Salt lakes of Altai: map, rest and prices. To Altai for the first time What lakes are in the Altai Territory

It will probably be trivial to write about Altai as a "land of a thousand lakes." Moreover, there are many more of these reservoirs. And they are very different. There are fresh, salty and healing. There are some that formed before the Ice Age. It attracts travelers with its mountains and valleys mysterious lakes scientists surprise him with relic flora and fauna and amaze tourists with the beauty of landscapes. The local nature is compared with the Alps and Tibet. Of course, in this short article we will not be able to characterize all the natural reservoirs of these places, but we will try to describe the most interesting and popular ones.

Steppe lakes of Altai

The most attractive of them are located on the territory of the so-called Kulunda lowland. These are the sunniest places in the entire Altai Territory. The lakes here are located mainly in the center of this lowland. The climate here is dry, winters are cold but not very snowy, and summers are hot. Because of these features, most lakes have a concentrated mineral content in their water. Therefore, they taste salty, like the sea, or even bitter. Most big lake bears the same name as the lowland - Kulunda. It is also called the Altai Sea. Its depth is not more than three meters, so lovers appreciate it very much. Moreover, there are a lot of convenient places with fine sand around it. The most in this steppe is Big Yarovoye. And not far from Kulundinsky there is also a healing reservoir with therapeutic mud. This is Kuchuk Lake. It is said that the properties of its water are similar to those of the Dead Sea.

Light or Swan

But there is unique lakes, which are not famous for their size or depth. Nevertheless, they attract tourists with their natural properties. This is Swan Lake in the Altai Territory. It is located in the Soviet district. The lake is very small - only a kilometer in length. And quite shallow, no more than one and a half meters. But this is the second wintering reserve for whooper swans in Russia. Thousands of warm and hot springs beat around the lake, and thanks to this, the lake does not freeze even in severe cold. Interestingly, swans have been coming here for the winter since recently - since 1967. Due to the fact that the lake is fed by springs, the water in it is so clean and transparent that the bottom can be seen anywhere in it. It is because of this that Swan Lake in the Altai Territory is also called Svetly Lake. People can observe the behavior of birds here in wild nature with special observation deck with windows.

Mikhailovskoye Lake, Altai Territory

This interesting body of water is located fifteen kilometers from the nearby village. Therefore, it is often called Mikhailovsky. However, his other name, Raspberry, is more famous and popular. It is called so because its water is pinkish. Its color comes from special kind microscopic crustaceans that live there. The water here is so salty that you can lie on its surface and read a newspaper. But here you should walk along the bottom with caution, and it is best to have special shoes. Many tiny shells with sharp edges can scratch the legs. But this does not frighten tourists who travel from all over the country to visit the famous for the whole rest. Rest here is simply magnificent, especially since the landscapes along the banks are amazingly beautiful. Since the lake is quite large, not far from it you can find sanatoriums, private hotels, and campsites. And if you are a supporter of "wild" recreation, then just put up a tent on the shore and stay alone with the pristine nature.


The composition of the water of this lake resembles the Essentuki-17 mineral water. She is bitter and salty. Hence the name of the lake. People come here to be treated with mud. There are a lot of their deposits at the bottom. In the west of it, blue clay comes to the surface. Lake Gorkoe (Altai Territory) is surrounded by pine forests. A lot of equipped beaches have been built here - with cabins, stairs that you can use to go down to the water, and so on. This area was recognized as a balneological resort in 1918. Bathing in the lake treats the nervous system and skin diseases. And here you can also visit a forest farm with various interesting animals - yaks, ostriches, camels.

Lakes of the Altai Mountains

But not only in the steppe you can find unique and interesting reservoirs. Locals believe that the mountains are stone poetry that glorified the Altai Territory. The local lakes are also special, surrounded by legends. Some of them lie at a height. In summer, they are an incredible sight - as if the eye of the mountains is looking at you from placers of yellow, red, blue, purple flowers. Mostly these lakes are of glacial origin, and most of them are cold. But there are also places where people swim and relax in the summer. And there are also practically inaccessible, with chilling dead beauty, a depth of several tens of meters, and even with waterfalls.

