Tourist and resort places of Adygea list map. The best sights of Adygea with a photo and description

It is impossible to see all the sights of Adygea in a couple of days. You have to go here for at least a month. And after spending days in Adygea you will come back here again and again. Adygea is addictive - its nature, air, atmosphere, people ... The sights of Adygea are good at any time of the year - in winter, real snow lies here in the foothills and does not melt, which is very rare for the neighboring Krasnodar Territory, and in the summer in the forests of Adygea it is cool and quiet, in contrast to the heat-soaked Black Sea coast.

List of sights and interesting natural places of Adygea

Athos St. Michael's Monastery

The monastery was established by the Decree of the Most Holy Governing Synod on August 13, 1883 and was named St. Now it is often called more simply - the Mikhailovsky Monastery. It is located in Adygea, next to Khadzhokh. This is one of the main attractions of Kamennomostsky. Pilgrims and tourists flock for the sake of the holy spring from all over the country.

Mount Fisiabgo

Mount Fisiabgo is almost a kilometer high. The views from it are extraordinary! There used to be a fortress on the mountain, built a long time ago, several thousand years ago. And in the 19th century, monks from St. Michael's Monastery built the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. In 1946, it was blown up, and now there is a memorial sign in its place.

Holy spring of Panteleimon the Healer

The holy spring of Panteleimon the healer is located almost at the very top of Mount Fiziabgo. Nearby is the Athos St. Michael's Monastery. In the source you can draw holy water and swim in the font, which is located nearby.

Devil's Finger Rock

If you are heading to the Lago-Naki plateau, be sure to go to the Devil's Finger rock. The route to the Devil's finger rock starts from the old bridge of Dakhovskaya village. There you will see a path that leads up. You will reach a fork, take a left and further up a little more.

The village of Khadzhokh or Kamennomostsky

Our video about the cable car in Dakhovskaya:

Meshoko Gorge

It is located very close to the village of Kamennomostsky, Khadzhokskaya gorge. This valley has been known to man for a very long time. In the area of ​​the Meshoko Gorge, the remains of ancient people, Bronze Age settlements, Scythian burials, the remains of defensive fortifications, and many other interesting and ancient things were found.

Belaya River

Belaya River - famous place for rafting price Adygeya | Moreover, both beginners and professionals can engage in rafting, there are alloys of different complexity. And if you are not a fan of extreme sports and you don’t even want to try it once, then you can just admire the river. Trust me, she's amazing!

Plateau Lago-Naki

Lago-Naki is an incomprehensible, magical, unusually beautiful place! History goes back many millions of years. There were no people yet, and these mountains were already silently looking at the world. Once upon a time, as long ago as you can imagine, the ancient Tethys ocean stretched on the site of the current forests.

Cossack stone

The Cossack stone in Adygea is also called the Maiden stone and the Circassian stone. The stone is 35 meters high and 27 meters wide. It is located between the village of Khadzhokh and the village of Dakhovskaya. If you head to the Lago-Naki plateau or the Rufabgo waterfalls, you will not pass by. Incidentally, the Cossack stone is considered one of the largest stones in Europe.

Dakhovsky Egg Bridge

The old one is located in the village of Dakhovskaya, in Adygea. The Old Bridge across the Dykh River was built in 1906 by the Cossacks of the Second Urup Regiment. They were sent to Dakhovskaya to work as a punishment for participating in the uprising in Yekaterinodar (as Krasnodar used to be called).

Azish cave

One of the main attractions of the area. Strictly speaking, the Azish cave is located in Krasnodar Territory. This is still the Absheron region, if you look at the map. But since Adygea is very close there, many say that Bolshaya Azishskaya is located in Adygea.

These are far from all the sights of Adygea, in fact there are much more of them than on my list - mountains, gorges, waterfalls ... But I have indicated only those places that ordinary tourists can admire, without special training, without sports and hiking experience, but simply families with children or people who are far from sports and professional tourism. Adygea is exciting and amazing, and it is not necessary to love extreme sports to see places of extraordinary beauty here!

This time I will tell you about Adygea - a pearl North Caucasus and about the organization independent travel to these regions.
The Republic of Adygea is located in the south of our country, in the Krasnodar Territory, and is literally surrounded by it from all sides. Adygea is the land of snow-white mountain peaks and emerald forests, endless plains and alpine meadows, deep canyons and fast rivers. The local nature is impressive and attractive - thousands of tourists from all over the world come here every year, and many come back again and again.

