Rest in pshad. The village of Pshada (Gelendzhik district) - description, map, photo, attractions, description of ways to get there, rest in Pshada

Pshada - a village in the municipality of the resort city of Gelendzhik Krasnodar Territory. It is the center of the Pshadsky rural district. Located on the river of the same name, 32 kilometers from Gelendzhik on the federal highway M-4 "Don" "Novorossiysk - Moscow". The distance to the Black Sea is 11 kilometers.
In addition to s. Pshada, the rural district includes the villages of Beregovoye, Krinitsa, Mikhailovsky Pass, as well as the farms of Wide Pshadskaya Shchel and Betta.
About 2,800 people live on the territory of Pshada, mostly Russians, as well as Greeks.


The area near the village of Pshada, most likely, was one of the first inhabited on the Black Sea coast. In any case, this is indicated by dolmens located on the territory of the district and dating from the early Bronze Age (some of them are about 5 thousand years old!). The location of the dolmens in the vicinity of Pshada suggests that already in those ancient times people lived here. After all, a dolmen is nothing more than an ancient burial structure.
The date of foundation of Pshada is 1864. Initially, it was a village, which was part of the Shapsug battalion. The first settlers of the created settlement were the families of low-ranking officials and the families of soldiers.
The next, second, wave of immigrants lasted from 1887 to 1893. Thanks to the royal decree allowing foreign citizens to settle in, citizens of other states were settled on the territory of Pshada: Greeks, Czechs, Armenians, etc.
The third wave of settlement started with the arrival of employees: doctors, teachers, etc.

Climate and nature

The climate of Pshada is transitional from temperate to subtropical. During the summer average temperature air does not exceed + 24 C. There is almost no wind here (this can also be recognized from the name of the village, since “apshada” in translation is a windless lowland).
The village of Pshada is located in a beautiful valley surrounded by mountains and deciduous forests. In the forests live: roe deer, wild boar, raccoon, badger, etc.
The mountain river Pshada flows through the territory of the settlement, on the banks of which juniper and wild walnut grow. In the upper reaches, the river is an unbridled raging stream, and already in the lower reaches it is a calm river that provides countless orchards with life-giving moisture. In the Pshada River there are large reserves of blue clay, which is widely used for cosmetic purposes. Therefore, here you can not only swim, but also spend time with the benefit of your appearance.

Attractions and entertainment

Find entertainment inherent in Pshad seaside resorts, will not succeed, since there is no sea here. They come here for something else: to admire the famous Pshad waterfalls (excursions to them are organized in almost all resorts of the Krasnodar Territory), to comprehend the secrets of dolmens, which, by the way, are the same age as the Egyptian pyramids, to offer a prayer to the Lord in one of the oldest temples of the Black Sea coast, in the temple Great Martyr Demetrius of Sologun.
Recently, such species have been developing in the village active rest as canyoning and jeeping, as well as climbing down the mountain river Pshada and its tributaries.

Infrastructure and economy

The village of Pshada has everything for a comfortable stay. The social infrastructure facilities of the village are represented by a kindergarten, a school, a clinic with an ambulance substation, a recreation center, a library, a children's art school, a post office, a fire station, and a sports ground. From the objects of the sphere of trade and services on the territory of Pshada there are shops, a market, cafes, guest houses. There is a fishing farm near the village.
The inhabitants of the village are mainly involved in agriculture. Pshada is famous for its orchards, where delicious apples and peaches are grown, which are sold both in local and city markets. Also one of the leading branches of the village is tourism, including agritourism. The famous village is the ostrich farm, where you can get acquainted with ostriches, as well as enjoy dishes prepared from eggs and meat of these birds. Horseback riding and fishing in the local reservoir are also organized here; You can rent a catamaran or quad bike.
Pshada has a very good location - the village is located on the federal highway M-4, which indicates a good transport interchange. Regular bus trips are organized to Gelendzhik and other settlements of the region, also public transport goes to Krasnodar, Novorossiysk, Tuapse, Sochi. Nearest Train Station located in Novorossiysk (about 70 km), the nearest airport is in Gelendzhik (about 40 km).

