Interesting facts about the Egyptian pyramids for children. Interesting facts about the Egyptian pyramids

Most of the mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids have not been solved so far. Looking at these grandiose structures, it is hard to imagine how they were built in ancient times - 45-48 centuries ago. It is this time that most scientists date the construction of the pyramids. But disputes between them continue, concerning not only the period of construction. There are different hypotheses about the methods of construction of these structures, and their purpose.

It is believed that the pyramids are giant tombs built by the pharaohs of ancient Egypt to emphasize their greatness, closeness to the gods and a comfortable posthumous existence. death in Ancient Egypt was considered a transition to another, afterlife, world, to which the usual attributes of earthly life were transferred. Therefore, in the burial rooms, in addition to the embalmed body of the deceased ruler, there were his military armor, weapons, and household utensils.

In total, in different areas of modern Egypt there are more than a hundred pyramidal tombs of different sizes and degrees of preservation. They are grouped into "pyramid fields". The most famous and visited is in Giza.

The construction of the first Egyptian pyramids dates back to the 27th century. BC e. The first stone necropolis was erected in Saqqara for Pharaoh Djoser. Its features are the presence of huge steps and a vertical shaft, closed from above by a dome. The pharaoh was supposed to climb the steps to heaven, and the purpose of the mine remained unknown. Unlike early burial buildings - mastabs, Djoser's tomb had several burial chambers - for family members. The body of the pharaoh himself was not found inside. The version of the ancient robbery is doubtful: gold jewelry and other valuables were not touched in the inner galleries.

Among the subsequent tombs, two are well preserved in Dahshur. The height of the "broken" pyramid reaches 104 m, and the "pink" - 109. Granite blocks of these buildings are not bonded with mortar. The solidity of the structure is achieved by the perfect fit of the stone blocks to each other and their enormous weight.

Three pyramids located near Giza are considered a unique tourist brand.big city 20 km Cairo. They bear the names of the pharaohs for whose burial they were built - Cheops, Khafre and Mykerin. These structures, especially the first two, simply overwhelm the viewer with their monumentality, feeling like a grain of sand next to them.

Initially, they were faced with polished white limestone. It reflected sunlight and made the tombs shine like precious stones. It is believed that then the pyramids were visible even from space. Their facades still change color at different times of the day. They are pink in the morning, golden in the afternoon, and deep purple in the evening.

The feat of the ancient architects, who delivered millions of huge stone blocks to the construction site, and laid them on top of each other with jewelry accuracy without lifting equipment and power plants. The surfaces of stone blocks are mirror-smooth, and even a knife blade cannot be put into their joints! Only the most modern technology can process a stone in this way. And the main mystery is the method of lifting multi-ton stone blocks up tens of meters. A modern attempt to replicate the supposed methods of the ancient builders in the form of mounds and drags has failed.

It seems that the ancient Egyptians had a secret of moving stone blocks, unknown to modern science. After all, huge stone monoliths are also found in other ancient structures. In the temple centers of Ancient Egypt, there are many stone obelisks weighing from 50 to 70 tons.

The Pyramid of Cheops

This grandiose building is the only surviving of the 7 ancient wonders of the world. It is called the Great not only by its largest size. Many secrets unsolved by science were concentrated in it. The initial height of the pyramid of Cheops (Akhet-Khufu) was 146 m, and the current one is 138. Its weight is more than 6 million tons.

For almost 4 millennia, this building was the most high structure in the world. Only at the beginning of the XIV century. it was surpassed by the Lincoln Cathedral of the Virgin Mary. Akhet-Khufu is the most grandiose building of mankind after the Great Wall of China.

Akhet-Khufu was built according to the design of his nephew, the architect Hemion. By official version, erected a structure of 100 thousand people in just 20 years. It is believed that they mined stone blocks into the rocks, floated them down the river or dragged them along a specially built road, and then raised them to the top on embankments and wooden sledges. In the ancient quarries, defective blocks have indeed been preserved, but the rest can hardly be called convincing. One way or another, 2.3 million granite and limestone blocks weighing from 2 to 30 tons were joined together.

The three pyramids of Giza accurately reflect the location of the brightest stars in the constellation Orion. Yes, scientists know that the ancient Egyptians associated this constellation with Osiris, the god afterlife. But how to explain what the peak of Akhet-Khufu accurately points to the North Star, and the diagonal of one of the faces is directed along the meridian to the Northern Belt with an accuracy exceeding the capabilities of the modern Paris Astronomical Observatory. Moreover, the current minimum error was not at all! After all, the North Pole has shifted over the time that has passed since the time of construction.

But the wonders of the Egyptian pyramids do not end there. The center of Akhet-Khufu divides the surface of the earth's land and oceans exactly equally. Was this building only a necropolis? Did not exist in these places a civilization that surpasses ours, and built the pyramids for purposes unknown to us? The mysteries of the pyramids are still waiting to be solved.

In Akhet-Khufu there are three burial chambers connected to adjacent rooms. In the upper of them was the tomb of the pharaoh with an open sarcophagus. It contained neither the pharaoh's mummy nor grave goods. It is assumed that the tomb was plundered in antiquity. The entrance was originally higher. In the ninth century Arab caliph in search of treasure, he broke through a breach ten meters below. The modern entrance to it at a height of about 16 m passes through it. Tourists overcome a 40-meter low corridor, crouching down.

