The cleanest lake in the world at the moment. The cleanest and most transparent lake in the world

Sometimes Mother Nature is unable to keep her creations out of the hands of man. And now, when the issue of ecology is especially acute, it is very difficult to believe that untouched corners of the planet, nature reserves or clean lakes still remain on earth. But they are. Man had a hand in the disappearance of some species of animals and plants, and even entire ecosystems. And now it is very important to save what is left! It is very important to start taking care of the world around us!

Oddly enough, but in the world there are a fairly large number of clean lakes, and it is very difficult to get acquainted with them within the framework of one article. Therefore, below, we will consider only a few of the cleanest lakes in the world, distinguished by water of special quality.

  • New Zealand lake

Blue Lake located in Nelson Lakes National Park, New Zealand. It was not by chance that it got to the first lines of the ranking of the cleanest lakes in the world, because it is visible to a depth of almost 80 meters! It is forbidden not only to fish, but also to swim. And in order for the photographer Klaus Tiemann to be able to dive into it for a photo essay, he had to negotiate not only with the government, but also with the local Maori tribe, for whom the lake is sacred.

  • The deepest and cleanest lake in the world - Baikal

Of course, you guessed that in this part we will talk about the cleanest lake in Russia - Baikal. This lake can rightly be considered the most unique, because it contains about 20% of the world's reserves fresh water, its depth is more than 1.5 km, and it is home to about 3,000 species and subspecies of plants and animals, and 805 of them are not found anywhere else on the planet. It is also noteworthy that the shores of this lake increase every year by 2 cm.

The waters of Baikal are visible at different times of the year to an average depth of 40 m. More than 300 rivers flow into this lake, and only one flows out of it - Angara, the daughter of Baikal, which, although not included in the number, but it flows into the river precisely from this list - the Yenisei.

Until recently, its cleanliness was under threat, because a pulp and paper mill functioned on the territory adjacent to the lake. Scientists regularly took water samples and were horrified by the fact that the content of dioxins, which are a strong poison for many living beings, gradually increased in the waters of Baikal. Only since 2013 the plant stopped its work. Now, in its place, it is planned to create the Expocentre "Reserves of Russia".

  • Five Flower Lake

Five Flowers Lake is located in China, in the heart of the Jiuzhaigou Valley. Its uniqueness lies not only in the incredible purity of the water, but also in the fact that its color changes from time to time: from yellow to dark green, although most of the time the water has a diamond blue color.

It can be safely included in . In its vicinity there are several more lakes and waterfalls. All of them freeze in winter, but only the Lake of the Five Flowers does not freeze. Scientists explain this by the presence of hot springs at its depth, although so far no one has been able to detect a single source because of the tree trunks that cover the bottom of the lake. The waters of this lake, as well as those of Lake Baikal, are visible to a depth of 40m.

  • Peyto Lake, Canada

High in the mountains, surrounded by rocky peaks, Peyto Lake is located. Without a doubt, it can be included in the list of the most beautiful colored lakes in the world. It has a bright turquoise color, which is especially bright in photographs under the midday sun.

In the vicinity of this fabulous lake, there are many camp sites, as well as many paths, thanks to which you can explore the local beauties.

  • Lake Hokkaido, Japan

The rating of the cleanest lakes in the world cannot do without mentioning the Blue Pond, located on the Japanese island of Hokkaido. This lake was formed not so long ago, in 1989, after the eruption of the Tokachi volcano, when a dam was built to protect against volcanic flows. This is where the lake was formed.

Water in Lake Hokkaido comes from hot springs saturated with aluminum salts, which, reflected in the sunlight, make the water of the lake turquoise blue.

  • Cryter Lake, USA

Cryter Lake was formed as a result of the eruption of the Mazama volcano in the crater of the volcano itself 7700 years ago. Due to its uniqueness, a national park was created in this area, and now many tourists come here to enjoy fabulous beauty local places.

This lake is considered the most deep lake in a world whose waters are above sea level. Since 2005, the US Mint even began to issue a coin with the image of this wonderful lake.

Only one thing is alarming - hydrothermal activity is occurring on Kreiter, indicating that the Mazam volcano may wake up again.

  • Lake Sheosar, Pakistan

Smooth slopes of hills and plains surrounding the purest lake Sheosar attract crowds of tourists. This lake is located in National Park Pakistan Deosai, in the north of the country.

