Mountain big akhun observation tower. How to get from Sochi to Mount Akhun

On the Sochi resorts Every year tourists come from different cities. This amazing place. The city is surrounded by mountains on one side and the sea on the other. You can see all this beauty from the height of Akhun. This mountain stretches along the entire coast. Why is Mount Akhun in Sochi so remarkable and how to get to the top on your own? You will get answers to these questions by reading this article.

Mount Akhun is considered the most famous Sochi attraction. The peak is located in the Khostinsky district. There is a cave on the slopes of the mountain, which so inspires tourists from all cities.

“My father believed that a walk in the mountains was equivalent to going to church.”

Aldous Huxley
English writer, short story writer and philosopher

In our article, we will tell you how to get to Mount Akhun from Sochi, and to the famous Akhun Pit.

The main attraction of the city

Every tourist who decides to visit Sochi cannot but look at a popular place - Mount Akhun. It is here that you can admire the whole city from a height, thanks to the observation deck, which is open all year round. On the famous mountain An observation tower with a height of 30 meters was installed. It was built during Stalin's time.

“From the top of the mountain you can better see how insignificant everything below is. Our victories and our sorrows are no longer so important. What we have gained or lost lies down there. From the height of the mountain you see how vast the world is and how wide the horizons are.”

Paulo Coelho
Brazilian novelist and poet

The tower allows you to better see the beauty Caucasian ridge and enjoy the sea closer. Many tourists take binoculars to the observation decks to better view some places, such as the Olympic Park.

The platform was built specifically for the convenience of visitors. There is a parking lot of impressive size, and not far from it there are souvenir shops, barbecue houses, restaurants and cafes. In between walks, you can have a snack and taste natural tea. Also, as an addition, you can visit the tallest Ferris wheel in Russia. From it the city is visible at a glance.

Akhun tower has 3 floors:

  • on the first tier you can visit the tasting room;
  • on the next one there is a museum of stuffed animals from local forests;
  • on the third is an observation deck where you can see beautiful views coast of the Black Sea and the mountains of the Caucasus.

How to get to the top of Akhun?

It should be noted right away that public transport will not be able to reach. There are two most optimal options here: either you get to the place you need by taxi (600-800 rubles), or you get by bus from Adler with a guide (600-1000 rubles). The bus reaches the Sputnik camp and continues climbing along the standard route.

If you came to Sochi by your own car and want to visit the famous Akhun peak, then the path is laid only along the serpentine. You can drive along a picturesque asphalt road. You need to drive along it very carefully, as the road winds along steep slopes.

There are various ways to get to the top. Let's consider each option in more detail:

By own car

Own car is considered a great option for traveling with the family. Even if you do not know the area, you can use the navigator. This miracle device will take you to your destination. From the city you need to go to the Sochi-Adler highway, which has two directions. It is the left bank of the river that Mount Akhun will bring out.

Leaving the center, you need to go straight to the Khotinsky district along Kurortny Prospekt. After Matsesta there is an exit to the right. Next, you will need to drive under the bridge and follow the signs to go to the right place. First you will get to the Small Akhun, after which you can get to the Big observation deck along the serpentine.

You need to drive carefully along the serpentine, as the road is very narrow and has more than 20 turns. The speed must be appropriate, see the signs.

By public transport

As mentioned above, getting to the top by public transport is not possible. But part of the way can still be traveled by bus. The final stop will be Mount Small Akhun. Then you have to follow on foot.


Hikers who have visited the peak and the gorge more than once know how to get to Akhun. The beginning of the path goes from the stop "Agura". The road will go through the gorge.

  1. The movement should be directed to the north. Keep the landmark on the restaurant "Kavkazsky aul" past the camp "Sputnik".
  2. After 900 meters you will need to cross the bridge to the other side.
  3. After the paved road, you need to go along the path with numerous ladders. You can also see a stone gazebo and a platform for tourists.
  4. After that, on the way you will meet an iron bridge, from which you can admire the Agur waterfall. Through the lower waterfall you get to the upper one.
  5. Then the whole path will go exclusively up.

Every local resident knows how to get to the famous peak. The attraction is very well located. The peak can be seen from anywhere in the city, it practically rests on the center of Sochi.

