Tenerife: volcano, zoo and colorful beaches. Tenerife: volcano, zoo and colorful beaches What is the name of the zoo on the island of tenerife

Tenerife is an island that resembles a bag of Mary Poppins. He's a little smaller Moscow size, but everything fits and coexists here: exotic nature, European service, colonial architecture, volcanic landscapes, dolphins, camels, the ocean and mountain ranges. No, it seems only snakes and mosquitoes - but no one misses them.

Third day on the island and I haven't swum in the ocean yet! Now parrots, then volcanoes - I want to do everything. To console me, the guide in the park tells how he once got to the centennial anniversary of someone's grandmother on the neighboring island of La Gomera. As a gift, my grandmother asked her relatives to show her the ocean: the island is mountainous, you can’t go far on foot, and you also need to look after the goats - in general, for a hundred years, I didn’t bother somehow.

Deciding that I'm not completely hopeless yet, I look out at my balcony: with a view of the ocean, of course, but then disaster strikes. That is rain. Which does not stop for two days - the islanders are in a panic: the happy Canarians have spring all year round, and suddenly there is so much water at once. Offices closed, schools closed...

In fact, there are about twenty climatic zones in Tenerife. When a downpour rages on one part of the island, the sun can shine on another. But usually the island is divided into two parts: north and south.

The south is a continuous resort: large beaches, hotels and shops. The North is more sophisticated. The new capital is Santa Cruz. And the oldest city on the island is La Laguna. Here the architecture is more interesting and the greenery is more lush. Here is the Botanical Garden. And nearby - decorated in Thai style, with a giant statue of Buddha at the entrance, the Botanico Hotel, where both Michael Jackson and the Queen stayed at one time. Thailand. The owner of the hotel, German Wolfgang Kissling, is a respected and amazing person. For more than forty years he has been living on the island and managed to create here the water Siam Park and the Loro Zoo.

Loro is good

Loro means "parrot" in Spanish. There are countless parrots in Loro Park. Soon you stop paying attention to them, as if they were simple crows. Here, even without parrots, there is someone to look at. For example, in the largest penguinarium, snow falls in flakes from the ceiling and crystal music seems to play. And killer whales with smooth shiny sides and smart little eyes with a slight wave of their tail can pour water on the first rows of spectators (but the audience is also not a miss, they come to the show of killer whales in raincoats). There is also a show of parrots, fur seals and dolphins. White tigers, meerkats, anteaters and sloths moving like in slow motion, orchids, cacti and real jungle flora. An hour later I want to pinch myself: do I really see it all with my own eyes? ..

Here is a huge gorilla looking at me questioningly and even sternly. There are six of them here. Once Kissling - a lover of parrots and Thailand - read in the newspaper about the fate of a gorilla with a failed personal life. The fact is that during the mating season, primates fight for life partners. In nature, the loser seeks a mate in another territory, while in the zoo he becomes an outcast and suffers. So Wolfgang created something like a rehabilitation center in Loro Parque, where they now bring loser gorillas from various zoos.

Everyone has their own room. In the evenings they listen to classical music, and during the day they walk among the thickets in their own fenced area. So that they do not get stupid and do not get bored, delicacies are hidden in the branches: you need to figure out how to get, for example, yogurt from a jar using special sticks. While the gorillas are healing their nerves and self-esteem, they are looking for brides. Maybe, according to Kissling's idea, tourists go here solely to entertain the harsh primates with their visit? ..

Life on Mars

The peace-loving people of the Guanches, who lived here many centuries ago, believed that the evil demon Guayoto, stealing the sun, lives in the Teide crater. When you go up the winding road (the most courageous - not by car, but by bicycle), you see how the greenery is getting smaller, it blows cold and damp. The volcanic landscape is reminiscent of scenes from a science fiction movie. The land around is red-brown, with bizarre reliefs and rare bushes of unknown plants.

I have already bought black beads from volcanic lava and green ones with olivine. And a lava magnet with a lizard, the symbol of the island. And just olivine in a beautiful bottle. And more beads. To complete the collection, I pick up a piece of lava from the ground - a small one, just in memory of the red-brown landscapes around the Teide volcano. “Miss, sorry,” a policeman appears out of nowhere. It turns out that nothing can be taken out of the national park. Well, at least, honestly, not like in the Acropolis - cobblestones are specially scattered there so that tourists do not smash the historical ruins stone by stone. And the Teide stones are difficult to fake, so visitors are simply watched here.

Although a few pieces of lava can be snatched from a black-black beach with black-black coarse volcanic sand. At first, you just can’t get used to it, and then already white (sand is brought to some beaches from Morocco) begins to seem somehow strange.

By the way, imagine a hotel in blooming Tenerife, devoid of a garden and a beach, without shops, cafes and clubs for many kilometers around. And at the same time, it is very popular. Represented? This is the Parador de las Canadas in Teide - there is only silence and an endless red valley all the way to the rocks of Roques de Garcia. A meditative place for those who find it difficult to relax even in an ocean resort.

