Path of fidelity new light. Golitsyn trail, Sudak, Novy Svet - photos, reviews, how to get

Greetings! So the summer left us, quietly closed the door behind it, but left a lot of sunshine. So that parting would not be so sad, my friends and I went to Paradise (Paradise). This is how the resort village used to be called. New World, where the picture route is laid - the Golitsyn trail. Yes, yes, exactly the picture! After all, a narrow path straying between high rocks, behind every turn, opens up a whole exhibition of natural paintings.

The Golitsyn trail is not just an attraction. This is a miniature of the entire peninsula, where there is: the sea, hills, rocks, bays and relict forests. And also - 5 km of indescribable delight and active load!

I publish a review of the route at the end of September, since this month can be safely considered summer.

July and August, this season, were pretty exhausted by drought and heat. As soon as the heat subsided, an offer was received from a friend: “Let's go to the New World on the Golitsyn trail!”. Go…

It is difficult to say what the 2016 season was like. The Ministry of Resorts reports an increase in tourist flow by 27%, other resources provide their own data. Judging by the beaches and traffic jams on the tracks, the season has taken place. And it's not about quantity, it's about quality. It is more important what kind of rest the guests of the peninsula received and how the treasury was replenished. According to my observations, I can say that many catering establishments have remained in flight due to high prices. There is still a velvet season ahead, but certain conclusions can already be drawn ....

And so, the New World! Among the whole palette of Crimean beauties, this resort is always at the top of the list. The only negative, for me personally, is the number of people per square meter. I was sure that in the last days of August, this hive would become freer, but alas. Thanks to its location, the coast of the New World is the last to leave summer, if storms do not strike ahead of time. A similar picture can be observed in the vicinity of Sevastopol, Yalta, Alushta and Sudak.

The cozy village of Novy Svet is located on the shores of Zelenaya Bay, protected from the north and northwest by a mountain range, which creates a certain microclimate. The development of the resort is inextricably linked with history - the characteristic buildings of the 19th century have survived to this day: the buildings of the winery and the residential building of Lev Golitsyn, the founder of domestic champagne winemaking. Today, this entire territory is a state botanical reserve.

They decorate the surroundings and saturate the sea air with healing aromas: Sudak pine, fluffy oak, tupolis pistachio, derzhiderevo, skumpia, sessile oak and abundant thickets of age-old juniper trees. 16 plant species of the New World are listed in the Red Book of Crimea and Russia.

Of the entertainment in Zelenaya Bay, there is boating, other watercraft and flyboarding.

We arrived in the New World relying on the weather forecast, which promised a long-awaited coolness and light rain. We do not like to walk in the mountains in the heat, but the report did not materialize and by the time we arrived, the sun reminded us of the calendar summer ...

Wasting no time, we headed to the starting position, having paid 100 rubles for the route along the Golitsyn trail. This season prices for visits nature reserves Crimea was never regulated - it was introduced, then canceled. If the territory is well-groomed and all security measures are observed, the entrance fee is quite appropriate, but this is just my opinion.

There are two ways to get to the Golitsyn trail: 1. from the side of the juniper grove in Novy Svet. There is also a parking lot. (44.825568, 34.908785) , close to interesting excursions. 2. From the beach in Novy Svet. There is free and paid parking in the hangar, but before the trail you will need to go down to the beach. It took us 15 minutes from the parking lot in the hangar to the beginning of the trail. Coordinates (44.825089, 34.915669)

The first picture in the natural museum is a view from the Golitsyn trail to Mount Sokol.

A great temptation was the clear sea water, which I wanted to plunge into. Our bathing suits were left in the car, so we had to walk on, throwing a longed-for look at the Green Bay ...

Why is the trail called Golitsynskaya? Of course you know, but I will remind you... The former owner of the New World, Lev Sergeevich Golitsyn, back in 1912, ordered to cut down a path for walking along the slopes of Mount Koba-Kaya. An excellent gift for posterity, thanks to which thousands of tourists polish with their feet one of the most beautiful routes Crimea.

The trail goes higher and higher all the time, and the panoramic views are getting more and more beautiful…

Imagine how titanic work this road was laid.

