The largest waterfall in Cyprus. Journey to the waterfalls in Troodos (Troodos)

Millomeris Falls is hidden in the Troodos Mountains in Cyprus and is considered the highest waterfall on the island - its height is 15 meters. It is clear that people go to Cyprus for the sea and beaches, but if you are already tired of all this, then you should visit the Millomeris waterfall. Recommended for lovers of nature, mountains and hiking!

It's easy from Limassol. Since we have not got a car yet, it was decided to go by bus. From Limassol on weekends there is only one flight to Troodos to the stop we need - this is bus 64.

Map bus routes In Cyprus:

Bus to Troodos(we need the Troodos town, and not just the mountains of the same name) leaves at 9:30 from the Old Hospital in Limassol. Near the stop is the central police station and the post office, so it's hard to get lost.

To get to the Millomeris waterfall, you need to go to a stop in village of Pano Platres (Πάνω Πλάτρες) where the path to the waterfall starts. The road from Limassol to Pano Platres takes about an hour, it is better to warn the driver in advance that you want to get off here, and not at the final one. Then the bus goes another 20 minutes to the final stop, which is called Troodos (we don’t need to come here).

We get off the bus in Pano Platres (Πάνω Πλάτρες) - everything is very nice, clean and tidy, signs to the trail are visible:

We turn onto the path to the waterfalls:

Immediately opens a stunning view of the mountains. Here you can see that someone has chosen the peaks of the Troodos and built villas there 🙂

We go down the path, going down to the river Krios Potamos (Κριος Ποταμος). Yes, yes, there are rivers in Cyprus - though not too big, which you will see below 🙂
The name of the river is straightforward and translates as "cold river".

The water in the river is really crystal clear and cold.

The path leading to the Millomeris waterfall is quite clear, the boundaries are recognizable. The forest is not very dense, moss and other vegetation is everywhere:

You can hear the singing of birds, it smells of pines ... The water is icy, transparent:

Having passed along the riverbed along the bottom, it will be necessary to climb up again, to the hill, from where a view of the Troodos opens:

During the time that we spent in Cyprus, we managed to miss the normal forest and trees terribly. In Cyprus, the vegetation is not too high - only in the mountains you can find the forest and pines familiar to us.

We cross this hill and descend to the final part of the route. The path leads us down into the thickets of trees, to where the indistinct rumble of the Millomeris waterfall is already heard.

The route to the Millomeris waterfall is not difficult - there are tourists of the age, families with children along the way. Every 300 meters there are benches where you can relax and take a breath, there are trash cans.

And again villas 🙂

We go down to ourselves Millomeris waterfall. Getting close!

Seeing the waterfall, Kolya immediately jumped over the pebbles towards it.

The water in the waterfall is cold! On the pebbles, you can jump to the very waterfall or walk barefoot through the water.

Sloths can drive directly to the Millomeris waterfall by car, park and walk 200 meters to the waterfall. Many people do just that. But it is much more pleasant and useful to combine a visit to a waterfall with a walk through a pine forest, especially since this does not require a special physical form.
Flora in Troodos:

The entire route to the Millomeris waterfall took us a couple of hours: a leisurely walk along the stream, a photo session at the waterfall, a leisurely climb back.
If you came home by bus, you can take your time: the only return bus from Platres to Limassol leaves at 15:45.
We climbed to the village of Platres when the clock was about one in the afternoon. So we walked around Platres for a bit. Faneromenis church:

If you go up the hill a little from the church, on the right there will be a descent to the Millomeris waterfall, and even higher - the center of Platres. On the right in the photo is the police station.

Platres is a small and cozy village, quite touristy: it is not a traditional mountain village, it has everything for a tourist - several hotels, a tourism office, free toilets, restaurants, taverns. We went into one of them and we had lunch:

Tavern interior:

At the police station in Pano Platres there is a bus stop, from which the bus leaves for Limassol. From Troodos bus 64 starts at 15:30.

