Sports and recreational tourism. Recreational tourism and special types of recreation

Intentionally traveling for the purpose of recreation, people began only in 1841, in fact, since that time we can talk about the emergence of a new form of leisure - tourist and recreational. Tourism satisfies people's need for recreation through a change of scenery. People began to specially go and go to places where they can relax, unwind, escape from the usual hustle and bustle. This is how recreational tourism was born. This is a special form of activity during which a person restores his resources. About it and will be discussed in the review. We will tell you what are the features of this phenomenon, what are its types and how is the organization recreational tourism.

Recreation and tourism

The tourism industry is becoming an increasingly important sector of the economy of modern states. In this regard, there is a complication of this area of ​​activity. Systems of types and subtypes of tourism are being built, new modifications are appearing. And all this is trying to comprehend theorists. Today, researchers often talk about the recreational foundations of tourism, in this regard, the question arises about the relationship between the concepts of "tourism" and "recreation".

The first term refers to the temporary movement of people to other areas in order to meet the needs for relaxation, pleasure, knowledge, health improvement, etc. The second term usually refers to the restoration of human resources spent during work. Recreation is also proposed to be understood as the activity of people in the use of their free time. Thus, the concept of recreation is broader, since tourism is only one of the ways to relax and rejuvenate a person. There is something in common between recreation and tourism: both of these activities are associated with rest, relaxation, restoration of strength and resources. But there are also differences. Recreation can take place without moving to some other place, for example, lying on the couch after a working day is also a way to recuperate. And tourism can occur not only for recreational purposes, although it is fair to say that most of the purposes of tourism are recreational.

The concept of recreational tourism

In its most general form, recreational tourism can be characterized as follows: it is the movement of people in their free time to other territories in order to restore physical and mental resources. Almost all types of tourism fall under this broad definition. But the main antipode of recreational tourism is business tourism. In general, all movements in space for the purpose of earning, performing any duties and work do not belong to recreation. And all other trips with the aim of having fun and thereby restoring their resources are recreational. Thus, the essence of tourism, by and large, comes down to the fulfillment of a recreational function in human life. Travel is necessary in order to replenish the reserves of mental and physical strength. But not every trip fully contributes to productive rest. Here appears such a feature of the place to which the traveler travels, as potential opportunities to meet the needs of the tourist. In this case, it is worth talking about tourism not only from the side of the consumer of tourist services, but also from the side of their organizer. After all, tourism is also a business. And here it is necessary to talk about the recreational resources of tourism, which include not only the natural characteristics of the place, but also artificially created by people designing a tourist product.

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Recreational resources

This term is understood as a system of natural and man-made objects that can satisfy the needs of tourists for recreation. As well as a set of objects on the basis of which you can create a tourist product, i.e. a tour for sale to a tourist. Obviously, recreational resources are the basis of recreation and tourism. If a place has nothing that would help a person to restore at least some strength after work, then no one will come here. There is a branched classification of recreational resources, these include:

— natural objects (forest, sea, mountain, water, meadow);

- artificial objects ( architectural monuments and complexes, cultural and historical complexes, cities and settlements with a complex of attractions, resorts, places of worship and religion, objects of antiquity, as well as various events, including sports).

Thus, recreational resources include many different objects with different potential. There is also the practice of dividing resources according to movable/real estate, renewability/non-renewability.

Recreational resources are characterized by such features as heterogeneity of quality, exhaustibility and renewability, limited simultaneous use.

Natural and recreational resources

To natural objects that can satisfy people's need for rest include:

  • coasts of seas, rivers, various reservoirs;
  • forest and meadow massifs;
  • mountains and foothills;
  • jungle and desert.

Based on them, National parks, reserves, resort areas, the necessary infrastructure is being formed.

Cultural and historical recreational resources

Artificially created objects include:

  • museums;
  • architectural complexes;
  • capitals of the world;
  • religious complexes and structures;
  • sport events;
  • festivals, holidays, competitions, ceremonies.

Tours are also being developed to deliver people to these facilities, and the necessary infrastructure is being created.

Classification of recreational tourism

There are several approaches to the allocation of types of recreational tourism. In the most conservative approach, only two types are distinguished: health-improving and cognitive. However, the ever-increasing complexity of the tourism system required a more thorough approach to identifying the types of recreational tourism. These include:

  • wellness;
  • informative;
  • ethnographic;
  • sports;
  • religious;
  • rural;
  • ecological;
  • gastronomic;
  • cultural types of tourism.

There is even an attempt to substantiate the development of tourist and recreational tourism, which is aimed at achieving several goals at the same time: recreation, knowledge, and health improvement. In this case, vacationers who come to the resort with the main goal of undergoing medical procedures are cited as an example. But at the same time, tourists also make excursions around the resort, go in for sports: trekking, swimming, fitness, and also visit entertainment venues: casinos, bowling alleys, discos. It would be more appropriate to call this species mixed or actually recreational.

Another classification is related to the area in which it is carried out, in this case, they distinguish:

  • mountain;
  • nautical;
  • forest,
  • rural,
  • industrial,
  • jailoo,
  • speleotourism.

According to the method of movement, hiking, automobile, air tourism, railway, bicycle, water, mountain, ski and other types of recreational tourism are distinguished. There are other classifications, but those listed fully characterize the concept of recreational tourism.

