Grand Canyon of Crimea route map. Grand Canyon of Crimea

Crimea, one of the stunning corners of our wonderful planet. The Crimean peninsula is simply a storehouse of sights created both by man and by mother herself - nature. Among the most famous sights of Crimea, known throughout the world, are: Livadia Palace, swallow's Nest, Artek, Nikitsky Botanical Garden, Kerch bridge etc. But among the attractions that nature has created, the most popular are the Crimean mountains, waterfalls, caves and canyons. In this article I want to talk in detail about the best and most famous canyons of the Crimean peninsula.

In total, there are about 17 canyons on the Crimean peninsula, practically, all were formed several tens of thousands of years ago, under the influence of mountain rivers. Today, most of the canyons continue to form and develop. Almost all canyons have mountain rivers, water cascades and waterfalls, but most of the mountain rivers have a pronounced seasonal character. Peaks of activity of mountain rivers fall on March - April. In the summer, tourists walk around the places where spring rivers flow. The beds of many rivers are turning into tourist routes. The activity of the rivers is associated with the melting of snow on the peaks Crimean mountains. It is in the springtime that the architects of the Crimean canyons - the rivers - do their routine work on the construction and erection - new cascades, baths of youth and grinding of mountain stones. Of course, among all the canyons of the Crimean peninsula, the most recognizable and most visited is grand canyon Crimea.

Grand Canyon of Crimea

Grand Canyon of Crimea, as the name emphasizes, is, indeed, the largest in the entire Crimean peninsula. The canyon is located on Mount Ai-Petri, from the side of the Bakhchisarai region. You can get to it through Mount Ai-Petri, along the Yalta-Bakhchisaray highway. 5-6 km before the end of the descent, the entrance to the Grand Canyon begins. In fact, there are several entrances. The most famous two: at the bridge over the mountain river Kokozka and 2 km higher, near a small market. There are no big differences between the inputs. A walk along the canyon, on average, lasts 2-3 hours and, practically all the time, passes along the bottom of the canyon, neatly squeezed by rocks, with a height of 100 to 350 meters.

Chernorechensky Canyon

Chernorechensky Canyon located near Balaklava, near the village of Chernorechenskoye and ends at Baydarskaya valley, practically, near the village of Shirokoye or Ozernoye. A walk through the canyon is designed for 3-4 hours, but taking into account the measured pace and small breaks, on average, it can take about 4-5 hours. The route usually starts from the side of Balaklava, but, in principle, you can start from the side of the village of Ozernoye. If you start the hike from the side of Balaklava, then after a walk through the canyon, you will still admire

Arpat Canyon

Arpat Canyon is located in one of the most picturesque corners Crimea - the tract Panagia, near the village New World and Malorechenskoye. The length of the canyon is about 7 km, the average walking time is 2-3 hours. The canyon is famous for the Arpatsik waterfall, the bath of Love - a stone bowl in the shape of a heart, and a large number of large and small cascades with overflows of water. A tourist route marked, practically, at any time of the year, you will meet with tourists. The most beautiful time to visit the canyon is March - April.

Canyon Uzundzha

Canyon Uzundzha, by the standards of the Crimea, is quite small, but the walk will be very entertaining, because. at the entrance to the canyon is one of ancient artifacts Crimea - Skelsky menhirs, whose age is about 4-6 thousand years. They were erected, most likely, for pagan cults. An analogue of such a place can be called the English Stonehenge. Skelsky menhirs are located in the village of Rodnikovoe. From Rodnikovo we head to the canyon itself and find ourselves in front of the entrance to one of the most amazing caves in Crimea - the Skelskaya cave. Unlike most caves, it does not lead down the mountain and not along the mountain, but up, to the height of a 4-story building.

Canyon Kok-Asan

Canyon Kok-Asan, one of the most hidden corners of the Crimean peninsula. This happened due to its remoteness from sea ​​coast and major sights of the Crimea. The canyon originates in the Belogorsky district, in the village of Povorotnoye. From the village we head towards the New World. Highways there is no. Due to the greater remoteness from civilization, this canyon retained its pristine nature and was not so strongly influenced by man. Like most of the canons in the Crimea, it has a bath of Love, a bath of Youth and Health, several waterfalls and a mountain stream. Only all this is in its original state, combined with magnificent air and wild forest.

Belbek Canyon

For lovers of mountain holidays or hiking trails, Crimean canyons one of my favorite places. You choose routes according to the level of difficulty and physical capabilities and combine mountain walks with visits to castles, palaces, waterfalls, fortresses and caves lost in the mountains, overcoming mountain rivers and impenetrable thickets. The Crimean peninsula is rich in history and over the thousands of years of human presence in these places, it has accumulated a huge baggage for study, research and new discoveries.