There are three small pyramids around Akhet-Khufu, which are believed to have been intended for the wives of the pharaoh. Boats for the afterlife journeys of the pharaoh were immured in the surrounding rocks. One of them - "Solar Boat", discovered in 1954, has dimensions of 43 * 5.5 m, and is exhibited in the museum of the same name near the pyramid.

Pyramid of Khafre

Khafre reigned after Cheops, being his son or brother. The Pyramid of Khafre (Urt-Khafra) is slightly smaller than the Great, but visually it seems larger. This effect is due to the fact that it is built on a hill.

The nearby grandiose sculpture of the Sphinx, a creature with a lion's body and a human head, is associated with the Egyptian pyramids. It is believed that Khafre's facial features are depicted. The largest monolithic sculpture of the planet, 73 meters long and 20 meters high, is carved from a monolithic rock. According to Egyptian mythology, sphinxes are guardian deities. The sculpture guarded Urt-Khafra, but was gradually covered with sand. According to legend, the Sphinx himself turned to Thutmose IV with a request to free him from the sand, promising that he would become a pharaoh for this.

At the top of the Sphinx, there are signs of erosion, indicating that water once almost covered the Sphinx. This makes it necessary to attribute the date of its construction to much earlier times, up to the great flood. However, the same can be said about the pyramids. After all, traces of moisture were found in their lower part.

Pyramid of Menkaure

The ancient Greek historian Herodotus claimed that Menkaure was the son of Cheops. The Pyramid of Mikerin (Necheri-Menkaur) is significantly smaller than the other two that devastated the resources of the state. Its height is 65 m. But during the construction of the funeral temple of Mikerin, a giant stone block with a record weight of more than 200 tons was used. Necheri-Menkaura tried unsuccessfully to destroy Sultan al-Malik al-Aziz in the 12th century.

Visiting the pyramids

The Pyramids of Giza are often visited independently by tourists who are on vacation on one of Egyptian resorts. First, from there you need to get to Cairo. This is easiest to do on the plane of the local airline EgyptAir. With a printed ticket, you should go to the Domestic Airlines domestic terminal at least 40 minutes before departure. Travel time is no more than an hour. If the purpose of traveling to Egypt is only the pyramids, then you will have to pay 15,000 RUR - 30,000 RUR for a Moscow-Cairo ticket.

At Cairo Airport, of course, you can take a taxi to the pyramids or a local hotel. But it is much cheaper to get to the subway, bus or fixed-route taxi and from there to the pyramids. When traveling by metro, you will need to get off at the Giza station. From it to the pyramids you can take any bus that goes to Al-Ahram for 0.5 EGP - 1 EGP (Egyptian pounds). If a tourist is going to spend a few days in Cairo, then this makes the task much easier. In any hotel you can book a tour.

The zone is open for visits from 8 am to 4:30 pm–5 pm, and in the holy month of Ramadan for Muslims - until 3 pm. The entrance ticket to the zone costs 60 EGP. You have to pay 100 EGP to enter Akhet-Khufu, 30 EGP to Urt-Khafra, and 25 EGP to Necheri-Menkaur. You can go to the small pyramids with an entrance ticket to the zone. But the ticket to the Solar Boat Museum is separate - for 50 EGP. Tickets are sold for 150 pieces twice a day - at 8 and 13 o'clock at the box office at the main entrance and the Sphinx. You can use the public toilet in the building of the Solar Boat Museum.

Inside the pyramids it is very hot, dry and dusty, so asthmatics and heart patients are not recommended to enter them. Photography is prohibited inside the premises. For a photo on the background you have to pay 1 EUR. To move around the area, you can rent a camel. True, pleasure is not cheap.

The best time to visit the pyramids themselves is in the morning. And in the evenings, 3 hour audiovisual shows are held here. Their start time is at 20:30, 21:30, 22:30 in summer and at 18:30, 19:30, 20:30 in winter. On Sundays, one of the performances is accompanied by a Russian-language commentary.

Briefly about the pyramids

Pyramid of Cheops (IV dynasty): base size - 230 m (height - 146.6 m)
Pyramid of Khafre (IV dynasty): 215 m (144 m)
Pink Pyramid, Sneferu (IV Dynasty): 219 m (105 m)
Bent Pyramid, Sneferu (IV Dynasty): 189 m (105 m)
Pyramid at Meidum, Sneferu (IV dynasty): 144 m (94 m) Pyramid of Menkaure, (IV dynasty): 104.6 × 108.5 m (66 m)
Pyramid of Djoser (3rd dynasty): 121 × 109 m (62 m)

The Egyptian pyramids are one of the biggest attractions in the world. They, according to archaeologists, are the tombs of the pharaohs, members of their families and court nobles. This version is generally accepted and its confirmation is the presence of mummies inside. But is it? What secrets do these structures hold? Who built them and how? What for? What is inside? You will find answers to questions in this article.

Pyramids in Egypt: why were they built?

During the period of the Old Kingdom (c. 2707 - 2150 BC, III-VI dynasties), structures began to be created for burials, symbolizing the sacred mountain - the desire of mankind to reach heaven.