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Health tourism

One of the most widespread in the world is recreational and health tourism. In order to improve their health, people go to resorts where they receive special treatment, and also improve their health due to the characteristics of the area: air, water, mud, etc. The features of this type of tourism are that the duration of the tour cannot be less than 3 weeks. Staying at a resort is always an impressive financial cost, since the tour includes not only treatment, but also accommodation and transportation costs. Spa treatment predominantly consumed by tourists of the older age group, when health begins to suffer greatly.

Today, a new type of health-improving recreational tourism is emerging - these are preventive and sanatorium tours. Their goal may be to prevent any diseases, as well as to receive a course of procedures aimed at rejuvenating the body, relieving stress, and relaxing. There is also such a variety of this type of tourism as cosmetic tourism. As part of the tour, people receive a set of procedures aimed at improving the condition of the skin and body.

Cultural tourism

Cognitive recreational tourism is a huge variety of various subspecies. The fact is that cultural needs can be met with the help of a variety of objects: museums, attractions, events. According to the subject, educational tourism is also divided into many varieties: artistic, historical, literary, ethnographic, natural history and others. The development of a tourism product that satisfies such needs of the traveler should arouse his curiosity. Satisfying it, a person experiences pleasure, in addition, a person replenishes his spiritual strength.

Sports tourism

This type of travel is also called active tourism. As part of such tours, people cover long distances on foot, on skis, on horseback, in kayaks or catamarans. The purpose of such tourism is to enjoy physical activity, as well as the fight against stress, replenish mental strength. Sports tourism is associated with overcoming various obstacles, including overcoming oneself, one's fears. Recreational sports tourism should not be confused with mere sports tourism, in which people compete to overcome various obstacles. In this perspective, tourism ceases to be a means of replenishing resources, it becomes close to professional tourism.

Recreational tourism system

Since recreational tourism faces many tasks, its organization is also associated with a whole range of different activities. The organization of recreational tourism includes the following stages:

  • selection of a recreational direction and assessment of its potential and resources;
  • route development;
  • compiling a list of necessary tourism products and their suppliers;
  • compiling a list of possible additional products and services on the tour.

All these stages should find expression in the tourist service program. In addition, the organization of tourism includes providing the tourist with the necessary infrastructure: transport, accommodation and food. Staffing is also required. Recreational tourism is a specific area of ​​human activity. To meet the needs of tourists, qualified personnel are needed: doctors and other medically competent employees for health tourism, trained guides - in educational tourism, instructors and coaches - in sports.

The concept of recreational activities

    Types of recreational tourism ……………………..…………………5

    Features of the organization of recreational tourism ………………... 7


List of used literature……………………………………………... 12


Rest is one of the essential conditions for maintaining and strengthening health, maintaining high working capacity and achieving active longevity. One of the most popular types of recreation is tourism. Tourism - temporary departures of people to another country or locality other than the place of permanent residence for a period of 24 hours to 6 months without the right to work. Tourism is the most effective means of satisfying recreational needs, as it combines various types of recreational activities - health improvement, knowledge, restoration of human productive forces. Tourism is an integral part of health care, physical culture, a means of spiritual, cultural and social development of the individual.

Recreational tourism is a type of tourism, the purposes of which are recreation, treatment or sports. Simplistically, the goal of recreational tourism can be formulated as a full-fledged recreation and improvement of a person by means of tourism. The tasks of improving the health of participants in tourist recreational activities are in fact inseparable from the tasks of their proper rest (they are solved jointly). Therefore, without fear of making a mistake, one can call recreational tourism at the same time health tourism. At the same time, if one or another technology of recovery is specially used in tourist activities (a method, means of recovery are chosen, appropriate events are planned), then we, emphasizing this orientation, will call them recreational and health-improving. In other cases, it should be understood that any recreational tourist event also has a health-improving orientation (health-improving motive), and the healing process takes place “by itself” in the context of a passive or active rest. Passive rest provides for the cessation of previous activity and complete physical rest of the body, active rest - switching the body's activity to another type of activity.

