Wake up volcano in Bali - how dangerous is it? Active volcanoes in Bali. Volcanic eruption on the island of Bali: Is Russian tourists in danger A tourist attraction or a serious risk

Last day in Bali. How to avoid becoming a victim of a volcanic eruption

On the island of Bali, a popular destination for tourists from all over the world, an ancient volcano that has been dormant for more than half a century is about to wake up. Now there is a huge number of tourists, among them there are residents of Russia. 360 hopes that everyone will be able to leave the eruption area before it starts, and yet we have compiled instructions on how to be as safe as possible before, during and after this disaster.

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What's happening? Volcano Agung on the island of Bali (Indonesia), which has been sleeping since 1963, has begun to awaken, giant columns of ash fly out of its mouth into the air. The country's authorities announced the need to evacuate 100,000 people from the surrounding area. Of these, more than 50 thousand are tourists, among whom there are Russians (300 people only according to official data). At the same time, the airport in Denpasar, the island's largest city, stopped flights due to ash. They plan to resume on Tuesday, but depending on the situation, this decision may be postponed.

How likely is a major eruption? The volcano has been assigned the fourth - highest - threat level. The previous eruption of Agung in 1963 claimed the lives of about 1.7 thousand people, but it is not known what signs preceded its eruption. Now the ash is rising to a height of more than three kilometers, the Indonesian Center for Volcanology announced the threat of a pyroclastic flow: a mixture of high-temperature volcanic gases, ash and lava, the speed of which can reach 700 kilometers per hour.

How is the evacuation going? Last week, when the volcano had just begun to spit out ash, about 25 thousand people fled from the place. Now the sounds emitted by the volcano can be heard 11 kilometers around Agung, and the authorities are already talking about the need to withdraw 100,000 people. It is noteworthy that 145 thousand people left their homes back in September, when seismic activity around the volcano increased sharply, but in October everyone returned, when the danger seemed to subside.

Under what signs should you immediately leave the eruption zone? It is necessary to carefully listen to the warnings of volcanologists and the services responsible for the evacuation. They have more information than a single tourist or even a local resident, explains volcanologist, doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences Pavel Plechov. Only experts can determine the zones that are safe during the eruption. If a person suddenly finds himself in a place where there are no appropriate warnings and services, you just need to leave the possible disaster zone as soon as possible, move 10 kilometers away from a live volcano.

How to survive if you are still in the zone of a volcanic eruption? The most important thing is to protect the airways. Volcanic ash is very dangerous for mucous membranes. In fact, it is a very finely crushed glass with sharp edges. In order not to inhale the ashes, you need to cover yourself with cotton-gauze bandages or something similar, at least with a rag soaked in water, Pchelov notes. Water must be filtered and all hygiene precautions generally observed. You can not be afraid of lava; in the entire history of mankind, only a few have died from it during eruptions. However, it is better not to go down into the lowlands and river valleys, because the pyroclastic flows will go there first of all.

What should be done after the eruption? Again, you must no less strictly observe all sanitary standards - filter water, check the freshness of food and in no case eat anything covered with volcanic ash, emphasizes Pchelov. In general, if it is possible to stay in a safe room, it is better to stay there until the announcement of the relevant services that you can go outside (by radio, Internet or otherwise). And even then, before going out, you need to make sure that your body is completely covered, from head to toe, and your airways are covered - the air after the eruption is no less toxic than during it.

Morning transfer to the volcano

By the time of the meeting, the driver of the transport company will arrive at your hotel or villa Maps Bali Tour. You need to wait for the car at the hotel reception or at the entrance to the villa. When all participants are assembled, the transfer will go to the foot of the volcano. Your guide will meet you at the parking lot. He will give out flashlights for the trip.


The ascent will begin around midnight. In total, it takes 4 to 6 hours. During the ascent, several stops are planned so that you can rest. In half that time, you will cover two-thirds of the way. The remaining third is the most difficult section: you have to climb a slippery rocky slope at an angle of 45 degrees.

