Matsesta private sector prices for holidays without intermediaries. The heart of the Sochi resort, or what to see in matsesta

Matsesta is a microdistrict of Sochi, located in the Khostinsky district, in the valley of the Matsesta River. Matsesta is known primarily as a medicinal, resort place. This resort is the largest medical complex in our country, founded in 1902 on therapeutic hydrogen sulfide springs. The healing properties of Matsesta lie in the deposit of hydrogen sulfide springs that come to the surface of the Matsesta, Agura and Khosta rivers. The main healing factor of Matsesta is hydrogen sulfide. That is why every year hundreds of tourists come to Matsesta who want to improve their health or just relax.

There are many versions of the origin of the name of this resort area. According to one of the hypotheses, Matsesta (Matsipsta) is translated from the Abkhazian language as "the gorge of Matsba". The Matsbovy people once lived in these surroundings. There is another version of the translation from the Adyghe language, which means "burning water". This name was given to the healing spring, not because of its high temperature, but because of the reddening of the skin caused by the spring. In addition to scientific theories and hypotheses, there are also myths. The Circassians had a legend about a girl named Matsesta, who went underground and returned from the bowels of the earth in the form of a healing spring. The sculpture of this girl is the main symbol and attraction of Matsesta.

Matsesta is divided into districts: New Matsesta, Middle Matsesta, Old Matsesta. Matsesta has a main street - Cheltenham Alley, passing through all these areas located in the river valley. New Matsesta is located closest to the sea, and in Staraya Matsesta there are sources of hydrogen sulfide water and a clinic.

Matsesta is famous not only for its medicinal properties but also attractions. Among them:

Stalin's dacha, built in 1937 according to the project of Miron Merzhanov. Now it is a museum that stores Stalin's personal belongings.

Matsesta viaduct (bridge over the Matsesta River), built in 1936-1938. designed by architects V. A. Schuko and V. G. Gelfreikh.

Old Matsesta, which houses hydrogen sulfide springs and a monumental hydropathic building, reminiscent of an ancient temple

The sculptural composition of Matsesta, created in 1968 by the sculptor I. Ya. Gusleva and the architect E. A. Serdyukov. The monument is presented in the form of a figure of a girl carved from local natural stone. This sculpture is a symbol of Matsesta, which is the embodiment of a local legend.

Among the entertainment of Matsesta, one can single out an aquarium with various marine life; pebble beach, balneological resort providing various medical services; cafe "Ochag", "Patskha-Guria", etc.

Stalin played the most important role in the development of Matsesta. He often rested here, was treated and recommended this resort more than once. It was then that sanatorium No. 7 appeared in Matsesta. A significant role is assigned to the general plan for the development of the resort. In the 1930s, many new buildings and hydropathic clinics were built here, each of which is an architectural monument.

Matsesta- this resort village, or rather, the microdistrict of Greater Sochi on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus in Krasnodar Territory Russia. It is located in the valley of the Matsesta river of the same name. The fame of this resort is inextricably linked with the presence of rare hydrogen sulfide mineral waters on the planet, as well as iodine-bromine mineral water. Therefore, Matsesta is primarily known as a popular balneological resort.

The history of Matsesta is inextricably linked with the history of Sochi, Adler and other nearby resorts of Greater Sochi.


The first people appeared on this earth 400 thousand years ago! Studying dre migrationoutside of man from various parts of the earth, Russian historians and archaeologists have established that the first tribes of primitive people penetrated the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus from the territory of modern Georgia and Armenia. Traces of stay ancient man in the vicinity of Matsesta were found in numerous caves located in the vicinity of the village.

The first tribe whose traces of presence on the territory of modern Matsesta were recorded by scientists were the Geniokhs, the ancient ancestors of the ancient Greeks. The geniokhs lived in the 4th-2nd century BC.

Gradually, the Geniokh tribe assimilated with other tribes, and in the Middle Ages, the territory of Matsesta was settled by the Adygs, the ancestors of the modern Adyghes. The Adygs left behind a lot of settlements, which were carefully studied by archaeologists and historians. In addition, the Circassians built many fortresses on the trade route from the Crimea to the Caucasus. The remains of the fortresses have survived to our time in the immediate vicinity of Matsesta - Khosta, Krasnaya Polyana, Adler. It was the Circassians who gave the name to the hydrogen sulfide source in the area of ​​​​the village - Matsesta. The name of the village has not changed since then.