    The concept of recreational tourism
Recreational tourism is the movement of people in their free time for the purpose of rest, necessary to restore the physical and mental strength of a person. For many countries of the world, this type of tourism is the most widespread and massive. For the development of this type of tourism, recreational resources are needed. Recreational resources constitute the most important part of the natural potential of the region. In addition, their role in the formation and development modern tourism in the region is constantly increasing, especially from an ecological and geographical point of view. Recreational is shifting towards rehabilitation under certain climatic conditions and means of tourism in the form of dosed walking and other activities that contribute to the treatment of certain diseases, their prevention, increase immunity and general tone of the body. In general, recreational tourism is considered as a form of active tourism within the framework of physical recreation with certain restrictions on physical activity. Going beyond the upper limits leads to sports tourism, going beyond the lower limits leads to rehabilitation tourism, i.e. to treatment in a sanatorium.
Unlike other types of physical culture in physical recreation, the most significant are not the generally accepted components of physical activity, but subjective sensations associated with the performance of certain actions that are more enjoyable, rather than exhausting. It is the principle of pleasure that is one of the main distinguishing principles of physical recreation. Many types of physical recreation are accompanied by great pleasure from motor activity.
    Types of recreational tourism
Recreational tourism can be divided into several types:
1. Tourist and recreational type;
2. Cognitive-tourist type.
Each type requires its own type of recreational resources. Recreational resources are understood as a complex managed and partially self-governing system, consisting of a number of interrelated subsystems, namely: vacationers, natural and cultural territorial complexes, technical systems, service personnel and a governing body. The composition of natural characteristics includes the area and capacity of the recreational area, climate comfort, the presence of water bodies, primarily of balneological properties, aesthetic features of the landscape, etc. The optimal combination of these characteristics creates the necessary basis for the development of recreational tourism. For the first type, these are climatic factors, which, in combination with mineral water springs and therapeutic mud, create favorable conditions for the formation of a resort complex. For the second besides the above - historical and cultural potential. Territorially, in Russian Federation several main recreational zones can be distinguished, forest-steppe, forest, mountain and coastal zones have opportunities for organizing both mass recreation and tourism, as well as medical and rehabilitation spa vacation practically all year round. Let's take a closer look at the coastal mountain zone. The coastal zone mainly includes the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus from Anapa to Sochi, and the mountainous Caucasian Mineralnye Vody. Biomedical assessment of climatic and weather conditions at seaside resorts is based on the determination of the possibilities of various types of rehabilitation and recreational activities in these conditions. The main types of climatic and recreational activities at seaside resorts are aerotherapy
(sea air breathing, air baths), thalassotherapy (sea bathing), heliotherapy (general solar radiation and their special types), kinesitherapy. The latter includes walks along the seashore, sports games on the beach, active swimming, rowing and other water sports. Combinations of these types of recreational activities are common.
So, when staying on the beach, aero-helio-thalasso-kinesic effects are usually combined. Walks along the shore are aero-kineso- or aero-helio-kineso-influences, etc. Despite the noted diversity and complexity of recreation, two main types of recreation can be distinguished, depending on climatic and weather conditions in different ways. Recreational activities of the first type can be called passive. These include sunbathing and air baths alone. They are usually carried out on the beach. This type of recreation makes strict demands on the weather. The second type is active recreation: walks, sports games, etc. From passive recreation, active is distinguished, firstly, by the fact that physical activity causes increased heat production. Secondly, during active recreation, people are usually dressed. And although light clothing is usually used in this case, in combination with increased heat production, this makes lower air temperatures comfortable than for passive recreation. Weather requirements are less stringent compared to passive recreation.
    Features of the organization of recreational tourism
Recreational tourism, as one of the types of physical recreation, is defined as "travel for the purpose of rest, treatment, restoration and development of the physical, mental and emotional forces of a person." Thus, the program for organizing this type of tourism should have a multifunctional character: recreation, leisure and entertainment activities, a health program that can raise the vitality of vacationers, satisfy their spiritual and emotional needs. The system-forming factors of recreational tourism are distinguished:
· A change of scenery
Ensuring sufficient muscle activity
Stimulation of natural immunity - the body's immunity to pathogenic bacteria.
A change of scenery is associated with a person’s “exit” from everyday, monotonous and therefore already tiring conditions of life, ensuring the switching of the neuro-emotional sphere to new objects of the external environment, distracting him from the tiring and sometimes negative influences of everyday life. Hiking trips and travels that take the city dweller to a new landscape and climatic environment are associated with direct contact with nature. The healing process is based on the use of natural health-improving resources in combination with recreational and health-improving methods (air and sunbathing, health path, phytotherapy, pantotherapy, florotherapy, light physical activity, etc.), and natural resources, which include landscapes, bioclimate, hydro-mineral resources (mineral waters and therapeutic mud) are given the leading role. At the same time, the use of natural healing factors, therapeutic

health-improving areas in the improvement of the population is a profitable and cost-effective direction. Ensuring sufficient muscle activity, eliminating the adverse effects of "muscular hunger" with the training of the main functional systems that ensure the body's performance: cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Hiking and water tourism is one of the effective means of developing the body's working capacity. Stimulation of natural immunity - the body's immunity to pathogenic bacteria. Long-term, moderate in intensity muscle load provides an increase in the level of not only metabolic processes and the activity of the endocrine system, but also tissue immunity. The biostimulants formed during physical activity promote the resorption of foci of subsiding inflammation, stimulate regenerative processes in the tissues of the body. Unlike sports tourism, focused on expanding the ability of a person to overcome natural obstacles and adapt to new, not yet mastered conditions, recreational tourism is used mainly to increase the reliability of life in everyday conditions of an already mastered habitat.
The main objectives of recreational tourism are:
1. Harmonious physical development and promotion of all-round human development;
2. Health promotion and disease prevention;
3. Ensuring a good rest of different ages and professions;
4. Maintaining high performance;
5. Achievement of active creative longevity.
Thus, in order to organize a recreational and health-improving type of tourism, the territory must have natural healing resources, to

which include landscape, bioclimate, hydro-mineral resources. Recreational resources are assessed on the basis of a factor-by-factor assessment of each of the components: relief, water bodies and soil and vegetation cover, bioclimate, hydro-mineral and unique natural healing resources, historical and cultural potential, etc., considered from the point of view of using it by a specific type of tourism.