Canyons of Crimea on the map

The Crimean peninsula is an absolutely amazing and unusual area that can surprise even the most seasoned travelers. There are many unique attractions that delight the eye and excite the imagination. Natural attractions are especially popular, because they give tourists an unforgettable experience. One of the most famous places on the peninsula is the Grand Canyon of Crimea. It is his photo that often decorates souvenirs and tourist sites.

The Great Crimean Canyon impresses with its primeval beauty and rich nature. It is rightly called the heart of the local mountains. It allows you to touch the real world wildlife and get a lot of bright emotions. When visiting the Crimea, you should definitely take the time to such a picturesque natural object like the local Grand Canyon.

The Grand Canyon of Crimea: features of the territory

The history of this object has more than one millennium, because it was formed with the help of water erosion at the site of a tectonic crack. That is why it is currently deep depression has smooth walls, boulders at the bottom, sparkling waterfalls. The gorge has its own microclimate and unique nature which creates breathtaking views.

The main feature of the Grand Canyon of Crimea, the photos of which amaze with their unusual panorama, is the presence of rare plants. The specific microclimate, characterized by increased humidity and cooler temperatures, has become a major factor in the successful growth of certain plants. There are many types of trees, flowers and shrubs. Many of them are endemic and very rare.

On the territory of the depression there are such familiar Crimean trees as beech, pine, mountain ash, linden, ash, hornbeam, maple, etc. Of the rare species, there is an amazing yew grove in which berry yews grow. They are very ancient and their girth can reach 1.5 meters. Also here there are unique species of ferns and Crimean orchids, among which is an unusual variety "Venus slipper".

In addition to the rich flora, there is also an interesting fauna. Tourists can meet various rodents, hedgehogs, lizards, badgers, roe deer. In addition, brook trout can be observed in the water. Also, travelers expect an abundance of waterfalls, lakes, stone pools, caves. Also provided are viewing platforms that allow you to enjoy the splendor of wildlife.

How to get to the Grand Canyon of Crimea?

A fascinating attraction is located in the Bakhchisarai district, namely 5 km from the village. Falcon. It practically lies under the mountain Ai-Petri. There are several ways to get to the canyon:

  1. Use public transport. Tourists should take the bus "Bakhchisaray - Yalta" to the stop "Grand Canyon of Crimea". Then you have to walk another 5 km on foot.
  2. Get to the Grand Crimean Canyon by car. You can do this from Yalta or Sevastopol - overcome the climb up to Ai-Petri, cross the plateau, go down to the reserve. There are clear signs along the route.
  3. Take advantage of hiking trails.
  4. Join a group of tourists who go to the canyon with a guide. This option is the most optimal for those who visit the object for the first time. The cost of such excursions includes a comfortable round trip, as well as an interesting presentation of facts and information by an experienced guide.

Vivid impressions, magnificent views and amazing nature are worth the effort. The entrance to the canyon is free.

Grand Canyon of Crimea: routes

Tourist routes have been laid to the Great Crimean Canyon for a long time, which allow you to explore the beauty of the territory. On such routes, handrails, bridges, signs, information boards are installed, paths and steps are laid out. Therefore, a trip to the Grand Canyon of Crimea will be as safe as possible, but not entirely easy. To feel more confident, you can buy an excursion to the Crimean canyon and walk the path with professionals.

Tourist routes pass both along the bottom of the gorge and along its right edge. Both options are significantly different from each other, which allows tourists to choose their ideal path. The route that runs along the right slope is absolutely safe and allows you to pass at any time of the year. There are wide trails and convenient viewing platforms. However, it is less picturesque, although it also has its own charm. The path that runs along the bottom is quite difficult and will require much more effort from travelers. In the rainy season, it is even dangerous.

Any of these routes starts from the village of Sokolinoye. After about 5 km from it, the road will turn to the gorge. If tourists have to explore the bottom of the canyon, then the excursion trail will pass through beech forests and lead to a clearing with a Post Oak. Here tourists often leave letters with wishes or parting words. Then you need to turn onto the path to the right, which will lead to the Blue Lake. It is quite small, but very transparent and clean. The water in it is always cold - 9-11 degrees.

A little higher is the Silver Stream waterfall, to which wooden paths lead. Then travelers will have to walk along the amazing Apple Ford, the path from which will lead to the holy spring of Pania. The next stop will be the famous Bath of Youth, which will complete the tour. Those who wish will be able to swim in a pit with cold water and experience the power of a life-giving spring. The whole journey will take from 2 to 4 hours.

