Warm lakes of Altai. Multi-colored lakes of the Altai Territory The most beautiful lakes of the Altai Territory

10 UNUSUAL AND BEAUTIFUL LAKES OF ALTAI WHICH ARE WORTH SEEING WITH YOUR OWN EYES AT LEAST TIME! 1. Teletskoye lake. The largest in area and depth in Altai, very beautiful and picturesque. Length 77.8 km, average width 2.9 km, maximum width up to 5.2 km, maximum depth Teletskoye Lake - 325 meters. Indigenous Altaians call it "Altyn-Kel", which means "golden lake". The lake is included in the list of the largest lakes in Russia, has a glacial-tectonic origin. On the lake, along its entire length, there are a large number of pleasure large and small boats, as well as a ferry, with the help of which cars and large loads are transported. 2. Lake Yarovoe. Big Yarovoe Lake is located in the Slavgorod region of the Altai Territory, in the west of the Kulunda Plain. The lake is 11.5 kilometers long and 8 kilometers wide. The greatest depth of the lake is about 7-8 meters. This unique lake known for its healing brine - water with many healthy salts, as well as healing silt mud. The crustacean brine shrimp lives in the lake, contributing to the formation of these healing muds. The air around the lake is also useful. Inhalation of air saturated with substances evaporating from the lake, including bromine, has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system. The water of the lake, in its properties is not inferior to water of the dead sea ​​in Israel, is effective in the treatment of certain skin and neurological diseases. Lake mud treats gynecological, andrological diseases, diseases of the joints. 3. Lake Light (Swan). Lake Svetloe (Swan) is located in the Soviet district of the Altai Territory, near the village of Urozhaynoye. The lake is a natural monument, the Lebediny State Nature Reserve has been established here in order to preserve the only wintering place for whooper swans in Altai. The reserve is located on the Pre-Altai plain in the region of the meadow steppes of the Northern Altai and the ancient terraces of the Katun. Its area is 38.2 thousand hectares. There are only two sanctuaries in Russia where whooper swans winter: One of them is located on Svetloe Lake. The water in the lake is clean and transparent to the full depth, hence the name - Light. Due to the abundance of springs gushing from the bottom and feeding the reservoir with warm water, the lake does not freeze in winter. Even in a 40-degree frost, the water temperature does not drop below plus 5-6 C. Every year in December, a snow-white flock arrives at the swan reserve and stays for the winter on the non-freezing lake, hence the second name of the lake is Swan. 4. Geyser lake. In the Ulagan region of the republic, 7 kilometers from the large village of Aktash near tourist base"Meny" is a small thermal lake, with amazingly beautiful turquoise water and a bottom of bright blue ilai sand. Against the background of the black coniferous taiga, Blue Lake looks surreal. This kind of thermal lakes are found throughout the Yellowstone national park USA, the more surprising is the location of such a reservoir in the old by geological standards Paleozoic Caledonian-Hercynian Gorgoy Altai. The diameter of the mountain reservoir is about 30 meters, while the depth of the lake basin is about 2 meters. A bizarre and very colorful appearance is given to it by changing the picture of the muddy bottom of thermal springs, raising bright blue silt from the depths of the earth. At the bottom of the reservoir there are many fallen trees covered with emerald green moss. On the reservoir, there is also a distortion of the picture of the bottom and surface of the water. Here, as nowhere else, you can observe the unique impressionism of mother nature. The rarest beauty of the Geyser secret lake, the only one in the Altai mountains, which has no analogues in these mountains. The lake does not freeze even in severe winter. five. Blue Lakes(Eyes of Katun). The real miracle of Altai is the Blue Lakes or "Eyes of the Katun", which are located in the Chemal region, on the left bank of the Katun River, not far from the village of Uznezya. They were formed at a time when there was the Kurai Sea on the site of the Altai Mountains, which occupied an area equal to 180 by 110 kilometers. At that time, movements of the earth's crust took place, which destroyed the natural dam and turbulent volumes of water, accelerating pushed into the valley huge boulders who knocked out in this place three deep depressions. Today, "Eyes of the Katun", these are two or three beautiful lakes. Their exact number is unknown because how many of them will appear will depend on the water level in the Katun River. They appear mainly closer to autumn and remain as lakes all winter. With the beginning of spring, they are filled with melt water and merge with the waters of the Katun River. The total area is about 400 m. The depth reaches 18 meters. In winter, the Katun River freezes, and the “Eyes of the Katun” remain lakes, because of the warm springs, the water temperature in them is maintained at around + 10 ° C. The lakes shimmer with amazing turquoise color and you can even see the bottom through their crystal clear waters. 