Aphorisms about mountains. Phrases, aphorisms, sayings of great and famous people about mountains Quotes about mountains

I'm not going to conquer the mountains - they are as much a part of the world as people. I conquer myself.
Wanda Rutkevich

There's no reason to stop
I go sliding.
And there are no such peaks in the world,
What can't be taken.
Vladimir Vysotsky

Winter high-altitude ascents are a sophisticated way of suffering in the mountains.
Wojtek Kurtyka

Life is a mountain: you go up slowly, you go down quickly.
Guy de Maupassant

The day when you take full responsibility for your own future and stop looking for excuses for doubts will be the day you start moving to the top.
Jay Simpson

Everyone wants to live on top of a mountain, but happiness and growth happens when you climb it, not when you have already reached the top.
life wisdom

In order to understand about yourself, talk with a stone in the mountains ...
Indian proverbs and sayings

The man who is at the very top of the mountain did not fall there from the sky.

Dawn in the mountains is the best event that can happen to a person.
Max Fry

My father believed that a walk in the mountains was equivalent to going to church.
Aldous Huxley

If you are sitting somewhere in the Himalayas and silence surrounds you - this is the silence of the Himalayas, but not yours. You have to find your own Himalayas within yourself.

We are born, we suffer, we die, and the mountains stand unshakable.
Paulo Coelho. On the banks of the Rio Piedra I sat down and wept

From the top of the mountain you can better see how insignificant everything below is. Our victories and our sorrows are no longer so important. What we have gained or lost lies down there. From the height of the mountain you see how vast the world is and how wide the horizons are.
Paulo Coelho

A climber's age is not long... That's why I'm a speleologist...
Proverb cavers

There is neither honesty nor deceit in the mountains. They are just dangerous.
Reinhold Messner

Robert Piercing

This world is mountains, and our actions are screams: the echo from our cry in the mountains always returns to us.

Climb higher and jump into the abyss. Wings will appear during the flight.

Ray Bradbury

In this life, it doesn't matter how you fall. It matters how you get up.
Sharon Stone

Where did you rest?
- In Turkey. All inclusive. And you?
- In the mountains. Everything is off...

The mountains fascinate and enchant, after such a rest, another one is generally needed.

Mountains are the best healer for doubts and depressions.

Mountains help to go higher, higher and higher...

Mountains are good. When you are here, all the bad things remain below, and it becomes so easy on the soul.

For some, mountains are overcoming, a small victory over oneself, which for a moment allows one to forget about the everyday life. For photographers, it's an inspiration. They drink it in huge gulps of rarefied air and blue sky, trying to capture a moment of life at least in a photograph.

If you don't like mountains, then you just haven't been there.

The desire to conquer peaks makes a person more solid and persistent.

When you reach the top, keep climbing.

Who ever conquered the peaks, then fell in love with the mountains forever.

Don't be afraid to go to the mountains, be afraid to never go there.

Do not look for happiness beyond the mountains, beyond the valleys, climb the mountains - there is a real fairy-tale world.

There is no peak in the world that perseverance would not conquer.

People break their legs on bumps, not mountains.

On the tops of the mountains you will find only the peace that you yourself bring there.

To fall in love with the mountains is just to go there once.

The way up is hard, but the view is good.

Looking at a mountain from below is one thing, but being on an equal footing with it at least once is the lot of the strong.

Only the mountains will allow you to feel absolutely free.

I think the only way to lose weight with green tea is to climb mountains to collect it yourself ...

Don't lose faith, faith that can move mountains.

Dominic Webb “Bring it on! I so want!”

From the top of the mountain you can better see how insignificant everything below is. Our victories and our sorrows are no longer so important. What we have gained or lost lies down there. From the height of the mountain you see how vast the world is and how wide the horizons are.

Paulo Coelho

Never go back to what you decided to leave. No matter how much they ask you, and no matter how much you want to yourself. Having conquered one mountain, start storming another ...

Marilyn Monroe

The man sitting on the top of the mountain did not fall there from the sky.