The Pink Pyramid at Dahshur. CC BY-SA 3.0 , Link

Scientists suggest that the belief of the Egyptians in the ascension of the spirit to the gods is fundamental the purpose of their construction. In their opinion, even today, these structures personify the dream of man to achieve the Higher Consciousness. There are other opinions on this subject, which are given below.

Some occult researchers of the mystery of the Egyptian pyramids spent the night in the inner chambers. They wrote books about their mystical experiences.
"Secrets of the Pyramids (The Secret of Orion)" by R. Bauval, E. Gilbert offers a version about the stellar orientation of buildings.
The American prophet and medium Edgar Cayce spoke about the significance of the pyramids for the lost civilization of Atlantis. Information is available on the Internet.

Egyptian pyramids: about the secret of construction

Several theories try to explain the technology of their construction, but no one knows exactly how and why these famous buildings were built. architectural monuments. There are only versions and assumptions.

One of the greatest mysteries: how did people move such massive stone blocks using primitive tools? The Egyptians left behind thousands of illustrations depicting everyday life in the Old Kingdom. It is curious that none shows their construction.

Drawing from a fresco by Jehutihotep II depicting the method of movement of the colossus. Perhaps they also moved massive blocks for construction. Link Link Link

But, perhaps, these images are simply not in the eyes of a modern person? Maybe looking at the drawings, we are not able to see their method of creation. grandiose structures, since he cardinally different from modern ideas? Here is some information about it you can find on the Internet.

  • The usual explanation is the use of the physical labor of thousands of slaves who cut out pieces of rock, dragged and installed them.
  • It is believed that some of the monuments consist of cast sections, similar to modern concrete buildings.
  • There is a version of using certain sound vibrations to move multi-ton blocks. The version is even confirmed by experiments and some photo images of frescoes.

But there is an architect who created a project according to which it is possible to build the pyramid of Cheops today. Read about it in the article Construction of the pyramid of Cheops on the architecture channel.

In the film directed by Florence Tran "Unraveling the Mystery of the Pyramid of Cheops" this interesting version of Jean-Pierre Houdin (Houdin, Jean-Pierre) is presented. His father, a former civil engineer, came up with the idea of ​​building with an internal ramp.

The evidence presented is quite convincing. See a detailed study by a Frenchman. Maybe he solved the mystery of the construction of the Egyptian pyramids?

Who was the architect of the first pyramid?

The earliest known pyramidal structures are found at Saqqara, northwest of Memphis. The oldest of these is the Pyramid of Djoser, built around 2630-2611. BC. during the third dynasty, the first adviser to the king, architect and builder, high priest of Ra in Heliopolis, poet and thinker Imhotep. He is considered the founder of this architectural form, having proposed to build three more smaller ones on top of the main one. His tomb has not yet been identified. Therefore, there is no mummy of Imhotep.

The most old pyramid Djoser, arch. Imhotep. Berthold Werner- own work, CC BY 3.0 , Link

Where are the most famous Egyptian pyramids located?

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One of the Egyptian pyramids - the pyramid of Cheops - is included in the list of seven wonders of the world. Its construction is still shrouded in secrets and myths. Many interesting archaeological finds belong to these lands. All the most Interesting Facts read about the Egyptian pyramids in this article.

  • 1. The tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs are not inside the pyramids, as many mistakenly believe, but not far from them, in the Valley of the Kings.
  • 2. According to one of the theories, the mathematic “principle of the lever” mastered by them helped the Egyptians to build the majestic pyramids. But, at the same time, it would have been possible to build the pyramid of Cheops in this way in a century and a half. Whereas it appeared in just two decades. Mystery!
  • 3. According to scientists from Germany, the pyramids are very powerful energy generators. In them, the pharaohs healed and engaged in energy therapy.
  • four . Some of the most popular theories of the origin of the Egyptian pyramids are as follows. First: huge architectural monuments were built by aliens. Second: the people who owned the magic crystal moved and stacked stone blocks on top of each other.

  • 5. Another mystery of the Egyptian pyramids concerns the time of construction of the two largest of them. Why did the Egyptians build them in two stages, what made them stop building them the first time?
  • 6. Egyptian pyramids were built for about two centuries in a row. While one was being built, another was already springing up on the sands.
  • 7. To date, the age of the pyramids of Egypt is about 4 to 10 thousand years (according to various scientists).
  • 8. Interesting facts about the Egyptian pyramids relate to the features of the masonry of their huge blocks. It is surprising how it was possible to arrange large stones so that even a human hair could not pass between them? Moreover, each face of the pyramids is located strictly in the direction of one of the cardinal points.

  • 9. The height of the largest Egyptian pyramid of Cheops is 146.6 meters, weight - more than 6 million tons. The area of ​​this giant is about 5 hectares.
  • 10. Numerous scenes of their construction are depicted on the walls of the pyramids. If you believe the legends, the pyramids were built by free people, and not at all by slaves.
  • 11. The faces of the Egyptian pyramids were built curved by one meter. This technique allowed sunlight to be focused on the pyramids during the solstice and heat the walls up to 1000 degrees. At the same time, the pyramids began to emit a frightening and incomprehensible rumble for people of the past.
  • 12. The edges of the Cheops pyramid are less than 5 centimeters different from each other. And this is with a length of 250 meters each.