Thus, programs for the organization of recreational tourism must have a multifunctional character:

    Rest itself;
    Leisure - entertainment activities;
    Wellness programs;
    Must be able to raise the vitality of vacationers;
    Satisfy their emotional and spiritual needs.
Recreational tourism solves the following tasks:
    Harmonious physical development and assistance in the comprehensive development of a person;
    Health promotion and disease prediction;
    Ensuring a good rest for different ages and professions;
    Maintaining a high level of performance;
    Achievement of creative active longevity.
Recreational tourism, especially its active forms, can eliminate or reduce the impact on a person of adverse factors of everyday reality (neuro-emotional overload, hypokinesia, excessive malnutrition, etc.). Effective rest and recovery of participants in recreational and tourist activities is facilitated, firstly, by ensuring sufficient muscle activity, eliminating the adverse effects of "muscular hunger" with training of the main functional systems that ensure the body's performance: cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal, neuro-endocrine etc.
Secondly, in addition to physical activity of moderate volume and intensity, a change of scenery and a positive emotional background from communicating with nature and a pleasant company have a healing effect. "Exit" of a person from everyday, monotonous

conditions, provides switching of the neuro-emotional sphere to new objects.
Thirdly, recreational natural resources themselves contribute to the improvement of the body. It is not even worth proving the beneficial effect on the health of such natural factors as moderate sun exposure, clean air and water, exposure to phytoncides in pine forest etc. In a natural recreational environment, natural immunity is stimulated, immunity to pathogens increases. Improvement and good rest of tourists is also facilitated by high-quality tourist service, as well as regular (as opposed to the bustle of the city) diet, exercise and rest; healthy diet. In general, we come to the conclusion that recreational tourism is characterized by a whole range of healing factors that have a beneficial effect on both the physical status of a person and his neuro-emotional sphere. It is their complex effect, where moderate muscular efforts are combined with nervous “relaxation”, positive emotions, and the hardening effect of natural sources of health, that makes up the health-improving effectiveness of recreational tourism.

List of used literature

1). Senin V. S. Introduction to tourism. M., 2003.-104s.
2). Gulyaev VG Organization of tourist activity. M., Knowledge, 2006. -312s.
3). Bagrova L.A., Bagrov N.V., Preobrazhensky V.S. Recreational resources.
M., 2007
four). Kvartalnov V.A. Tourism: Textbook. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2002. - 320s.
five). Zorin I.V., Kvartalnov V.A. Encyclopedia of tourism. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2003. - 368s.

The concept of tourism. In modern scientific literature, many approaches to the definition of the concept of "tourism" are described. All these approaches are considered in most detail in their works by I. V. Zorin and V. A. Kvartalnov. One can only say that there are geographic, economic, marketing, industrial and other approaches.

In Russia, this concept is enshrined in law. The Federal Law “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”” defines tourism as “temporary trips (travels) of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons from their permanent place of residence for medical, recreational, educational, physical culture, sports, professional, business, religious and other purposes without engaging in activities related to generating income from sources in the country (place) of temporary residence.

1. Temporary departure of people from their permanent place of residence for vacation, health, educational or professional business purposes without engaging in paid activities at the place of temporary residence (Recommendatory legislative act "On the basic principles of cooperation between the CIS member states in the field of tourism", 1994).

2. Activities of persons who travel and stay in places outside their usual environment for a period not exceeding one year for leisure, business and other purposes (United Nations Statistical Commission, 1993).

3. A special form of movement of people along the route in order to visit specific objects or satisfy a specialized interest.

4. The type of travel undertaken for recreational, educational, business, recreational or specialized purposes.

5. Movement (movement), being outside the permanent place of residence and the aspect of temporary stay in the object of interest. The Manila Declaration on World Tourism proclaimed: "Tourism is understood as an activity of great importance in the life of peoples by virtue of its direct impact on the social, cultural, educational and economic spheres of the life of states and their international relations."

6. A form of mental and physical education, implemented through the social and humanitarian functions of tourism: educational, educational, health and sports.

7. A popular form of organization of recreation, leisure activities.

8. A sector of the economy that serves people who are temporarily away from their place of permanent residence, as well as a market segment in which enterprises of traditional sectors of the economy converge to offer their products and services to tour operators.

9. The totality of all types of scientific and practical activities for the organization and implementation of tourist and excursion, resort and hotel business.

One of the first and most accurate definitions of tourism was given by the professors of the University of Bern, W. Hunzicker and K. Krapf, and was later adopted by the International Association of Scientific Experts on Tourism. These scholars define tourism as a series of phenomena and relationships that arise as a result of the journey of people as long as it does not lead to a permanent stay and is not associated with the receipt of any benefit.

According to one of the first official definitions adopted by the UN in 1954, tourism there is active recreation that affects the promotion of health, the physical development of a person, associated with movement outside the permanent place of residence. A broader description of this concept was presented by the Academy of Tourism in Monte Carlo: tourism- a general concept for all forms of temporary departure of people from their place of permanent residence for recreational purposes, to meet educational interests in their free time or for professional and business purposes without engaging in paid activities at the place of temporary residence.

At the World Tourism Conference (Madrid, 1981) tourism is defined as one of the types of active recreation, which is travel made with the aim of learning certain areas, new countries and combined in a number of countries with elements of sports. At the same time, it should be noted that tourist trips will only be subject to the temporal (more than a day) and spatial (moving to another place) criteria.

In The Hague Declaration on Tourism (1989) tourism is defined as the free movement of people from their place of residence and work, as well as the service sector created to meet the needs resulting from these movements. From a legal point of view tourism represents the totality of relationships and services associated with a temporary and voluntary change of residence by a traveler for non-commercial or non-professional reasons.

From the standpoint of economic science tourism is considered as a large economic system with various connections between individual elements within the framework of both the national economy of an individual country and the links of the national economy with the world economy as a whole; as a sphere of economic activity, including the production and sale of tourist services and goods by various organizations that have tourism resources.

In the socio-cultural sphere tourism It appears as a special kind of interpersonal activity, which, under the conditions of the internationalization of life, has become a form of using free time, a means of interpersonal relations in the process of political, economic and cultural contacts, one of the factors determining the quality of life.