Tired and satisfied, we waited for the bus and returned to. In the first half of the day we walked about 14 km, the lion's share of which was taken by a walk along the Troodos 🙂

There are many interesting places hidden in the Troodos mountains: monasteries and waterfalls, abandoned hotels and tiny authentic villages where residents weave the finest lace or make silverware:

And the route to another waterfall in Cyprus:

If we talk about Cyprus, almost everyone will remember the snow-white sandy beaches, steep rocky shores and clear blue sea. But there are more than just beaches on the island. The nature of Cyprus is diverse and this island is beautiful! One of the most beautiful natural phenomena that can be found on the island is mountain waterfalls.

On a hot summer day, there is nothing better than going to the mountains to take a break from the sweltering sun and enjoy the light sound of waterfalls.

Even in the driest summer period, when it seems that everything in Cyprus is scorched by the merciless sun, they do not stop "working", attracting travelers with their energy, as well as the beauty of the nature around them.

About the most beautiful waterfalls Cyprus read below!

Caledonia Waterfall - Caledonia Waterfall

Caledonia Falls is located north of the village of Pano Platres.

The easiest way to get to the waterfall is to make walking tour from a trout farm, which is located near Caledonia, in an area called "Psilo Dendro". By the way, there is an excellent restaurant near the farm. If you decide to dine there, be sure to order their specialty - freshly caught grilled trout. This is delicious!!!

Many believe that Caledonia is the highest waterfall in Cyprus. However, this is not the case; there are representatives of higher levels on the island. For its beauty, Caledonia is considered the most famous and popular waterfall. Ten thousand people pass the trail to its foot every year. The road to the Caledonian Falls evokes images from fairy tales. In my childhood, there would have been the kingdom of Koshchei the Immortal, or, at worst, some kind of Baba Yaga lived here. Modern kids will confidently say that this is a magical forest from the Harry Potter films.

The trail to the waterfall is more equipped for ease of movement. However, I think it is not necessary to say that you need to wear suitable shoes to walk to the waterfall? No need to go to the mountains in high heels, unless your companion is going to carry you all the way in his arms. You still have to jump over stones and climb a steep mountain. But, it should be noted, the road is not so difficult that you cannot easily overcome it and return home safe and sound. What's more, it's worth it! Beautiful views you are provided!

The road to the waterfall goes along the mouth of the river Krios Potamos, whose name means "Cold River" in translation. Here you can also find centuries-old pines, oaks, strawberries and alders. Around untouched by man nature, from this it is even more beautiful! The walk to the waterfall will take about an hour (the distance to the destination is 2 km) and when you suddenly hear the distant sound of water, it means that the waterfall is very close.

Caledonia Waterfall is located 1330 meters above sea level, its height is 13 meters. The waterfall is an integral part of the Cypriot national park Troodos and is under the protection of the government of the Republic of Cyprus.

There are many legends about the origin of the name of the waterfall. Interestingly, Russian-language sites about Cyprus tell a story about how in 1878 a certain nostalgic Scot who visited Platres, at the sight of local beauties, remembered his native Caledonia (as the ancient Romans called Scotland), about which he notified his friends. Hence the name of the waterfall. Who was this Scot and what was his name - history is silent. English sites are either unaware of this version, or do not consider it consistent. They associate the origin of the name Caledonia with ... swallows, supposedly living in the crowns of trees in the area of ​​​​the waterfall. It turns out that chelidon urbica is the Latin name for the city swallow. This is how the chain is built up: chelidon, kelidon, Caledonia… One problem, I have a hard time imagining swallows proudly soaring in the thickets.

By the way, a cat is on duty right at the waterfall. He happily welcomes all the guests of the waterfall! Where he came from in the wilderness, far from human habitation and what he eats, I have no idea. But judging by the round and well-fed muzzle, the life of the little animal is not so bad!

Waterfall Millomeris - Waterfall Millomeris (Καταρράκτης Millomeris)

The largest waterfall in Cyprus is Millomeris. Its height is 15 meters, which is two meters higher than the height of the Caledonia Falls. Millomeris is located on the crystal clear and coldest river Krios Potamos.