In my opinion, the main attractions of Adygea are of a natural nature - this is the Caucasian Reserve, nature Park“Big Thach”, a huge plateau of Lago-Naki, the famous Fisht and Oshten peaks, the Khadzhokh gorge, Rufabgo waterfalls, mysterious caves, grottoes and gorges. In Adygea, you can lay a lot of interesting tourist routes, or just check into a hotel and take a walk around the neighborhood. Fans of extreme recreation will be able to go rafting, canyoning, rock climbing, via ferrata, ride on cable car, go down into caves and even jump off a cliff with a rope. Everyone else is waiting for more peaceful entertainment - hiking and horseback riding, trips to the mountains in jeeps, visiting numerous natural and cultural attractions.

The base for radial exits from the hotel, and the starting point for a hiking route through the mountains, is best to make the village of Kamennomostsky (the old name was Khadzhokh (until 1948), but it is used on a par with the new one). The village is located in the foothills, in the south of Adygea, 40 kilometers from the capital of the republic - the city of Maikop. It is around Khadzhokh (and in itself) that the largest number of attractions and entertainment are concentrated, and there is also a good selection of hotels and guest houses.


From Moscow (as well as from other places) you can get to Khadzhokh in two main ways - first by train or plane to Krasnodar, and then by direct bus (it takes about 4 hours). The second option is to take a bus in Moscow to Maikop (it takes about 16 hours), and then again by a direct bus or minibus (an hour on the way).

Accommodation and meals

As I said, Kamennomostsky has a large selection of accommodation options. There are houses, rooms and rooms for every taste and budget, but the average price per person per day in the summer is about 1000 rubles. Almost every hotel will have a kitchen at your disposal. Products can be bought in numerous shops throughout the city, or in the Magnit supermarket. Be sure to visit the market, which is open on weekends under open sky— this is where you will find real local products at real local prices.


Hiking route to the mountains

Route 2


In the village, the first thing to do is to visit the world-famous Khadzhokh gorge (entry ticket 400 rubles). The Belaya River cut through a deep and narrow canyon, which can be looked into from special viewing platforms. Below you will see a mighty water stream roaring over the rapids - the sight is very impressive. Also on the territory of the gorge there is a small but interesting zoo where you can look at some representatives of the local and not only fauna - wolves, foxes, raccoons, ostriches, beavers and even bears.

The second attraction, located literally in the village, is the Rufabgo waterfalls. sixteen beautiful waterfalls hid in a wooded gorge, and a good hiking trail leads to them. To see all the waterfalls, you need to walk about 15 kilometers along a mountain path, and this, out of habit, can be quite difficult. Therefore, many tourists are limited to the first few waterfalls. At the entrance to the gorge from the side of the highway there are ticket offices and they collect money from everyone for visiting the waterfalls (about 300-400 rubles per person). But if you come to the gorge on foot from the village (2 km) along the left bank of the Belaya River, then no one will take money from you. The locals go the same way to the waterfalls.

All other significant sights are located at a distance from the village, and it is no longer possible to get there on foot. To the plateau of Lago-Naki, for example, about 35 kilometers. In the village you can take an excursion to the plateau, or go by taxi on your own (1500 rubles one way). You need to go to the Azishsky pass (height 1745 meters), from which a stunning view of the plateau opens.

On the way to the pass, it is worth visiting another very interesting attraction - the Big Azish Cave (entry ticket 400 rubles). The cave is equipped and lit, so no special equipment is required to visit it, except that you should take a jacket with you - the temperature below is about +5 degrees.

But the most important beauties are hidden in the mountains - in the heart of the Caucasian Reserve, and neither an excursion nor a taxi will help to see them. Here your best helpers are a backpack, a tent, a pair of sturdy boots and true friends.

Hiking route to the mountains

This option is perfect for anyone who is not afraid of long walks, the weight of their own backpack and spending the night in an open-air tent. In return, you will get the opportunity to visit “non-touristic” places (ordinary tourists simply don’t get here), to see the stunning nature of the Caucasian Reserve from the inside - majestic mountains, transparent lakes and rivers, dense forests. The routes through the mountains of Adygea are relatively easy, and the weather in the summer is notable for its mildness, so if you have never gone mountain hiking, Adygea is a great place to fix it.

