Volcanic countries. Extinct volcanoes of the world - are they safe for tourism

A volcanic eruption is one of the most serious dangers for humans. In addition to the risk of being buried (burned) under lava flows near a volcano, there is a risk of poisoning from volcanic ash, as well as complete isolation from sunlight.

The International Association of Volcanology and Earth Chemistry (IAVCEI), which monitors the most likely volcanic eruptions that pose a threat to human life, has compiled a list of the most dangerous "volcanoes of the decade" with the support of the UN. They are closely monitored by specialists. In the event of signs of an imminent eruption, the IAVCEI informs the local authorities of the need for emergency measures. We bring to your attention photos and short description these dangerous giants, who at any moment can present a hot, loud and unexpected surprise.

1. Mount Etna (Sicily, Italy) - active, one of the largest and dangerous volcanoes world, located on east coast Sicily (Mediterranean Sea), near the cities of Messina and Catania. The height cannot be specified exactly, as the top point is constantly changing as a result of eruptions that occur at intervals of several months. Etna covers an area of ​​1250 square kilometers. As a result of lateral eruptions, Etna has 400 craters. On average, once every three months, the volcano erupts lava. Potentially dangerous in case of a powerful eruption from several craters at the same time. In 2011, Etna colorfully erupted in mid-May.

2. Sakurajima Volcano (Kagoshima, Japan) - a volcano is usually considered active if it has been active in the last 1000 - 3000 years. But Sakurajima has been continuously active since 1955. This volcano belongs to the first category, which means that an eruption can occur at any moment. The last such event, but not very strong, was noted on February 2, 2009. Residents of the nearby city of Kagoshima are in constant readiness for urgent evacuation: exercises and shelters are a common thing here. Webcams are installed above the volcano. Observations are ongoing. In 1924, there was a major eruption of Sakurajima: then strong tremors unequivocally warned the city of the danger, most of the inhabitants managed to leave their homes and evacuate in time.

After the eruption of 1924, the volcano named Sakurajima - "sakura island" can no longer be called an island. So much lava poured out of its mouth that it formed an isthmus that connected the volcano with the island of Kyushu, on which Kagoshima stands. After this eruption, lava slowly poured out of the volcano for about a year, and the bottom of the bay became much higher. It dropped only at one point - in the center of the ancient Aira caldera, eight kilometers from Sakurajima. This shows that the current eruptions of the volcano are supported by the same processes that formed a huge caldera more than 22 thousand years ago.

And even today, Sakurajima is considered one of the most dangerous and largest volcanoes in the world, which at any moment can start an eruption and cause a lot of trouble for the locals and not only residents.


Sakurajiyama. Volcanic lightning.

3. Vesuvius Volcano (Napoli, Italy) - also considered one of the most powerful and dangerous volcanoes in the world. Vesuvius is one of the three active volcanoes in Italy (we mentioned Mount Etna above). Vesuvius is the only active volcano continental Europe. There are reports of more than 80 significant eruptions, the most famous of which occurred on August 24, 79, when the ancient Roman cities of Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabiae were destroyed. One of the last strong eruptions occurred in 1944. The height is 1281 m above sea level, the diameter of the crater is 750 m.

4. Volcano Colima (Jalisco, Mexico) - one of the most dangerous and powerful volcanoes in the world. The last strong eruption of this handsome man was noted on June 8, 2005. Then the thrown ash rose to a height of more than 5 km, which forced the authorities to evacuate people from nearby villages. The volcanic mountain consists of 2 conical peaks, the highest of them (Nevado de Colima, 4,625 m) is an extinct volcano, covered with snow for most of the year. Another peak is the active volcano Colima, or Volcán de Fuego de Colima (" fiery volcano”), with a height of 3,846 m, is called the Mexican Vesuvius. Colima has erupted more than 40 times since 1576. And today it carries a potential threat not only to residents of nearby cities, but to the whole of Mexico.

