Where to go to relax in the summer where they love Russians. So where are those cherished places where the sun is brighter, the liver is healthier, nature is more beautiful (because there are no Russians)? Weather map of Russia

Where will the Russians go to rest in 2019? The period plans to become revolutionary in the world of tourism. After all, two of the most anticipated tourist destinations have disappeared from the market - Turkey and of course.

Although, judging by the latest news, they plan to open Egypt as early as May of this year, and many tourists do not even think of relaxing in Russia, everyone is waiting for news from Egypt.

Also, it is worth noting that the situation is changing for the better, for example, Kazakhstan is already deciding to resume flights to Egypt, who is next in line? I don't think Russia will keep you waiting long.

As for statistics, analysts can only guess and make predictions - how the flow of those wishing to spend their long-awaited vacation away from work and fuss will be redistributed.

By the way, I recently met my sister-in-law, who also maintains his own blog about tourism and is looking for ways - solutions for inexpensive vacation destinations, here is his website - uznaju.com. If you have a free minute, then go to visit him, I personally found a lot of interesting and new things for myself.

by the king beach holiday this year, no doubt, will be Cyprus. There are many reasons for this: mild climate, great beaches, great amount attractions, cuisine that can surprise even gourmets, and most importantly, the low cost of tours.

Cyprus is perhaps the only European destination that fits into the same price category as Turkey, beloved by Russian tourists.

As in previous years, resorts in Bulgaria do not lose their popularity. This camp is especially close to the Russians both in terms of mentality and because of the lack of a language barrier.

Many locals not only understand, but also speak our native language quite well. In addition to this, there is a constantly developing infrastructure, a high level of service, a pleasant climate and the opportunity not only to lie on the beach, but also to make “excursions”. Bulgaria is rich not only in sands and sun, but also in sights.

And, of course, another reason to go to Bulgaria is the opportunity to taste the legendary local wine.

Judging by the statistics of visits to foreign countries by Russians in recent years, it can be noted that among Russian tourists is becoming more and more popular.

This year, interest in it will obviously increase even more. This is a good opportunity to go to the very heart of Europe, feel its atmosphere, enjoy the Adriatic coast surrounded by mountains (almost the same as in Italy) and at the same time save a decent amount.

Montenegro is deservedly one of the ten most budgetary destinations, but at the same time the quality of rest does not suffer at all.

And, of course, Russia, the current situation in tourism market forced many to pay attention to the undeservedly forgotten domestic resorts.

Fortunately, the list of them with the annexation of the Crimea has expanded significantly. And do not think that since Soviet times the situation in the Black Sea and Azov coasts changed little.

Today, modern hotel complexes have grown here, the level of development of infrastructure and service is not much inferior to the same Turkish one. And in terms of the number of attractions, our resorts can not only catch up with any country, but also easily overtake.

I’ll make a reservation right away: the phrase “Where to go on vacation abroad” implies that the rest should be rich and varied. Otherwise, it's better to buy a box of vodka and drill into the country: it will be cheaper, but the effect is the same.

So, we have considered the point "Nowhere". And now - about where to go on vacation abroad in 2019.

Many now, due to the economic crisis, the fall of the ruble and the growth of the dollar, are refusing to foreign tours. Some people do this because they can't really afford a holiday abroad in 2019. But many refuse to travel only because they do not know where to go on vacation abroad on a budget. But there are many such places! And in this article we will consider three of them - the cheapest, in my opinion (we do not take Belarus into account).

Since we are talking about 2019, when we will consider only those cities and countries where you can travel inexpensively. I present to you three places where to go on vacation abroad in 2019 and not go broke.

Where to go cheap abroad in 2019? In this photo - one of the options described below.

Option 1: Thailand, Pattaya

One of the advantages of Pattaya is the low prices for food, transport, souvenirs, etc. You can see this by reading the article. Another difference between Pattaya is that from many regions of Russia it is often cheaper to fly here on your own than as part of a package tour.

And to the question “Where to go on vacation from Pattaya”, the answer is unequivocal - to the island of Koh Lan! Pictured is one of the best beaches islands, Tien Beach.