6. Raspberry Lake. Raspberry Lake is located in the Mikhailovsky district of the Altai Territory, about 10 kilometers from the Mikhailovskoye regional center. Near the lake there is a village of the same name. The area where the lake is located is called the tract "Salt Lake Steppe" and is surrounded on all sides by a beautiful pine forest. The tract contains dozens of large and small lakes, some of which also have pinkish water. Raspberry Lake is the largest of them, with an area of ​​about 11 square kilometers. The color of the water is especially beautiful in spring. At all, best time visiting the lake is considered the time from June to September. Closer to autumn, the color of the water becomes brown. Raspberry Lake has a very high concentration of salt, so salt deposits form along the banks of the reservoir. The lake has not only an unusual appearance, but also has healing powers. The concentration of salt in the water is almost the same as in the sea. Water can easily keep the body on the surface, in addition, it has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Of particular value is the sulfide-silt mud contained in Raspberry Lake. Mud baths will help in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, seborrhea, neurodermatitis, rheumatism, muscle and joint pain. Procedures are recommended for hair loss. This magical mud perfectly cleanses the skin of excess fat, dead skin cells. It helps the skin renew itself and slows down the aging process. Those who regularly make masks from this mud noticed that fine wrinkles disappeared, and new ones did not appear. 7. Lake Tut-Kush. One of the most unusual lakes is Tut-Kush. The lake is underground, it is located in the cave of the same name at a depth of 240m. There are 3 lakes in the lake grotto, they are elongated in a chain along the cavity, ranging in size from 3 to 20 m. The largest, takes first place among the lakes, underground karst systems of Altai. Its length is 20 m, the maximum width is 7 m, and the depth is 2.5 m. It contains more than 300 cubic meters. water. The lake is fed by karst waters. The water temperature is constant, about 8 degrees. The regime of the lake has not been studied. Over the past 10 years, it has disappeared and reappeared three times. 8. Akkem lake. Lake Akkem (from the Altai Ak-kem - "white water") is located at the foot of the northern slope of Belukha Mountain in the Ust-Koksinsky district of the Altai Republic. It feeds on the melt waters of the Akkem glacier. The length of the lake is 1350 m, the width is 610 m, the average depth of the lake is 7.8 m. The color of the water of the Akkem lake is cloudy, gray-white. The lake is less than a meter transparent due to the suspension of solid material carried by the Akkem River from the glacier, so there is no fish here. The bottom of the lake forms glacial silt. In calm weather, when there are no ripples on Lake Akkem, the reflection of the snow-white peaks of Mount Belukha can be seen in calm water. The water temperature in Lake Akkem does not exceed +4.5 °C. The meteorological station "Akkem" is located on the northwestern shore of the lake. The weather station is one of the oldest in Altai, observations have been made at it since 1932. On the left bank of the lake there is the Belukha mountaineering camp and the base of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Search and Rescue Service of the Republic of Altai. Around the Akkem lake there are several beautiful natural objects, noteworthy: lakes of the Akoyuk valley, Akkem glacier; valley of the Yarlu River with the so-called " stone city, Lake of Mountain Spirits, the chapel of the Archangel Michael with a memorial plaque about the dead climbers and tourists. 9. Lake Darashkol. high in Altai mountains is high Mountain Lake Darashkol (translated from the Altai "Dyarash Kol" - "Beautiful Lake"). Darashkol is located on a kind of step between high and low mountains in the upper reaches of the Ioldo-Ayra valley, the left tributary of the Kucherla River. The height of the lake above sea level is 2200 meters. Above the lake there are only rocks and snow, and below dense forests are already beginning. The lake stretches from east to west for about 1 km and is carefully surrounded by an amphitheater of pointed rocks. The lake is 890 meters long and 330 meters wide. The emerald surface of Darashkol is surrounded by colorful mountain peaks, glaciers and cascades of turquoise water waterfalls. Along the shores, the lake is surrounded by: rocks, piles of stones and centuries-old cedars, a picturesque malachite-colored valley with a peninsula cutting into the lake, a favorite place for tourists to camp. Around the lake there are thickets of lingonberries and blueberries. The lake is quite difficult to access, you can't go up there. The path to the lake is difficult, you have to climb up the river. At the same time, the trail is very picturesque - many waterfalls, rocks covered with moss, trees felled by a storm, thick willows. The descent from the lake is steep, there is a sharp drop in height, the river in those places turns into roaring waterfalls, a breathtaking sight. In general, the walking part of the route to Lake Darashkol is 41 kilometers. 10. Lake Aya. The picturesque warm mountain lake Aya is located near the village of the same name, 25 km from Gorno-Altaisk, a little away from the Chuisky tract on the left bank of the Katun River. Length coastline lakes - 1410 meters, maximum depth - 21.7 meters, mirror area - 93 hectares. The temperature of the surface layer of water is -16 C, the maximum in July is 22-26 C. The level of the lake exceeds the level of the Katun River by 49 meters. Translated from the Turkic "Ay" means "moon", the lake has the shape of a crescent. Lake Aya, located as if in a hollow, among the green mountains, is characterized by clear and warm water. Not a single river flows into the lake and does not flow out, the exchange of water occurs due to underground currents. The water in the lake is bluish in color, fresh, odorless and tasteless, Transparency - 8-9 m. In the center of the lake there is a small island - the gazebo of Love, to which romantics get by swimming. There is a beach on the shore of the lake, catamarans and boats are rented. There is a cafe near the lake. In the vicinity of Lake Aya there are picturesque mountain landscapes, pine forests on the left bank of the Katun. This is one of the few places in the Altai Mountains where you can swim. Read about accommodation and excursions in Gorny Altai in the group

