Marketing research of the conjuncture of the market of tourist and recreational services Crimea. Marketing research of the real estate market (hotel segment) of the Black Sea coast Analysis of the market of hotel services in the city of Kerch

The hotel business is one of the most rapidly and successfully developing in Russia and around the world. In recent years, the construction of hotels in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg has reached a huge scale, the number of hotels has increased significantly in other major cities our country. The construction of hotels in Novosibirsk and Nizhny Novgorod is no less active.

There are more than 300 hotel chains in the world that have gone beyond national borders. They account for more than 7 million numbers out of almost 13 million (more than 50% hotel rooms in the world). Such excitement in the field hotel business, primarily driven by the huge demand for hotel rooms.

According to the State Statistics Committee, over the past ten years, the Russian hotel market has grown annually by 15-20%, and at the end of 2013 the number of hotels on the market increased by 9%. According to DISCOVERY Research Group, the rapid growth in operating income of hotel enterprises (by 31% in 2012-2014) led to an increase in the number of hotels opened. At the end of 2012, there were 4,369 hotels in Russia (including sanatoriums and boarding houses) with 186.7 thousand rooms and 368.3 thousand beds. Of these, according to experts from Jones Lang LaSalle and Colliers International, only about 14,000 rooms meet modern hotel standards.

Among the key trends in the development of the hotel business in Russia are:

The influx of investors into the hotel business, the gradual saturation of the segments of residential, office and warehouse real estate.

Accelerated development of the hotel real estate segment in the regions.

Entry into the hotel market of investors not related to the hotel business.

Increasing the attractiveness of multifunctional facilities for investors.

Creation of full-cycle production facilities by Russian tour operators.

Consolidation of the hotel business.

Purchase of foreign hotels by Russian companies and entrepreneurs.

An important factor in the Russian market of hotel services is the penetration of international network companies. This is primarily due to the lack of experience of Russian companies in the hotel business. Their penetration into the Russian market occurs in various ways: by joining already built hotels, absorbing competing hotel chains, building new facilities using their own technologies and at their own expense.

This is directly related to the trend towards an increase in the number of investment projects for the construction and reconstruction of hotels. Here it is necessary to note a certain inconsistency in the market of hotel services. Despite the fact that the growth of investments is mainly characteristic of hotels of the high segment - "4 stars" and "5 stars", there is a tendency to reduce the number of such hotels. This is because the payback period expensive hotels much less, and occupancy remains the highest among all segments.

Investors, management companies and the city administration, as structures that form demand in the hotel construction market, are currently quite active in the development of hotels in the middle price segment (segment of small hotels). This includes roadside inns, apart-hotels and private sector hotel business.

At the moment, a serious alternative to hotels in such conditions are rented apartments with daily payment - apartments. It can be said that it was precisely from such apartments that the St. Petersburg market of mini-hotels “grew up”, which for the most part are purchased entrances in apartment buildings. To date, the supply of hotel services in this sector in St. Petersburg is at a level where we can already talk about competition. This is confirmed by the emergence of an association of mini-hotels. Such cooperation, most likely, will also contribute to the fact that now the services of most mini-hotels, which are still scattered, will acquire some regulation and reach a more civilized level. The Moscow mini-hotel market is still developing slowly, despite the fact that investment activity in this sector has a good prospect.

The hotel fund of the Golden Ring region has about 130 hotels (the total fund is about 7000 rooms). From the bottom, about 40% of hotels are located in Yaroslavl region, 30% - in the Vladimir region, another 30% are in the Ivanovo and Kostroma regions. In 2014, hotels with 20 thousand rooms were opened in Sochi, only in the Paralympic Village there are 800 rooms, of which 200 are for the disabled. According to experts, the hotel services market does not currently meet the needs of a modern client, but given the emergence of new needs and the modification of existing ones, the lack of correction mechanisms and operational interdepartmental planning, a fair question arises: can the domestic hotel business be able to ensure customer satisfaction today and distant future? Analysis of the state of the hotel industry Russian Federation indicates a significant lag in the pace of its development, and given the large-scale activities such as Olympic Games, the World Summit, the Universiade, and the Football World Cup, etc., make us pay special attention to the material and technical condition of the hotels and the level of qualification of the staff in the hotels. The main problems of the hotel industry today in Russia are:

Outdated rooms, 60% of the total rooms were built over 30 years ago;

