The greatness of nature. Fascinating photos showing all the incredible beauty and grandeur of nature

Huge landscapes with mountain ranges, vast forests and vast powerful waterfalls... The mere contemplation of such views makes a person feel very tiny compared to the grandeur of nature!

1. Age of gigantic trees in the forests British Columbia(Canada) is sometimes hundreds of years old. Numerous streams, visible and invisible to the eye, combined with high humidity, give a thick veil of fog to fill the entire space and cling to the tops of pine trees. Photo: Lizzy Gadd

2. The small town of Mansfield in Australia in its vicinity has two large lakes and dense forest, where the crowns of lanky trees are almost buried in low-lying clouds. In these places, the favorite trails of connoisseurs of hiking and cycling lie. Photo: Alex Wise

3. The amazing landscape of the Arches National Park, located in Utah (USA), will guide its visitors through the miraculous filigree of nature, expressed in the form of marvelous sandstone arches. Over two thousand of these unusual objects of various sizes is found in an area of ​​309 km2, suggesting a long and thoughtful walk. Photo: Marsel Van Oosten

4. national park"Sequoia" in California (USA) is densely "populated" with long-lived trees, but age is not their main feature: size is a much more interesting characteristic. California sequoias are the largest trees on the planet. In the photo you see a giant nicknamed General Sherman, whose height is 83.8 m. Photo: Michael Nichols

5. The pride of Great Britain - the Peak District National Park - on its vast territory has rocky formations, caves, mountain trails and reservoirs, which is why it is very popular with tourists and travelers with a wide variety of preferences. For the convenience of visitors, the old Railway was converted into a way for long walks. Photo: Kai Yang

6. Pleasing to the eye of residents and visitors of the state of Oregon (USA), the 30-meter Abikva Falls has an almost perfect shape. The miracle of nature is located on the territory of the Abbey of the Mountain Angel, and the leadership of this religious institution kindly provides access to the waterfall to everyone who wants to enjoy its beauty and grandeur. Photo: Joshua Meador

7. Delightful views of the sloping slopes of Moravia (Czech Republic) have long been a favorite place for tourists and photographers. The surrounding large-scale fields of the village also do not lag behind in beauty - their bright houses serve as a worthy vignette for this delightful greenery. Photo: Przemyslaw Kruk

8. Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajokull slept for about two hundred years until he showed signs of life in 2010. An amazing landscape unfolded at its foot and tourists from all over the world seek to get to these places, taking advantage of the newly calmed volcano. Photo: Max River

9. The Dolomites of Italy amaze their visitors with a variety of landscapes. Along with rocky slopes, you can find green meadows with ponds in which trout splash, and in spring about 50 species of orchids bloom in local national parks. Photo: Dmitry Vorobey

10. The Namib desert got its name from the words of the local dialect, and it literally means "a place where there is nothing." This name quite accurately characterizes 100 thousand km2 of sandy wasteland, stretching in southwestern Africa from the coast of the Atlantic Ocean deep into the continent. Photo: Reinhard Gaemlich

11. Iceland is the most convenient home for a huge number of waterfalls. A suitable North Atlantic climate, frequent rains and snows form many glaciers, whose summer melting generates stormy waterfalls feeding local rivers. Photo: Wim Denijs

12. According to many experts, the last untouched forest in Europe is Belovezhskaya Pushcha, located in Belarus and Poland. The age of the forest is at least five thousand years. Photo: Ivan Letochin

13. In the Death Valley National Park in California (USA), one can see picturesque clay and agrillite landscapes created by natural folds of barren land. Photo: Troy Montemayor

14. The mountain ranges of the Czech Republic are covered with spruce-beech and spruce-fir forests. The most famous Bohemian Forest (called Sumava by the Czechs) keeps its ecosystems relatively untouched by civilization and is under the protection of UNESCO. Photo: Jan Machata

15. Shelter Cove California - Secluded locality with very low population density. People seeking a quiet holiday devoid of fuss prefer to spend time here, brightening up leisurely leisure with diving, hiking, fishing and whale watching. Photo: Casey McCallister