Where to relax after a walk through the Grand Crimean Canyon?

Hiking through the rocky gorge requires a considerable amount of energy, so after visiting the sights you need a good rest. Hotel Villa Elena will be the perfect place for perfect holiday in a pleasant atmosphere of hospitality. Guests can expect 24/7 service, the opportunity to enjoy the author's local cuisine, visit the spa, relax in the heated pool. You can actively relax on the tennis courts. Villa Elena also provides exclusive recreational opportunities, which include gastronomic tours, culinary master classes, personal catering.

Tourists who come to the Crimean peninsula to see its natural attractions, be sure to leave time to visit the Grand Canyon of Crimea. locals it is affectionately called the eighth wonder of the world, because the nature of this reserve is really unusually beautiful and unusual.

The Grand Canyon is the most visited of all Crimean canyons. One has only to say that the cost of excursions for visitors is comparable to visiting the famous Livadia Palace or the Nikitsky Botanical Garden.

Travel companies and sightseeing kiosks, open in almost all major cities Crimean peninsula, create bus tours with a visit to the Grand Canyon. For those who travel around the Crimea by private vehicle, there are several options for , How to get to the Grand Canyon by car.

Geographical position

Historians and local historians say that the Grand Canyon of Crimea in ancient times was part of the ocean floor. Today, this natural attraction has several main geographical landmarks:

  1. Geographically, the reserve belongs to the Ai-Petrinsky mountain range;
  2. The canyon starts from the village of Sokolinoe, Bakhchisaray district (distance from the village - 3 km);
  3. The Auzun-Uzen River flows along the bottom of the canyon.

As a result of the centuries-old impact of water on rocks and the movement of tectonic rocks, the walls of the gorge sank to a depth of 32m, forming a slope of 75-90 0 . The bottom of the canyon is a heap boulders and boulders, numerous rapids and waterfalls. This place is considered the largest canyon of the Crimean peninsula in terms of area. The first researcher to descend to the bottom of the canyon was Doctor of Historical Sciences - Professor I.I. Puzanov.

Excursion program

The first thing that strikes tourists who come to the Grand Canyon of Crimea for an excursion:

  • Unusual splendor of nature for these places;
  • Picturesque trails on the plateau and through the rubble of boulders;
  • Numerous waterfalls and springs with drinking water;
  • Cool and fresh air.

When signing up for a tour, be sure to specify what the last point will be walking route. It is desirable that the hiking trail extends beyond the Baths of Youth and reaches the narrowest point of the gorge.

Experienced guides lead the group along the most interesting impassable stone paths, so that tourists get the full experience. Overcoming the stone rubble and dangerous areas, you will be able to approach the picturesque mountain spring - a spring flowing out of the mountain along a stone chute.

How to get to the canyon?

If you are relaxing in Yalta or the suburbs, and decide to drive to the Grand Canyon of Crimea by car, you should choose the highway leading towards Bakhchisaray. On it, having left for the Ai-Petri pass, you will need to overcome the path along the descending mountain road-serpentine.

Along the highway, you can see the sign "Grand Canyon" and turn along it. Visiting this natural attraction is difficult because regular buses do not go here and fixed-route taxis. Therefore, you can get to the Grand Canyon only by private car or by pre-registering for an excursion.

If you came to the canyon by car and decided to spend time using the services of a private guide, remember that these people, as a rule, do not have a license to conduct excursions, and in case of an unusual situation they will not bear any responsibility!

If you are driving from Sevastopol, follow the following traffic pattern:

  1. On the Sevastopol highway you reach Bakhchisarai;
  2. Then, using the navigator or map, choose the route leading towards the Ai-Petri pass;
  3. When passing the village of Sokolinoe, be extremely careful, 3 kilometers from it on the road you will see the “entrance gate to the Grand Canyon”. This will be the end point of your route.

Near the entrance to nature reserve there is a guarded parking lot. The car will have to be left on it, since the movement of tourists in the canyon is only allowed on foot.

If you decide to get to the canyon by minibus or regular bus, you will have to get off at the village of Sokolinoye. Further passage of bus transport is prohibited. Many tourists make a hike to the entrance to the canyon, but there are always a lot of motorists and taxi drivers at the bus stop in Sokolinoe, offering to take you to the reserve for a nominal fee.

Grand Canyon Crimea one of the most interesting and visited sights of the Crimean peninsula. Among hiking trails, the Grand Canyon occupies one of the first places, here you can visit: mountain rivers and lakes, extreme suspension road, baths of youth, waterfalls and beautiful, environmentally friendly, mountain routes.