5. Volcano Galeras (Nariño, Colombia) - a powerful and huge volcano in height (4276 meters above sea level) has a diameter at the base of more than 20 kilometers. The diameter of the crater is 320 meters, the depth of the crater is more than 80 meters. This volcano is located in South America, in Colombia, near the city of Pasto. As you can see in the photo, right at the foot of a dangerous mountain there is a small town, which on August 26, 2010 had to be evacuated due to a powerful eruption. The region was declared a state of emergency of the highest degree. More than 400 police officers were sent to the area to assist the civilian population. Scientists claim that over the past 7 thousand years, at least six major eruptions have occurred on Galeras. In 1993, during the research work six geologists died in the crater (then the eruption also began). In November 2006, due to the threat of a major eruption, more than eight thousand residents were evacuated from the surrounding villages.

6. Mauna Loa Volcano (Hawaii, USA) - is considered the largest volcano in terms of volume on Earth (together with the underwater part), namely 80,000 cubic kilometers (!). The summit and the southeastern slope are part of the Hawaiian Volcanoes National Park, as is the neighboring volcano, Kilauea. There is a volcanological station on the volcano, constant observations have been carried out since 1912. In addition, there are atmospheric and solar observatories on Mauna Loa. The last eruption occurred in 1984, the last strong eruption in 1950. The height of the volcano above sea level is 4,169 meters (the second highest on Hawaiian Islands after Mauna Kea). By right, this giant is considered one of the most dangerous and powerful volcanoes in the world.

mauna loa

7. Volcano Nyiragongo (Democratic Republic of the Congo) - an active volcano with a height of 3469 meters, located in the Virunga mountains in central Africa and is considered one of the most dangerous volcanoes on the African continent. Nyiragongo partially coincides with the two older volcanoes Baratu and Shaheru. It is surrounded by hundreds of small smoldering lateral volcanic cones. Nyiragongo, together with neighboring Nyamuragira, accounts for 40% of all observed eruptions in Africa.



8. Rainier Volcano (Washington, USA) is a stratovolcano in Pierce County, Washington, located 87 km southeast of Seattle (Washington, USA). Rainier, part of the Cascade Volcanic Arc, has the highest peak in the Cascade Mountains at 4,392 meters. The summit of the volcano consists of two volcanic craters, each over 300 meters in diameter. Mount Rainier was originally known as Tatol, or Tahoma, from a Leshutsid word meaning "mother of the waters."

9. Teide Volcano (Tenerife, Spain) - one of the most powerful and dangerous volcanoes in the world, which is located on the island of Tenerife, being the most high point Spain. The Teide is 3718 meters high. Tenerife is the third largest island volcanic island in the world. Teide is currently inactive, the last eruption occurred in 1909, but of course the awakening of such a giant will be a considerable surprise not only for the Spaniards.

10. Santa Maria Volcano (Santiaguito, Guatemala) - located in western Guatemala, near the city of Quetzaltenango. Height mountain range above sea level is only 3772 meters. The first eruptions began approximately 30 thousand years ago, and in the 20th century there were 3 powerful eruptions, the first of which, after 500 years of sleep, was in 1902. The eruption severely destroyed part of one side of the volcano. Approximately 5.5 km³ of volcanic ash and lava were ejected. The explosion was heard even 800 km away in Costa Rica. The ash column rose 28 km. About 6 thousand people died. And today this volcano carries a considerable potential danger, at any moment ready to break out with a roar and tons of emissions from the crater.

Santa Maria

Santa Maria

11. Santorini Volcano (Cyclades, Greece) - an active shield volcano on the island of Thira, another name for Thera, in the Aegean Sea, which erupted during the era of the existence of the Aegean culture in the period 1460-1470 BC, which led to the death of the Aegean cities and settlements on islands of Crete, Thira and the coast mediterranean sea. However, around 1627 B.C. An event took place that changed the course of history ancient world and the shape of the island as well. Then there was a powerful eruption of Santorin, as a result of which the crater of the volcano collapsed and a huge funnel (caldera) was formed, which did not hesitate to flood the sea, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis flooding was 32 square meters. miles with an average depth of 350 m. Of course, such a powerful eruption did not pass without a trace: a huge tsunami was the decline of the Minoan civilization, which was buried under water, and those who survived after the eruption died from subsequent powerful earthquakes.