Mystery of the name

There have been legends about the historical name of the Sochi peak since ancient times. It was believed that the name of the mountain is associated with the name of a pagan god, in whom the locals once believed. Akhyn was the patron of shepherds and protector of cattle. From the Adyghe "Akhun" is translated as "feed for livestock." Previously, meadows bloomed in this area.

Other sources indicate that the famous Sochi attraction got its name from the Abkhaz word "akhu", which means "hill", "hill".

Legends associated with the peak

There are many legends around the mysterious name of Mount Akhun. But in this area there is another attraction - the Eagle Rocks, which reach a height of almost 400 meters. Rocks are located along the famous river. The cliff is completely washed by water.

There is an allegedly reliable legend that Prometheus was serving his sentence in these places. He was punished for stealing the sacred fire from Mount Olympus. He was chained to a stone by decree of Zeus. And the fiery patron prepared strong shackles for Prometheus.

But the boy's suffering didn't end there. The eagles were ordered to fly up to the prisoner and tear his chest with their claws, while pecking out the liver. The next morning, all the wounds healed, and everything started all over again.

The prison was not far from the village where the beautiful maiden lived. When the girl found out about the unfortunate fate of the young man, she began to sympathize with him with all her heart. Despite the fact that the titan had reliable security, the girl easily made her way to him. She helped and supported Prometheus for a long time. She somehow miraculously managed to bring him water and food. She sang different songs to him. But one day she saw an eagle tormenting Prometheus, and, not suffering injustice, the girl rushed to the bird.

The god who protected the mountain became very angry with the maiden and ordered her to be thrown from the top. Soon it turned into a river. But even after death, the girl did not stop helping Prometheus. The waves rose high and watered the young man. But soon the Gods agreed with each other and decided to let the titan go. To this day, the mountain periodically dumps hot stones into the water, so the river never freezes.

The mysterious mountain has become a real Sochi attraction. The newlyweds on the wedding day climb to the top and arrange a photo session. Once the wedding cortege turned over, never reaching the coveted peak. The bride died, and now her ghost regularly walks on the road. Tourists have noticed this more than once.

  1. If you decide to hike, then stock up on plenty of water. There were cases when tourists drank directly from the river, but it's better not to risk it. And in local stores, water costs 5 times more.
  2. Be sure to wear comfortable clothes and shoes for the hike. Take mosquito repellent with you.
  3. For your own convenience, it is better to take the minimum number of things. Usually they take the most necessary things on a hike: a first aid kit, water, food and warm clothes.

“It is impossible to appreciate in hard currency the feeling of freedom and timelessness that the mountains give you when you stand on a high spur under a perfectly blue April sky and look around”

Jonathan Coe
British writer

As we mentioned above, public transport does not go up the mountain, but buses pass not far from the start walking route. From the stop "Small Akhun" you will have to walk a long distance about 8-10 km, depending on the chosen route.

Today this attraction is very popular. Everyone strives to climb the famous peak and admire the vastness of the city. But getting there is not easy. This is a great place for family vacation. People love to take pictures at the top, buy souvenirs and visit restaurants. Whatever transport you decide to use to get to the top, this Sochi attraction is still worth a visit.

Long caves, unique plants and mystical objects - all this is the Khostinsky district of the city of Sochi. Everyone here knows where Mount Akhun is. How to get to this place by car and what is worth seeing there, we will tell in the article.

Main attraction

From the top there is a grandiose view. From there, guests can see all the greatness of the Caucasus Mountains, the boundless expanse of the Black Sea and the main objects of the city.

The tip itself resembles a perfectly even evergreen cone. Ordinary tourists say that the object looks like a volcano.

Akhun - a mountain 663 meters high - stretches like a high ridge for 5 km along the Black Sea coast. The beauty of the peak lies in the fact that nature clearly separated it from others. geographical objects. The canyon of the Agura River runs from the west, and its tributaries from the south. In the east, the cone is washed by the waves of Khosta.

Another attraction of this object are the caves. Open around 30 underground passages. The longest of them has a length of almost 400 meters, and its depth is 20 meters. This cave is another reason for the influx of tourists. Everyone is hospitably received by Mount Akhun (Sochi). Signs will tell you how to get to the mine.