16. Many landscapes in Scotland have been shaped by landslides. One of the characteristic representatives of such a landscape is the Mill slope on the Isle of Skye. The large landslide slope located there - Kvireng - continues to move little by little, forcing the local population to constantly repair the adjacent roads. Photo: Robert White

18. The highlands of Iceland, in particular the area near the Hekla volcano, called Landmannalaugar, is a popular tourist destination. In this area there are quite interesting natural objects such as vast lava fields and colorful rhyolite mountains. Photo: Max River

19. In the mountains of Norway, against the backdrop of the general beauty of the landscapes, the rocky ledge "Troll's Tongue", located on Mount Skeggedal, especially attracts attention. An unusual platform hangs over Lake Ringedalsvatn and anyone who overcomes a very long climb, which takes an average of 5 hours, can admire the amazing view. Photo: Alex Emanuel Koch

Hello friends of the magazine Beautiful Vacation home , lovers to discuss landscape design styles. Nature is unique and always proves its greatness. Many photographers take unique shots in which the person acts as an addition, and not the main character. The greatness of nature is demonstrated in such pictures.

The authors captured landscapes in different countries and continents. Beautiful corners of the Earth and natural phenomena. They are beautiful even without figures of people, but then it is difficult to see the gigantism of the world around us. The photographs were taken in different countries and geographic areas, on all continents. But most of all we are surprised by the northern part of our planet.

Let's start with a picture of Lisey Judd that she took in British Columbia. The Western Canadian province has a capital with a beautiful romantic name - Victoria. Vancouver is known all over the world. It is home to half of the inhabitants of the province, or rather more than 2 million. There is very little arable land in the west, but Agriculture quite developed.

Three quarters of this area are mountains, undulating landscape design with a height of a kilometer, and slopes covered with forest. The splendor of shades of green trees, changing their tone depending on the distance and the whiteness of the settling fog, and maybe clouds, separates them with soft tongues and at the same time unites them.

A girl in national clothes stands out against the background of nature as a colored spot. The poncho of soft and warm color of withered rose does not create a color conflict, but also does not merge with the blue-ultramarine background created by the mountains. The fragile figure of a man shows us the depth and distance of the boundless expanses of British Columbia.

The address of this place also has the word Victoria. Only this is the name of the southernmost and smallest state in Australia, which the locals called the Garden District. landscape design Melbourne famous beautiful parks. But there are especially many green reserves around the capital of this region, unusual for a small mainland. Only here it rains regularly, and there is no drought, the scourge of villagers and farmers.

The smallest in area, in the mainland state, the state has a diverse nature. Desert dunes are closer to the mainland border, mountains and wet forests in coastal areas. This majestic forest stands just a few kilometers from the densely populated areas of the metropolis. For more than a dozen years, the trees have been striving upward towards the sun, leaving the weaker ones to die without light.

artificially created gardens of the world less majestic and beautiful. Morning fog does not let the rays to the ground. The trees are shrouded in a white veil. Man seems weak and small among these giants of nature. Alas, he is not the creator of such beauty. These slender giants are much older than any centenarian.

If you take a picture of a forest without a person, it will be easy beautiful nature. The small silhouette changes the meaning and asserts that people are just a part of nature, not creators of it. It was looking at such forests that the Greeks came up with their style with colonnades. A light breeze blows through the building, and the roof protects from the scorching sun. Style and color in the interior designers borrow from nature. Then it turns out comfortable and unique.

To capture your unique natural design landscape, photographer Reinhard Gaemlich climbed with his fashion model into the sands of the Simpson Desert, which is located in Australia. The area impresses with its unusual colors and sizes. In all directions, to the very horizon, giant waves of dunes. Since there is no vegetation there, the variety is only in shades of red.

Traces of a traveler, like stitches from a machine stitch on iridescent fabric. A small figure of a big man is lost in the vast expanses of inanimate nature.

Now let's move on to a country that more australia by area, although it occupies only part of its mainland. There are many more places where nature demonstrates its greatness. At least it's in the pictures. Naturally, this is America.