A sharp turn behind a rocky ridge and now the picture is changing.

The answer to the question "why is the bay called Zelenaya?" obvious...

A lucky chance is to be alone in Chaliapin's grotto. We were unlucky - we got stuck in a "human traffic jam", we had to speed up the pace to overtake it.

The natural grotto has two names - "Golitsynsky" and "Chaliapin's grotto". I was not a witness, but they say that Fyodor Ivanovich performed his famous arias here. A remarkable place suitable for a halt. On the one hand, cool niches, and on the other, huge boulders of a collapsed rock wall. Before the Yalta earthquake, the grotto looked different. In the depths of the grotto, Lev Golitsyn's wine cellar .... empty).

Above hangs a rock-visor. The grotto is a great place to hide from the summer heat or autumn rain, relax, enjoying the natural creation.

One sea, and from different angles such different shades.

Having cast a farewell glance at Zelenaya Bay and Sudak, we headed up the path towards Cape Kapchik and Robber Bay.

At this observation deck, tourist groups stop and, looking at Cape Kapchik, guess in its outlines either a fish, or a sleeping girl, or an “unprecedented little animal” ...

Behind the Green Bay begins the Blue Bay.

In the Crimea, in the vicinity of Simeiz, there is Mount Koshka, but doesn’t Karaul-Oba look like a cat?) Do you see the ears sticking out behind Cape Kapchik?

The Golitsyn trail is not fenced everywhere - watch out for the children!

Rock Koba-Kaya is a coral reef that has another name. Guess what?)

The bottom off the coast of Rogue Bay was viewed from above. Not everyone is suitable for such a beach with entry into the sea of ​​large stones.

The dusty and narrow path went up and down. Some areas had to be especially careful. Take into account such transitions with sharp stones when choosing shoes for the route.

If you are tired from a long excursion, you can return in comfort or go to another coast. Behind Karaul-Oba is located, further Morskoye.

Behind was a part of the route traveled along the Golitsyn trail.

We reached a fork, the Golitsyn path went to the Tsar's Beach to the right, and to the left to Cape Kapchik. I persuaded my friends to go up to the cape and from there look at everything at once.

The road to Cape Kapchik with a slight long climb.

Despite the fact that the Royal Beach is closed, at the end of August it was full of vacationers, who were delivered by pleasure boats and boats.

Behind the Royal Beach, or rather above it, another path begins. She goes along the slope and through a crevice in the rock to Karaul-Oba. I have already published many reports about this route. Recommend! , .

Dasha + Masha + Sasha ... we understand that you have inherited here ...

From this point to the nearest coast of Turkey is less than 300 km.

Descending from Cape Kapchik, we headed to the finish line - a juniper grove.

The Golitsyn trail or the Golitsyn trail is one of those sights of Crimea that can be visited from year to year in different seasons. A natural idyll cannot get bored, on the contrary, each time you discover something new, previously unnoticed and mysterious.

The length of the route is about 5 km, but if your physical shape is in perfect order, curiosity can take you much further ... Therefore, take care of comfortable shoes, light snacks and water, comfortable clothes (in summer - a hat, in the off-season - a light windbreaker, in cold weather a jacket , which will save from dampness and piercing wind).

When visiting the reserve, it is necessary to comply with all fire and environmental safety requirements, it is allowed to use only a marked route. Violation of the requirements bears administrative or criminal liability.

When the stone jungle of Karaul-Oba was passed, and several kilometers of the Golitsyn trail were waiting for us ahead, Tsarsky Beach turned out to be perfect place for half an hour of relaxation. So I didn’t want to go somewhere, but the “rise” command - and the group from the Tsarsky beach again moves to a fork where the paths diverge: to the west - you can return to Karaul-Oba, to the north - to get to the New World, to the east - through juniper grove to go to the Golitsyn path.

The Golitsyn trail was built at the behest of Prince Lev Sergeevich Golitsyn, the owner of the Novosvetsky estate and a great connoisseur of wine and Crimean nature. Therefore, it is in this unusual place- in a natural grotto, where only a path cut in the rock high above the sea leads, he created his own wine cellar.

