Foreign tours for pensioners. Campaign for pensioners on tours to the Czech Republic, Italy, Hungary and Slovakia

When making a tour to the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia, pensioners are provided with free visa!

In the cost of any tour for pensioners chosen by you for arrivals
(departures only on Tuesdays and Sundays) includes:

  • Flight on the route Moscow-Karlovy Vary-Moscow
  • Transfer Karlovy Vary/airport - hotel - Karlovy Vary/airport
  • Accommodation in a hotel of the selected category (from 15 days / 14 nights)
  • Fuel surcharge
  • Visa - For a present!
  • Treatment and medical examination (for HBT, FBT - from 14 to 24 procedures)
  • Medical insurance - no copays for any age

Tours worth from 1400 euros to the resorts of the Czech Republic participate in the promotion for pensioners: Karlovy Vary, Marianske Lazne, Jachymov, Frantiskovy Lazne, Teplice, Hungary and Slovakia

TOUR FOR PENSIONERS IN SLOVAKIA to the resort DUDINCY "Let's help the heart and joints"

TOUR for pensioners to Italy "Healing waters of Montecatini Terme"

Tour operator PRIMA STRADA regularly holds special promotions and tours for pensioners to various countries and resorts. A special program has been developed to support the social strata of the population and for the sanatorium treatment of pensioners. Medical tours for pensioners are designed not only with an affordable price. but also, first of all, taking into account a set of medical procedures. The favorable period of the year and contraindications for treatment are also taken into account.

Tour Managers:

In Europe, tours for pensioners have long become popular. Not rare in Moscow and other major cities we can meet grandparents from Europe walking around. Why is it not so developed in our country, and what are tours for pensioners? Tours for pensioners are not just tourist trips, they are whole interest clubs. Here people get to know each other before the trip, learn more about each other during the trip and remain good friends after it; make more friends, broaden your horizons and enjoy life. Usually, when traveling with groups of pensioners, there is a guide-interpreter who follows them and helps in every possible way during the most interesting tours. For pensioners, an accompanying guide becomes not just an employee of the company, but a real friend, and in most cases a son or grandson. During such tours, our pensioners reveal themselves from different sides, they begin to feel young and cheerful again.

Which countries are the most comfortable for the elderly?

For a seaside holiday, countries with a mild climate, such as Montenegro, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Spain, are most comfortable. For interesting excursion programs suitable all of Europe in spring or autumn: France, Germany, Italy, Great Britain, Austria, Switzerland, Holland, Ireland. Perfect for seniors all year round medical resorts Slovenia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Israel, etc.

At what time of the year and at what cost are these tours sold?

Tours for pensioners are designed so that during the trip there are maximum discounts on accommodation, flights, etc., usually this happens out of season. At this time, tours are planned, when most pensioners can afford the trip.

For some tours it is possible to select a couple! Check information with our managers!

Tour for pensioners from Moscow to Italy with excursions!

The price includes: flight Moscow-Rimini-Moscow, transfers according to the program, hotel accommodation, breakfast meals, medical insurance covering 30,000 USD, assistant.

Excursions: ROME or VENICE to choose from, SAN MARINO.

Price from 29 900 per person!

Tour for pensioners to Israel

various dates for the 2018 season!

Hotel: 4*, half board

Included in cost:

Medical insurance;

Accommodation for the entire period, taking into account the specified type of food and accommodation;

Air travel;

Transport and excursion services according to the tour program.

Group tour to Jerusalem.

Group tour to Jerusalem and Bethlehem

Tel Aviv group tour

Price from 85,000 rubles per person for 7 nights

Tour for pensioners to Malta!

Arrival dates in 2018 on Fridays!