  • 13. The foundation of the pyramid of Cheops is perfectly flat.
  • 14. The first Egyptian pyramid - the pyramid of Djoser. Its height is 62 meters. The pyramid was built in 2670 BC. Outwardly, it resembles several pyramids with decreasing size, placed next to each other. The architect of the pyramid of Djoser, Imhotep, developed a special method of laying stone, which made it possible to achieve this effect.

  • 15. The pyramid of Cheops consists of 2.3 million stone blocks matched to each other with mathematical precision.
  • 16. The walls of the pyramids in Giza are the embodiment of the mathematical number "pi". They rise at an angle of 52 degrees. It is in this case that the ratio of the height and perimeter of the base of the pyramid is equal to the ratio of the diameter of the circle to its length.

  • 17. Today, archaeologists have unearthed a settlement of people who built the Egyptian pyramids. In the village of ancient times there was a brewery, a bakery and even a fish dryer.
  • 18. The Egyptian tradition of building pyramids was later adopted by the ancient rulers of Sudan.

Interesting video. mystical secrets Egyptian Pyramids.

Unlike the pyramids that stand alone in the desert, the pharaohs of the Old Kingdom, having built three tombs on the Giza plateau, created a real cemetery city, with tombs, temples, roads and sidewalks.

They buried here not only the pharaohs, their wives and servants, but also the closest relatives, as well as courtiers - in a word, everyone who wanted to follow their master to the other world in the hope that he would give them life after death (all these people, except servants were of noble origin - the road to eternity was closed to ordinary people forever).

What do the great pyramids of Giza look like?

  • pyramids of Cheops Khafre and Mykerin;
  • temples leading to them, located at the beginning of the memorial road and in one of which Egyptologists discovered a triad - a unique ancient statue of Pharaoh Mikerin and two goddesses accompanying him;
  • satellite pyramids with deceased wives;
  • four cemeteries where the closest relatives and courtiers were buried;
  • The most ancient and mysterious monument of our world is the statue of the Sphinx.

This necropolis is so famous that one of its tombs, the pyramid of Cheops, has long been considered one of the seven wonders. ancient world, and the Giza pyramids themselves recently nearly topped the list of the New Seven Wonders of the World. This did not happen only because the Egyptian authorities, for some reason, decided not to take part in the competition - and withdrew the application. That didn't stop me from assigning it unique complex the title of honorary candidate: too many people wanted to see these tombs in the list.

The great pyramids of Giza are located on west coast Nile, in the suburbs of Cairo, in Egypt - and on geographical map of the world they can be found at the following coordinates: 9° 58′ 32.72″ s. sh., 31° 7′ 49.53″ E e. They were built on a rocky plateau, not far from the quarry, from which the builders removed limestone blocks for the construction of the body of the tombs.

As for the exterior, it was made from better white limestone, which was mined in the quarries of Tura, and the granite that was used in the construction of passages and burial chambers was brought from Aswan, located at a distance of 800 km towards the equator.

Tomb of Cheops

The central tomb is the Great Pyramid of Cheops, the largest tomb in the world, the height of which was 149 m in the year it was completed (now it is 11 m lower). This tomb is interesting in that it is the only pyramid where there are corridors leading both up and down.

Another mystery of the Cheops pyramid is its ventilation ducts leading out of the burial rooms. This tomb is unique in that it has as many as three crypts, while two of them are clearly unfinished and work on them was stopped during construction. There is a suspicion that not a single burial room was used for its intended purpose: for some reason, the pharaoh was not buried in this tomb.

Tomb of Khafre

An interesting fact: the Khafre pyramid is considered the most compact building in our world - despite the fact that the total area of ​​​​the tomb exceeds 16 thousand square meters. m, the amount of free space in it is less than 1/100 percent. The Khafre pyramid was built half a century later than the central tomb and is located less than two hundred meters from it.

Interestingly, despite the fact that the pyramid of Khafre is three meters lower than Cheops, due to the greater angle of inclination and the shorter length of the base, it looks much higher. The fact that this tomb is located on the very high point plateau, the optical illusion greatly enhances.

At the temple belonging to this pyramid, one of the most valuable finds of ancient Egypt was found - a statue of Pharaoh Khafre, made of dark green diorite. She depicts the pharaoh, proudly seated on a pedestal, behind which is the god Horus in the form of a falcon.

Inside, Khafre's pyramid has an extremely simple layout - two corridors and two burial rooms carved into the rock, one of which was planned at the very bottom of the tomb in case Pharaoh Khafren died prematurely. Khafre's pyramid has two entrances - the main one is at a height of 15 m, the second one is at the very bottom. More pyramid Khafre does not have any rooms or shafts.

Tomb of Menkaure

The Pyramid of Menkaure is located on the south side and looks a little out of the picture, since it is significantly inferior in size to the two neighboring tombs: its height is only 66 meters. The pyramid of Mikerin is interesting in that there is a lack of unity of planning inside it (this gives scientists grounds to assert that Mikerin was not the direct heir to the throne, so when he reigned, the tomb had to be rebuilt and enlarged).

Despite this, the pyramid of Menkaure was considered the most beautiful of all the tombs: during the reign of this pharaoh, the development of sculpture was at a very high level. Sculptures of the triad are considered striking examples of this time, an example of which is the statue of Pharaoh Mikerin surrounded by two goddesses, depicted on the temple of the pharaoh, located not far from the pyramid.