From Yavorova Polyana in a day we reach a mountain shelter at the foot of Mount Fisht - the highest peak of Adygea (altitude 2867 m.). The transition is about 12 kilometers, and along the way you need to overcome two passes - Guzeriplsky and Armenian. The mountain shelter consists of two houses with rooms for 6 or more people (accommodation in the shelter is included in the price of entrance tickets to the reserve). Inside is clean and comfortable. The shelter is in special demand during the off-season - in spring and autumn, and in summer almost all visitors prefer to live in tent city nearby.
You can return back by the same road to Yavorova Polyana, or cross the Lago-Naki plateau and go to the cordon of the reserve of the same name, but in this case you will have to walk about 20 kilometers. It should be borne in mind that throughout the route (including Yavorova Polyana) there is no cellular connection. Communication appears only at the Lago-Naki cordon, as well as on the pre-summit ridge of Mount Fisht. An inspector on duty lives permanently at the shelter, who has a radio transmitter.

Route 2

In order to get on this route, we need to get to the Lago-Naki checkpoint - this is a few more kilometers along the road beyond the Azish pass, where we have already been, and from where we looked at the plateau. A taxi to the checkpoint costs about 1500 rubles. one way. Tickets for the reserve can be purchased here.

On the first day we cross the Lago-Naki plateau, pass the Abadzesh pass and camp at the foot of Mount Oshten, not far from the Rubleny stream. Day trip 10 km. On the second day, you can climb Mount Oshten (height 2804 m.) - one of the highest peaks Adygea. You don’t need any special climbing equipment to climb, but you should take a GPS navigator with you.
On the third day we overcome the Fisht-Oshtenovsky pass and descend into the valley of the Belaya River - to the Fishtinsky shelter already known to us.

On the fourth day, you can climb Fisht, but keep in mind that for this you will need a minimum set of climbing equipment, namely a rope, harness, helmet, carbines, crampons and an ice ax, as well as the ability to use all this.

In other words, if you don't have a knowledgeable person with you, don't go. It is pleasant to look at Fisht from below, without climbing to the top.

Climbing can be replaced by a trip to the Small Glacier or the Belorechensky pass. It is better not to come close to the Small Glacier, because. stones often fly from the nearest sheer walls! Hiking to the Belorechensky pass is part of the famous "thirty" - one of the most popular tourist routes in the Soviet Union. At the shelter near the stream there is a small bathhouse - it is especially nice to visit it after a whole day of hiking in the mountains with a backpack. You can return to Khadzhokh through the Yavorova Polyana - from the Fishtinsky shelter to it is about 12 kilometers - this way the route will be logically completed.

A variety of tourists go to the places described above - from young to old, and with a wide variety of experiences. But we should not forget one simple rule: any hikes, and especially mountain ones, should be approached responsibly! Wish you interesting trips!

Andrey Sokolov
City Escape tourist club instructor

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In this post:

Where to go what to see in Adygea

I really liked the Lagonaki Highlands (Karst Plateau). This is the most beautiful place in Adygea, which has recently been very popular with tourists. In this post, I have collected all the interesting places in different settlements of Lago-Naki, which are definitely worth a visit.


On the territory of the plateau there are several settlements, each of which has its own attractions. It is distinguished by its special beauty, unique landscapes and positive energy. no less interesting and exciting than summer. Tourists involved in rafting have the opportunity to raft famous river White. In general, there are enough options for spending time.

Kamennomostsky - attractions near the village

The village itself is an attraction. Today it has received the status of an urban-type settlement. It is well developed tourism infrastructure. A huge number of places deserve close attention of the guests of Adygea.

The Khadzhokh Gorge is one of the most popular places formed by mother nature herself, wind, time and the Belaya River. It is the crevice that attracts people who prefer active, I would even say extreme sports, such as rafting. Rafting on the river is also carried out in winter. In addition to enjoying the beauty of the gorge, more than 400 meters long, you can visit a small zoo located on the territory.

The church is a real masterpiece of wooden architecture. Despite its relative "youth" (it was erected in 2004 on the banks of the Belaya River), the small temple won love and respect not only local residents but also the majority of tourists. It was built on the site of a prayer house built over 100 years ago, in 1891. A small building on one floor has a modest, but beautiful view. A carved porch leads to the entrance.

This is a general definition of more than 10 water cascades, the largest of which have names. Along the hiking trails, you can go to six, which are considered the most beautiful and majestic. But if you can get to the rest, a lot of positive emotions are guaranteed. The Rufabgo waterfalls fascinate with views at any time of the year. Even in winter they have a unique look. The busiest time of the year is spring.

