Where there are more Russian tourists. Which countries do Russian tourists most often visit? Factors affecting summer demand

Let's talk about where and how Russian people relax. This is very interesting.

The crisis has affected many areas of Russian life, including entertainment.

The trend has remained the same: people watch TV shows, spend time in the country (these activities do not require special expenses), but they have become less likely to visit shopping and entertainment centers and travel abroad.

“The index of consumer confidence, according to Rosstat, in the first quarter of 2015 fell to minus 32% from minus 18% in the fourth quarter of 2014 (it was worse only in the first quarter of 2009 - minus 35%). Real incomes were reduced, the population began to save on everything that does not belong to the basic necessities” (Vedomosti)

Our compatriots have become less likely to have a rest "on a grand scale", they save on everything except the most urgent needs , have fun with the same, pre-crisis dynamics, only a few. Basically, everyone has “pulled off their belts” and is trying to find an alternative to foreign and noisy, restaurant, club holidays in some kind of homely, useful or inexpensive activities.

For example, sales of board games increased, Russians began to visit fitness centers more actively , pump the press, follow the figure, someone even decided to radically change their habits: they chose knitting and reading books as entertainment.

"Highly reduced outbound tourism. For example, a third fewer Russians arrived in Europe in the first quarter than a year ago. The turnover of restaurants, cafes and bars in Russia for the first quarter decreased by 4.4%. Russians go to shopping centers less, sales of clothes and shoes have almost halved in physical terms. It’s embarrassing to even think about car sales.”

Sitting at home provokes not only the development of interest in inactive and inexpensive forms of entertainment, but also, for example, in drinking ... About the latter, it is only known that:

“Production of vodka and beer in 2014 decreased by 22.5% and 7% respectively, retail sales of alcohol – by 7.7%. Imports of wine in the first quarter decreased by a third. On the other hand, last year the excise tax on strong alcohol increased sharply, causing an increase in the shadow turnover of vodka and sales of moonshine stills. Since February 1, 2015, the minimum price for vodka has been reduced” (Vedomosti).

However, so far the picture is this: there are a lot of beer kiosks, bottling points, and they are in good health ...

The majority of Russians, both during the crisis and before it, are engaged in the most popular form of leisure - watching TV. Another significant part - prefers to spend time in the country, in nature.

Despite numerous talks about how good it is abroad, only 17% of our compatriots have passports. About 70-80% of Russians have never vacationed abroad. In general, visiting is good, but home is better ...

For example, in 2014, only 8% of Russians traveled outside the country, 21% rested in their dachas, 40% did not go anywhere at all during their holidays, while 79% (in all categories) were satisfied with the state of affairs, but among those who traveled abroad, they remained 91% satisfied.

“Among the factors that overshadowed the rest of the Russians were high prices- 12% of respondents complained about them, and poor service - 12% were also dissatisfied with the service sector.

If we talk about costs, then on average Russians spent 29,731 rubles on a trip, which is less than last year (30,778). At the same time, vacationers from Moscow and St. Petersburg had the highest spending: 38,579 rubles, which, however, is not surprising: incomes in these cities also exceed the national average.

The most favorite countries among Russian tourists - according to Rostourism:

Egypt (since the beginning of 2015 it was visited by 402 thousand people),

Thailand (185 thousand people),

Germany (141 thousand Russians),

United United Arab Emirates(107 thousand Russians since the beginning of this year),

Italy (101 thousand tourists).

Abroad Russian tourists prefer to sunbathe, visit sights, go shopping, etc.

On Russian lands and beaches, people prefer: lie on the beach, explore the world with the help of excursions, settle in a sanatorium.

Those who go on a hike on their own, pitch a tent in front of a precipice 3 km away, raft along stormy river rapids on a makeshift raft - fewer. But the latter is more interesting to everyone than the usual comfortable and guaranteed safe rest: where, if not in the face of the fear of death, with adrenaline going wild, can one appreciate everyday life without adventures?