The Mykerin Pyramid is also interesting because it was decided to use two finishing materials for its cladding at once: at the bottom - slabs of Aswan granite, at the top - of white limestone. The pyramid of Mykerina managed to keep its decoration for several millennia, until the beginning of the 16th century, until the Mamluks reached it, who removed the lining.

The tomb built by Mikerin belongs to two periods at once: it completes the era when huge tombs were built and forms a new standard - since that time, the height of the tombs has been at the same level and deviations from the norm almost do not exceed twenty meters.

Great Sphinx

Guarding the pyramids of Giza is a huge Sphinx, which is located on the eastern side of the Pyramid of Khafre. On the this moment this sculpture of a half-lion, half-man, whose height is 20 meters, is considered the oldest monument of mankind - it is interesting that the statue was carved from a limestone rock.

Unlike the pyramids, which the Egyptians took care of, the sphinx was given much less attention, so it was periodically covered with sand to such an extent that it disappeared from the face of the earth for many centuries - until the ruler came to power, who came to his senses and ordered the monument to be dug up. These works were so difficult that the Sphinx could only be partially freed from the sand for a long time - and it was completely dug out only in the twenties of the last century.

Mysteries of the ancient pyramids

Despite the fact that when exactly the Giza pyramids were erected is still unknown, it is generally accepted that they were erected during the Old Kingdom (XXVI-XXIII centuries BC), during the reign of representatives of the IV-V dynasties. Given the age of these structures, Egyptologists cannot help wondering how ancient people could build structures of this type with such mathematical and geometric accuracy. Many scientists are struggling with this clue, the secrets of the pyramids have not yet been solved.

Many are surprised by the triangular shape of the tombs - despite the fact that it is not completely clear why the ancient Egyptians settled on this particular design, there are, of course, assumptions. For example, according to one version, in this way, they tried to reproduce the shape of the mountains on which the gods lived, according to another, they perceived the pyramids as stairs, along which the spirit of the ruler could rise to heaven.

As for the most famous Egyptian tombs, if you look closely at the map on which they are located, you will notice that the three main pyramids of Giza are located inside the rectangle that is formed when the centers of two identical circles are located on each other's circles. The researchers noticed that the pyramids of Cheops Khafre and Menkaure are located on a line that clearly corresponds to the Fibonacci spiral.

Another interesting fact that scientists could not pass by is that all the structures on the Giza plateau, both the tombs of the pharaohs and other tombs, are in perfect harmony with each other (first of all, this concerns height, angles of inclination, their relative position). ).

Interestingly, the secrets of the pyramids of Giza are especially intriguing to mathematicians and astrologers, who like to reflect on them with a ruler and compass in their hands. For example, among the interesting facts that they found are the data that if the height of the Cheops pyramid is multiplied by a million, the distance from the Earth to the Sun will be obtained.

They did not miss the fact that the sum of the faces of one pyramid is equal to the square of its height. They also made simpler calculations: for example, they calculated that a three-meter wall built from blocks of three pyramids of Giza could completely cover the entire territory of France.

Even modern technologies are inaccessible to the engineering accuracy of the ancient constructions of the past peoples who inhabited Egypt. Huge Temples, giant statues, huge pyramids - as if they appeared from Nothing, using some kind of space technology.

Here are some facts that still only ascertain the amazing secrets of the Pyramids:

– In 1978, the Japanese, using the alleged technology of overlay planes, were able to build a Pyramid with a height of only 11 meters, which is 2367 times less than the total geometric volume of the Cheops Pyramid, only for this Pyramid alone would require segments with a total volume of 500,000 m3, with their tenfold use .

- For the construction of the Pyramid, in ancient times, about 50 million people would have been used, although according to experts for 3000 years BC. only 20 million people lived on Earth. How could a state have 2.5 times more people than there were in the whole world and how could they feed themselves?

– In 1930, the Frenchman Bovy constructed a wooden model of the Pyramid with a base one yard (91 cm) long and placed a dead cat in it, having previously oriented the model to the North. A few days later, the cat's corpse was mummified. But until now, mummification is achieved by the most complex chemicals and technologies.

- The Czech radio engineer K. Drobanu, having oriented the axis of his Pyramid model exactly from North to South and placed a dull razor blade in it, found that it had acquired its former sharpness.

– Hoping to find secret chambers inside the Pyramid of Khafre, Nobel Prize winner A.U. Alvarez in 1969, studying the background of cosmic rays penetrating the ancient colossus, noticed that their trajectories recorded on different days were completely different, which, according to scientists , contrary to all known laws of science.

– Technology for creating Pyramids and underground labyrinths, adits in all the Pyramids is the same, although the difference in their construction is more than 1000 years. And surprisingly, the most Majestic Pyramids were created at the dawn of the Egyptian Civilization. Or maybe at the Sunset of the Past ...?

- All boulders, with sharp corners and smooth side surfaces are fitted to each other with millimeter accuracy, and in fact the weight of one block is on average 2.5 tons.

– The height of the Great Pyramid is 146.595 meters. The difference between the sides of the base is only 0.83 mm. Each of the meanings of the pyramid carries information unattainable for the ancient Egyptians, and even in modern units of calculation.