In the red-red Martian valley of Teide, the Isanya Observatory of the Canary Institute of Astrophysics organically looks. The tour in white, UFO-like caps of the observatory is conducted by its smiling director, Professor Garik Israelyan. By the way, many years ago, a boy named Brian May worked here with him and wrote his dissertation. And on the eve of the defense, he realized: his vocation is music. What happened next, any Queen fan will tell. And about Teide, Brian said: “If there is a paradise, then it is here,” - perhaps everyone will agree that this is an absolutely unearthly place.

Gofio for memory

The cuisine of the Canary Islands is, of course, Spanish, although not quite. The mountains and the lack of fertile lands favored the cultivation of goats and sheep, and their own eating. And also - to the production of delicious cheeses. If a piece is fried and sprinkled with palm honey ...

From the cuisine of the Guanches, gofio remained - fried and ground cereals, nutritious and healthy. Light beige flour is eaten in the morning with milk, added to gravy, meat and fish broth, and used in desserts. In supermarkets, gofio costs mere pennies, but in souvenir shops you can get a beautiful 100-gram bag for the same money.

Another pride of the islanders is the Canarian potato, very small, with a delicate creamy texture. It is boiled in uniform, as it was many years ago. Then, saving fresh water, the tubers were cooked in the sea, and excess salt settled on the peel. Now it's chic, especially with herb and olive oil mojo sauce. Or with the Canarian rabbit. Or maybe with fish and seafood, of which there are a great many. Be careful in fish restaurants: the portions are simply huge.

To be honest, I would love to rent an apartment in the charming town of La Laguna for a couple of months. I would have had breakfast on my own carved balcony - from that Canary pine, scorched by volcanic heat. There, in the evenings, I would sip malvasia. And for days I would wander the streets of the ancient ex-capital, go to museums and cathedrals, photograph ancient buildings and the city itself from the height of the bell tower.

But for now, I stocked up on gofio and palm honey for Canarian breakfasts, and bought a carved balcony. More precisely, a balcony - in a souvenir shop. You have to start somewhere.

Visa: Schengen (consulate Spain).

Season: all year round.

Direct flights from Moscow are operated by Aeroflot and Transaero, about 7 hours.


Comment on the article "Tenerife: volcano, zoo and colorful beaches"

More on the topic "Canary Islands: holidays in Tenerife in 2019":

Tenerife: volcano, zoo and colorful beaches. The main attraction of Tenerife, apart from the ocean and black sand on the beaches, is the volcano. The mountains divide Tenerife in half.

suggest tenerife. Spain. Package tourism. Traveling abroad and in Russia: buying a tour, booking a hotel, visa, passport Canary Islands. I have been there twice (in Tenerife): with my husband and our 8 month old baby last year and only with my husband this year.

Tenerife: volcano, zoo and colorful beaches. Which does not stop for two days - the islanders are in a panic: the happy Canarians have spring all year round, and suddenly there is so much water at once. The south is a continuous resort: large beaches, hotels and shops. The North is more sophisticated.

Resorts - Los Cristianos, in the south of the island of Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. to November 1 From February 1, 2018 Rental price Cozy apartment with a terrace located in the complex Holidays in Tenerife: hotels or apartments? Why Tenerife in winter? The holiday budget, which was calculated for two adults and a child of 10 years old, included...

Interested in the Canary Islands, especially the Tenerife Royal Gardens apartments. 2 adults + 1 child 11 years old. We are looking for a tour (with a direct flight) from March 25 to April 8, the dates can be moved a little. Food is not so interesting, we are looking for a good hotel / apartment.

Greece or the Canary Islands. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Package tourism. Traveling abroad and in Russia: buying a tour of Greece or the Canary Islands. Where is better in Egypt or the UAE? If we consider a beach holiday, then of all the places where I have been (Egypt...

Rent apartments in the Canary Islands Tenerife. Available for rent: from August 9 to November 1, 2016 Coming from 15 Popular discussions in 2016. The holiday budget, which was calculated for two adults and a child of 10 years old, included the Canary Islands - 2016.

Tenerife: volcano, zoo and colorful beaches. New hotel in Tenerife - Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife. Review of Tenerife: health insurance and language barrier Canary Islands. But for the first time with a child, I would prefer Tenerife - because of Loro Parque.

Holidays in Tenerife: hotels or apartments? Why Tenerife in winter? The vacation budget, which was calculated for two adults and a child of 10 years old, included the Canary Islands - 2016. Tenerife parks: Loro Park, Siam water park, Teide volcano and much more.

Tenerife: volcano, zoo and colorful beaches. One of the most attractive resort towns on the Cote d'Azur, with a rich history and many monuments. Inspiration is here in every breath of the Mediterranean air.

Tenerife: volcano, zoo and colorful beaches. New hotel in Tenerife - Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife. The symbol of the island of Tenerife is the extinct volcano Teide with a height of 3710 meters. Malta is a member of the Schengen Agreement, so for her ...

