Where can you go to relax one girl. Where is the best place to go on vacation for a lonely girl

It sometimes happens that a long-awaited vacation comes, but there is no company for an exciting trip. The reasons can be very diverse: the calendar dates of the holidays did not coincide, opinions differed regarding the choice of a place, etc. Or maybe you just wanted to relax alone? Actually, no, it's not. Enjoy time alone with yourself, make independent trip and, perhaps, make many new interesting acquaintances. Why not? We are all free people and have the right to choose what we like. But now another question arises: "Where to go to rest alone, so as not to get bored?" In fact, the choice of places is simply extremely wide. Let's start with Europe.

This region is more suitable for cultural and aesthetic recreation. France, Italy, Spain, Greece and much more big list countries are completely at your service. Here are cultural monuments and beautiful architectural structures, cozy streets and lively squares, delicious food and dizzying shopping. If you are planning to combine a cultural program with a beach holiday, then Barcelona or the southern towns of Italy are what you need. In the foothills of the Alps, you can indulge in relaxing spa treatments, plunge into an atmosphere of tranquility and solitude.

It is good to visit the Dead Sea: there are many excellent wellness centers in Israel. In addition, here you have a chic cultural and historical program, and more than enough entertainment.

China is another wonderful place where you can go on vacation alone at any time of the year and for various purposes. There is something to see here. Contrasts, interesting culture places, religious and historical monuments, great shopping (which is worth only some tea shops - a paradise for connoisseurs). At the same time, the country is absolutely safe, with strict laws and order, so even girls alone will not be scared and calm at all.

When deciding where to go on vacation alone, you should not ignore Southeast Asia. Vacation here can be spent in absolutely different ways: noisy, fun, with daily acquaintances, cycling and extreme sports. But if you wish, it is easy to arrange a relaxation tour for yourself, visit incredible beauty temples, learn the basics of Buddhism, succumb to the atmosphere of serene joy and tranquility. And also - to fill up to satiety with delicious exotic fruits (and very cheap ones at that) and visit several islands-national parks (of which there are many).

A good option for where to go on vacation alone (a completely normal decision!) Is the resorts of Vietnam. Here you can swim in plenty, and visit numerous ancient caves, and explore the depths of the sea with scuba gear. Dating here is easy, many Russians and Europeans have a rest both with their families and alone.

Okay, overseas resorts are great. But if you do not have the opportunity to travel abroad, or just want to see your native expanses? Where to go to rest in Russia if there is no company? Actually, anywhere. Same Krasnodar region- a great place to visit on your own. There is no need to lie on the beach all the time. Walk around the city more often, attend various parties (there are a lot of them in summer), study the culture and history of the place. Yes, and it will be easier to get to know someone, yet we speak the same language, and the mentality is the same. On the Black Sea coast many amazing beauty resorts with hotels of different categories and orientations. The choice depends solely on your preferences.

Where to go to rest - abroad or in Russia - is not so important. The main thing is to understand that in independent travel there is nothing shameful. And even more so, it can not be boring. Dedicate time to yourself, your desires and needs, relax, have fun, meet new people and bring a lot of positive emotions and energy from your vacation!

This is a well-known truth, invented by Hemingway. However, sometimes it is better not to test friendship for strength.

There was a case in my life, after which I decided that if possible I would travel alone. We went with a close friend, to a not very distant country. However, troubles began from the very beginning. She wanted to live in expensive hotel on the waterfront of the resort, and for me - in a modest room in a quiet corner. She liked restaurants, and I liked cafeterias. She signed up for expensive individual excursions, and I loved just walking along the historical streets. As a result, we returned to our homeland, and stopped communicating until all grievances were forgotten by both of us.

I also have many friends who deny themselves a well-deserved rest, even if they have a travel-tested partner. And it is for those who are afraid to go on vacation alone and do not know where it is better to go for a “solo” vacation, and I decided to prepare today's newsletter.

In fact, there are many options for relaxing alone. Although sometimes the easiest, fastest and most economical way to “jump” out of your work routine is to go to your usual All Inclusive. In addition, you can not be afraid to get lost here - they will meet you, take you, place you and understand your Russian or broken English.

