The most powerful volcanoes on the planet. The most famous volcanoes

Most of the volcanoes on our planet are located in the "ring of fire", which stretches along the shores of everything Pacific Ocean. And in total there are about 1.5 thousand volcanoes on Earth, of which 540 are active.

Here is a list of the most dangerous ones.

1. Nyiragongo, height 3470 m, Democratic Republic of the Congo

This is one of the most dangerous volcanoes in Africa. Since 1882, 34 eruptions have been recorded here. The main crater is 250 meters deep and 2 km wide, and contains a lake of actively bubbling lava. This lava is unusually fluid and its flows can reach speeds of 100 km/h. In 2002, the eruption killed 147 people and left 120,000 homeless. The last eruption to date occurred in 2016.

2. Taal, height 311 m, Philippines

This is one of the smallest active volcanoes on our planet. It has erupted 34 times since 1572. Located on the island of Luzon, on Lake Taal. The strongest eruption of this volcano in the 20th century occurred in 1911 - 1335 people died in 10 minutes and in general all living things at a distance of up to 10 km. In 1965, 200 people died. Last eruption - 1977

3. Mauna Loa, height 4169 m, Hawaii (USA)

There are many volcanoes in Hawaii, but this is the largest and most dangerous of all. Since 1832, 39 eruptions have been recorded. The last eruption occurred in 1984, the last strong eruption in 1950.

4. Vesuvius, height 1281 m, Italy

One of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world is located just 15 km east of Naples. The most famous historical eruption occurred in 79 AD. As a result of this catastrophe, two cities - Pompeii and Herculaneum - disappeared from the face of the Earth. In modern history, the last eruption of Vesuvius happened in 1944.

5. Merapi, height 2,930 m, Indonesia

This most active active volcano in Indonesia is located on the island of Java near the city of Yogyakarta. "Merapi" is translated as "mountain of fire". The volcano is young, so it puffs with enviable regularity. Large eruptions occur on average every 7 years. In 1930, about 1300 people died, in 1974 two villages were destroyed, in 2010 353 people died. Last eruption - 2011

6. St. Helens, height 2,550 m, USA

Located 154 km from Seattle and 85 km from Portland. The most famous eruption of this active volcano occurred in 1980, when 57 people died. The eruption was of a rare type - "directed explosion". The process of the volcanic eruption and the spread of the ash cloud was photographed by photographer Robert Landsburg, who died during this eruption, but kept the film. The last activity to date was recorded in 2008.

7. Etna, height 3,350 m, Italy

Mount Etna is located on east coast Sicily. It is the highest active volcano in Europe. During its existence, it erupted about 200 times. In 1992, one of the largest eruptions was recorded, during which the town of Zafferana barely escaped. On December 3, 2015, the central crater of the volcano threw a fountain of lava to a kilometer high. The last eruption is February 27, 2017.

8. Sakurajima, height 1117 m, Japan

The volcano is located on the Osumi Peninsula of Kyushu Island in the Japanese prefecture of Kagoshima. There is almost always a cloud of smoke above the volcano. The eruptions were recorded on August 18, 2013, in March 2009. The last eruption was recorded on July 26, 2016.

9. Galeras, height 4276 m, Colombia

Over the past 7 thousand years, at least six large eruptions and many small ones have occurred on Galeras. In 1993, during the research work six volcanologists and three tourists died in the crater (then the eruption also began). Latest recorded eruptions: January 2008, February 2009, January and August 2010

10. Popocatepetl, height 5426 m, Mexico

The name translates as "smoking hill". The volcano is located near Mexico City. It has erupted 20 times since 1519. The last eruption was recorded in 2015.

11. Unzen, height 1,500 m, Japan

The volcano is located on the Shimabara Peninsula. The eruption of Mount Unzen in 1792 is one of the five most destructive eruptions in human history in terms of the number of human casualties. The eruption caused a tsunami 55 meters high, which killed more than 15 thousand people. And in 1991, 43 people died during the eruption. No eruptions have been observed since 1996.