In general, people in their hearts are somewhat similar to the landscape and climate of the region in which they grew up. Those who live by the sea are like a stream, ebb and flow. They leave and return, constantly moving and discovering new shores. Their words and love stories are like water flowing through their fingers, which is in perpetual motion. People living in the mountains had to fight for the right to live there. And, as soon as the mountains submit to them, people begin to defend them as their home, and if they see from afar that someone is rising to them from the valley, they may well take him for an enemy. The people from the hills look at each other for a long time before greeting. They study, slowly get used to it, but as soon as the defense is removed or the word is given, their obligations will be as strong as the mountain on which they live.

Gilles Courtmanche

When you fall into the abyss, it's too late to think about whether there was a safer way to climb the mountain.

Terry Pratchett

People everywhere are piling up mountains of weapons and everywhere they want peace. This is madness.

Donald Michael Thomas

“I think that all people are brothers,” Sasha will say, and they will swim far, far away, to where the mountains descend into the sea and people have never heard of the war, where brother kills brother.

Anatoly Pristavkin “A golden cloud spent the night”

In the autumn mountains - the maple tree is so beautiful, The dense foliage of the branches - the road cannot be found! .. Where are you wandering there? - I'm looking for you in vain: I don't know the mountain paths...

Kakinomoto no Asomi Hitomaro

After all, my friends, I write about nature, but I myself think only about people. We are the masters of nature, and for us it is the pantry of the sun with the great treasures of life. Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest, steppe, mountains. But a man needs a homeland, and to protect nature means to protect the homeland.

Mikhail Prishvin

There was no trace of the storm, the shore shone like a sharpened blade. The mountain and the sky shone in heat, in a dizzying distance; and a reef raised by a mirage floated along a silver pond halfway to the sky ...

William Golding

Destroy mountains, build houses; fill the sea with the remains of the mountains - and again build houses ... Some idiots still think this is a great idea.

Haruki Murakami

We are born, we suffer, we die, and the mountains stand unshakable.

Paulo Coelho

Have you ever interacted with climbers? Optionally with the conquerors of the most high peaks, but simply with those who went to the mountains. If not, then be sure to talk - they have a lot to learn, especially for those who intend to conquer the financial Everest.

Konstantin Kondakov

If it's hard for you, then you're going uphill. If it is easy for you, then you are flying into the abyss.

To find out if a mountain is high, it is not necessary to climb it.

"Paulo Coelho"

Ambition can move such mountains that the mind and talent do not even dare to dream of.

Taking peaks is very simple - you just need to go up all the time.

"Vladimir Belilovsky"

In the mountains, people often need help, so if you want to check on someone, you have a direct road to the mountains.

To find out if a mountain is high, it is not necessary to climb it.

"Pascal Bruckner"

If it's hard for you, then you're going uphill. If it is easy for you, then you are flying into the abyss.

"Henry Ford"

When you fall into the abyss, it's too late to think about whether there was a safer way to climb the mountain.

"Terry Pratchett"

It is impossible to appreciate in hard currency the feeling of freedom and timelessness that the mountains give you when you stand on a high spur under a perfectly blue April sky and look around.

"Jonathan Coe"

The mountains call those whose soul is their size.

Mountains build character, give Spartan education and, of course, teach you to understand people.

We are born, we suffer, we die, and the mountains stand unshakable.

"Paulo Coelho"

My father believed that a walk in the mountains was equivalent to going to church.

"Aldous Huxley"

In the autumn mountains - the maple is so beautiful,
Thick foliage of branches - no way to find!
Where are you wandering there? - I'm looking for you in vain:
I don't know mountain paths.

"Kakinomoto Hitomaro"

There are many ways to learn something, it is not necessary to check every fact on your own.

And the high mountains do not hold back the clouds.

Never go back to what you decided to leave. No matter how much they ask you, and no matter how much you want to yourself. Having conquered one mountain, start storming another.

"Marilyn Monroe"

Just as not everyone has the courage to get a flower from the top of a mountain, so not everyone has the courage to surrender to love.

The man sitting on the top of the mountain did not fall there from the sky.

FROM mountain top even the stormy sea seems to be a smooth plain.

"Abe Kobo"

Children should cry, and mothers should calm them down - not vice versa. That is why mothers move mountains so that their children do not see their tears.

When a person feels that he is loved, he is ready for any exploits, if he is unnecessary, then for any crimes.

Great poets, like high mountains, have numerous echoes. Their songs are repeated in all languages.

"IN. Hugo"

No selfish happiness can last long if it is complete. Happiness is the peak state. It's like standing on top of a mountain, on a palm-wide platform. You won’t stay long, the wind will blow.