Half the success is the right attitude. Just think - this is a real journey, full of new experiences! Some will call it an adventure. But we understand that this someone is just jealous of you 😉

Girls to the left

The ideal vacation for the average woman is the warm sea, a beautiful hotel, SPA-procedures and unobtrusive attention of beautiful men. First you need to decide what you expect from the service. If you are interested in luxury in everything and casual service - you are in Turkey or Egypt, but only in good hotels 5 stars. If you are not pretentious at the table, agree to a modest room and the absence of a hotel area, then Europe will suit you perfectly.

In Spain, you will be charmed by the beaches, the capital itself, with affordable shopping. In a beach holiday near entertainment centers you will find in Rimini. And in Cyprus, singles are suitable for a party houseAyia Napa, between May and September.

IN Thailand or in Bali there are a lot of Russian, open and active guys in Indonesia. Yes, here the atmosphere itself is conducive to acquaintance and long intimate conversations at sunset. Move closer to the sea, where you will meet a lot of surfers, kitesurfers (especially in winter, when big waves) and just nature lovers who will be happy to show you good cafes on the shore, take you to a steep slope with a breathtaking view. In general, by getting to know local downshifters, you will learn much more than a guide could tell you. And not so much about the resort, but about life in general.

See also: Best travel destinations. Asia.

Do you want to get one of the best SPA services in the world? affordable price? Travel to Tunisia between October and May. As soon as the sea begins to cool, all prices for accommodation and hotel services drop sharply. Not to mention the fact that holidays in Tunisia are already budget-friendly.

Do you want to enjoy a mild climate, taste delicious Mediterranean cuisine and meet young people and maybe single (and smart) guys at the same time? you to Malta. There are many language schools, and the chances of meeting a cheerful company of compatriots aged 18+ are very high.

And if you want to go on a weekend for a special occasion - celebrate your birthday, celebrate a promotion at work, dreamily start " new life”, then romantic Paris, Rome or Lisbon will do just fine.

Even if you did not find the desired tour on our website, you can arrange a trip to anywhere in the world and get advice by phone, with the help of our tourism specialist.

Boys to the right

Young single boys choose disco resorts, and rooms and hotels are the cheapest - after all, clubs cost money. And in the hotels themselves, you rarely find a good disco with a lot of people, or rather young girls. For partygoers, Marmaris in Turkey, Ibiza and Mallorca in Spain, Amsterdam in the Netherlands are suitable. But remember that in some hotels in Turkey it is forbidden to accommodate several men in one room.

Also in demand are the capitals of resorts, where there will always be entertainment - Barcelona, ​​Rome, Madrid. For young "extremes" there are many entertainments even in Turkey - for example, paragliding over the azure Oludeniz lagoon in Fethiye.

No longer boys, but “husbands”, rather, they will be more interested in relaxing holiday with the opportunity to meet the locals, take a leisurely stroll through the beautiful streets, have a hearty meal and maybe go to a concert of your favorite band that does not like visiting Russia.

An old European town with numerous sausage bars and craft beer bars, which you can try only here and nowhere else, is perfect. For example, the Belgian city of Bruges gingerbread houses or picturesque Prague and the city of Pilsen, the center of Czech brewing, an hour's drive from the capital.

See also: Guide to alcohol. Where to go and what to drink there?

Recently, hospitable and cozy has become popular among the inquisitive strong half.Georgia. Girls alone are afraid to come here (and it seems they are doing the right thing), but the guys have the most expanse - large portions of delicious meat, homemade Caucasian wine, strong handshakes and impregnable mountains. And then adjika, satsivi, Kindzmarauli, khachapuri, lezginka, Borjomi and the beloved and native Black Sea.

For nature lovers

Separately, it is worth mentioning those lucky ones who prefer conscious solitude and are not afraid of the lack of communication throughout the rest. They are more attracted to dialogue with nature. They hunt for the most beautiful places our planet. Better, of course, more affordable.

This year, tourist Serbia is gaining momentum. Visa-free entry, low prices, incredible beauties, and Balkan music excites the heart and soul. However, there is no sea. But you can improve your health, go fishing and skiing in winter (even at night!).

Active and rich in culinary delights Montenegro or relaxedCroatiawill also amaze the imagination of an inexperienced seeker of natural beauties and interesting coloring of the area. Don't forget about your family Russia . Crimea, Baikal, Altai region, Karelia - excursions, group rafting and mountain climbing, horseback riding, fishing and many other things are organized here.

Bike Tours

If you don’t have time to plan a holiday route, but you want to see as many beauties as possible, as well as improve your physical shape, cycling tours are for you! These are picnics by the picturesque lake, serpentine descents and even hidden paths to "secret" waterfalls.