12. Krakatoa, height 813 m, Indonesia

This active volcano is located between the islands of Java and Sumatra. Before the historic eruption of 1883, the volcano was much higher and was one big Island. However, the most powerful eruption of 1883 destroyed the island and the volcano. Today, Krakatau is still active and small eruptions occur fairly regularly. Last activity - 2014.

13. Santa Maria, height 3,772 m, Guatemala

The first recorded eruption of this volcano occurred in October 1902, before that he "rested" for 500 years. The explosion was heard 800 km away in Costa Rica, and the ash column rose 28 km. About 6 thousand people died. Today the volcano is active. The last eruption was recorded in 2011.

14. Klyuchevskaya Sopka, height 4835 m, Russia

The volcano is located in the east of Kamchatka, 60 km from the coast. It is the largest active volcano in Russia. Over the past 270 years, more than 50 eruptions have been recorded, the last in April 2016.

15. Karymskaya Sopka, height 1468 m, Russia

Also located in Kamchatka. More than 20 eruptions have been recorded since 1852. Eruptions of recent years: 2005, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015 A very restless volcano.

They destroyed cities and even entire states. Today, Earth's volcanoes have not become calmer. Nevertheless, both in the distant past and today, they attract thousands of researchers and scientists from all over the world. The desire to know and understand what happens to a fire-breathing mountain during an eruption, how this process occurs, what precedes it, makes scientists climb dangerous slopes, approaching craters where the elements are raging.

Today, volcanologists have united in an international organization (IAVCEI). She carefully monitors likely eruptions that could pose a threat to human life. To date, there is a list where there is the name of volcanoes, their location and the likelihood of the next eruption. This helps to prevent loss of life, evacuate people from the danger zone if necessary, and take emergency measures.

Etna (Italy)

We decided to start our review with this mountain not by chance. Mount Etna, the photo of which you see below in the article, is active, active, one of the largest and most dangerous on Earth. It is located in the east of Sicily, not far from Catania and Messina.

Its activity is explained by its location at the junction of the Eurasian and African. Other active mountains of the country are located at this break - Vesuvius, Stromboli, Vulcano. Scientists say that in ancient times (15-35 thousand years ago), Mount Etna, whose photos are often printed in special publications, was distinguished by explosive eruptions that left vast layers of lava. In the 21st century, Etna erupted more than 10 times, fortunately, without human casualties.

It is difficult to pinpoint the exact height of this mountain, as its top point changes due to frequent eruptions. They usually happen after a few months. Etna occupies a huge area (1250 sq. km). After lateral eruptions, Etna had 400 craters. On average, every three to four months, the volcano ejects lava. It is potentially dangerous in the event of a powerful eruption. Thanks to the latest scientific developments, scientists hope to determine the increased activity of the mountain in time.

Sakurajima (Japan)

Experts consider Earth's volcanoes active if they have been active in the last 3000 years. This Japanese volcano has been active continuously since 1955. It belongs to the first category. In other words, an eruption can start at any time. A not very strong lava ejection was noted in February 2009. Anxiety accompanies the inhabitants of Kagoshima City almost constantly. Teachings, equipped shelters have firmly entered their everyday life.

Researchers have installed webcams over the crater, so Sakurajima is under constant surveillance. I must say that volcanoes on the islands can change the terrain. This happened in Japan, when in 1924 there was a strong eruption of Sakurajima. Powerful tremors warned the city of danger, most of the residents managed to leave their homes and evacuate.

After that, the volcano, bearing the name Sakurajima (which means "sakura island"), can no longer be called an island. A huge amount of lava formed an isthmus that connected the mountain with the island of Kyushu. And a year after the eruption, lava slowly flowed out of the crater. The bottom of the bay has risen in the center of the Aira caldera, located eight kilometers from Sakurajima.

