Reservoirs with the most salty water on Earth: in comparison with them, the water in the Dead Sea will seem like tap water (9 photos). Orenburg region, Salt lakes: treatment and reviews Salt water of the lake 4 letters scanword

The Dead Sea is famous for its unusually high salt content, although in fact this body of water ranks only fourth among the most salty seas and lakes in the world.

The seas and oceans are traditionally considered to be the most saline water bodies. And this is mostly true. Water covers more than two-thirds of our planet's surface, and 96% of it is in the oceans. Ocean waters contain thousands of billions of tons of dissolved salt.

The salinity of the water at different points in the oceans varies. Around the poles, the constant presence of snow and ice reduces salt levels, while closer to the equator, more water evaporates from the surface of the seas, which means a higher salt content in the water.

But there are reservoirs on our planet, where there is much more salt than in the seas and oceans.

Dead Sea

The most famous such body of water is the Dead Sea, located on the border of Jordan and Israel. The water here is 10 times saltier than the average sea. However, the Dead Sea is far from the most salty sea. It ranks only fifth among the most saline bodies of water on Earth.

Besides, the Dead Sea is not a sea at all. Although the term "sea" is loosely used, it essentially refers to a large body of salt water that is partly surrounded by land. The Dead Sea is completely surrounded by land and has no access to the ocean or open sea. In fact, this is a lake, but large and salty, which causes confusion.

The shore stones of the lake sparkle with crystallized table salt in places where the sun makes the water evaporate quickly. In addition, the Dead Sea is the deepest hypersaline body of water in the world. Its depth reaches 330 meters.

In recent years, this reservoir has been rapidly decreasing in size, to the point that rumors have appeared about its complete disappearance. Today, however, Israeli geologists claim that it will stabilize at current levels in the near future.

Lake Don Juan

Despite its celebrity status, the Dead Sea is not able to take away the laurels of the most salty body of water from a tiny lake called Don Juan. This crumb does not exceed 300 meters in length and 100 meters in width, and its depth is 10 centimeters. However, the percentage of salt in the lake is 44%, which is 10% more than in the Dead Sea, and 40% more than in the ocean.

The lake is located in Antarctica, in the dry McMurdo Valley, famous theme that it is the driest place on the planet - there is no precipitation, and strong winds do not allow glaciers to form on the inside of the mountains surrounding the valley.

salt source

Scientists do not know the exact reason for such a high salt content in the water of the lake. Perhaps this is due to the fact that it is completely cut off from other water bodies and is not diluted with fresh water coming from precipitation and due to the melting of glaciers. All the salt contained in the waters of Don Juan cannot leave them in any way. She can only freeze or evaporate.

With such a high percentage of salinity, the lake almost never freezes - this requires a temperature below -53 degrees Celsius. All that remains is evaporation. The water evaporates, which leads to an even higher percentage of salinity.

While other salty waters of Antarctica get fresh water from snow and ice, Don Juan always remains undiluted. Scientists are still trying to find a source of salt in the waters of the lake.

Salt on land

It is noteworthy that reservoirs are far from the most saline places on the planet. Record accumulations of this mineral are found on land.

The Uyuni salt marsh is the largest in the world, its area exceeds ten thousand square kilometers. It is located in Bolivia and is actually the bottom of a dried up prehistoric salt lake.

The basin of this lake is unusually flat, geologists have noticed a difference in height of only one meter. Today, this huge flat valley is covered in sparkling salt crystals.

During the rainy season, tourists flock to Uyuni to see the world's largest mirror surface, and flamingos fly here to lay their eggs, perched on large salt marshes.

For several centuries, salt has been mined in the vastness of Uyuni, but there is still so much that it will last for a long time.

Underground springs

Despite the fact that the largest salt deposit is in Bolivia, the largest exporters of this mineral are Australia and China. There are the most productive salt mines.

