is decorated with the most complex mosaic of precious and semi-precious stones. Exquisite floral ornaments and Arabic quotations from the Koran, appeals to believers, are made of black marble. Islam forbids mentioning human symbols in the decoration of mosques, so the creators of the exterior depicted abstractions, flowers, various ornate patterns. All of them are skillfully made, using yellow marble, jade and jasper.


All four entrances lead to the main octagonal hall of the tomb. Inside, high walls merge into a vaulted, domed ceiling painted with solar motifs. Stone flowers descend in garlands on white marble, and the most skillful carving and intricate Arabic script amaze with their thoroughness and skill. In the center, behind an openwork marble screen, there are two symbolic tombstones, they are decorated with various geometric patterns and precious stones.

The very burial of Shah Jahan and his wife is located in the basement. The fact is that according to religious traditions, it is impossible to pretentiously decorate the graves, therefore they buried the ruler and his beloved in an ordinary crypt, and the sarcophagi in the mausoleum are a place of worship and a tribute to the memory of great feelings.

Love story

Mumtaz often accompanied her husband on military campaigns and travels, was the most beloved woman and reliable friend. They happily lived together for 19 years, and during this time they had 14 children, but the last birth was fatal for Mumtaz. The grief of the emperor was inconsolable, and he spent a whole year after the death of his wife in seclusion. When he came to his senses, he vowed to build a tomb, which has no equal in the whole world, in order to leave the memory of the great love and name of his beloved Mumtaz Mahal for centuries. Thus began the history of the creation of one of the greatest creations of mankind.

Where is the Taj Mahal on the world map

Taj Mahal photo inside and outside

Construction began in 1632 and lasted 22 long years. Who built the Taj Mahal in India? Of course, the very idea, funds and main orders in the course of construction belong to Emperor Khan Jahan. But all the work was carried out under the guidance of 37 architects, the project of the main building belongs to Ismail Afandi, and the creation of the general image of the complex is attributed to the Turkish architect Usadat Is. In total, more than 25,000 builders, engineers, artists from India and Central Asia were involved in the construction work.

The land purchased near Agra was completely replaced with thicker and denser soil, and raised 50 meters above the banks of the Jumna River. With the help of wells dug and filled with rubble, a support for the foundation was obtained, which was also a kind of "airbag" during earthquakes. The common bamboo scaffolding of the time was replaced with brick scaffolding, a measure taken to make it easier to work with the heavy marble.

For greater convenience of delivery to the construction site of the same marble and other building materials, a 15-kilometer trench was specially dug. Special carts were used here, on which 20 or even 30 oxen pulled exorbitant weights. Separately, a system of channels and reservoirs was developed to provide the construction site with a sufficient amount of water.

The approximate cost of construction was over 32 million rupees, which then represented an almost exorbitant amount.

The foundation and the tomb were built in 12 years, another ten were spent on construction:

  • minarets;
  • big gate;
  • mosques;
  • pavilion for guests;
  • park and garden.

Despite the complexity and duration of the work, as a result, India appeared architectural complex, striking the imagination and rightfully one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.

Information for visitors

The Taj Mahal is by far India's most visited attraction, attracting nearly three million tourists from all over the world every year. There are many people here every season, but the main influx is in November and February, as the temperature drops a little during these months, which makes traveling in this country more comfortable.

  • Accurate information about where the Taj Mahal is located in relation to other places worth visiting will help save time and orient yourself on the ground. This architectural monument is located 20 km from Agra (200 km from Delhi) . You can get there by train that goes to Mumbai or Calcutta (stop in Agra, and from there take a taxi to the memorial).
  • Locals advise to come here in the morning , but not very early, because due to the fog (which is not uncommon in these places), the photos may turn out to be of poor quality.
  • The tomb museum is open from 6 am to 7 pm every day , except Friday, when prayer is held in the mosque. To see the mausoleum under the moon, two days before and two days after the full moon, the complex is available from 20.30 to 24.00.
  • The cost of visiting is about 800 rupees , children under 15 years old are admitted free of charge, moreover, you need to remember that the fee is carried out only in national currency.
  • Shooting with professional equipment is prohibited here. , but the use of small cameras and cameras is possible. To capture the Taj Mahal inside and out for yourself can be done for a small fee of 25 rupees.
  • Before entering the complex, a prerequisite is inspection for the presence of dangerous objects , harmful substances and weapons. It is also forbidden to bring food into the territory. It is not advisable to take large bags and backpacks with you.
  • Shoes must be removed when entering the temple. , but they are not advised to leave it at the doorstep, since then it may not be found. Remembering about unsanitary conditions and hygiene, it is worth taking socks with you.