For a long time we have been calling the Altai Territory Ozerny for ourselves. In my opinion, this is an absolutely amazing phenomenon - so many different lakes on the territory of one region.

Each lake in the Altai Territory has its own composition of water: there are fresh, there are salty, and there are alkaline reservoirs. At the same time, sometimes such surprisingly different lakes peacefully coexist within walking distance from each other.

Absolutely different multi-colored lakes are scattered around the edge, like scattered beads from different necklaces.

Driving up to big lake Altai Territory - Kulunda - one wants to sing: “By the sea, by the blue sea” ... The blue-blue Altai Sea, as it is also called, will really make you forget that you are on the Kulunda plain. Endless blue, sand, waves and salty wind - why not a seascape?

Two lakes, located so close to each other that they can easily be mistaken for one, are incredibly blue, they are not large in size, their uniqueness lies in something else. The lakes are springs, have a constant temperature and do not freeze in winter, which is why wild swans have chosen them as a wintering place. Swans have been coming to winter in these parts since 1967, when there were 1.5 dozen of them. In 2015, employees counted about 500 swans.

Lies at the foot of Mount Sinyukha - the most high point Kolyvansky ridge. The lake is very picturesque, with clear water, with shores inlaid with stones. True, the name of the lake was questioned for a long time, the name “Blue” was more suitable, until by noon white clouds floated across the lake surface.