However, the largest salt mine is in Canada. Its depth reaches 550 meters, and the area is seven square kilometers. Seven million tons of salt are extracted from the mine annually. This place is located near the Great Lakes, and geologists suggest that the salt deposits there are very rich and lie at a relatively great depth, covering a huge area. This wealth is left over from a prehistoric sea that dried up about 420 million years ago.

The fact that it is difficult for scientists to name the only saltiest place on Earth tells us that much of the history and bowels of our amazing planet has not been studied and is kept secret. It is quite possible that there is another body of water in the wilds of the Siberian forests, which will turn out to be saltier than the lake Don Juan.

Salt lakes on our planet are not uncommon, although it seems to many that there are much more freshwater ones. These bodies of water may look like small seas or very modest ponds, but size is not the point here. Each has its own unique ecosystem, and each has its own mystery. You can admire them, you can get the necessary substances from them, they will help improve your health and tell you about the past of the Earth. So, we present the TOP-9 amazing salt lakes.

Where do they come from? As a rule, the concentration of salt in endorheic reservoirs increases gradually as the water evaporates. In this case, both rocks and groundwater can be a source of salts, but the main factor is a decrease in volume. This process can take millennia, but human intervention accelerates it at times. An example is the Aral Sea. If water is actively used by people for various needs, and its inflow decreases, then an ordinary lake can dry out and become salty in a few decades. The water in it is no longer suitable for drinking or irrigating the fields. Salinization of lakes is one of the pressing problems associated with the global shortage of water resources.

Underwater salt lakes at the bottom of the ocean (there are some!) arose differently. Millions of years ago, the seas dried up, and a very thick layer of salts formed in their place. And then the water returned, and at the greatest depth a “brine” appeared, which, due to its high density, did not mix with the waters of the returned ocean.

Salt lakes also form in the craters of volcanoes.

The salinity of lakes is measured in ppm: this value reflects how many grams of salt are contained in one liter of water. For example, for the Red Sea, this figure is approximately 40, for the Gulf of Finland - 2, and for the Dead Sea - about 300.

What is all the salt? people used mineral lakes from ancient times. First, the habit of salting food forced to look for new sources of the main seasoning. Secondly, bathing in salt water turned out to be beneficial for health, and deposits of healing clay along the shores of lakes are an excellent cosmetic product. In addition, various substances necessary for medicine and industry can be extracted from salt water. Of great interest from the point of view of biotechnology are unique extreme bacteria that live quietly even in very salty water. They can be used to extract metals from ore, or to treat wastewater.

1. Urmia (Iran). Once this lake was the largest in the Middle East. However, recently it has become less and less - pictures taken from space allow you to observe this. The unreasonable consumption of water from rivers for irrigation has led to the fact that over 40 years the reservoir has decreased by 70%. The water in it usually has a pinkish tint - due to the breeding Dunaliella algae. After the winter and spring rains, Urmia turns blue again. At the same time, the salinity of the water drops from 260 to 150-80 ppm. There are more than a hundred islands in the lake, some of which are covered with pistachio forests. Pelicans and flamingos nest here. If the Iranian government does not implement a program to save Urmia, the lake will dry up completely and 10 billion tons of salt will remain in its place, scientists warn.

2. Dead Sea (Israel, Palestine, Jordan). One of the most famous salt lakes in the world. Its length is 50 km, maximum width is 18 km. The main feature of this reservoir is that it is located at the lowest land point on the planet - more than 400 meters below sea level. The main source of water in the lake is the Jordan River.

This is one of the first health resorts in the history of mankind. Also, since ancient times, potassium carbonate (potash) has been mined here to fertilize the soil. The Dead Sea was called Asphalt, and this is not accidental: natural asphalt is formed at a depth, which the ancient Egyptians used to mummify the bodies of the dead.

Environmentalists are concerned that the water level in the Dead Sea is falling by an average of 1 meter per year. This is due to the active use of groundwater, the extraction of minerals by evaporation and climate change.

3. Lonar (India). Located in a crater that appeared in a basalt rock after a meteorite fell - this is the only such crater on Earth. The name "Lonar" is translated simply - " salt Lake».