Despite the long queues, difficulties with moving and the conventions of control, a huge number of tourists go to Agra to enjoy the experience and see the symbol of unfading and boundless love, as Shah Jahan saw him.

The Taj Mahal in India is located near Agra. In its outward stately appearance, it resembles a temple, but in fact it is a mausoleum built in honor of the second wife of Shah Jahan - Mumtaz Mahal (otherwise Arjumand Bano Begum).

History and legends of Mumtaz Mahal

In translation, Taj Mahal means the Crown of the Moghuls. For some time it was also called Taj Bibi-as-Rauza or the burial place of the queen of the heart. By old legend Prince Guram, the future Shah Jahan, once saw a poor girl in the market. Looking into her eyes, he immediately decided to take her as his wife. So at the age of 19, Arjumand Bano Begum acquired the status of the second wife of Prince Guram. Guram had many other wives and concubines, but it was Mumtaz who won the heart of the future ruler for a long time.

Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal

During the conquest of the throne, Mumtaz became the most faithful companion of the prince. But the struggle was serious: the prince was opposed by his brothers, and besides, he had to hide from Jahangir's own father. But still in 1627, Guram manages to seize the throne and receive the status of Shah Jahan - the ruler of the world.

Mumtaz occupied an important place in the life of the government. Shah Jahan arranged various receptions and feasts in her honor. Mumtaz was present at all important state ceremonies, she was listened to even at state councils.

Specific facts about the life and death of Mumtaz are confused in different sources, which eventually made them a legend. So Mumtaz gave birth to nine or thirteen children, and died in 1636 or 1629. The reason is also confused - according to one of them, she fell ill, according to the other, she died during childbirth. A lot of it comes down to the fact that this event happened during the return with the victory from the Deccan. The legend also says that before her death, Mumtaz asked her husband to build a tomb equal to their love.

History of the mausoleum

Initially, the queen was buried in Burkhan-Nur, where she died. Six months later, her remains were taken to Agra. And on the anniversary of Shah Jahan's death, the construction of the mausoleum began. The best architects of the East took part in the project competition. All the masters were surpassed by the architect Usto Isa Khan Effendi from Shiraz. On the whole, the emperor liked his project very much, and was only partially changed later.

For 22 years, 20 thousand people built this landmark of India. The tomb itself was surrounded by a wall made of red sandstone. In front of the Taj Mahal mausoleum, a huge courtyard was built for the future garden. According to one of the beautiful legends, on the opposite side of the Jamna River, the ruler began the construction of another mausoleum of the same shape, but made of black marble, for himself. In this legend and in the general architecture of the building, Shah Jahan's love for symmetry is visible. The erection of an anticopy of the mausoleum was not destined to come true - his son Aurangzeb intercepts the throne and imprisons his father in the Red Fort. So Shah Jahan spent his last years under house arrest and died in 1666.

According to the will of his father, Aurangzeb transfers his body to the Taj Mahal to his wife. Many other wives of Shah Jahan, as well as some family members and their close associates, were also buried here.

The Taj Mahal is really beautiful building. No description, photo or video can convey the true beauty of this structure. The architecture of the building conveys a mixture of Indian, Persian and Islamic architecture. The fortress walls are framed by pavilion towers at the corners. In the center rises the building of the tomb itself in iridescent colors, depending on the lighting. At night, it seems dazzlingly white, and during the flood of the river, all this beauty is evenly reflected in its course.

The building is surrounded by a park on three sides. The facade of the palace is made up of a marble portal adjacent to the sides with two domed towers. On the central axis of the mausoleum in front of the facade there is an irrigation canal, divided by a pool. Paths stretched from the pool towards four minarets, to which, due to cases of suicide, access was closed.

The feeling of lightness of the building from afar is reinforced by its decoration upon closer examination. So the walls are painted with a delicate pattern, the marble blocks are inlaid with gems that shimmer in the light. It seems that this building was erected quite recently. Not surprisingly, according to another legend, Shah Jahan ordered the hands of the architect to be cut off so that he could not repeat this.

Two side stairs lead to the second floor of the tomb, where under a huge dome, rising to a height of 74 meters, there are open terraces. Niches are carved into the facade of the building, which further enhances the feeling of weightlessness of the building. Entering through the passage of the facade, you can see a spacious hall, in the center of which there are two white marble sarcophagi.