Geographical coordinates of the Grand Canyon on the map of Crimea GPS N 44.527778 E 34.016667

The Grand Canyon is located near the village of Sokolinoe, on the old Yalta road, which passes through the Ai-Petri plateau, from Bakhchisaray to Yalta. The length of the Grand Canyon of Crimea is 3.65 km, the width is from 375 meters to 5 meters, the maximum height of the mountains, from the bottom to the top, is 372 meters. The average duration of the route is 2.5 hours. The length of the entire route along the Grand Canyon of Crimea is 8.4 km, measured with a pedometer. The price of tickets for entering the Grand Canyon of Crimea is absent; since 2016, it has been forbidden to charge money for visiting. Of the paid services, only guides remained, the cost of payment from a group is from 1000 rubles. Grand Canyon of Crimea open for visiting all year round, during spring floods, the water level rises strongly, so most of the trails become impassable.

Grand Canyon of Crimea - the beginning of the route

Entrances to the Grand Canyo n - several: if you go from Bakhchisaray, the first entrance will be in front of the bridge over the mountain river. There is a large parking lot, several cafes open during the summer season, and private guides are on duty at the entrance. They are ready not only to show the way, but also to brighten up leisure. amazing stories and legends associated with the canyon. Also, the guides quite competently pave the way in order to facilitate the descents and ascents along the route as much as possible. To take or not to take a guide, this decision is up to you, but even if you decide to explore the canyon on your own, you will definitely not get lost. All major attractions will be painted on billboards along the route of the hiking trail. The entire route is completely marked with signs, so it is very difficult to go astray.

Second entrance to the Grand Canyon of Crimea located 2 km from the bridge up the mountain. There is a small market (souvenirs, tea, coffee, herbs, etc. in the Crimean style), this entrance is most often preferred by guides from Yalta. But if you go by your own transport, then it is rather difficult to leave the car there, but in terms of time or the beauty of the route, you will not win anything and will not save. Entrance to the Grand Canyon is free, but sometimes in the summer, money is collected at the entrance, saying that this is a tourist tax or a contribution to the forestry. The best option for building a route along the Great Canyon of Crimea is to start the route from the upper entrance and finish at the lower one. It is in this sequence that the route will be as easy to travel as possible.

How to get to the Grand Canyon in Crimea

Get to the Grand Canyon in Crimea, the easiest way is along the highway Yalta - Bakhchisaray, through Mount Ai-Petri. On the descent from Bakhchisaray there will be a small market, it is the only one there, and below it there will be a bridge and a large parking lot with a sign - the Grand Canyon of Crimea. In general, it will be quite difficult to drive. If you go down only 5 km along the highway, then you will enter the village of Sokolinoye. Immediately at the foot of the mountain, along the main road, there will be a large local market with quite low prices. Here you can buy: hazelnut or hazel, peaches, apples and much more that grows in the area. There are not many resellers on the market, mainly the local population with reasonable prices and excellent quality.

A bit of history of the Grand Canyon of Crimea

The name of the Grand Canyon of Crimea gave the geologist Puzanov II. This happened back in 1925, when the researcher was absorbed in the study of this natural creation. It is believed that the Grand Canyon was formed in ancient times, several tens of thousands of years ago. It is the result of a tectonic fault of the Crimean mountains. Thus, the Grand Canyon is a huge crack that has arisen between Mount Ai-Petri and mountain ranges Sedam-Kaya and Boyk. The length of this crack was more than three and a half thousand meters. The height of the rocks hanging over the canyon reaches 320 meters, and in the narrowest places the passage takes a little less than two meters. Here, even a loud speech can cause stones to fall.

Tourist route along the Grand Canyon of Crimea

Tourist route through the Grand Canyon, in general, simple. Therefore, to overcome it, special preparation is not needed. But, of course, it is better to walk in comfortable shoes. You will have to go along the path along which the Auzun-Uzen River is located. As a rule, tourists move against its current. On average, the duration of the route through the Grand Canyon is about 2-3 hours, this time is calculated to the Bath of Youth. Usually 95% of tourists end their route at this point, and then only trained or extreme people go.

Most popular route in the Grand Canyon is called the Grand Circumnavigation. At the beginning of the path is the famous Postal Oak. Next, you can see many natural bowls filled with water. One of the largest forms a lake called Blue. Then the road comes to picturesque place- Apple ford. It is so called because in autumn the river carries wild apples along with the water. The source of Paniya is also located here. It is so powerful that it could provide water for a small town.