In 1475, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, and at the same time Matsesta, was captured by the Turks. The lands on which Matsesta is located became part of the Ottoman Empire.

At the end of the 18th century, Russia conquered the Crimea from the Turks and established control over everything Black Sea coast Caucasus. Matsesta was part of the Russian Empire.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Matsesta began to specialize as a narrow-profile balneological and climatic resort. In 1925, the village officially received the status of a resort, and from that moment its rapid development began.

Modern Matsesta is a beautiful and cozy village with many sanatoriums and rest houses, officially considered one of the microdistricts of Sochi.



We turn to the description of the sights of Matsesta.

Matsesta- a relatively small village in which there are almost no historical buildings, so the main attractions of the village are places active rest and entertainment for tourists and vacationers.

Matsesta Aquarium - a great place to spend a few hours in the realm of Neptune for tourists with children. The collection of living inhabitants of the Matsesta aquarium is impressive - about 50 species of exotic fish. In addition to fish, other representatives of the animal world live in the aquarium, and not only underwater inhabitants. The main attraction of the aquarium in Matsesta is the polar penguins! For penguins, a special room is equipped, in which the temperature is maintained no higher than 5 degrees Celsius, so that these inhabitants of Antarctica can feel comfortable in the subtropics of the Black Sea. In addition to penguins, fur seals and sea lions also live in the aquarium. And for lovers of African nature, a hippopotamus lives in a separate pool! A visit to the aquarium in Matsesta will make your vacation in this wonderful village unforgettable!

Matsesta tea factory - a place,where they make the northernmost tea in the world! Tea plantations are located in the vicinity of Matsesta. Organized group tours are conducted to the factory, tourists are shown all varieties of tea, which is packaged and sent from this factory for sale.

Matsesta viaduct - a place where photographers and just lovers like to gather to gawk at the beautiful views of the Caucasian nature. Viaduct connects two opposite banksand the Matsesta River and has a height of a five-story building - 18 meters. From the viaduct, bizarre landscapes of the Matsesta river valley open up, in the north - Mountain peaks Main Caucasian ridge, and in the south - the warm and gentle Black Sea.

Monument to Prometheus on Eagle Rocks near Matsesta - Established in 1998. The sculpture, almost three meters high, rises on one of the rocks above the cliff. The hero of ancient Greek myths looks into the distance, into the sea. You can get to the monument only as part of an organized tour.

Stalin's dacha in Matsesta - located on the territory of the sanatorium"Green Grove" . This is a small mansion built in the 1930s. I.V. Stalin often stopped here to rest. The mansion has preserved all the home furnishings of that time.

We turn to the description of the natural attractions of Matsesta.

Eagle rocksbusiness card village. Several paths lead to the rocks. At the top of the highest cliff is a monument to Prometheus, which has already been mentioned in this article. The height of the highest rock is 379 meters. It is dangerous to go to the rocks alone, you need to do this only as part of an organized group led by an experienced guide.

Hydrogen sulfide source in Matsesta - visiting card of the village. It is located near the bathroom complex - a room where vacationershave baths with hydrogen sulfide mineral water. Near the source you need to be extremely careful - do not use mobile communications, lighters, matches. It is impossible to stay near the source for more than half an hour - hydrogen sulfide coming to the surface along with mineral water can lead to paralysis of the respiratory center and respiratory arrest.

Matsesta caves Beautiful places near Matsesta. It was in the caves that traces of the presence of primitive people on this earth were found. The Matsesta caves are also unsafe - hydrogen sulfide is also emitted from the ground in some caves, several fatal cases are known when inexperienced tourists climbed into the caves and could not find a way out. They died from the beginning release of hydrogen sulfide. Now all entrances to the caves are closed and excursions there are carried out only as part of organized groups with an experienced guide.

Matsesta waterfalls is a group of 18 waterfalls. All waterfalls are different sizes. The waterfalls are located two and a half kilometers from the village in the village of Semyonovka. The waterfalls are very beautiful, especially in sunny weather, when they sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow.


A few words about the infrastructure of the resort. The beaches in Matsesta are small-pebble, the sea is clean, there tent city and car camping. The beaches are lined with countless cafes and restaurants. The beaches are equipped with all the necessary beach equipment and are rightfully considered one of the best in Greater Sochi.


