Pshad waterfalls: a mysterious excursion in the Gelendzhik region. Pshad waterfalls in Gelendzhik - a unique corner of nature (photo)

In the Krasnodar Territory there is a large beautiful river Pshada. It is famous for its enchanting waterfalls, which are both majestic and graceful, powerful and sophisticated. There are legends about them, known not only to the Russian people, but also to many foreigners.


Before you get to the Pshad waterfalls, you need to have an idea about their location. After all, such a wonder of the world is not so easy to find!

Pshad waterfalls on the map can be found in a section of the valley called Bazami. Their more accurate location is the Red River, which is a component of Pshada itself. The latter originates on Mount Papai and continues its course to the very Black Sea.

Water flows reach 270 meters above sea level. In general, there are about 100 waterfalls that accumulate in one small area.


If you look at the photos of the Pshad waterfalls, you will notice that they are all different from each other.

Olyapkin is the largest and most powerful. Despite this, the height of the fall of its water along the picturesque slope does not exceed 10 meters. On the right tributary of the river is the second highest waterfall. It reaches 7 meters in height. The rest of the Pshad waterfalls are not very high (from 90 to 250 cm). Due to the fact that thick bushes and trees were cut down in this area, this is how the Pshad waterfalls look now, the photos of which show us wild slopes, washed by water transparently clear as a tear. There are no more wild animals here. Hares, deer, wolves, bears… All disappeared. And no wonder. After all, man managed to master these, once wild, lands.

Today, the flow rate of the waterfalls of these places depends significantly on the seasons and the amount of precipitation.


Almost all attractions Krasnodar Territory have their own history. The unique view of the waterfalls is so mysterious that it beckons with some unknown force to come closer to the water and enjoy the freshness and smell of the forest. Or maybe this beauty is controlled by the Pshad maiden, which, according to many local residents, was seen in these surroundings? She needs to be afraid. She usually appears here at night. The Pshad Maiden is a ghost. Her blurry silhouette hypnotizes people and then leads them to dangerous places waterfalls.


The locals can probably tell you where the ghost roaming in the Bazame Valley came from. There is a whole legend about the Pshad maiden.

In ancient times, there was a custom according to which the younger brother was supposed to marry only after the elder. But in one family, the youngest son fell in love first. At this time, a collapse occurred between the two villages, after which the water of the river began to overflow the banks, and a real flood threatened people. The son in love was sure that he would remove all the stones from under the rubble, and in return he demanded permission from his father to marry before his older brother. The elder agreed. The happy son left and was never seen again. The heartbroken beloved of the guy went to the river at dusk and drowned there. After that, her ghost constantly wanders in these places and hypnotizes people, especially those who do not specifically know how to get to the Pshad waterfalls. But why he does this, we can only guess ...

Places where you can admire mountain waterfalls

If you want to see the miracle of the Krasnodar Territory, then you are probably wondering how to get to the Pshad waterfalls. Indeed, this is very relevant. Since knowledge of the road leading to the water cascades will provide you with not only time savings, but also effort. Indeed, in these places there are waterfalls 15-30 meters high! And getting through them is not so easy. In addition, some of them are generally impossible to navigate.

As a rule, photos in travel magazines show us the water streams of Pshada on the Gorlyanovy Creek or in the Kokcharskaya Gap. It is these places that are the most passable and popular among lovers. wildlife. Here you can admire 20-25 waterfalls of different heights!

The road to the Pshad waterfalls

One of the most common and safest ways to mystical places Pshads are considered as follows.

From Gelendzhik you need to get to the village of Vozrozhdenie. Continue up the mountains to the north to reach your destination. Or, first, drive to the large village of Pshady for that area, and from there continue on your way to the northeast.

Of course, the fastest way to see the Pshad waterfalls is by car. But here it is worth considering that only an experienced driver needs to drive a car in this area. After all, the road to the water cascades is far from simple and requires special skills in driving a car.