Altai Territory, Lake Teletskoye

This huge reservoir was formed as a result of a tectonic fault. It is surrounded by picturesque mountain peaks, the height of which is about two and a half thousand meters. Therefore, some photos of this lake look just like computer graphics depicting the Alps. And since more than seventy rivers flow into it, the water has a very high transparency. Visibility in it is up to fifteen meters in depth, so Teletskoye is often compared with Baikal. Yes, and some natural wonders surround the lake - caves and waterfalls, bays with semi-precious stones ... To the delight of tourists, numerous guest houses have been built here, which also work in winter. Among them are such as "Artybash" and "Golden Lake". On Teletskoye it will be good for lovers of the contemplative, a relaxing holiday, and extremals. The camp sites offer excursions on ATVs, boats, bicycles, rafting on the rivers, diving. There is also a terrible legend about the "forest of the drowned" on the lake. They say that all those who died in it do not emerge, but sway in the depths of the waters in limbo. Despite this, romantics prefer to get to the stone "Island of Love" to perpetuate their feelings.

Lake Aya

Although, as already mentioned above, cold mountain rivers (including the Katun) flood the Altai Territory, the lakes here are warm, one might even say hot. One of them is Lake Aya. The water in it in summer heats up to thirty degrees Celsius. For the Altai Mountains, this is an exceptional phenomenon. An unusually picturesque lake is located in an intermountain valley. It is surrounded by pine forests and rocks. It also has its own "Island of Love" with a special gazebo. You can get there not only by boat, but also by swimming. On the shore - nice beach, there is a rental of catamarans, a recreation area with boarding houses, bases, health resorts. Hummingbird, Empire of Tourism and Shambhala are the most popular places to stay.

“The mists, his transparent thoughts, run in all directions of the world. The lakes are his eyes looking into the universe. Waterfalls and rivers - his speech and songs are about life, the beauty of the earth, mountains, ”said Grigory Choros-Gurkin about the Great Altai.

The beauty of these places cannot be described in reviews for tourists, we will focus on the most popular and interesting places where you can relax with family and friends.

When they say "Altai", they usually mean either Mountain Altai, or salt lakes of Altai the edges.

Mountain Altai

A favorite place not only for Siberians and Russians advanced in ecotourism, there are guests from all over the world, and every year the number foreign tourists grows in Altai. The most popular holiday destinations are numerous camp sites along the Katun. The Chuysky tract goes far into the mountains, lovers of solitude rise almost to the Aktru pass, and for those who have enough fresh air, it is unusual beautiful scenery and the noise of the mysterious Katun stop in houses on the shore. The river itself is very cold, not every walrus dares to swim in it, so most summer tourists concentrated near Turquoise Katun and fresh lake Aya.

If you are going to Altai by your own car, then you can stop at any base you like, on the shore or in the mountains, in houses or in tents, and do field trips by car every day.

So, the most popular for swimming, fresh lake Aya is located 10 km south of the village of Maima. The area of ​​the lake is 9 hectares, coastline about one and a half kilometers. The lake is very picturesque, and most importantly, warm - in summer the water warms up to +25 C.

The reservoir is fed by springs, there is an island almost in the center, and there is a romantic gazebo on it. In summer you can ride on the lake on a catamaran or water bike, in winter, on areas cleared of snow, you can skate.

Turquoise Katun is an artificial reservoir on the left bank of the Katun, near the village of Manzherok.

This is a tourist and recreational special economic zone, and among the common people it is the most popular place on the Katun. Due to the fact that the reservoir is artificial, the water warms up here to more than 20 degrees, a water park, attractions, and places for recreation are equipped on the shore.

Altai is famous not only for its mountains - there are also a lot of lakes here, and all of them add a special picturesqueness to the already beautiful landscape of this region.

Teletskoye Lake is one of the most popular natural attractions of the Altai Mountains. In terms of maximum depth, it ranks fourth in Russia. In addition, Lake Teletskoye is an object world heritage UNESCO.

Modern name the lake received four hundred years ago - it was given to it by Russian pioneers, calling the lake Telessky, since Teles tribes lived here. And the Teleses themselves called it Altyn-Kul, or the Golden Lake.

The length of the lake is 77 kilometers 700 meters, the average width is about three kilometers. The average depth of the lake is 175 meters, and the maximum is 325 meters, so you can safely swim here on boats and motor ships. True, swimming here is not very comfortable - only at the end of July in the southern part the water warms up to 22 degrees. In total, 70 rivers flow into the lake, but most of the water comes from the Chulyshman River.

The right bank of Lake Teletskoye belongs to Altai state reserve, and getting there is very difficult, and in some places impossible, so some attractions are only accessible from the water.

It is not so easy to drive to Lake Teletskoye by car - there are only three places available for cars:

  • Yaylu village;
  • South shore of the lake;
  • Artybash, Northern shore of the lake.

Locals like to say that if you have not been to Lake Teletskoye, then you have not been to Altai. In general, they say this about many places, but it is about the lake that these are not empty words, but the real truth.