How does this happen? You are checked into a hotel, a bicycle is given out, and you, along with a guide and a group, set off on a journey to the first point of the route. In the meantime, your luggage is transferred to the next hotel. And so on according to plan. It is very convenient, inexpensive and extremely exciting! On average, a bike tour, for example, in the Italian provinces will cost 600 €.

Benefits of being alone

You will always act the way you want! And not change plans in order to reach a compromise with a fellow traveler. You are the master of your society - get to know people, and when you want to be alone, politely say goodbye to them.

It is known that on vacation people make contact much easier. Want to make a new friend? Ask him to take a picture of you or help you carry your suitcase. You can not put on makeup at all and not think what others will think of you (girls will understand me).

It is easy to find new acquaintances of interest - you have chosen one resort or excursion, which means you already have something in common.

Traveling alone is another reason to be proud of yourself!

In psychology, there is such a phenomenon - a hunger for recognition, that is, a person in an unfamiliar environment can become sad if he does not meet people with whom he has long been familiar. Therefore, it is better to plan a trip alone for no more than 7-10 days. And this hunger torments introverts much more than extroverts (who would have thought?).

In the end, remember the phrase of the inveterate bachelor Schopenhauer: "In solitude, everyone sees in himself what he really is." It will be fun to get to know the real you 😉

Going on a trip to the sea for a girl or a guy is an interesting and useful experience. You can buy a last-minute tour or plan a trip yourself, based on financial capabilities and desires. The most important choice that a single tourist has to make is to choose a place where to go to the sea. Ranking of the most popular countries and resorts on the sea for those who travel alone will help you make the right decision.

There are plenty of seaside resorts both in Europe and in Asia. If you are traveling alone, there are three key factors to consider when choosing a location. It should be interesting, inexpensive and safe.

The choice of resort also depends on the gender of the traveler. Those entertainments that attract women will not be enough interesting men. Although exceptions are allowed! In the article we will describe the most attractive and suitable places for a seaside holiday for both a single girl and a man.

What is important to realize before the trip - which route you would not prefer, the fate of Robinson Crusoe is not your destiny! In any small town or remote campsite there will be people, so there is every chance to find your company. Unless, of course, a trip to the sea is organized not for the purpose of relaxing alone from the routine.

For a trip to be successful, it needs to be well planned. For this, the following points are taken into account:

  • budget – you don’t have to have a million dollars in your bank account for a good rest. There are many inexpensive offers, and if you search, you can find a last-minute tour to a very interesting place. Having calculated the price of the hotel, tickets and living expenses, it is important not to forget about the strategic reserve. Maybe you won’t spend it, but you won’t be nervous and calculate expenses;
  • direction, a trip to the sea alone is a great chance not only to make new acquaintances, but also to lie in a hammock, take a sunbath or not get out of the room, excitedly reading books. Its beauty lies in the fact that you will see the world without the influence of the tastes or prejudices of a companion.

More and more women decide to go alone to the sea for various reasons: the vacation schedule did not match or their friends had urgent business. Even children or family is not a barrier! Unmarried men in this matter are more free and devoid of prejudice.

Regardless of the circumstances that pushed you to go to the sea alone, there are ideal places on the planet for everyone!

Where to go to the sea for a girl alone

Tour operators have noticed that women of all ages are traveling alone more often, so they offer tailor-made “Girls Only” packages that include flights and accommodation. Among the most popular are the following areas:

The island of Cyprus, where, according to Greek mythology, the goddess of love Aphrodite was born, is ideal for relaxing. Thanks to developed infrastructure any girl will find a suitable accommodation for the price and comfort. Hotels or apartments are located at different distances from the sea, so before leaving, you should look at the map and book the desired option in advance.

The peak tourist season in Cyprus is July. It is at this time of the year that travelers from Europe and the CIS countries come here. But in the off-season, prices drop significantly, as does the number of tourists, so you should not discount a trip to Cyprus, for example, in November.

The beaches of the island are considered among the best. They are cleaned every day, so the risk of stepping on the bottle is minimal. If you take a mat with you, you can sunbathe for free.

Holidays in Cyprus do not have to be exclusively passive. It provides a lot of entertainment for tourists - excursions, exploring the depths of the sea on an underwater scooter.


  • you can come at any time of the year;
  • friendliness of the local population;
  • exciting shopping;
  • delicious cuisine.


  • Left side traffic;
  • expensive excursions.