An alternative to foreign horizons for a large part of Russians who cannot afford a vacation abroad are Russian resorts, recreation areas, natural parks, rivers, lakes, cottages, a house in the village with my grandmother, fishing, picking mushrooms, berries, barbecue.

And although rest on their lands can be much better than abroad - after all, there are conditions - yet even those who do not go to foreign lands dream of visiting there. Because this is exotic, a change of scenery ... most often, rest is good in a favorable environment, but it is in a divorced from the usual rut. True, if, being unprepared, go to the countries South Africa with a climate that is opposite to the typical Russian climate, leaving bitten by insects is not a fact that the vacation will “succeed”.

To date, only a quarter of Russians who go on vacation go away from home, and only 5% go abroad, 2.5 times more vacation in the Crimea.

In fact, fewer young Russians go to nightclubs than it seems about 7%. The main age category is up to 30 years. A third of Russians visit cafes, restaurants, coffee shops, bars, 17% - fast food establishments, 13% - beauty salons.

Nightclubs are no longer as popular as they used to be. If at one time they were a new format for such a relic of society as discos in the rural house of the Komsomol, where everyone came in “training pants”, leggings and with a “mafon” on their shoulders, today there is already a more modern alternative to nightclubs. It is much more fashionable to go to theaters, get carried away by the abstract art of some pretentious, inadequate geniuses and amaze everyone around with knowledge of the unknown to mere mortals. However, those who are over 30 are still unanimously saying that our youth has decomposed, they love only dance floors and “energy”.

We will not talk about the moral qualities of young people, since this is a difficult question, but about the fact that the older generation, to put it mildly, is stupid ... this is not true. More and more you can meet very smart young people who, at the age of 18, easily entered a medical university and can enlighten some doctors with their knowledge; those who are fond of the work of such famous personalities, whom the former generation began to know only when they were 40 years old ... And these are not isolated cases - there are many such teenagers. In general, nightclubs are a thing of the past.

Quite a lot of Russians are “cultivating”:

“visit cinemas (22%),

museums, galleries and exhibitions (12%),

drama theaters (11%),

concerts of both modern (8%) and classical (5%) music, circuses (4%)”.

In general, cultural events are becoming more and more popular among Russians, which, of course, pleases.

For example, in our city about ten years ago, many museums were in buildings with facades in need of repair, rooms, the exhibitions themselves were little visited. Today, everything has been renovated, many new cultural points have been opened, and they are visited.

Yes, and that all-Russian, that regional events are held at a completely different level than before. On Youth Day, for example, I remember ten years ago the main entertainment for those to whom the holiday was dedicated was getting drunk and inadequate walking around the city, scaring people.

And now there are enough drunks, but there are bright, interesting, useful events that remain in the memory of those who were drunk before: carnivals, games, shows, surprises, various miracles, concerts, special effects, etc.

Evenings of reading poetry, and various library educational programs(do you think that excellent students who do not get out of their desks go to them?) gather enough advanced youth. Of course, there are some young people who will take a different path, but still today Russia is becoming more intelligent - this is a fact.

And yet one of the entertainment that exists in parallel with others or replaces all is watching TV.. What and how often do people watch on TV? Despite the popularity of the Internet, TV is still in the lead among many Russians, who consider it a source of knowledge, obtaining basic information about the world. News and films are what viewers most often watch from TV screens in our country.

Series occupy a special place in the rating of TV in demand. What attracts people to screens or to seeing beautifully played stories of someone else's life through the Internet? It seems to be a useless thing to watch artificial tragedies, fairy tales from the outside. However, the series in the majority is just a banal vanity of life, it does not bring any benefit, but it does not bring much harm either ... “about nothing,” one might say, or “about something, but still pointless.”

Perhaps this is the concept of relaxation for many: you can not think, but just sit on the sofa and watch, albeit someone else's, but such an interesting life ...

Almost as much as TV is popular with the Internet among Russians, “hang out” is the most popular activity after watching TV programs. On the Internet as a means of communication and pastime, perhaps, it would be superfluous to mention in detail. If you are reading this article, you understand what it is about and what the Internet means in the modern world.