Another lake near the spurs of the Kolyvan Range. Lake Kolyvanskoye is surrounded by remnant rocks with the most bizarre shapes; at sunset, the rocks turn reddish. The water in the lake is also unusual - despite its purity, it has a brown hue, and the shores are strewn with the rare water chestnut Chilim (Rogulnik). All together creates a picture that is more reminiscent of the Martian landscape.

The lakes described below also have unearthly beauty, there simply cannot be water bodies with such a color on earth!

This lake is pale pink. In addition to its beauty, the lake is known for its salt extraction in a unique way invented in Bursoli. Rails are laid along the bottom of the lake, along which special harvesters move, collecting salt from the bottom. Railway stretches straight to the middle of the lake. For the quality of local salt, even Peter I called Bursol the main salt shaker in Russia.

It is said that the composition of the water of this lake is similar to that of the Dead Sea. But, as soon as the sun's rays touch the surface of the water, the Altai Dead Sea turns dark pink. Lake Kuchukskoye is one of the largest deposits of mirabilite in Russia, which lies in a thick layer at the base of the lake.

The farther to the Altai Territory, the richer the shades of red! The lake owes its color, most likely, to microscopic algae, which produce a pink pigment in salt-saturated water. And in order to admire the lake of unreal color, you don’t have to fly to Australia or Senegal, but just drive 650 km from Novosibirsk along the highway.

When I was convinced with my own eyes that Raspberry Lake is really raspberry in Altai, I confirmed my decision to visit Zolotoe Lake. But what if it really is gold? We found a lake with such an alluring name by chance on a map of the Rubtsovsky district and drove without even guessing what exactly awaits us. But what he saw exceeded all expectations! Yes, it's golden!

Coming back from the Lake District, you always feel what you've done trip around the world and visited a dozen countries, and not just one edge!

Marina Tsurikova,

This year we again traveled around the lakes and realized how lucky we were for the first time.)) We also didn’t dare to make our way to Zolotoy after the rains ... And Raspberry Lake, it turned out, is crimson once every 4-5 years, when the water level is small, respectively, the concentration of salt in the water reaches the required level.
The "stone oasis" discovered by us is now marked as a tourist attraction, it is called a stone canyon on the Kizikha River. Only here they missed the location of the sign and put it opposite the quarry, not the canyon.)) But you can focus on the river to find the canyon.

Do you know that the inhabitants of Siberia call Altai the country of blue lakes? Indeed, the landscape of the region boasts more than one thousand picturesque reservoirs and tourist attractions. Do you want to travel around the region, see the most, go fishing or rafting? Then this article is for you!

Travelers visiting Altai for the first time should definitely visit Teletskoye Lake. This unique natural complex impresses with its beauty: clean, cool water, mountain air and the surrounding taiga - everything you need for a calm and measured rest. Tourism in this area is not yet very popular among visitors, which is why there is a chance to spend an unforgettable vacation away from noisy sightseeing tours.

Lake Teletskoye is rightfully considered the younger brother of Baikal and is one of the deepest lakes in Russia - its depth is 325 m. picturesque place from the north it is possible from Gorno-Altaisk by taking a bus ticket to the village of Artybash or Iogach. To get to the southern side of the lake, you will need to change the route and go to Aktash, and then continue on to Ulagan, Balykcha, Balyktuyul. In the northern part of Lake Teletskoye, each avid tourist find a comfortable hotel. To save the budget, you can rent a room in private houses: the owners will be happy to shelter a visiting guest and show the most Beautiful places for walks and photo shoots. There are cafes and eateries on the shore. Some of them serve delicious lake fish.

During the trip, you can go fishing or ride down the river on a large boat, as well as visit interesting excursions, for example, to the Korbu waterfall. except active rest, tourists will stroll along the embankment, breathing the scent of pine needles and enjoying the picturesque landscapes of Siberia.


The Katun River is the largest river in the region. Unusual name came from the word "kadyn", which means "mistress" or "mistress" in translation. Katun really "hosts" the Altai, and thousands of tourists come to its shores every year. The river originates from the foot of Belukha, the length of its course is about 688 kilometers.