Real estate

In Pshad, private development prevails, there are only three apartment buildings. The real estate market has a large selection of plots for building a house. Real estate prices in the village are among the most attractive in the region.
In connection with the development of the tourism sector, in recent years objects are increasingly coming on sale. commercial real estate, including guest houses.

Rural development

Master plan of the city okrug Gelendzhik provides for the implementation of the following projects:

  • Construction of a bus station (in connection with the organization of a new highway "Krasnodar - Pshada", which will be the shortest access to the Black Sea coast);
  • Construction helipad(to improve the efficiency of the air transport system in terms of servicing vacationers, as well as in case of emergencies);
  • Reconstruction of kindergarten No. 19 with an increase in capacity to 107 places;
  • Reconstruction of the library, providing for an increase in the book fund to 10 thousand units with the organization of 10 reading places;
  • Construction of a cinema for 200 seats;
  • Laying a gas pipeline from Teshebs to Pshada.

The main, and, perhaps, the only way to live in the village is to rent housing in the private sector. Local residents only recently began to create special guest houses and mini-hotels, when the village began to be popular with vacationers. The main advantage of the village in terms of living is very low prices. In our catalog, which contains price offers for 2019, you can compare the cost in Pshad with the cost in the same Krinitsa, and, as they say, feel the difference. As for the choice of a specific place in the village, it all depends on the "view from the window." Whether it will be a mountain slope, a view of the river or a local lake is up to you. Wherever you stop, you will discover a great natural landscape.

How to get there

The village is located just 33 km from Gelendzhik, with which it is connected by the M4 Don federal highway. Pshada is located in a valley formed by the channel of the river of the same name. The main residential area is located just above the road, and is surrounded on three sides mountain ranges. In relation to large railway junctions - in Novorossiysk and Tuapse - Pshada is approximately equidistant. 70 km one way or the other. Therefore, in order to get to the village by railway, it does not really matter which of the coastal cities to choose the route through. If you fly by plane, then the fastest way to do this is through Gelendzhik. There are many minibuses from the local station to the village, and a taxi will be relatively inexpensive. As for motorists, it is easier to go through Krasnodar and Dzhubga, while the segment of mountain serpentines will be minimal.

general information

Pshada is a village, one of the regional centers of the Gelendzhik region. Its population is about 2700 people. The name of the settlement from the Adyghe language is translated as "Valley of Calmness". And this best characterizes the peculiarities of the local climate. Surrounded on three sides by mountain ranges, the village is perfectly protected from the negative influence of cold masses. This also has a positive effect on the agricultural sector. The village is surrounded by orchards and hazel trees, so for lovers of vegetables and fruits, this is a great opportunity to purchase these products inexpensively. Rest in Pshad can be combined with a beach holiday, but for this it is better to come by private car. There are many car parks in the Krinitsa area, so you can park your car without difficulty.

The local territory was inhabited even when the Egyptian pyramids did not exist. Over the years of existence, various nationalities have visited here, leaving many historical traces on the territory of the village. A Russian settlement in the form of a military fortification appeared here in 1837.

Things to do

Rest in Pshad is a great opportunity to study the history of the Caucasus from ancient times thanks to the remains and ruins of various architectural structures preserved in the village and its environs. First of all, visit the numerous dolmens - buildings of the Neolithic era, of which there are about 70 pieces in the district. The nearest of them are even located in the village itself next to the Skull Cave. Here is one of the oldest Orthodox churches in the Caucasus - the Holy Great Martyr Dmitry of Thessalonica, which is already more than a century and a half. In the area of ​​the village of Beregovoe, you can find the ruins of a Byzantine fortress, so for lovers of archeology this is just a unique opportunity to find the unknown. Also noteworthy are the local waterfalls, juniper groves and, in general, the entire natural landscape, which can be studied for more than one day or even a month.