What is a “real Russian vacation” anyway?? If we remove vodka and its analogues from the first associations and the presented picture, then, of course, a feast, a bathhouse, barbecues, nature, a village. Or a rural summer resort, weeding beds, swimming in a cold river, catching fish from a lake slightly larger than a puddle, etc. In winter - sleds, slides, snowballs ...

You won’t go to the village for the rest of your life, but for a couple of weeks it’s quite possible, just a cardinal change of scenery. Why not rest?

But still, a foreign country is needed, there are many curiosities, views, contrasts that are not in Russia, and at the same time one can assess what our country is in comparison with others.

Some of my acquaintances who love watching soap operas on TV plan to somehow radically change their lives every season, buy a summer house, go to a foreign resort, but most remain in the same position. And this is neither bad nor good, it's just that a person very easily gets used to inert types of recreation.

Someone manages to have fun in the workplace. For example, as many as 10% of office workers play mobile (!) Games in the workplace, another part takes smoke breaks every half hour.

A quarter of Russians play computer games, a tenth of them play board games: chess, checkers, many play mobile games.

To the question of what is missing and what else would the Russians want. Many people would love to go to an evening of humor and satire or something similar (for example, to a performance by the Comedy Club, KVN), a little less Russians want to go to a drama theater performance, almost the same number of people go to a pop music concert, they are a little less attracted Russians ballet, circus, classical music concerts, opera.

Our compatriots are very happy about Crimea joining Russia, more than half of Russians intend to go on vacation to this region, but so far only 3% have taken advantage of this chance compared to 1% in 2003.

About the rest, about the sights of the Crimea in the video "Live in high"

The Black Sea is a popular holiday destination for Russians, with 12% of the population vacationing there today compared to 4% in 2003.

What else can be noted from the entertainment of the Russians? Paintball, table tennis, rallies, tournaments to overcome difficult routes, chatting with friends, someone considers it fun to cook pickles for the winter, gourmet dishes according to non-standard recipes, embroider a portrait of the Virgin on linen, create figures using origami technique, etc. .d.

What kind of entertainment do you prefer?

According to the statistics of Rostourism, Egypt, Thailand and Germany are expected to lead the top 50 tourist destinations last year. For independent travelers, the end of the list is much more interesting - countries where the number of Russian tourists is calculated in units, but not those where they do not exist at all (for example, due to military conflicts, epidemics or cataclysms). In the world, only six countries received less than a dozen tourists from Russia in the first half of 2015. Assuming how they can attract travelers, we have compiled an alternative travel plan for 2016. The material was prepared with the support of the Tourister.com project.

Thank you for the information provided federal agency for tourism.

Mali - 8 tourists

A country without a single tree except for a dozen square kilometers national park. In the east of Mali, the scorching sun of the Sahara always remains at its zenith. Under its sands, more than one Atlantis of the past is hidden, cities and entire kingdoms have arisen and disappeared here without a trace for the last ten hundred years. The tip of the desert iceberg is the semi-fairytale city of Timbuktu, a sandy port where caravan drivers from all over Africa unleashed bales of curiosities. European travelers of the first third of the 19th century, one after another, were looking for shopping center Africa, driven by excitement and the promise of a big jackpot. And having found it, they literally lost their heads in an attempt to get behind the guarded walls of Timbuktu, erected for the sole purpose of blocking the path of non-Muslims.

Today Old city Timbuktu with adobe mosques, libraries and retail space taken under the protection of UNESCO and is the most unusual architectural ensemble in West Africa. Each wrinkle on the clay hides horizons of unsolved mysteries from logical paradoxes to astronomical incidents. Even more ancient evidence of human presence in Mali is the mountain villages of the country of the Dogon. These tribes were the first to inhabit the territory of the republic and continue to live according to the laws of the Neolithic, while they are photographed on iPhones. Over the dwellings of the Dogon, clinging to rocks taller than human height, there is a five-day path almost to the neighboring state of Burkina Faso. This is one of the most welcoming hiking routes in the world - the trail changes direction over and over again so that the sun always shines on the traveler's back.