If someone appears ready to move mountains, others will surely follow him, ready to wring his neck.

Have you ever heard how an avalanche rumbles in the mountains? Just after the avalanche rumbles, and there is absolute silence. You cease to understand where you are - it is one hundred percent. Just very quiet.

"Haruki Murakami"

Nature created mountains as a punishment for people when she wanted to humiliate them.

No matter how high the mountain is, any of its slopes can become a path.

The dream of the mountain is to fly, the flight is unrealizable, but in the form of a cloud its dream floats.

I look at the mountains, and the mountains look at me, And we look for a long time, without bothering each other.

Remember: people don't die in the mountains, they just don't live there.

Everyone has their own ways to achieve goals, someone will go longer, but along the right path, and someone will not reach at all and along the short one.

People everywhere are piling up mountains of weapons and everywhere they want peace. This is madness.

"Donald Michael Thomas"

The man sitting on the top of the mountain did not fall there from the sky.

Mountain quotes

You need to live not where it is beautiful, but where the conditions are suitable for life.

The last steps on the road to victory are always the hardest.

From the top of the mountain you can better see how insignificant everything below is. Our victories and our sorrows are no longer so important. What we have gained or lost lies down there. From the height of the mountain you see how vast the world is and how wide the horizons are.

"Paulo Coelho"

Contemplation of the great beauty of the mountains can only be complete when a friend is next to you.

"Yakov Arkin"

Love is like a rare flower that grows on the very top of a mountain and requires great courage to receive it.

On Mount Ararat Varvara was picking grapes.

One climbs to the top of a mountain not to see the sky, but to see the plain.

"Jason Evangelou"

When descending to skiing either think faster than you drive, or drive slower than you think.

"Vladimir Belilovsky"

The baldness goes up the mountain, the baldness goes downhill, the baldness meets the baldness, the baldness says: you bald, I bald, you drop on the baldness, you pull the baldness, you will start another.

The higher up the mountain, the harder it is to walk.

If you love me, I can move mountains. And if not, then the neck.

In life, a person feels like a hostage to haste and fuss. He constantly yearns for freedom and tries to find out if it exists at all. There is freedom, and it lives in the mountains. Mountains are the place where you can “soar in the clouds”, you can admire them ad infinitum. Many famous philosophers and writers were not indifferent to the mountains, they specially came to the mountain slopes and admired the indescribable landscapes, they inspired them to work.

Many people puzzle for a long time over where it is best to spend a vacation. Most still prefer sea ​​coast, but in the end it turns out that after the rest you have to rest. Oddly enough, but it turns out, because on seaside resorts there will be essentially the same fuss as in megacities, with the only difference being that the landscapes on the coast will be more beautiful and the climate cleaner. Whether it's a matter of the mountains ... A vacation in the mountains is an unforgettable time when you can enjoy true freedom and real beauty. Even in the most crowded mountain resorts, tourists do not interfere with each other and can really relax.

The mountains not only give a wonderful vacation, but also test human qualities. They test tourists for courage and endurance. Mountains teach you how to achieve your goals. Standing at the foot of the mountain and looking at its top, it seems to a person that it is unrealistic to climb there, however, interest and perseverance help him to climb. Step by step, a person overcomes obstacles and conquers heights. Climbing a mountain, like nothing else, inspires new exploits, gives confidence and charges you with self-confidence.

Quotes and Sayings

With enough determination, any idiot can climb this mountain,” Hall remarked. - But the trick is to get back down alive (Jon Krakauer).

To reach the goal in the mountains is not only to climb to the top, but also to go down.

Lies have no place in the mountains. The masks of deception are shattered by their stone character.

Mountain air cleanses the body not only from various ailments, but also from lies.

Everyone should know their place in life.

Mountains are good. When you are here, all the bad things remain below, and it becomes so easy on the soul.

If you want to be cleansed, go to the mountains.

Mountains are not the place where you can entrust your life to others! This is the place where you can lose it!

In the mountains, human life belongs to nature and insurers.

The snowy mountains are beautiful. All the dirty and unpleasant things of the whole world are washed away by beautiful whiteness.

The snow-capped peaks of the mountains are the purest and brightest thing on earth, it is not for nothing that they are closest to heaven.