12. Taal Volcano (Luzon, Philippines) - an active volcano, which is located 50 km south of Manila on the island of Luzon. The crater of the volcano is located at an altitude of 350 meters above sea level. A small lake formed in the crater. Taal is the smallest active volcano on the planet, but its strength should not be underestimated. So, on January 30, 1911, the strongest eruption of the Taal volcano in the 20th century occurred - 1335 people died. For 10 min. all living things ceased to exist at a distance of 10 km. The ash cloud was seen from a distance of 400 km. It was an eruption of the "Peleian" type, when the eruption occurs not only from the summit crater, but also from craters on the slopes of the mountain, the volcano threw out not lava, but masses of white hot ash and superheated steam. The last eruption took place in 1965, killing about 200 people.

13. Papandayan Volcano (Java Island, Indonesia) - one of the largest and most dangerous volcanoes in the world is located in Indonesia. The crater of the Papandayan volcano is located at an altitude of 1800 meters above sea level. A warm river flows from the slope of the volcano, the temperature of which reaches 42 degrees Celsius. The slopes of Papandayan are teeming with mud pots, hot springs and geysers. The last eruption was recorded in 2002.


14. Volcano Unzen (Nagasaki, Japan) - volcanic group on the Japanese island of Kyushu. The volcano is located on the Shimabara Peninsula in the southwestern part of the island. Height - 1,486 m. Currently, the volcano is considered to be weakly active. However, volcanic activity has been recorded since 1663. Since then, the volcano has erupted several times. The eruption of Mount Unzen in 1792 is one of the five most destructive eruptions in human history in terms of the number of human casualties. As a result of this disaster, 15,000 people died due to a tsunami that was caused by a volcanic eruption, the wave height reached 23 meters. And in 1991, 43 scientists and journalists were buried under the lava that rolled down the slope of the volcano.

16. Volcano in Yellowstone (USA) - considered potentially the most powerful volcano world, but the nature of this formation, which is called the Yellowstone caldera, located in the Yellowstone national park in the United States does not allow an accurate assessment of the possible damage from the eruption. This caldera is often referred to as a "supervolcano" because it was formed as a result of a very powerful eruption 640,000 years ago. There are more than 3,000 geysers in the park, which is two-thirds of all geysers in the world, as well as about 10,000 geothermal springs and mud volcanoes, which is half of all geothermal springs in the world. In May 2001, the Yellowstone Volcanic Observatory was established to monitor the status of this giant. Since the beginning of the work of the observatory, rumors and conjectures around the most dangerous volcano in the world have been circulating to this day. Yellowstone is one of the popular "culprits" of the possible end of the world, the scenario of which was colorfully beaten in the movie "2012".

Sierra Negra

Of course, these are not all the giants of our planet, but some of the most dangerous. Let's hope that these gentlemen will not overshadow the lives of the inhabitants of the planet with their violent temper, although the increased seismic activity of recent years suggests otherwise.

There are more than 50 volcanoes in Ecuador, and only eight of them are active, that is, they are in a state of constant or periodic eruption. The largest of them, the Tungurahua volcano, is located a few tens of kilometers from Quito, the capital of Ecuador, with a population of just over 2 million people. The height of this volcano is 5016 km.

But Tungurahua - in the language of the indigenous Quechua Indians, it means "Fire Throat" - not the most "aggressive" volcano on the planet. Another Latin American country, Chile, is leading here, where the Calbuco volcano, located in the southeast of Lake Llanquihue and in the south of the country, is currently erupting. Chile is among the top five countries with the most active volcanoes.