Here is what a cursory search on booking systems showed:

Where to go on vacation abroad? Option 2: Laos, Vang Vieng

You may not have heard that in this incomprehensible country you can relax in a civilized way. But for me, the answer to the question “where to go on vacation abroad at the current ruble exchange rate” is unequivocal: to Laos! And it’s not only about the exchange rate, it’s not in vain that this country has long been chosen by tourists from Europe, America and South Korea. Yes, Laos has two serious disadvantages:

1. The absence of the sea.
2. It's hard to get there directly.

But this country also has two main advantages:

1. Very beautiful nature.
2. Very low prices.

But if you want to see this beautiful nature, you don’t have to go to the capital of the country, Vientiane -. Go to the village of Vang Vieng, which is two hundred kilometers from the capital. And you can do this without stopping by Vientiane. You can get to Vang Vieng on a budget like this: buy cheap flights in Bangkok, take a bus to the northern Thai town of Nong Khai or Udon Thani, from where there are direct buses to Vang Vieng. Yes, the path is not easy, but believe me: it's worth it! Here are a couple of photos of Vang Vieng in confirmation:

Where to go on vacation abroad in 2019 after Turkey and Thailand? Of course, in Vang Vieng! Only there you can swim in this amazing lagoon ...

…and live in hotel with such a beautiful view for mere pennies!

Prices hotels in Vang Vieng not at all high: for $ 15 per day you can rent an excellent room with a view of the river and dragon mountains of unearthly beauty. You can choose a hotel in Vang Vieng on different booking systems:

Entertainment in Vang Vieng is also worth a penny. For example, kayaking for the whole day on mountain rivers against the backdrop of amazing landscapes costs only $12! But I won’t paint for a long time, because we have a separate article about. By the way, with regard to food, in Laos for a Russian tourist it is even more familiar than Thai. The French colonialists taught them to love rolls and other European food, which they cook with pleasure and sell for mere pennies. Welcome to Laos friends!

Where to go on vacation abroad? Option 3: Turkey, Antalya

For many, Turkey has always been a country of “seal” relaxation by the pool or on a hotel beach. But in times of crisis, Turkey becomes one of the places where even those for whom a vacation is a real journey, rich and varied, can go on vacation abroad. After all, Turkey is very interesting country, if you go beyond the limits of the olinklusive. Have you seen the mountains in Turkey? And the waterfalls? What about ancient cities? If not, then it's time to discover this wonderful country! You can get to Turkey not only on a package tour: you can find Cheap flights from Moscow to Antalya dollars for 300-400 for two round trip, the hotel can be found through the booking system.

More about independent travel to Turkey - in our articles:

In addition, prices in Turkey for Russians are very reasonable. After all, the exchange rate of the Turkish lira, like the ruble, has also fallen sharply recently. Therefore, if in the same Thailand, in terms of rubles, prices have doubled, then in Turkey - by 30 percent. Why not an argument in favor of Turkey when answering the question “Where to go on vacation abroad at the current ruble exchange rate?”

The list of countries where they do not like tourists from Russia has been expanded in recent years. At the same time, residents of those places that are becoming more and more popular with Russians as resorts have joined the ranks of Russophobes. Due to the bad behavior of some compatriots abroad, the stereotypical thinking of the "owners" and differences in cultures, Russian tourists may encounter rudeness and aggression on vacation from the host.

the Baltic States. Once in the Baltic States, you will surely notice that the judgments about Russia and Russians contained in the local media reflect the opinion of ordinary citizens much more than is commonly believed. The image of Russia as an occupying country, which has been imposed on the Balts for about 20 years, has become firmly entrenched in the minds of young people and is perceived extremely negatively. So, a Russian who decides to relax in Lithuania, Latvia or Estonia may run into rudeness and rudeness. It will be better for you if you do not know local languages ​​- save your nerves. It is especially not recommended to know how "Russian pig" sounds in Latvian, Estonian or Lithuanian. “A friend who lives in Riga, seething with anger, voiced to me the comments of Latvians made to us in the expectation that we are both Russian tourists and do not know the language,” says Anna. smiled."