How to get to the beach

Private beaches not in Pshad, since it is about 10 km away from the coast. Most often, vacationers prefer to go to the coast near the village of Krinitsa. There are several excellent equipped beaches, the most popular of which is Central, located in the bed of the river of the same name. You can also go to the beaches of Betta, which are about 18 km away. For lovers of wild swimming, it is possible to find a secluded place on a strip of about 5 km, between two settlements. There, the mountains come directly to the sea, very clean water, and the bottom, which is simply replete with local flora and fauna.

Latest reviews about holidays in Pshad

Summer sports camp "Pshada-2010"

Thanks to our hospitable and hospitable hosts! We really enjoyed! And to elaborate...

In the summer of 2010, the venue for the children's sports camp ASKB (Association of Sports Contact Fight) chose a small picturesque village in the valley of the Pshada River. Located near the resort of Krinitsa on the Black Sea coast (Gelendzhik), the Pshada sports camp turned out to be a unique training ground for boys and girls who decided not to stop practicing hand-to-hand combat even during the summer holidays.

Thanks to the owners of the hotel - Sergey and Lydia Filippov - a platform was built for honing throws, strikes and insurances, a ship was built, on lower deck which took classes in acrobatics, while on upper deck a daily raising and lowering ceremony was held Russian flag. Before going to bed, the guys could just sit "in a circle" by the fire and listen to the guitar, solve pressing issues at the "people's assembly", play charades, fry bread and puff pastry prepared by the hostess of the hotel, or simply eat their dream book (food, by the way, was five meals a day !).

The uniqueness of the natural landscape, combined with the experience and skill of the head coach of the Moscow hand-to-hand combat club - Oleg Ivanovich Asmolov - made it possible to significantly expand the boundaries of conventional training, as well as the boundaries of the physical capabilities and psychological preparation of ASKB students.

Not only classes were thought out, but also the rest of our children. In addition to intense training, there were trips to dolmens and small caves, jeep trips along the river and to waterfalls, to the dolphinarium and, of course, daily swimming in a mountain river, sea or lake!

We hope that everyone who visited the sports camp in the summer of 2010 learned something important for themselves here: they improved their technique, stopped being afraid of everyday difficulties, or simply learned to swim. But, perhaps, the most important achievement of the guys is that they learned to be one team, where one for all and all for one!

Our photos can be viewed here:

Parents of children who had a rest in the summer of 2010 in a sports camp

The southern foothills of the Caucasus are full of waterfalls and mountain rivers, and on the outskirts of Gelendzhik, nature is also very curly and rich. It seemed to us as stormy as, therefore, after walking along the embankment of Gelendzhik, we were more and more drawn to nature excursions, well, and not to be too disingenuous, also because the swimming season has not yet been opened. Among others, we planned a trip to the Pshada River. Excursion Pshad waterfalls are strikingly different from an independent excursion to the waterfalls of the Zhane River. If you are a supporter of the walking option and are determined to turn around in one day, then you will have to go to Pshada as part of an organized group.

How to get to the Pshad waterfalls on your own

The village of Pshada, from which the route begins, is located between Gelendzhik and Arkhipo-Osipovka. From Gelendzhik to Pshada about 35 km. The road connecting Gelendzhik, Pshada and Arkhipo-Osipovka is the M4 Don highway. Bus number 106 departs from Gelendzhik from the old (suburban) bus station with very long intervals, this should be taken into account. Bus schedule No. 106 Gelendzhik-Pshada for 2016: 6-00, 8-20, 11-30, 14-00, 17-15. Be sure to check the return schedule either with the driver or at the final stop in Pshad. Thus, if you leave on the first one, and return to last bus, then you will have 11 hours at your disposal. But having reached Pshada, the easy part of the route ends and the grueling part begins. You have to walk about 10 km along the river bed, in some places you will have to get your feet wet. The path will take about 2-3 hours to the cordon, from where a small walking route it will take about 1 hour to the waterfalls. Thus, the given time is only enough to come, stand at the waterfall and immediately go back. Things will certainly be different if you go to these places with a tent for the weekend.