The Golitsyn trail goes around three Novosvetsky bays: Green (Sudak-Liman), Blue (Robber), Blue (Delilimanskaya). It starts on the southwestern shore of Zelenaya Bay, from the Novyi Svet embankment. We were moving in the opposite direction.

Through a juniper grove, the path led us to a wide path leading to Cape Kapchik. In this place, it is not even a path, but a road with a fence equipped with benches.

Cape Kapchik stretched like an ancient lizard into the sea, separating the Blue and Blue bays. It is also like an ancient coral reef, so fossilized prehistoric corals and molluscs are also not uncommon here. Cape Kapchik pierces through the Through Grotto - a natural cave 77 meters long, formed due to a tectonic fault. This grotto was equipped by Prince Golitsyn as a hall for celebrations. An arched entrance with an antique-forged wooden door, colored stained-glass windows, stone stairs were built, allowing you to go down to the sea. Now you can get to the Through Grotto from the side of the Blue Bay, passing along a path carved into the rock and fenced with a parapet. A few years ago, the grotto was open, and you could go inside if you were not afraid of clouds of bats. Now, due to the danger of collapse, the entrance is closed with a grate through which you can look inside.

Fascinating views open up from the top of Cape Kapchik: on the one hand - on the Blue Bay, bounded by Mount Koba-Kaya, and on the other side - on the Blue Bay, bounded by the Karaul-Oba massif.

In addition to the Through Grotto, Cape Kapchik has several smaller caves. The blue bay is called the Robber's just because in these caves the pirates hid their trophies, and heaps of stones made it possible to go unnoticed.

These places have always attracted filmmakers. It was from Cape Kapchik that Nikolai Eremenko (younger) dived in the movie "Pirates of the 20th Century". And in Razboynichya Bay, San Sanych, the hero of the film “Sportloto-82”, performed by Mikhail Pugovkin, was sunbathing on a boat, while he was waiting for his accomplice Stepan with a winning ticket, played by Mikhail Kokshenov. "Three Plus Two", "The Andromeda Nebula", "A Case in the Square 36-80", "Youths in the Universe", "Anna Karenina" and many other films were filmed in the vicinity of these amazing bays.

Following along the coast of the Blue Bay, the Golitsyn trail goes around Mount Koba-Kaya. There are many bridges and stairs with wooden railings on this site, which are not difficult to walk on.

One step, two steps...

Going around Koba-Kaya, the path led us to a huge natural grotto called Golitsynsky. In the Middle Ages, there was a Christian church in the grotto. cave monastery. As evidenced by the remains of frescoes, preserved until the 19th century. In the middle of the grotto is a well with fresh water. At the end of the 19th century, Lev Sergeevich Golitsyn set up his wine cellar in the grotto. Part of the grotto was fenced off by a wall. In this room, the entrance to which was closed by a massive door, niches were built to store the wine collection. Most of them have been preserved. Judging by the number of niches, the prince had a rich collection of wines.

The grotto was lit by a huge chandelier. The hook on which it hung was preserved on the ceiling. A musical platform was erected on the front open part of the grotto. In the grotto, Lev Sergeevich often received guests, who, apparently, not only tasted wine, but also received spiritual food. It is not known for certain whether Chaliapin sang on this stage, although such an opinion exists, and therefore the grotto is also called Shalyapinsky. Now the grotto hosts "Golitsyn Meetings" - musical events with champagne and fireworks.

From the Golitsyn Grotto, the path, going around Koba-Kaya, hangs like a cornice over the waters of Zelenaya Bay.

The path starts from the foot of Mount Orel, which is also known as Cave Rock or Koba-Kaya. Tourists usually go in small groups accompanied by a guide.

But there are those who want to see all the charms of these places without too much haste and go on a hike, armed with a guidebook or navigator. To get the most out of your trip, bring with you:

Headwear and water;

Comfortable clothes and shoes: this route is no less difficult than to the top of Mount Sokol;

Camera - you will not find such landscapes anywhere else.

A stone path trodden to a shine leads to most interesting object- a majestic grotto with overhanging blocks of rock. There are excellent acoustics inside, so Lev Sergeevich liked to arrange festive dinners here with wine tasting and concerts of opera singers.