In order to be served not least in local restaurants and cafes, it is best to communicate with each other in English, it is advised experienced tourists From Russia. Speaking in Russian, you run the risk of waiting for your order for an arbitrarily long time. "We were traveling on the Moscow-Vilnius train. When our turn came up in the dining car at the bar counter, the bartender began to serve the Estonian standing behind us, and both he and she showed with all their appearance that it could not be otherwise," says Irina.

Ukraine, more precisely - its western part. No matter how much you try to speak to the hotel staff or the waiter in Russian, nothing will come of it, they will still answer you in Ukrainian - out of principle. No one here believes that a Russian tourist really may not know what black cava is. “I didn’t manage to communicate with the waiters,” says Aleksey. “They didn’t react at all to my Russian remarks. Orders had to be made through my Kiev friend. requests made in Russian.

In Lviv, there is a thriving restaurant "Kryivka" dedicated to the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA). There are posters of anti-Soviet and anti-Semitic content on the walls, and the names of the dishes on the menu will not make every Russian appetite: fried crucian carp "Moskaliki drunk crucian", buckwheat "Wehrmacht weekdays", cocoa "Stepan Bandera's Childhood". But in order to be able to see the interior of "Kryivka" and get acquainted with the menu, you need to know the password to enter the institution - the organizational greeting of a member of the Bandera movement "glory to Ukraine" (in response - "glory to the heroes"). After a successful exchange of code words, the guard will require you to swear that you are not a Muscovite or a communist.

If during the day the health of a Russian tourist in Lviv, by and large, is not in danger, then at night you can run into ill-wishers on a national basis anywhere - even on Lvovsky Square opera house. An ill-wisher can be recognized by the loud exclamation of "Moskals to knives!", And it's better not to wait for what will follow him. “We were almost beaten up in the very center of Lvov just because we are Russians. Militant young people, hearing Russian speech, ran up to us, began shouting obscenities in broken Russian, offered to fight, accompanying their proposal with active gestures - so that we Apparently, they understood, - says Aleksey. - They fell behind when they found out that there were Ukrainians in our company - they decided to let us go in peace."

Turkey. The more holidays in this country are gaining popularity among Russian tourists, the less local residents are happy about their arrival. This is especially true for the female part of the population. Due to the flourishing sex tourism in the country, women of Slavic appearance are increasingly faced with the hostility of Turkish women. Turkish men are more supportive of Russian women, but they say about men that they do not understand what a family is, therefore they allow women to behave loosely. The Turks often make claims to the Russians that have already become commonplace: love for alcohol and fights, inability to behave at the "Swedish" table. But there are also more original statements. "My wife doesn't like Russians, she says they all have AIDS," a Turk selling souvenirs in a hotel shop told a Russian tourist. “After that, the interlocutor hastened to assure me that this was nonsense, and he, of course, does not believe in this,” says Evgenia.

France, Courchevel b. Interest in ski resort Russian Courchevel began to wake up a few years after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Russian tourists of that time from the current visitors of this prestigious resort, of course, are strikingly different. But despite the fact that Russian oligarchs Those who come to the Alps today are sophisticated, educated people with good taste, the French do not favor them and do not want to be next to them during their holidays. Actually, no one wants to coexist with the Russians during the "Russian seasons" in Courchevel. The behavior of wealthy Russians seems to Europeans too outrageous and even indecent. In January 2007, billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov was arrested at the fashionable Byblos hotel in the company of 7 women on suspicion of organizing a pimping network. True, then all charges against Prokhorov were dropped and they apologized for the detention, the French failed to prove the obscenity of the actions of Russian tourists. However, they still do not favor Russians, because they all wear T-shirts with the inscription Russia, every restaurant has a menu in Russian, and pickles are served with vodka ordered at the bar without any questions. “And my French husband never ceases to wonder: where do they get so much money from?!” says Daria, who has been living in Paris for 10 years.

For the period between the New Year and Orthodox Christmas, as well as at the beginning of March, the British and the French themselves have to postpone their holidays in the French Alps. “The French say that they have nothing to do there during the Russian seasons, and they sigh with nostalgia,” says Daria. “They believe that the Russians have taken Courchevel away from them, and they cannot forgive them for that.”

True, there is a small part of the French who are happy with the massive influx of Russians. This is the service staff, gratefully remembering our compatriots because of the colossal tips.