Having studied all these nuances, we decided to take an excursion to the Pshad waterfalls from Gelendzhik. The tour includes a transfer to the village of Pshada, a transfer to the pedestrian part of the route by GAZ-66 cars, a visit to the waterfalls themselves, then we make a short detour to the dolmens located in the Pshada river valley and on the way back to Gelendzhik we will stop by local entrepreneurs for a tasting of local wines. The cost of the excursion to the waterfalls of the Pshada River was 1100 rubles per person(600 rubles for excursion support and 500 rubles for a transfer by GAZ-66 car). There is another opportunity to get to Pshada, this is not to go as part of an organized group, but to take an individual jeep tour in UAZ from numerous private traders whom you will meet more than once while walking around Gelendzhik. There is some risk in this choice, since the excursion is private, then only you are responsible for your safety, and less qualified drivers are often behind the wheel of the UAZ, which only increase the degree of risk.

Rodeo along the river Pshada

Having reached the off-road, we make a transfer to the legendary GAZ-66, the most favorite car of the excursion companies in the Caucasus. We already rode exactly the same in Greater Sochi when we went to.

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Excursion companies arrange a real attraction from the everyday delivery of a tourist to the place of the excursion, which will not leave anyone indifferent. Sitting in the back of a car racing off-road, you have to make an effort to sit still. And sometimes, when entering the river, the driver does not slow down, as logic requires, but accelerates, dousing the group sitting in the back with a sheaf of water spray. This event is very refreshing in hot weather, and if there is more than one car on the route, this happens in the summer months, then drivers alternately stop in shallow water, waiting for another car to enter the river and cover everyone with a water veil from under massive wheels.

It is also worth considering that if you go here on your own with the hope of transferring to a GAZ-66 in Pshad, then there may not be a free car, but you will almost certainly be picked up from the waterfalls if you wait for a tourist group there. With a breeze, they drove us to the cordon, where there is also a cafe where everyone can have a bite to eat. A wonderful view of the mountains opens here, here we turn off the Pshada River.

From here we go deep into the forest along one of the tributaries of the Pshada, technically the waterfalls will not be Pshada, but the waterfalls of the Pshada tributary, the Red River, but all travel companies position this excursion as the Pshad waterfalls, therefore, for simplicity, we will continue to call these waterfalls Pshad.

On the way to the waterfalls, the guide enthusiastically talks about the features of the local flora, which is really very informative. Our route runs along the river bed, and although the river has already become very shallow, like all mountain rivers in spring, in some places crossing its bed there is a chance to get your feet wet, so you must either put on flip flops right away to slap on the water without fear, or go in tenacious sneakers or sneakers to safely jump on the stones.

So along the riverbed we reached the first waterfall. The forest through which we made our way can easily claim the title of impenetrable, just as soon as you leave the path and thorny bushes and ivy rise up like a wall. If we walk a little along the channel, then we will go out to the waterfall, and in order to get to the next waterfall, we will need to climb the hillock on the left.

The waterfall itself is not very big, but in a dense thicket, where the sky is not always visible, it is perceived as a breath of fresh air.

Then the trail goes up the hill, and then down the hill. We walk further through the forest, admiring how and where the river cut its course. Sandstone layers here almost vertically come to the surface.

In one place, you have to practically climb the wall, along which, in addition, water also flows in a trickle, one must think during the seasons when the river is full-flowing, a full-fledged water slide is formed here.

So we got to the second waterfall. The guide has a prepared legend regarding the healing properties of the waterfall. After the story, the group has 15-20 minutes to take pictures against the background of the waterfall and bathe in it.