On Lake Teletskoye you can see all the most remarkable things in a couple of days, but there will be something to do there for a whole week. True, excursions here are not cheap, and you simply cannot get to many interesting places on your own. Accommodation on the lake is not that expensive, but without tourist trips To do here, in general, there is nothing special. Accommodation is better to book in advance, especially in July-August.

The lake is famous for its picturesque views, as well as attractions: waterfalls such as Kishte, Korbu, Ayu-Kechpes, etc., Stone Bay and numerous beautiful islands. By the way, there are about 70 waterfalls on the lake, but not all of them can be approached.

Lake Aya is a very significant natural object in Altai, and there are many legends about it. In Russian, "Aya" is translated as the Moon, and tourists are usually told the legend associated with the Moon. It says that the cannibal Delbegen once lived in these lands, who killed a lot of people. good people. Once the Moon was tired of watching these outrages, she went down to earth and threw the cannibal into the Katun. At the same time, high waves rose and the trail left by the descending moon. This is how Lake Aya was formed.

The age of the lake is approximately 25 thousand years. It is located at an altitude of 280 meters above sea level. The length of the lake is about 400 meters, the width is about 380. Max Depth- 21.7 meters, although there is data on 25 meters. The total area of ​​the lake is 93 hectares. From November to April, the lake is covered with ice, but in July the water in it warms up to 22-26 degrees, which allows you to swim calmly in it - and not everyone can boast of this Altai lake.

A feature of the lake is a small granite island next to east coast, on which there are several trees and an old gazebo. And in 2003, Aya and its environs were given the status natural park.

There are many hotels, campsites and recreation centers on the shore of the camp site. Accommodation can be found from almost 100 rubles per day at a campsite for a place under a tent and only from 500 rubles for an economy class room. In general, the prices are quite reasonable.

Tourist bases at the very shore of the lake have access to private beaches. Considering that there are not so many places for swimming in Altai, Lake Aya is very attractive in this regard - here you can safely swim and sunbathe. If you are not resting at the base near the shore, then you will have to pay for the approach to the lake.

The beaches of Aya are well-maintained - here you can rent umbrellas and sunbeds. Boats and catamarans go on the lake, but their rent is not cheap - about 400 rubles per hour.

In general, there are many interesting sights around Aya, which are easy to visit on your own by car or as part of excursions.

The Karakol Lakes are a chain of lakes in the upper reaches of the Karakol River. There are seven lakes in the chain, and they are located at an altitude of 1820-2100 meters, interconnected by streams and channels.

Although the lakes are connected, the water in all of them is of a different color, but everywhere it is very cold - no higher than seven degrees.

The strong elevation difference between the lakes provides an interesting variety of landscapes. Cedar taiga stretches around the lower lakes, a little higher the taiga is replaced by alpine meadows with amazing flowers, and small upper lakes surrounded by high tundra. All this makes the lakes very picturesque.

Karakol lakes are a natural monument, and tourists visit them regularly.

Behind the Red Gate, on the road to Katu-Yaryk, there is a chain of Ulagansky lakes. It starts from the lake Cheybekkel, or Dead Lake, which stretches along the road for several kilometers.

The lake began to be called that because there was no fish there for a very long time. This has been explained in many ways, from the high content of mercury in the water to the activity of evil spirits. The first, by the way, was not confirmed, but the second cannot be reliably verified.

In the end, everything turned out to be easier. To get into the lake, fish had to be lifted upstream of the Chibitka River. And Cheybekkel, located at an altitude of 1949 meters, was simply inaccessible to fish. A few years ago, a private entrepreneur rented the lake and manually launched fish into it. After that, the Dead Lake ceased to be - the fish took root there remarkably, and now fishing is here, according to local residents, pretty good.

But its native name, Cheybekkel, that is, the Elongated Lake, is more in line with reality. The lake is 3 kilometers long and only 400 meters wide. The depth of Cheybekkel is 33 meters. By the way, ice stays here for quite a long time - you can see it even in June.

Further down the road to the pass are many more lakes, some of which are difficult to identify. There are camp sites near the coast, and the view of the lakes is excellent. In front of the Ulagansky pass is located Lake Uzunkel. Its height is 2 thousand meters above sea level, that is, it is one of the highest mountain lakes in the Altai Mountains. And Uzunkel is the largest lake in the Chibitka basin. Its width is 600 meters, length - 2.5 kilometers, and depth - up to 28 meters. Some time ago, they also launched fish into the lake, so you can go fishing here.

Very beautiful lake Uch-Kel can be seen on the same road near the Katu-Yaryk pass.