According to legend, Fyodor Chaliapin himself sang here, and his strong voice once broke a glass of wine. In this regard, the grotto is often called it. Chaliapin, and also - Variety. Today you can see the recesses where bottles of champagne were stored, a stone well and the remains of a stage for celebrity performances.

Wonderful Journey

The path and grotto of Golitsyn is a place of extraordinary beauty, shrouded in secrets and interesting stories. An excursion accompanied by an experienced guide will take you back to the Middle Ages, when the cave was a monastery. (Now it is hard to believe, because there is no trace left of the ancient Christian temple).

Heading from the grotto to Cape Kapchik, you will pass along the Path of unfaithful wives - as the Muslims called this path in ancient times. Having reached the cape, travelers will be delighted with the beautiful panorama of the Golubaya (Tsarskaya) Bay. It is here that the same Tsarsky beach is located, where the last Russian emperor rested. Since rockfalls have become more frequent, the passage to the beach area is now prohibited.

The final point of the route is the Through Grotto, which literally permeates the entire Cape Kapchik. Its length is 77 m, height - 20 m. Golitsyn equipped here a hall for receiving guests and held solemn banquets. Currently, due to the danger of collapses, the entrance to the premises is closed by an iron door. At the end of the hike, tourists find themselves in a juniper grove. Centuries-old Red Book trees give a delicious aroma: the air is thoroughly saturated with phytoncides. It's so easy to breathe here!

After all that I have seen, I want to go to the Golitsyn's house-museum. You need to get to know the history of a person, thanks to which hundreds of thousands of people can see these heavenly man-made landscapes. And not somewhere in the Maldives or the Seychelles, but at home.

We offer you to watch an informative video about the Golitsyn trail:

The Golitsyn trail is the main attraction of the resort village of Novyi Svet

The Golitsyn trail in the New World is one of the most popular tourist spots Crimea. Every day, thousands of tourists from the most diverse parts of Russia, Ukraine and foreign countries come to this glorious southern place on an excursion.

The history of the Golitsyn trail

In 1912, the great Russian Emperor Nicholas II, together with his family, planned to visit the Shtandart yacht to take a tour of the local beauties and relax by the Black Sea. It was for his arrival that the famous Prince Golitsyn ordered to cut a large path, while walking along which magnificent landscapes of Crimean nature opened up.

Sea view from the Golitsyn trail

The length of the Golitsyn trail was about three thousand meters. Under the leadership of L.S. Golitsyn, this place was created by a real work of art, a masterpiece of architecture and a standard of construction - beautifully honed stone stairs and observation platforms were carefully erected by specially hired Turkish builders. In the most inaccessible places and the most hazardous to health working sections of the construction, they were hung on special "cradles" held on strong ropes.

The earthquake that hit the Crimea in 1927 caused severe damage to the Golitsyn trail almost along its entire length, but it, nevertheless, did not lose its beauty and attractiveness for tourist excursions.

The Golitsyn trail is the pride of the resort village of Novy Svet

The Golitsyn trail in Crimea originates at the foot of Mount Orel, on the southwestern shore of the Sudak-Liman Bay (Green Bay). Smoothly encircling the cape, the path leads the traveler straight to the natural giant Golitsyn Grotto (another name is Chaliapin Grotto), which was once carved out by sea waves in the rocks and amazes the gaze of observers. In some places, the height of this grotto can reach thirty meters, which cannot but impress. In the very depths of the grotto there is a special platform where the musicians should be located, and immediately behind it is a huge section of one of the Golitsyn storages of unique wines. In the same hall, a small “well” was dug, in which water periodically accumulates, spouting from clean springs.

One of the observation decks on the Golitsyn trail in Novy Svet

Immediately after this grotto, an excursion along the Golitsyn trail leads tourists to a new miracle - under the cliffs of the southern side of Mount Khoba-Kai. Everything here is striking in its unusual intricacy: huge boulders resemble in their form the silhouettes of people or figures of animals, and the gloomy gorges and steep stairs look like the abode of some mythical mountain creature. Some scientists suggest that all these potholes in the rocks could have been made by the most ancient peoples who inhabited this land - the peoples of the Tauris. Here, in the depths of the cliffs, you can often see the fossilized remains of once sea creatures - corals, various algae and sea ​​urchins– all this was still alive about one hundred and fifty million years ago.