We set out on the way back and reach the clearing no more than an hour and a half after starting from it. Here we are waiting for shish kebabs ordered in advance, it must be admitted that they are not as tasty as on the Zhana River.

Dolmens of the Pshada river valley

Then everyone on the same GAZ-66 takes us on an excursion to the dolmens. The nature of the Pshada river valley is simply charming, you never cease to be surprised at how rich nature is. It is not difficult to notice that the Pshada channel is much wider than the stream of water that flows through it. This is not surprising, because in the summer the flow of mountain rivers is greatly depleted. The main stream descends from the mountains from January to February, when there is little available channel. Such streams demolish everything in their path, so it is not uncommon to see uprooted trees along the riverbed.

There are about 70 dolmens in the Pshada river valley, they were built in the III millennium BC, there is no exact data, but it turns out that the dolmens are the same age as the Egyptian pyramids. The guide will give a full lecture about the history of construction and the purpose of dolmens, give a few more minutes for memorable photos and we will go back.

For the last time, the GAZ-66 will rush us along the rocky bed of the very shallow Pshada, and deliver us to a comfortable minibus that will take us to a wine tasting, children under 18 will not be allowed to taste, for them they will turn on a cartoon outside the establishment. After the wine tasting, everyone is invited to buy a freshly tasted product.

After the tasting, we finally go home. The whole excursion to the waterfalls of the Pshada River from the beginning to the end took 8 hours. If you are bored with a leisurely vacation and want adventure, then an excursion to the Pshad waterfalls is what will help you overcome the blues. Unforgettable races in the back of a GAZ-66 along the bed of the Pshada River, a mysterious forest, refreshing waterfalls and mysterious dolmens, what else do you need on a hot summer day for a successful holiday? Oh yes, tasting!

Video: Excursion to the Pshad waterfalls from Gelendzhik

Video review of the excursion to the Pshada river valley.

There are so many natural attractions around Pshada that it is impossible to see them in one day. These places are widely known, thanks to the ancient megaliths. In the village and its environs there are more than 70 dolmens built in the Bronze and Iron Ages - in the same period when they were built Pyramids of Egypt. For this reason, Pshada has become a real Mecca for lovers of antiquities and fans of esoteric tourism.

From the village, up the picturesque valley, excursions are carried to the famous Pshad waterfalls - a cascade, which is located in the middle reaches of the river. In Pshad, you can see many amateur tourist groups, whose routes are laid along the sights of the North-Western Caucasus. From here they climb the rocks of the Gray Monasteries or the Krasnodar pillars, and also make ascents to Mount Papai - the westernmost rocky peak of the Main Caucasian ridge. Most often, travelers come to Pshad passing through and do not stop for the night. They come here on time bus tours or safaris that take place in jeeps and trucks.

Along the Pshada River, and even more so in the valleys of its tributaries, there are no paved and unpaved roads, but there are only old logging tracts. Even in low water, only off-road vehicles can drive up the river valley.

Those who plan to travel around Pshada on foot should keep in mind that moving along mountain paths and canyon-like river valleys requires good physical shape. For hiking along Pshada, you need to have trekking shoes, as well as tourist equipment for overnight stays in the field.

History of the village of Pshada

People began to inhabit the fertile land around Pshada from the Stone Age. In 1837, a Russian outpost appeared here, and then a village grew in its place. In 1866 a wooden Orthodox church, consecrated in honor of the Great Martyr Dmitry of Thessalonica. This church has not survived to this day. A new Orthodox church dedicated to the same saint was built in the 2000s on Shkolnaya Street.

Now about 2.7 thousand people live in Pshad. There are no industrial productions in the village, so the locals are engaged in gardening, beekeeping and receive tourists. There are many gardens around Pshada, and the peaches, apples and hazelnuts grown here are famous far beyond the Gelendzhik region.