Volcanologists point out that there are a great many factors that accompany the eruption of any volcano - the nature of the eruption itself, the proximity of the volcano to settlements, the strength of the eruption, and so on, so it is simply impossible to make a list of the most dangerous. However, they agree, naming the five countries where the most active volcanoes on the planet are located, separately noting that due to the lack of monitoring and studying the history of many volcanoes, it is very difficult to determine which volcanoes are the most active. This is facilitated by the fact that the reports compiled by various organizations were sometimes incomplete and the conclusions in them did not coincide.

Chile. There are about 95 active volcanoes here. Currently, the most active are Villarica, in the south, whose most recent eruption occurred in March of this year, and Copahue, located on the border with Argentina, which is almost constantly emitting columns of gas and, periodically, ash. Other Chilean volcanoes have also been active more recently: Puyehue (2011) and Chaiten (2008). According to Ami Donovan, a volcanologist at the University of Cambridge (UK), it is also important to mention the Lascar volcano in Atacama, in the north of the country, where a new volcanic process began in 2006.

Indonesia. It is believed that about 120 active volcanoes are located in this country. Mount Merapi, 400 km from the capital Jakarta, is one of the most active volcanoes, the location of which allows you to observe it in close proximity. Mount Sinabung, in northern Sumatra, erupted in early April this year. Tambora, a super-volcano, triggered the largest eruption ever recorded in 1815, its ash plume reached over 30 km in height and this eruption affected crops almost throughout Europe, causing famine and disease.

USA. It is assumed that there are 130 active volcanoes, which are constantly monitored. Deciding whether or not to conduct costly monitoring of this or that volcano, says Donovan, is a difficult decision, because eruptions are very rare. Scientists can observe a volcano that hasn't erupted in thousands of years, but failure to monitor and "awaken" the volcano is fraught with many unpredictable consequences, especially if it is located close to human settlements.

Hawaii is home to the Kilauea volcano, the most active on the island and one of the most active in the world as a whole, which erupted in 1993. The United States is also home to Mount Santa Helena, located in Washington County, whose famous devastating eruption in 1980 claimed 57 lives.

Japan. This is the hearth of a large number active volcanoes. According to Bill McGuire, emeritus professor of geophysics and climate cataclysms at University College London, there are about 66 of them, including the famous Fuji, which can start an eruption at any time. Sakurahima is another active colossus located in the south of Kuishu Island. In view of its danger, the authorities warned the population about the need to evacuate. Another volcano, Ontake - the second highest in the country, is located in central area. It erupted in September 2014, causing more than 30 deaths and dozens of Japanese injured.

Russia. Here, most of the active volcanoes are concentrated on the Kamchatka Peninsula, in the easternmost corner of the vast country. They form part of the Pacific Ring of Fire. It is difficult to strictly determine the exact number of volcanoes located on the Kamchatka Peninsula, from several hundred to more than a thousand. Volcanoes in Kamchatka are characterized by a wide variety of shapes and sizes, they formed in different periods and are currently active to varying degrees. Most of them are "dormant" volcanoes that are not currently active, however, some volcanoes are active. Currently, there are about 29 active volcanoes in Kamchatka.

Volcanoes have always evoked a lot of emotions in a person - from panic horror and fear to admiration and admiration for the incredible power of nature. Volcanic peaks are located almost all over the planet and regularly make themselves felt, spewing tons of ash into the air. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the rating of the top 10 highest active volcanoes, each of which is distinguished by its grandeur and unpredictability.

Sangay, 5230 meters

It is located in Ecuador, on the territory of the park of the same name, it is part of the Andes mountain system. The toponym is translated from Indian as "to scare", and this is not surprising - Sangai is one of the most restless volcanoes on the continent. Sangai has three huge craters, which is not typical for andesitic stratovolcanoes. According to researchers, the volcano was formed about 14 thousand years ago. Since 1934, Sangai has erupted regularly, last time the maximum peak of activity was recorded in 2016. Rare representatives of the fauna are found around the volcano: ocelots, cougars, tapirs, Andean bears and porcupines.