Going down the Golitsyn Sudak trail further, tourists come to a small beach of the Blue Bay, from where a view of the narrow, but long, stretching into the distance, Cape Kapchik opens. To the left of here, under the blue sea ​​waters, hides an equally beautiful underwater cave, called the "Legend". Unfortunately, it is not so easy to get on an excursion to this place on the Golitsyn trail - not all guides dare to go down to the depths of the Black Sea and lead an excursion group.

Descent to the Black Sea on the Golitsyn trail in Crimea

Cape Kapchik also has interesting sights on its territory. Here is the Lake Cave with ornate bends and narrow manholes. A little further, approximately in the middle of the cape, it is cut through by a rather large cleft - a through hole in the ground, stretching for seventy-seven meters along the cape. Here, near the Through grotto of the Golitsyn trail (namely, this is the name of this huge crack in the ground), tourists are very fond of taking photos as a keepsake.

This is where the tour ends. ecological trail equipped for tourists to visit. Here, each of the visitors of the Golitsyn trail in the New World of Crimea can escape from the fascinating story of the guide and admire the view. From Cape Kapchik, you can clearly see the coast of Kamennaya Bay with its majestic heaps, a green pine grove, steep rocks with their narrow gorges, and towering, as if reigning over all this chaos mountain range Karul-Oba is a rocky reef formed in the Jurassic period and is today a natural monument.

Through grotto - one of the main attractions of the Golitsyn trail

Separately, it is worth mentioning the Through Grotto, which has already been mentioned above. On the huge number photos taken during an excursion along the Golitsyn trail in the Novy Svet capture the beauty of this particular attraction.

The main feature of the Through Grotto, which distinguishes it from other caves of the Crimean land, is its origin. The fact is that such a long and deep tunnel, penetrating through the cape, was formed not at all as a result of the influence of water, but as a result of a prolonged and uneven movement of limestone rocks that form Kapchik.

The famous grotto of Golitsyn in the Crimea

The creator of the trail, Count Golitsyn himself, was the first to take a liking to this amazing place: he ordered to improve the grotto, build stone stairs in it that lead directly to the sea, and put an original forged door at the entrance.

To this day, tourists leave a lot of positive feedback about the Through Grotto on the Golitsyn trail.

Where is the Golitsyn trail located?

For tourists vacationing in the resort village of Novy Svet or, inexpensive boat trips to the Golitsyn trail are regularly arranged. A boat trip to the trail will cost a little more for holidaymakers from or. At the entrance to the territory of the reserve, you will have to pay about fifteen hryvnias.

Vacationers of Sudak are often interested in how to get to the Golitsyn trail in another way. The answer is simple: you can take a regular fixed-route taxi at the bus station of the city and get to the New World, and from there you can already get to the trail on foot or by transport.

Travelers on their own car can lay their route to the Golitsyn trail using the Novy Svet map.


During our trip to Crimea, we visited many cities, but our first stop was a small resort village New World, near the city of Sudak in the southeastern part of the peninsula. At first we were going to stop in Sudak, where we planned to visit the famous one, but then we decided to drive another 10 kilometers along the mountain serpentine and stop in the New World. And that's why. The village of Novy Svet is known for one very popular tourist attraction - the Golitsyn trail and the so-called Chaliapin grotto, which is located just on this trail.

About what the New World itself is remarkable for, I will definitely write in one of my next articles. Subscribe so you don't miss out! And today I will tell you about our walk along the Golitsyn trail.

Sights of Crimea: Golitsyn trail. A bit of history:

More than a century ago, in 1912, the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II planned to visit the village of Novy Svet. Especially for his arrival, Prince Golitsyn, who owned land near the village and was engaged in winemaking, ordered to build a path so that the emperor and his family could take a walk and appreciate the beauty of these places. The length of the trail is about 3 kilometers and for its time it has become a masterpiece of architecture. In 1927, an earthquake occurred in the Crimea, which caused severe damage to the trail, but still it has not lost its beauty and attractiveness for tourists.