Aso (Japan)

This popular tourist facility for extreme people - actually dangerous volcano, which in 2011 threw out a large amount of lava and ash, covering an area of ​​​​100 kilometers. Since that moment, more than 2,500 powerful tremors have been registered. This suggests that at any moment he can destroy the nearby village.

Vesuvius (Italy)

Wherever there are volcanoes - on the continents or on the islands, they are equally dangerous. Vesuvius is very powerful, and therefore very dangerous. It is one of the three active scientists have information about 80 major eruptions of this mountain. The worst thing happened in 1979. Then the cities of Pompeii, Stabia, Herculaneum were completely destroyed.

One of the last powerful eruptions was noted in 1944. The height of this mountain is 1281 m, the diameter of the crater is 750 m.

Colima (Mexico)

Many of us still remember the name of volcanoes (at least some of them) from the school curriculum, we learn about others from newspapers, and only specialists are aware of others. Colima is perhaps the most dangerous and powerful in the world. It last erupted in June 2005. Then a column of ash thrown out of the crater rose to a great height (more than 5 km). Local authorities had to evacuate residents of nearby villages.

This fire-breathing mountain consists of 2 conical peaks. Nevado de Colima is the highest of them. Its height is 4,625 m. It is considered extinct, and the other peak is an active volcano. It is called Volcán de Fuego de Colima - " fiery volcano". Its height is 3,846 m. ​​The locals called it the Mexican Vesuvius.

It has erupted more than 40 times since 1576. And today it is extremely dangerous not only for residents of nearby cities, but for the whole of Mexico.

Galeras (Colombia)

Often the name of volcanoes is directly related to the area on which the mountain is located. But the name Galeras has nothing to do with the nearby town of Pasto.

It is a huge and powerful volcano. Its height reaches 4276 meters. The diameter of the base is more than 20 kilometers, and the crater is 320 meters. It is located in Colombia (South America).

At the foot of this giant mountain is the small town of Pasto. In August 2010, its inhabitants had to be urgently evacuated due to the strongest eruption. The region has declared a state of emergency of the highest degree. More than 400 police officers were sent to the district to provide assistance to the townspeople.

Scientists say that over the past 7 thousand years, the volcano has woken up at least 6 times. And all the eruptions were very powerful. During research work in 1993, six geologists died in the crater. At this time, another eruption began. In 2006, residents of the surrounding villages were evacuated due to the threat of a strong lava ejection.

Volcano Elbrus

On the border of Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria is the highest point in Europe and, of course, Russia - Elbrus. It is connected with the northern part of the Greater Caucasus by the Lateral Range. The Elbrus Volcano consists of two peaks that are approximately the same height. Its eastern part reaches 5621 m, and the western part - 5642 m.

It is a cone-shaped stratovolcano. Its layers are formed by flows of tufa, lava, and ash. The last eruptions of Elbrus were recorded 2500 years ago. Over time, it took on its current form. Few volcanoes on Earth can boast such a beautiful, "classic" cone shape. As a rule, craters quickly collapse under the influence of erosion. The beauty of Elbrus is protected by its mantle of ice and snow. It does not descend even in summer, for which the volcano was nicknamed Little Antarctica.

Despite the fact that he reminded of himself for a long time, experts who observe his current state and degree of activity do not consider him extinct. They call the mountain "sleeping". The volcano is behaving actively (fortunately, not yet destructively). Hot masses are still stored in its depths. They "warm up" known sources. Their temperature reaches +52 °С and +60 ºС. Seep through the cracks to the surface

Today Elbrus is a unique natural area, a valuable scientific base. In Soviet times, scientific research was carried out here, and now there is a geophysical laboratory, the highest in Europe.

Popocatepetl (Mexico)

This is the country's most located 50 kilometers from the capital - Mexico City. A city of twenty million is always prepared for an emergency evacuation. In addition, there are also two major cities- Tlaxcala de Jicotencatl and Puebla. This restless volcano also makes their inhabitants nervous. Emissions of sulfur, gas, stones and dust occur almost every month. In the last decade alone, the volcano has erupted three times.