In the mountains, there are special bonds between people. That's why I'm drawn to them so irresistibly (Bear Grylls).

The strong and the weak will unite in the mountains, where they learn to help each other.

A man is looking for a man in the mountains. Friendship, joint struggle, the joy of the victory of the rational will of man over the blind forces of nature. Without friendship, without friends, there is no climbing. Even the contemplation of the great beauty of the mountains can only be complete when a friend is next to you. (Yakov Arkin).

The mountains are a great place to test friendship for strength.

Do not spit against the wind in the mountains.
- Why?
- Get an icicle in the forehead!

In life, everything returns according to the boomerang law, the mountains can prove it.

Have you ever heard how an avalanche rumbles in the mountains? Just after the avalanche rumbles, and there is absolute silence. You cease to understand where you are - it is one hundred percent. It's just very quiet... (Haruki Murakami).

Mountain silence, compared to the noise of megacities, seems unreal, nevertheless, it exists.


To find out if a mountain is high, it is not necessary to climb it.

There are many ways to learn something, it is not necessary to check every fact on your own.

Nature created mountains as a punishment for people when she wanted to humiliate them.

Those who do not want to be humiliated, they climb to the top of the mountain.

The mountains call those whose soul is their size.

Mountains conquer the strongest, cowards are simply afraid of them.

The man sitting on the top of the mountain did not fall there from the sky.

All achievements are given only by one's own labor.

And the high mountains do not hold back the clouds.

There are things in life that no one can change.

While the smart ones go around the mountains, others turn them off.

Everyone has their own ways to achieve goals, someone will go longer, but along the right path, and someone will not reach at all and along the short one.

Mountains build character, give Spartan education and, of course, teach you to understand people.

In the mountains, people often need help, so if you want to check on someone, you have a direct road to the mountains.

The dream of the mountain is to fly;
Unfulfilled flight
But in the form of a cloud
Her dream floats.

All dreams have their expression.

The higher up the mountain, the harder it is to walk.

The last steps on the road to victory are always the hardest.

Love is like a rare flower that grows on the very top of a mountain and requires great courage to receive it.

Just as not everyone has the courage to get a flower from the top of a mountain, soeveryone has the courage to surrender to love.

Children should cry, and mothers should calm them down - not vice versa. That is why mothers move mountains so that their children do not see their tears.

There is nothing worse when a child sees his mother's tears, then he simply ceases to believe in happiness and goodness.


If you love me, I can move mountains. And if not, then the neck.

When a person feels that he is loved, he is ready for any exploits, if he is unnecessary, then for any crimes ...)

Life is a mountain: you go up slowly, you go down quickly.

In youth it seems that old age is still far away, in old age it seems that he has not lived, time has flown by so quickly.

I am able to move mountains, because I know that you believe in me.

Faith in a person works wonders.

No matter how high the mountain is, any of its slopes can become a path.

You can find a way out of any situation, if there is a desire.

Remember: people don't die in the mountains, they just don't live there.

You need to live not where it is beautiful, but where the conditions are suitable for life.

If men, for the sake of women, would turn all the mountains that they promised, our world would already be a continuous plain ...

Apparently, men do not want to ruin the mountain beauties ...

For mom with a mountain, for dad with a wall, for a friend with a brick, but for herself with herself !!!

If you value your loved ones, then you are ready to stand up for them at any cost!

I woke up early in the morning and I think: I will get up - I will turn mountains. She turned on the other side ... Why intrude into nature, let them stand ...

You could just admit your laziness ...)

Better than mountains can only be mountains that you have not yet visited.

Anyone who has visited the mountains at least once will definitely want to see them again.

Everyone wants to live on the top of the mountain, not realizing that true happiness awaits him on the descent ... If you fly up to heaven, it’s scary and painful to fall, if you climb to the top of the mountain, there is a chance not to slide far ... But we often take off from happiness ...

Appreciate what you have, perhaps this is true happiness.

Mountains are an extraordinarily beautiful creation of nature. In the mountains, a person feels freedom and learns to overcome all obstacles on the path of life.

Mountains are one of the most breathtaking places on earth. They are not similar to each other, differ in size and surface.

Mountains have always attracted special attention. Their majesty, scale and calm atmosphere that prevails around, forever remain in the memory of a person who was lucky enough to visit such amazing places at least once in his life.