– On the basis of the “Clock of Isis” created, S. Proskuryakov developed systems for constructing graphical-numerical diagrams and, on the basis of mathematical relations, revealed the relationship of the Pyramid with all the physical and mathematical quantities of a cosmic nature known to us.

- The meridian passing through the Pyramid divides the continents and the ocean into two equal parts.

- The perimeter of the base, divided by twice the height, gives the famous number "Pi" - 3.1416.

– The rocks on which the Pyramids are installed are perfectly aligned.

- The Cheops Pyramid is installed in such a place in the desert that it is the center of gravity of the continents.

- In rock adits there is no completeness of walls and ceilings from torches. So the lighting was electric?

– A manuscript is kept in the library at Oxford, in which the Coptic chronicler MAD-UDI states that Egyptian Pharaoh Zurid ordered to build Great Pyramid. But Zurid ruled, according to legend, before the Flood. It was this Pharaoh who ordered the priests to write down and hide the entire amount of wisdom and knowledge known to them and hide it inside the Pyramid.

- According to the memoirs of "Herodotus" - "the father of history", it is said that the Egyptian priests showed him 341 colossal figures of the high priests, from father to son, while still alive, making their sculpture. Herodotus said that the priests assured that before the 341st generation, the GODS still lived among people, this was about 11,350 years ago. And then the Gods did not visit them. The historical age of Egypt is estimated at only 6530 years. What was the civilization before this? Who were the ancestors of the Egyptian priests?

- Recent studies from American NASA satellites that have visited Mars have found on its surface Pyramids and images of human faces-copies of the Sphinx on Earth. The construction of both was based on the same mathematical principles! The only difference is in size. It turns out that the first priests of Egypt, missionaries from Mars?

- According to the location of the 3 Pyramids in Giza, and the Nile coded as the Milky Way, it is assumed, as it were, a visual reflection on the Earth of Sirius in the constellation Big Dog, which corresponds to the assumption that the civilizations of Mars, and then the Earth, were created by aliens from Sirius, who somehow got to us. Presumably, through the information energy encoded in the rays of magnetic radiation from the Stars.

- The creation of the Pyramids of the Fourth Dynasty, which took 22 million tons of stone, involves careful preparation for some kind of global event. The scope of the structures shows that the work was completed in a hundred years and the construction took place according to a certain super-plan. 8 million blocks of rock were laid.

– During the subsequent construction, starting with the grandson of Cheops, the priests paid more attention not to architecture, but to the “magical” properties of “hieroglyphs” - Pyramid texts - that appeared after the 4th dynasty, i.e. suddenly, it began to prevail as if some kind of mission had been completed, and the pyramids were space launch pads for receiving and launching (reincarnation, neomaterialization) of aliens.

- If you look closely, the tops of the Pyramids are deliberately not finished, as they are the tops of the antenna of the emitter - the receiver of some cosmic energy materialized into information, at the light-wave level. Since Energy and information are fundamentally the same, it is quite likely that the ancient priests of Egypt had knowledge of the transformation of Matter at the wave level. After all, there is still no answer to the question why the speed of light is constant, passing from any Star Millions of light years?

– It has been observed that the galleries in the Great Pyramid of Cheops have a relationship of tangent 1 / 2 angles of 26 degrees 34 minutes, which, according to the latest achievements of Genetics, is a combination of two values: 26 degrees is the angle of elevation of the DNA helix, and 34 angstroms is the length of its period. But it is known that the genetic code of all organisms on Earth, from a microbe to a Human, is the same. This means that the foundations of thinking in past Civilizations are similar to ours.

- The number “Pi” is the key to the secrets of the Egyptian Pyramids, but the number “Pi” is directly related to the “Golden Section” by Leonardo da Vinci, “Golden Wurf” by Corbusier, as well as the “Fibonacci Numbers”, which again constitute the Pyramid of the Perfect numbers.

- In ancient times, a stone of a “pyramidal” shape - “PYRAMIDION” - called BENBEN, was installed on the flat, unfinished tip of the Pyramid. It seemed to symbolize the cosmic “CITY OF THE SUN”, from which, as it were, “sun rays” - edges, were breaking through.

- Initially, the tops of the pyramids were lined with slabs of gold and semi-precious stones, on which the texts of the entire history of civilizations of past times were carved, but over time they were torn off by barbarians.

– According to the found papyri “Book of the Dead”, according to the wall texts of the tombs, it is determined that the Pyramids were built to perform the ritual of stellar rebirth. It was the written word that, after the 4th dynasty, replaced some kind of super mechanism that had been under construction for more than a hundred years, or maybe just restored, to move in space. It can be assumed that the displacement occurred or there was a failure, an accident, which led to the emergence of magical symbolism of secret knowledge, presented to ordinary people as “miracles”, and for the initiates, having coded, through the mysteries, the knowledge of ancient Civilizations. What is it, self-defense or fear from the future based on the experience of the past?

- After research on a computer, scientists calculated that there is a SIRIUS-B Star near the SIRIUS-A Star, it is not visible to the naked eye. Although there is information about such a Star in the secret knowledge of the Dogon, whose ideas date back to 3200 BC. Sirius-B is, as it were, the “son” of the “father” of Sirius and the “mother” of “Orion”, which is the reincarnation of the “father” into the “son”.