This is the second largest lake in the Altai Mountains (after Teletskoye), located at an altitude of more than two kilometers above sea level, on the Chulyshman plateau. Its length is 10 kilometers and its width is 3 kilometers.

The lake is interesting for two things. Firstly, by numerous islands, two of which host a colony of the great cormorant, the only one in Russia. Secondly, the unique landscape around the lake, the tundra-steppe, which mixes the flora and fauna of the north and south of Siberia.

There are also more than two hundred small lakes around Dzhulukul, so the area here is quite picturesque.

These high mountain lakes are located in the upper reaches of the Shava River, at an altitude of up to two thousand meters, on the southwestern slope of the North Chuya Range. They are considered to be almost the most picturesque lakes in the Altai Mountains, as the local landscapes combine alpine meadows and coniferous forests, and Mountain peaks surrounding the shores of the lakes make this place even more beautiful.

This alpine lake is located on the Akkem River, at an altitude of more than two thousand meters above sea level. It is located on the northern slope of the popular Belukha mountain. The lake is 610 meters wide, 1350 meters long and only 15 meters deep. The water in the lake is extremely cold, and even in summer it does not warm up above five degrees Celsius.

The shores of the lake are low, covered with cedar and deciduous forests. The lake itself is not so remarkable, but it is very easy to make exits to other mountain lakes, waterfalls and Belukha glaciers from it, so many tourists stop here.

This group consists of three lakes: Upper and Lower Kucherlinskoye and Bolshoye Kucherlinskoye. All of them are located next to each other on the right tributary of the Katun, the Kucherla River, right at the base of the northern slope of the Katun Ridge. The lakes are quite high-altitude - they are located at an altitude of about 1790 meters above sea level.

Tourists love these lakes for the unique flora and fauna and picturesque landscapes in their vicinity. Not only tourists and travelers often stop here, but also hunters. True, even in the summer it is cool here, although this is only to the advantage of those who want to take a break from the scorching heat. Swimming in the lakes is also not possible.

Kolyvan Lake is one of the most big lakes Altai Territory. Tourists love it for the bizarre rocks that are located around the lake, as well as for the crystal clear water. Thanks to this water, the water chestnut chilim, a relict plant listed in the Red Book, still grows here.

Kulunda Lake is the largest lake in the Altai Territory. Its length is 35 kilometers, width - 25 kilometers, and the area exceeds 600 kilometers. With all this, the lake is very shallow - the most deep place here - only 4 meters. Kulunda Lake is the remnant of an ancient sea that was on the territory of the Altai Territory millions of years ago.

The lake is famous for its healing clays and mineral healing waters, so there is a healing and health complex on its shore that attracts many tourists.

Lakes of Altai is a great opportunity to relax with children and cheerful companies for those who have not yet saved up for abroad, or for those who do not want to leave the city for a long time. Where can you swim in the hot summer and what else awaits vacationers on each of the Altai lakes?

Lake Yarovoe

In terms of the level of development of infrastructure and the sphere of leisure, this lake is perhaps in the first place. On the beaches of the lake there are cafes, children's entertainment, special taps to wash off the salt. An aqua park with a children's pool was built near the beach area of ​​Berth 22. On the beach are held animation programs for children, in the evening there are foam parties.

The healing resources of the lake and the amount of entertainment from year to year attract a large number of people here, which does not affect the village in the best way. At the peak of the season, crowds of people gather here. The discrepancy between the resources of a small Siberian village and the existing demand causes a lot of conflicting reviews. A description of this recreation area and reviews of vacationers can be found in


Zavyalovsky lakes have gained unexpected popularity in recent years. There are three such lakes in Zavyalovo: salty, alkaline and fresh. The latter was called Crooked because of its shape.

The salt lake is famous for its healing properties. Blue clay, stored at the depth of the lake, according to experts, helps to rejuvenate the body, improves the condition of the skin and joints.
IN fresh lake you can rinse off the remnants of salt that tighten the skin, and it will also please fishing enthusiasts.

There are lakes about 7 km from the village of Zavyalovo. The landscape is a steppe plain without any vegetation, in some distance there is a forest forest. The main type of accommodation on the lake is tents. Last year, the shores of the lake were simply dotted with tents and cars of tourists who wanted to relax and improve their health.

However, the Power of Lakes base offers different accommodation options. There are summer houses on the lake without amenities, and the so-called "VIP-houses", including a bathroom and shower, as well as rooms in a comfortable cottage near the edge of the forest. Prices for such accommodation range from 1100 rubles. for a summer house up to 3000 for a room in a VIP house.
The base is located closer to the fresh lake, there are also entertainments: an inflatable slide, along which you can have fun sliding into the water, a playground, a trampoline. Fans of water entertainment can ride bumper boats, catamarans, banana boats and jet skis.