You can get to the sights from Barnaul or Gorno-Altaisk. Organize a fun car trip or buy a ticket at the ticket office of the bus station - in any case, you can admire the views of the mountain scenery from the window and take some memorable photos. Near the Katyun River there is another amazing place- Tavdinsky caves, which are in great demand among visitors.

What to do during vacation? In addition to pleasant walks in the fresh air, tourists can go rafting and arrange real competitions, ride a catamaran and also enjoy fishing. Here you can catch sterlet, pike perch, burbot and other types of fish, as well as dine in one of the coastal establishments. On the territory of the complex of the artificial lake "Turquoise Katun" children's playrooms are equipped, so the little tomboys will definitely not get bored, and the family vacation will be excellent. In the winter season, lovers of skiing come here. Frosty air and a snowy track are a great choice for a wellness vacation.

As for hotels, each traveler will find the best option for himself:. The price depends on the quantity and quality of services provided by the landlord.

Do you want to see the most beautiful lakes and rivers of Altai? Then by all means go to the Valley of 7 Lakes. This place differs from other Altai attractions in its unusualness. bizarre ponds and Mountain peaks the terrain resembles the shape of a heart, and each of the lakes has its own unique shade. The valley itself is covered alpine meadows and brings every tourist to admiration. Wild animals living on the territory of the natural complex are not averse to chatting with visitors and posing for prying eyes.

get to cherished place not easy, you have to go hiking or horseback riding from the village of Tungur. You should prepare in advance and collect a backpack of a real traveler. It is not recommended to take small children with you, because the hike is not easy. The bus journey will start from the city of Biysk, and in Tungur you will need to purchase 2-3 day trip with an escort. On the way to the valley, tourists will be able to see the famous Mount Belukha, look at Lake Akkem, walk around the amazing territory and take memorable photographs. Comfortable camp sites, which are located next to the valley of 7 lakes, will offer you to relax after a long journey.

And of course, the rating of the most beautiful rivers cannot do without the Anui River. Its source is located on the Annui Range (from where the river got its name), and the length of the reservoir is about 327 km. For the first 35 km, the river flows through the territory of the Ust-Kansk region and surprises with its fast mountain current. Further, passing through the territory of the Soloneshensky, Petropavlovsk and Smolensk regions, Anui becomes calm. It is here that tourists can go in for light rafting and enjoy the picturesque landscapes. Family album will be replenished beautiful photos and the journey will be remembered for vivid emotions and adventures. Fishing is also a popular tourist hobby. Inveterate travelers do not miss the opportunity to try their hand at fishing and show off a rich catch of burbot, bream, pike or perch.

You can get here along the route Biysk-Soloneshnoe-Ust-Kan. After the Soloneshnoye regional center, the Anui River will be visible outside the window, and on the way to the destination, the tourist will be able to visit several more attractions: Denisova Cave and the most beautiful cascade of waterfalls on the Shinok River.

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: Altai region And republic Mountain Altai . Both areas are vast and varied, so you need to decide what you would like to get from your vacation in Altai, then it will be easier to understand which direction to choose for your first trip.

I will share some ideas where you can go to Altai for the first time.

Altai region

Lakes in the vicinity of the villages of Zavyalovo and Guseletovo are very popular. These lakes are interesting in that within walking distance, completely different lakes coexist in a neighborly way: salty, alkaline and fresh.

Zavyalovskie lakes are not located near Zavyalovo, as one might assume, but about 10 km from it, near the village of Svetly.

The degree of brine mineralization in the salt lake is 115 g/l. And although the lake is small in size, rumors about its positive influence spread quickly, so it’s hard to find a free place on the shore.

On one side of the salt lake is a fresh lake with campground and the beach.

On the other side is Alkaline Lake with a foamy border and many birds along the banks.

There is another alkaline lake in the village itself, it is protected on all sides by houses and forests, so that here the winds do not allow themselves such liberties as in the open steppe.