The walls of the building are decorated with stone mosaics. They are woven into many plants, garlands of flowers, letters. The vaults of the arches are painted with fourteen suras from the Koran.

The Indian Taj Mahal, the most famous monument of love, has long become a symbol of this country. This is one of the most popular attractions among tourists, perceiving it as an eternal love story in stone.

Taj Mahal is the most grandiose and mysterious architectural monument dedicated to love. Today this mosque is recognized as a new wonder of the world and is under the protection of UNESCO. This famous building is located in India and has no analogues in the world. Thousands of pilgrims come here every year, who are captivated by the romantic story of its creation. Read in this article the creation of the Taj Mahal (India, Agra): Interesting Facts, photos, convenient time to visit and of course, an unforgettable love story.

Taj Mahal - a love story

From the love story that caused the construction of the attraction, you need to start getting acquainted with this mausoleum in India. The history of creation says that the Taj Mahal mausoleum-mosque was built by order of Shah Jahan, the ruler and emperor of the Mughal Empire. The great ruler befell great sorrow, in the birth of the fourteenth baby, his beloved wife died. For a whole year, the emperor could not come to terms with the loss, and then he decided to build the most majestic and beautiful tomb in the world in memory of his late wife.

Thus began the construction of the temple, which lasted for 21 years. This story of an architectural gem shows that the heart of the great ruler of an entire nation belonged to only one woman. By the way Jahan's love, Mumtaz was the third wife in the harem. The girl got into the harem to the ruler when she was 19 years old, and all the years that the spouses were together, the emperor did not cherish the soul in his wife. architectural monument included in the 7 wonders of the world of our time.

Construction and architecture of the Taj Mahal

It remains a mystery who built and designed the Taj Mahal. In those days, the work of architects in the Islamic world was not held in high esteem, all the laurels and the glory of the greatness of the buildings went to the customer, and therefore in the annals, in connection with the construction of the shrine, only the name of Shah Jahan is mentioned. According to historians, the main idea of ​​the building belonged to the then-famous architect Ustad Ahmad Lahauri. It is the style of this architect that is clearly visible in the architecture of the mosque.

Construction began in the winter of 1632. The construction involved 20,000 people recruited from the subjects of the emperor and brought from neighboring states. Only the best craftsmen were honored to take part in the construction work, because according to the emperor's idea, the tomb of his beloved wife was to become perfection.

Architectural features

The most remarkable feature of the architecture of this building is an optical illusion; it surprises not only tourists, but also eminent architects. The illusion lies in the fact that a person is used to when he approaches an object, the object increases, when it moves away, the object decreases. Here it's the other way around. As you approach the temple, it visually becomes smaller, and the closer you are, the smaller the temple. And when you step back backwards, the structure becomes larger, and as a result, it practically hangs over the person.

The building is divided into two parts, one symbolizes worldly life, the other life after death, unknown and inexplicable. These two worlds are connected by a path with a pond, which originates from the arch of the mausoleum. This is the road of transition between two worlds.

Inside, tourists are greeted by a chic octagonal hall with luxurious columns. The walls are strewn incredible beauty precious stones and gems that have been collected from all over the world. The ambassadors of the ruler also came to Russia for rare varieties of malachite and jasper. Behind a marble screen are two shining sarcophagi of the Jahan couple. In fact, these tombs are not real, the graves of the spouses are underground.

Looting the tomb

To date, it is known that during the civil uprising of 1857, the British seized gold, which was used to decorate the spiers of the tomb. The soldiers also took out most of the precious stones from the walls of the Taj Mahal. Many argue that the looting was much larger. According to the legends, the doors made of carved jasper, as well as diamonds and Persian carpets, disappeared.

Today it is impossible to say for sure what was really stolen, but after the uprising, the British Viceroy in India made every effort to restore the wonder of the world, spending a lot of money on it. To prevent this from happening again during the Second World War, scaffolding was erected around the building, which could disguise the wonder of the world and it remained untouched.

Settling Palace

For the construction of the shrine, the builders built a special platform, which rose 50 meters above the river level. Today, under the influence of natural factors, the Taj Mahal began to subside. This causes serious concern of local authorities, because the shrine is covered with cracks and, according to many experts, it may simply collapse in a short time.