Tenerife. Which coast to choose? Spain. Package tourism. Traveling abroad and in Russia: buying a tour, booking a hotel, visa, passport It is necessary that it was not too crowded, without discos all night, but that there was somewhere to go out in the evening. And gently sloping sandy beaches.

Tenerife: volcano, zoo and colorful beaches. And the oldest city on the island is La Laguna. Puerto de la Cruz is the second largest tourist resort in Tenerife. And yet there are differences: Tenerife can only dream of the multi-kilometer beaches of Gran Canaria.

Tenerife went last year in August. The weather is about 29-30. In the first year we traveled around the island, to the most beautiful places (views), the rest of the year it was just lazy tenerife - I won’t tell the weather - we go in winter BUT it’s super there :) we traveled almost the entire island.

Tenerife: volcano, zoo and colorful beaches. And the oldest city on the island is La Laguna. Review of Tenerife: medical insurance and language barrier ... we moderately “walk” in amusement parks, it will cost at least 3-4 people per family ...

Excursions of all kinds. Tenerife: volcano, zoo and colorful beaches. New hotel in Tenerife - Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife. If you are considering a beach holiday to swim, it is better to budget Tenerife to the Dominican Republic, it is guaranteed to be warm there.

Tenerife: volcano, zoo and colorful beaches. Tenerife is the largest island of the Canary archipelago. Here, travelers will be offered to follow the route "Path de Los Centidos", which is laid through the Anaga Natural Park.

We rested in the Canary Islands for the first time when our son was 1.2 years old and we rest every year in Tenerife in NG, questions for the experienced. At 300, Tenerife will not be warm in January. In the Canary Islands, you can stay both in a fashionable hotel and in inexpensive bungalows or Holidays in Tenerife with a child. By the way, rabbits are almost cheaper than chicken.

I have been there twice (in Tenerife): with my husband and our 8 month old baby last year and only with my husband this year. If you are considering a beach holiday to swim, it is better to budget Tenerife to the Dominican Republic. In my opinion, Tenerife has a rather cool ocean ...

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Zoo Loro Parque, founded by a resident of the Canary Islands Wolfgang Kiessling in 1972 with family funds, is now the pride and one of the most visited places on the island. Initially famous for the wide representation of parrots, which is reflected in the name, the zoological garden began to expand and eventually turned into a large-scale park area that combined a zoo, a circus and a botanical garden. The symbols here are the parrot and the dolphin, which are also given great attention. In total, about 15 thousand river and sea inhabitants brought here from different parts of the world are represented here. The largest zoos in the world can envy the number of parrots.

The main entrance to Loro Park is designed in the form of a classic Thai village, which is explained by Wolfgang Kiessling's great love for exotic Thailand. Here is a colorful complex formed of 6 wooden buildings, whose roofs are covered with gold. At the moment, this is one of the largest Thai-style structures located off the coast of Siam. Of considerable interest in the park is the pavilion called "Penguin Planet", where about 180 birds brought to Tenerife from Antarctica are collected. In order for them to feel comfortable on the southern shores, with the help of a special snow gun, about 12 tons of snow fit into their premises. For tourists, a movable path has been made, from which you can admire the inhabitants of the snow kingdom through transparent glass.

Very popular in Loro Parque is the sea lion show, which is regularly held in a large pool with an impressive crowd of spectators. A similar show takes place with the participation of parrots, which entertain the audience by flying over their heads, reading books, riding a scooter and adding complex numbers. Also, a marine aquarium is equipped for guests, in which all kinds of representatives of the depths of the Atlantic Ocean swim. Also, turtles, crocodiles, chimpanzees, tigers, jaguars and other inhabitants of our planet live in Loro Park.

Entertainment programs for children and various festive events are organized daily in the park. Also, there are rides and playgrounds for the little ones. You can diversify your stay in the park by visiting one of the local restaurants or visiting a souvenir shop. As a rule, a day spent at the Loro Park Zoo with the whole family contributes to the speedy adaptation to the climatic and natural features of the island, and is also able to give a lot of positive emotions and just cheer up.

loro park, which can hardly be called an ordinary zoo, is located in a paradise on the island of Tenerife. It was founded about 40 years ago and during this time it was visited by about 40 million people.

Animals in Loro Park

sea ​​lions
10 bottlenose dolphins
6 killer whales
Papuan, king, rock climbing and chinstrap penguins
American alligators 2.5 to 3.5 meters long
Rhinoceros iguanas that reach 120 cm in length
Otters Khali and Murphy
Brocade carps are fish that are traditionally farmed in Southeast Asia
Marmosets - in natural conditions live exclusively in South America
Two sloths - Bimba and Bianco
Meerkats are small animals that traditionally live in the deserts of Africa.
Large flock of pink flamingos
crowned cranes
4000 individuals of 350 species of parrots

Thematic sections of the park

Aquarium: consists of seven sections, each of which represents a specific ecosystem.

penguin planet: the largest penguinarium in the world. Northern birds live here with them.

Treetops of Katandra: bridges hung high between the trees, from which you can listen to the singing of hundreds of Australian and Asian birds. "Katandra" in translation from the language of the Australian aborigines means "birdsong".