Among Guselet lakes, which are located slightly south of the Zavyalovskie, the main purpose of the pilgrimage is the Mormyshanskoye and Gorkoe lakes (you can read it in the topic on the forum).

The recreation center and tent camps are located on the Gorky coast, it is alkaline and warm, so it is suitable for long-term swimming.

Vacationers go to Mormyshansky Lake across the road, the mineralization of this lake slightly exceeds the mineralization of the most famous salt lake in the world - the Dead Sea (about 300 g / l). During the night, the salt on the bottom and on the shore has time to crystallize so that it is slightly difficult to move without shoes.

2. colorful lakes . You can choose others as your goal in the Altai Territory, no less. And in order to get a general idea of ​​​​this region of 1000 lakes, I advise you to take a tour of several lakes: Kulunda, Bolshoye Yarovoye and the water park, Raspberry, Golden, Gorkoe-Peresheechnoye, Kolyvanskoye, White and Zavyalovsky or Guseletovsky lakes.

3. Tours and museums. If you like excursions and museums, I suggest slightly diluting the lake tour with a historical component. Lakes Beloe and Kolyvanskoe lie near the most interesting cities.
Kolyvan is primarily known for its stone-cutting art, it was here that the famous Kolyvan vase was carved. The history of its creation is carefully preserved in Kolyvan Museum of Stone-Cutting Art.

The tour will be very informative. stone cutting plant, on which the Queen of Vaz was created for the whole 12 years. At present, modern technologies, of course, greatly facilitate the process, but still, even now, to create a stone masterpiece, great skill and painstaking work are required.

A monolithic 11-meter plot of green-wavy jasper, which became the progenitor of the aforementioned vase, was discovered 35 km southeast of Zmeinogorsk, at the foot of Mount Revnyukha.

It is not easy to get to the quarry itself, but on the other hand, before reaching Revyukha, on the way we will meet Lazurskoe field pyrite-polymer ores.

And finally myself Zmeinogorsk. Once he was known not only in Russia, but also abroad. Half of the Altai silver was mined here, and the equipment in the mines was the most advanced. True, convicts and serfs worked in the mines in inhuman conditions, for years without rising from the ground to sunlight. Will tell about all this local mining museum.

4. - a resort city of federal significance at the foot of the Cherginsky spurs. In count sunny days per year Belokurikha is comparable to the resorts of the Crimea and the Caucasus. Belokurikha surprisingly combines civilization and the wild beauty of nature. Mild climate, healing air, picturesque rocks - all this is within walking distance from resort area cities. In addition, Belokurikha is the starting point of many excursion routes.

Mountain Altai

1. Many begin to explore Gorny Altai from the lakes too. The nearest, and also warm, lakes are Manzherokskoye, Ayskoye (Aya) and the artificial reservoir Turquoise Katun. Picturesque, surrounded by mountains, they attract many tourists every day.

Manzherok lake - perhaps the most untouched by civilization. It is a natural monument, a large number of birds nest here, many species of fish live, however, fishing is allowed only on permits. On the shore of the lake, tourists are waiting for several tourist bases, as well as a tent camp. In addition to swimming, entertainment is available on catamarans, on land - on horses and camels, and by air - on a cable car.

Aisskoye lake surrounded by bases on all sides, the bases are built for different tastes and budgets, so you have to dial more than one phone number to choose the right place: comfort or economy class, youth or family vacation. If you get to the lake from the Chuysky tract, then you can only drive along the suspension toll bridge in front of the village of Souzga.

Turquoise Katun All summer long it retains its sister's turquoise color by constantly filtering the water. There are beaches with entertainment around the entire lake. True, you can swim in the lake for free only by stopping at one of the bases on the banks of the Turquoise Katun. The complex is located almost opposite Lake Manzherok, but on the left bank, like Aya.

2. There is a good option to get acquainted with Altai - just ride along Chuisky tract, the first time it is usually conquered up to the Seminsky pass. The Chuisky tract begins in Biysk at 354 km of the M 92 highway, so it is in Biysk that there is a museum of the Chuisky tract. Here, in Biysk, the road goes to the right towards Belokurikha.