All the facts speak for the fact that the "stellar" pregnancy of "Sirius" is 280 days. The reincarnation of the Pharaoh lasts 280 days, according to legend, 280 days is the pregnancy of a person.

90 days The time of sunset and then the rising of a star in the EAST

12 days (The star passes the meridian line immediately after sunset. The star, as it were, does its work (like a soul) gave birth to the Pharaoh

70 days (Star is in DUAT). Sirius invisible (death) embalming lasted 70 days.

- In modern chronology, there were 31 dynasties of pharaohs in total from 3100 BC. and until 332 BC. In total, the rule of 390 monarchs. After that, Egypt was ruled from 332 BC. and up to the present time another 49 dynasties, which included:

Macedonian Greeks (Ptolemaic period 332-30 BC)

Romans (Roman emperors 30 BC - 641 AD)

Arabs (642 AD - Present).

As you can see: Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Arabs keep in their roots the history of secret knowledge about the Pyramids, about the Civilizations of the past, about the Mysteries.

- The Egyptians had a "ROMBOID" - the egg of the world was in the form of an "OCTAHEDRA" (two pyramids docked at the bases): which in Christianity gradually turned into just an egg for Easter, although the paintings on it are still pyramidal in nature.

- Golgotha, where Christ was crucified, resembled a Pyramid in shape.

- Until now, on Easter, symbolic Pyramids are made of cheese.

- The perspective of the picture, the TV screen and the eye that perceives them, isn't this a pyramid?

- When drawing in a two-dimensional three-dimensional space, a Pyramid is drawn “as if” deep into, where the top is the horizon line.

— If we assume that the rays of energy, falling on the inner faces of the Pyramid, will be reflected in them, then we will get some kind of accumulation of internal energy, similar to the concentration of energy in a laser.

- If you take the image of a pyramid from ancient manuscripts, then it is depicted by the letter L - delta, as it is similar to the first letter A in all the alphabets of the world.

- The symbol of the delta, HA - in the YOGA of the ancient Hindus, symbolizes the masculine principle, a conductor of positive energy, symbolizes the Moon.

- Two triangles (deltas with the top up and deltas with the top down) superimposed on each other symbolize HATHA (sign of Vishnu) harmony, balance.

Star of Solomon, Solomon's Seal, Sri Antra Brahmins, six directions of space, a symbol of the fusion of pure spirit and matter. Are these symbols echoes of secret prehistoric knowledge, past civilizations of the Neolithic era, matriarchy and patriarchy.

- The very first and main pose of yogis, the “LOTOS” pose, resembles, first of all, the Pyramid.

- From the pyramid you can add five PLATONIC BODIES.

- Perspective and everything that we perceive visually is based on the principles of pyramidality.

- If you join the tops of the pyramids, you will get a symbolic “Clock of Time”, which, after some time, must be turned over and in a new way, time, as it were, begins to run, well, isn’t it allegorical in relation to the repetition of everything and everything in the world, at certain intervals of time?

- The eye arranged in a pyramid is an echo of the symbolism of the God of the Sun-Ra, in Ancient Egypt, in the Christian religion.

- In meditation, there is a symbol of energy concentration, when the fingers are crossed in the form of a triangle-pyramid.

- According to the ideas of the Ancients (according to Blavatsky H.P.), people belong to the fifth race, which is like the top of the four previous races - the foundations:

1 race - Giants (from another star of Sirius or the planet Mars).

2 race - A mixture with earthly creatures.

3 race - Hermaphrodites are bisexual.

4 race - Atlantis (inhabitants of Atlantis)

5th race - our humanity.

6 race - i.e. the top of the pyramid, it will supposedly be radically opposite to the Human race - it will be technotronic, where biorobots will be in the foreground, with their own new criteria.

7th race - i.e. a pyramidal crystal consisting of two pyramids docked at the bases is the most important symbol explaining the entire principle of the Universe. This is the final phase of Civilizations, after it everything must start over, i.e. first turning into NOTHING, and then from NOTHING and will appear.

- According to the ancient Mysteries - repositories of ancient knowledge, the motto of the ancient sages - Adepts, occultists is: "As from above, then from below." The ancestor of the occultists was HERMES - the Egyptian God, thrice great, who transmitted secret knowledge to the priests through the art of Magic. The symbol of his teaching was TRANSMEGIST - a crystal resembling an OCTAHEDR (two pyramids docked at the bases).

- The crystal lattice of DIAMOND, the hardest crystal on earth, even in degrees of inclination of the faces is completely similar to the pyramidal crystal of two pyramids.

- During the floods of the Nile, thousands of years ago, the dazzlingly bright Pyramids were reflected in the sky-blue water, and each of them was an image of a double mountain symbolizing: a reflection of the upper world, where the Pyramids directed, in the lower one. And when the Nile changed its course, artificial lakes were created around the Pyramids for a long time, performing the same function of a mirror. If we imagine the truncated top of the Pyramid as an emitter of informational energy accumulated inside, then it is obvious that the Pyramid looks like a segment concentrating the reflected energy from the "thicket" - a plate - a lake around the Pyramid, focusing it in space. Something like a hyperbolic antenna. Nostradamus wrote that the mirror (just like the Mages) is one of the main Attributes (along with the tripod, also a kind of Pyramid) of Magic, with the help of which he traveled in time and space. Those. it can be assumed that the pyramids were stations for travelers - priests - aliens, in the past, present and future.