The lake is both salty and alkaline. The salinity of the water in it is 10.7 g/l. The diameter of the lake is 1 km, and the depth is more than 130 m. The water is muddy green and has a rotten smell, so being on the shore is not very pleasant.

Since 1842 there has been commercial salt mining on the lake. There were five or six types of salt from Lonar on sale, different in composition and color. Now it is only used locals. In Lake Lonar, a rare mineral called geilussite was discovered - these transparent crystals resemble crystal.

4. Baskunchak (Russia). Located in the Astrakhan region. The area of ​​the lake is approximately 106 sq. km, salinity - about 300 g/l.

Basically, the lake is fed by underground sources. Salt has been mined here since the 8th century. Baskunchakskaya was built especially for its removal. Railway from the lake to Vladimirovskaya pier on the Volga. Nowadays, from 1.5 to 5 million tons of NaCl are obtained from the lake annually.

Above the surface of the lake you can see mysterious pillars covered with a salt crust. They are left over from the footbridges, which even before the revolution of 1917 were used by workers collecting salt. The sanatorium "Baskunchak", which is located on the shore, is very popular with tourists. Salt solution and mud baths help to cure many diseases.

5. Great Salt Lake (USA). It is located in Utah and is the largest salt lake in the Western Hemisphere. The salinity of the water in the lake also varies depending on the water level, ranging from 137 to 300 ppm.

The Great Salt Lake is also known for regularly causing heavy snowfalls. There are no miracles here. Just in winter, the water in the lake is much warmer than the air above it, which leads to the formation of clouds and precipitation. Oolitic sand can be seen on the shores of the Great Salt Lake. It consists of mineral formations of a round or spherical shape, resembling very small pearls.

The lake is divided into two parts by a dam, along which trains run. The southern and northern parts have different salinity and, as a result, different colors due to the distribution of different types of algae. In 1970, the Spiral Dam installation, created by American artist Robert Smithson, appeared on the shore of the lake. The object is visible only when the water level in the lake drops to 1280 m above sea level.

There are many legends about the lake. For example, they say that in 1875 two whales were released into the reservoir - to attract more tourists. Since then, no one has ever seen whales. Another story is related to the local Nessie - the Monster of the North Shore, who once allegedly attacked the workers.

6. Don Juan (Antarctica). This small reservoir owes its name not to the famous hero-lover, but to two helicopter pilots. Their names were Don Ro and John Hickey, and in 1961 they flew over the lake and noticed that the water in it did not freeze, despite the 30-degree frost. Subsequently, it turned out: the salinity of the lake is so high that it is not covered with ice even at minus 53 degrees! The salt content in Don Juan is over 400 grams per liter. The source of water in the lake is melting glaciers. The surface area of ​​the reservoir is only 0.3 km. No signs of life have been found in the lake. Experts note that the conditions in this area are reminiscent of Martian.

7. Assal (Djibouti, East Africa). One of the saltiest lakes on the planet (up to 400 grams per liter) is located in a crater extinct volcano. This is the most low point Africa. The length of the reservoir is 19 km, the width is 6.5 km. During the day, the water in the lake bizarrely changes its shade, up to fluorescent colors. Salt is mined on an industrial scale, at the same time, nomads evaporate it in the old fashioned way on the shores of the lake and send it to Ethiopia on camels.

8. Socompa (Argentina, Chile). The lake is located on the border of two states, in the Argentine Andes, at an altitude of 3600 meters above sea level. There was a time when this reservoir was considered exclusively as a source of lithium, without which it is impossible, for example, to manufacture batteries. This metal was obtained by evaporating a saline solution in the sun. However, Sokompa and other Andean salt lakes are now being turned into specially protected areas. natural objects. The reason is that scientists found stromatolites in the water - "layered" structures formed by minerals and cyanobacteria. These are the oldest ecosystems on Earth. Some of the finds are billions of years old and could help scientists learn more about the origin of life on our planet.