Mauna Loa Volcano (USA, Hawaii)

This is the largest "fiery mountain" of the Earth in terms of volume. Together with the underwater part, it is 80,000 cubic meters. km! The southeast slope and summit are part of national park"Hawaiian Volcanoes".

There is a volcanological station on Mauna Loa. Research and ongoing observations have been carried out since 1912. There are also solar and atmospheric observatories.

The last eruption was noted in 1984. The height of the mountain above sea level is 4,169 meters.

Nyiragongo (Congo)

As already noted, the name of volcanoes may not always be known to ordinary citizens living on another continent. That doesn't make the mountain any less dangerous. Its activities are monitored by specialists and promptly report on an increase in activity.

Next on our list is the active volcano Nyiragongo, which is 3,469 meters high. It is located in the central part of the African continent, in the Virunga mountains. The volcano is considered the most dangerous in Africa. Partially, it connects with the more ancient mountains of Shaheru and Baratu. It is surrounded by hundreds of smoldering small volcanic cones. 40% of all observed eruptions on the continent occur here.

Mount Rainier (USA)

Our overview list is completed by a stratovolcano located in Pierce County (Washington), 87 km south of Seattle.

Rainier is part of the Volcanic Arc. Its height is 4392 meters. Its summit is made up of two volcanic craters.

We have presented you the most famous volcanoes. Their list, of course, is incomplete, because, according to scientists, there are more than 600 active mountains alone. In addition, 1-2 new volcanoes appear on Earth every year.

There are hundreds of volcanoes on the surface of the Earth. Among them are the highest volcanoes, the most powerful volcanoes, the most large volcanoes. And they are united by one thing - each rises to tens and hundreds of meters and frightens with its power: it is possible that the volcano will begin to release steam and ash.

Where are the most active volcanoes?

Volcanoes are geological formations that appear in the earth's crust above cracks. And it is through them that ash, lava, loose rocks, water vapor and gases break through to the surface.

A volcano is called active if it showed signs of activity (for example, emitted gas and steam) in historical time for a person. The largest number of active volcanoes is located on the territory of the Malay Archipelago. It is the largest on the planet, located between the continents of Australia and Asia. And in Russia, a large cluster of volcanoes is located in Kamchatka and on Kuril Islands. About 60 volcanoes erupt every year in this part. But there is evidence of 627 volcanoes that have shown signs of life in the last 10,000 years.

The largest volcano

One of the largest volcanoes in the world is called Mauna Loa. It literally translates to "Long Mountain" in Hawaiian. The volcano occupies most of the island of Hawaii and is considered perhaps the most active in the world. Mauna Low has erupted exactly 33 times since it was first recorded in 1843. The last time the volcano came to life was in 1984. Then about 30 thousand acres of land were covered with lava, and the area of ​​the island itself increased by 180 hectares. Mauna Low rises to 4169 meters above sea level. But if you measure the height of the volcano from the bottom, then the figure will be twice as large - 9 thousand meters. This is even higher than famous mountain Everest.

Hawaiian is not only the largest and most powerful volcano, it is also the most massive. Its volume from the base to the top is 75 thousand cubic kilometers. By the way, there are many legends around Mauna Low. According to one of them, the mistress of the volcanoes Pele was expelled from the house by her older sister, who was the goddess of water and the sea. When Pele tried to build her own house, her sister sent waves to destroy it. As a result, Pele settled on the island and made herself a house called Mauna Low, it was so massive that the waves could not overwhelm it.

Tallest active volcano

The highest active volcano is considered by some to be Llullaillaco. It is located in the Chilean-Argentine Andes. Its height is 6 thousand 723 meters. The eruption of the largest volcano was last recorded in 1877.