Lack of accommodation facilities of the category "3 stars", for the development of not only business tourism, but also for the development of sightseeing, educational tourism, etc.;

High prices for hotel services;

Insufficient level of training of specialists working in the field of tourism, shortage of mid- and junior-level specialists, unwillingness of higher education graduates educational institutions work in entry-level positions in hotels (maids, waiters, and so on), attracting citizens of foreign countries to these positions;

The absence of a full-fledged state statistical information on the state of the tourism industry in the Russian Federation;

Low occupancy rates of hotels in the regions, which is facilitated by the state of the regional tourist infrastructure, and primarily transport;

Political and economic instability of the country;

The problem today remains the issue of classification of hotels and other accommodation facilities in the Russian Federation.

As a result, the development of the hotel market, which was not very dynamic in favorable economic conditions, became even more complicated in the current situation after the imposition of sanctions in 2014. The results of the conducted research made it possible to identify a number of principles for improving the efficiency of the functioning of hotel systems:

orientation towards the development of promising areas of hotel activity (the very concept of hospitality is being transformed; lower-level hotels seek to introduce organizational and technical methods, technologies and services that were previously inherent in high-category hotels: the creation of complexes of their own business services, SPA-salons, laundries, dry cleaners and etc.);

improving the quality and expanding the range of hotel services (now three-star hotels are also beginning to introduce interactive television, automated control systems based on the principles of "smart home", broadband Internet access and IP telephony);

reduction of operating costs and comprehensive support of the life cycle of a hotel product;

flexible approach to the scheme of work with suppliers and contractors with a focus on the consumer;

continuous improvement of the quality of professional training and retraining of personnel, motivation and retention of personnel (investments are being made in continuous training of personnel, the creation of a system of incentives and preferences for mastering related professions and deepening knowledge in the field of social psychology and pedagogy, individualizing the approach and anticipating the desires of the consumer, creating team principles work).

For quality service in hotel company influenced by four main factors:

1. the state of the material and technical base, namely, the convenient layout and high-quality decoration of the hotel premises, equipping its public premises and residential rooms with comfortable furniture and equipment, complete sets high-quality linen, modern high-performance kitchen equipment, convenient elevator facilities and more.

2. Progressive service technology implies the procedure and methods for cleaning public spaces and residential rooms, registration and settlement with customers, recipes for preparing food and drinks in restaurants and bars, forms of service in trading floors, and much more.

3. high professionalism and competence of the attendants, their ability and readiness to clearly, quickly and culturally serve the guest.

4. continuous improvement of the quality of service, including the development and implementation of quality standards, staff training, control, adjustment, improvement of service in all areas of the hotel and all stages of the formation and provision of hotel services.

The hotel markets of Moscow and St. Petersburg have a dominant influence on the state of the country's hotel industry as a whole. However, in recent years there have been some shifts here, which are manifested primarily in a reduction in the share of capitals in the overall sectoral balance. The process of deconcentration occurs against the background of revival hotel markets other regions. Such rapidly developing areas include, first of all, the resort city of Sochi, whose investment attractiveness is not inferior to capital cities, Krasnodar region, as well as a number of millionaire cities, for example, Yekaterinburg. In a number of regions, the hotel business is developing even more dynamically than other sectors of the real estate market: housing and retail and office. To a large extent, the segment of mini-hotels and hotels of the middle price level is actively developing there.

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    1. Characteristics of the supply of hotel facilities within the city of Sochi
    1.1.Dynamics of changes in the number of rooms in 2007 - 1st half. 2008
    1.2. Breakdown of the offer by class
    1.3. Commercial terms
    2. Characteristics of demand for hotel facilities in Sochi
    2.1. Occupancy of hotel real estate objects (by months) in 2007
    2.2. The structure of demand by the purpose of visiting objects (in the format of an expert opinion)
    2.3. Structure of demand by class of hotel facilities
    3. New projects announced in the period September 2007 - September 2008