And in conclusion - about the climate of Matsesta. The climate of the resort is subtropical, the sea here is one or two degrees warmer than in Sochi. The active swimming season lasts from the beginning of May to the end of October - six months.

A vacation spent in Matsesta will give tourists and vacationers a lot of unforgettable impressions!

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I hope you have already read the article. And maybe even already managed to see everything there. Then you will be interested in the continuation of the story about the sights of Matsesta.

There are interesting beautiful places that are not in Matsesta itself, but in the vicinity. Many of them are extremely interesting, and not seeing them is a big omission.

I will describe the most popular and easily accessible sights of Matsesta.

Ah, but what wonderful places around Matsesta! Greenery - lush, lush, subtropical. Waterfalls - luxurious, stormy ...

What to see around Matsesta

At the top of the mountain Big Akhun(663 meters above sea level) rises a stone structure directed upwards. Despite its medieval appearance, it was built only in the last century. It is an architectural monument of federal significance. There used to be a Turkish fortress in the same place.

Mount Akhun with a tower on top

The architect of the tower is S.I. Voropaev.

Climbing the Akhun Tower for a small fee, you can admire stunning views from above. Even Abkhazia is visible from above.

View from the Akhun tower

And through binoculars you can look at Abkhazia

View from the Akhun Tower to the Caucasus Mountains

More about this attraction of Matsesta -.

Akhun Tower blooms with wisteria in May

How to get there. Coordinates: N43.550379, E39.843561. This is one of the few sights of Matsesta, directly to which you can drive by car (turning off at the Sputnik sanatorium). Before tourist site is an asphalted road.

Alternative options: walk (8 kilometers uphill) from the final bus number 2, or a shorter (and steeper) path from the Agur Gorge.

If you go from Matsesta, then 2 km to the southeast in the village of Maly Akhun, the beginning of a good asphalt road to Bolshoi Akhun.

You can watch the video of the road to Akhun at the end of the post.

Agur gorge and Agur waterfalls. In the picturesque gorge, the Agura River flows, forming several picturesque waterfalls and the Devil's Font Lake.

Agur waterfalls are magnificent

Devil's font

At the entrance to the Agur Gorge on the Vysotsky Glade there is a monument to V.S. Vysotsky (the same concert hall"Festival").

Monument to Vysotsky on the Polyana Vysotsky

The well-maintained trail was cut in 1911 and is the very first excursion route resort.

How to get there. Buses number 2, 122 (from the center) to the stop. "Sputnik", then 1.5 km to the ticket office. From the upper waterfall, taking a steep uphill to the left, you can climb the Eagle Rocks (600 m climb). If you go to the right, you can climb Akhun past the Akhun cave (an even longer climb, about 2 kilometers uphill).

Coordinates: N43.558566, E39.825660.

Eagle rocks are located on the right bank of the Agura River. GPS coordinates: 43.559744, 39.823102.

Golden Prometheus on Eagle Rocks

Open to visitors: 10:00–19:00, daily.


Tel.: 8 965 477 79 99.

Rocks 125 meters high. According to legend, Prometheus was chained here, so a sculpture of the hero of ancient myths was installed.

How to get there: routes No. 3, 120, 121, 43, 180 (from the center of Sochi) to the stop "Staraya Matsesta". Walk along st. Cheltenham Alley past the spa up the road.

By car, as to the Hydropathic No. 4 (see the previous post), then along the road up 2.7 km.

This attraction of Matsesta can be reached on foot from the hydropathic up the road.

You can also climb from the Agur Gorge (the climb is quite steep) - see the description of the path above.

- five waterfalls located 8 kilometers north of Matsesta, near the village of Izmailovka. Coordinates: N43.635535, E39.816572.

Zmeykovskiye waterfalls. Upper waterfall

The highest is the lower waterfall (25 meters). Near it is a cafe and a bathhouse. Equipped trail, easy to walk, you can walk with small children.

Zmeykovskiye waterfalls. Lower waterfall 25 m high

How to get there: by bus number 120 (from the bus station) to the stop. "Snake" (Izmailovskaya street), then 800 meters on foot.

By car, you can get almost to the ticket office, turning from Kurortny Avenue to Matsesta, along the street. Alley of Cheltenham, then passing into the street. Chekmenev, and then to Izmailovskaya. Turn left at the intersection with Ustupny Lane.

Matsesta tea plantation. Located 12 km from the railway station "Matsesta".