Marcel Van Austin took his picture in national park Arches, which is located in the southern United States in Utah. The soil here is not suitable for agriculture and the population density is very low. Unofficially, this area is called the state of Marmont. It was here that they moved as a result of persecution. Nature has been working for thousands of years, washing out all kinds of passages in soft sandstone and creating arches. On an area of ​​more than 300 km2, near the city of Moab, 2,000 natural masterpieces flaunt.

The figurine of a man standing on the border of the exit from the stone corridor helps to assess the true size of these non-man-made sculptures. The biggest gardens of the world seem small and monotonous in comparison with the grandeur of the Park of the Arches. The difference in the level of sandstone in height, more precisely the height of the vaults, reaches 500 meters. For comparison, we can add that a little man has less than 100 meters above his head.

Due to the high content of oxides, the soil has a copper tint. From a great height, the whole park looks like a huge brown field of boulders and stone arches of various shapes.

Let's move to the north of America in the state of California and admire the tallest tree in the world. Only there are still preserved sequoias growing on the slopes of the Sierra Nevada mountains. They are the largest living creatures on Earth. In our area, centuries-old oaks are considered centenarians. But these trees live much longer, up to 4 thousand years.

Imagine green spaces, in the hollow of which you can place a park and next to a parking lot. Create landscape design within the plant itself.

Before you in the photo is a sequoiadendron, which was nicknamed Hypereon. On the this moment, having a height of 113 meters, he claims to be the highest. For comparison, this plant is taller than a 40-storey building. Before the death of the Father of the forests, towering 135 meters, he took second place.

Climbers help to see all the greatness of the tree, who arranged a semblance of a training base on it. Several people are at different heights and distances from the camera. They look like little Christmas toys. You can cut down one branch and build a house in a hollow for all those who like to climb steep surfaces.

And now we'll see designer furniture space. In many countries, especially northern regions, there are flat mountains that look like giant tables or pianos. They consist of sandstone or are filled on top with a layer of long-cooled lava. Climbing such a peak is difficult, because the slopes are very steep, except for one side.

Some are created by glaciers. Moving, they cut off the tops of the mountains with their mass and made them flat. AT South America in Venezuela, the mesas are called tepui - the house of the gods. They stand at a distance from each other, as seen in the photo.

In nature, there are also lonely giants, as in Cape Town in the port area, Plateau, which is depicted even on the flag of the city.

Joshua Miaydor captured the majestic waterfall. Its beauty is not in the water falling in any cold. In this way, it is similar to all other rushing rivers. Spray and frost created a bizarre colonnade of ice crystals.

The rock consists of granite, its height above the lake is 28 meters. But the droplets caught on a hard stone, then on each other and formed the fairy-tale kingdom of the Snow Queen. And again, the man with the dog allows us to appreciate the true extent unique waterfall from the state of Oregon.

stone path and signs lead tourists to admire Abiqua Falls. Within a distance of less than a kilometer there are a number of hotels and tourist camps. In summer, adrenaline kayakers jump on their boats with the water stream into the lake. Then wild flowers paint the slopes in different colors, but the snow-white charm disappears.

The mountain slopes photographed by Troy Montemayor are reminiscent of bare tree roots in color and shape. The tourist figurine claims the opposite. This National Park in California is lifeless and is called Death Valley.

The uniqueness of this landscape design in its characteristics. Mountains that have their lowest point 86 meters below sea level. The highest temperature recorded here is +57°C. The nature of this place is dead, and still fascinates with its beauty. Smooth lines of ledges on the slopes, the play of yellow-beige tones, the beauty of unique frozen forms.

The figurine of an athlete with a surfboard is more of an artistic image. This place is too harsh and not popular with wave surfers. Underwater rocks protrude from the water like breakwaters, and splashes fly several meters.

Casey McCallister, a well-known artist in California, captured the bay near Shelter Cove in his picture. The area is fairly populated and popular with tourists. But mostly pensioners rest here. Some then move here to live.