  • The cleanest lakes in Europe

Among the cleanest lakes in Europe are the lakes of the Rhone-Alpes region, France. The total area of ​​the lakes is 35 thousand hectares. The most popular among tourists are Lake Geneva (it is considered the inland sea of ​​the country), the Annecy and Egblett lakes are no less popular - these are truly corners of peace and serenity.

Bavaria can also please with the purity of fresh waters. Here, the cleanest and most popular is Lake Chiemsee, on the banks of which the castle of Louis II is located. The surroundings of this purest lake can charm any tourist.

Through distilled water, the depth of visibility is approximately 80 meters. On the South Island of New Zealand, one of the unique lakes of our planet is picturesquely located, the visibility depth of which is 76 meters. This natural wonder was first discovered recently, thanks to exclusive photographs by Klaus Timanni, who was supported by the New Zealand Department of Conservation.

At the top South Island New Zealand is ideally located the most transparent lake on the planet. It has been scientifically proven that the visibility through the water of this lake is indeed 76 meters. And this is compared to visibility through distilled water, which can fluctuate between 70-80 meters.

However, this miracle of nature is located in a special natural area, access to which is limited. Swimming is prohibited, let alone diving.

But, photographer Klaus Tiemann made the first dive into the lake through an agreement with the New Zealand Department of Conservation.

The local Maori tribes consider this place sacred. By the way, they also agreed on permission to immerse the photographer in the water. Also, the authorities allowed to land a helicopter with special diving equipment on the shore of the lake.

Blue Lake is located at an altitude of about 1200 meters above sea level. It is worth noting that water enters the lake through another, which is located above it.

Another unique fact is the location upper lake above the tree line, so that even foliage does not fall into the water.

We present to your attention a selection of 10 places with the cleanest and most transparent water.

1. Maldives.
The Maldives is a favorite destination for tourists from all over the world. There are a lot of reasons for this here: the sun, the sea, and the beautiful islands. The water here is so clear that being in a boat, you can see your shadow on the bottom of the sea.

2. Australia.
The water in this red stone cave is surprisingly clear. The only thing that distorts the view of the bottom is a slight ripple formed by a nearby waterfall.

3. Lake of five colors, China.
This lake is located in the Jiuzhaigou Valley in the northern Chinese province of Sichuan. The lake of five colors is famous for its bottom, covered with a carpet of ancient trees, covered with a layer of clear water.

4. Sardinia.
Another popular place among tourists, you don’t even need to describe anything here, just look at the photo. The second largest island in the Mediterranean, Sardinia is home to some of the rarest animal and fish species.

5. Lake Crater.
Located in Oregon, Crater Lake was formed by the explosion of an ancient volcano about 7,000 years ago.

6. Piccaninnie Ponds, Australia.
These ponds are a real nature reserve located in South Australia. You can dive into the water here only after obtaining a special permit, but it's worth it.

7. Lake Mashu.
Officially, this is one of the most transparent lakes in the world, which got its name from the mountain of the same name, at the foot of which it is located. The transparency of the water here reaches 41.6 meters.

8. Lake Sheosar, Pakistan.
Located in the northern part of Pakistan, this natural lake is so perfect that you might think it is the work of man. Surrounded by mountains, with animals walking along its banks, Lake Sheosar is deservedly considered one of the picturesque places planets.

9. Lake Peyto.
The attractive turquoise of Peyto Lake is the work of a local glacier.

The pearl of Siberia, the deepest and cleanest lake in the world is truly a masterpiece of nature, whose name is Baikal. Russian Cossack explorers, who first set foot on the shores of Lake Baikal in the 17th century, called it "the great ocean-sea." No other body of water on the entire planet deserves so many rave reviews and mentions, which is not surprising. Baikal is the absolute leader in the number of records in various categories among all lakes in the world. Dozens of discoveries are made here every year; crowds of researchers and tourists flock here to enjoy all the beauties of the legendary lake and its environs.

General information about Baikal

Baikal - freshwater lake tectonic origin, located in the southern part of Eastern Siberia on the border of the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia. The length of the lake from northeast to southwest is 636 km (according to other sources - 620 km), the maximum width is about 80 km, and the length coastline- at least 2000 km.