Yes, there are tea plantations in Sochi!

Here you can see how the Russian "Matsesta tea" grows and buy it.

This is how Sochi tea grows

Price group tours- 300 rubles per person, individual - 3000 rubles. Duration 1.5 hours. The tour includes: a visit to a tea plantation (you can even pick tea yourself), a photo session against the backdrop of tea bushes, a visit to a tea factory, a tasting and a visit to a company store. This text is stolen from the Road of Peace website (website)!

tea bushes

Tour schedule 2017:

Monday - start at 14:00

Tuesday - start at 10:00

Thursday - start at 10:00

Friday - start at 14:00

Saturday - by prior arrangement

Address: Matsesta, Izmailovka village, st. Izmailovskaya, 141.

Tel.: +7 938 500 68 77. Coordinates: 43.630491, 39.829364.

Website: You can check the relevance of the information at the current moment there.

How to get there: by car from New Matsesta along Cheltenham Alley through Old Matsesta along Chekmeneva Street. Further through the villages of Izyskatel, Kraevsko-Armenskoe, Rodnichok, Verkhovskoe to Izmailovka.

Auth. No. 120 (runs at intervals of about 30 minutes) from the Sochi railway station to the Chaisovkhoz stop.

(they are Semyonovskie), despite the name, are located not in Matsesta itself, and not on the Matsesta River, but on its tributaries - the streams Semyonovskaya Shchel and Srednyaya Shchel. There are 18 waterfalls and water slides. They are more difficult to access than Zmeykovsky and other sights of Matsesta, therefore they are less known. The trail is partially equipped. The total length of the path is 10 kilometers, taking into account the rough terrain, plan the whole day.

Address: s. Semyonovka. GPS coordinates 43.637150, 39.826848.

How to get there: ed. No. 120 to the final stop (Semyonovka village). From there, walk through the Volnitsa lake complex (about 2 km from the bus stop). Out of season you can walk through the complex by stairs to the stream from the lower lake. In the summer you have to bypass or pay to visit the complex. However, at the same time you can see the "Volnitsa".

Attractions in the vicinity of Matsesta on the map:

Of course, these are not all the sights of Matsesta, only the main ones. But there are enough of them to form your own idea of ​​​​the popular resort microdistrict.

Come to Matsesta - walk and be treated! Moreover, it is not necessary to improve health here in hydrogen sulfide baths. Even walks in the fresh air, the mountain-sea climate itself is already healing for the body.

I liked everything! But most of all - waterfalls, I'm not indifferent to them.

And what sights of Matsesta would you advise to visit?


(please choose one of the suggested options)

All materials of the site "Roads of the World" are copyrighted. We kindly ask you not to take articles and photographs without the written permission of the author and the site administration.

© Galina Shefer, website "Roads of the World", 2017. Copying text and photos is prohibited. All rights reserved.


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The Matsesta resort gained its fame due to the possibility of healing the body and preventing diseases. Despite the fact that Matsesta is located almost next to Sochi, the tourism sector is not so developed here.

There are no luxury hotels, no holiday homes, no wide range of entertainment. For impressions and luxury you need to go to Sochi and others big cities. The village of Matsesta is focused on quiet rest and treatment. Hydrogen sulfide springs and sanatorium treatment are the best opportunities in the region.

Fresh air, natural food, a calm and measured pace of life contribute to the restoration of health at the physical level and emotional relaxation. Every year the village receives thousands of people who come here to improve their health and escape from the hustle and bustle.

Matsesta what is it

On the territory of the village there are hydropathic clinics, boarding houses and sanatoriums. In total, there are about 80 establishments with services oriented towards health resorts. There are hotels where you can rent a room for a simple vacation.

In some institutions there are conditions for work and negotiations. Adventure lovers will find excursions and some options for extreme recreation. There is an opportunity to see the sights of neighboring regions and lie down on the beach.

The beaches in Matsesta need to be given special attention. If you want to spend your free time by the sea, you need to look for accommodation within its proximity. The beach in Matsesta is well-maintained and is located next to the balneological center. The surface of the territory is pebbles, it is clean here. There are attractions, a boat station, a rescue service and the necessary amenities.

There are cafes and restaurants on the shore where you can have a bite to eat and taste dishes of the author's cuisine. There is no serious scale of beach activities here, but you can always have a good time and get a bronze tan.