Nearby, behind a rock, a fishing village. It contains and unique hotels, adapted for calm and unhurried visitors, who are attracted not by swimming and sunbathing in sun loungers, but by walks along coastal paths, sea air and peace. Many people dream of spending time here after many years of working and living in a noisy metropolis.

In the village there are shops with everything you need for every day. Those wishing to go shopping can head to the nearest supermarket 20 kilometers away.

It's nice to relax, walking along the alley, which is decorated decorative trees for the garden, from end to end. At the same time, you admire the shrubs and flowers growing on the sides and relax in silence under the singing of birds. But in America, Tornado Alley runs through seven states. This place is dangerous for walking and recreation, as it sets a record for the number of tornadoes and destructive cyclones.

That's where the picture was taken. The wind is just beginning to pick up and kick up the dust. Then larger objects can also fly. Man is weak to resist the elements. But applied to live in such conditions, he can. Throughout the dangerous states near the houses there are basements with entrances at ground level. The air flow cannot pick up such a door, and since the tornado moves quickly, you can wait in such a bunker.

Freestyle in Alaska can't be compared to downhill where there is park stairs. You have to be a very good skier to fly in such an abyss. But judging by the footprints, this is not the first hero. And the rock seems to tease. To the right of the man, the snow below the cave hung like a protruding tongue. The scale of the ski slopes, the height and originality of the white cliffs, fascinate. Adrenaline begins to be produced from one view, and there is no need to jump on skis.

Now let's leave the expanses of the United States and move to the territory of other northern countries. They are mostly insular or located on a peninsula north of Europe.

Iceland is famous for its contradictions. These are the largest glaciers and geothermal springs, the hot water of which is used to heat houses in Reykjavik. many volcanoes and deep gorges. Waterfalls with warm lakes and colored mountains have become the hallmark of the country.

The rains washed away the top layer of soil, and colorful stripes from volcanic eruptions different times add a palette of colors of vegetation, heather, wild rosemary, colored mosses.

Yuri Belegursky captured in his picture rock garden. The long-hardened lava of volcanoes formed huge boulders. Over time, they became covered with mosses and now look like a soft, huge bed. It is really comfortable to lie on them, because the dense vegetation has made this bed elastic.

Max Rive captured his heroes on the tops of stone heaps. These are the remains of granite mountains in Iceland. Softer rocks were gradually washed away by rains and melting waters of glaciers. Only such formidable guardians remained, a giant field with lowlands and pointed boulders.

The green valley is all crossed by streams. Glaciers are melting high in the mountains. And at the foot of the mountains, summer and the color of herbs and flowers wins over the gloomy colors of the rocks. Nature has created a miracle, the greatness of which tourists come to see and feel like tiny particles of a great world.

There are many waterfalls in Iceland that captivate with their beauty. But such a collapse of water can only be photographed on two, Dittifos and Skogafos. A huge stream of water falls from a great height. Man is weak and small against the background of this greatness. Is not artificial waterfall in the park, but a creation of the formidable nature of the north. It remains only to admire from afar the harsh beauty that the mountains and waters of melting glaciers give.

Iceland, land of ice and snow fairy tales. Warm air breaks through passages in glaciers. Caves sparkle from refracted sunlight like diamonds. Photographer Alvar Atli led his hero into such an arch of frozen water. landscape design Atnajökull Ice Cap can be defined as the Ice Vanguard.

A play of colors from white to ultramarine, light and deep shadow. The surface is uneven, but all transitions are smooth and slippery. Not everyone can enjoy such beauty. Only climbers and big lovers thrills overcome such a difficult path into the shining caves.

Such, covered with a white veil at dawn, sees Iceland Max Rive. A man stands on top of a rock and looks at the sun. In front of him like a soft giant carpet with long pile, fog rolls in. The streams reflect the rays and shine through the veil. The luminary was painted purple in the clouds that surround it, like a lamp shade. Vegetation is not visible. But nature itself is majestic and powerful.