Travel program
1 day Departure from Moscow by regular flight airlines Air Malta.
Arrival to Malta. Meeting with a Russian speaking guide. Transfer to the hotel, accommodation, free time.
2 day Breakfast in the hotel.
Free time.
3 day Breakfast in the hotel.
Free time.
13:00 - Excursion to Valletta - a city built by the knights of the Order of Malta. The Barracca Gardens with bastions, gardens and panoramic views of the Grand Harbor, the Cathedral of St. John, which houses the paintings of Caravaggio and houses a museum with a rare collection of Flemish tapestries, as well as the Palace of the Grand Master.
Free time.
Day 4 Breakfast in the hotel.
09:00 - excursion to Mdina - the medieval capital of Malta - the city of silence and antiquity, the birthplace of aristocrats and traditions. Ancient ancestral houses, castles, St. Paul's Cathedral, the narrow streets of the city and a panoramic view of Malta from the bastions of the city.
Free time.
Day 5 Breakfast in the hotel.
09:00 - excursion to the Three cities - Vittoriosa, Cospicua and Senglea, the cities located on the three capes of the Grand Harbor and surrounded by a common fortification line and internal fortification walls. The three cities are the only ones in Europe surrounded by two rows of walls. This is the Palace of the Inquisitor and the Maritime Museum, the Church Immaculate Conception and the Vedetta hexagonal watchtower in Seglea, the symbol of Malta.
Free time.
Day 6 Breakfast in the hotel. Free time.
Day 7 Breakfast in the hotel. Free time.
Check out from the hotel, transfer to the airport.
Departure to Moscow on a regular flight of Air Malta.

Prices are calculated PER PERSON(Currency: Euro)

Included in cost:

Additionally paid:

Tour for pensioners from Moscow to Greece: special prices from 25,000 rubles per person for arrivals in May!

Tour for pensioners to Israel (one of the many options)!

Arrival dates:any day of the week
Excursions according to the program: Jerusalem city of 3 religions or Christian Jerusalem, Christian Galilee: Nazareth, Tiberias, Jordan River, Unknown Israel + Diamond Exchange

Tour program:

1 daymeeting at Ben Gurion airport in the meeting room. Moving and registration in Netanya, accommodation, rest

2 dayJourney: Undiscovered Israel(gift from the Diamond Exchange): Visit to the Church of St. Nicodemus and Joseph, the only painting in the world by Titian's Descent from the Cross. Visiting the Haroun Al Rashid Pool. (If you wish, you can ride boats inside the cave). Visiting the Church and the grave of St. George the Victorious. Visit to the Diamond Exchange.

3 dayexcursion according to the scheduleJerusalem city of 3 religions OR Christian Jerusalem: Mount Zion: the tomb of King David and the Room of the Last Supper. Old city, Wall of Tears. Panorama of Jerusalem. Way of the Cross (five last stops of the Way of the Cross). Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

Day 4 free day : those who wish can order additional excursions from a representative.

Day 5 excursion Galilee Christian: Valley of Armageddon. Nazareth: Church of the Annunciation. The village of Canna of Galilee. Jordan River: place of baptism. Kinneret, Tiberias. Mount of Beatitudes (the place of the Sermon on the Mount is an overview). Tabgha: Temple of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes.

6-7 days free days on the beach mediterranean sea. Additional order on request. excursions with a representative on the spot.

Day 8 departure to Ben Gurion airport, departure.

price from 60 000/pers.

Included in the price:flight, group transfers according to the program, group tours according to the program, accommodation and meals according to the program, honey. insurance

These are just a few of the many options offered by our travel agency Bellmare.

We are waiting for you in our office, we will find you the tour of your dreams. For pensioners we have maximum discounts and an individual approach!

Do you want to know the secret perfect holiday? Do you want to avoid mistakes that can ruin your trip? Fill out the form and get information prepared by our experts on how to make your vacation serene!

Consent to the processing of personal data

I hereby, being the Customer of the tourist services included in the tourist product and an authorized representative of the persons (tourists) specified in the Application, give my consent to the Agent and his authorized representatives to process my data and the data of the persons (tourists) contained in the Application: surname, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport data indicated in the passport; address of residence and registration; home and mobile phone; E-mail address; as well as any other data relating to my personality and the identity of the persons specified in the Application, to the extent necessary for the implementation and provision of tourist services, including those that are part of the tourist product formed by the Tour Operator, for any action (operation) or set of actions ( operations) performed with my personal data and data of persons specified in the Application, including (without limitation) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as the implementation of any other actions provided for by applicable law Russian Federation, with the use of automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such tools, if the processing of personal data without the use of such tools corresponds to the nature of the actions (operations) performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, it allows in accordance with a given algorithm, the search for personal data recorded on a material carrier and contained in file cabinets or other systematized collections of personal data, and / or access to such personal data, as well as for the transfer (including cross-border) of this personal data to the Tour Operator and third parties - partners of the Agent and the Tour Operator.