Meshoko Gorge (Mishoko)

The Meshoko Gorge is located on the first (of the same name) tributary of the Belaya River. A fabulously beautiful place, especially in winter. Frozen waterfalls are ideally combined with snow-capped peaks, multiple grottoes, caves. The crevice, although hidden from prying eyes, is very popular with tourists. "Mishoko" in translation from Circassian means "Bear Valley" and it's true that there used to be a lot of bears here. More details, map, GPS coordinates here

This is one of the main attractions of the surroundings of the village of Kamennomostsky. It can rightly be called a unique, amazing place. It is so beautiful that every tourist who comes to rest in Adygea strives to get here. The cave is fundamentally different from its "brothers". It is decorated with stalactites and stalagmites. Observation decks are fenced. The entire cave space is divided into several halls.

On the territory of Adygea great amount dolmens, but the most popular is Khadzhokhsky. According to some reports, it was built in the first half of the 3rd century BC. What it was intended for is unknown. On one side of the dolmen there is an oval-type hole, slightly offset to the base. This is a mysterious structure, the purpose of which the scientists themselves are arguing. It is believed that the dolmen is an ancient dwelling.

You don't even have to go to the mountains to see this majestic stone. He was “conveniently located” right in the middle of the road leading from Kamennomostsky to the village of Dakhovskaya. It is believed that many years ago, as a result of an earthquake or other natural phenomena, a block broke off from the Una-Koz ridge and fell right onto the road. Around the stone, which has many names, there are many beautiful and amazing legends. Which of them is true, which is fiction - is unknown.

Valley of ammonites (petrified molluscs)

The valley of petrified mollusks inspires with its size. It stretches almost to the village of Abadzekhovskaya. But in order to fully enjoy the mystery and grandeur of these places, it is enough to allocate an hour of time. The natural attraction starts from the bridge over the Belaya River (where you can go rafting). Already from it to see the valley. To view them in a relaxed atmosphere, visit the museum.

The museum is only part of the whole complex, consisting of a hotel, a cafe and the museum itself. The complex was founded by one person, a local enthusiast, thanks to whom today we have the opportunity to see exhibits of paleontology, zoology, and history in one place. Here you can see ammonites, stuffed animals of various animals up close. A great place to stop on the way to the Lago-Naki plateau. Very beautiful and educational.

Despite the fact that the labyrinths are not located in Kamennomostsky itself, but in its vicinity, they are considered one of the main attractions of these places. This is an amazing place, created over the centuries by mother nature. Forms of some boulders so perfect, it is even hard to believe that no human took part in their creation. Some monoliths have names and are shrouded in beliefs. For example, "Grandfather" and "Grandson".

Museum in the cave "Station of the ancient man"

The museum complex is located at the exit from the village of Kamennomostsky, in one of the grottoes of the Khadzhokh gorge. The organizers tried to reproduce the life of ancient people as accurately as possible. At the entrance, tourists are "greeted" by sculptures of primitive people. During the tour, the guide will tell you about the life of the ancient Meteot tribes who lived here in antiquity. In the first of the two halls, sculptures of people from the Stone Age are exhibited, in the second - an exhibition.

An extreme amusement park for adults and children "Mishoko" is located in the famous Mishoko Gorge. There is something here for every taste. Including zip lines, via ferrata, rappel. You can visit a camp bath, a cave. And also play paintball, ride horses or a quad bike, UAZ. There is an opportunity to spend time more calmly, for example, by ordering sightseeing tour around the neighborhood. Exact location on the map at the bottom of the page.

At the exit from Kamennomostsky towards Guzeripl there is an old abandoned quarry, where lime and other valuable rocks were previously mined. But tourists are more attracted not by the quarry itself, but by the old factory, or rather, what is left of it. Quarry ovens can hardly be called any kind of production, they are more reminiscent of the ruins of an ancient castle. Perhaps this is what provoked enterprising people to partially restore them. Exact location on the map at the bottom of the page.

In fact, this waterfall is one of the sixteen cascades united by the name "Rufabgo Falls". It is the smallest, and got its name from three jets. Since the cascade is located a little further than the main tourist trails, there are not many vacationers in Adygea. By the way, this is the only water stream on the Rufabgo River, at its confluence with the river. White. In addition, only this waterfall can be seen from footbridge. More details, map,GPScoordinates .

One of the most beautiful and mysterious caves, not only in the area of ​​Rufabgo waterfalls, but throughout Adygea. The cave has an unusual shape, it seems to be stretched upwards. It has a rather impressive size and many locals like to tell the legend about the giant Rufabgo who lived here in ancient times. The bottom of the see-through cave is strewn with stones of different sizes, and the daylight breaking through the upper hole makes it special. Exact location on the map at the bottom of the page.