Max Rive is in love with Landmannalaugard, so he photographs this area of ​​Iceland again. Even the guy is standing on the same stone. Only now there is no fog, and the colors have clear boundaries, as if drawn with a brush.

No, this is not Iceland. Scotland is located on an island from the same ridge north of Scandinavia and their nature is very similar. All the same greatness of open spaces and protruding high and pointed granite stones. Many lakes are small mini pond in the garden in the country. Robert White also placed a man on top of a mountain. In another place, a small figure will simply be lost against the backdrop of huge boulders, gorges and open spaces.

Now let's leave the harsh north and head south to bask. After all warm countries They also know how to surprise with the uniqueness and originality of natural creations.

Italians are hot and temperamental people. But they are also very hardworking and value their family more than anything else. After all, even the word mafia means family. And they are in love with their land and mountains.

Notice how smooth landscape design. Mountains without a single sharp ledge and at the same time the height above sea level exceeds a kilometer. The history of this area is also interesting. Tuscany was first settled by the Etruscans. This is the birthplace of the artistic direction - the Renaissance. Now economically and culturally developed region in Italy. It is located in the west of the well-known boot peninsula. In its capital, Florence, the tourism industry is developed, and many of our compatriots go there on vacation.

On a small area there are as many mountain ranges. Despite this, agriculture is developed here, and every convenient piece of land is sown. When the fields are covered with vegetation, the slopes of the mountains become like an extension of the Tyrrhenian Sea.

awesome landscape design western part of Italy, warm and friendly Tuscany. Przemysław Kruk took his picture in April 2014, when only part of the planted crops began to sprout.

Where only photographers go for the sake of a unique picture. So Dmitry Vorobey took his famous picture. Terrible and harsh nature does not even need paints. The tourist confidently follows the planned route, so small among the huge rocks and glaciers.

This unique shot was taken in Dolomites, which are famous for their ski slopes and are located next to classic and designer hotels for many tourists. It was not easy to find a wild corner in an area full of hiking trails. But how majestic the elements of the mountains.

The town of Positano is located on the slopes of the mountains in southern Italy. The kid can safely undress and climb into the water. It's always warm and small here. sandy beaches during the day it is filled with vacationers. Fancy hotels located on the mountains adjacent to the city center.

One of them stands at the top, behind the man. Its premises are partly carved into the rock, and the platforms and balconies are overgrown with bright southern flowers. You can go down to the beach by elevator or take a long walk to the ring, safe paths.

The town is built on steep slopes. It has no streets crossing it from end to end. Houses are scattered for several kilometers, and administrative buildings stand close to each other on the gentlest slope. Walkway made of stone leads from one dwelling to another. From the sea, mostly stone cliffs. Therefore, for the convenience of guests, the slopes are pierced in granite.

Francesco Vaninetti showed us the Dolomites at sunset. This place ski resort he saw colorful and bright, unlike his colleague, who showed us the black and white severity of the mountains. Two lenses looked at the same area and saw it in completely different ways. The same stones and clouds, the same landscape design, and even the same severe slopes. Only in the rays of the sun shining from the horizon, everything is much more fun and beautiful.

Black granite looks even more menacing against the yellow-orange tints of the background. But the colorful and cheerful fog inspires hope that this world is ours and the person in it is not a stranger.

And this is Belarus close to us, with its swamps and unique layered fog. The red dress of the girl stands out in contrast against the emerald background. Green spaces here they stand mainly on peat bogs, often just in the water. Only birch trunks are white.

Around a fragile figure on a natural unreliable bridge made of a fallen trunk, swamps and rare islands of unreliable land. It’s even interesting how Ivan Litovchin persuaded a weak woman to pose in such a dangerous place.

Yan Mashata took his picture not in the north, but in a country that is famous for its resorts and tourist routes. We know that Prague has unusual hotels and this old City with unique architecture.

Such majestic forests in the snow for many kilometers also grow in the Czech Republic. Only they do not fall into tourist booklets, since the reserved place is under state protection and access to it is limited. This was done in order to preserve unique nature. After all, such a colonnade with branches lowered under the weight of snow, on the sides of the road leading beyond the horizon, only seems formidable. She is very fragile and vulnerable.