Popocatepetl, 5426 meters

It is an active volcano located in Mexico, part of the Cordillera mountain system. Translated from the local language, the place name translates as "smoking hill" and is located next to another volcano - Istaxihuatl. The most famous ancient literary work is written about these peaks - the legend of Popocatepetl and Istaxihuatl. The first ascent was made in 1519 by Diego de Ordaz.

Elbrus, 5642 meters

The summit is located in Russia and is part of the Caucasus mountain system. Elbrus is located on the border of Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria. The toponym translates as " high mountain”, “mountain of a thousand mountains” or “surging”. More than 20 glaciers with a total area of ​​134 km have spread on the slopes of Elbrus. sq., 9 km long. They feed the largest Caucasian rivers - Kuban, Malka and Baksan. Elbrus is divided into two parts - a bulk cone and a pedestal. According to scientists, the increase in Elbrus from eruptions amounted to about 2 thousand meters. The last eruption of the stratovolcano occurred 5120 years ago, since then nothing has been heard about its activity. The first ascent of Elbrus took place on July 22, 1829 ( east peak), 1874 (western). The first Russian expedition arrived at the foot of the volcano in 1913 for scientific purposes.

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Orizaba, 5675 meters

The second name is Sitlaltepetl, which means "star-mountain" in translation. Orizaba is the highest peak in Mexico and is located in mountain system Cordillera. Geographically, the volcano is located on the territory of two states - Puebla and Veracruz. The stratovolcano is now relatively dormant, and last erupted in 1846. In total, 27 periods of activity were recorded, including those in the middle of the 16th and 17th centuries. Orizaba for the Incas has always been a sacred mountain, with which many legends and myths were associated. Since 1936, a reserve has been created on the volcano in order to protect Orizaba from unauthorized ascents. Every year hundreds of climbers come here, for whom many routes of varying degrees of difficulty have been laid. The most favorable time for climbing to the top is the period from mid-autumn to early spring.

El Misti, 5822 meters

Located in South America, territorially belongs to Peru, in the winter months it is almost completely covered with snow. 17 km from the stratovolcano is the small town of Arequipa, with a population of more than 1 million people. In the country locality known as " White City» due to the fact that most of the buildings were built from snow-white deposits of volcanic origin. The Chile River flows past El Misti, and another volcano, Pichu Pichu, is located south of the summit. The last eruption was recorded in 1985, in just a century, activity was manifested 5 times. In the 16th century, the inhabitants of Arequipa had to leave the city due to an extremely strong eruption, with huge ash emissions. At the end of the 20th century, mummified remains of the ancient Incas and a number of valuable artifacts were discovered on the slopes of El Misti. All found bodies and household items are stored today in the Museum of Andean Sanctuaries.

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Kilimanjaro, 5895 meters

The African stratovolcano is located in Tanzania and is classified by scientists as active. Kilimanjaro is the highest point of the Black Continent, and in the period from 1902 to 1918, the volcano was named Kaiser Wilhelm Summit. The mountain is almost completely covered in snow, which glistens under the bright African sun. That is why Kilimandazhro in translation from the local language means "sparkling peak". In ancient times, the tribes living at the foot considered the mountain to be holy and, without climbing it, they were sure that Kilimanjaro was covered with silver. After some time, the leader sent a detachment of daredevils to the top, who discovered that the "silver" was melting in their hands, then the volcano was given another name: "the abode of the god of cold." There have been no documented eruptions near Kilimanjaro, but according to scientists, the last activity was observed about 200,000 years ago. The first ascent of Kilimanjaro took place in 1889.