9. Underwater salt lakes (Gulf of Mexico). The saltier the water, the higher its density - therefore, numerous lakes at the bottom of the bay have quite clear boundaries. The water in the salt pools is 4-5 times saltier than the ocean. If a submarine descends to such a reservoir, it begins to slide on its surface. Underwater lakes have a length of 1 m to 20 km. As a rule, they have a high concentration of methane, and only extremophiles can live in them - living creatures adapted to harsh conditions. For example, bacteria and mussels, tube worms and shrimps. Scientists believe that such creatures could easily survive on other planets.

It has been scientifically proven that rest in the local climatic zone is much more useful than traveling to distant countries. This is especially true for people with health problems, the elderly, families with small children, pregnant women. One of the well-known and well-established recreational areas are the salt lakes of the Orenburg region. Reviews about the resort are positive: tourists note the healing effect of the reservoirs located here. About them and will be discussed today.

Therapeutic lakes of the Orenburg region

Traveling through the expanses of our vast Motherland, getting to know it and getting aesthetic pleasure from contact with nature, you can find yourself on the shore of a salt lake. There are a large number of them in Russia, and all of them have unique medicinal properties. They are also called mineral lakes for their high content of trace elements and antiseptic properties, and the mud of such a reservoir has a natural healing effect. To benefit from the ultraviolet rays reflected from and become the owner of a natural beautiful tan, you must definitely visit it! The main "folk hospital" that Orenburg is proud of is a salt lake. Reviews of numerous tourists prove that here you can not only relax, but also heal.

From the depths of centuries

Water treatment came to us from ancient times. Even then, healing mud and mineral water were used to get rid of diseases and heal wounds. They treated skin, gynecological and many other ailments. Such a formidable disease as psoriasis can be cured by bathing in such a reservoir. Banal, but annoying boils, acne and other skin defects disappear almost without a trace after taking such salty baths. Tourists appreciate the opportunity to improve their health and get a real “kiss of the sun”. No wonder it is believed that the main attraction that Orenburg is proud of is salt lakes. Treatment is combined with a pleasant pastime, which makes the reservoirs especially tempting.

Where do salt lakes come from?

According to scientists, such reservoirs appear in arid places, in the crater of which there is no runoff. The water that the rivers bring there, only flows into them, but does not flow out. When the liquid evaporates from the reservoir, the salt remains at its bottom. This is how salt lakes are formed.

You can find such a lake in any corner of the country. It is rich in therapeutic reservoirs and the Salt Lakes have miraculous powers, and everyone knows the benefits of swimming in them.

A unique geological object is Lake Razval in the Sol-Iletsk region, located at the mining site. It is the deepest among its fellows and quite large, because its area occupies 10 hectares. Its origin is interesting. The lake appeared in 1906, when a salt quarry was flooded with a spring flood. In the central part of the Iletsk salt dome, a reservoir 240 meters wide, 300 meters long and 20.5 meters deep turned out. This is an analogue of the Dead Sea, as it is 305 g / l. That is why one of the main attractions that the Orenburg region is proud of is salt lakes.

The Iletsk salt dome was formed in the second half of the 18th century. This is the result of rock salt mining and karst processes in its thickness. Then the quarry connected with the river Peschanka. At the same time, a salt lake called Razval was formed. The water in it has a high salt concentration - 260 g/l. Therefore, brine does not freeze even at -20 in water and -40 degrees in air. This lake is also unique in that its bottom is permafrost. The high density of water allows a person to lie on the surface without moving.

Just 70 km from the Iletsk rock salt deposit is the city of Orenburg. Salt Lake Razval is of regional importance and is included in the main list of protected objects.

Benefit for health

Ancient doctors Hippocrates and Avicenna spoke about the benefits of bathing in salty reservoirs. Despite the fact that the latter was a native of Central Asia, on the territory of which there are no such lakes, the doctor appreciated the properties of salt water. A large number of tourists wishing to receive medical treatment are met by the city of Orenburg. Salt Lake Razval is distinguished by its healing effect, which it has on all organs and systems of the human body. Due to the high content of bromine, chlorine and other trace elements in water, it helps in the treatment of rheumatism, osteochondrosis, bronchial asthma and many other diseases.