The hotel business in Pshad is almost not developed. The reason is that those who come to Black Sea coast tourists prefer to stay in coastal resorts by the sea. Demand for housing in Pshada itself is low, and only two guest houses and one private mini-hotel are open in the village. Pshad also has a market and cafes.


The Pshada Valley is the only one on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus where you can see so many dolmens. Some of the ancient monuments have been preserved in very good condition, and some megaliths are dilapidated.

Most of the Pshad dolmens are a rectangular structure made of four vertically placed slabs. From above they are covered with another plate. Each part of the dolmen is hollowed out of sandstone and weighs over a ton. On one of the vertical plates, as a rule, a round hole is made.

At the time when the Caucasian dolmens were built, there were no jacks and other construction equipment, so it remains a mystery to scientists how the people who lived then managed to build them in such a large number.

Another unresolved issue is the purpose of megaliths. There are different points of view on this. Some scientists are sure that dolmens were needed for astronomical observations. Others say they were used to perform ancient cult rites. This idea is suggested by the mysterious drawings, ornaments and patterns preserved in some places on the stones. Most researchers agree that megaliths served for the burial of the dead, that is, they played the role of large stone crypts.

Two dolmens can be seen right in the village of Pshada. The most popular monolithic dolmen among tourists is called "Mother's Heart" and is located on Kubanskaya Street. More than 20 megaliths of varying degrees of preservation are scattered on the slopes of the low mountain Tsygankov - above the village buildings.

There are 18 dolmens on the left bank of the river, and 20 on the right bank, and on the right bank there are the largest and best preserved megaliths. Near the Skull Cave, not far from Pshada, there is an unusual trough-shaped dolmen.

A group of four Bambakov megaliths is located 4 km southwest of the village. They are located on the territory of the Dolmen farm, to the south of the M-4 Don highway. About 5 km above Pshada, on the left bank of the river, in a place called the Wide Pshadskaya Shchel, there is a village of dolmens popular with tourists. Here you can see 8 well-preserved and two dilapidated megaliths.

Pshad waterfalls

There are about 100 picturesque waterfalls in the valley of the Pshada River and its tributaries. The name “Pshadskie” was assigned to the most popular of them, although they are not located on the river itself, but in the valley of its right tributary - the river. Red, 20 km above Pshada. Eight picturesque waterfalls of different sizes are located close to each other, so you can see the entire cascade in an hour.

The largest of the waterfalls - Olyapkin - has a height of about 9 m. Another slightly smaller waterfall (7 m) is located higher, in the valley of the Vodopadny stream - the right tributary of the Red River. The height of the remaining six Pshad waterfalls varies from 1 to 4.5 m. Near the cascade of waterfalls there are houses tourist shelter"Pshada", where groups of amateur tourists like to stay.

At the height of summer, there is not much water in the river. But even with a small amount of water, the Pshad waterfalls are a breathtaking sight. Olyapkin waterfall falls into a small lake - the so-called water well, which the water washed out in the stone riverbed. Tourists who come here love to swim in this natural reservoir. The cool water of a mountain river is very pleasant and refreshing after a tiring hike.

You can get to the Pshad waterfalls by off-road vehicles - UAZ, GAZ-66 or ZIL-131 cars, which are in the village of Pshada. They can be rented with local residents. During the summer tourist season, Pshada is taken to the waterfalls several times a day.

Those who want to walk to the waterfalls should expect to spend the night in tents, because the road to the waterfalls and back takes 2-3 days. Walking along the Pshada valley has its advantages. During it, you can admire the clear mountain river, picturesque tributary streams and beautiful rock outcrops. The Pshada valley is forested. Oaks, beeches and hornbeams grow here. In the summer, birdsong accompanies tourists all the way. There are also animals in the forest, but they are usually shy and try to avoid meeting people.