As a leisure activity tourism- this is the temporary movement of people from their place of permanent residence to another country or locality within their country in their free time from their main work in order to meet the needs for recreation, entertainment, knowledge, health improvement, as well as to solve professional or any other problems, but without paid work in the visited place.

In 1993, the UN Statistical Commission adopted a definition approved by the WTO and widely used in international practice: “ tourism covers the activities of persons who travel and stay in places outside their usual environment for a period not exceeding one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes. In this definition, there are three main criteria for tourism: a) travel outside the usual environment; b) the temporary nature of the movement; c) the purpose of the trip.

All existing definitions of tourism can be divided into two groups: 1) highly specialized (industry) definitions designed to perform private tasks, that is, used in legal regulation, statistical accounting, social policy, etc.; 2) conceptual definitions that serve as the basis for the first group and reflect the internal content of tourism.

An example of a conceptual definition of tourism can be considered the following definition: tourism is a set of relationships and phenomena arising from the movement and stay of people outside their permanent place of residence for reasons not related to work, but in order to meet cultural, health, relaxation, entertainment needs and for the sake of getting pleasure, as well as for other reasons, if they are not related to making a profit.

Let us now give the classical definition of tourism. Tourism- temporary movement of people from their place of permanent residence to another country or another area within their country in their free time for the purpose of obtaining pleasure and recreation, health and medical, guest, educational, religious or professional business purposes, but without employment in a place of temporary stay with a job paid from a local financial source.

In the process of tourism development, various interpretations of this concept appeared. However, the following criteria are of particular importance in determining this phenomenon:

Change of location. Trips will be considered tourist trips if they are made to a place outside the normal environment. However, people who make daily trips between home and place of work or study cannot be considered tourists, as these trips do not go beyond their usual environment.

Stay elsewhere. The main condition here is that the place of stay should not be a place of permanent or long stay. In addition, it should not be related to labor activity (wage). Another condition is that travelers must not stay in the place they visit for more than 12 months. A person who stays for 12 months or more in a certain place is considered a migrant.

Remuneration from a source in the visited place.The main purpose of the trip should not be to carry out activities paid from a source in the place visited. Any person entering a country for work paid from a source in that country is considered a migrant and not a tourist to that country. This applies to both international tourism and domestic tourism.

These three criteria, underlying the definition of tourism, are basic. But there are special categories of tourists for which these criteria are not enough - these are refugees, nomads, prisoners, transit passengers who do not formally enter the country, and persons accompanying or escorting these groups.

Many domestic and especially foreign experts consider tourism from the point of view of a systematic approach. According to the Swiss scientist K. Kaspar, the tourism system is based on two subsystems: subject of tourism(tourist as a consumer of tourist services) and tourism object, consisting of three elements - tourist region, tourist enterprises and tourist organizations.

Analyzing the concept of "tourism" using a systematic approach, we single out N. Leiper's concept(Professor at the Meissen University of Auckland). He considers tourism to be a system consisting of the following main elements: geographical component, tourists and tourism industry. The geographical component includes three main components: the region that generates tourists; transit region and region of tourist destination.

Destination a territory is called a territory that offers a certain set of services that meet the needs of a tourist, satisfy his demand for transportation, accommodation, food, entertainment, etc., and which is the purpose of his trip. Therefore, a destination, in order to be such, must have: a) a certain set of services; b) sights; c) information systems.

So, there are five clearly identified important signs separating tourism from travel and other activities and processes:

ü temporary movement and visit to the destination and indispensable return back;

ü the presence of a destination as another locality (country), different from the place of permanent residence of a person;

ü tourism goals that differ in humanistic content and orientation;

committing tourist travel in free time from work or study;

ü Prohibition of the tourist to engage in activities in the destination, paid from a local financial source.

Tourism and recreation: general and special. Currently, there is a very complex terminological problem - the problem of the relationship between the concepts of "tourism" and "recreation". For several decades, scientists have been trying to separate these concepts. However, the problem remains unresolved. Within the framework of this paragraph, we will try to determine the general and special features of recreation and tourism, which are identified and recognized by the majority of specialists.

recreation is usually defined as "rest, restoration of a person's strength expended in the labor process." At the same time, the concept of recreation is less well-known and emotionally colored compared to rest, and therefore more accurate. It is better suited to the tasks of empirical and applied research, while rest is more convenient to use as a fundamental concept along with the category "work".

The boundaries of recreation are very wide. It covers short-term recreational activity (from micropauses in muscle work to smoke breaks at work and other routine forms of recreation) and long-term recreational activities during the period of annual labor holidays and vacations, as well as weekly rest. In the first case, recreation does not go beyond the scope of everyday life, human production activities, in the second case, it involves a long-term change in the usual way of life. Both the first and second types of recreation are necessary for the normal life of a person, regardless of his social status.

In contrast to recreation, the concept of tourism, in terms of content, socio-economic content, initially gravitated towards the category of leisure. Tourism is a multifaceted concept that reflects the complexity of the phenomenon itself. This is a kind of migration of the population, and the business sector of the world economy and the national economy, and the sphere of intercultural interaction. The presented list does not exhaust the whole variety of interpretations of tourism.

In domestic and foreign specialized literature, tourism often appears as a kind of "conceptual framework". Its internal space is filled with specific activities of a person during his stay outside his usual environment - health improvement, knowledge of the surrounding reality, entertainment, visiting relatives and friends, participation in business and professional events, worship of religious shrines (pilgrimage), treatment, etc.