The nature in the mountains is truly magical, and the air is crystal clear, which cannot leave anyone indifferent. Even sunset and sunrise look completely different here. Below is a list of phrases regarding these beautiful creations of nature.

109 quotes and aphorisms about mountains

  1. Taking peaks is very simple - you just have to go up all the time. (Vladimir Belilovsky)
  2. In the mountains, human life belongs to nature and insurers.
  3. In the mountains, people often need help, so if you want to check on someone, you have a direct road to the mountains.
  4. In the mountains, there are special bonds between people. That's why I'm drawn to them so irresistibly. (Bear Grylls)
  5. There is neither honesty nor deceit in the mountains. They are just dangerous. (Reinhold Messner)
  6. The strong and the weak will unite in the mountains, where they learn to help each other.
  7. In the autumn mountains - the maple tree is so beautiful, The dense foliage of the branches - the road cannot be found! .. Where are you wandering there? - I'm looking for you in vain: I don't know the mountain paths... (Kakinomoto no asomi Hitomaro)
  8. In life, everything returns according to the boomerang law, the mountains can prove it.
  9. There are things in life that no one can change.
  10. When we are young, we move mountains, and then all our lives we try to get out from under them.
  11. Great poets, like high mountains, have numerous echoes. Their songs are repeated in all languages. (V. Hugo)
  12. Apparently, men do not want to destroy the mountain beauties ...
  13. From time to time, at least for cheerfulness, it is useful to look up. Down, on the contrary, it is not recommended to look, since the sight of these terrifying abysses can shake the firmness of the spirit of any optimist. (Maurice Herzog)
  14. I look at the mountains, and the mountains look at me, And we look for a long time, without bothering each other. (Li Bo)
  15. It is said that if these mountains were made by the Swiss, they would be much flatter. (Paul Theroux (about the Alps))
  16. The mountain does not seem impregnable when viewed from its summit. (Vantala's words)
  17. Mountain silence, compared to the noise of megacities, seems unreal, nevertheless, it exists.
  18. Mountain air cleanses the body not only from various ailments, but also from lies.
  19. Mountains are steps to heaven. Climbing them, I go to a new life ... (Natalya Turchaninova)
  20. Mountains are an extraordinarily beautiful creation of nature. In the mountains, a person feels freedom and learns to overcome all obstacles on the path of life.
  21. Mountains are frozen waves, water is flowing mountains. (Feng Jicai. Flight of the soul)
  22. Mountains are not the place where you can entrust your life to others! This is the place where you can lose it!
  23. Mountains are good. When you are here, all the bad things remain below, and it becomes so easy on the soul. (Komatsu Tatsuji)
  24. Mountains are ruthless, life too. (Mark Levy)
  25. Mountains call those whose soul is their height! (V.L. Belilovsky)
  26. The mountains have the power to call us to their lands, this is no longer a passion, this is my destiny ... (Anatoly Bukreev)
  27. Mountains seem to get bigger the closer you get to them, but great people are not like mountains in this respect.
  28. Mountains build character, give Spartan education and, of course, teach you to understand people. (Yuri Moiseev)
  29. Mountains conquer the strongest, cowards are simply afraid of them.
  30. Mountains are not stadiums where I fulfill my ambitions, they are temples where I practice my religion. (Anatoly Bukreev)
  31. For most people, mountains are something majestic, but far from everyday life, that is, perfect harmony. (Uli Steck)
  32. The road to the city is uphill, from the city - from the mountain.
  33. The virtue of the sages resembles a journey to a distant land and an ascent to the summit: those who go to a distant land begin their journey with the first step; climbers to the top start from the foot of the mountain. (Confucius)
  34. To reach the goal in the mountains is not only to climb to the top, but also to go down.
  35. If men, for the sake of women, would turn all the mountains that they promised, our world would already be a continuous plain ...
  36. If there are no big trees in the mountains, then the grass wants to be worshiped. (Chinese proverb)
  37. If you value your loved ones, then you are ready to stand up for them at any cost!
  38. If you love me, I can move mountains. And if not, then the neck.
  39. If someone appears ready to move mountains, others will surely follow him, ready to wring his neck. (Mikhail Zhvanetsky)
  40. If it's hard for you, then you're going uphill. If it is easy for you, then you are flying into the abyss. (Henry Ford)
  41. There are many ways to learn something, it is not necessary to check every fact on your own.
  42. Life is a mountain: you go up slowly, you go down quickly.