We decided to take a walk along the Golitsyn trail not only because of seeing the sights of the New World. I generally love hiking on beautiful places like when we went to Koh Chang in Thailand.

In the morning, after breakfast, we set off to conquer the famous trail. We decided to go on our own, but you can also take a guided tour along the trail or view it from the sea on a boat. The entrance to the Golitsyn trail is located in the village of Novy Svet, next to a small pier. There are signs so you can't miss it. Entrance fee - 100 rubles per person. They say that very early in the morning (at five o'clock), as well as in the off season (in the winter months), no one guards the trail and you can go on it for free. But we didn’t want to get up so early, so we still had to pay 100 rubles each.

Trail start:

The Golitsyn trail begins on the southwestern shore of the Zelenaya Bay under the northern slope of Mount Koba-Kaya.

View of the New World from the Golitsyn trail:

At the very beginning of the trail built viewpoint, to which a rope bridge leads. This platform was built at a later time, but still, the boards on the bridge have already begun to rot and break, so be careful!

Selfie on the Golitsyn trail

There are many places along the trail where you can take great photos:

Stone stairs were made with high quality and perfectly preserved to this day. Emperor Nicholas II himself walked these steps!

And now we're going with Elvira

After walking along the trail for only a few hundred meters, we came to the main attraction of the trail itself - the Golitsyn grotto. Or, as it is more commonly called, Chaliapin's Grotto:

Chaliapin's grotto is a natural grotto that was carved out by sea waves in Mount Koba-Kaya.

In the Middle Ages, there was a cave monastery in the grotto, and later Prince Golitsyn built a wine storage here. The stone arches in which the wine was stored have been perfectly preserved to this day:

It is believed that Chaliapin himself sang in this grotto. Therefore, the second name of the grotto is Chaliapin's grotto. He performed on a stone stage, which is also perfectly preserved.

There is a small well inside the grotto, where pure spring water sometimes accumulates:

After the Golitsyn grotto we go to the southern slope of the Koba-Kaya mountain and to the Blue Bay. The blue bay is closed by the long and narrow Cape Kapchik. From the side, it seems to resemble the head of a lizard. According to legend, pirate ships once hid in this bay!

Blue Bay and Cape Kapchik:

There is a small beach in the blue bay, where we decided to make a short stop and swim:

Having bathed in the cool water of the Black Sea, we moved on - to the head of the Lizard, to Cape Kapchik:

Cape Kapchik separates the Blue Bay and the Blue Bay, where the Imperial Beach is located. They say that Nicholas II swam on this beach, but this is not known for sure.

Imperial Beach is a very popular place. Excursions are constantly brought here, and some even rent a boat and sail here for a few hours to swim and sunbathe.

You can walk to the beach, but the path to it starts at the very end of the Golitsyn trail.

Blue Bay and Imperial Beach:

Inside Cape Kapchik there is another Grotto - Through. Steps and a separate path lead to it. They say that it is even more beautiful than the Golitsyn grotto. But unfortunately the Through grotto was closed. I don't know why, maybe it became dangerous or just because some tourists started using it as a toilet. This I understood from the characteristic smell that came from the grotto.

At the very beginning of Cape Kapchik, a very old pistachio tree grows. It grew here in 1912, when the Emperor was walking along the path.

Several benches are equipped next to this tree, where you can sit and relax, admiring the nature of Crimea. There are also two very cheerful women who sell hot cakes and iced tea.

The last few hundred meters, the Golitsyn trail passes through a juniper grove:

If you follow the sign in the direction of Mount Karaul-Oba, then you can just go to the Imperial Beach. That's where we went...

Here at this pile of stones you need to turn left and go down the slope:

Surprisingly, there was practically no one on the Imperial Beach:

The sand on the beach is dark gray and sooo hot! It is almost impossible to stand on it barefoot, it burns badly!

View of the Through Grotto and the path leading to it from the side of the Imperial Beach.