As tourism emerged from the “shadow” of recreation and tourism problems received their own, independent sound, the understanding of the need for a clearer conceptual distinction between tourism and recreation and the elimination of strong scientific discrepancies in correlating these terms grew. The differences between them relate, first of all, to the scope of concepts and content. The main difference between tourism and recreation is the different ratio of social (socio-economic) and biological components.

Tourism and recreation also differ in the volume of concepts. Recreation includes short-term recreational activities within the framework of everyday life. Tourism, on the contrary, denies any manifestations of everyday life, routine, routine. Its indispensable condition is a relatively long change of environment, the usual way of life of a person. On this basis, short-term recreational, cultural, educational, entertainment and other activities that are motivationally similar to tourism activities, but are carried out within the usual environment for people, are outside the "conceptual framework" of tourism.

The scope of the concepts under consideration also differs in that travel for official purposes (without receiving income at the place of business trip) is an integral part of tourism, while recreation does not include professional human activities. Thus, tourist activity is not always recreational, and recreational is not always touristic.

An interesting view on the relationship between work, tourism, recreation and leisure is the point of view of the English geographers S. Hall and S. Page. They presented their model in the form of a drawing (Fig. 1.1.). The dotted lines in the figure show that the boundaries between the concepts under consideration are blurred. Work is opposed to leisure, but two areas of their interpenetration and integration are distinguished - business tourism and “serious” leisure (training, social activities, creative and intellectual activities, etc.).

Rice. 1.1. Correlation between the concepts of "work", "leisure", "recreation" and "tourism"

In the development of this idea in Western science stand out "pure" tourism (business, educational); “pure” recreation (short-term recreational activity within the framework of everyday life); transitional form - recreational or medical tourism and border types of tourism. Some of them - cultural, educational, sports, religious - occupy an intermediate position between "pure" and recreational tourism, others (trips to the country) are located on the border between recreational tourism and "pure" recreation.

In domestic practice, quite often there is a model showing the essential foundations of recreation and tourism. According to this model, the internal essential forces of a person include: the need for physiological rest (recreation); the need for movement (spatial activity). With stimulation from the side of knowledge, recreation in the broadest sense and tourism as a form of travel are formed; when stimulated by labor activity - migration.

The social component of people's activities can be attributed primarily to recreation, travel and tourism, to a lesser extent, can be defined as social phenomena. Tourism is economic in nature, while recreation is social. And the question of their volume correlation is not entirely correct due to the fact that tourism includes activities that are outside the boundaries of recreation. At the same time, recreation includes a number of activities that are not tourism in nature.


Recreation, from the Latin "recreatio", means restoration. The industry of restoration of spiritual, physical, moral, moral forces provides ample opportunities for the provision of services when a person chooses, and professionals suggest in which direction it is best to carry out restoration and, most importantly, carry it out. The recreational industry is, on the one hand, a well-known phrase, and on the other hand, it is constantly filled with new meaning.

In general, the recreational system can be structurally represented by the following functional subsystems (by types of recreational activities):

Educational, sports, health-improving tourism, including sanatorium-and-spa treatment;

Hotel service and stay;


Leisure culture.

The recreational system is a combination of social, demographic, biomedical, economic and other characteristics of a region or territory.

Based on these characteristics, when solving the problems of nature management for the purposes of resort and recreational development, the primary task is to assess the recreational potential of the area, defined as the interaction of bioclimatic, territorial, natural and hydro-mineral resources of the study area.

The assessment of the recreational potential of the territory is based on a consistent analysis of the characteristics of all its elements. These characteristics are grouped into three main blocks:



Functional and economic.

Each block includes indicators such as activity, heavy metal pollution, rainfall days, energy availability, etc. The assessment is made for all types of recreation in the summer and winter periods, and there are three of them:




Recreational tourism is considered as a form of active tourism within the framework of physical recreation with certain restrictions on physical activity.

The purpose of my work is to characterize recreational tourism, as well as to consider its impact on human life and activities.

The object of the study is active recreational activities.

Recreational tourism

Recreational tourism is the movement of people in their free time for the purpose of rest, necessary to restore the physical and mental strength of a person. For many countries of the world, this type of tourism is the most widespread and massive. For the development of this type of tourism, recreational resources are needed.

Recreational resources constitute the most important part of the natural potential of the region. In addition, their role in the formation and development of modern tourism in the region is constantly increasing, especially from an ecological and geographical point of view.

Recreational resources are assessed on the basis of a factor-by-factor assessment of each of the components: relief, water bodies and soil and vegetation cover, bioclimate, hydro-mineral and unique natural healing resources, historical and cultural potential, considered from the point of view of using it by a specific type of tourism.

Recreational tourism can be divided into several types:

1. Tourist and recreational type;

2. Cognitive-tourist type.

Each type requires its own type of recreational resources. Recreational resources are understood as a complex managed and partially self-governing system, consisting of a number of interrelated subsystems, namely: vacationers, natural and cultural territorial complexes, technical systems, service personnel and a governing body. The composition of natural characteristics includes the area and capacity of the recreational area, climate comfort, the presence of water bodies, primarily of balneological properties, aesthetic features of the landscape, etc. The optimal combination of these characteristics creates the necessary basis for the development of recreational tourism.