Cotopaxi, 5897 meters

The toponym is translated from the Quechua language as "brilliant mountain". Cotopaxi is located in South America, on the territory of Ecuador and is the second highest peak in the country. The volcano belongs to the Eastern Cordillera, has a crater measuring 550 by 800 meters, almost half a kilometer deep. For the period from 1738 to the present day, about 50 eruptions were recorded in total, the penultimate one occurred in 1877. However, after 140 years, on August 15, 2015, Cotopaxi again began to show signs of activity. The first explorer of the volcano was the German Alexander von Humboldt and the Frenchman Aimé Bonpland, but they never conquered the peak. A man climbed to the top of Cotopaxi in 1872. This was done by the German geologist Wilhelm Reiss, and a year later by the volcanologist and naturalist Moritz Alfons Stübel, also a native of Germany. The history of eruptions looks like this: the first recorded was 1534, then 1742, 1768, 1864, 1877, but until 1940, ash emissions were periodically observed.

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San Pedro, 6145 meters

It is considered one of the highest active volcanoes in the world, located in the Atacama Desert, in the province of El Loa, Antofagastan region of Chile. Not far from the top is another attraction - the San Pablo volcano, connected to San Pedro by a high saddle. According to the type of formation, San Pedro is a stratovolcano and is represented by formations such as dacites, andesites and basalts. The relative height of the peak is 2014 meters, the most recent recorded eruption was observed in 1960. The first man climbed San Pedro on July 16, 1903. The climbers were the Chilean Filemon Morales and the Frenchman George Corti.

Llullagliaco, 6739 meters

It is located in Western Coldillera, on the border between Argentina and Chile, on the plateau of the highest volcanoes in the world - Puna de Atacama. At the very top, there is eternal glaciation, and the last eruption was observed here in 1877, although today Llullaco is in a state of relative rest. The volcano is considered the highest of all active and is a cone that continues to grow. The first ascent was made on December 1, 1952 by Billon González and Juan Harzeim. The top is an archaeological monument, on the territory of which the burials of Inca children were discovered at the end of the 20th century. Three mummies believed to be 4, 5 and 13 years old were sacrificed about 5 centuries ago.

Ojos del Salado, 6893 meters

The name means "salty eyes" in Spanish. Is the most high volcano on Earth, located in South America, on the Chilean-Argentine border, belongs to the Andes mountain system. West of the summit is famous desert Atacama. At an altitude of 6400 meters, on the eastern slope of the crater is the highest lake in the world. incredible beauty. Despite the fact that Ojos del Salado has not shown signs of life for a long time, insignificant activity was observed in 1937, 1956 and 1993. The summit was first conquered by man in 1937. The discoverers were two Polish climbers - Jan Szczepanski and Justin Wojzhnis. Scientists have repeatedly found the remains of sacrificial altars on the volcano, presumably related to the Inca civilization.

There is an excessive accumulation of very hot magma, which makes its way to the surface of the earth through holes in the earth's crust, that is, through craters. When this magma reaches the surface, the consequences are catastrophic.
We have collected for your attention the ten most dangerous volcanoes in the world that can erupt at any time and create havoc around in a matter of hours.

Ten most dangerous volcanoes in the world

10. Taal Volcano, Philippines

This cinder cone volcano is located on the island of Luzon, in Lake Taal. It is located just 31 kilometers from the city of Manila, which has a population of about 1.6 million people. Scientists believe that this volcano erupted about 33 times. And it is reliably known that in 157 magma burned to the ground the population that lived near the active volcano. It is also worth considering that the volcano requires study due to the high danger to humans and the environment.

9. Volcano Ulavun, Papua New Guinea

The locals also call this volcano "Father". Ulavun is a symmetrical volcano located on the island of New Britain. Its height reaches about 2334 meters, which is why it is among not only the most dangerous volcanoes in the world, but also the highest.

Ulavun is an active volcano. Since the 1700s, 22 eruptions have been recorded. locals regularly observe how tiny explosions occur in the crater of the volcano with a splash of lava and ash.

8. Volcano Nyiragongo, Democratic Republic of the Congo

It is considered the most active volcanoes on the African continent. The Nyiragongo Volcano is known for its lava lakes, which mostly appear in the crater. This volcano is an active threat to people living in its vicinity.