The name of the waterfall in translation means "damp place". Although some sources claim that it is so named because of the mill (Millomeris), which used to stand by the waterfall. Until a certain time, the waterfall was not popular among tourists and local residents because the road to it was difficult to access. But, not so long ago, the path to it was cleared, dangerous stones were removed. And at the foot of the waterfall, a bridge was built at all, thanks to which you can conveniently overcome the river bed.

The area around the waterfall is truly a paradise! Here you can sit in the shade of pines and cypresses, admire dense thickets of ivy and other plants. Of the forest dwellers, lizards are most often found, but if you're lucky, you can see a hare, a squirrel, a chameleon, or even a royal eagle.

The most daring can swim in the pond at the foot of the waterfall. By the way, such a swim is very invigorating!

You can get to the Millomeris waterfall either on foot or by car. You can drive up to the waterfall almost by car. However, if you want to visit the waterfall not just “for show” - go only on foot! For everyone who wants to fully enjoy a walk in the mountains, it is best to stay in the same village of Pano Platres. You can get to the waterfall by following the signs - even with all the desire to get lost, it will be very difficult. The descent to the foot of the waterfall is very picturesque. The rocky path in some places goes along the very edge of the cliff, but thanks to the wooden railings it is completely safe there.

Moreover, in particular cool places made wide steps. In general, you can safely walk and admire the nature around you. The path to the waterfall at a quick pace will take about 20 minutes. And if you walk slowly, admiring the magnificent views and taking pictures in the most attractive places, then the descent will take you 40-50 minutes.

The way back up the mountain will be longer, but no less interesting. Going to the waterfall by car, you will spend much less time. True, finding a parking space near the waterfall can be problematic, especially during the peak tourist season. Therefore, it is better to leave the car before reaching it, at the "Dead End" sign. In any case, you still have to walk down a rather steep staircase to the waterfall.

Adonis Baths Waterfall (Kαταρράκτη Άδωνις)

Not far from the village of Kameres, 12 km from Paphos are the Baths of Adonis - a place where, according to legend, Aphrodite met Adonis, and then secretly met until the lovers were separated by Artemis, who learned about the unworthy relationship of the goddess of beauty and sent a ferocious boar to kill Adonis .

The Baths of Adonis is a small fresh lake with a limestone bottom, due to which the water in it becomes a bright blue color. The lake is located surrounded by rocky slopes, one of which flows not big waterfall. The water in the lake remains cool even in the most intense heat, and everything around is immersed in greenery, making this place very beautiful. The road to the waterfall is difficult and winding. To be honest, the last 6 km may seem like real off-road to you! However, do not be afraid, at the end you will find a very impressive sight!)

So, having overcome a difficult path, at the entrance you will be met by an impressive statue of Zeus and a nice owner who will offer to buy tickets - 10 euros for adult visitors. At first, this place may seem unremarkable to you - an ordinary cafe. However, when you get into a miniature but very colorful museum dedicated to the life of the Cypriots, where a lot of old things are collected, it becomes interesting. And finally, behind the museum, the first waterfall opens with sculptures of Greek gods, including Adonis and Aphrodite. Among them there are sculptures of a very erotic content, so, dear parents with children, prepare your answers in advance!)

Among the green thickets hid a carved wooden staircase leading to the second waterfall. Around it are full of flowers, lizards run in the green grass. Amazing view: mountain waterfall with natural pool and crystal clear mountain water. Bright sun plays on the water and forms a rainbow. Virgin greenery, the chirping of birds, the sound of a waterfall - I can say without exaggeration that time stops for this moment! If it were not for the sunbeds located around the pool, one would think that no human foot has set foot here at all. It's very good there! Many, without hesitation, succumb to the temptation to swim here. Emerald-colored water at first seems icy, but then you get used to it and relax! And for those who want to frolic on a tree there is a bungee.