Many tourists consider this waterfall the most beautiful and mysterious. Its feature is a huge stone resembling a heart. It blocks part of the channel, resulting in a two-cascade waterfall (on the right side), which fascinates with its grandeur. It is about the “Heart of Rufabgo” that a gloomy legend is composed, telling how a brave young man tore out and threw away the heart of a giant who kept all the surroundings in fear. More details, map,GPScoordinates .

Sights of the village Dakhovskaya

In Dakhovskaya there are very beautiful and interesting places not so much as in Kamennomostsky, but still, there is something to see. And where to get a lot of bright, unforgettable emotions.

"Ropeway" is the first chairlift in the whole of Adygea, and today it is the only one. Works all year round, leads to the top of the famous Una-Koz mountain range. On it you will find a lot of amazing places, panoramic views and bewitching landscapes. On the ticket, all hiking trails are clearly painted, places are indicated that are especially popular with tourists. By the way, it is by cable car that you can very quickly get to the Tetis amusement park.

The monument of architecture, erected back in 1906 by the Cossacks and villagers, with the help of church servants, is a real masterpiece. Despite the age of one hundred years, the bridge has been preserved in almost perfect condition. Perhaps the main role in this was played by construction technology. Egg whites were added to the lime-milk solution, which, in the truest sense of the word, were "collected by the whole world." The bridge offers an unforgettable view of the surroundings.

Amazing place, which can be reached in just twenty minutes by the cable car described above. The length of the ridge is more than a hundred kilometers, but tourists do not have to make such a long journey. At a distance of only 7 - 8 km you can see a lot of beautiful, amazing places. These are the famous rocks "Iron", "Devil's Finger" and numerous beautiful caves, grottoes, Fortune's stone and much more.

One of the most popular tourist sites in the vicinity of Dakhovskaya village. Unfortunately today, there is no way to fully appreciate the beauty of these places. Of the 200 dolmens, only three remained intact. They were built from sandstone. Some buildings show traces of processing. Archaeologists have found many interesting things in the valley, including rock inscriptions, armor, even bronze items, not to mention bones.

The granite gorge is one of the sights of the Dakhovskaya village. It is located south of the village, towards the village of Khamyshki. This is amazing beauty the majestic place formed by the Belaya River stretched for four kilometers. The height of the canyon walls is about 200 meters. You can admire the greatness of the gorge at any time of the year, in my opinion, in winter it is even more beautiful. Especially its famous "Golden" waterfall.

Fantasy Park

This is a park of natural attractions, in which there are more than a hundred different figures made of stone and wood. They were created by nature itself, and man just slightly corrected them. An amazing place, a sightseeing walk through which takes only thirty minutes, but during this time you can see a huge number of very beautiful things. The tour is conducted by the organizer of the park himself, telling amazing stories. This is one of the most beautiful places.

For lovers of active, extreme sports - this organization is just a godsend. Real professionals work here, for many years of their work they have won the trust of tourists. They organize rafting and kayaking for people of all skill levels. Real professionals will provide safe rafting on the Belaya River, provide everything you need. In winter, these are special wetsuits, shoes, and so on. More details, map,GPScoordinates here

Sights of the village Khamyshki

There are not so many attractions in these parts, but nevertheless, they deserve special attention of tourists. If you have already gathered on the Lago-Naki plateau, I recommend visiting them.

The main attraction of the village is located at the confluence of two powerful rivers: Kish and Belaya. It was they who formed incredible beauty waterfalls. You can look at the rapids for hours, enjoying the power, playful foam and a lot of splashes framed by the majestic rocks of Assara and Chugush. These places are especially popular with tourists in spring and autumn, the rafting season. Some citizens manage to make an alloy in the winter.

Even a novice tourist will be able to master the ascent to the most amazing mountain of Adygea. The height is just over 1000 meters, and the views from the three peaks (hence the name) have not left anyone indifferent. Having risen to the top, you will see from a bird's eye view both the village of Khamyshki, and the Lagonak highland, the valley of the Belaya River. And the aforementioned Granite Gorge. How beautiful this place is, so fascinating is the legend.

Sights of Guzeripl

There are more than enough sights in this village, both natural and created by the efforts of people.

The museum complex was created in the mid-fifties of the last century. The exposition is more than interesting. Here we use an approach that is rarely used. These are high-quality photos of the biosphere reserve, and stuffed animals of various animals. Moreover, stuffed animals are not easy to stand on pedestals, but are placed in the environment that they live in. Another difference of the complex is the year-round operation without days off and breaks.

This is the largest dolmen in the territory of Adygea, and possibly in the whole world. It is located on the territory of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve and, in fact, is one of its local attractions. Not so long ago, the entrance to the dolmen was free. But some time ago he was taken under guard. After all, the well-known desire of some unscrupulous tourists to sweep away everything in their path, or to climb where it is not worth it.