Each boarding house or sanatorium of the village has its own beach, where guests of the institution rest. If you go to rest in Matsesta without the sea, you definitely won’t stay.

Matsesta attractions and entertainment

Matsesta is located near Sochi. Adventure lovers can go on an excursion to the surroundings or explore the village. Vivid impressions and interesting leisure are provided to you.

The attraction is located next to the Agur River. An excursion here can be combined with a walk to the Agur waterfalls. The rocks are approximately 200 meters high and are made of limestone.

At the very top there is a sculpture of Prometheus. There is a legend that it was here that he was imprisoned and served his sentence for bringing fire to people. You can get here by walking along the path near the Agur waterfalls or moving from the old Matsesta.

If you ask for directions, they will clearly explain to you how to get to the rocks. You can go here with or without a guide. In any case, the walk will be interesting. Near the Eagle Rocks, beautiful photos are obtained.

Local nature, reliefs of stones and sunny weather contribute to an interesting photoset. Take drinking water with you, you will want to drink on the way.

There is a tea factory in Matsesta, which has been operating since 1947. During this time, many events have happened to the enterprise and it is only now resuming its work in full.

You will see about 180 hectares of tea plantations. You will learn how to choose high-quality green and black tea, you will be able to see how it is made and what technique is used.

There is an opportunity to try different types tea and buy the best option for yourself or as a souvenir for a loved one. Here you can buy oil paintings of Matsesta, taste local honey.

It is worth allocating a whole day for the excursion in order to relax comfortably.

Conventionally, Matsesta can be divided into two parts: New and old Matsesta. Entertainment, the main infrastructure are located in New Matsesta. If you are interested in nature, history, then it is better to rent a house in Staraya Matsesta.

You can call it another way to have a good time. If you are going on vacation with children, then a family trip to the zoo makes sense. Here you can see marine inhabitants and many animals that live on an area of ​​1000 square meters.

Here you can see the Nile crocodile and hippopotamus from Africa, you will never meet them in wildlife. The kairan lives next to these animals. You can see piranhas, penguins, many kinds of fish.

It will be interesting to spend time here, both for children and adults. Most of the inhabitants of the zoo, we see only on TV in programs about animals. Walking next to them will be more than interesting and informative.

Such walks broaden the horizons, and it becomes clear that the world consists not only of concrete and glass.

If this is not enough, you can always go to Sochi, the city is located 8 kilometers from the village. Here the choice of entertainment and attractions is much richer.

Matsesta is famous for what

The village gained its popularity due to the sources of hydrogen sulfide water, which are abundant in the region. If we literally translate the word Matsesta from the Adyghe language, we get fire water.

It is not surprising that the village was named that way. Try immersing your foot or hand in the water of the source and after a while it will turn red. This is due to the fact that hydrogen sulfide began to affect the skin.

With the help of mud therapy and hydrogen sulfide water, you can get rid of most diseases or prevent chronic diseases every year. It is proved that the water in Matsesta has 20 chemical trace elements that are beneficial for the body.

The temperature in the springs is up to 26 degrees Celsius, they can rightfully be considered thermal. In Matsesta, you can take a course of sanatorium procedures using water, relieve the tension of the nervous system.

In total, several directions are actively working in the village sanatorium treatment. Rest in Matsesta will be relevant for people with diseases of the heart, musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, ENT and gynecological disorders.

The procedures will be useful for people with excess weight and skin diseases. The hydropathic establishments of the village offer procedures with mineral water, radon, massage, mud therapy and many other procedures.

If you want to spend your vacation with benefit, it is recommended to rent a room in one of the sanatoriums of Matsesta.

What to do on vacation in Matsesta

The village of Matsesta is designed for rehabilitation and relaxing holiday. They come here all year round to improve health or a change of scenery. You can spend time at the resort in different ways. If you like beaches, you can go to one of them and lie under the rays of the southern sun all day long.

It is possible to go on an excursion with a group of tourists or on a hike. In Sochi you will find extreme types of recreation, including diving and paragliding.

In Matsesta, you can go fishing, hunt in the forest with a camera, or ride a bike. Special attention should be paid to food.

Be sure to try khinkali, barbecue, local wine, honey and tea. Seafood and fish are also a priority for tourists. Here it is relatively inexpensive compared to other regions.

Depending on the season, you can find a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. Cafes and restaurants offer meals Krasnodar Territory and peoples of the world. Delicious food, warm sun, gentle sea and air filled with pairs of microelements are good for health.