Today, numerous projects are being developed that could stop the destruction of the Taj Mahal, but there is still no consensus on how to save the shrine. There is another opinion, some archaeologists argue that there is no serious danger to the safety of the shrine. According to the results of their research, the building gave a slight settlement and over 70 years of observation, its condition remained satisfactory.

You can't fly over it. It can be accessed at night, but only on a full moon. All the architects who worked on it were killed. This is the Taj Mahal. Heart of India.

History of the Taj Mahal in India

The Taj Mahal was built in honor of a woman. Who was very loved and who died. A descendant of Khan Tamerlane, the Emperor of the Great Mongols Shah Jahan ordered the construction of a palace in honor of his late wife Mumtaz Mahal. Taj Mahal is translated as "the chosen one of the palace." According to the traditions of that time, the khan had a huge harem, but he only loved his wife.

The silhouette of the Taj Mahal in India is instantly recognizable by people in all corners of the world. This is one of the most photographed buildings in history. Made of white marble, decorated with gold and semi-precious stones, this building testifies to the wealth of the state and the skill of the craftsmen of the 17th century. And, of course, great love.

It is not surprising that the Taj Mahal on the map of India is the most popular place. More than 3 million people visit it every year.

Shah Jahan and his Love

Contemporaries called Shah Jahan the ruler of the world. He ruled his empire for 30 years and during this time the country came to a cultural and political flourishing.

When Shah was a fifteen year old boy, he met a girl in the market. She was 14, she sold trinkets. It was Arju-mand Banu Begam. From this meeting, the history of the Taj Mahal in India began. According to legend, young lovers immediately fell in love with each other. But the shah was forced to enter into a marriage that was beneficial to the dynasty. His wife was a Persian princess. The first of the four allowed by Islam. The second time Shah married his beloved. The new name - Mumtaz Mahal - was given to her by her father-in-law, the great Khan Jahangir.

The relationship of the young couple was cloudless, trusting and tender. According to contemporaries, the emperor's wife was beautiful and wise. And also bold. Pregnant, she accompanied him on a campaign and died in childbirth. This was to be their fourteenth child. Mumtaz Mahal was 39 years old.

True or not, at the time of death, the woman allegedly asked her lover to fulfill her two wishes. First, he does not marry again, so as not to create enmity between the heirs. And the second is to build a mausoleum in her honor, the equal of which the world has not yet seen. The emperor promised to fulfill both requests and kept his word.

After the death of his wife, the ruler locked himself in his room for eight days, did not drink or eat. During this time, he has aged a lot. And when he left, he began to create the most majestic mausoleum of India called the Taj Mahal.

Palace construction

The best craftsmen from Baghdad, Istanbul, Samarkand and many other cities came to the emperor's call. Everyone presented their project. More than others, the ruler liked the sketches drawn by the Iranian Ystad Usa. Famous architect at that time. How and who built the Taj Mahal in India according to its layout, Ystad Usa never saw. He was blinded so he wouldn't do anything like that again. It is possible, of course, that this is fiction and the poor architect was not injured. It is also known that, besides him, French and Venetian masters were also engaged in design work.

The palace was founded in Agra in 1632. Only 10 years later, work on the central building was completed.

Architectural features of the Taj Mahal

The palace in India, the Taj Mahal, is a whole complex of structures. Here are the main ones:

  • the mausoleum itself (a five-domed temple, the largest dome resembles a flower bud; the height of the entire structure is 74 m);
  • four minarets (they were designed and installed at a slight slope from the tomb, so that in case of a fall they would not touch it);
  • two identical sandstone buildings;
  • garden (and in it fountains and a pool);
  • huge gates (according to Muslim beliefs, they seem to lead from the realm of the senses to the realm of the spirit, they symbolize the gates to paradise; immediately outside the gate, a view of the mausoleum, which is reflected in the water of the pool, opens; initially the doors were silver, later they were replaced with copper ones).

A staircase leads to the mausoleum. Since the Taj Mahal in India is also a kind of mosque, it is customary to take off your shoes at the entrance. The building is lined with marble. It is translucent and polished. It was necessary to deliver marble for 300 km. It reflects light amazingly - in the morning it looks pink, in the afternoon - white, and at night - silvery.

On the windows and on the arches there are openwork lattices, in the passages surahs from the Koran are carved with black marble. The walls are covered with gilding, marble mosaics and ornaments. 1.5 thousand tons of diamonds, pearls, agate, carnelian, malachite and turquoise went to it. In the center of the mausoleum are marble screens, and behind them are tombs. They always have fresh flowers. But these tombs are false, empty. The bodies of the Shah and his wife are under the building, in the crypt.