Beautiful video about Cyprus:

The resorts of Abkhazia have been well known since Soviet times. People come here from the beginning of summer until October. The warm climate of the coast makes for pleasant walks. Inhaling the aroma of outlandish plants, taking sun or sea baths, you can gain strength for the rest of the year.

The absence of a language barrier and a visa-free regime are the bonuses of a holiday in Abkhazia. In addition to beaches, there is something to see here - local guides organize hiking in the mountains and exploring karst caves. So you won't be bored in Abkhazia!


  • optimal climate;
  • a lot of entertainment;
  • affordable prices.


  • sometimes water and electricity are cut off;
  • cases of theft are common, so it is better not to carry valuables with you;
  • the risk of catching an intestinal infection.

Video about Lake Ritsa:

Hawaii, Maui

This is not the most typical destination when it comes to a solo trip. If finances allow, then you should think about visiting the island of Maui. Guests are offered an extensive program of entertainment, from surfing to walking along the wonderful coast. The place to stay can be a comfortable hotel or a quaint little campsite.

In Hawaii, there are beaches of amazing shades, for example, red, black and even green. Maui is interesting because the island perfectly combines a secluded vacation with active water activities. Night club life is also in full swing.

The only negative is the impressive amount announced by the tour operator, which includes air travel, meals, some excursions and accommodation fees. If you organize the trip yourself, you will be able to reduce costs. When visiting Maui (Hawaii), you should remember about climatic features places. If an excursion to the crater of the volcano is planned, then you should grab not only bathing suits and sunscreen, but also warm jackets, sombrero-type hats. Otherwise, strong wind and cold will spoil the tour.


  • magnificent beaches;
  • comfortable hotels;
  • lots of entertainment.


  • significant financial costs will be required;
  • US visa required.

Video about Maui:

This country has always attracted tourists, so it is not surprising to see a woman among them exploring local sights or sunbathing on the soft sand alone. Greece has pebbly and sandy beaches, combined. You can stay both in luxurious complexes and rent private apartments. The local population is distinguished by friendliness and hospitality. Many of them speak Russian quite well, so there will be no problems with mutual understanding. In large hotels, the staff also speaks English.

Greek food is considered one of the healthiest, so you can indulge in delicious treats while on vacation. Fascinating excursions with an experienced guide will significantly expand your horizons. Walking on soft golden sands, swimming in azure waters mediterranean sea contribute to peace and relaxation. So you will return home refreshed and ready to do great things!


  • comfortable climate;
  • ecological resort areas;
  • a large selection of entertainment;
  • affordable prices;
  • profitable shopping.


  • it takes time to get a visa;
  • sometimes it gets too hot.

Video about Greek resort Santorini:

Where to go to the sea for a man

Any journey opens up a new, unknown world! Therefore, if you did not find a company for the trip, do not despair, because there will always be places suitable for the “lone wolf”.

Brazil, Rio de Janeiro

While the beautiful half of humanity enjoys watching Brazilian TV shows, its strong half should visit the famous carnival and Copacabana beach. For five whole days you will be able to admire the colorful procession, the incendiary movements of the samba.

As for the Copacabana beach, this is a place of bohemia and celebrities. It was simply created to white sand Millions of feet were trampling. In addition to sunbathing and swimming in the ocean, you will be able to listen to musicians at the largest concert venue in Rio de Janeiro.


  • warm climate;
  • many attractions;
  • beautiful nature.

Video about Rio de Janeiro:


  • expensive;
  • cases of theft are known.

Costa Rica, Herradura

If you need a place where you will definitely not meet a familiar face, come to Costa Rica. Accommodation in the city can be rented like a local or book a hotel room through a special online service for tourists. Here you can just lie on the beach and do nothing, or you can go fishing, play sports in the open air.

Those who travel alone have every chance to meet a beautiful surfer girl. In the evening, tourists are expected by clubs and other places of entertainment. You can also learn how to play golf in Herradura.


  • amazing nature;
  • good roads;
  • mild climate;
  • variety of fruits;
  • warm water in the ocean.


  • long flight;
  • difference in time;
  • high cost of airfare and accommodation.

Beautiful about Herradura:

Puerto Rico, San Juan

If you need to let off steam or forget about troubles, then San Juan (Puerto Rico) will help you 100%. The capital has beautiful beaches, various parties are held and city tours are organized. An abundance of delicious food, cheap cold drinks and availability picturesque surroundings make your vacation memorable.