The end point of the tour is the Bath of Youth, which was once called Karagol. It is located at around 6 kilometers from the start of the route. As the name implies, if you swim in it, then youth is prolonged. At least that's what the legend says. Therefore, there are more than enough people who want to plunge into this bath. Tourists are not even stopped by the invigorating water temperature - no more than 8 ° C even in summer. The bath is quite deep, so extreme people like to jump into it from the top of the nearest boulder, but it is very obvious that this idea is not suitable for everyone and is very unsafe. After the Bath of Youth, most of the tourists turn around and go to the exit along the upper path, but after the Bath of Youth, you can extend your route by another 6 km.

The trail will go all the time approximately evenly, but its complexity increases several times, due to the low-traffic nature of this road. From the main trail there will be several branches to the left and right, but they all lead to the ridges of the canyon. The trails are quite dangerous, and in spring they are very slippery and almost impassable. Therefore, if you decide to go for a walk, then do not turn off the main route. Also, there is an interesting trail that leads along the peaks above the Grand Canyon, but it is also extreme, and most importantly, if you make your way along it, remember that there are people at the bottom of the canyon. Finding this trail is not difficult, it starts from the post oak and leads up the mountainside. Climbing training is of course not necessary, but it should be remembered that the road leads up 200 meters, and then winds over the abyss of the Grand Canyon. The trail is quite extreme, but the views and scenery are worth it.

If you decide to visit the Grand Canyon of Crimea, then be sure to check out in order to correctly plan your route and not miss interesting places. A visit to the Grand Canyon will be quite a bright and informative journey, swimming in the baths of youth and in mountain lakes will add an unforgettable flavor to this journey.

Grand Canyon of Crimea on the map

Among the natural attractions of Crimea, the Grand Canyon occupies a very special place. This grand canyon about 1.5 - 2 million years ago, to the site of a huge tectonic fault.

In the very deep place the depth of the canyon exceeds 320 m, and it itself stretches for 3.5 km. Great place for trekking and hiking. But you should not go to the canyon alone and on your own, it is better to go as part of a tourist group or take a tour at a specialized agency.

The Grand Canyon of Crimea is one of many such places in the world. There are stunning mountains, gorges and canyons, for example, in Iceland. Norway is incredibly rich in such natural attractions. And if you want to get closer, there are many mountain routes of different difficulty levels in Georgia. Look interesting routes you can go to the mountains on the page of the tourist club

The Grand Canyon of Crimea has been forming for millions of years. Today it is a deep channel, somewhere wider, somewhere narrower. Along the channel there are about 150 erosive cauldrons with waterfalls, the so-called baths. Some are very tiny, and some reach a depth of about 2.5 m and a length of up to 10 m. Blue Lake- this is the largest cauldron, the bath of youth - is also a similar formation.

Feeds the canyon great amount streams, springs, mountain rivers that come out of the gorge and flow into the river Azun-Uzen. This is a clean, cold river. Throughout its length, even in the baths, the water temperature does not exceed 11 degrees.

When to go to the Grand Canyon

It is safe enough to be in the canyon only from the second half of summer to the beginning of autumn. During this period, when rains are rare, the canyon is drained. And routes for trekking and hiking become available.

During the rainy season, the canyon is dangerous. Not only that, a mountain stream with mud and stones rushes along the channel. Due to the rains, the slopes of the canyon become less stable and rockfalls are increasingly occurring. By the way, in the dry season, because of the danger of falling stones, you should not come close to the slopes.

Keep in mind that the canyon has its own microclimate. It is always a few degrees cooler here than outside. And yet, quite humid.

How to get to the Grand Canyon of Crimea

The Grand Canyon starts at 5 km. from the village of Sokolinoe. If you are going to hike on your own, you will have to take a taxi from Falcon or walk, no public transport does not run to the canyon. You can get to the village of Sokolinoye by bus from Simferopol, Sevastopol and Bakhchisaray.

If you are going on a hike with a tourist group, such a tour usually includes a transfer to the canyon.

If you are traveling by car, you need to go through Ai-Petri. On the way to the plateau, approximately in the middle of the way, there will be a sign "Grand Canyon".

What to take on a hike

The minimum duration of a walk through the Grand Canyon is 2.5-3 hours. Therefore, be sure to bring enough water with you and, if necessary, a light snack.

Definitely comfortable shoes. The route itself is not too difficult, but you will need to jump over somewhere, cross streams, puddles, stones somewhere.

The entrance to the Grand Canyon is paid, because it is a nature reserve. So, you need to take money with you. In the 2017 season, the entrance ticket costs 100 rubles.