India, Goa. It looks like Russian tourists have fallen out of favor at their favorite resort. Goa's tourist honeymoon with Russia is over, The Times of India stated in February. Tourist visas for Russians are either expired or extended for a small bribe. Russians doing business in Goa, committing crimes, attacking local residents and similar behavior terrify Indians and scare away tourists from other countries - endanger the well-being of the state's tourism industry, the newspaper writes. “We never had problems before with the British, Germans, Scandinavians or even hippies from the 70s,” George Fernandez, president of the Goa Tourist Taxi Association, was quoted as saying. “The Russians come and eat our bread. car at the airport of their compatriots and do it under the guise of taking their friends. What, friends come to visit them every week?!" Russian tourists are representatives of the lower classes of society, they are hostile in nature, according to Goa. The firms they set up in Goa do not pay taxes, and the Russians not only engage in crime themselves, but also provide a convenient environment for Indian criminals. Indian politicians do not deny that they once benefited from tourists from Russia, but they note that they have lost even more. And local residents say that they will not tolerate the hostile attacks of the Russians, and promise to pay them the same coin.

Russians are actively developing foreign resorts. According to the official statistics of Rostourism, in the first 9 months of 2011, 11 million 370,000 Russians went abroad for vacations. This is 11% more than in the same period in 2010. Data on departure throughout 2011, Rostourism has not yet calculated.

But such information has already been prepared by the countries where the Russians went. most popular tourist destination the Russians have Turkey and it is unlikely that any state will be able to compete with it in the near future.

According to official statistics from the Turkish Ministry of Tourism, in 2011, 2,714,960 Russians visited the country. For comparison, in 2010, 2.4 million Russians visited Turkey for tourism purposes. Interestingly, the Russians in Turkey for the first time in history overtook the Germans in terms of the number of vacationers. The gap, however, is small - only 400 people, but the Turks assure that this trend satisfies them. In the end, the Russians, even taking into account their beloved all inclusive spend on vacation much more than the Germans.

In second place in popularity among Russians is entrenched Spain, which in 2011 was visited by 918,573 guests from Russia. According to the Spanish Institute for Tourism Research, the tourist flow from Russia increased by 41.8% compared to 2010.

Catalonia remains the most popular region among Russians - it received almost 60% of the total tourist flow (495,000 people). Over 100,000 Russians (12%) accepted Canary Islands followed by the Balearic Islands (85,300 tourists) and Andalusia (60,200).

Closes the top three France. And although the official annual statistics have not yet been calculated there, the French tourist office EUROMAG assured that the number of Russians in 2011, according to preliminary data, increased by 20%. Given that in 2010 France was visited by 680,000 guests from Russia, therefore, last year the tourist flow exceeded 800,000 people.

This is much more than, for example, in Italy, where the official statistics of visits have been calculated so far for only 9 months - during this time 465,268 Russians arrived. Compared to the same period in 2010, the growth was 29%. According to the results of the whole year, based on trends, they allow Italy to gain a foothold in fourth position.

But some Italian regions showed record figures for the growth of Russians. For example, 43% more Russians visited Florence in 2011 than in 2010. And the growth of Russian tourist flow to Venice amounted to 45%.

Fourth place Italy can share with Czech Republic, which was visited by 569,961 Russians for the whole year. Last year, the flow of tourists from the Russian Federation to the Czech Republic increased significantly: if in 2010 this country was visited by 413,756 Russians, then by the end of 2011 their number increased by 156,000. The growth was almost 38%.

Following the Czechs Austria, for which last year was a record year for Russian guests. As the magazine was told EUROMAG at the tourist office of Austria, 400,396 Russians visited the Alpine republic last year, which is 31% more than a year earlier. And the number of overnight stays increased by 25.6%, exceeding 1.5 million.

The Austrians especially note that Russians are much more likely to visit Austria in the summer than before. For example, the number of overnight stays in Vienna in the summer months increased by 30.4%, but Tyrol showed the largest increase - 31.1% more Russians visited this federal land for the entire year.

Currently, Russia ranks 11th among other countries in terms of the number of overnight stays in Austria.

AT Greece Russians began to travel more by almost 37%. The record-breaking country in terms of the speed of issuing Schengen visas to Russians (2-3 days) received 380,729 Russian tourists last year (sixth line).