The origin of Baikal and its true age are still debated in the scientific community. Most researchers support the theory of its tectonic origin in the epicenter of the transform fault. The age of the lake is traditionally estimated at 25-35 million years, but some scientists tend to believe that this figure is much more modest.

The average depth of Baikal ranges from 730-750 m, the maximum depth is 1642 m (the value was established in 1983 and confirmed in 2002). There are not many lakes on Earth deeper than 1000 m. These are, in particular, Tanganyika (1470 m), the Caspian Sea (1025 m) and, possibly, hidden by ice Lake Vostok in Antarctica (at least 1200 m). In this list, Baikal holds the record for depth.

The total area of ​​the water surface of the lake, excluding the islands, is 31,722 km², and this fact leaves no doubt that Baikal is not only the largest lake in Russia, but also one of the largest closed reservoirs in the world. True, in this rating, Baikal belongs only to the seventh place (the top three are the Caspian Sea, Victoria and Tanganyika).

As for the volume of the water mass enclosed in the basin of the lake, here Baikal with an indicator of 23615 km³ again takes the leading positions, second only to the same Caspian Sea. However, the water in the Caspian is salty, Baikal is famous for its purest fresh water, and therefore is known as the largest freshwater lake in the world. Moreover, the volume of Baikal water is almost 20% of all the world's fresh lake water resources (polar and mountain glaciers, river waters and moisture contained in the atmosphere are not taken into account).

As noted above, the water in the lake is unusually clean and transparent. It contains a negligible percentage of suspended mineral particles and organic impurities, but there is a high concentration of oxygen. Experts assure that water with such properties in some cases can be used as distilled.

The water in Baikal is so transparent that, for example, in early spring, individual stones and other objects can be seen at a depth of up to 40 m. All this is also surprising because at least 336 rivers, streams and streams flow into the lake, and only one river is the Angara. The largest tributaries are the Upper Angara, Selenga, Barguzin, Turka, etc. The catchment area is estimated at 588 thousand km², of which 53% falls on the territory of Russia.

Flora and fauna of Baikal

vegetable and animal world Lake Baikal is unique and infinitely diverse. Of the 2630 names of plants and animals that live both in the lake itself and on its shores, more than half are endemic (that is, they are found only here and nowhere else). Such biological abundance is explained by the exceptionally high concentration of oxygen in the lake water.

58 species of fish live in the unusually clear waters of Lake Baikal, 27 of which are classified as endemic. The most famous of them are Baikal sturgeon, whitefish, grayling, pike, taimen. The legendary Baikal omul, which is not found anywhere else in the world, deserves special attention. Quite interesting is another endemic species - the viviparous golomyanka fish, which contains up to 30% fat in its body.

The real symbol of Baikal is the Baikal seal, the only seal in the world that lives in fresh waters. This species is most common in the northern and central parts of the reservoir.

The bulk of the zooplankton in the lake is the small copepod epishura, which is unique in addition to its endemicity and the fact that it purifies Baikal water by filtering it during feeding. During the year, the epishura population is able to filter the water in the entire lake up to ten or more times. Largely due to this inconspicuous crustacean, Baikal is famous as the cleanest lake in Russia.

Relic pines, cedars and larches grow on the mountainous shores of the lake, preserved here since the last ice age. Other trees are so huge that they reach 40 m in height. Some of them are about 700 years old. Thyme, rosea rhodiola, wild garlic, rhododendron and even edelweiss are also found in the local foothills, although quite rarely.

In order to preserve the integrity of such a unique corner wildlife in the area of ​​Lake Baikal, three reserves and two national parks were established at one time.