One of the last strong eruptions in 1977 led to the death of several hundred people. There could have been much more victims if people had not evacuated in time. The lava erupted by the volcano destroyed almost all residential buildings located at the foot of Nyiragongo.

7. Mount Merapi, Indonesia

The locals call this volcano "Mountain of Fire". It is also considered one of the most active and dangerous volcanoes in the world. Scientists claim that the activity of this volcano lasted for more than 10,000 years in a row.

About 1,300 people died during the last major eruption of Mount Merapi, which occurred in 1930. Since then, the government of the city of Yogyakarta, which is located on the slope of the volcano, has developed a special plan for the evacuation of citizens.

6. Galeras Volcano, Colombia

This volcano is located in the young part of Colombia. Galeras has been active for about 1 million years. On its slope is a town of 450,000 inhabitants called Pasto.

AT modern times The volcano became active in 1978, but then it showed little activity. Then another ten years later another eruption happened. But, the worst thing is that since 2000, Galeras began to erupt regularly, albeit with little force.

5. Sakurajima volcano, Japan

It is a composite volcano located in Japan. Previously, Sakurajima was located on a separate island. It has a very high level of activity.

Every year, scientists record small eruptions from the crater of this volcano, during which ash is thrown into the atmosphere and scattered throughout the surroundings. If a more serious eruption occurs, then a large number of residents of the nearby city of Kagoshima will be in mortal danger.

4. Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico

The peak of this volcano is covered by a glacier. Popocatepetl is located just 35 miles from Mexico City. Also within the radius of destruction from a possible eruption is a lot of people living in this district. Since 1519, Popocatepetl has erupted more than 20 times.

The last time the eruption occurred in 2000. Then it was possible to evacuate people in time and save thousands of lives that could have been carried away by one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world.

3. Yellowstone Caldera, USA

Tourists from all over the world are drawn to the bubbling springs in Yellowstone National Park. The beauty of this park is breathtaking and invigorating for visitors. However, beneath this beauty hides a dangerous volcano that will set fire to destroy the entire western United States.

The Yellowstone Caldera is indeed huge. People have never witnessed its eruption, but scientists managed to find out that the last eruption of this volcano occurred hundreds of thousands of years ago. Experts suggest that the volume of lava "splattered" on the surface that period of time was 25 thousand times greater than the eruption of St. Helens in 1980.

2. Mount Vesuvius, Italy

Probably the most famous volcano in the world It is located in the Campania region, Italy. The last eruption of Vesuvius occurred in 1944, but fortunately there were no major consequences. About three million people live in close proximity to the slope of the volcano. The houses of these people are located 5 kilometers from Vesuvius. Therefore, it is also considered the most densely populated volcanic region in the entire world.

Vesuvius is the only volcano on European continent which has been active in the last century. Its most famous eruption occurred in AD 79, which buried the nearby cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum under lava.

1. Mauna Loa Volcano, Hawaii

Mauna-Lao - most dangerous volcano in the world and the biggest. It last erupted in 1984. Lava caused serious damage to the surrounding area. Nevertheless, there is very good news - the erupting lava of Mauna Lao is spreading very slowly around the area, which gives additional time for evacuation.

Mauna Laon also poses another devastating environmental threat in the form of landslides. Although this is a very rare process, it is really worth being afraid of.


In countries where there are volcanoes, such as Indonesia, they are located in such large provinces as West Java, East Java or Central Java. One of the most terrible disasters is a volcanic eruption, which can claim hundreds or even thousands of lives. It is impossible to forget about the eruption of the Krakatau volcano, the huge damage and thousands of victims. And here we present a list of the most dangerous and active volcanoes in the world. However, not all volcanoes are dangerous. is in great demand among travelers and connoisseurs of wildlife.