    Diagram 1. Dynamics of changes in the number of rooms, 2007-2008, pcs.
    Diagram 2. Supply structure by hotel classes, %
    Diagram 3. Offer structure by room rate per person per day, %
    Diagram 4. Offer structure by cost single room per person per day, %
    Diagram 5. The structure of the proposal for the cost of a double room for 1 person per day,%
    Diagram 6. The structure of the proposal for the cost of a deluxe room for 1 person per day,%
    Diagram 7. The structure of the proposal for the cost of a room per person per day off-season,%
    Diagram 8. The structure of the proposal for the cost of a room per person per day per season,%
    Diagram 9. Dependence of the average cost of a room per person per day on the distance of the hotel from the sea, rub.
    Diagram 10. Dependence of the average cost of a room per person per day on the class of the hotel, rub.
    Diagram 11. Dynamics of the average cost of rooms per person per day, 2007-2008, rub.
    Diagram 12. Occupancy of hotel real estate objects, %
    Diagram 13. The workload of hotel real estate in the village. Krasnaya Polyana, %
    Diagram 14. Occupancy of hotel real estate business objects, %
    Diagram 15. Structure of demand by purpose of visiting accommodation facilities, %
    Diagram 16. Occupancy of accommodation facilities with a medical base during the peak season,%
    Diagram 17. Demand structure by hotel classes, %
    Diagram 18. Demand structure by hotel classes in 2007, %

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    Environmental standards "Euro"
    Adopted technical regulations
    Civil fuel quality control
    4.2. Key figures for the motor fuel retail industry
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    Gross margin
    Investments in fixed assets
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    Diesel fuel
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    Diesel fuel
    4.7. Market trends

Formulation of the problem. The turbulence of the modern market environment encourages actors at all levels of entrepreneurial activity to systematically monitor market conditions, the state of supply and demand, the level of the competitive environment, the price situation, etc. to ensure stability and crisis-free development. The absence of such information from the entrepreneur or ignoring it leads to unpredictable results of activities, increases the risk of failure. On the contrary, the availability of information and its correct analytical interpretation allows one to successfully adapt to emerging and predicted market fluctuations.

Analysis of publications. This axiom receives scientific substantiation and development in many works on marketing, some of which are devoted to solving the problem in the field of tourist and recreational activities. In particular, on the Crimean destination, these are the works of such researchers as: Efremov A.V., Slepokurov A.S., Taryanik A.I., Shaptala O.S., Tsvetkova I.I., Tsekhla S.Yu., Yakovenko I. .M., Yarosh A.M. and etc. .

The most important postulate of these works is the need for systematic research of market conditions, which tend to change constantly.

The purpose of the proposed article consists in identifying the state and development trends of the market of tourist and recreational services provided in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in the period from 2005 to 2010, for which official statistical information is available.

Tasks: consider the conjuncture of the market of tourist and recreational services of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

Presentation of the main material. In the enlarged aggregation, the following objects of marketing research of market conditions can be distinguished:

resource potential,
- existing and projected demand,
- current and projected supply,
- a strategy for balancing supply and demand.

It is necessary to pay attention to the use of the term "tourism and recreation", which refers to related activities in tourism, understood as a temporary, purposeful, voluntary movement of people outside their permanent place of residence, and recreation, understood as rest, recuperation and health.

In some cases, these types of activities can be carried out separately from one another, that is, recreation without tourism (for the local population) and tourism without recreation (sports, scientific, congress, etc.), and in other cases they are integrated, and then we We are talking about tourist and recreational activities.

At the same time, in tourism and recreational activities, it is permissible to single out sanatorium-resort activities, which are a narrower segment of recreation, limited by the needs of recreants in health improvement, usually without the use of active species recreation and having most often organized forms. At the same time, recreational services are provided not only to tourists, but to a certain extent to the local population.

recreational potential. Researchers note a significant recreational potential of the Crimean peninsula. On the territory of the republic there are over 11.5 thousand monuments of history, culture and architecture belonging to different historical eras of civilizations, ethnic groups and religions. About 150 world-famous historical and archaeological sites, some of which are listed in the UNESCO catalogs, provide an opportunity for professional archaeological excavations. The most famous objects are Chersonese, Kara-Tobe, Genoese fortresses, Taurus burial grounds. On the territory of the autonomy, scientific, cultural, ethnographic, pilgrimage, hunting, equestrian, historical, extreme, cruise, yacht and other tourism is widely developed.

The diversity of the relief and natural features make it promising to develop active types of tourism, such as walking, driving, cycling, jeep safari and others.

Climatic conditions for recreation on the Crimean southern coast, according to the study of A. M. Yarosh, in many respects exceed the conditions of climatic resorts in Europe and the adjacent regions of Asia and Africa.