It is not recommended to go there without an instructor. In addition, many visitors say that it is quite dirty there. Clay and slush also spoil the impression. Only those who understand something in this kind of entertainment will really enjoy the gallery of the cave.

Road to the top

Of course, every traveler wants to get to the observation tower. It was built in 1936. Architect - S. I. Vorobyov. The height of the building is 36 meters. The view from the rooftop is amazing. A road leads to the tower, the customer of which was Stalin himself. 11 km of track was laid in a short, 100-day period in 1935. Interestingly, the leader of the peoples never climbed this path to the top.

Profitable geographical position has Mount Akhun. How to get here, you can ask the residents of Sochi. In addition, it is worth noting that the peak can be seen from anywhere in the city. It practically rests on the center of Sochi.

The best guide for beginners - tourist centre Sputnik (end of Kurortny Prospekt). Near this base there are two routes leading to Adler. One road leads to the Agoura River and its waterfalls. The second way you can climb to the top of the mountain. There are signs and markers along the way.

Drivers should be very careful. The turns are sharp and dangerous, so you need to drive slowly and carefully. 30 minutes by car - and Mount Akhun will appear in front of you. Signs will also tell you how to get to the tower itself.

At the very top, the paths diverge, but there is a stone that indicates the direction. One road leads to an abandoned restaurant, and the other leads to an observation tower.

Travel option

You can get there by bus (route No. 2 or No. 110). But public transport goes only to Small Akhun. Further to the mountain you will have to get on your own on foot or hitchhiking. The road is steep and long. But the beauty of nature will not let you get bored.

It should be noted here that the distance from the lowest peak (Small Akhun) to the tower is 8 km. But cars with other tourists run constantly, so there will be no problems with a ride.

provide their services and sightseeing buses. A popular place among tourists is Mount Akhun. Sochi offers many tours that include visiting this attraction. A ride on a comfortable air-conditioned bus will be offered. Tours take place almost every day and at any time of the year. Guests can choose a convenient time for themselves. Groups are taken both from Sochi and from the neighboring city of Adler.

It is worth noting that usually a ticket to the mountain is not included in the price of a tour ticket. Before ordering a trip, you should familiarize yourself with the details of the tour in detail. The entrance to the tower itself costs around 100 rubles. Children under 10 years old are admitted free of charge.

Name history

Mount Akhun gathered many legends around itself. Historians believe that the name of this geographical point is associated with the name of a pagan god, in which the locals believed. The name of the heavenly patron was Ahyn, and he was the protector of all shepherds and cattle. Myths say that in ancient times, some peoples sacrificed a white cow to this deity, while other tribes of shepherds shared milk porridge with an idol. Above the dish, the oldest of the men asked the patron to protect his herd from predators and increase the number of livestock.

There is one more official version origin of the name. Scientists believe that Mount Akhun got its name from the Abkhaz word "ahu", which translates as "elevation" or "hill".

From the Adyghe, the name of the peak means “feed for livestock”, because in this territory, even in the most severe years, meadows always bloomed and the land procreated.

Prison of Prometheus

Another attraction is the Eagle Rocks, whose height is 380 m above sea level. This facility is located along the Agura River. Water washes a vertical cliff, which stretches uphill for as much as 125 m. Residents of Sochi know another beautiful and tragic story that allegedly took place in this area. Legends closely intersected with the myths of ancient Greece.

According to legend, Mount Akhun and the Eagle Rocks became the place where Prometheus served his punishment for his kindness to people. For the fact that the titan stole the sacred fire from Olympus, Zeus ordered him to be chained to a stone in a distant mountainous country. Hephaestus himself - the patron of fire and blacksmithing - made shackles for the giant.

But the revenge of Zeus did not end there. This mountain was owned by the pagan god Okkhyn (according to another version, Akhyn). Serious giant eagles served him. At the request of the Olympian, every day one of the strongest birds had to fly up to the prisoner, tear his chest with his claws and peck out his liver. During the night, the wounds healed, and in the morning the eagle began its bloody work again.