Kinderlandia: playground.

Thai village: beautiful, bright houses with ponds.

Cinema Naturavision: Here, on a wide screen, you can watch the film "Life on Earth", which shows the most incredible corners of the planet.

Aviary for birds: A slice of the American rainforest, which is home to various species of variegated cockatoos, parrots and Amazons.

Orchidarium: 25,000 different varieties of orchids plus 60,000 hybrids and other flowers.

Parrot Museum: a unique collection of porcelain parrots that has been collected for 300 years.


In total, four types of shows take place in Loro Park:

  1. Loro show with birds (10:25, 11:50, 13:30, 15:00, 16:00, 17:30)
  2. Show with killer whales (11:45, 14:00, 16:45)
  3. Sea Lion Show (9:35, 12:30, 14:15, 15:30, 16:55)
  4. Show with dolphins (11:00, 13:15, 14:45, 16:00)

Films about nature (Naturavision) can be viewed at 11:45, 14:45 and 17:15

Nearest beaches: ,

Nearest attractions: Mount Frailes, Church of Our Lady of Candelaria, Anglican Church of All Saints,

Map in Russian (click to open in a new window)

Useful information about Loro Park in Tenerife, Spain


North of Tenerife; almost on the beach

How to get there:

On Special (2017). To make a reservation, call +34 922 373 841 ext. 356/357 at least 48 hours before departure.

Free on the yellow train that leaves from Reyes Católicos Square (near the beach) every 20 minutes. The first one leaves the square at 9:00. In the opposite direction, the last train leaves at 18:45

By regular bus 381 to the stop "Avda. Loro Parque»


Avenida Loro Parque, Puerto de la Cruz, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Tenerife, Spain
Spain, Tenerife, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Puerto de la Cruz city, Avenida Loro Parque street

Name in Spanish:

Working hours:
Daily, from 8:30 to 18:45
Penguinarium is open from 8:30 to 18:00
The aquarium is open from 10:00 to 18:45


(+34 922) 373 841 (where 34 is the telephone code of Spain, 922 is the telephone code of Tenerife)


http://www.loroparque.com/ (in English, German and Spanish)


[email protected]


GPS: 28°24’29.21″N, 16°33’57.19″W

Entrance ticket price:

Adult ticket (from 12 years old): 34 euros
Child ticket (6-11 years old): 23 euros
Adult premium ticket (entrance to the park, tour of it, reserved seats for the show, lunch at the restaurant "Patio del Loro"): 56 euros
Children's premium ticket: 37 euros
Discovery tour (adult): 10 euros
Discovery tour (letters): 7 euros
Adult double ticket (visit to Loro Park and + bus pickup from selected beaches): €71.5
Children's double ticket with travel: 47.5 euros
Adult double ticket (visits to Loro Park and Siam Park): 58 euros
Children's double ticket: 39.5 euros
Annual card double card per adult (visits to Loro Park and Siam Park): 149 euros
Annual card double card per child: 99 euros
Annual card per adult: 99 euros
Annual card per child: 66 euros
Transportation to the park by adult bus: 13.5 euros
Delivery by child's bus: 8 euros
Children under 6 years old - free of charge
Prices for 2017

The park at that time consisted of only 150 parrots. It is now a huge zoo and home to 4,000 parrots (approximately) representing 350 species and subspecies, as well as many other animals collected from around the globe, including marine mammals and predators. This whole collection of animals is considered the largest in the world and makes this zoo one of the main objects for the study and conservation of endangered species. It is one of the island's tourist magnets with an international reputation.

It is located on a hilly area, on an area of ​​13.5 hectares and almost every corner of the earth is occupied by its needs. The whole area is a large garden of numerous species of tropical and subtropical plants, creating the image of a wild jungle. In order to visit all the exhibitions, shows, entertainment, you need to set aside enough time to explore the theme park area, which is not visible through, at least about 5 hours is worth taking into account.

When you come to the park, do not forget to take a booklet (map) that shows in detail the sights, enclosures with pets, the location of the show and their schedule. Your best bet is to map out an itinerary through the booklet, going from start to finish, paying attention to the start time of each show, and when it ends, jump straight to the next. The peak of visits is at 12, 13 and 14 o'clock in the afternoon, so if you want to have good seats for performances, then you should come early.


The founder of Loro Park is a German-born Wolfgang Kiessling, together with his father. Previously working as a manager in an airline, Wolfgang visited the island of Tenerife with his wife and could not help but fall in love with the nature of these places, deciding for himself to stay permanently. After exploring the island and going to the beach, the question arose that I needed to do something. At that time, many solutions for starting a business were considered and it was decided to create a small and modest park of parrots, due to the small availability of funds and investments.

Wolfgang was looking for land to host a bird park in Tenerife, but at the time it was necessary to have a Spanish partner to make it official, which didn't suit them. Then the notary offered them to buy a house and turn it into a hotel, and already in the hotel you can have some additional options, such as a park or a tennis court. A five-star hotel was created with only five rooms.