The tourist complex offers excellent conditions for a relaxing holiday or active pastime. In winter, there is an opportunity to ride a snowmobile or go skiing. On the basis of comfortable rooms of different categories. Breakfast is included in the price. There is not only an excellent cafe, but even access to the Internet. Baths and more. The base is located near the entrance to the Caucasian Reserve, but does not enter its territory.

There are several observation platforms here, but hiking trails are well laid out only up to two. A small observation deck is located on Mount Chernaya. The rock has a slightly cut surface, densely covered with vegetation. Here you can enjoy all the splendor of the raging Belaya River, the eastern side of the village. A large observation deck is located a little higher than Malaya, on a rocky ridge resembling a cockscomb.

Polyana Yavorova

A very beautiful place, named after the majestic broad-leaved maple. The most interesting thing is that you can enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature and unique views at any time of the year. In summer, tourists with their tents are successfully located here. And in winter they rent a room at one of the many comfortable recreation centers. Where it is interesting, fun and active to spend time enjoying the snow-capped mountain peaks.

Sights of the village Pobeda

There are not so many attractions in the village of Pobeda as in Kamennomostsky or Guzeripl, but some of them surpass all others in their grandeur and mystery.

The monastery is the most popular and favorite place not only for guests of Adygea, but also for local residents. There are new and old buildings on the territory of St. Michael's Monastery. At one time, some buildings of the shrine were completely destroyed, but new buildings were built in their place. In general, it turned out very effectively and harmoniously. Excursions are held here, they are treated to delicious pancakes with various fillings and fragrant herbal tea.

The above described monastery is located at the foot of Mount Fiziabgo, and the holy spring and font of Panteleimon the healer is located on the mountain itself. A good path leads here from the territory of Mikhailovskaya Pustela. It is believed that the source appeared thanks to the prayers of the founder of the monastery, Martiria. The spring itself is lined with stone, a cross with an icon is installed near it and a font is equipped. Many pilgrims are confident in the healing properties of the local water. Exact location on the map at the bottom of the page.

Sights of Guamka

There are many attractions in Guamka. Today, this village is included in the list of the most visited places by tourists. According to travelers, the places described below deserve special attention.

Where to stay in Guamka -

Perhaps this is the most beautiful place not only in Adygea, but throughout Russia. The bewitching view of the crevasse, created by nature itself, attracts a huge number of visitors to the region. The length of the gorge is about three kilometers, and the height of the walls in some places reaches 500 (!) meters. Raisins are given by multi-colored stones washed with water. Sometimes there are water cascades that amaze the imagination.

These water cascades fascinate with their grandeur and unsurpassed beauty. The highest falls from a height of 12 meters, along the ledges. Even in winter it is fabulously beautiful here, especially if you are lucky, the waterfall will not freeze. You will be able to watch an amazing picture of a crystal clear turquoise flow of life-giving moisture descending from a snow-covered mountain. But even if it freezes, it will still have a unique look.

An amazing place with a stunning panorama of the surroundings. You can get here by two trails, and at any time of the year. The ascent is easy, suitable even for inexperienced tourists, some take children with them. In winter, however, you need to be careful. It is located in the area of ​​the Guam Gorge, so it can be easily attributed to the main attractions of the gorge. In general, there are several sites in these parts, but this one is special.

The beam and the waterfall are located on the territory of the same Guam Gorge. The places here are not only beautiful, they are charming. But it is advisable to hike to them in dry, calm weather. Not a very good choice for winter walks. Although if you still get to them, a lot of unique impressions are guaranteed. The waterfall is not the highest (50 meters), but one of the most beautiful. Falling jets along the cascade cause mixed feelings.

The construction of the narrow-gauge Apsheron railway in the Guam Gorge began in the early 1920s. Previously, the road was the longest in the mountains of Russia. Today, its duration is about 2 kilometers. Today, three wagons are used to transport passengers, sometimes there are motorized tires that take passengers beyond the train's final stop. This is an ideal option to enjoy the delights of the gorge without climbing mountains.

Unique natural objects. There are more than enough of them on the territory of the Lago-Naki plateau. The bulk of the springs, the temperature in which ranges from + 34 to 80 ° C, is not located on the territory of cozy recreation centers. Hot springs are especially popular mainly in winter. It is worth noting that the temperature in some pools is specially artificially cooled. Otherwise, it is impossible to get into the water.