Bold act of a girl

Greek myths diverge from local traditions. According to legend, Mount Akhun was not far from the village. A beautiful and kind girl Agura lived there. When the girl found out about the terrible fate of Prometheus, she felt deep regret for him. Despite the fact that the ascent to the mountain was not easy, and the god Okhyn sat on the top and carefully watched the execution of a severe punishment, the girl made her way to the titan. For a long time she managed to quietly help the enemy of Olympus. The beauty gave water to the captive, fed him and even sang songs to him.

One day she stopped. And before her eyes, a terrible eagle began to torment Prometheus. The girl did not tolerate injustice and boldly rushed at the bird. But the beast grabbed her and carried her to the owner.

End of the story

The god Okhyun was very angry. He ordered to throw the maiden under the top. Akhun (mountain) became her last home. In the abyss, it turned into a river that beat in waves under the Eagle Rocks. This was another punishment for Prometheus. Every day he watched the streams of tears of a girl who had been kind to him flow under his feet. But death did not stop the beauty. In high waves, she rose to the prisoner and continued to give him water to drink.

A lot of time passed before the hero Hercules agreed with Zeus to forgive the titan. And the river is still flowing. In winter, when Agura becomes cold, the rock where Prometheus was chained throws hot stones into the water. They still have not cooled down from the warm heart of the captive. Therefore, the river never freezes.

Today, on the site where the giant was chained, there is a statue. The author of the work is Alexander Kapralov, a sculptor from Omsk. The monument was erected in 1998.

summit ghost

But Mount Akhun attracts not only ancient Greek legends. Sochi residents also know completely new stories. One of them is especially interesting for those who love mysticism and riddles.

The inhabitants of the city have a good tradition on the day of the wedding to be photographed at the top. Once the cortege, which was getting out on the mountain, suffered a disaster. The driver lost control and the car went off the road. The bride died on the spot. This event happened in 2000.

After that, the ghost of a woman began to appear near the scene of the accident. The figure in white was present in hundreds of photographs of ordinary tourists. Dozens of people go out every night to hunt for a ghost. The bride often appears at dusk and among the mists. But Mount Akhun boasts not only this mystical phenomenon. The photo of the ghost is not the only supernatural mystery of the summit.

Emptiness and music

Another point of pilgrimage for tourists is an abandoned restaurant. Its history began in 1937. The luxurious room immediately attracted a crowd of people. Designed in the classical style, the complex was more reminiscent of a royal estate. But this place did not have a chance to please the guests for a long time. The restaurant worked for only one summer season, after which it closed. The reason for this decision remains a mystery to this day. It is said that incomprehensible anomalous phenomena occurred on the territory of the complex.

lovers thrill Mount Akhun attracts. Photos of the restaurant for 1937 are impressive. But even today, an empty institution has something to brag about. Mysticism and magic enveloped him. Many people who have visited these ruins assure that sometimes muffled music and female laughter can be heard from the premises.

How to get to Mount Akhun will be prompted not only by signs and a navigator, but also by the flow of tourists. Under the tower you will find a cozy restaurant with reasonable prices, where you can have a delicious and satisfying meal. There are small shops selling souvenirs. Guests are also offered to take original photos.

Mountains always attract a lot of attention. Clean air and stunning views set the mood for calm and serenity. For me personally, one of the most beautiful places in the city of Sochi - this is Mount Akhun. A road stretches 11 kilometers up to it - a highway built back in 1936 at the direction of Stalin. Climbing it, you observe all the charm wildlife, with its mixed forests and winding roads. These landscapes are unique, one cannot help but feel their beauty.

I regularly and at different times of the year visit Akhun and each time I find little things that attract attention, new secluded corners of wildlife. Any such trip leaves behind a gamut of inspiring emotions. We can say that our family has a tradition to visit the mountain at least once a year: just enjoy the view, breathe fresh air and make sure that best holiday are mountains.

How to get to Mount Akhun

To get to the 35-meter Romanesque white hewn limestone tower and enjoy the views, you will have to be patient - public transport does not go to the end point of the route. But there are several options.

The wheel is big, I look far!