- In ancient times, dualism was displayed in all cultures, this is especially noticeable in the pyramidal crystal, where the pyramid with its top up symbolizes good, and down - evil. For all peoples, a tree was considered a symbol of duality - called the "WORLD TREE", remember the Christmas tree on New Year Doesn't it look like a Pyramid? Man, animal plant, etc. everything is dual. It's like a worldwide insurance code, a duplication of the same thing. In Biochemistry, this phenomenon is called CHIRALITY (like a reflection in a mirror where left changes to right). Water molecules can be represented as a bipyramid (a pyramidal crystal, where important corner points, the corners of the base of the pyramids, correspond to the atoms of only four elements):

1-H-hydrogen 2-C-carbon 3-O-oxygen 4-Ni-nitrogen

– The Maya depicted double worlds with the help of two stepped Pyramids connected by bases:


(daytime sun)


home of the gods



dwelling of the dead


(night sun)

ancient civilization The Egyptians distinguished between the worlds of the gods and the dead, surrounding the world of the living. And just like Maya, they proved the duality and unity of the worlds with the help of the Sun:



Heavenly world of light


Realm of the dead, world of darkness



- A pile (like a pyramid), made of stone, tsebnya, is capable of producing water from the air, even in the desert, i.e. In contact with stones, the vapor cools, condenses and turns into a liquid. Drops are formed flowing down, giving rise to a water skating rink. Even Herodotus wrote about two Pyramids standing waist-deep in water, which were about 180 m high?

- It is known from crystallography that any crystal tends to energy balance, i.e. any unfinished form of a crystal sooner or later self-repairs. If we consider a pyramid, then the side faces are larger in area than the base, in order to restore symmetry it needs to “grow” down another pyramid, i.e. the form from open should become closed, but this will be a bipyramid (pyramidal crystal0.

- In the cards of a tambourine - a rhombus means WISDOM, respectively: Pike-POWER (arrow-target), WORMS (symbol of love, heart), CROSSBOW (symbol of faith, shamrock, Christianity).

- Pyramids, as later in the church, were not built anywhere. They were located above the deep faults of the earth's crust. It is over these places that anomalous zones are most often encountered, UFOs appear, and some miraculous phenomena appear. The Great Pyramids are located in the zone of the grandiose East African Rift, which gave rise to the Red and Dead Seas, as well as the Nile River, the largest in the world.

- A pyramid is a large copy of a certain crystal, like any crystal it has its own closed energy grid, if it is broken, then energy will be released, maybe that's why the crystal of the pyramids was made unfinished (top) and the crystal became an antenna for ejection or absorption of energy. To which the ancients added the energy of human emotions, reason, prayers, which, in the whirlwind flow of Nature and the thoughts of a person, a people, mix and, as it were, create a common unison. Here you have the Magic of the relationship between NATURE and MAN. Pyramids are some kind of psychotronic generators, where the energy of the Pyramid affects a person at the level of consciousness and those biological processes occurring in his body at the cellular level.

- Pyramids are "TIME MACHINES", where time slows down - top up and accelerates - top down. Of natural formations, the largest time machine is the Earth itself. In its northern hemisphere, as in a pyramid with the top up, time slows down, and in the southern hemisphere it speeds up. For this reason, the main part of the continental massifs is concentrated in the northern hemisphere, and depressions filled with water are concentrated in the southern hemisphere.

I think, dear reader, the above facts have interested you, but this is only the beginning. amazing trip to the WORLD OF PYRAMIDALITY. In subsequent chapters, we will consider the pyramidality of the World and the Universe, the pyramidality of Philosophy and Truth, the pyramidality of Politics and Economics, the pyramidality of Nature and Man, the pyramidality of Will and Success.

But I want to warn in advance, the more you will rise above others in your knowledge and capabilities, the more you will move away from others, all greatness leads to loneliness, since the chaos of your foundation in thinking, in unfortunate will gradually concentrate on the top of the supernomination of everything and ALL OF YOU AS A CHESS PLAYER WILL CARRY OUT YOUR POBENDS, ONE AFTER ANOTHER, THAT IN THE END LEAVES YOU ALONE ON THE CHESSBOARD.

Video archive on the topic of the secret Egyptian pyramids

Selected Egyptian Pyramid Exploration Videos

Pyramid Revelations. Research that changed the world!

The Forbidden Past of Mankind

Detailed study of the pyramid of Cheops

Mystery of the Egyptian pyramids

Secret territories #57: PYRAMIDS. HERITAGE OF THE GODS.

The mystery of the construction of the Egyptian pyramids is revealed! Video on RuTube

Seven Wonders of the World

Forbidden History Topics: The Secrets of the Seven Pyramids (Episode 1)

Mysteries of Ancient Egypt

The power of the Pyramid and its possibilities...

Pyramids. funnel of time

The whole truth about UFOs: The pyramids were built by aliens.

Secrets of the Pyramids, Pyramids America, Egypt, China, Mexico, Russia

Mummies of white blue-eyed giants and pyramids in China

pyramids of death

Secrets of Egypt - the best videos on the topic