In 1972, the first show with birds is created, at that time it was the first show with parrots in Europe. Exceptional guests, politicians, film actors came to the hotel. A lot of money and efforts were spent on the hotel, without giving practically any profit, although the park brought more and more money each time, including even having to invest in the hotel from his earnings. In 1979, the decision was made to close the hotel as the laws changed. Now the Kissling family lives in this house, located on the territory of Loro Park.

In 1995, the Kisslings saw fit to reinvest in the hospitality business by purchasing the award-winning Botanico y Oriental Spa Garden Hotel.

Soon, additional investments are made for the penguin pavilion and, following it, one of the most expensive investments, the Orka Ocean complex for killer whales is being built. By constantly investing and improving the business, Wolfgang improves the entertainment experience for travelers and locals arriving in Tenerife, making the island richer and more interesting, especially impressing our future generation, children. In 2008, one of the best water parks in Europe opens in the south, initially laying the Thai theme in its design, calling Siam a park, and this is the merit of the Kissling family.


1972 Founding of Loro Park and opening of the first parrot show in Europe.
1972 The expansion of the park area to 35,000 m² with the arrival of new animal species: alligators, turtles and chimpanzees.
1982 Construction of the cinema - "Loro Vision" and expansion of the area to 60,000 m².
1983 A feeding center is being built with a hundred bird aviaries.
1987 Grand opening of the largest dolphinarium in Europe
1989 Opening of the orchid garden (Orquidiario) and creation of a new alligator enclosure.
1990 The Gambia market opens its doors.
1991 Discovery of Tiger Island.
1992 Expansion of the park to 135.000 m².
1993 Solemn inauguration of the Thai-style village of Princess Galyani Vadhana, porcelain museum, playground and restaurant "Dukes' Hut" (Choza de los Duques).
1993 Grand opening of the gorilla enclosure and aquarium.
1993 A free mini-train on wheels begins to operate to transport visitors.
1996 Cinema completely reformed from Loro Vision to Naturavisión 3D
1997 The grand opening of the "Arab Palace" and the installation of enclosures with monkeys.
1998 Inauguration of the new location Chimpland (Land of the Monkeys) and the restaurant "House of Pepe" (Casa Pepe).
1999 Deployment of the "Penguin Planet" pavilion with Humboldt penguins. 7,000 Bops (fish) are housed in the world's largest Plexiglas cylinder.
2000 Reformation of the area for alligators.
2001 "Discovery Tour" begins to function. Creation of an enclosure with the placement of rhinoceros iguanas and Galapagos tortoises in them.
2004 Opening of the veterinary clinic "Villa Colina".
2005 Creation of entertainment center Kinderlandia for children.
2006 The show with killer whales - "OrcaOcean" and the educational center - "Aula del Mar" originate.
2007 Construction of a large nursery for Lori parrots and their free flight.
2009 Creation of enclosures Katandra Treetops. Where you can hear the birds of Australia and Asia.
2014 Opening the Anteater Room
2015 Grand opening of the enclosure with red pandas
2016 Founding of Animal Embassy and Aqua Viva
2017 African lion enclosure opens
2018 The "Zen Garden" opens (Jardin Zen - Majestic underwater garden, reminiscent of Atlantis)
2018 Opening space with pygmy hippos
2018 The base of the enclosure with lemurs


The park has a huge collection of animals from all over the world for you, with conditions close to their natural habitat. All animals are fed and well-groomed, regardless of their rank or value. A complex system created under the park constantly maintains the level of food, water and cleanliness in the enclosures. The staff constantly monitors the condition of those pets that require increased attention. Once inside this jungle you will see:





Fun show

killer whale show

The killer whale is the largest species of the dolphin family, a detachment of cetaceans with teeth, is a marine mammal. Sometimes they are called killer whales at a time when they can be hungry, they attack mostly in packs on whales, sharks, dolphins or penguins. If there is enough food, then they may well coexist with other species of cetaceans.

"Orca Ocean" is a water stadium specially built for killer whales and their welfare. Opened in February 2006, housing 4 new sea pets that arrived from the US and were born there in the pool. They were named Keto, Tekoa, Kohana and Skyla. The stadium is the most modern and innovative in the world, with large viewing windows in depth, cameras are installed that display the image on a large television screen.

In April 2006, the stadium had to be closed for repairs due to its destruction by killer whales, and after 3 months, it starts its work again on June 3. After the restoration work, additional security measures and improvements were made.

To date, Orka Okean has six killer whales, four have been joined by Adan (born in Loro Parque) and Morgan (rescued off the coast of the Netherlands and brought to Tenerife to survive). Now all living animals have developed a close bond between themselves and between their trainers. Proof of this are the amazing shows with the largest mammals.

The attraction of the show is that killer whales perform various tricks, implicitly obeying the team of tamers, they do many things that they would not be able to afford in their usual habitat. After the start of the show, you are initially shown several joke numbers. Be aware that in the lower rows you can be splashed with a large amount of water from the water stadium, for this purpose you need to purchase a raincoat for 3 euros. Many do this in order to experience emotions and joy, but it may be different, having bought and put on a raincoat, but there will be no desired splashes, here for good luck. Who wants to avoid being raw, then rise to the top ranks.