All on the same site rises the Ferris wheel. The ticket price for one person is 700 rubles. The sensations will remain unforgettable, because the whole of Greater Sochi is in front of your eyes: from different sides there will be an opportunity to see the sea, the Olympic facilities, mountain range, and in fine cloudless weather you can see the coast of Turkey. How amazing and multifaceted is the world around us?! In my opinion, these are the thoughts that arise when you sit in the cockpit at a height of 83.5 meters and contemplate the picturesque panorama.

On the way from the wheel to the tower, at its foot, there are souvenir shops where you can buy a variety of pleasant little things for every color and taste.

Akhun tower

An interesting architecture building that can be loved by connoisseurs of beauty. Entrance to it costs 100 rubles.

After a couple of minutes, having overcome all the steps, you get to the observation deck along the perimeter last floor. How amazing is what you can see from it.

Like a wheel, you can see absolutely everything from a bird's eye view. Only in comparison with him, time stops, making it possible to capture everything in your memory. The lungs are filled with oxygen, the pulse becomes less frequent, you fall into euphoria. Upstairs for an additional fee (50 rubles) you can watch through binoculars for any detail that attracted attention.

Eat after a walk

There is a cozy restaurant on the first floor of the tower. It is spacious inside, there is a fireplace, there are wooden tables and benches. You can try the national Caucasian cuisine there. I ordered barbecue, pickles, stuffed eggplant, hot bread, meat sauces. I won’t list all the goodies: it’s better to try once than hear a hundred times. I especially liked the herbal tea from the samovar standing right in the yard. I was satisfied with this place and to say more - I was pleasantly surprised. It was not superfluous to warm up after climbing to the clouds.

Nearby is the cafe "Prokhlada" and the tasting room "Krasnaya Polyana". And there, and there no one will be allowed to die of hunger: even sophisticated gourmets will be able to try something new and undoubtedly tasty.

Bon Appetit!

Let's not run away

Because there are a lot of interesting things hidden around:

Stay and live in the mountains - dreams come true

Among all this unsurpassed beauty, if you wish, you can stay longer, namely, find a small hotel or a private house. Local hotels have a varied pricing policy. Depending on your wishes, you can find something more modest and comfortable, or, on the contrary, relax “royally”. You can find a suitable option for yourself and compare prices (here they range from 1,500 to 10,000 rubles per day). And the easiest way to book a room you like is at What pleases me is the location of all holiday homes: there is always access to the sea and public transport nearby.

Akhun - a mountain between the rivers Matsesta and Khosta (Khostinsky district, on the territory of the city of Sochi, Krasnodar Territory)

Mount Akhun is a famous landmark and observation deck near Sochi. Located in the Khostinsky district, it includes the mountains Big Akhun (633 meters - the highest point), Small Akhun (501 meters) and Eagle Rocks (also known as White Rocks, 380 meters).

According to one of the legends, the height of Mount Akhun was originally 666 meters and was reduced during the construction of the tower.

Mount Big Akhun and tourist sites on it are available for visiting in winter. There is a restaurant at the base of the tower.

A classic Ferris wheel operates on the mountain. On the way to the tower, you can visit an exhibition of miniatures and a souvenir shop.

Observation tower on Mount Akhun

The tower is the main attraction of the mountain. Her appearance reminds medieval fortress, but in fact her age is not so solid.

The observation tower was built in 1935-1936 by order of I.V. Stalin, it is a monument of federal significance. Made in the Romanesque style, from white hewn limestone. Architect - S. I. Vorobyov.

The height of the tower is 30.5 meters. The observation deck offers a view of a wide stretch of the Black Sea coast: from the Lazarevskoe resort microdistrict to Pitsunda and the Caucasus mountains.

From Sochi

IN holiday season many local travel companies offer bus tours to Mount Akhun - from Sochi, Adler, other microdistricts and resort villages on the Black Sea coast.

The second common option is to get to Mount Akhun on your own by car (personal, rented or take a taxi). However, it is worth considering that the most critical section of the path falls on a serpentine with sometimes very sharp bends. The average distance from the center of Sochi by highway is 17 km.

Public buses do not go to Mount Akhun from Sochi, but they pass not far from the beginning of the hiking route. The stop "Small Akhun" is located on Kurortny Prospect, about 8-12 km from it on foot, depending on the chosen route (along the highway or shortening the path on the map). The road will be shorter from the stop "Microdistrict Maly Akhun", where the minibus / bus number 2 stops - about 6-7 km.