Local hotels and restaurants offer a high level of service, which, coupled with unique nature and history, literally attracts tourists from all over the world. Finding the best accommodation option is not difficult, because the island has many hotels, apartments of different price categories.


  • interesting sights;
  • wonderful nature;
  • good climate.


  • slight difficulties in obtaining a visa, since the territory belongs to the United States.

Every self-respecting traveler is obliged to visit Thailand at least once in his life. In Bangkok and in the resorts you can find everything you need for a good rest. Night passions are replaced by trips to temple complexes, swimming in gentle sea waves.

The most famous and comfortable beaches in Thailand are Pattaya, Hua Hin(The safest) If you want an authentic place, head to Bang Saen. It is a small university town with a great beach. Here, mostly Thais like to relax. It should be noted that the rich entertainment that is inherent in Pattaya cannot be found in Bang Saen.

The available place to stay is Khao beach Takib, which differs in that the sand here is not white, but gray. The coastal restaurants serve delicious Thai food, and the beach itself will give you a calm and serene holiday.

About the nature of Thailand - in the video:


  • colorful and varied entertainment;
  • warm climate;
  • Thai massage.


  • Lots of traffic and people.

How to go to sea alone

If you have the desire and opportunity to go on a trip alone, you should not put it off until later. Sometimes a seaside vacation is exactly what you need to recuperate, get motivated and generate new ideas.

It is disturbing to think that your appearance on the beach will cause puzzled looks and wonder why you are alone. In fact, no one cares, because everyone is immersed in their vacation. What should not be forgotten is the safety and security of your belongings. Leaving an expensive smartphone, a camera on a towel, or carrying documents with you is not the best thing to do.

Women traveling alone may experience increased attention from men. Explain the inappropriate behavior or reassure the gentleman - the choice depends solely on the lady herself.

How successful the rest will be is determined by proper planning. The choice of location, the hotel contributes to the rest! modern beaches and seaside resorts offer a variety of leisure activities. If you like crowds and fun, then nightclubs and discos are waiting for you. For those who, on the contrary, need privacy, a walk along the embankment or the shore is the best option. To do right choice, use online services where other travelers post reviews, there is information about hotels and entertainment.

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Do not deny yourself a rest, because you can have a great time alone. Where? Read the review from Travel The World.

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Everyone around is busy with business, and the soul requires an immediate change of scenery and new experiences? Do not deny yourself a rest, because you can have a great time alone. The arguments that a lonely girl is in danger at every turn are groundless. There are many beautiful and interesting places, where you can have a great time only if you go without the company of a jealous boyfriend or a chatty girlfriend. So, we are going on a journey filled with amazing discoveries.

Shopping tour in Europe

Very few girls will deny themselves the pleasure of buying a couple of fashionable little things. Europe - safe country for single ladies, and there, in summer and winter, boutiques arrange grandiose sales. Going to such events with a guy is not interesting, because he will not be able to appreciate the beauty of many hours of shopping and waiting near fitting rooms. Taking a girlfriend with you is also not an option, what if you like the same dress or handbag? It is better to go shopping in splendid isolation - tested by millions of women.

In Munich (Germany), summer sales begin on the 20th of May and end at the end of August. Winter discounts fall on the end of November - the beginning of March. Usually the goods are initially discounted by 30%. Closer to the middle of sales, discounts reach up to 50%, and for individual brands - 70%, or even all 90%. Although at the end of the sale the goods are the cheapest, but it is not recommended to go at this time - there is little choice. In Germany, you can buy high-quality men's, women's, children's clothing and footwear.

If the vacation falls in January or July, you can safely go to the country of trendsetter - Italy. At this time, sales begin here, lasting for 2 months, discounts on branded goods reach up to 70%. You can buy everything: jackets, hats, scarves, leather goods, jewelry. Best: Rome, Rimini, Milan.

To catch the discount season in Spain, you should plan your vacation for the middle of summer, or the middle of winter. At this time, high-quality goods can be discounted from 20% to 70%, as you are lucky. In the warm season there are discounts on the Spring-Summer collections, and in the cold season - Autumn-Winter. Top Cities for shopping: Madrid, Catalonia, Extremadura, Murcia, Andalusia, Castilla de Leon.