It must be remembered that swimming in salt lakes should be moderate. And you need to alternate it with sunbathing. It is recommended to bathe regularly for 7-10 days.

Lake Tuzluchnoe

Medicinal are of ancient origin. Even nomadic tribes made halts on their shores, using mineral waters and therapeutic mud for the healing of the whole organism. These reservoirs include the salt lake Tuzluchnoye, recognized as the oldest of the surviving reservoirs of the Sol-Iletsk salt dome. Its area is 24 thousand square meters. m, the depth reaches 4 meters. The Orenburg region is proud of it. Salt lakes of this region are widely studied in the laboratories of the testing center. It was found there that according to their physical and chemical parameters, silt deposits belong to highly mineralized therapeutic mud. They have high thermal properties. In addition, they are very plastic. Contains a large amount of water-soluble salts, as well as iron, bromine and boric acid.

Therapeutic mud of Tuzluchnoye Lake is black or dark gray in color. It relieves spasms, as it has a relaxing effect. It has a regenerating, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect and enhances the viability of the cells of the whole organism. The positive properties of mud are due to the fact that it contains a large amount of biologically active substances that can influence energy processes and inhibit the development of pathogenic organisms.

Pond Dunino

The salt lakes of which are rich in therapeutic reservoirs are represented by another therapeutic object. This is the Dunino reservoir, which is called bromine due to the content of bromine in it. It was formed in 1896 and is located just 50 meters from Razval Lake.

Lake Dunino stretches along from west to east for 88 thousand square meters. m, its depth is 4 meters. Distinctive feature reservoir - reddish color. Artemia crustacean gives it a beautiful shade. There is a large amount of it in the reservoir, and in the summer it actively breeds.

The therapeutic mud of Lake Dunino of a green or brown hue is at the bottom. Its temperature in summer rises to +50 degrees, which improves its healing properties. During the summer period, crustaceans multiply 3-4 times, organic substances are synthesized in them, which, when they die, form therapeutic mud. If you scoop up water from the lake, you can see small living creatures of a reddish color. These are the same crustaceans, thanks to which the mud from the bottom of the lake becomes healing. "Tsvetnoy" and other reservoirs attract thousands of tourists to the Orenburg region. Salt lakes will not only help improve the health of vacationers, but also contribute to mental relaxation.

Resort infrastructure

The city is built in such a way that everything a tourist needs is in close proximity. The station is located a five-minute walk from the busiest neighborhoods, right there you can easily solve the issue of accommodation. Owners of private houses and apartments offer their services. Those who come to the resort town by private transport will not have a question about how to get to the salt lake. A continuous stream of cars will show the exact path to the right place. In all travel agencies of the country, you can easily purchase a ticket to the domestic analogue of the Dead Sea.

Note to tourists

Like any resort town, Sol-Iletsk offers vacationers a rich cultural program. At every corner, tourists are beckoned by the alluring smell of barbecue houses, cafes of Russian and Oriental cuisine, which, in addition to a wide selection of dishes, offer home-made wines. In the evening, numerous bars offer everyone a great place to relax and spend time with benefits for the soul. For lovers of a quiet pastime - numerous parks, squares, a museum of local lore is open.

Now you know that the main pearl that the Orenburg region is proud of is a salt lake. the city will gladly accept everyone, relieving them of unnecessary troubles with finding housing and catering. Experienced doctors will select an individual course of recovery, provide all the necessary medical and advisory assistance.

On native land

There is an opinion that the recreation industry in Russia is practically not developed, and in order to spend a holiday in comfort, you need to go to other countries. We are able to improve the situation on our own: when we come to domestic resorts, we invest our money in the development of local tourism. Have a rest in Russia, and a high level of service will not keep you waiting long!