Prices for holidays in Matsesta are less than in large resort towns. This attracts tourists here who are not ready to pay tens of thousands of rubles for a vacation. It is relatively quiet in Matsesta, which makes family holiday comfortable.

If you are looking for quiet place for summer holidays, it is worth considering Matsesta as one of the options.

Matsesta how to get

It is convenient to get to the village through Adler. You can fly here by plane. It is believed that flights are the most convenient way to travel, because they take little time. You can also get to Adler by train, by car.

In the city, sit on public transport or taxi and go to the village. It is convenient to get to Matsesta by train through locality Host. You reach Khosta, and there you change to transport to Matsesta.

The road in your car will be easier if you plan the route in advance. It is convenient to look at houses, where roads are better, where gas stations are located, which way you can get faster.

It is easier to travel by car, even if it is considered that this travel option is the most expensive.

Matsesta rentals

On the territory of the village there are boarding houses, sanatoriums, hotels where you can rent a room. If you are focused on the prevention of diseases or the improvement of the body, then it is easier to settle here. It will be convenient to rest and undergo procedures.

It is beneficial for tourists to rent a room or a house in the private sector. Such housing is cheaper and life is easier. You do NOT need to follow a number of rules and there will be practically no neighbors.

What options does Matsesta offer? private sector prices for holidays without intermediaries can be viewed online on forums, message boards or in in social networks. See some options here , Avito service can be useful when searching for real estate.

Look for accommodation a few weeks before the trip, it will be easier to find an option that suits you completely. A room or bed can be rented in Matsesta at a price of 300 to 700 rubles per person.

Naturally, the conditions will be different for this money. In general, finding accommodation in Matsesta will be easy.

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We do not undertake to say for sure, but it is possible that without the waters of Matsesta, Sochi would not have become so popular resort. Matsesta is a place of strength, health and a strong smell of hydrogen sulfide. Here they beat healing springs which have attracted the attention of people since ancient times.

The word "since ancient times" is not just for beauty. They say that the waters of Matsesta have been known since ancient times, when the ancient Roman legionaries passed by these mountain springs. Or rather, they did not pass by, and after taking baths and ablutions, old wounds healed and their joints stopped hurting. The Ubykh highlanders, who inhabited this area before the Caucasian War, also appreciated the properties of healing waters. After the events of 1817-1864, they did not accept Russian citizenship and moved to Turkey, and the new inhabitants of the region took note of the old legends and traditional methods of hydrotherapy.

Krasnodar region. Big Sochi. Khostinsky district. Matsesta. Monument "Matsesta". Photo: Sonya Lyashkevich / website

Legends explain the origin of the name "Matsesta". According to legend, this is the name of a girl who saved her sick parents with healing water, tearing her out of the clutches of an evil fiery dragon or an underground spirit. She herself died in the process. According to another legend, the beautiful Matsesta became a victim of slander and, out of shame, fell underground, and then turned into an underground source that heals people.

In the Ubykh language "matsesta" means "burning water". This does not mean that the water is hot - it burns because it is saturated with hydrogen sulfide. The presence of hydrogen sulfide can be seen even visually: in the area of ​​the Agura waterfalls, the Agura River, under the influence of springs, changes color from natural transparent to milky white. But such a milky river does not have gentle jelly banks: water burns the skin, so it must be treated very carefully and dosed. A mistake can cost lives - deaths from long lying in hydrogen sulfide baths have long been known.

Krasnodar region. Big Sochi. Khostinsky district. Matsesta. Agura waterfalls. Photo: Pavel Pelevin / website

How useful is this water? Hydrogen sulfide affects the rate of blood circulation in the body, which is especially important in vascular diseases. It also strengthens the joints, helps to treat rheumatism and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In 1886, the waters of Matsesta were scientifically studied by the chemist Heinrich Struve, who determined their unique composition. And at the beginning of the 20th century healing power Matsesta sources believed the young doctor Viktor Podgursky. In September 1902, he founded an official hydropathic clinic in Matsesta - he set up two baths in a small room and invited patients there who were immersed in the water under the supervision of doctors. Ten years later, a hotel was built next door. This is how the famous Matsesta balneological resort began. The clinic flourished even after the October Revolution, when not only Voroshilov and Budyonny, but also Joseph Stalin himself came to the waters of Matsesta for treatment.