For the first type, these are climatic factors, which, in combination with mineral water springs and therapeutic mud, create favorable conditions for the formation of a resort complex. For the second, in addition to the above - the historical and cultural potential. In territorial terms, several main recreational zones can be distinguished. Forest-steppe, forest, mountain and coastal zones have opportunities for organizing both mass recreation and tourism, and medical and rehabilitation resort holidays almost all year round.

Recreational activities of the first type can be called passive. These include sunbathing and air baths alone. They are usually carried out on the beach. The people are naked. This type of recreation makes strict demands on the weather.

The second type is active recreation: walks, sports games, etc. From passive recreation, active is distinguished, firstly, by the fact that physical activity causes increased heat production. Secondly, during active recreation, people are usually dressed. And although in this case light clothing with a thermal protection level of 0.5-1.0 klo is usually used, in combination with increased heat production, this makes lower air temperatures comfortable than for passive recreation. Weather requirements are less stringent compared to passive recreation.

The program for organizing this type of tourism should be multifunctional: recreation, leisure and recreational activities, a health program that can raise the vitality of vacationers, satisfy their spiritual and emotional needs.

The system-forming factors of recreational tourism are distinguished:

A change of scenery;

Ensuring sufficient muscle activity;

Stimulation of natural immunity - the body's immunity to pathogenic bacteria.

A change of scenery is associated with a person's "exit" from everyday, monotonous and therefore already tiring conditions of life, ensuring the switching of the neuro-emotional sphere to new objects of the external environment, distracting him from the tiring and sometimes negative influences of everyday life. Hiking trips and travels that take the city dweller to a new landscape and climatic environment are associated with direct contact with nature.

Recreational tourism is used to improve the reliability of life in the daily conditions of an already developed habitat.

The main objectives of recreational tourism are:

1. Harmonious physical development and promotion of all-round human development

2. health promotion and disease prevention

3. providing a good rest of different ages and professions

4. maintaining high performance

5. achieving active creative longevity

Tourism is the trip or journey of people to another city or country where people do not reside permanently. Such a journey lasts, maybe from 24 hours to six months.

People very often go abroad, pursuing some business interests, for example, to a meeting at work. Someone goes to the mountains to go skiing, someone leaves to improve their health, someone to study the culture, civilization and customs of other peoples, etc. Due to the fact that we are all completely different and individual in their characteristics, it is customary in the field of tourism to distinguish various types or types of tourism.

The first basis in accordance with which the types of tourism are classified is the goal that a person setting out on a trip sets for himself.

So, depending on the purpose, tourism is divided into:

Business - travel is associated with the professional interests of a person, with his work and career;

Recreational - a person goes to rest, improve his health, both physical and psychological.

Further, recreational tourism can be subdivided into other types (subspecies) of tourism. For example, according to the way of making a trip, depending on the landscape and geographical features terrain or from the goals pursued by the tourist, etc.

Business tourism is also divided into subspecies. For example, for military and archaeological tourism, for gastronomic and others.

Types of recreational tourism

The first type of recreational tourism is health tourism. First of all, this type of tourism is associated with the desire of the traveler to improve their health. The tourist pursues the goal - the passage of health or rehabilitation procedures and activities.

The traveler can go to a balneological resort, where treatment will take place at the expense of natural mineral waters. There are various deposits of healing mud in the area of ​​which special resorts and sanatoriums are being built, which base their health program on mud treatment. Depending on climatic and natural conditions health resorts are divided into forest, mountain, seaside. mountain resorts located in the mountains far from the sea, coastal usually in the coastal zone.

You can find combined resorts and sanatoriums, for example, located in the coastal zone with mud treatment, including mineral waters. Several such sanatoriums can be found in the Sochi region.

The next subspecies of recreational tourism is tourism with an educational purpose. People who go on an educational journey plan to attend many excursions and thus expand their horizons.

Tourists want to study the peculiarities of the language, life and culture of a certain people, which means ethnic tourism. If the tour only includes visits to holy places, trains to the Holy Land, therefore, this is a pilgrimage.

Further classification goes depending on how the tourist travels on foot or by car, etc. - this type of tourism is called sports. The main goal pursued by the traveler is sport, for someone walking is a sport, for someone a car or skiing.

This includes autotourism - traveling by car. Eat for example you from Kaluga to Moscow by car. in order to see architectural monuments, then you are engaged in caravanning. Mototourism - traveling on motorcycles. Bicycle tourism is a journey on bicycles, too far, however, you can’t go. Water tourism - travel either on a yacht, or on a boat, or on a sailboat, etc. Equestrian tourism is a trip to another city or village on horseback. Ski tourism - the purpose of this type of tourism is to ski enough and at the same time see some architectural monuments, or just admire nature and landscapes. Hiking includes walking. For example, we gathered a group of tourists and took them for a walk around Kaluga, talking about the sights. Mountain tourism, hiking in the mountains with all the appropriate equipment and equipment. Speleotourism is the so-called underground tourism. That is, a tourist visits some caves for the usual cognitive purpose, or for a sporting purpose. Sports here are due to the fact that visiting the cave involves overcoming various natural barriers and obstacles. Going to the cave, the tourist should have the appropriate equipment and equipment (ropes, hooks, ropes, and much more) ready.