Sights of Adygea on the map

Of course, this is not all the sights of the Lago-Naki plateau. But this, in my opinion, is more than enough to understand how interesting and informative a vacation in Adygea can be. If you have already traveled in these parts, visited one or even several of the above objects, share your impressions in the comments.


The history of Adygea has been known since the Middle Ages. In those days, the indigenous population occupied the territory from the Kuban River to the Psou River. Along the northern border Caucasus mountains- to Ossetia.

In the 14th century, the Circassians lived on a large territory that stretched from the Black Sea region to the North Caucasus. With the development of the south by the Russian state, the number of indigenous people decreased, and as a result of the Caucasian War, the Adygs were deported to Ottoman Empire. The remaining population lived on its territory until the 18th century.

After 1864, the Circassians began to leave their homeland en masse, and the reason for this was the position of the tsarist government to intensify autocracy in these territories. Those residents who survived under the tsar in 1918, when the legitimate government of Russia was overthrown, became part of the Kuban-Black Sea Republic. The formation of the Adyghe Republic took place in 1922, but after 6 years the name of the republic changed somewhat. As a result, the Adyghe people's region was formed, the capital of which was the city of Krasnodar. In 1936, the center of the Adyghe region was renamed Maikop. In Soviet times, the Adyghe region was actively developing and improving. Plants and factories were built, the Adygs began to produce products that were used by the Soviet state, which was large in its territory.

The years of the war could not but leave their sad mark on Adygea. Men went to the front to defend their homeland from a cruel enemy: teenagers and women took their place. Products manufactured in those days in the region made an invaluable contribution to the overall victory. The Frunze plant, the Lesomebel plant, the Molot artel worked for wear and tear for the needs of the front. In August 1942, trouble came to Adygea: it was occupied by the Nazis. The blockade was lifted almost a year later as a result of the North Caucasian operation.

Time has passed. Economic and political formations have changed. At present, Adygea is part of the Southern Federal District, is a full subject of Russia. Maykop remained the capital of Adygea. Officially, Adygea has been called the Republic of Adygea since 1922.


The Republic of Adygea is heterogeneous in its geography. It can be conditionally divided into three parts: plain, foothills, mountains. The southern part of the Kuban Plain is located in the foothill foredeep zone. This is a lowland that turns into a plain. Its strip extends to Maykop, which stands at an altitude of 230 meters above sea level. The territory is represented by gentle ridges, which are separated by amazing rivers. The peaks of individual mountains reach impressive sizes:

Chugush (3238);

Jemaruk (3099);

Tybga (3064).

The mountainous part in Adygea is saturated with rivers, the main of which are the Laba, Belaya and Kuban. It is impossible not to name the hand of Adygea, which originates at the junction of the Great and Malaya Laba. The Adygeya River has a length of 341 kilometers, the catchment area is 12,500 sq. km. In Adygea, in the mountainous part, there are a lot of lakes. They are small in size and are located in places that are inaccessible to humans. The main part of clean and virgin lakes is located within the Main and Side ranges. One of the largest lakes for which the Republic of Adygea is famous is Psedonakh. In the foothills there are mineral and thermal springs with different composition.

The species composition of vegetation includes approximately 2000 species. For mountainous area mountain forest strips, meadows, rocks are characteristic. In Adygea, only stunted forests grow in the mountains. And the main forest resources of the republic are concentrated in the area near the city of Maykop (98% of the total number of forests). Forest lands are divided into two groups in accordance with the purpose of the fund. The first group deals with water protection and protective functions. The second group deals with sanitary and hygienic and other issues. Among the trees there is a pedunculate oak, an ash-tree. Among the plants you can see silk cuff, valerian, cornflower, etc.

Republic of Adygea


Adygea 2016 is represented by the multinationality of citizens living on its territory. The number of Adyghes is approximately 95.4 Adyghes. What is interesting: there are much more Adyghes in the republics of the Near Abroad. In addition, many of them stayed in Turkey and settled there. In addition to the indigenous population, the Russians have long and successfully mastered the territory. They live throughout the territory and make up 68% of the population against 22% of the Adyghe. The third place is occupied by Ukrainians, concentrated in the capital of the Republic of Adygea. In addition to the top three, Armenians (2.4%), Belarusians, Tatars, Germans, Gypsies, Greeks, and Azerbaijanis live in the republic.

Of all the nations living in the republic, only the Russians and the indigenous population managed to create zones of organized population throughout the territory. Nationalities are represented by settlement in the city or outside it. For the Slavs, the traditional types of settlements are villages, villages and farms. For the Circassians, these are auls.