If you are going to get to the Pshad waterfalls on foot, count on the fact that it will take you more than one day of light. In this case, it is mandatory to take a tourist backpack with you, containing not only food and basic hygiene products, but also a sleeping bag, as well as climbing equipment. In addition, learn more from local residents how to get to the Pshad waterfalls. It will be great if they draw you a map.

Excursions to the Pshad waterfalls

Self drive to charming places Krasnodar Territory requires special efforts. Therefore, before you go on a journey, you need to really weigh your own strengths. But what if you don’t have enough physical fitness, but you really want to see the Pshad waterfalls?

In this case, your best bet would be organized excursions. Usually you can use these services in almost any resort town Krasnodar Territory.

Experienced tour operators will not only provide you with a service called "Pshad waterfalls by car", but will also offer you to try to do this extreme view sports like canyoning. Many people trust the organizers of the trip through the forests. After all, who else but they know how to get to the Pshad waterfalls, spending a minimum of time on it.

Of course, everyone chooses for himself the most convenient way to travel. But whether you go in search of adventure on your own or still decide to use the services of guides, you will definitely be satisfied that you will see such a wonder of the world as the Pshad waterfalls.

Traveling through the Pshada valley gives many amazing discoveries. There are preserved monuments of megalithic culture here - dolmens, beautiful rocky clamps, fragrant flowering meadows and amazing waterfalls. Pshada is one of those places where you definitely want to return.

How to get to Pshada

The village of Pshada is located on federal highway M4, 11 km from the sea. You can get here by regular buses. The journey from Krasnodar is the longest - the bus takes about 3 hours. Regular buses also run from Tuapse to Pshada - to Gelendzhik, Anapa, Novorossiysk and Port Caucasus. The road will take 2-2.5 hours. The fastest way to Pshada can be reached from Novorossiysk - by buses to Sochi, Adler, Tuapse and Dzhubga. The journey to Pshada takes 1.5 hours.

In the village you can stay at the recreation center, in a mini-hotel, guest houses, tent camping or renting housing in the private sector. It is convenient to take walks along the Pshada valley. In addition, from the village for tourists, car excursions are carried out on off-road vehicles - UAZ, KAMAZ and ZIL-131.

Dolmens on the highway

The lower group of dolmens is located right next to the M4 highway, west of the village of Pshada, where the road makes a turn before climbing to the Mikhailovsky Pass. They are located south of the highway, on the left bank of the Doguab River.

Megalithic man-made structures were built from large slabs around the 3rd-2nd millennium BC. So far, it has not been possible to find out why they were built, because the burial places of people found in some of the dolmens date back to a later time. Pshad dolmens have already received their names today: "Tenderness", "Khan and Maya" and "Tor".

Valley of the river Pshada

In total, there are about 70 dolmens in the river valley. 18 dolmens are located on the left bank, 20 - on the right bank of the valley, and 26 - in the area of ​​Mount Tsygankov. Among them there are large monuments of the Neolithic era, reaching 4 m in length.

The river flows down from the pass between Pshada and Papai mountains and is about 35 km long. You can only drive through its valley on all-terrain vehicles; ordinary cars will not be able to do it. But many travelers prefer to explore Pshada on foot. It is not difficult to cross the river, except during spring floods and after heavy rains, when the water level in Pshad rises noticeably.

The valley is very picturesque. There are many rock outcrops on both sides. The water in Pshad is clear and drinkable. And on hot days you can always swim in the river. The Pshada valley is overgrown with forests, flowering meadows, and on both banks there are many convenient places for camping. In the middle course in the Pshada valley, at the foot of Mount Cold Rock, a huge oak grows, the age of which, judging by the large girth of the trunk and spreading crown, has exceeded several centuries.