The Taj Mahal in India took 22 years to build. It took the work of 20 thousand builders. The work on the temple was carried out by the best masters - sculptors from Bukhara, Syrian calligraphers, jewelers from South India.

Later, the temple was looted and many precious stones disappeared.

The park around the mausoleum is also very beautiful. The paths are paved with marble. The pool, which is located in front of the main entrance, is lined with cypress trees. In these parts they are considered to be trees of sorrow.

At the entrance to the garden stands a red sandstone mosque. It has eleven domes and two minarets.

The whole complex stands on the banks of the Jamuna River. The mausoleum is reflected in the water ripples. The image is fuzzy, it evokes thoughts about the unearthly nature of the Taj Mahal. In the morning at dawn, fog rises over the river and the palace seems to soar in the clouds.

The fate of Shah Jahan

The emperor had completed the construction of the most beautiful palace in India, the Taj Mahal, and was about to start the next one. The shah himself wanted to build the same mausoleum on the opposite bank of the river, but of black marble. And connect both complexes with a bridge. This bridge was supposed to symbolize the victory of love over death.

But the emperor's health failed him. He planned to transfer the government of the country to the first son, with whom they were close. But this was prevented by the intrigues of the second son of the Shah. He spread gossip that his father was out of his mind and that he was not allowed to choose an heir on his own. It was the second son who ascended the throne. He got rid of his brothers, and imprisoned his father. Where exactly the fallen emperor spent his last years is not exactly known. Most historians are inclined to believe that he was kept in the Red Fort. This building is opposite the mausoleum, on the opposite bank of the river. Shah spent the last eight years of his life there. I could admire the Taj Mahal and remember my beloved. Together with her, he is buried in the crypt of the palace.

The fate of the Taj Mahal

The descendants did not treat the mausoleum with the same trepidation as its creator. Two centuries later, the palace was perceived more as a place for entertainment, and not as a shrine. Girls could afford to dance on the terrace, and rich young couples came to Agra, a city in India, near the Taj Mahal, to celebrate their wedding. The mosque and the guest house on the territory of the complex could easily be rented.

Following the Indians themselves, the British colonialists continued to plunder the Taj Mahal. They took stones, carpets and even doors. They easily came to the palace with a hammer and a chisel, so that it would be more convenient to tear out jewelry. At one point, the Governor General of India even planned to demolish the Taj Mahal and put the marble up for sale. The palace was saved by the fact that at that time there were no buyers.

The mausoleum was even more destroyed during the Indian uprising of 1857 and by the end of the 19th century it was in complete decline. The garden is overgrown, the graves are defiled.

Another governor-general took over the restoration. Lord Curzon. The restoration of the Taj Mahal was completed in 1908.

The next danger came to the Palace already in the second half of the 20th century. Agra - a city in India, next to the Taj Mahal - has become an industrial center. Acid rain poured down on the Taj Mahal, ruining the marble. Only at the end of the 90s, the Indian authorities ordered to transfer all harmful industries from Agra.

Now the Taj Mahal is main symbol India. A tear on the cheek of eternity.

The mausoleum-mosque of the Taj Mahal is a recognized masterpiece world heritage and one of the seven New Wonders of the World, which is located in the city of Agra near the Jumna River in India. The mosque was built in the 17th century by order of Shah Jahan, the padishah of the Mughal Empire, who dedicated the construction of the Taj Mahal to his wife Mumtaz Mahal (later the Indian Shah himself was buried here).

The history of the Taj Mahal mausoleum in India

The creation of the Taj Mahal is associated with the legend of the love of the padishah Shah Jahan and the girl Mumtaz Mahal, who traded at the local market. The Indian ruler was so captivated by her beauty that they soon got married. In a happy marriage, 14 children were born, but during the birth of the last child, Mumtaz Mahal died. Shah Jahan was depressed by the death of his beloved wife and in memory of her ordered the construction of a mausoleum, more beautiful than anywhere else.

The construction of the Taj Mahal began in 1632 and was completed in 1653. About 20 thousand craftsmen and workers from all over the empire were involved in the construction. A group of architects worked on the mosque, but the main idea belongs to Ustad Ahmad Lahauri, there is also a version that the main author of the project is the Persian architect Ustad Isa (Isa Muhammad Effendi).