In a word, a completely normal option for a weekend getaway in nature.


In the vicinity of the Zavyalovsky lakes in the Romanovsky district there is another recreation area of ​​the Altai Territory - resort village Guseletovo. Three kilometers from the village of Guseletovo there are two lakes: the fresh lake Gorkoye and salt Lake Mormyshanskoe. Among the people, the entire recreation area was called Guseletovo.

For the calm family vacation- it's a great place. True, the salt lake is very shallow. The people are tinkering in knee-deep mud, like in a puddle. But on the fresh lake, the leisure industry is well developed. standard inflatables waterslides, jet skis. For children on the shore there is a play area in the form of a soft corner.
As on other lakes, you can stay on the shore with tents or in summer houses. Such an opportunity is offered by the Guseletovskie Plesy base. There is a cafeteria on site where you can have lunch and dinner.

All three recreation areas (Yarovoe, Zavyalovo, Guseletovo) are located approximately on the same side, so if you have more time than the weekend, you can visit all three lakes.


Lake Kolyvanskoye is located in the Zmeinogorsk district near the village of Savvushka, therefore it is better known by the people under this name. This place is not suitable for lovers of mud procedures - the lake is fresh. But you can swim without fear of salt deposits on the body. The lake has the status of a natural monument of regional importance.

Rest on this lake is quite wild. On the shores of the lake there are several bases in the form of summer houses with outdoor facilities. There are no special entertainments, there are no shops (you need to go to the nearest villages for groceries, or stock up in advance), but there are practically no people either. Perhaps it is this atmosphere of unity with nature, tranquility and isolation from civilization that attracts vacationers to Savvushki.

base " sunny Beach»

We were passing through there. We stopped at the base "Sunny Beach". We stayed there for about half an hour, and during this time we got the impression of a very calm family vacation in nature. Small summer houses, pavilions, in which vacationers have already begun preparations for the evening barbecue, a friendly dog, a swing. By the way, the owner of the base promised to make a playground.

dog and gazebos in Sunny Beach

Part of the coast is filled with sand - it turned out to be a small but cute beach.

Although, as it turned out later, we just did not see the most important beauties. Indeed, on the other side of the lake is the main attraction of Savvushki - bizarre heaps of rocks, similar to fairy-tale figures. The names of the rocks are also fabulous - Devil's finger, Elephant and Three monkeys. Here is the children's health Camp"Gull".

Several bases with summer houses are scattered along the perimeter of the lake. You can also stay in a tent.
On the lake you can swim, swim on water skis, bananas, fish. They write that in some places there are elements of the water park, in the form of gutters descending directly into the lake, but it was not possible to find out more precisely. In a word, this interesting place we are still in the research stage.

Mountain Altai. Chui tract

If you have not found a suitable vacation spot for yourself in the Altai Territory, you can change your location and go to the Altai Mountains. A sharp change of landscapes allows you to find yourself in another world, without even leaving far from home. When, after having passed the village of Srostki, at the next turn, a huge mountain suddenly grows sharply before your eyes, you immediately understand that the journey has begun.

The special energy of these places cannot be killed either by the shortcomings of the service, or by the universally organized “honest taking of money” from tourists. By the way, the service in the Altai Mountains is still better developed than on the lakes of the Altai Territory. There are also well-maintained bases with infrastructure, leisure activities and even children's animation.

Another plus of the Altai Mountains is the variability of recreation. As part of one trip, you can swim in Lake Manzherok, and ride on the Turquoise Katun slides and give children the opportunity to jump on the trampolines of the Rublyovka complex.

In a word, you can choose any vacation, both active and sedentary, because there are also places where you can swim in the Altai Mountains. You can learn more about them.

This is also Gorny Altai, but it is not so easy to combine a visit to this attraction, included in the list of UNESCO sites, with a visit to the Chuisky tract. The normal road to Teletskoye goes from Gorno-Altaisk. We do not consider extreme variants of mountain crossings here.

What can you do with children on Lake Teletskoye? Swim in a mountain river, take a boat ride across the lake, pet a wolf... I won't tell you in advance. If you are interested in what kind of vacation Lake Teletskoye is preparing for you, read.

As you can see, the opportunities for recreation in Altai and Gorny Altai are quite diverse. You will still find your choice. And if you have already rested in one of these places, you can leave your review below.
Have a wonderful summer holiday everyone!