Pshad waterfalls

8 beautiful waterfalls are located in the upper reaches of the Pshada River, in the valley of its tributary - the Red River. And 5 more - at the mouths of its tributaries, at a distance of about 1 km. The largest of them falls from a height of 9 m and is called Olyapkinogo - in honor of a small and brave bird. It is often called a water sparrow for its ability to dive into water.

Near the waterfalls is the building of the tourist center "Pshad Falls". It's good to come here at any time. But the most full-flowing waterfalls are after rains or in spring.

These are about a hundred of the most beautiful water cascades, which are scattered not only along the Pshada channel, but also its tributaries. Most of the Pshad waterfalls are located in the upper reaches of the river of the same name: in its right tributary - the Red River - about eight, the rest - at the mouths of other tributaries. Moreover, the main group of cascades can be viewed within one square kilometer.

Pshad waterfalls on the map:

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A group of waterfalls in the Krasnodar Territory, located in the upper reaches of the Pshada River. The waterfalls are located on the territory of 1 km². Eight of them, the most famous, are located on the Red River, the rest are at the mouths of the Pshada tributaries.

44.536776 , 38.454037 A group of waterfalls in the Krasnodar Territory, located in the upper reaches of the Pshada River. The waterfalls are located on the territory of 1 km². Eight of them, the most famous, are located on the Red River, the rest are at the mouths of the Pshada tributaries. Pshad waterfalls

The Pshada River originates between the peaks of Pshada and Papai. From its source to its confluence with the Black Sea, the river flows 35 kilometers.

The highest water cascade is Olyapkin, 9 meters high, the second highest waterfall is located in the Waterfall Creek - it is about 7 meters. Other plumb lines of the river vary from 1 to 4.5 meters.

Most of the waterfalls, having a height of about 15-30 meters, are difficult to access for tourists, and some are generally impassable.

Another route, where you can see another group of Pshad waterfalls, is located in the Kochkarev gap and Gorlyanovy brook. There are about 15-20 picturesque water plumb lines.

How to get there

Most of the tourist routes to the waterfalls start from the apiary, which is located 9 km from the outskirts of the village of Pshada. You can get to the apiary either on foot, along the Pshada River, or by renting a passable vehicle - GAZ-66 or UAZ.

ATV drivers are waiting for tourists in a large parking lot approximately at the intersection of Krasnaya and Kubanskaya streets in the village of Pshada. You can leave your city car here in the parking lot. If you still decide to walk, be sure to visit along the way.

Although some of them are also driven by all-terrain vehicle drivers.


Waterfalls on the Red River

Photo by Fedor Shutilov

Photo by Fedor Shutilov

Photo by Fedor Shutilov

On this tributary of the Pshada is located, among other things, the most big waterfall Pshad group - Olyapkin. It is located near. On hot summer days, there is little water in the local rivers, so sometimes you can find just ledges and stone cliffs instead of waterfalls. As in these photos ().

Gap Kochkareva

This stream is on the right, not reaching the apiary. At the confluence of the stream with the Pshada River, you can see a children's camping. There are several waterfalls in the upper reaches of this stream.

Location: Krasnodar region, Gelendzhiksky district, R. Pshada

Pshada is a small mountain river that flows not on the territory of the Gelendzhik region of the Krasnodar Territory. This river is famous for a large number of waterfalls, both small and large. It is not easy to get to most of the waterfalls of the river, and only trained tourists can afford this. But in this place one of the most accessible tourist routes for any tourist is located. Well, the path of the route, the length of which is approximately 5 km, will surround you amazingly beautiful nature and come across a large number of small rapids and waterfalls.

Almost anyone can follow this route, half of the way is equipped with special paths, part of the way will have to go along a small river bank. this is the easiest of the routes along the mountain rivers Black Sea coast. On the way you will meet a large number of small and medium-sized waterfalls, and so the nature in this place will please the eye. Sheer cliffs on one side and hilly forests on the other create landscapes of unusual beauty and a trip to this place will bring you many pleasant impressions and great memories. Having reached waterfalls of medium size (from 10 to 20m), you can swim in the icy mountain water and take great photos for memory.