The construction of the tomb and platform took approximately 12 years. Over the next ten years, minarets, a mosque, a javab and a large gate were erected.

Tombs of King Shah Jahan and his wife Mumtaz Mahal

Taj Mahal - a wonder of the world: the architecture of the mosque

The Taj Mahal Palace is a five-domed structure with 4 minarets at the corners. Inside the mausoleum there are two tombs - the shah and his wife.

The mosque was erected on a platform, the strength of the foundation is due to the fact that the level of the site was raised 50 meters above the level of the bank of the Jamna River. The total height of the Taj Mahal is 74 meters. In front of the building there is a three-hundred-meter garden with fountains and a marble pool, at a certain angle, the entire structure is symmetrically reflected in its waters.

The most notable component of the Indian Taj Mahal is the white marble dome. The walls are also lined with polished translucent marble with elements of precious stones and gems (pearls, sapphires, turquoise, agate, malachite, carnelian and others). The Taj Mahal Mosque is made in accordance with the Islamic religious tradition, the interior is decorated with abstract symbols and lines from the Koran.

The Taj Mahal is considered the jewel of Muslim art in the country of India and the finest example of Mughal style architecture that combines Indian, Persian and Arabic elements.

  • Since 2007, the Indian Taj Mahal has been on the list of the New 7 Wonders of the World.
  • What is the Taj Mahal? This name is translated from Persian as "The Greatest Palace" ("Taj" - a crown, "Mahal" - a palace).
  • Many valuable interior items of the Taj Mahal were stolen - precious stones, gems, the crown of the main dome - a golden spire and even entrance doors made of silver.
  • Due to the peculiarity of marble, at different times of the day and depending on the weather, the Taj Mahal mosque is able to change color: during the day the building looks white, pink at dawn, and silver on a moonlit night.
  • Tens of thousands of people visit the Taj Mahal daily; per year - from 3 to 5 million people. Peak season is October, November and February.
  • The Taj Mahal has been featured in many films, the most popular of which are: "Armageddon", "Mars Attacks!", "Before You Play Box", "Life After People", "The Last Dance", "Slumdog Millionaire".
  • Airplanes are not allowed to fly over the Taj Mahal.

How to visit: price, tickets, opening hours

Entry fee*: for foreigners - 1000 INR**, for citizens of India - 530 INR.**

*The ticket includes a visit to the Taj Mahal, the ancient fort (Agra Fort) and Mini Taj (Baby Taj) - the tomb of Itimad-ud-Daula.
**INR - Indian Rupee (1000 INR = 15.32 $)
** Prices are as of October 2017

Opening hours:

  • Daytime: 6:00 - 19:00 (weekdays, except Fridays - the day of prayers in the mosque).
  • Evening time: 20:30 - 00:30 (2 days before and 2 days after the full moon, except Fridays and the month of Ramadan).

Visiting Rules: Only small handbags, mobile phones, cameras, small video cameras, water in transparent bottles are allowed to be brought into the Taj Mahal.

How to get to the Taj Mahal Temple

Where is the Taj Mahal: India, Uttar Pradesh, Agra, Tejginj district, Forest Koloni, Dharmaperi.

If you are vacationing in Goa and want to get to the Taj Mahal, then direct flights from Goa airport not in Agra. By plane you can fly to Delhi, and from there there are daily flights to the city of Agra. The distance between Goa and Agra is about 2000 km.

From Delhi to Agra on your own: by plane - 3-4 hours on the way; by bus - $15-20 (3 hours on the way); morning train 12002 Bhopal Shatabdi - 5-10 $ (2-3 hours on the way).

The easiest way: book a tour or organization individual tour to Agra with a visit to the Taj Mahal. Most popular: Goa-Agra tour, Delhi-Agra tour.

To be closer to a popular attraction or to see the Taj Mahal from the rooftops of hotels and guesthouses, book hotels in Agra with convenient service Planet of Hotels.

2.5 km from the Taj Mahal is the second most popular attraction of the city - Agra Fort. So you can see two architectural masterpieces in one day.

Taj Mahal on Agra map

The mausoleum-mosque of the Taj Mahal is a recognized masterpiece of world heritage and one of the seven New Wonders of the World, which is located in the city of Agra near the Jumna River in India. The mosque was built in the 17th century by order of Shah Jahan, the padishah of the Mughal Empire, who dedicated the construction of the Taj Mahal to his wife Mumtaz Mahal (later the Indian Shah himself was buried here).