Despite the proximity of the desert, summer in Mali is the rainy season, so depending on the season, you can find yourself in one of two very different countries. Republic tops the list poorest areas Africa, but for all the basic tourist amenities they ask for a triple price. So adventurers going to Mali should not be surprised if they are sacrificed to post-colonialism and a world without borders.

Iceland - 6 tourists

A reserve country on the border of the Arctic, near the coast of which icebergs gather in summer, and in winter the northern lights shine instead of the sun. 99% of the population are Icelanders, who, according to Viking tradition, refer to each other by their first names - only foreigners have surnames. The second official language of the country is Icelandic Sign Language, in which all important inscriptions and announcements are duplicated. The fact that Icelanders live literally on a volcano does not prevent them from being the happiest people in Europe. If they leave the island, then only for a while.

Icelanders are born fishermen, herring is seriously called gold here, and on weekends they go to the fish market as carefully as they go to mass. In addition to haukarl - rotten shark meat, which is included in all lists of strange national dishes - in Iceland you can try sea sparrow smoked on a mixture of mountain herbs and sheep dung, pickled seal fins and cod cheeks. If those wonders aren't enough, the Torrabloat gastronomy festival takes place across the country in January, where chefs and connoisseurs cook from old Viking recipes.

Island landscapes explain the phenomenon of Icelandic music - clouds float out of the ground, the ocean rears up in fountains of geysers, Prussian blue waves break on black beaches. Fishermen's towns share cliffs with bird colonies, and whale calls replace Icelanders' train horns on the island without railways. Icelanders understand nature, live with it and sometimes even create it themselves. Waste water from Reykjavik's biggest factory fills city pool Blue Lagoon, so clean that prescriptions are written for bathing in it.

Republic of Macedonia - 5 tourists

The second poorest country in Europe after neighboring Albania. The main local export is the counterfeit legacy of Alexander the Great. For the right to be called by their own name, the Macedonians endure a food blockade and political hairpins from Greece, which refuses to recognize Hellenic roots for a Slavic state with a third of the Muslim population. Macedonia, in response, finds more and more evidence of the non-Greek origin of Alexander the Great in apocrypha, underground treasures and folk signs.

In the center of the capital Skopje three years ago a Greek polis was built, the style of which the inhabitants called "historical kitsch". Ironically, reinforced concrete pantheons, statues with the plasticity of labor strikers and reliefs with a plasterboard base only expose the deceit of Macedonia and exalt objective history. The town-planning epic is crowned by the monument to Alexander the Great, which, however, cannot be called that, since the Macedonians are forbidden to use Greek historical symbols in the public information field. At the same time, on the balance of Macedonia's own, not rigged history, there is the first Cyrillic alphabet and the Jerusalem of Orthodoxy, Ottoman rule with ubiquitous baths and nuclear fusion of cultures, the Soviet regime and countless battles for national freedom. True, because of dysfunctional neighbors package tourists they don’t dare to go to Macedonia yet - the resorts are traditionally half empty.

Kuwait - 3 tourists

Middle Eastern monarchy, placed in the corner of the Persian Gulf by Iraq and Saudi Arabia. In practice, this means that Kuwait washes the Black Sea of ​​oil. One can only be born a citizen of Kuwait, but each page in a Kuwaiti passport is a lucky lottery ticket. The subjects of the emir receive benefits even for living with him in the same generation, and have the right not to think about money while the fire is burning over the drilling rigs.
At the same time, more than half of the country's population are immigrants. They take
all auxiliary positions in the country and work up to 14 hours a day, so that the gilding does not fly off the Kuwaiti dream. The Arab fairy tale actually turns into an oriental parable. Treasures obtained in Kuwait at someone else's expense, there is almost nothing to spend on. A few cities, scarce for entertainment, are surrounded by a silent desert, and the descendants of nomads exchanged their passion for travel for the weight of wealth. Therefore, they can only watch satellite channels and dream of the inaccessible luxury of foreign millionaires.