However, in the question what is the most high volcano of the world from among the current ones, the opinions of scientists differ. Some believe that the highest is Cotopaxi. It is located in the South American Andes, in Ecuador. Its height is less than that of the previous one, only 5,897 meters. But the last major eruption was recorded in 1942. Cotopaxi can rightly be called the most beautiful in Ecuador. This is due to the riot of greenery at the foot and the graceful crater. However, the picture is deceiving. Cotopaxi, like a number of others, are the most dangerous volcanoes. In Ecuador, since 1742, 10 fairly large eruptions have been recorded that destroyed the city of Latacunga (it lies very close to Cotopaxi).

The most famous volcanoes

However, all of the above volcanoes are hardly known to the general public. The most famous volcanoes in the world are Vesuvius, Mount Fuji or, for example, Etna.

Vesuvius is located in southern Italy near Naples and is active. True, the volcano is not very large, its height is only 1281 meters. Vesuvius is one of three active volcanoes in the country. And one of the most dangerous in the world. To date, more than 80 eruptions are known to mankind, and the most famous occurred 2 millennia ago - in 79. It was then that the cities of Pompeii, Stabiae, Herculaneum were destroyed. The last eruption was recorded in 1944, the lava destroyed the cities of Massa and San Sebastiano.

The highest volcano in Africa and generally the most high point continent - Kilimanjaro. The volcano is located in Tanzania, 300 kilometers south of the equator. One of the peaks of Kilimanjaro - Kibo - reaches 5895 meters. Uhuru Peak is the highest point of the volcano. Scientists suggest that the age of Kilimanjaro is more than a million years. And what is most surprising, although the volcano is located almost on the equator, many glaciers have accumulated on its slopes.

The largest volcanoes can be seen in Asia. Famous Fujiyama is located on the Japanese island of Honshu, which is 150 kilometers from Tokyo. The volcano has an almost perfect conical outline and has been a subject of worship since ancient times. local residents. The height of the mountain is 3776 meters. Now the volcano is weakly active, the last time experts recorded an eruption in 1707.

The strongest volcanic eruption

But the most powerful volcanic eruption in history occurred in 1883. May 20 began to show the activity of Krakatau. It was on this day that the inhabitants of the capital of Indonesia began to hear the first peals: people began to feel the shaking from the volcano, which is located 50 kilometers from the capital. Such phenomena lasted three months, the volcano calmed down, then became more active. Layers of floating pumice accumulated on the surface.

On August 27 of the same year, there was a strong volcanic eruption that a person has ever seen. The rumble was heard even 5 thousand kilometers from the epicenter. Ashes rose to a height of up to 30 kilometers. The volcanic structure scattered over a vast territory, within a radius of up to 500 kilometers. The gas-ash column towered 70 kilometers, that is, it rose right into the mesosphere. The ash covered over 4 million square kilometers and occupied a total of 18 cubic kilometers. The strength of the explosion was rated at 6 points. According to experts, this is 200,000 times the force of the explosion that destroyed Hiroshima.

As a result of the eruption, about 300 villages and cities in Indonesia were wiped off the face of the earth. Outcome: 37 thousand dead, most of the people were overwhelmed by a tsunami about 30 meters high.

The highest volcano in the world

The highest volcano in the world is translated from Spanish as "salty eyes". Ojos del Salado is located on the border of Argentina and Chile, and rises to 6891 meters. The record peak is in Chilean territory.

The volcano is said to be inactive. This is because not a single case of an eruption has been recorded in the history of mankind. However, sometimes Ojos del Salado reminds of itself. For example, in 1993, the release of water vapor and sulfur was noticed.

By the way, some geographers have already reclassified the volcano as active. Thus, displacing Llullaillaco from the first place in the list of the highest active volcanoes. However, the controversy has not subsided yet. Also interesting is the fact that the high mountain Russia's Elbrus is also a volcano.

August 18, 2016

Volcanic eruptions in the minds of people have always given rise to catastrophic associations...

Boiling red-hot lava, boundless clouds of volcanic ash eclipsing the Sun, dying people and entire cities are the plot of many paintings, books and films. Today, volcanoes "with a bad reputation", which continue to erupt, are popular with tourists, lovers thrill. We will talk about the five most famous active volcanoes on Earth.