Excursion and beach holidays

Did you read novels about glorious medieval knights in your school years? It's time to see their habitats with your own eyes. Scattered across Europe great amount castles of the Middle Ages. To enjoy the magnificent scenery, you can go to Lake Garda (). Majestic buildings, the Alps, cozy, clean towns. There is a peaceful, calm atmosphere here. And there are many Germans and Englishmen resting near Lake Garda, so you can make interesting acquaintances.

To visit the ancient ruins, as well as the cathedral built in the 16th century, you need to go to Desanzano. In Lazise, ​​it is recommended to visit Natura Viva - a safari park. The town of Sirmione is ideal for girls who pay attention to their appearance. There are many thermal springs, and spa centers offer delightful rejuvenation treatments.

– an ideal country for both beach and sightseeing holiday. Single ladies are advised to go on vacation to the island of Rhodes, to Ixia, Faliraki. Here you can buy a bronze tan at magnificent sandy beaches, go surfing, visit museums and local ruins, learn more about the monuments of the Middle Ages and Byzantine rule.

Ideal for pilgrimages, relaxing on the beach, as well as excursions to the historical and natural attractions of the region. In Netanya great beaches. There are many holy places in Jerusalem - the Wailing Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the road along which Christ walked. Nazareth is the city where Jesus spent his childhood and youth. All these cities are worthy of attention, and it is better to visit them alone in order to put your thoughts and feelings in order. And, of course, it is unforgivable to visit Israel and not swim in the Dead Sea, in which it is impossible to drown.

In search of adventures

Tired of the usual routes, want to get new experiences? It is worth going to Halong (). This perfect place for relaxation, rest from the hustle and bustle. You can swim with plenty of scuba diving, exploring the depths of the sea and admiring the colorful fish. Armed with a flashlight, you can walk around the local caves. You can dance a lot in the Top Disco club, and enjoy seafood dishes in Ha Long restaurants.

Do you want to feel like a pirate of the Caribbean or transform into a Mayan Indian? This is easy to arrange by booking a ticket to Cancun (). This is one of the world's best resorts, located between by the caribbean and Laguna Nichupte. Clear water, impeccable beach, numerous disco bars. Also located close ancient city Chichen Itza, built by the Indians over 3400 years ago. Here you can find altars for sacrifices, temples, pyramids.

Being alone has its perks. Therefore, you should not be bored, you just need to choose the direction you like and go towards new adventures.

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👁 And finally, the main thing. How to go on a trip, perfect without bothering? Buy . This is such a thing, which includes flights, accommodation, meals and a bunch of other goodies for good money 💰💰.

If you do not know English well and are afraid to get lost in a foreign country, it is best to go on vacation on a package tour. The latter can be purchased from a tour operator who will book a hotel for you and offer all kinds of excursions. After that, it is enough to arrive at the airport on time, and upon arrival in another country, take a transfer to the hotel. Excursions will also not be a problem, because you will be traveling with a group.

In this way, you can visit any country. In summer it is good to relax on the beaches of Turkey, Greece, Croatia, Spain, Montenegro and other European countries. In spring and autumn, it is best to go to the UAE, Israel or Egypt. And in winter - to warm Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka or Bali.

If you are not afraid of long flights, you can have a wonderful time in the Maldives or canary islands, in Dominican Republic, Mexico, Cuba or on the beaches of Brazil. Practically all year round the weather is wonderful on the island of Mauritius. In addition to a beach holiday, there you can enjoy a rich excursion program, unusual gastronomic delights, relaxing SPA treatments or acquaintance with the underwater world.

Excursion holidays abroad

Fans of a more active holiday are best to go on a tour of one or more countries. During daily excursions with a group of tourists, even alone, you will not be bored, and there will always be a guide nearby who controls your trip. To get to know rich history or see beautiful architecture, it is best to go to Europe. Each country there has a unique flavor and keeps ancient works of art in museums.

If funds allow, you can go to the East. Japan and China, for example, amaze with the contrast of high technology and ancient traditions. There you can see many unique sights and plunge into a completely different atmosphere. True, it will be difficult to travel around these countries without a guide or knowledge of the local language, because English language few own it.

Holidays in Russia

In solitude, you can have a great rest in your native country. In summer, you should go to the Black Sea coast and admire beautiful nature Kuban. At this time of the year it is also good to spend holidays in Karelia or Siberia. And in late spring or early autumn, it is better to travel around the cities that are part of the Golden Ring of Russia. In winter, if you are not afraid of frost, you can enjoy the beauty of Lake Baikal, where excursions are organized on off-road vehicles.