The storm front of American fighters that caused the "Desert Storm" swept away all the oil rigs of the kingdom to a single one, but over the past 25 years, Kuwait has literally been built anew. The tastes of Arab architects are roughly similar to the concepts of Russian nouveau riches about aesthetics, so the malls are all
as one remind the business districts of the Moscow "City" or the mirage of the St. Petersburg "Okhta Center". Motorcades of expensive cars pass along the streets, thickly smeared with asphalt, the descendants of sheikhs from the Thousand and One Nights flit between the windows of boutiques, hotel entrances and VIP-halls of restaurants. The recent military conflict is reminiscent not only of the photo of fighter jets over a scorched field of oil fields, which glorified the US Air Force Flickr account, but also of periodic military operations and retaliatory attacks. It is understandable that tourists prefer to spend their holidays in quieter neighboring countries, especially since it is not so easy to get a tourist visa to Kuwait.

Luxembourg - 2 tourists

A dwarf state in the shape of a wooden galosh has been kicking Belgium into the North Sea for a hundred and fifty years. Luxembourg is a geopolitical monument to French arrogance and German tact. The dispute between two empires over a dozen castles in a tiny principality, wedged between rocks, rapids and oak thickets, was magically resolved in favor of the locals when the Prussians granted them independence in defiance of the whims of the Napoleons. Luxembourg got a clear profile state borders and freedom of foreign policy, giving in return only a few tons of stone. I had to raze to the ground the fortress walls of the main castle of the principality, wasted by the steel of dozens of armies, but never taken by storm. Pretty soon, albeit without powerful walls, Luxembourg again became a stronghold. This time - big money and even more politics. One of the villages of Luxembourg gave its name to the entire Schengen zone of open borders, the Adolf Bridge connected the countries of Europe into a single union, and UN secretaries in the capital can be found more often than street musicians.

According to the law of attraction of the masses, tourists often neglect Luxembourg in favor of their well-meaning eminent neighbors. That's why not everyone knows
that it is in this micro-country that two Europes meet - the star of the Latin quarters and the hostess of a beer tavern. In Luxembourg, Spanish and German cultures are so densely dissolved that they appear like shining crystals in city squares, under the arches of railway stations, at cafe tables and between rows of pews in church churches. The Alzet River divides the capital into the Upper and Lower City - quite in the spirit of magical realism or intellectual mysticism. In the ranks of brick facades, paints of paintings and ceramics of tiles are visible, stems and buds make their way through the slabs of parade grounds, and the southern sun is clearly felt in the taste of wine. It is worth staying in Luxembourg longer than one duty day to inspect the casemates and Place d'Armes, and the city will appear as the most underestimated European capital.

Faroe Islands - 1 tourist

A theme park for those stung by the north - 18 islands in the navel of the Norwegian Sea, 350 days a year covered in fog, thick and fragrant, like steam over a mug of hot ale. So the Vikings drank it, and the Faroe Islands were their northern Tortuga - a haven on the routes of sea voyages. Local residents respect their origin and, despite the unspoken title of outcasts of Europe, remain faithful to the honest pagan way of life. They speak a dialect of Old Norse, the language of the ancient sagas, spend their leisure time doing the arts, slaughter sheep and whales for food, and fundamentally do not participate in pan-European political games. In the country, two currencies-krona are still in circulation - Danish (formally, the Faroe Islands are part of Denmark) and Faroese - equal to it in value, but incomparable in beauty.