The complex of sanatorium and resort institutions is one of the main components of the tourism and recreational industry of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, which in 2010 had 656 accommodation facilities of various functional purposes, of which 20.3% have a medical direction, 35.1% - general health, 44 others, 6%. (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Structure of the sanatorium-resort and tourist complex of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in 2010

It follows from the figure that in the structure of the sanatorium-resort and tourist complex of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, a large part (30.9%) is occupied by recreation centers, then boarding houses (19.4%), sanatoriums (18.3%), a smaller share - campsites (1 .4%), sports and recreation centers (2.4%).

Each resort region of the peninsula has its own characteristics and specifics. Thus, non-specific diseases of the respiratory organs (chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma), as well as cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the central nervous system, are successfully treated in the region of Big Yalta and Alushta.

In the Saki-Evpatoria region, by virtue of geographical location and the presence of balneo-mud resources treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, gynecological diseases, infertility, as well as diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, cardiovascular and diseases of the digestive system. In Feodosia, non-specific respiratory diseases, metabolic disorders and gastrointestinal diseases are treated. Chernomorsky, Leninsky, Razdolnensky, Simferopol and Bakhchisarai districts offer inexpensive vacation and health improvement in seasonal accommodation bases.

Based on the analytical indicators of the financial and economic activities of enterprises of the sanatorium-resort and tourist complex, calculated for each enterprise and for the resort region as a whole, the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea determined the ratings of the regions of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (Fig. 2). According to these data, the first place in the ranking is occupied by the resort of Saki, and the last by Kerch.

Demand. Crimea, possessing unique natural resources, landscapes, deposits of medicinal waters and mud, a powerful cultural and historical heritage, attracts millions of tourists (Fig. 3). The presence of highly qualified scientific and medical personnel, the constant modernization of the medical and diagnostic base, the introduction of the latest medical techniques allows the Crimea to take its rightful place in terms of the level of development of sanatorium treatment.

Rice. 2. Rating of regions of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in 2010, %.

As can be seen from the diagram, the total number of tourists until 2007 grew at a slow pace, but in 2008, 2009. there was a recession, connected in all likelihood with the global economic crisis. However, already in 2010 Crimea was visited by 700 thousand more tourists than in 2009.

The number of unorganized vacationers, i.e. not associated with any mutual obligations with various intermediaries, primarily travel companies, is on average 4 times higher than the number of organized, i.e. those tourists who purchase tours on pre-agreed routes, terms of stay, the volume of services provided through a special tourist sales apparatus. The characteristic of demand is reflected in table 1.

Rice. 3. Dynamics of the number of tourists arriving in the ARC in 2004-2010 (million people) .

Sentence. Of the total number of enterprises in the complex, only 245 are designed for year-round operation, 411 are seasonal, which is 62.6%. On the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea there are health resorts belonging to the property of other states (Russian Federation, Belarus, Uzbekistan). 75% of enterprises are privately owned, 21.8% are state-owned, and 3.2% are communal property. During the high season, recreational enterprises of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea can provide over 154,000 places, including 66,000 places that can operate year-round. Thus, the supply today exceeds the existing demand in the high season by almost 15%, and outside the season the potential is used by hardly 20%.

Table 1.

Performance indicators of enterprises of the sanatorium-resort and tourist complex of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in the context resort regions for 2010 .

Indicators Numerical
denia, units
Number of work-
health resorts, units
The number of maximum deployed beds in the functional
training institutions, units
wife rest-
whining, pers.
lazy bed-days (bed-
Average number of days of stay 1 holiday
wheezing, bed-days
The average volume of real
services for 1 vacation
wheezing, UAH
Average cost of 1 bed
days, UAH
Alushta 87 83 21286 221607 2153604 9,7 2696,6 277,5
Bakhchisarai district 21 19 5711 29941 326669 10,9 2255,4 206,7
Evpatoria 78 69 31030 220619 3708113 16,8 3096,1 184,2
Kerch 38 25 3172 13741 112327 8,2 862,3 105,5
Leninsky district 51 30 4583 11783 133404 11,3 1588,5 140,3
Razdolnensky district 16 12 2362 11310 85965 7,6 1109,1 145,9
saki 14 13 5632 54456 958740 17,6 5343,0 303,5
Saki district 25 16 2001 7764 92206 11,9 2286,4 192,5
Simferopol district 45 43 5309 34024 380491 11,2 2454,9 219,5
Zander 28 27 4836 40389 438581 10,9 2893,0 266,4
Feodosia 62 62 10899 62618 675465 10,8 1736,9 161,0
Chernomorsky district 38 25 3612 17789 215232 12,1 1794,6 148,3
Yalta 153 143 32242 434528 4651153 10,7 3291,0 307,5
Total for the ARC 656 567 132675 1160569 13931950 12,0 2990,8 249,1

Balancing supply and demand. Analytical indicators characterizing the demand and supply of recreational services for 6 years are presented in Table. 2.