The processing of personal data is carried out by the Agent and his authorized representatives (Tour operator and direct service providers) in order to fulfill this agreement (including, depending on the terms of the agreement, in order to formalize travel documents, booking rooms in accommodation facilities and with carriers, transferring data to the consulate of a foreign state, resolving claim issues if they arise, providing information to authorized state bodies (including at the request of courts and internal affairs bodies)).

I hereby confirm that the personal data transferred by me to the Agent are reliable and can be processed by the Agent and his authorized representatives.

I hereby give my consent to the Agent and the Tour Operator to send me e-mails/information messages to the e-mail address and/or mobile phone number provided by me.

I hereby confirm that I have the authority to provide personal data of the persons specified in the Application, and I undertake to reimburse the Agent for any costs associated with my lack of appropriate authority, including losses associated with the sanctions of the inspection authorities.

I agree (to) that the text given by me of my own free will, in my interests and in the interests of the persons specified in the Application, consent to the processing of personal data is stored in in electronic format in the database and / or on paper and confirms the fact of consent to the processing and transfer of personal data in accordance with the above provisions and takes responsibility for the accuracy of the provision of personal data.

This consent is given for an indefinite period and can be revoked at any time by me, and in terms of a particular person, the subject of personal data specified in the Application, by the specified person, by sending a written notification to the Agent by mail.

I hereby confirm that my rights, as a subject of personal data, have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

I hereby confirm that the consequences of withdrawing this consent have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

This Consent is an annex to this Application.

If you have reached retirement age, this does not mean at all that your life is over and nothing more interesting and exciting simply awaits you. On the contrary, it is at this moment in time that all doors will open before you, as you will have more free time and, of course, opportunities to realize your desires. That is why such a topic as tours for pensioners in 2017-2018 from Moscow will be very useful for many who do not like to sit still, but prefer traveling as a form of recreation.

Many, only after retiring and taking a well-deserved rest, absolutely understand and realize that they have begun a second youth, since it is quite easy to say goodbye to the daily work duty, which, you see, takes a large share of strength and free time. Now is the time to spend time and life for the benefit of only yourself. Of course, the pension of a Russian pensioner cannot be compared with European standards, but in order to somehow make life bright and unusual, filled with new sensations and emotions, today most of travel companies offers retirement tours.

Retirement tours - fiction or reality?

The main feature of such pension tours is that pensioners are offered tours and vacations at a lower and attractive, and, most importantly, affordable cost.

Although there is one minus, since the minimum price is provided out of season. But for many, this problem is not too significant and significant. But it is worth revealing one simple secret of a successful and happy holiday, which lies in the correct and competent selection individual tour. At the same time, in choosing a direction, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of a person and this region. What points should be paid attention to?

  • First, get the climate right. Do not forget that a person is in adulthood, so you should pay special attention to this indicator.
  • Secondly, the change of time zones. Agree, this is also a rather important and significant problem, which at a young age does not manifest itself in any way, but for people over 50 it becomes a serious problem.
  • Thirdly, take into account the duration of the move or flight. Agree, at this age, most people do not like too much time to be on the road. In this case, special attention should be paid to the mode of transport. The most optimal travel time for the elderly, according to experts, is 4-6 hours.

Where to go?

Among the entire list of the most popular and popular destinations today, pensioners choose the following routes.

Going on a trip, you should definitely think carefully so that you want to see most of all what you expect from your vacation and how it should be. If you decide exactly on your dreams and desires, then the choice of the route will not be any difficulty and anxiety, and the rest and trip itself will bring a lot of bright and unforgettable emotions and impressions.

From this article you will learn:

    Is travel popular for retirees today and what are their features

    Can Russian pensioners afford to travel abroad

    What trips for pensioners in Russia will become truly unforgettable

    Is it possible to organize travel for pensioners inexpensively

Life is just beginning in retirement. And there is no need to think that older people rest all winter, lying on the sofa in front of the TV, and in the spring-summer season - in the country. Today, tourist travel for retirees is rapidly gaining popularity. Elderly people are happy to travel not only in their native country, but also abroad, even to exotic countries. They return rested, with a lot of new pleasant impressions. This article is about what kind of tour you can go on and how to organize trips for senior citizens on a limited budget.