  43. Envy can move mountains that love cannot even dream of.
  44. Remember: people don't die in the mountains, they just don't live there.
  45. The snow-capped peaks of the mountains are the purest and brightest thing on earth, it is not for nothing that they are closest to heaven.
  46. And the high mountains do not hold back the clouds.
  47. Everyone wants to live on top of a mountain, not realizing that true happiness awaits him on the descent... If you fly up to heaven, it's scary and painful to fall, if you climb to the top of a mountain, there is a chance not to slide far... But we often take off from happiness...
  48. No matter how high the mountain is, any of its slopes can become a path.
  49. Just as not everyone has the courage to get a flower from the top of a mountain, so not everyone has the courage to surrender to love.
  50. When you fall into the abyss, it's too late to think about whether there was a safer way to climb the mountain. (Terry Pratchett)
  51. Whoever thinks he knows the mountains - he will know them, but it will be too late!
  52. Anyone who has visited the mountains at least once will definitely want to see them again.
  53. Someone will see the beauty of the mountains even in stone ... and someone, standing next to the mountains, will not notice the beauty!
  54. Lies have no place in the mountains. The masks of deception are shattered by their stone character. (Komatsu Tatsuji)
  55. Better than mountains can only be mountains that you have not yet visited. (V. Vysotsky)
  56. Love is like a rare flower that grows on the very top of a mountain and requires great courage to receive it.
  57. In general, people in their hearts are somewhat similar to the landscape and climate of the region in which they grew up. Those who live by the sea are like a stream, ebb and flow. They leave and return, constantly moving and discovering new shores. Their words and love stories are like water flowing through their fingers, which is in perpetual motion. People living in the mountains had to fight for the right to live there. And, as soon as the mountains submit to them, people begin to defend them as their home, and if they see from afar that someone is rising to them from the valley, they may well take him for an enemy. The people from the hills look at each other for a long time before greeting. They study, slowly get used to it, but as soon as the defense is removed or the word is given, their obligations will be as strong as the mountain on which they live. (Gilles Courtmanche)
  58. People can meet, but mountains never.
  59. People everywhere are piling up mountains of weapons and everywhere they want peace. This is madness. (Donald Michael Thomas)
  60. My father used to say that walking in the mountains is like going to church. (Aldous Huxley)
  61. We are born, we suffer, we die, and the mountains stand unshakable. (Paulo Coelho)
  62. One climbs to the top of a mountain not to see the sky, but to see the plain. (Iason Evangelou)
  63. A true friend is not the one who holds on to you as you climb the mountain, but the one who holds you as you descend.
  64. I don't like it when mountains are close: they block the view all the time, they never change and do nothing, they just hang over my head. Who needs it? (David Herbert)
  65. If you don't climb the mountains, you won't know the height of the sky; if you don’t descend into the abyss, you won’t recognize the thickness of the earth. (Chinese proverb)
  66. Don't lose faith, faith that can move mountains. (Dominic Webb)
  67. It is impossible to appreciate in hard currency the feeling of freedom and timelessness that the mountains give you when you stand on a high spur under a perfectly blue April sky and look around. (Jonathan Coe)
  68. There is nothing worse when a child sees his mother's tears, then he simply ceases to believe in happiness and goodness.
  69. No victory could justify the conscious game of human lives. (Maurice Herzog)
  70. No photograph conveys the beauty of the mountains as climbers see them. But greatness, perhaps. (Sergey Bershov)
  71. Never go back to what you decided to leave. No matter how much they ask you, and no matter how much you want to yourself. Having conquered one mountain, start storming another ... (Marilyn Monroe)
  72. No one forbids you to consider yourself the king of the mountain, but please know your mountain (Watari Wataru).
  73. There was no trace of the storm, the shore shone like a sharpened blade. The mountain and the sky shone in heat, in a dizzying distance; and a reef raised by a mirage floated along a silver pond halfway to the sky ... (William Golding)
  74. Children should cry, and mothers should calm them down - not vice versa. That is why mothers move mountains so that their children do not see their tears.
  75. The elevated temperature, combined with the mountain air, does evil miracles with the human mind. (Max Fry)