Adygea is represented by various religions. Adyghe are Muslims who preach the Sunni direction. The Tatars also join them. Slavs (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians) profess Christianity: Orthodoxy. The division of religions into two main ones: Islam and Christianity, has historical roots. In the 16th century, Christianity penetrated the republic. But Christianity strongly pressed the Muslim religion during the Caucasian War. The Armenians inhabiting Adygea belong to the Armenian Gregorian Church founded in 301 by Gregory. This was a bishop known in his circles. In principle, the religion of a bishop has much in common with Christianity. But his faith is monotheistic. A certain part of the population is represented by atheists.

Administrative division

According to its territorial division, it is represented by 7 districts and 2 cities.

Maykop city (urban district).

City of Adygeysk (urban district).








The main mode of transport in the city is the trolleybus: the first route of this urban land transport was opened in 1974. Currently, there are 11 routes in the capital. In addition to trolleybuses, they are actively used fixed-route taxis and buses. Railway communication with the world is carried out along the North Caucasian railway. And air communication - through Maykop and the Khanskaya military airfield.

The city of Adygeysk grew out of a small village. The city is located to the south of the Kuban River, at a distance of 8 kilometers from the railway junction called Psekuas. It is separated from Maykop by 85 kilometers, from Krasnodar - much less: only 15 kilometers. The nearest major air transport hub is located in Krasnodar. The Adyghe is led by Nalbiy Nukhonovich Gataga.

In addition, there are 43 rural settlements in Adygea, more than 200 settlements.

Rest in Adygea

Rest in Adygea is combined with a visit to mineral and healing springs, unique sights and nature reserves. Among the species active rest the most popular is leisure activities in the mountainous territory of the republic. Tourists visit the Republic of Adygea every year. Recreation here is climbing to mountain rivers, hiking along mountain paths, as well as sledding and skiing. Among the outdoor activities in Adygea you can find the following types:



snowmobile trips.

Also: water tourism, skiing, off-road trips, quad bike trips. In addition, cycling, equestrian and hiking tourism is developed. Every year, the Belaya River hosts tourist and sports games in the spring.

For those citizens who go on vacation to Adygea with the aim of improving their health, there are sanatoriums and rest houses with a good level of service for vacationers. Hotel complexes and recreational facilities are concentrated in Maikop, in the villages of Krasnooktyabrsky, Kammenomostsky, Guzepil, Stanitsa Dakhovskaya. In addition to the sanatorium, at the service of tourists guest houses, hostels, rest houses, hotels, hotels.

People come to rest in Adygea by their own car. This is very convenient, especially for residents of neighboring regions. The development of automobile tourism was preceded by good equipment highways, as well as their extensive network. This makes remote mountainous territories accessible for mass visits and allows you to reach the most interesting from a tourist point of view observation points with mountain panoramas, as well as tourist and excursion complexes of Adygea, strewn with waterfalls, lakes of amazing composition, beautiful mountain panoramas with unusual vegetation.

In addition, this type of tourism, which is developed in Europe, is becoming famous in Russia. There is no need to prepare especially carefully for the trip, and there is no need to worry about spending the night. In Adygea, there are no problems with the accommodation of tourists. Rest Adygea will provide high-quality and reliable!

If tourists set out to visit natural springs, sights untouched by civilization, then they should contact the so-called tourist shelters, represented by tent camps scattered throughout the territory of Adygea.

Relax in Adygea! For example, campgrounds furnished in a modern way. They contain everything that a person needs: sources of drinking water, toilets, fireplaces, etc. It is quite possible to stay there for the night. Given that almost the entire territory of Adygea is a zone world heritage UNESCO, tourists visiting the republic will be filled with impressions of the beauties of this region.

How to get to Adygea?

It all depends on the preferences of tourists:

From Moscow you can get by plane to Krasnodar.

By rail, by train to Krasnodar.

By rail, by train to the city of Belorechensk.

By bus to the city of Maikop.

Bus service to Krasnodar.

From Krasnodar to the republic can be reached by taxi, regular bus. In addition, you can independently get to Adygea by private car. The route scheme is as follows: go along the M-4 highway from Moscow, bypassing the city of Voronezh along the road with signs to Rostov. Before reaching this city, we leave for Aksai. Follow the signs to Krasnodar and Novorossiysk. In the village of Pavlovskaya, we turn off following the signs to Krasnodar, then we follow past the village of Berezanskaya to the village of Vyselki. There, follow the signs to Ust-Labinsk, with a turn to Krasnodar, at the traffic police post with a roundabout to Maykop. Further, entering Maykop, each tourist follows the route that he has chosen in advance.