By the way, the Baths or Baths of Adonis are not just an attraction, but also a magical place. This is what the advertising booklet says (the original spelling is preserved!): “Women who bathed in the waterfalls of Adonis become more beautiful, younger, and most importantly, virgins again! Women who touch the male organs of Adonis are sure to get pregnant. So keep in mind!)

There is an amphitheater not far from the parking place. One of the legends says that here, to the Baths of Adonis, Aphrodite fled from the bustle of Olympus. When she was very sad, she sang in this amphitheater, but now only the wind sings in its open spaces. Escape from the city noise here is nice even now. Baths are very beautiful place, a real oasis of silence, little visited by tourists. Here you get the feeling that you have touched the pristine nature.

Waterfall Mesa Potamos-Mesa Potamos Waterfalls

Mesa Potamos waterfall is located in the Troodos mountains, about 4 km east of the village of Platres, in the town of Mesa Potamos, next to the monastery of St. John the Baptist. Nearby is the eponymous picnic spot - Mesa Potamos. Around very beautiful nature, however, as elsewhere in the Troodos. There are few tourists here, mostly locals come to relax from the heat. The secluded waterfall, set back from popular hiking trails, is surrounded by forests that are great for walking.

The name of the waterfall Mesa Potamos comes from the name of the river that forms it, translated from Greek means “internal river”. The waterfall is located at an altitude of 980 meters above sea level. He himself is small, even, probably, the smallest of those that are called waterfalls in Cyprus - only seven meters. But it has a certain charm. Water falls in two or even three stages - as many steps can be counted depending on the strength of the flow.

The road to the waterfall is very short: from the parking lot to the waterfall you have to walk only a hundred or two meters. In general, you definitely will not have time to get tired! But the walk doesn't end there. On the right side of the waterfall, a path leads up. I recommend you take a walk! Climbing up and making your way a little through the thickets, you can see the place where the water falls down. Especially exciting sensations and spectacle will be for those who have a "fear of heights"!)

Mesa Potamos waterfall

On a hot summer day, there is nothing better than going to the mountains to take a break from the sweltering scorching sun and enjoy the light sound of waterfalls. So, we are on our way.

To get acquainted with the Cypriot waterfalls, we start our journey from one of the most famous Cypriot mountain villages (Platres), located at an altitude of 1150 m above sea level.

Even the most sophisticated travelers will be delighted with this beautiful village, which is home to some of the best mountain hotels, pretty houses of the locals, traditional taverns and wineries.

And not far from the village there are waterfalls created by nature itself: Caledonia, Milomeri, Khantara and Mesa Potamos. ! Even in the summer heat, there is coolness and breeze here!

Waterfalls in Cyprus: Caledonia

First we head along the Caledonian trail to the Kaledonia waterfall. It is still not clear why the waterfall was named that way.

It is said that in the 19th century, the landscape near the Cypriot waterfall reminded one tourist from Scotland of his native country, which in the old days was called Caledonia. History has not preserved the name of that Scot, but the name stuck to the waterfall.

There are two ways to get to the waterfall, but the best way to do this is to go up from the main road - from the Psilo Dentro restaurant (translated from Greek as “high tree”), located under the canopy of plane trees. By the way, in the restaurant menu you can find grilled trout, which is bred here on a special farm.

The walk to the waterfall starts along the concrete road: you must follow the sign Kaledonia Falls 2 km. Then a winding path climbs a wooded slope and leads to a majestic handsome waterfall about 13 m high. Caledonia is the most famous waterfall on the island.

During the entire journey, you will enjoy the incredible smells of foliage, lush greenery and mountain air. You will pass along the full-flowing channel of a mountain river and from time to time you will cross it. By the way, to cross the river you will need appropriate shoes.

The local vegetation is extremely diverse. Here you will see hundred-year-old pines and the rarest black poplar, alder and plane tree, juniper and barberry, cistus and wild rose, and even strawberry tree.