Why is travel and recreation for pensioners so popular today?

Europeans call the retirement age the “second youth”. And this is understandable. After all, with the release of a well-deserved rest, they have the opportunity to enjoy a full life. Frees up time for travel. Retirees are starting to travel a lot. This is business as usual for them. And so it is not surprising that they are looking forward to the onset of retirement.

Western sociologists have calculated that a third of the total number of middle-class pensioners can afford regular tourist trips abroad. This is possible thanks to a well-constructed pension system. By the time of retirement, each citizen accumulates funds, and in such an amount that they are enough for a comfortable life and travel. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are looking forward to the onset of retirement age. And not in order to work three jobs, but to travel and relax on the “overseas shores”.

Unlike progressive Europe, retirement in Russia is far from always connected with recreation and tourism. Our pensioners often have to work in order to maintain their previous standard of living, since pensions are sorely lacking. And they "travel" only to their dacha. For lovers of gardening life, these trips are the ultimate dream. And what about those for whom travel is important, who likes to travel around the country or even around the world? They will certainly be pleased by the fact that some travel agencies have developed special programs designed for people of retirement age. These programs will allow older people to travel at affordable prices. The following conditions contribute to the development of "pension" tourism:

    Elderly people are not burdened with caring for children and have a lot of free time;

    Older women are more active in travel than men;

    Providing discounts for tours in "little demanded", unpopular seasons;

What are the features of travel for pensioners

Choosing the direction and method of travel for pensioners, tourism business professionals treat each client individually, taking into account his capabilities and wishes. And yet, the tourist trips of the elderly have common features. Let's look at the main ones:

    Climate. In old age, the human body is no longer as strong and hardy as in young people. Although, of course, there are exceptions to the rule. And an 80-year-old pensioner can "plug in the belt" of some juvenile squishy, ​​going to travel in the height of summer in Central Asia. But in most older people, the body is already poorly acclimatized. And therefore, in order not to return home broken and sick, they prefer to choose a climate for travel that is as close as possible to their native places.

    Change of time zones, especially on long flights, it can cause health problems even for young people. In the elderly, adaptation to a different time zone can take a very long time, in some cases even several months. Sometimes the situation is exacerbated by the need to take any medication in certain time days. If this is not done, the person may experience health problems.

    Duration of flights and transfers. For most young people, long journeys and flights are not difficult. If desired, they can go to Tahiti or Australia. But people of retirement age do not tolerate a long road and therefore try to reduce travel time. The most optimal option for them is to be on the plane for no more than four hours. Make transfers to railway transport much easier for older people. On the train, you can walk, move around and sleep in a horizontal position. The good news is that, for example, most European countries are located at a distance of two to four hours of flight from Moscow, which means that the choice of "objects" for pensioners' travel is not so small.

Where exactly is travel abroad for pensioners popular?

Now in foreign countries it is quite common to meet pensioners from Russia. Let's take a look at their most popular travel destinations.

Near Abroad

The Soviet Union collapsed, but the friendship between the peoples of the fraternal republics remained in the memory of the elderly. They still remember their Soviet past with pleasure. Many continue to travel with pleasant excitement in their hearts to countries that have now become foreign - to Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Belarus. Walking through the places of your youth, admiring nature, admiring the hospitality and cordiality local residents, the elderly get real pleasure. They come for short excursion tours, as well as for long-term rest and treatment in sanatoriums and boarding houses.

For example, in the sanatoriums of Belarus, treatment is carried out with mineral waters, natural therapeutic mud. Phytotherapy is widely used. Almost home atmosphere, courtesy and friendliness of the attendants are the best way to relax and treat. You can fly by direct Aeroflot flight in just an hour and a half. Exceptionally reasonable prices for accommodation and treatment - for 12 days from 15 thousand rubles.

Travel for pensioners in Europe

Traveling abroad is very popular among pensioners in Russia. During the existence of the Soviet Union, only "chosen ones" could travel abroad. Now everyone has this opportunity. Tours to France, Spain and Italy are especially relevant. During the off-season, rates are available for accommodation in Montenegro, Croatia and Slovenia. Very fond of our pensioners to relax in the Balkans. The friendliness of the local population, the similarity of cuisine and languages ​​​​allow older people to feel at home. In winter, you can have a great rest in Cyprus or the Baltics.