On the conscience of this relatively low (1300 meters above sea level) volcano on the shores of the picturesque Gulf of Naples- two destroyed ancient Roman cities, Pompeii and Herculaneum.

In the memory of the Italians, Vesuvius erupted several times, the last time - in 1944. Eruptions have always been accompanied by destruction and casualties, in 1805 even the city of Naples was destroyed. However, the area around the volcano is densely populated - volcanic ash fertilizes the ground.


The only one famous volcanoes, who managed to revive after he destroyed himself. In 1883, the most destructive eruption in the history of mankind occurred the Krakatoa volcano, located on the island of the same name between Java and Sumatra.

In the sea, 295 Indonesian cities and villages were washed away by a tsunami wave, killing 35 thousand people. Was destroyed and the island of Krakatau, and the volcano itself. However, in 1927, the volcano broke through the ocean and announced itself with a new eruption. New volcano called Anak-Krakatau, it is believed that it has a serious impact on the climate of the entire Earth. The last activity of the Krakatoa volcano was observed in 2014.


The Japanese have a peculiar attitude towards Fujiyama, they do not experience mortal horror, rather the opposite. Followers of the Shinto religion consider Fujiyama a shrine, a symbol of the immortality of the soul, and even built a temple on its top, next to the post office and meteorological station. Fujiyama, along with tourists from all over the world, is visited annually by thousands of Shinto pilgrims.


Since then, there have been about three dozen significant eruptions. All - completely different from one another and unpredictable. Some are short, a few days, others can last for months. And the eruption, which began in March 1947, ended only in April 1948. Icelanders believe that the longer the “hibernation” of the volcano lasts, the more catastrophic the consequences of the earthquake will be.

Klyuchevskaya Sopka

Outside the Caucasus, Klyuchevskaya Sopka is the highest mountain in Russia (4800 meters). And the highest active volcano on the Eurasian continent. Klyuchevskaya Sopka is the most active of the 29 active volcanoes in Kamchatka, the last eruption occurred in 2013.

Despite the restless and unpredictable nature of the volcano, climbers and mountain tourists often climb Klyuchevskaya Sopka. The volcano also attracts tourists with an amazing natural phenomenon - lenticular clouds. Large white clouds hang over the crater of Klyuchevskoy Sopka and remain motionless even with very strong winds.

A volcanic eruption, whether it be a whim of nature or divine providence, poses a huge risk to humans. Seething lava flows descending to the nearby plains, toxic volcanic ash that settles on the ground, clouds of smoke hiding the sun - this is not all that awaits the settlements nearby the active volcano. The earth under the frozen lava turns into a deserted, lifeless mass, unsuitable for habitation; and destruction brings catastrophic losses.

To prevent possible disasters, the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth compiled all the dangerous volcanoes of the world into a single list, and they were monitored by scientists around the clock. As soon as the volcano begins to prepare for awakening, local authorities instantly learn about it and begin preparations for the adoption of emergency measures. Below is full information about the most dangerous and famous volcanoes in the world.

Located on the south side of the Indonesian island of Java, the famous and rather young Merapi volcano is also one of the largest and most powerful in the world. Its height is 2914 meters, and it has become a real curse for the nearby city of Jogyarta. This "fiery mountain" is regularly active. Every 7 years there is a major volcanic eruption, and about 1 time in half a year you should expect a small one.

Clouds of smoke rise daily from the crater, as if reminding the inhabitants of the surroundings of a possible danger. One of the most catastrophic eruptions of the Merapi volcano should be dated 1672 (1673). Powerful eruption wiped out great amount settlements of the island of Java, redirected about 10 rivers and led to the death of a significant number of inhabitants.

A large eruption of Merapi took place in 1906. It was characterized by the destruction of the cone of the volcano itself. The explosion, which broke the integrity of the shell, was heard for hundreds of kilometers. In the 19th century, volcanologists recorded nine major eruptions of Mount Merapi. In the twentieth century, their number exceeded 15.