The Poles call these mountains the Krkonoše. And the most high peak affectionately nicknamed Snowball. Perhaps because it has 1602 meters above sea level, and is constantly covered with snow. The climate on it cannot be called gentle, because a strong wind is added to the cold.

Man find where walkway made of stone, in the fog of clouds and whiteness, man-made railings from poles and a rope help. They are completely covered with frost and still do not let you fall into the abyss and go astray.

Peter Svoboda showed us the huge snow-covered slopes of the mountains. Hundreds of skiers descended, each following their own route. Formed landscape design mountains, similar to the pattern of curls. Not only a person, but also pines seem small on this snow-white plane.

Forests in Ireland occupy an insignificant part, a little more than a tenth of the land. But look how great it is. The warm current brings moist air and warms the trees in winter. In summer, the ocean does not allow the heat to dry the plants. And as a result, this Celtic forest grew from broad-leaved varieties.

A mighty arch over a man's head. Many botanical gardens peace brought seeds and are trying to grow these species of oaks with very valuable wood.

Troll language has long been calling card Norway. In any travel brochure, inviting to the most unusual hotels, indicate the opportunity to visit this place.

The heroine in the photograph by Alex Imanuel Koch is different from the rest of the heroes who dared to go to this stone hanging over the abyss. They usually sit on the edge of the tongue with their legs dangling. But it's already a classic. But the gymnast doing the splits, standing on her hands, is a truly brave girl. Although so small among these mountains and stones.

Even the most eloquent words cannot fully describe the beauty, diversity and grandeur of nature. Usually in such cases they say this: "It is better to see once than hear a hundred times." And now, thanks to this list of the rarest and most beautiful natural phenomena, you know where to go and what to see ...

Staircase to the moon

In the minds of most people, Australia is associated with rugby, kangaroos, natives and the building Opera House in Sydney. Millions of tourists visit this country every year, but few of them know about the so-called "Stairway to the Moon". From early March to mid-October each year, the reflection of our satellite in the sea creates a beautiful illusion of a staircase leading to heaven.

This magnificent spectacle can be seen only 3 nights a month along the entire coastline of Australia. But most often, people who know about him go to the city of Bruma. locals are well aware of this and make good money selling thousands of themed souvenirs to tourists. And while the guests are watching the breathtaking illusion, they are entertained by artists.

Sea foam has a cappuccino color due to impurities

You are very lucky if you have had the opportunity to observe an anomaly known as the "Cappuccino tide". This is a rare sight when the sea is in huge quantities produces a thick, light brown froth reminiscent of coffee with cream. The last time this phenomenon was recorded in South Wales in May 2013. There was so much foam that it covered the entire beach and even some small buildings.

The reasons for the formation of the Cappuccino tide are not difficult to explain. Creamy foam turns brown from dirt and other impurities, such as algae excrement, fish remains and dead plants. Strong currents of water mix all these ingredients together, whipping up foam that splashes on coastline. But it's still not worth tasting it.

glowing sand

Sometimes the Maldivian beaches begin to sparkle brightly. The sand seems to be adorned with millions of tiny blue garlands. Surprisingly, this glow is caused by living beings.

This phenomenon is observed when bioluminescent plankton of the species Lingulodinium polyedrum is washed ashore by sea waves. Upon contact with oxygen, a chemical reaction occurs in their bodies, leading to the release of light.

In ancient times, people could not find a reasonable explanation for the glow of the sea and believed that tiny lights were spirits that had descended from heaven to earth.
This is interesting: Director Ang Lee used a video recording of the glow of bioluminescent plankton on Maldives in the movie Life of Pi.

Frozen trees of Lapland

Renowned Italian photographer Niccolo Bonfadini traveled to Lapland in January 2015 to take pictures of frozen trees in 40-degree frost.