Table 2.

Analytical performance indicators of the enterprises of the sanatorium-resort and tourist complex of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, which have an accommodation base, for 2005-2010. .

Indicators years Absolute change
(2010 to 2009), (+, -)
Relative change
(2010 / 2009), %
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Number of health resorts in total, units 633 645 644 655 656 656 0 100,0
Number of working health resorts, units 585 599 586 579 567 567 0 100,0
Number of places of maximum deployment in working health resorts, units 136049 134099 130263 128515 131146 132675 1529 101,2
Number of organized vacationers, total, people: 1170947 1173252 1277819 1308685 1070723 1160569 89846 108,4
of which: citizens of Ukraine, % 69,6 72,6 72,9 72,6 73,8 71,0 -2,8 96,2
citizens of other CIS countries, % 27,2 24,5 24,3 24,5 23,5 26,4 2,9 112,3
non-CIS citizens, % 3,2 2,9 2,8 2,9 2,7 2,6 -0,1 96,3
Number of spent bed-days in total, bed-days 15060636 15300655 15820676 15677427 13323275 13931950 608675 104,6
Average length of stay, days 12,9 13,0 12,4 12,0 12,4 12,0 -0,443250962 96,4
Occupancy rate, % 65,1 62,5 66,1 63,2 58,2 61,7 3,5 106,0
The volume of sales of services, total, thousand UAH. 1539621,6 1782837,6 2264084,0 2823948,0 2968130,3 3471054,8 502924,5 116,9
Sales volume per 1 vacationer, UAH 1314,9 1519,6 1773,8 2157,9 2772,0 2990,8 218,8 107,9
Average cost of 1 bed-day, UAH 102,2 116,5 143,3 180,1 222,8 249,1 26,3 111,8
Taxes for 1 bed-day, UAH 12,1 13,3 17,9 21,8 27,0 29,8 2,8 110,4

The average annual occupancy rate of enterprises of the sanatorium-resort and tourist complex in 2009 was 58.2%. The main reason for the insufficiently efficient exploitation of the natural and material resources of the resort and tourism sectors is the short holiday season and unsuitability of some health resorts for year-round operation.

The average length of stay of 1 vacationer in health resorts in 2009 was 12.4 days. The maximum number of days of stay for vacationers is traditionally in the city of Saki (17.7 days) and the city of Evpatoria (17.7 days), which is associated with the medical profile of the resorts, the smallest - in the Razdolnensky district (7.6 days) and in the city of Kerch (7.4 days).

Conclusions, recommendations, designation of prospects for the development of the problem. A brief and far from complete analysis of the market situation for tourist and recreational services has shown that Crimea has a significant tourist and recreational potential. In 2010, the tourist and recreational complex of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea consisted of 656 objects, of which 411 objects were seasonal (62.6%). The main means of accommodation are traditionally sanatoriums and resorts.

In the structure of tourism services, the foreign economic sector is poorly represented: more than 60% are domestic tourism services. There are no comprehensive innovative programs for the development of recreation and tourism in the region, taking into account the trends in the development of the world market of services and updating the resource potential of the Crimean regions.

The territorial structure of the tourist and recreational complex of Crimea is distinguished by the uneven nature of the recreational development of the peninsula. Recreational areas of the southern, southeastern and southwest coasts experiencing technogenic overload, at the same time, the resource potential of promising eastern and northwestern coastal areas, mountainous, foothill and steppe regions of Crimea is not used in full.

In 2010 Crimea received 5.7 million tourists. Under the influence of the financial crisis, there was a reduction in the flow and average length of stay of tourists in the region. In the accommodation structure, the share of sanatoriums and resorts decreased, while the share of hotels and recreation centers increased.

The main types of tourism in the near future in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea should be: cultural and educational tourism, including event tourism, health-improving (recreational) tourism, children's tourism, ecological (green) and rural tourism, congress and business tourism.

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