Transport to Mount Akhun from Adler

You can get from Adler to Maly Akhun by public transport in the direction of Sochi: buses No. 125p, 125s, minibus 124s. Then - on foot along the standard climbing route (Road to Bolshoi Akhun Street).

By car - along the A-147 road towards Sochi. Distance - about 20 km.

It is located on the top of the mountain of the same name, the height of which is 663 meters above sea level. In 1936, a 30-meter tower was erected at the very top of the mountain, and later a small square was laid out. Now there are several catering establishments on Mount Akhun, and most of the area is occupied by souvenir shops.

How to get to Akhun Tower

You can get to the Akhun Tower along an asphalted serpentine road. And if you wish, it is better to do walking tour with an ascent to the observation deck. The path should start from the Sputnik stop, you should get there by public transport, from the stop we go along the asphalt road to the Kavkazsky Aul restaurant, turn onto the path and go to the fork in the road, at the fork we go left. Next, we focus on the yellow marks on the trees, they will lead to the Akhun Tower.

The hiking route takes about 4 hours, it is accessible for beginners, but it is advisable to put on comfortable shoes and have a supply of water. The trail runs along the gorge and along the way you will be accompanied by picturesque views. The trail will lead to the 4th km of the road, you need to go another 300 meters, turn right and follow the marks on the trees and reach the gazebo. From it to the observation deck there is 1.5 km of the path, of which about 500 meters along a narrow path through the forest.

The tower with all its appearance resembles a medieval castle, but this is far from being the case, the tower was built in just 100 days, according to the project of architect S.I. Vorobyov. The walls of the tower are lined with white limestone, and a stone staircase leads to the observation deck. From the observation deck offers a picturesque view of Black Sea coast, Caucasus ranges, Eagle rocks and the city of Sochi.

Video from the observation deck

Mount Akhun, located in the Greater Sochi region, is very popular among tourists and residents of the city. Of greatest interest is the Great Akhun, towering 663 meters above sea level. The height of the mountain allows it to stand out against the backdrop of Eagle Rocks and Small Akhun, giving a unique opportunity to enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding area.

There are many interesting things here - an observation tower, which is considered a landmark object of Sochi, and a Ferris wheel that has recently appeared on top. The cafe and restaurant offer dishes of Caucasian cuisine, and in the tasting room you can try balms infused with various herbs. In memory of the visit, you can buy souvenirs in shops and take pictures against the backdrop of local beauties.


The name of Mount Akhun is associated with the mythological deity Akhyn. He was great, powerful and rich, had huge herds and could jump from one mountain to another with the help of his long staff. His appearance, which instills genuine fear in those around him, did not frighten the beautiful daughter of an influential gentleman. She fell in love with the giant Akhyn and married him, although her father opposed her decision in every possible way. One day, the father-in-law managed to get to the son-in-law's staff and file it, but the hero did not notice this. When he tried to step over the ditch, the stick broke, Akhyn fell from a height into the river and died.


Since the opening of the Tower in 1936, excursions to the Big Akhun have been held regularly. Vacationers began to visit the summit in an organized manner, but apart from the observation deck there was nothing here. A little later, a barbecue house was opened, and with the advent of the era of private entrepreneurship iconic place got new life. In order to slowly get acquainted with everything, relax surrounded by lush greenery and wildlife, and also get a charge of positive emotions, it is recommended to come here for the whole day.

Tower on Mount Akhun

The building in the Romanesque style was erected in 1936 by order of Stalin, and in record time. The development of the project was entrusted to the architect S. Vorobyov. A year before, a road was built to the top.

The observation tower on Mount Akhun received its first visitors in July 1936

From the top deck you have great views of the mountains. resort town Sochi and the Black Sea (the distance in a straight line to the coast is only 3 kilometers). You have to climb more than 30 meters on foot, but the panoramic spectacle is worth it.

Inside the tower there is a tasting room, and next to it is a cozy restaurant "Akhun" and a tea house. Carved compositions are placed on a small square and a small lawn is laid out. Covered wooden pavilions and souvenir shops are placed along the pedestrian road, and closer to the parking lot there is a cafe "Prokhlada".