On the heels of Greece comes the eternal competitor - Cyprus. During the year, more than 330,000 Russian citizens visited the island, which is almost 100,000 more than in 2010.

Currently, the Russian market for Cyprus is the second largest after Great Britain and, as the Cypriots say, in recent years it has “grown by leaps and bounds”. By comparison, less than 100,000 Russians visited Cyprus in 2005. Tourist organization Cyprus predicts that in 2012 the number of Russian guests will exceed 400,000 people.

Russians hold the second place in terms of the number of tourists in Estonia- the first line with a huge margin is occupied by the Finns. According to the Estonian Department of Statistics, 203,204 tourists from Russia visited the country last year. But at the same time, if the growth of the tourist flow from Finland was only 1% (841,000 Finns visited Estonia), then the growth of Russians is 43%, and compared to 2009 - 116%.

There are more Russians by 11% in Croatia- the Balkan state was visited by about 190,000 people who made more than 1.6 million overnight stays (+8%).

And closes the top ten Switzerland, which received 179,168 tourists from Russia last year, which is 14% more than in 2010. And the number of overnight stays increased by 10% to 513,700, reported EUROMAG at the Swiss Tourist Office. For comparison, the growth of the tourist flow from Russia to Switzerland in 2010 was only 3%, and in the crisis year of 2009 there was a decline of 0.5%.

However, to press Switzerland can United Kingdom, which received 158,000 Russians in three quarters. Preliminary data for 2011 will be published in April, the magazine was promised EUROMAG at the Russian office of Visit Britain. In 2010, the United Kingdom received 170,000 Russians in 12 months.

Following the United Kingdom Norway which grew by 8%. Almost 90,000 Russians visited the Scandinavian country, according to the SSB (Statistical Central Bureau), who made 186,832 overnight stays. However, the increase in tourist flow from Russia to Norway in 2011 was significantly less than in 2010, when it increased immediately by 18% compared to 2009.

The growth of the tourist flow in Belgium amounted to 33.1% - more than 84,000 Russians visited it during the year.

Added and Slovakia: the growth of the tourist flow there amounted to almost 30%. The number of Russian tourists increased from 21,425 to 27,776 people, who made 105,242 overnight stays in the country (33% more than in 2010). The average number of days that Russians began to spend in Slovakia also increased slightly - from 3.7 to 3.8.

The leader in the growth of tourist flow from Russia was Albania. As the Albanian ambassador to Russia Sokol Gioka said at a press conference in Moscow, the flow of tourists from Russia to his country in 2011 increased by 70% - up to 8,000 people.

Germany, according to the German Tourist Office, in 2011, almost 20% more Russians were visited than a year ago. They could not give absolute figures, but they assured that Russia was among the top ten in terms of the number of tourists, after Holland, Switzerland, the USA, Great Britain, Italy, Austria, France, Belgium and Denmark. And in terms of growth dynamics, Russia ranks sixth, following Brazil (23%), India (22%), China (21%), Poland (22%) and Hungary (21%).

Hungary in terms of the number of overnight stays made by Russians, it added 21% - 432,715. Interestingly, the Russians set an absolute record in the last month of the year: the number of nights spent by tourists from Russia in December amounted to 26,510, which is 52.7% more. The most visited region in Hungary was Budapest, where Russians spent 255,612 (+13.5%) overnight stays.

The Russians set records in Ireland- for 9 months of 2011, 1215 Russians visited the Emerald Isle for the purpose of tourism, which is 40% more than in the whole of 2010. Apparently, the simplification of the visa regime had an effect (since July, Ireland has been allowing Russians on a British visa).

But at the same time, it is interesting that much more Irish tourists visited Russia - in the first nine months of last year, 5591 Irish tourists visited Russia (an increase of 21%).

The Russians are actively preparing for the holiday season. What directions will be popular this year and how much will it cost summer rest learned from the experts.

Yulia Domracheva, PR-manager Aviasales:

This summer Russians will traditionally have a rest at our resorts - Sochi, Crimea, Anapa. Profitable flights from Moscow to Sochi are now available from 6 thousand rubles. in both directions at the beginning of June. It is also cheaper to fly to Crimea in June - tickets cost from 7 thousand rubles. round trip.