There are also many waterfalls in the side tributaries of the Pshada River. Especially beautiful are those that are located in the valleys of the Gorlyanov Stream, in the upper reaches of the Tkhab River, on the Mill Stream and in the Kochkarskaya Gap.

Ponds for fishing and apiaries

In addition to traveling to dolmens and waterfalls, in Pshad you can go fishing and visit apiaries. In total, there are four stocked ponds in the vicinity of the village. One of them is located in the valley of the Doguab River, the second is located on the territory of the Filippovskaya Manor, at the end of Kubanskaya Street, and two more are in the Yin-Yan Recreation Park on the outskirts of the village (Rechnaya Street).

The Yin-Yang Park is very popular with tourists who have a rest in Pshad and Krinitsa. It is considered a great place for family and corporate holidays. Arriving here, you can undergo mud therapy and massage procedures, as well as have a picnic with friends in gazebos with barbecue facilities. Carp, carp and grass carp are found in two park ponds. Here they fish with their own gear or rent the necessary fishing equipment.

People come to Yin-Yang for half a day and for several days. For those who want to spend the night in the park, built small houses. If desired, horseback riding, jeep trips through the Pshada valley, as well as paintball tournaments are organized for guests.

Pshad has a mild climate and many flowering plants, so there are several apiaries in the vicinity of the village. One of the largest is located on the territory of the Dolmen farm. Delicious mountain honey is sold at the Pshada market, as well as at equipped trading floors stretching along the M-4 Don highway, at the entrance to the village.

How to get there

Since Pshada stands on the M-4 Don federal highway, it is easy to get here by car. The nearest airports to the village are located in Gelendzhik, Anapa and Krasnodar. The distance from Gelendzhik and Dzhubga to Pshada is the same - 33 km, and the entrances are convenient on both sides.

Those who come to the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus by train take tickets to Novorossiysk or Tuapse. From Novorossiysk and Tuapse to Pshada about 70 km. Pshada is connected with Krasnodar, Novorossiysk, Tuapse, Anapa and Gelendzhik by regular bus service. In addition, many intercity buses. If desired, it is easy to get to Pshada by taxi.

The river and the village of the same name are located in the Gelendzhik region of the Krasnodar Territory, on the southern slopes of the Caucasus Range, which determines the mildness of the climate. Peaches, excellent plums and apricots have long been grown here.

There are many hiking trails and routes in the Pshada basin. Tourists are taken from the village on passable vehicles to nearby waterfalls. Despite the fact that cab drivers call them Pshadsky, among tourists this name has long been assigned to another placelocated 20 km above.

Not far from the confluence of Pshada and Papayka there is an interesting place - if the average depth of Pshada in summer is 20 centimeters, then here under the rock the depth reaches five meters, there is also a clean spring. A few kilometers up the Pshada River there is a relict oak, possibly preserved from sacred groves Circassians.

25 kilometers from the village of Pshada, having overcome 48 fords, we first find ourselves in an abandoned zone, where there are still the ruins of cells, the remains of barriers and guard towers. And after 500 meters we come to the village of Novosadovy - previously it consisted entirely of personnel serving the zone, then it fell into disrepair along with the prison, and later Danilevich came to it, who today is almost the only inhabitant of the village. Tourists are always welcome here, at our service there is a bathhouse and several "rooms" in our own renovated buildings.

Above the valley there is a lonely forestry hut and after a kilometer - old base planned routes "climbing shelter". From here, along the Mill Creek, the path begins to the famous rocks of the Monasteries (they are the Gray Monasteries, they are the Krasnodar Pillars). The place is really very interesting - right in the middle of the slope of Mount Thab, a layer of sandstone sharply protrudes, which stretches for several kilometers, while having a thickness of only 4-15 meters, with a height of up to 80. On two streams cutting through these rocks there are waterfalls - Mill and Count's ruins.

From the village of Pshada to the sea 12 kilometers of asphalt road.

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Trough-shaped dolmen

Dolmen on the outskirts of Pshada