384 km - Srostki, the birthplace of Shukshin, so a museum was opened in the village and a monument was erected on Mount Piket.

431 km - turn to the lakes. (You can also drive to them through Belokurikha).
454 km - Aisky bridge.
464 km - Cheremshansky spring and Cheremshansky waterfall. If we are heading to Gorny Altai, then the exit from the Chuisky tract will be to the left. You will have to walk no more than 1 km.

472 km - turn towards the village. Lake and Lake Manzherok.
478 km - Arzhan-suu silver spring. Here is the bridge across the Katun to the tour. complex "Turquoise Katun" and to the Tavdinsky caves.

492 km - the bridge from which the trail to the Kamyshlinsky waterfall begins. (You can also go to it along the goat path, which begins already on the left bank).

496 km - Chuisky tract passes to the left bank, and along the right bank the road will go to Chemal.
502 km - s. Kamlak. Gorno-Altai Botanical Garden.

509 km - Cherginsky bison. You never know how long and in which direction you will have to walk, accompanied by an employee of the farm, until you meet the bison “face to face”.

514 km - s. Cherga. There are many picturesque places around the village.

583 km - Seminsky pass. The attraction is not limited to the Stella by the road. To the right, the road goes towards the Dynamo base, you can drive up it by car almost to the very top.

3. Chemal direction is also of interest.

The lakes of Altai are a great opportunity to relax with children and cheerful companies for those who have not yet saved up for abroad, or for those who do not want to leave the city for a long time. Where can you swim in the hot summer and what else awaits vacationers on each of the Altai lakes?

Lake Yarovoe

In terms of the level of development of infrastructure and the sphere of leisure, this lake is perhaps in the first place. On the beaches of the lake there are cafes, children's entertainment, special taps to wash off the salt. An aqua park with a children's pool was built near the beach area of ​​Berth 22. On the beach are held animation programs for children, in the evening there are foam parties.

The healing resources of the lake and the amount of entertainment from year to year attract a large number of people here, which does not affect the village in the best way. At the peak of the season, crowds of people gather here. The discrepancy between the resources of a small Siberian village and the existing demand causes a lot of conflicting reviews. A description of this recreation area and reviews of vacationers can be found in


Zavyalovsky lakes have gained unexpected popularity in recent years. There are three such lakes in Zavyalovo: salty, alkaline and fresh. The latter was called Crooked because of its shape.

The salt lake is famous for its healing properties. Blue clay, stored at the depth of the lake, according to experts, helps to rejuvenate the body, improves the condition of the skin and joints.
IN fresh lake you can rinse off the remnants of salt that tighten the skin, and it will also please fishing enthusiasts.

There are lakes about 7 km from the village of Zavyalovo. The landscape is a steppe plain without any vegetation, in some distance there is a forest forest. The main type of accommodation on the lake is tents. Last year, the shores of the lake were simply dotted with tents and cars of tourists who wanted to relax and improve their health.

However, the Power of Lakes base offers different accommodation options. There are summer houses on the lake without amenities, and the so-called "VIP-houses", including a bathroom and shower, as well as rooms in a comfortable cottage near the edge of the forest. Prices for such accommodation range from 1100 rubles. for a summer house up to 3000 for a room in a VIP house.
The base is located closer to the fresh lake, there are also entertainments: an inflatable slide, along which you can have fun sliding into the water, a playground, a trampoline. lovers water activities can ride bumper boats, catamarans, banana boats and jet skis.

In a word, a completely normal option for a weekend getaway in nature.


Next to the Zavyalovsky lakes in the Romanovsky district there is another recreation area of ​​the Altai Territory - the resort village of Guseletovo. Three kilometers from the village of Guseletovo there are two lakes: the fresh lake Gorkoye and salt Lake Mormyshanskoe. Among the people, the entire recreation area was called Guseletovo.