From foreign destinations, we single out Tivat, Barcelona, ​​Burgas, Thessaloniki, Rome, Prague and Tbilisi. Tivat and Burgas are comparable in terms of the cost of the flight - from 13.5 thousand rubles. It is easy to find tickets to Barcelona from 11 thousand rubles. with a transfer, direct flights will cost at least 17 thousand rubles. It is cheaper to fly to Thessaloniki with a transfer in Athens, for example, tickets for August cost from 9200 rubles. Rome and Prague are popular at any time of the year, but in summer tickets are more expensive than in other seasons - from 10 thousand rubles. and of course with a transfer, since direct flights can be bought from 14 thousand. Tbilisi is also in demand all year round, and for the summer tickets are available from 10 thousand rubles. with a change in Baku.

Natalia Kharitonova, Head of Content Marketing at Travelata:

Top 5 holiday destinations in 2017: Turkey, Greece, Cyprus, Tunisia, Bulgaria. For comparison, in 2016 - Russia, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, Spain. It is important to note that Turkey is almost half booked for 5 stars, as the prices of even luxury hotels are now very tolerable, besides, Turkey was expected all last summer.

For the current period, 57% more tours have been booked for the summer than last year for the same period. The average check is still higher than last year.

By country - this year Turkey is in first place - 25% of all applications for the summer. Average bill - 84,000 rubles. for two, including flights and accommodation. Then Greece - 118 thousand rubles, Cyprus - 97 thousand rubles, Tunisia - 76 thousand rubles. and Bulgaria - 78 thousand rubles.

If you look at the minimum cost of the tour, then, for example, in Turkey you can buy a ticket for two for a week starting from 40,000 rubles. (Alanya, all inclusive, June, for August - about the same prices), Greece, starting from 45,000 rubles. (August - 55,000 rubles).

Maxim Pichugin, CEO"Turtle Insurance":

Analyzing customer requests, we can already say with confidence that the European coast will be a priority for Russians mediterranean sea. Greece, Cyprus, Spain and Italy demonstrate good demand dynamics. The number of tours booked by Russians online increased by 30% in 2016. The forecast for the current year is even more optimistic.

Our fellow citizens miss the all-inclusive offers and 5-star service. The economy in the country is recovering after the crisis period, and despite the political situation, Turkey and Egypt (if they open) will again become leaders in 2017.

The cost of a package tour and a trip organized on your own can vary several times. But the range of services will also be different. The cost of package tours to Egypt and Turkey today starts from 15-20 thousand rubles. per person. In the UAE - a little more expensive - from 30 thousand rubles. The cost of a holiday in Turkey, issued through online services, starts from 10 thousand rubles. For 50 thousand rubles. you can relax in the all-inclusive option.

Rodion Kadyrov, Head of Internet Marketing at MyLinker:

We compare the number of applications with last year and see that Abkhazia and Krasnodar region. In Crimea, everything is like in 2016: they go on vacation already in April and until the end of summer.

The popularity of Abkhazia can be explained by the low price of accommodation - it is really possible to find housing with a payment of 300 rubles. for a person. Wealthier travelers go to Sochi, because after the Olympics, the cost of accommodation has increased several times.

Alexey Baraev, head of Alpissimo:

We are seeing an avalanche-like growth in demand for hiking in the Alps. Tourists are attracted by trekking - a recreational format that they themselves call "unbanal". The trekking season in the Alps is summer and September, and most bookings are traditionally made between April and July. This year, already in January and February, we see an increase in bookings by 387% compared to 2016, which was very successful. The cost of weekly trips varies from 37 to 53 thousand rubles.

Lyubov Yakubovskaya, Deputy Director, Wildlife Conservation Center:

If we are still talking not only about popular, but also about exotic, new directions, then we must mention the Arctic. State forces are thrown into the promotion of this direction, and this can give a real influx of tourists along the Arctic routes. We, as environmentalists, urge future tourists to be responsible in relation to the visited natural objects. The northern nature has a very modest "margin of safety", it is easy to break it, but almost impossible to restore it. And the places there are interesting, unusual.