One of the photographs shows that the trees, covered with a thick snow cap, are approximately in the same order as boulders at Stonehenge. Another shot shows two frozen trees bending towards each other to form a beautiful snow arch. Bonfadini's work did not go unnoticed. Even on the official website of NASA, one of his pictures was named Picture of the Week.

Holes in the sky

Looking at the cloudy sky, sometimes you can see small round gaps through which the blue is visible. But do you know how these gaps form? Recently, scientists have become seriously interested in this issue.

In 2008, after analyzing all the collected data, the experts concluded that the cause of this phenomenon is airplanes. Flying through the clouds, they create small holes in them, visible even from the surface of the Earth.

This is interesting: Also in the course of this study, it was found that in areas of high activity of aircraft, "stagnation" of clouds is sometimes observed. This explains the large number of showers in areas of large airports.

ascending lightning

We believe that lightning always strikes the ground, but is it really true? In fact, in rare cases, it can also follow the opposite direction. Scientists call this phenomenon ascending lightning.

American researcher Tom Warner has been studying and photographing lightning for over 15 years. Looking through more than 800 recorded lightning, he noticed that more than 40 of them rushed up. The scientist became interested in this phenomenon and found out several interesting facts.

This is interesting: Ascending lightning often comes from a point that ordinary lightning struck shortly before. The fact is that the first flash changes the state of the electromagnetic field near the surface of the earth. Restoring "balance", it directs the next lightning upward.

Also, ascending lightning can “start” from tall buildings or towers. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that ordinary lightning strikes them before. Warner found that skyscrapers accumulate static electricity faster than any other building in thunderstorms.

triple rainbow

So-called triple rainbows are incredibly rare. Over the past 250 years, only 5 such cases have been recorded. Note that until 2011, many scientists did not believe in the existence of triple rainbows at all.

But when several people at once managed to capture this phenomenon on a smartphone camera, they had to reconsider their views. A new meteorological model was created, which confirmed that a triple rainbow can still form in the Earth's atmosphere, albeit infrequently.

The researchers also found that in theory even 4 rainbows can form at once. And this assumption was immediately confirmed: in one of the pictures taken by scientists, the outlines of the fourth rainbow were vaguely visible!

What are the reasons for such a phenomenon? The point is in the features of the reflection of light by the smallest water droplets. The rays passing through them are usually simply refracted at a certain angle, due to which we observe an ordinary rainbow. But if some of the light is reflected in the opposite direction, another rainbow is formed.


Iceland is amazing beautiful country. Local natural attractions - waterfalls, glaciers and geysers - are known far beyond the borders of the country.

The geothermal area located in the north of Iceland is called Hvevir. From small cracks in the earth's crust, fountains of hot water beat here and steam is thrown out. Thousands of geysers are surrounded by small pools of mud, lava and sulfur.

To make tourists feel safe walking in the valleys of geysers, the Icelanders built special passages. It is not recommended to leave them to the side if you do not want to accidentally burn yourself.

Black sky

Over Denmark passes the migration route of billions of European starlings. Sometimes there are so many birds that they literally obscure the sky. At the end of March, birds begin their annual journey from Europe to the Scandinavian Peninsula. They return in October.

This is interesting: In 1998, in one of the Danish towns, street lights automatically turned on in the middle of the day: starlings created a huge veil that covered the sun, which made the streets unusually dark.

Wave of Corruption

Surfers have most likely heard of the longest wave on the planet, called the Pororok wave. It forms at the confluence of the Amazon Atlantic Ocean only 2 times a year. The height of this wave can reach 4 meters.

The wave of Pororok is very dangerous, so only seasoned surfers try to “saddle” it. Crocodiles and bloodthirsty piranhas can be in the water, not to mention rotten tree trunks and branches.

This is interesting: Brazilian surfer Picurute Salazar set a record by swimming over 12 kilometers on this wave! He was on the crest of Pororoka for almost 37 minutes!

If you are lucky enough to see at least one of the natural phenomena listed above, you can consider yourself a real lucky one. But even if you have not managed to do this yet, do not be upset. The world around us is incredibly beautiful in all its manifestations, you just need to learn to notice it.