No. 10. Hawaii, Mauna Loa volcano

Mauna Loa is one of the five mountains that make up the island of Hawaii. Despite the fact that it is not the highest mountain, the volcanic eruption poses a high danger, since its lava is basically a liquid, which can lead to serious fires. Mauna LOA is the largest volcano in the world (in terms of volume and area), with the volume of lava, it reaches 18,000 cubic miles. The last eruption occurred on April 15, 1984.

No. 9. Philippines, Taal volcano

Approximately 50 km (31 miles) from the capital city of Manila, one of the most dangerous volcanoes, Taal. This mountain is an island in Taal Lake, which is located inside a caldera formed as a result of very strong previous eruptions (this process is similar to Lake Toba). Taal Volcano is a complex of volcanoes on the island of Luzon in the Philippines. This volcano has erupted several times, including one of the most powerful eruptions that claimed more than a thousand people.

No. 8. Papua New Guinea, Ulavun Volcano

Ulawun volcano is located in Papua New Guinea, on the Bismarck archipelago, and is one of the most active and dangerous volcanoes New Guinea. Several eruptions have been recorded, one of the strongest being in 1980, with a plume of ash erupting from Ulawun reaching 60,000 feet in height and its pyroclastic flows engulfing the mountains on all sides.

No. 7. Congo, Nyiragongo Volcano

It has erupted at least 34 times since 1882. One of the worst eruptions occurred on September 17, 2002, when lava that flowed down the slopes of Nyiragongo covered about 40% of the city of Goma and left nearly 120,000 people homeless. Nyiragongo is one of most active volcanoes in Africa, its activity never stops.

No. 6. Indonesia, volcano Merapi

Mount Merapi is a conical volcano located in Indonesia on the border between Central Java and Yogyakarta. Much of the Merapi eruption, including the lava, continues to descend, occasionally accompanied by hot smoke capable of spreading at speeds of up to 120 km per hour. This is the most active and dangerous volcanoes in Indonesia, they became active 10,000 years ago, and since 1548 their activity has not stopped.

No. 5. Colombia, Galeras volcano

This mountain most active volcano in Colombia. Since 2000, its eruptions have occurred almost every year. This is dangerous, because the frequency of eruptions is unpredictable. The Galeras volcano has been active for at least a million years. Its location near the southern Colombian border with Ecuador would have caused hot lava to descend down the slope of Mount Galeras for 3.5 km. The latest eruption on January 3, 2010 forced the government to evacuate 8,000 people.

No. 4. Japan, Sakurajima volcano

The Sakurajima volcano is located on the island of Kyushu in Japan and is one of the the most dangerous volcanoes. On March 10, 2009, a terrible eruption occurred, when the volcano threw stones and other rocks up to 2 miles away. The intensity of the Sakurajima eruption is one of the strongest not only in Japan, but also in the world. Over the past 45 years, 73 eruptions have been recorded.

No. 3. Mexico, Popocatepetl volcano

The active volcano Popocatepetl is located at an altitude of 5426 meters above sea level. Beginning in December 1994, the dangerous activity of the volcano continued, until in 2000 there was the most powerful eruption known to history. Since 1519, 20 eruptions have been recorded. The explosion was so strong that it threw ashes over a fairly long distance.

No. 2. Italy, Vesuvius volcano

Mount Vesuvius is an active volcano in Gulf of Naples, in Italy, about 9 miles east of Naples. Mount Vesuvius is the only volcano in Europe that has erupted in the last 100 years. This volcano could explode at any moment and severely punish the people living in its vicinity. A lava eruption from a volcano can reach great heights, so in March 1994 lava splashed up to a height of 1000 meters. The famous eruption of 79 AD destroyed the ancient Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.

No. 1. USA, Yellowstone Volcano

Volcano Yellowstone - the most dangerous and active volcano in the world. Rocks and rocks ejected from this volcano can fly up to 1000 km. Volcanic eruption the lava and ash of this mountain threatens the extinction of the living and can cause a massive disaster, because it will entail other volcanic activity, determined by tectonic fluctuations, which will cause other explosions.