As you know, the Generalissimo's hand was damaged and dried out. For a long time the pain did not subside, no means could help. They say that Matsesta water worked a miracle, and Stalin no longer needed treatment at all. He traveled to Matsesta for many years, ordered the construction of a state dacha there and allocated huge amounts of money for the development of the Sochi resort. Under the slogan “palaces for the people”, rest houses and sanatoriums were built, so that local boarding houses still stand out for their imperial luxury. Stalin's dacha, rather modest in comparison with the "palaces for workers", today works as a museum.

Krasnodar region. Big Sochi. Khostinsky district. Matsesta. Museum "Stalin's Dacha" Photo: Pavel Pelevin / website

One of these palaces is the main attraction of Matsesta, its essence and heart. This is a hydropathic building in the form of two crescents connected in the middle. It was built in 1940 by architect Alexander Golubev. The interiors behind the magnificent facade do not disappoint, they are just as lush: marble columns, stucco, etc.

Krasnodar region. Big Sochi. Khostinsky district. Matsesta. Balneological resort "Matsesta". Photo: Sonya Lyashkevich / website

The water treatment facility is still in operation. It has several buildings, and the main one, which immediately appears before the eyes of the guests, is building No. 4. Treatment at the springs is available to everyone, you just need to get a referral from a doctor.


The direction, which is necessary for the Matsesta resort, does not have to be done in advance - you can arrange everything already on the spot after consulting a doctor. The doctor will prescribe a set of procedures, the effect of which should not be expected immediately after a couple of baths. They will need 10-20, and this is normal: the waters act gradually.

Local Features

Matsesta is known as a separate area between Khosta and Sochi, but administratively it is part of the Khostinsky district. It's extraordinary here beautiful views, mostly related to Sochi national park and very modest infrastructure.

There is no resort area as such in Matsesta, although there is a beach. There are no hotels or cafes next to it, only a parking lot next to the industrial area under the Matsesta aqueduct, built in the 1930s. The main street of Sochi, Kurortny Prospekt, passes through the aqueduct, connecting all the districts.

Krasnodar region. Big Sochi. Khostinsky district. Matsesta. View of the Agur waterfalls. Photo: Sonya Lyashkevich / website

Residential zone On the territory of Matsesta goes deep into the mountains, and closer to the sea there are boarding houses and rest houses built in the Stalin era as part of the “Sochi improvement”. Residential buildings are located on the mountain on one side of the avenue, on the other - a descent to the sea.

Krasnodar region. Big Sochi. Khostinsky district. Matsesta. Eagle rocks. Photo: Sonya Lyashkevich / website

The only road leading to the mountains is near the Matsesta sculpture. It is called Cheltenham Alley - in honor of the English sister city of Sochi. Previously, the name sounded even more romantic - the alley of Liquidambar. Liquidambar resinous is a tall deciduous tree. Such trees grow along the alley.

Krasnodar region. Big Sochi. Khostinsky district. Matsesta. Eagle rocks. Monument to Prometheus. Photo: Sonya Lyashkevich / website

Matsesta is divided into New, Middle (Upper) and Old - it is considered by distance from the sea. New - a small area near railway station. Of the attractions here are the already mentioned sculpture and the aqueduct, the small Sochi Aquarium and the entrance to the Health Path, which runs along the sea to the Frunzensky Park in Sochi. The only minus of the trail is that in addition to the sea, it also goes along the railway track, and not from the side of the beach, so the sea is not visible from this segment.
In the Upper Matsesta is the very famous hydropathic. And Old Matsesta is more like villages and towns, strung on one road, like shells on a necklace. It also has its own highlights. For example, not far from the village of Izmailovka there is a complex of beautiful Zmeikovsky waterfalls, and near the village of Semenovka there are tea plantations.

Krasnodar region. Big Sochi. Khostinsky district. Matsesta. Zmeykovskiye waterfalls. Photo: Sonya Lyashkevich / website

reference Information
The cash desks of the hydropathic clinic are open daily, except Sunday, from 8:00 to 13:00. According to sanatorium-resort books, admission is free and does not depend on the work of the box office.
The springs are open daily from 7:45 to 14:15, seven days a week.
For tourists who are not treated in Matsesta, the entrance to the territory of the hydropathic clinic is open, but for a fee - 200 rubles.


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About 30 people went to the first round.

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The halls of the Pushkin Museum began to be decorated with nameplates.

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