In sports tourism, extreme tourism is distinguished. It is easy to guess that he is associated with extreme view sports, with a risk to health and your life in general. Extreme tourism includes well-known diving and rafting, jeeping and mountain tourism, and much more. Sports extreme tourism is digerstvo. Diggers are usually engaged in the study of underground structures and structures, such as subways or sewers. They become diggers for the sake of ordinary curiosity or the desire to take a walk in unusual place, someone is engaged in digging for scientific and educational purposes. Among diggers, many are engaged in rescue work etc. affairs. Mountain tourism implies that a tourist with a large backpack on his shoulders and all in equipment will conquer the peaks of mountains, for example, Everest. A very famous type of tourism is jeeping, especially in mountainous areas. The essence of this holiday is to travel by car on the road. If you choose jeeping, then get ready to drive through the bush, abandoned areas of cities and towns, crossing rivers, etc. In our country, jeeping is widespread in the region of Sochi, Novorossiysk, Lazarevsky. Everyone who visited the resorts of Turkey and Egypt should be aware of such a type of tourism as diving. Diving itself is the immersion of a person in special equipment and with special equipment under water. During your stay under water, you can explore the relief of the sea or ocean, the fish surrounding you and other living creatures of the seabed.

The combined type of recreational tourism is a combination of several types of tourism in one. To give an example, you arrived on a yacht somewhere, then went to walking tour, then we got on a horse and went on excursions, then we got on a rented car and returned back. Here is an elementary example of combined tourism.

Further, recreational tourism is divided into subspecies in accordance with the goals pursued by the traveler for sports and cultural, safari and agrotourism, educational and gastronomic, medical and religious, and many other types. Let's take a closer look at several subspecies.

Religious tourism is divided into pilgrimage and Islam. That is, those travelers who strictly adhere to the values, principles and prescriptions of pilgrimage or Islam will be accommodated in the appropriate hotels, with appropriate food and service, their tour will include visits to places that are for them the nature of holy places. For example, for a Muslim, food should be prepared in accordance with Halal, there should not be any alcoholic drinks in the hotel, pools and even beaches are separate for both men and women.

If the traveler is pursued by a sporting interest, then all types of sports tourism can be included in his tour. For example, riding a bike or motorcycle, conquering the mountains using mountain accessories (mountain tourism) or by car (jeeping) and much more.

Agrotourism - tourists spend their travel time in the countryside in some special house or estate. Tourists must work daily with the owners of the house, take an active part in the life of their village, help with the housework, etc. Agritourism is compared by some to rural tourism. This type of tourism is very developed in Italy and Spain.

Ecological tourism - travelers visit various places such as nature reserves, parks and other natural objects that are protected. Environmental friendliness is connected with the fact that the places visited by tourists are far from large industrial cities with some kind of production. For example, when you arrive at Lake Baikal, you will not find there those heaps of garbage and various rubbish that are found in big cities at every step.

Everyone knows that safari was originally associated with hunting. Currently, safari is a walk through wild nature by car and shooting wild animals. This type of tourism as a safari is very developed in Africa. The safari also includes hunting accompanied by a professional hunter.

Tour realism is a type of tourism in which the traveler plunges at the maximum level into the culture and traditions of the country where he temporarily rests. Tour operators must provide travelers and tourists with all the conditions for living, provide people with top-level security, and create a comfortable atmosphere.

Medical tourism is subdivided into health tourism and childbirth related tourism. Health tourism involves you going somewhere to improve your physical and psychological health. During the trip, you will definitely attend various medical procedures, massages, etc. Tourism associated with childbirth suggests that you go to another country in order to carry and give birth to a child and, if necessary, correct his health, or you and your husband fly to a foreign country to solve the problem of infertility.

Gastronomic tourism - tourists go to some country in order to get acquainted with the cuisine of the country. During the tour, travelers taste various dishes, wines, fruits, berries and other food products. Get acquainted with dishes that are national.

Cognitive or sightseeing tourism is associated with the cognitive interests of the tourist. A traveler can visit various countries, cities, places of interest and architectural monuments in order to expand their horizons and knowledge about other cities besides their own. If a tourist likes a place or city and returns to it once or twice, then this is already a nostalgic (but still educational) type of tourism.

Cultural tourism is associated with the study of the cultural characteristics of a particular country. Someone is interested in books and literary works, someone will be interested in music or the language and dialect of a certain people. In accordance with the above, cultural tourism is divided into music and book or language. Everyone can continue the division of cultural tourism for themselves. For example, lovers of painting and landscapes will single out art history tourism in cultural tourism, etc.

Let us now turn to the classification of the type of tourism depending on the geography and landscape of the area.

This includes mountain tourism, it has already been mentioned earlier. Mountain tourism involves tourists staying in mountainous areas and visiting all kinds of excursions and hikes there.

Jailoo is tourism, travelers are thrown into places where there is no electricity, abundant communication and the Internet, in a word, places that have not been badly influenced by civilization.

Industrial tourism is a visit to territories and buildings, engineering production facilities for the purpose of psychological satisfaction. Many people enjoy visiting an abandoned house or a tour of a factory, some may be drawn to the outskirts of the city. With industrial tourism, the traveler can get not only psychological satisfaction, but also satisfy his research interests, if any.

Forest tourism, it is clear to everyone that it is associated with hiking in the forest and living in houses or cottages located in the forest-park area.

Rural tourism - travelers stay in some small hotel or in the private sector, study and learn about the life of the people, the sights of the area, etc. Rural tourism is directly related to agritourism, which was discussed above.

Speleotourism, it has already been mentioned before, it is associated with the study and exploration of caves.

Classifications of types of tourism are distinguished depending on the mode of movement of travelers. This classification will almost completely repeat the classification of sports tourism.