  76. While the smart ones go around the mountains, others turn them off.
  77. An attempt to climb Everest is, in fact, a deeply irrational act, a triumph of dreams over common sense. Any person who is seriously seized by this idea, by definition, is not subject to the arguments of reason. (Jon Krakauer)
  78. After a hard day at work, you want to get lost in the mountains, and that everyone would be looking for you for a very long time ...
  79. With enough determination, any idiot can climb this mountain,” Hall remarked. “But the trick is to get back down alive.” (Jon Krakauer)
  80. When skiing downhill, either think faster than you are going, or go slower than you think. (Vladimir Belilovsky)
  81. Nature created mountains as a punishment for people when she wanted to humiliate them. (Pascal Brückner)
  82. I woke up early in the morning and I think: I will get up - I will turn mountains. She turned on the other side ... Why intrude into nature, let them stand ...
  83. Destroy mountains, build houses; fill the sea with the remains of the mountains - and again build houses ... Some idiots still think this is a great idea. (Haruki Murakami)
  84. Dawn in the mountains is the best event that can happen to a person. (Max Fry)
  85. Parents are mountains that you try to climb all your life, until one day you yourself notice that you are playing their role. (Mark Levy "Between Heaven and Earth")
  86. From the top of the mountain you can better see how insignificant everything below is. Our victories and our sorrows are no longer so important. What we have gained or lost lies down there. From the height of the mountain you see how vast the world is and how wide the horizons are. (Paulo Coelho)
  87. From the mountain peak, even the stormy sea seems like a smooth plain. (Abe Kobo)
  88. The most important and most difficult thing for a powerful spirit is to be able to restrain oneself: the pond stands calmly in the valley, but mountains are needed to restrain it. (Addison)
  89. When moving mountains, try not to leave behind a desert.
  90. The snowy mountains are beautiful. All the dirty and unpleasant things of the whole world are washed away by beautiful whiteness.
  91. Contemplation of the great beauty of the mountains can only be complete when a friend is next to you. (Yakov Arkin)
  92. The obstacles in front of you are not rivers, not mountains, and not other people, these obstacles are yourself. (Robert Green)
  93. Those who do not want to be humiliated, they climb to the top of the mountain.
  94. Only wise mountains can endure human selfishness for centuries... But even their patience has a limit. (Igor Chirtoaca)
  95. The one who moves mountains first removes small pebbles.
  96. Harder than climbing mountains, just don't break your neck.
  97. Have you ever heard how an avalanche rumbles in the mountains? Just after the avalanche rumbles, and there is absolute silence. You cease to understand where you are - it is one hundred percent. Just very quiet… (Haruki Murakami).
  98. Everyone has their own ways to achieve goals, someone will go longer, but along the right path, and someone will not reach at all and along the short one. (Donald Michael Thomas)
  99. Alas, there are much fewer folded mountains than heaped ones. (Andrey Sokolov)
  100. If you want to be cleansed, go to the mountains.
  101. A man is looking for a man in the mountains. Friendship, joint struggle, the joy of the victory of the rational will of man over the blind forces of nature. Without friendship, without friends, there is no climbing. Even the contemplation of the great beauty of the mountains can only be complete when a friend is next to you (Yakov Arkin).
  102. The person who was able to move a mountain started by dragging small pebbles from place to place.
  103. The man sitting on the top of the mountain did not fall there from the sky.
  104. The higher up the mountain, the harder it is to walk.
  105. To reach the top of Mount Fuji, you must first take the first step.
  106. To find out if a mountain is high, it is not necessary to climb it. (Paulo Coelho)
  107. After all, my friends, I write about nature, but I myself think only about people. We are the masters of nature, and for us it is the pantry of the sun with the great treasures of life. Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest, steppe, mountains. But a man needs a homeland, and to protect nature means to protect the homeland. (Mikhail Prishvin)
  108. I can look up at the mountain for hours. It may seem strange, but I am talking to a mountain. I try to understand whether she is waiting for me or not, will let me in or not. (Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner)
  109. I'm not going to conquer the mountains - they are as much a part of the world as people. I conquer myself. (Wanda Rutkevich)

Video: 10 highest mountains on the planet

In this video, Leonid Keplinov will talk about the 10 highest and most dangerous mountains in the world.