At dawn, the guide will offer you tea, coffee, buns and bananas. You will have enough time to take photos and have breakfast. After that, you will descend back to the foot of the volcano. The descent will also take 4 to 6 hours. The driver will be waiting for you in the parking lot.

Transfer to the hotel

After all the guests are assembled, we go to your hotel. The time of arrival to the hotel depends on traffic jams and the remoteness of your hotel.

Important information:

  • In accordance with clause 7.3.3 of the user agreement, the site company is not responsible for the weather conditions on the dates of your ascent. The weather in the Agunga caldera is unpredictable, fog, rain and low visibility are possible on the ascent, especially during the rainy season.
  • Choose comfortable, comfortable clothes and shoes. The route to the summit of Agung passes through several zones: from dense jungle at the foot to slippery rocks at the top.
  • People with diseases of the joints and heart are not recommended to climb.


  • div>.user-text">

    Natalia 11.11.2016

    Agung (company: Maps Bali Tour)


    We met the dawn on the mountain a few years ago, but when we returned to Bali, we could not resist the re-ascent. If you have good physical preparation, then it will be easy for you, but if not, you will have to sweat. But believe me, what you see is worth it.

  • div>.user-text">

    Julia 12.10.2016

    Agung (company: Maps Bali Tour)


    We climbed Mount Agung. Altitude 3150 m. It was difficult. It was unrealistically difficult. Shortness of breath, clogged legs ... things wet with sweat. When you get up you don't feel like eating or drinking. When the rocky surface begins, it becomes cold and windy. Very strong wind. And it's scary and very dangerous. But when you reach the height, you scream like crazy. This view opens before you ... until you see it yourself, you can’t imagine it. You go down even longer than you went up. Sneakers, everybody's getting killed. Then you definitely can’t walk for half a day, and you don’t want to. For the sake of the view, emotions and a personal record, it is worth going there. But I recommend bringing warm clothes. And tune in to the fact that rising up you will curse yourself for having decided one day to do this.

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    Mike 24.09.2016

    Agung (company: Maps Bali Tour)


    They got up at night. The road, as we already learned at dawn, goes along the descending lava, through the jungle. Take more water with you, yes, it’s hard to climb with it, but you won’t be able to buy it anywhere, even before the ascent. Wear very comfortable shoes, do not eat tight. You will have to climb through huge cobblestones, even jumping somewhere and climbing harder with every meter. At the end of the climb, you will be rewarded with an amazing view. For such an ascent, good physical preparation is required.

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    Anna 04.07.2016

    Agung (company: Maps Bali Tour)


    We traveled to Bali in June. For two weeks we visited almost all corners of Bali, went in for water sports, but the most vivid impression, no doubt, was left from climbing the peak of the Agung volcano. If you are in good physical condition and your head is not spinning, then I strongly recommend you to make this ascent! Night jungle shrouded in darkness and frightening with incomprehensible sounds, narrow paths with cliffs along the edges, a rapidly changing landscape, climbing steep cliffs, a bewitching view of the island in full view, and, finally, a huge crater bowl at the peak - this is the minimum of what awaits you .

  • div>.user-text">

    Daria 21.02.2016

    Agung (company: Maps Bali Tour)


    The incredible power of the mountain and the magnificent view that opens from the mountain are worth all the effort. But to go up there, you still need to prepare. Climbing Agung is better at night, while it is not hot. It can be chilly upstairs, so bring a jacket. Rise from two to four hours, depending on physical fitness. It is worth taking water and chocolates and sandwiches with you. Flashlights and sneakers are a must. A camera is a must. If Mr. Agung seems unbearable to you, then take a closer look at Batur. It is lower, but no less beautiful.