After visiting viewing platforms, relaxing in a local cafe and choosing souvenirs, you can go along the hiking trail to the other side of the road to Big Akhun - to the Agur waterfalls and Eagle rocks, or visit the PIK 701 entertainment complex.

Ferris wheel

A few hundred meters from the Akhun Tower is located Entertainment Center PIK 701, where the most high point panoramic view of Sochi. It offers an amazing view of the sea, city landscapes and the Imereti Valley.

From the Ferris wheel, which raises those present to a height of 701 meters above sea level, you can see the Olympic facilities and admire the peaks of the mountains of the Main Caucasian Range. The low rotation speed of the attraction allows you to take high-quality pictures of the surrounding landscapes directly from the booths. The wheel makes a full circle in 8.5 minutes. A special feeling of delight can be experienced by climbing up at sunset.


  • the diameter of the Ferris wheel on Mount Akhun is 38 meters;
  • the weight of the ground structure reaches 65 tons;
  • the mass of the foundation is within 600 tons;
  • panoramic radius covers 70 km.

Cafe "Mangal"

The very name of the cozy place, surrounded by wildlife, suggests that it serves dishes of Caucasian cuisine, the main of which is an appetizing and delicious shish kebab. The menu includes salads, hot and cold appetizers, side dishes and desserts. Prices can be found on the official website. The cafe is located on the territory of the PIK 701 complex, next to it is a playground.

Ghost Restaurant on Mount Akhun

Literally half a kilometer from the top of the Big Akhun there is a fork. One of its directions leads to a restaurant destroyed by time. The institution was built a little later than the observation tower, a magnificent future was predicted for it, but it did not open the next season. The restaurant managed to become a favorite vacation spot for local rich people, high-ranking officials and their friends, music and ringing laughter could be heard from its walls. It seemed like it would be forever. And suddenly it was all over. Luxury has been replaced by devastation and oblivion, and the ominous silence is broken today only by curious tourists taking pictures against the backdrop of almost ruins.

The official reason for the closure of the old restaurant is considered to be a violation of unsanitary standards, which is hardly true, given the "difficult" status of visitors. In fact, there was a strong fire in which people died. The roof was destroyed and the building fell into disrepair. Several times the restaurant tried to revive, but to no avail. locals they assure that the causes of failures lie in the night ghosts.

Another legend is connected with the bride who died at the time of the accident of the wedding cortege. At the fork leading towards the old restaurant, there is an original sign resembling the image of a girl. In the fog, he looks like a white ghost bride. Locals often scare their guests with it.

Prices on Mount Akhun

Observation tower:

  • adults - 100 rubles;
  • free of charge - children under 10 years old, disabled people, participants in the Great Patriotic War and hostilities, large families, Chernobyl survivors, conscripts;
  • stationary binoculars — 50 rubles. in 3 minutes.

Sight wheel in the PIK 701 complex:

  • for adults - 250 rubles;
  • for children from 7 to 14 years old - 150 rubles;
  • for children under 7 years old - free of charge.

Opening hours

You can go up to the observation deck of the Tower from 10:00 until it gets dark. They say that you can go there even at night, and for free. Cafe "Prokhlada" is open from 9:00 to 22:00. The tasting room is open daily from 11:00 to 20:00.

The entertainment complex PIK 701 is open daily from 11:00 to 21:00. Cafe Mangal, located on the territory of PIK 701, serves visitors every day from 10:00 to 21:00.

How to get there

There are three different ways to get to the observation decks from Sochi: by bus, car or on foot. Each of them is interesting in its own way.

Excursion to Mount Akhun

Local travel agencies organize transfers in groups. It is also possible to pre-book a tour with a private guide.

By car

There are three options here:

  • own car;
  • rented vehicles;
  • taxi — order through Uber, Yandex. Taxi, Maxim, Red Taxi, Gett.

On your own

Trained tourists can use this method. They need to take the city bus number 2 to the stop "Microdistrict Maly Akhun" and then walk to the top of the mountain. You will have to walk more than 8 km, but the impressions of the surrounding views will be remembered for a lifetime. Bring drinking water and wear comfortable shoes.

Observation tower on Mount Akhun