  1. In terms of the area of ​​the water surface (excluding the area of ​​the islands), Baikal is comparable to the territories of such states as Belgium, Denmark or the Netherlands.
  2. The fresh water reserves of Lake Baikal could well be enough to supply the entire population of the Earth for 40 years.
  3. The oldest known mention of Baikal is found in Chinese chronicles dating back to 110 BC.
  4. If all the water contained in the lake is divided by the number of inhabitants of Russia, then each citizen will be the owner of 2,700 railway water tanks.
  5. Such well-known personalities as Russian President V. Putin, director J. Cameron (who, by the way, celebrated his 56th birthday here) and writer V. Rasputin dived to the bottom of Lake Baikal.
  6. The peculiar local climate is determined by the influence of winds, many of which have their own names: Barguzin, Verkhovik, Shelonnik, Sarma, Kultuk, etc.
  7. Baikal contains more water than all five Great Lakes North America together, it exceeds Lake Tanganyika by this indicator by 2 times, by 4 times by the Baltic Sea and by 23 times by Lake Ladoga.
  8. Every year, about 4 thousand tons of oil enters the water column from the bottom of the lake, which is completely utilized by copepods - epishura.
  9. If we assume that the flow of water to Baikal due to the existing tributaries has ceased, then the river, equal in strength to the flow of the Angara, would take 383 years to completely drain the lake. On the contrary, to fill to the top Baikal basin, all the rivers of the world would need about 200 days.
  10. The water in the lake is quite enough to drink about forty-six quadrillion five hundred trillion people at the same time (provided that each gets about 0.5 liters).
  11. Quantity sunny days in the vicinity of Lake Baikal can be considered a record for Russia. During the year they happen here more than on the Black Sea coast. On Olkhon Island, for example, there are less than 50 cloudy days a year.
  12. The name "Baikal" is given to asteroid 2776, discovered in 1976, a non-alcoholic carbonated drink known to many since childhood, and one of the bays of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

So, a multiple winner of the Guinness Book of Records, the largest lake in Russia and Asia, Baikal is also a kind of Mecca for huge amount tourists from many countries of the world.

Reservoirs, rivers, lakes have long attracted the attention of mankind with their incredible beauty, grandeur, some kind of mystical ability to calm and put in order not only the body, but also the soul. Due to industrial activity, daily life and gradual pollution of the planet's ecology, natural water bodies have undergone irreversible anthropogenic changes - some of them have become shallow, some have completely disappeared from the planet. topographic maps, and the waters of others turned from azure-clear to swamp-green. However, you can still find crystal-clear lakes that are still able to amaze vacationers with their natural pristine and unique beauty. These are the cleanest lakes in the world - incredibly beautiful places from different parts of the world that we will consider in more detail in this article.

1. Crater Lake - in English. Crater Lake

Marvelous beautiful place, which miraculously managed to maintain natural purity, is located in the USA, Oregon. Scientists claim that this incredible lake was formed approximately 8,000 years ago on the site of a crater. extinct volcano. To date, the reservoir is known throughout the world due to the unique purity of its waters. However, Crater impresses not only with the azure color of the water, but also with the depth parameters. It is this lake that is considered the deepest not only in the United States, but throughout North America. Its depth is about 350 m. A national park has been formed around the banks of the Crater, which has become a favorite place for tourists coming here from all over the world. There are plenty of trout and salmon in the crystal-clear water, and fishing on the shores of the lake is one of the most attractive activities for tourists.

If you still do not have the opportunity to go on a trip, then evaluate how beautiful lake Crater, allow this video.

You will find interesting materials about others by clicking on the link.

2. Lake Masyu - in English. Lake Mashū

A crystal clear reservoir is located on the island of Hokkaido in. It is surrounded on all sides by mountains and lush vegetation. Place of formation of the lake - caldera active volcano. The waters of the reservoir are distinguished by a rich blue tint and a special mineral composition. There is a nature reserve around the lake, where you can find many rare plants, animals and birds, some of which are listed in the Red Book of the World. Several hot springs are considered to be the features of Lake Masya, which do not allow certain areas of the reservoir to freeze during the cold season. Scientists believe that the secret of the cleanliness of this place is the complete absence of streams that do not flow into or flow out of the lake.

I suggest watching two videos: a short one and a longer one. After watching both, I wanted to buy a ticket and go to the most beautiful and cleanest lake in Japan.

Here is the second video about Lake Masyu. Before you decide to go yourself, take a video trip and enjoy the chic pristine nature of Japan.

You can find more information about it by clicking on the link.

3. Lake Sheosar - in English. Sheosar Lake

Another reservoir, which is included in the list of the cleanest on the planet, is located in northern Pakistan. The depth of the lake itself is only 40 meters, and it is located in a remote part mountain range at an altitude of more than 4 km above sea level. national park, which was built around the lake - an attractive place for walking and car tours. The reserve has more than 30 species of butterflies, some of which are extremely rare species.

A video about Lake Sheosar makes it possible to appreciate both the size and beauty of the landscapes surrounding the lake. After all, not every one of us will decide to go to Pakistan. Therefore, I suggest watching the video.