For pensioners, the cost of a weekly trip to Europe is from 30 to 35 thousand rubles per person (depending on the chosen country). The price includes airfare, medical insurance, transfer, accommodation, one-time meals and guided tours. Additionally paid: visa, travel insurance and medical insurance for persons over 65 years of age.

Traveling for pensioners from St. Petersburg and its environs to Finland is very popular, since it is only a couple of hours away by bus. You can go there on sightseeing tours, to rest in cottages on the shores of lakes or for treatment. Tours in Sweden and Norway are offered to pensioners. If funds allow, then you can go on a trip to the UK, Belgium or the Netherlands.

close exotic

Popular "exotic" destinations include Tunisia and Morocco. Retirement tours in the UAE are also offered. Among them there are many "budget" emirates: Umm al-Quwain, Ras al-Khaimah, Fujairah. These tours attract affordable prices, plenty of accommodation options and beautiful quiet beaches. Tours to Vietnam are rapidly gaining popularity. True, the flight there is quite long. You will have to spend nine hours on the plane, not every pensioner will decide on this. But the prices are more than reasonable, there are a large number of excursions and there are a wide variety of opportunities for treatment.

Pensioners are offered to go on a trip to "distant lands" - to India, Sri Lanka, Japan, Cuba and even Australia. Despite their "exoticism", these countries are absolutely safe. The tourist group is constantly accompanied by a qualified guide.

What are the possible trips for pensioners in Russia

You can have a great rest, get a lot of new impressions and a charge of vivacity without leaving our country. There are many wonderful places in Russia that can conquer even the most sophisticated traveler with their beauty. Let's talk about some of them.

Travel for pensioners along the Golden Ring of Russia

A tourist trip to ancient Russian cities is a great travel option for pensioners. Kostroma, Rostov the Great, Ivanovo, Suzdal, Vladimir, Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl-Zalessky and Yaroslavl - these cities make up the Golden Ring of Russia. A trip along them will allow you to admire the unique monuments of history and culture of our country, to feel the atmosphere of the past.

Caucasian Mineral Waters

caucasian Mineral water- a group of resorts in the Caucasus. Much here has remained the same as it was in Soviet times, only the level of service has increased significantly. This resort region great for retirees.

Pure mountain air, springs, healing mineral springs, gorgeous nature will have a rejuvenating effect on the body of the elderly. The recommendations of experienced qualified specialists of the sanatorium will help you gain strength.

Fans of excursions to historical sights are best to go on a trip to Pyatigorsk. Here you can see old estates and mansions built in the 19th century, visit places that inspired the great Russian poet Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, see a bronze monument to the inimitable Ostap Bender.

The Caucasus is a great vacation spot for lovers of physical education. Its mountain roads and clean air are ideal for Nordic walking. This sport is rapidly gaining popularity. From all of the above, we can conclude: a trip to the Caucasus is a great travel option for pensioners.

Resorts of the Kaliningrad region

Elderly people who want to relax by the sea, but do not suffer from the suffocating heat, can go to boarding houses Kaliningrad region. With its climate and endless sandy beaches this corner of our country is very similar to Northern Europe, but you don’t need a visa and a well-filled wallet to travel here. This is an ideal travel option for retirees.

A tour to the resorts of the Kaliningrad region is full of various entertainment and interesting excursions. During the trip, pensioners will visit the dunes of the Curonian Spit and try to unravel the mystery of the Dancing Forest. They will visit the capital of the region - the ancient Koenigsberg, which with its architecture is very similar to the German wealthy cities. They will see the monumental Cathedral with the grave of Immanuel Kant, the Fish Village, the defensive tower of the Don with a magnificent collection of amber. The Maritime Museum, one of the branches of which is a real submarine, will not leave you indifferent.

Cruises in Russia

A fascinating travel option for pensioners is river cruises to ancient Russian cities and holy places. Volga tours are very popular. They cover the Golden Ring of Russia, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod and Kazan. If desired, you can get to Astrakhan and Volgograd. Excellent reviews and great demand are tours to Onega and Lake Ladoga. Elderly people are happy to go to these parts to admire amazing nature and masterpieces of architecture, visit the shrines of Valaam and Kizhi.