One of the last famous eruptions active volcano happened at the end of 2010. Due to the state of emergency, about 80,000 people were evacuated from nearby territories, but victims still could not be avoided, more than 100 people died.

Sakurajima - never sleeping

The active volcano Sakurajima is located on the southern side of the Japanese island of Kyushu, near the picturesque city of Kagoshima. The volcano reaches a height of 1118 meters, and its activity has not stopped since 1955: a powerful eruption can occur at any moment. One of the strongest was recorded in 1914.

From that moment on, the island of Kyushu became connected to the mainland by igneous rock that erupted from the mouth of Sakurajima. This isthmus has turned into a kind of trail, famous among tourists and volcanologists, who from time to time visit the mouth of the volcano. As for the residents of Kagoshima, they are accustomed to the hectic neighborhood of an active volcano, conduct regular exercises in case of an urgent evacuation.

The crater itself is under continuous video surveillance using high-precision equipment, which sensitively captures all changes in the giant mountain and transmits them to local researchers. In case of any changes, they immediately notify the authorities.

Yellowstone - American super-volcano

In the US state of Wyoming, in the heart of Yellowstone National Park is supposedly the most powerful dormant volcano in the world. Its height reaches 3142 meters.

According to volcanologists, the Yellowstone monster has already had 3 of the largest eruptions of its entire existence. The approximate time intervals between them are about 600,000 years.

In recent years, there has been an increase in the activity of the famous American volcano, which manifests itself in overheating of the geysers located on its slopes. Some of them, instead of water, throw up powerful streams of geothermal vapors. Since 2006, there has been a slight uplift of the soil in several places at once. This once again confirms the speculation that the volcano is moving into an active state.

Popokatepetl - alluring mystery

In the state of Puebla, in the vast expanses of Mexico, one of the most mysterious and unpredictable active volcanoes is located. Its height is 5452 meters, and the name translated from the original language means "a hill that smokes." For a long time, this volcano did not represent great danger for a Latin American country and was considered completely extinct. However, since the end of the twentieth century, he has openly announced his imminent awakening.

The ideal shape of a cone, a bottomless elliptical crater, even sheer walls - large puffs of smoke periodically appear above all this geometric magnificence.

Over the past 600 years, volcanologists have recorded about 25 fairly powerful lava ejections from the depths of Popokatepetl. One of the last weak eruptions of an active volcano occurred in June 2011. In the event of a more serious explosion, the consequences could be catastrophic.

Vesuvius is a living legend

The active and unusually powerful volcano Vesuvius is located near the Italian province of Napoli. Its height is 1281 meters. And he himself is considered one of the largest in the Apennine mountain system. Visually, it is 3 combined cones that can tell a lot about the past of this famous European volcano.

The main cone was created by the mutual layering of tuff and hardened lava. It is located in the middle between the outer arcuate shaft of Monte Somme and the inner temporary cone, which disappears with new powerful eruptions and then reappears. Vesuvius is a volcano that went down in history as the cause of the destruction of Stabia, Herculaneum and Pompeii in 79. Over the entire period of its existence, more than 80 powerful eruptions have been recorded. The last time the famous volcano was active was in 1944, which brought serious destruction to the nearby territories.

Nyiragongo - great and merciless

The most active, largest and most dangerous volcano on the African continent is Nyiragongo. In just 150 years, it erupted more than 30 times. And in some cases volcanic activity lasted several months and even years. In 1977 there was a famous eruption that claimed the lives of several hundred people. One of the most powerful was the 2002 eruption, when lava, sweeping away everything in its path, destroyed half the territory of the nearby city of Goma.

The lava of the volcano is quite liquid and extremely fluid, due to the lack of quartz in its composition. As a result, it moves at lightning speed, about 100 km/h. According to modern studies conducted by seismologists, the largest of all known eruptions of the Nyiragongo volcano is yet to come, and it can happen at any moment. The city of Goma will again be under attack from a merciless monster.