4. Lake Peyto - in English. peyto lake

The world-famous reservoir with very clean water, named after its discoverer, is located on the territory of the reserve in Canada. The lake has such popularity due to the surprisingly clear water and extraordinary shape. From a bird's eye view, Peyto resembles the head of a wolf. More than 5 km in area, the reservoir is located in an incredibly pretty foothill area. The waters of this place are distinguished by a rich turquoise hue and the presence of a large number of mineral components. Lake Peyto is constantly replenished with the waters of glaciers and mountain streams, becoming a refuge for many varieties of noble fish (trout, salmon, pike, etc.).

Quick and easy to make virtual tour to Peyto Lake enables video.

5. Lake Baikal - on the drill. Baigal dalai

This reservoir, which is located in the Russian East, is simultaneously considered one of the largest in the world in terms of depth (over 1.5 km) and area (more than 30 sq. Km). Due to its tectonic origin, it is included in the list of the cleanest lakes in the world. The water of the reservoir is distinguished by high levels of oxygen in its composition and low temperature (the highest recorded values ​​are + 8℃) even in the warm season. A large number of plants, animals and aquatic inhabitants living in and around the reservoir cannot be found in any other place on Earth.

This video will help you make a trip to Baikal.

6. Lake Jenny - in English. jenny lake

The reservoir got its name in honor of the wife of the leader of one of the first expeditionary groups that explored the surrounding area. The lake is annually filled with the waters of melted glaciers, therefore, the water in it is constantly sapphire in color. The reservoir is located at an altitude of 2 km above sea level and has maximum depth 130 m. The most favorite hobbies of tourists are: a boat trip on the crystal-clear waters of Jenny, a trip to the Cascade Canyon and viewing the local flora and fauna.

Until you find an opportunity to go, take a video trip. At the same time, practice your English.

7. Lake Tahoe - in English. Lake Tahoe

Another of the cleanest freshwater reservoirs in the world is located in the USA in the state. The lake is surrounded by several ski resorts, therefore, is very popular among foreign tourists. This lake occupies an honorable second place among the deepest and largest lakes in the States. Its depth reaches 305 meters, and its area is 500 square meters. km. Tahoe has amazingly clear water and a large number of coniferous forests around. Rare species of pines, firs, grasses and shrubs - all this attracts many visitors and makes the reservoir itself and the surrounding area a special place for recreation.

Lake Tahoe, if not the cleanest, then one of them. And in the Top 10 it keeps confidently despite the number of tourists that it is visited both in summer and in winter. Don't believe? Watch the video.

8. Blue Lake - in English. Blue Lake, in Maori Rotomairewhenua

A reservoir with incredibly clear waters and miniature sizes is located in. Every year the lake is filled with the waters of the surrounding glaciers, so the waters of the reservoir are considered extremely clean and tend to change hue from sky blue to purple over time. daylight hours. Due to the fact that on the way to the reservoir, water passes through a large number of mountain rapids and is filtered naturally, scientists equate the quality and purity of the lake to distilled water.

9. Moraine Lake - in English. Moraine Lake

The famous glacial reservoir is located in and has an area of ​​​​500 square meters. m, and the depth - no more than 14 m. Due to the fact that the lake is located in a very remote and inaccessible place, the period of visiting the reservoir is extremely short. Tourists can admire the beauty of the crystal water and the surrounding mountain ranges only from May to September, as in another period the authorities block mountain roads because of the danger of their use.

10. Lake Brebeneskul - registered as Lake Berbenyaskul

This amazing body of water is located in on. In order to enjoy the incredible purity of the water, it is necessary to cover a distance of almost 2 km above sea level. The route passing through Brebeneskul is considered one of the most popular tourist routes in the Transcarpathian region. The length of the route is approximately 40 km and it takes a long time to overcome it. The water of the lake remains clean because the reservoir is one of the highest in Ukraine and is located at a sufficient distance from industrial and residential areas.

If you are not a fan of climbing high in the mountains, then the author of the video gives you the opportunity to see Lake Brebeneskul and the beauty of the Ukrainian Carpathians not only without leaving your home, but also without leaving your computer. No need to go anywhere... just enjoy...

The Top 10 cleanest lakes on Earth collected for you has ended. As you can see, there are still a large number of amazing places, which to this day are able to inspire people with their natural beauty. Well, to the question of what is the cleanest lake in the world, scientists still answer - Baikal.