It should be noted that the trail is thought out and equipped very well - there is a map showing the path to the waterfall, a bridge over the stream, benches for rest, ladders, signs that will tell travelers about the surrounding vegetation.

And it is so pleasant after a long transition to fall to the mountain water, to wash yourself with life-giving moisture transparent as crystal! You can sit on one of the stones and admire the fish, crabs, listen to the birds singing and the rustle of leaves.

At first it will seem to you that the path is long and tiring, but those who go through it will be gifted with cheerfulness of body and spirit, extraordinary vitality and strength. There must be some magic behind it!

Waterfalls in Cyprus: Milomeri

Well, we return to the village to have a bite to eat in one of the taverns of Platres, take a break and go to the next waterfall, which is considered the highest in Cyprus - Milomeri waterfall.

Locals believe that the waterfall got its name in honor of the mill ("milos" in Greek - "mill"), which was once located in its vicinity.

There are two paths leading to the waterfall. The first one - a little over 1200 m - takes half an hour and starts 100 meters from the Faneromeni church in the village of Pano Platres. The path goes through the forest, which shares with travelers its coolness, silence and tranquility, occasionally disturbed by the singing of forest birds.

But since we have already walked enough, we choose another option. The second way can be done to the waterfall by car: from the village of Pera Pedi (Pera Pedi) we drive about 4 km towards Platres, or the same amount from Pano Platres towards Moniatis (Moniatis) along the main road Limassol - Platres and turn up at the Neromilos restaurant .

As soon as the brown sign for Milomeri appears (be very careful, it is easy to miss), you must proceed in the indicated direction. The path will lead you to a dead end, where you need to leave the car, and then go a few meters to the left to a long, steep staircase.

The waterfall is not yet visible from here, it is hidden behind high jagged rocky cliffs, which are washed by the mountain river Krios Potamos. As soon as the bridge across the river ends, mighty roots of ancient trees begin to peep out from behind the rock, similar to magical trees from fairy tales.

And here we are at the waterfall! The realm of coolness, dampness and shade fascinates people with its unsolved natural beauty. We are approaching mountain waterfall and we see how the water rushes freely, squeezed by heavy rocks, beats with great force on slippery stones, and splashes from the water scatter in millions of droplets, forming a rainbow.

We scoop up cold water and refresh our faces, they say that some lovers even stand under the icy jets of the waterfall, which greets the long-awaited guests with a noise!

Milomeri is perfect for photo shoots, so those who come here are sure to take cameras and strive to capture the pristine beauty of these places.

Well, we, a little tired during the day, go to spend the night in the village of Platres.

Here you can find different accommodation options: from modest apartments to 3-4 * hotels (the cost of accommodation in a hotel is 70-100 euros per room).

On the way, we stop at the one we love, whose owner Gabriela hospitably welcomes tired travelers. By the way, if you get to this restaurant, be sure to order a great pork knuckle cooked according to old recipes.

So our first day of traveling through the waterfalls came to an end. Tomorrow we will go to the last two - the noisiest Khantara and the smallest Mesa Potamos.

The Millomeris waterfall is formed by the coldest river in Cyprus - Krios Potamos, which is translated from Greek as "Cold River". The crystal clear water of this river falls down from a height of 15 meters, forming the highest waterfall on the island. Previously, the road to the waterfall was difficult, which negatively affected its popularity for many years. However, recently the approach to the waterfall was cleared, massive stones that interfered with tourists were removed from the paths, and the riverbed can now be crossed by a bridge.

There are two versions of the origin of the name Millomeris: according to the first, the name of the waterfall comes from the Greek phrase meaning “wet place”, according to the second, the waterfall is named after the mill that was once in its vicinity.

Pines, cypresses, ivy, immortelle, the Cypriot variety of aster and other beautiful plants grow in this area. Various birds flutter from branch to branch, such as dippers, tits, jays, blackbirds and crested crows. Bright lizards bask on the stones, in the rays of the sun, if you are lucky, you will see a chameleon, a squirrel, a hare, or even admire the smooth flight of a royal eagle.