Dolphin show

Dolphins are mammals from the cetacean order, the dolphin family. The bottlenose dolphin or big dolphin - this species has been living in the water stadium of Loro Park since 1987 and entertaining travelers visiting them. Since then, several offspring have been bred in captivity and trained for performance. Bottlenose dolphins are considered one of the smart and attractive marine animals, which are always a pleasure to admire for children and adults, they bring joy, smiles and good mood.

Of course, for those people who have been to dolphinariums before, you will not see anything new, all the same somersaults, jumping out of the water into a suspended hoop and small entertainment programs, but nevertheless, you should be given a good mood and pleasant emotions.

Swimming with dolphins is not allowed and touching as well. Some lucky little ones (children) from the audience are lucky enough to ride a boat during the show, which is pulled by sea pets, then they offer to stroke or even kiss him goodbye for the trick with the dolphin.

Dolphin show

Sea Lion Show

Sea lions (a family of eared seals) have their own water stadium, showing high-level shows with elements of comedy and animation. These interesting marine mammals have a great sense of humor and will keep you entertained throughout the show. Loro Park has extensive experience in keeping and raising baleen sea lions. Since their settlement, more than 30 juveniles have been born here.

Show sea lions

parrot show

For parrots, they built their own hall for their performances. You sit in your seats and watch how parrots can ride bicycles, can distinguish the shapes of the Canary Islands in pictures, count numbers, fly over the audience, etc. Not only large birds, but also small ones take part in the show. Comic shows with smart elements will certainly not leave you indifferent to these birds.

parrot show

Naturavision show

3D cinema - located under the dome of mirrors, which will immerse you in the world of nature and try to convey to you through a documentary - the magic of the living environment around us. Since May 2016, the animated film "Rio" has been shown in 3D as a high-resolution projector.


Coral reefs were exhibited for the first time on such a large scale in the aquarium of Loro Park. Reefs are the marine ecosystem most endangered. Today, in twelve large aquariums, there are more than a hundred species of aquatic life collected from all over the world, some of them: catfish, colorful freshwater rays, Pacu (Amazon fish), brilliant piranhas, clown fish, jellyfish and majestic tunnels with various species of marine animals and sharks. Everything you see in one place creates a symphony of colors that dazzles visitors of all ages and is not to be missed.

Exhibition - Living Water

AquaViva is a real underwater spectacle of hundreds of magical jellyfish shimmering in different colors, including up to the emission of fluorescence colors. With an uncanny appearance, these curious jellyfish with amazing and elegant shapes have practically become the protagonists in the new exhibition "Water of Life", designed not so long ago especially for you. Before your eyes, they reveal to you all the details of their unusual life, which is shrouded in mystery at a time when they are in their familiar environment. In addition, visitors can discover impressive sharks such as Malagasy nocturnal and long-winged sharks, as well as hundreds of tropical multicolored fish.

Jellyfish are 98% water


Passing through the ice tunnel, you find yourself in an artificially created environment, where the conditions of temperature and light are almost indistinguishable from the Arctic. This is to ensure that the four species of penguins (Humboldt, King, Northern Crested and Antarctic) can live in comfort and safety for their health.

In Antarctica, these seabirds form huge colonies to take advantage of the fishery in the ecosystem that appears every spring in the Arctic Circle. Unfortunately, this wealth is under serious threat due to changes in the circulation of waters in the oceans, contributing to climate change.


Program schedule

The Porcelain Parrot Museum brings together a unique collection of artistic works created over the past three centuries by the great masters of porcelain art.

Porcelain in the 18th century was called "white gold", as it was then sold on a par with gold and was previously traditionally Chinese. On January 15, 1708, porcelain was reinvented by Johann Friedrich Böttger in Europe, and in January 1710, the first European hard porcelain manufactory was founded in the empty Albrechtsburg castle in Meissen. Until that time, the production of everyday items was limited, but soon everything changed. In the following years, real famous sculptors produce artistic works such as parrot figures, which will be seen by the founders of Loro Parque and exhibited in this museum.


According to Confucius, the famous Chinese philosopher, the orchid is the "Queen of fragrant flowers", and I think we can all agree...

That is why Loro Parque has created a real garden for you with different species of the orchid family, where you can enjoy and appreciate them. Breathe in this sweet fragrance while observing their richness of form and color that these outstanding plants filled with tenderness exhale. There are approximately 200 varieties of orchids in Europe and Tenerife, some of which are terrestrial, others will be epiphytes and lithophytes that cannot tolerate mineralized water, so distilled water is used for irrigation.



Kinderlandia is an interesting and entertaining corner for children, created in a thicket of tropical trees in a small jungle. This is a small town of large recreated trees, rope tunnels, descent on a serpentine hill. Also nearby is a roller coaster called "Orca Train", where children and adults can experience the power of gravity. While the kids are frolicking, adults can drink a cup or two at the Bambu Bar, looking at their frolics, who will certainly not remain indifferent to the entertainment.