For the calm family vacation- it's a great place. True, the salt lake is very shallow. The people are tinkering in knee-deep mud, like in a puddle. But on the fresh lake, the leisure industry is well developed. Standard inflatable water slides, jet skis. For children on the shore there is a play area in the form of a soft corner.
As on other lakes, you can stay on the shore with tents or in summer houses. Such an opportunity is offered by the Guseletovskie Plesy base. There is a cafeteria on site where you can have lunch and dinner.

All three recreation areas (Yarovoe, Zavyalovo, Guseletovo) are located approximately on the same side, so if you have more time than the weekend, you can visit all three lakes.


Lake Kolyvanskoye is located in the Zmeinogorsk district near the village of Savvushka, therefore it is better known by the people under this name. This place is not suitable for lovers of mud procedures - the lake is fresh. But you can swim without fear of salt deposits on the body. The lake has the status of a natural monument of regional significance.

Rest on this lake is quite wild. On the shores of the lake there are several bases in the form of summer houses with outdoor facilities. There are no special entertainments, there are no shops (you need to go to the nearest villages for groceries, or stock up in advance), but there are practically no people either. Perhaps it is this atmosphere of unity with nature, tranquility and isolation from civilization that attracts vacationers to Savvushki.

base " sunny Beach»

We were passing through there. We stopped at the base "Sunny Beach". We stayed there for about half an hour, and during this time we got the impression of a very calm family vacation in nature. Small summer houses, pavilions, in which vacationers have already begun preparations for the evening barbecue, a friendly dog, a swing. By the way, the owner of the base promised to make a playground.

dog and gazebos in Sunny Beach

Part of the coast is filled with sand - it turned out to be a small but cute beach.

Although, as it turned out later, we just did not see the most important beauties. Indeed, on the other side of the lake is the main attraction of Savvushki - bizarre heaps of rocks, similar to fairy-tale figures. The names of the rocks are also fabulous - Devil's finger, Elephant and Three monkeys. Here is the children's health Camp"Gull".

Several bases with summer houses are scattered along the perimeter of the lake. You can also stay in a tent.
On the lake you can swim, swim on water skis, bananas, fish. They write that in some places there are elements of the water park, in the form of gutters descending directly into the lake, but it was not possible to find out more precisely. In a word, this interesting place we are still in the research stage.

Mountain Altai. Chui tract

If in the Altai Territory you have not found a suitable vacation spot for yourself, you can change your place of deployment and go to the Altai Mountains. A sharp change of landscapes allows you to find yourself in another world, without even leaving far from home. When, after having passed the village of Srostki, at the next turn, a huge mountain suddenly grows sharply before your eyes, you immediately understand that the journey has begun.

The special energy of these places cannot be killed either by the shortcomings of the service, or by the universally organized “honest taking of money” from tourists. By the way, the service in the Altai Mountains is still better developed than on the lakes of the Altai Territory. There are also well-maintained bases with infrastructure, leisure activities and even children's animation.

Another plus of the Altai Mountains is the variability of recreation. As part of one trip, you can swim in Lake Manzherok, and ride on the Turquoise Katun slides and give children the opportunity to jump on the trampolines of the Rublyovka complex.

In a word, you can choose any vacation, both active and sedentary, because there are also places where you can swim in the Altai Mountains. You can learn more about them.

This is also the Altai Mountains, but it is not so easy to combine a visit to this attraction, included in the UNESCO list of sites, with a visit to the Chuisky tract. The normal road to Teletskoye goes from Gorno-Altaisk. We do not consider extreme variants of mountain crossings here.

What can you do with children on Lake Teletskoye? Swim in a mountain river, take a boat ride across the lake, pet a wolf... I won't tell you in advance. If you are interested in what kind of vacation Lake Teletskoye is preparing for you, read.

As you can see, the opportunities for recreation in Altai and Gorny Altai are quite diverse. You will still find your choice. And if you have already rested in one of these places, you can leave your review below.
Have a wonderful summer holiday everyone!