  • div>.user-text">

    Maria 23.01.2016

    Agung (company: Maps Bali Tour)


    Amazing sensations to meet the sunrise at the highest point of the island of Bali - Agung volcano! Infinitely star-studded sky, a green island like on the palm of your hand with traces of lava from a previous eruption, a krator, a shadow from a volcano, neighboring islands and mountains, white fluffy clouds!! And it's all in one place!! But to enjoy this beauty you have to try very hard !! Get heavy! Only for people in good physical shape! Be sure to take a guide

Bookings of air tickets from Moscow to the island of Bali, where the airport is closed due to a volcanic eruption, have decreased tenfold today. Volcano Agung did not throw out such a column of ash for half a century. And now, according to various sources, it rises to a height of four to eight kilometers. Everything within a radius of eight kilometers is covered with a thin layer. Among those who cannot fly out of the island are five to six thousand of our compatriots.

The red-hot wall of smoke and ash over the island of Bali exceeds 4 kilometers. An orange glow at the base is a sign that lava has already poured out of the mouth of the Agung volcano. The sacred mountain woke up over the weekend. Today, the level of anxiety has been raised to the maximum - the fourth level. The cooled streams of volcanic rocks mixed with water and mud - here they are called lahars - reached the foot of the mountain by morning, threatening the villages located nearby. About 100,000 people were ordered to leave the adjacent area within a radius of 12 kilometers.

There is a high probability that in the near future there will be an even more powerful eruption than the day before.

The only airport in Denpasar is a real collapse. Along with local residents, about 60,000 tourists are held hostage by the volcano, who cannot fly out of the resort island. Half a thousand flights have been canceled and until Agung calms down, no airline will dare to take the plane into the air. There are now about 6,000 Russian citizens in Bali. But our people are not so easily frightened by the local vagaries of the elements.

“We live 60 kilometers from the volcano. Yesterday they reported that some flights were canceled, today the airport was closed. Tonight we went to the foot of the volcano for 25 kilometers. Very beautiful, an eruption of smoke, ash. We talked with the locals, they say that this not dangerous. Life goes on, schoolchildren go to school. We think that it will raise, raise and calm down," Sofya Selina believes.

“Ashes began to settle, we are 30 kilometers away. Our house is in ashes, we understand that we need to leave the volcano as far away as possible. We have a small child, he is 5 months old. , there may be an explosion," says Alexey Vimana.

Now the only way to leave Bali is by ferry. The Russian Embassy in Indonesia posts all the necessary information on social networks. Passengers are transported by ferry to neighboring islands. The airports are still open.

The most powerful eruption in the history of mankind is the eruption of the Indonesian stratovolcano Tambora. It is located next to the island of Bali. In 1815, more than 70 thousand people died from it, and because of the ash cloud that rose into the sky, then the so-called "volcanic winter" set in, which provoked crop failure and famine throughout the northern hemisphere.

Agung refers to volcanoes of the same type. His track record is not so impressive yet, but during the eruption in 1963-64, few seemed to anyone. Then about one and a half thousand people died, and even the inhabitants of Northern Europe observed volcanic twilight.

On the island of Bali, where the eruption of the Agung volcano began, about 60 thousand tourists got stuck, 300 of them are Russians. In the near future, they will be taken by ferry to the islands of Java and Lombok, according to the Facebook page of the Russian embassy in Indonesia. About how the fiery mountain spoiled the vacation of travelers - in the material "MIR 24".

"Eruption is imminent"

Volcano Agung intensified its activity in September, but it reached its highest peak at the end of November. This is the second eruption in the past week. The island airport temporarily stopped its work, 445 flights were canceled, 59 thousand tourists cannot leave the island.

As the local Disaster Mitigation Agency put it, "inevitably." Threat level has been increased from 3 to 4. Today, the eruption has moved from a phreatic phase (emission of water vapor) to a magmatic one. Smoke clouds accompanied by explosive eruptions and the sounds of weak explosions can be heard at a distance of 12 kilometers from the peak of the volcano. A lahar began to descend from the fiery mountain - a stream of lava and stones capable of destroying residential buildings. The most dangerous zone is a radius of 8-10 km from the foot of the volcano.