Catandra Tritops

Opened in September 2009, the park "Katandra Treetops", with the name meaning in the Australian Aboriginal language - "Birdsong" and Treetops - "Treetops", referring to the uppermost part of the forest.

All this gives us an understanding of a large and grandiose poultry house, specially designed for you, with hundreds of birds of various species and subspecies. Once in it, you seem to be moving into an Australian forest, with stretched bridges leading to the crowns of trees. Along the way, you come face to face with parrots - cockatoos and other bird species. The Katandra Tritops is one of the most impressive free-flying aviaries on the planet.

Catandra Tritops

children's station

"Baby Station" - a small area inside the reserve for the care of chicks (incubator), which opens up to visitors the care of baby parrots, which are born and raised here.

Baby Station has a modern laboratory that allows you to see the activity of veterinary care, which represents the daily work regarding the analysis of the obtained samples, both in animals and water samples in the ponds installed in the park.

Children's station - incubator

Thai village

Tenerife is believed to have the largest Thai village built outside of Thailand. When owner Wolfgang Kiessling planned to create a new entrance to Loro Park, it was decided to construct something in the form of exotic buildings. Having visited several countries, he decided to recreate the traditional architecture of Thailand, but for this he needed to obtain permission from the royal family of the Asian country, find artisans capable of developing all the items and deliver them by ship to Tenerife. Soon Thai laborers took a trip to the island to collect new colorful and great architecture outside of Thailand.

Dining at Loro Parque

Inside the zoo, you can satisfy your hunger and replenish your strength from seven different bars and restaurants with different cuisines. Gourmet food, of course, is not worth waiting for, but a quick meal in a relaxed atmosphere and continue your journey completely.

Cafe bar "Thai"

Located at the exit of the zoo. An ideal place to discuss your visit and taste the best coffee and sweets.

Cafeteria "Vista Teide"

A place where you can pause your entertainment and order a light snack, while enjoying the beautiful view of the Teide volcano on sunny days.

Restaurant "Casa Pepe"

Pepe's house offers you various Spanish snacks on the outdoor terrace with fresh air.

Bar "Bambú"

Close to Kinderlandia, in the area dedicated to children, you will find dishes for yourself as well as with a children's menu adapted to your taste and everything you need for the little ones.

Restaurant "Choza de Los Duques"

"Choza de Los Duques" or Duke's Hut is a self-service restaurant with 232 seats. Offers a wide variety of dishes.

Grill bar "Patio del Loro"

She will cook for you delicious barbecue and entrecote, as well as various delicious grilled meat dishes.

Pizzeria "Loritali Pizza"

Italian restaurant and pizzeria where you can taste the best Pasta (pasta), pizza and much more, made from the highest quality dough with natural ingredients.

How to get to Loro Parque

The zoo is located in the north of the island of Tenerife in the city of Puerto de la Cruz. The distance from the southern resorts: Playa de Las Americas, Los Cristianos, Costa Adeje is about 70 km (1 hour 10 minutes) along the western part of the island, the road runs along the TF-1 highway, through mountains and settlements, with a slight serpentine.

Free on the road tram

There are many ways to get there, it all depends on your choice. The cheapest option is on the free train, running only on the roads of the city of Puerto de la Cruz.

From the Reyes Católicos stop to Loro Parque: Every 20 minutes. Start at 09:00
. From Loro Parque to Reyes Católicos: Every 20 min. Last train at 18:45, departure only.

On the paid bus Loro Park

From the south on a paid bus provided by the park itself in both directions.
Price: adult 13.50 euros round trip, children (6-11 years old) 8 euros.

Schedule and stops

Costa Adeje, Los Cristianos, Las Americas
Los Gigantes, Playa Paraiso
Tuesday, Saturday
Golf del Sur
Tuesday and Saturday
Costa del Silencio, El Medano
Thursday and Sunday
Express bus
Monday Wednesday Friday
Las Caletillas
Monday Wednesday Friday
Santa Cruz
Stop / HotelTimeStop / HotelTimeStop / HotelTimeStop / HotelTimeStop / HotelTimeStop / HotelTimeStop / HotelTime
Jardin Caleta07:50 Luabay Costa Gigantes07:00 Aguamarina Golf08:55 TITSA Torre de Tenbel8:45 Isla Bonita08:05 Punta del Rey09:45 Fabrica Flex (Bar Canaima).09:50
Costa Adeje Palace07:50 rest. TITSA Harbor Club07:00 green park08:55 Palia Don Pedro8:45 bouganville08:15
stop TITSA "Riu Arecas"07:50 Barcelo Santiago07:00 Tenerife Golf08:55 Club Marina8:45 Olé Tropical (on the ring)08:20
Bahia del Duque08:00 Tamaimo Tropical.07:00 San Blas08:55 El Medano (church)09:10 Bank Santander08:25
Gran Tacande08:00 TITSA - Puerto Santiago Post07:00 Best Tenerife08:30
Jardines del Teide08:00 rest. TITSA Playa la Arena07:00 Princessa Dacil08:35
Comm. Duque center (taxi)08:00 Varadero07:00
Isla Bonita08:05 Palacio de Isora07:20
Guayarmina Princess (circling)08:05 Abama07:20
Bahía Princess08:05 Marazul07:20
Villa Tagoro08:05 TITSA Tropical Park Callao Salvaje07:20
Taxi Villas Canarias08:05 Riu Buenavista07:35
Laguna Park II08:05 rest. TITSA Playa Paraíso07:35
bouganville08:15 Bahia Principe Costa Adeje07:35
Olé Tropical (circling)08:20
Bank Santander08:25
Best Tenerife08:30
Madrigueras (on the corner)08:30
Princessa Dacil08:35
Tenerife Sur08:35
Arona Grand Hotel08:35