How to get there

Location: Krasnodar region, Gelendzhik region, Pshada village

Start tourist route along the waterfalls begins near the village of the same name Pshada. The village can be reached by bus from Gelendzhik, Novorossiysk and Tuapse or by your own transport. From the village begins a dirt road to the beginning of the route along the river. You can overcome it on foot (about 2 hours) by renting an SUV in the village, which will take you to the starting point walking route down the river.


PSHADA (Pshad, Pshat) - the sources of the river are located on the southern slope of the Main Caucasian Range(GKH) at absolute heights of not more than 450 m. The length of the river is about 35 km, it flows into the sea near the village of Krinitsa. Among the rivers ChPK r. Pshada is in 7th place in terms of length, but in terms of basin area it occupies 3rd place, yielding to the river. Mzymte and r. Shah. River valley Pshad can be called "the valley of 100 waterfalls". Only on the river Tkhab (9.5 km), the source of the river. Doguab (right tributary of the Pshada river), there are about 50 waterfalls.
The Pshada River has about 30 tributaries ranging in length from 3 to 20 km. The most famous are the rivers Krasnaya (8 km), Papai (18 km) and Doguab. The Red River is known for the fact that in its valley there is a tourist shelter "Pshad waterfalls" and the Olyapkin waterfall, about 9 meters high.
They also have the same name: the village of Pshada, Mount Pshada (741.1 m), the farm Wide Pshadskaya Shchel and the Pshadsky pass. The etymology of the hydronym is difficult (ambiguous). Some translations are associated with the Georgian "psha" - a spring or water that bubbles. According to other sources, the name is based on the Adyghe-Abkhazian “psh” - associated with the concept of “river” or the purely Abkhazian term “apshada” - “calmness” or “calmness valley”.
Others in the hydronym Pshaade see a phrase meaning "shrouded in fog." Perhaps the name comes from the word "pedey" (pschede) - a botanical term meaning beech or hazel (hazelnut), which grow in sufficient quantities in the river valley.

Koveshnikov V.N.

Waterfalls in the Pshada river basin. The Pshada River and its side tributaries are famous for their abundance of waterfalls. Getting to them is usually not easy. Therefore, one light day can not be met. A road has been laid upstream from the village of Pshada, but either a Niva or an all-terrain vehicle, the Ural, will pass through it (and only along "low" water). From the north, drive up either along the valleys of Ubin and Afips, or through the Arched Pass along the valley of the Papayka River.

There are several waterfalls in the Kochkareva gap on the right tributary. On one of them, for thousands of years, a giant stalactite was washed up, in the figurative expression of the famous Kuban scientist and local historian V.R. Tikhomirov, resembling an alligator trying to climb onto a ledge.

300 meters above the mouth of Kochkara, the Gorlyanov stream flows into Pshada from the opposite side (right tributary). It has more than a dozen waterfalls 4-10 m high.

The headwaters of the Thab River are known as the "gorge of forty waterfalls". Many of them are impassable and bypassed. There are frequent waterfalls up to 15-17 m high.

On the Black River, the left tributary of the Papayka River, which in turn is the right tributary of the Pshada River, Papaya waterfalls are famous. They are mentioned in detail in the guide "On the Low Mountains of the Western Caucasus" (author - V.N. Koveshnikov, director of the Krasnodar Regional Station for Young Tourists). To the waterfalls from the abandoned village of Cherny aul - 2.5-3 km, up the gorge-shaped valley. At first, small rapids and waterfalls come across, then waterfalls up to 3 m high appear, and a little higher - 8 m. The waterfall is surrounded by an amphitheater of rocks up to 25 m. After 10 meters, another ledge is formed with a drop of water up to 7 m. -6 m each. On some of the waterfalls, crusts of limestone with clay have been formed for a long time.