These cruises are sold in an all-inclusive format. This completely frees you from the hassle of organizing a vacation. The daily routine of vacationers is painted literally by the minute. Three meals a day, day trips with experienced guides, evening entertainment. Some tours also include therapeutic massage and physical education, the use of oxygen cocktails and various types of herbal tea. The duration of the trip is from several days to three weeks. The price range is also very wide: from expensive to budget options. It all depends on the desire of travelers.

You can view all cruise options in Russia on the websites of the Vodokhod and Infoflot companies.

6 tips on how to make travel and holidays unforgettable for retirees

    Get a travel SIM card to save money on your trip.

    Do not forget to take out insurance (for those who have health problems, it is recommended to take an extended version).

    You need to take a full-fledged first-aid kit with you, not in all countries you can buy medicines without a prescription. Put the minimum amount of medication you need in your hand luggage.

    It's a good idea to get an e-book where you can download travel guides and favorite books. This will reduce the weight of the luggage.

    When traveling, you should always carry emergency phone numbers, embassies and consulates with you.

Can travel for senior citizens be inexpensive?

Now many travel agencies offer various tours designed specifically for pensioners. Their prices are affordable even for older people with little income. For example, a tour of the Golden Ring of Russia or river cruise along the Volga costs from two to six thousand rubles. Very popular are bus and train trips for pensioners to St. Petersburg for three to five days, costing about nine thousand rubles. Moreover, tickets to domestic museums are sold at a discount. And this is very popular with older people.

In the summer, tourist trips to Krasnodar region and on the Crimean coast. Rest in Anapa, Gelendzhik, Novomikhailovka, Vityazevo and others is very popular. Almost all travel agencies organize such tours. For pensioners, some hotels provide good discounts. Sometimes, in order to save money, older people go on a trip as "savages". They live in the private sector and cook their own food. But keep in mind that this type of holiday is not suitable for everyone.

What difficulties make traveling for a pensioner impossible?

In Europe, when people retire, they get a real opportunity to go on any trip. For them, retirement is not a punishment, but a time to live for themselves, for their own pleasure. That is why now in France they are protesting against the increase in the retirement age.

And how are things going in our country with the opportunities for pensioners to go on trips? Many citizens of Russia, when they retire, are faced with the following difficulties:

Lack of funds for travel

Sociologists have calculated that only five percent of our pensioners have the opportunity to travel. They belong to the middle class, which makes up only 13% of the total number of people of retirement age.

But the "middle class" in Russia is not the same as in America or Europe. Therefore, many of our pensioners cannot travel and even just sometimes travel outside the country. And the correctness of the statement that life is just beginning in retirement becomes very doubtful.

Health problems

The physical condition of our pensioners is also not always satisfactory. The reason for this is often the sufficiency of funds for timely diagnosis and treatment. In addition to “age-related”, older people may have occupational diseases and the consequences of work-related injuries. All these ailments prevent you from living a full life in retirement.

Features of the mentality

Most pensioners in our country have not had time to acquire the habit of traveling in their entire lives. And they are simply "not drawn" to any cruises or tourist trips. This happened for various reasons. Many could not get a visa to leave the country, some were simply afraid to travel. Therefore, with retirement, they do not even think about going on vacation.

Company presence

As people get older, it becomes more and more difficult to meet and communicate with strangers. Therefore, when going on a trip, most older people look for a “company” from among relatives or friends. But sometimes finding such a “fellow traveler” can be very difficult.

But, despite all these obstacles, in recent years the number of traveling Russian pensioners has increased by 20%. Elderly people are now not afraid of language barriers and easily make money transactions with currency.

A further increase in the number of retired travelers from Russia is predicted, because their ranks will be replenished by a new generation of pensioners who easily and often go on various trips without experiencing difficulties in crossing borders between states.

The Russian authorities have begun work on a program to encourage pensioners to tourist trips inside the country. According to the leader federal agency on tourism Oleg Safonov, we will talk about preferential vouchers, including to health resorts. Pensioners will be able to travel around Russia during the “low” season, when the workload of infrastructure and hotels is significantly reduced.

Currently, a tourist product is being developed that is accessible to the average pensioner, tourism support programs for pensioners are being created at the federal and regional levels.