Bus timetable PDF file.

By city bus

Titsa's local intercity buses have a direct route to Puerto de La Cruz. Landing is carried out in the south from three stations:

  • From the Costa Adeje resort from the main station (code 7142)
  • Stop Magma Arte & Congressos. (code 7944)
  • From the main station in Los Cristianos (code 7140)

The duration of the journey in one direction is about 1 hour 41 minutes. Cost one way: €14.60 (cash), Bono Bus pass €9.60. You get to the bus station and then you can transfer to line no. or walk 1.5 km (18 minutes).

Private transfer to Loro Park

The most convenient option to get there without tiring bus stops, and most importantly quickly, is by ordering a transfer to Loro Park. You do not need to look at the navigator and drive a car during your vacation. Our air-conditioned car with a Russian-speaking driver will pick you up at any address and, after visiting the zoo, will take you back. You pay the road with waiting in both directions. During the trip, you can chat and find out any information about the island. If you have a desire to visit a local delicious restaurant with typical Canarian cuisine, then our local and Spanish-speaking person will advise you on the best choice and order of dishes. In addition, we suggest you take a sightseeing tour for a small fee to this transfer, for example, through the Teide volcano, with a visit to the best observation platforms.

Transfer cost

From Costa Adeje, Los Cristianos, Playa de Las Americas and within 20 km

From 1 to 4 people - 100 euros for all 4 passengers (up to 5 hours of waiting included).
From 5 to 8 people - 150 euros for all 8 passengers (up to 5 hours of waiting included).

From Los Gigantes, Puerto de Santiago, Alcala, Abama

From 1 to 4 people - 90 euros (5 hours incl.) price for everyone, not per person
From 5 to 8 people - 140 euros (5 hours incl.) price for all, not per person

Check-in to the restaurant - (+15 euros to the total cost).
Additional hour of waiting after 5 hours - (+ 15 euros) for each subsequent hour.
Additional excursion: +40 euros to the transfer price for (1-4 people), + 60 euros for (5-8 people).

By car

If you have rented a car, then getting to Loro Park is not difficult. Moreover, you can order a navigator during the rental or, as another alternative, use your smartphone with Google maps. To do this, you need to connect an inexpensive Internet connection so as not to use expensive roaming tariffs. Probably the most affordable prices are offered by the Orange company. If you don’t have either, then ask for a map of the island from the car rental company or take it to the hotel reception, there are no problems with them. The shortest route runs along the western part of the island, along the new TF-1 expressway, and averages about 70 km (1 hour 10 minutes). There are no toll roads on the island, and there are not so many roads, we are mostly confused by interchanges. On the roads closer to the park you will be warned by signs to Loro Parque.

We offer you to rent a car from our website. Full insurance is included (without glasses), child seats, Russian-speaking employees, we deliver the car to the place and pick it up, a map of the island, a navigator. Rent a car

By taxi

The official Tenerife taxi can be considered one of the expensive offers to get to the park from Playa de Las Americas. Convenient only if you are near the zoo. The cost in one direction will come out to you about 100 euros and the same amount will have to be paid for the return, especially since the tariffs include paid waiting, if you agree with him to go back. Tariffs can be found on the page Taxi in Tenerife.

Tickets to Loro Parque

One day
DinnerDiscovery tourPremiumDiamondBus
Child (6-11) 26,00 €
30,00 €
41,00 €
50,00 €
Adult 38,00 €
52,00 €
61,00 €
89,00 €
Twin Ticket (Two parks Siam Park and Loro Park)
Child (6-11) 45,50 €
63,50 €
Adult 66,00 €
90,00 €

Bus from the south, price: vz. 13.50 € and child. €9.00

Discovery tour is a group tour of Loro Park, which will give you an idea about the inner life of animals, reveal some interesting secrets to you, for example: how much does a killer whale weigh? what do penguins eat? or: Why are some gorillas in groups bachelors? The behind-the-scenes tour runs daily, at different times, for 1 hour and 45 minutes, in Spanish, English, German, French, Dutch and Russian. Included in the "Premium" and "Diamont" packages, purchased separately for 7 euros for children and 10 euros for adults.