Trees hardly grow on the archipelago - sea winds blow through the Faroe Islands. One of the islands was nicknamed Flute because of the network of underground caves and galleries in which water meets wind secretly for hundreds of years. But even without trees, there seems to be too much nature here - the Faroese walk on grass and water more often than on asphalt, and in order to distinguish a trickle of the highway on the green ranges of pastures, you have to look with all your eyes. Waterfalls run from city to city and break into the sea, interfering with crystals of glacial water with shreds of sea foam, rocks grow above fog and low clouds in the Faroe Islands, birds argue with dolphins and seals near the shore, and the plank walls of houses are painted in the colors of pine saw cut, cranberries and moss. On the outskirts of the archipelago there are islands where only a few people live - a family, an elderly couple, a hermit. Tourists are greeted with dignity, without honeyed smiles, especially since they are on a difficult journey for romance Faroe Islands usually decided by people of a special nature.

There is no set of sights on duty here, as in a computer strategy, but there is beauty to the horizon and unbeaten roads open in any direction. Do not be surprised if, dreaming about the flight paths of hatchet birds, you do not notice a solar eclipse or aurora borealis - this happens all the time in a country where haste is not honored, and conversations begin at low tide, and end with the arrival of the first frosts.

The Tourister.com project invites you to join real adventures in various parts of the world. We design trips on our own, inventing new routes: we organize ascents, regattas, auto races, ethnic expeditions to places where there are no ordinary tourists. Each group is accompanied by a cameraman who takes photos and videos throughout the trip and then edits a short film. Participants are given branded equipment, and with flags, like a real team, we travel the world. You can join us with friends or alone, choosing an adventure by difficulty, budget, destination, event or date.

The list of countries where they do not like tourists from Russia has been expanded in recent years. At the same time, residents of those places that are becoming more and more popular with Russians as resorts have joined the ranks of Russophobes. Due to the bad behavior of some compatriots abroad, the stereotypical thinking of the "owners" and differences in cultures, Russian tourists may encounter rudeness and aggression on vacation from the host.

the Baltic States. Once in the Baltic States, you will surely notice that the judgments about Russia and Russians contained in the local media reflect the opinion of ordinary citizens much more than is commonly believed. The image of Russia as an occupying country, which has been imposed on the Balts for about 20 years, has become firmly established in the minds of young people and is perceived extremely negatively. So, a Russian who decides to relax in Lithuania, Latvia or Estonia may run into rudeness and rudeness. It will be better for you if you do not know local languages ​​- save your nerves. It is especially not recommended to know how "Russian pig" sounds in Latvian, Estonian or Lithuanian. “A friend who lives in Riga, seething with anger, voiced to me the comments of Latvians made to us in the expectation that we are both Russian tourists and do not know the language,” says Anna. smiled."

In order to be served not least in local restaurants and cafes, it is best to communicate with each other in English, it is advised experienced tourists From Russia. Speaking in Russian, you run the risk of waiting for your order for an arbitrarily long time. "We were traveling on the Moscow-Vilnius train. When our turn came up in the dining car at the bar counter, the bartender began to serve the Estonian standing behind us, and both he and she showed with all their appearance that it could not be otherwise," says Irina.

Ukraine, more precisely - its western part. No matter how much you try to speak with the hotel staff or the waiter in Russian, nothing will come of it, they will still answer you in Ukrainian - out of principle. No one here believes that a Russian tourist really may not know what black cava is. “I didn’t manage to communicate with the waiters,” says Aleksey. “They didn’t react at all to my Russian remarks. Orders had to be made through my Kiev friend. requests made in Russian.

In Lviv, there is a thriving restaurant "Kryivka" dedicated to the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA). There are posters of anti-Soviet and anti-Semitic content on the walls, and the names of the dishes on the menu will not make every Russian appetite: fried crucian carp "Moskaliki drunk crucian", buckwheat "Wehrmacht weekdays", cocoa "Stepan Bandera's Childhood". But in order to be able to see the interior of "Kryivka" and get acquainted with the menu, you need to know the password to enter the institution - the organizational greeting of a member of the Bandera movement "glory to Ukraine" (in response - "glory to the heroes"). After a successful exchange of code words, the guard will require you to swear that you are not a Muscovite or a communist.

If during the day the health of a Russian tourist in Lviv, by and large, is not in danger, then at night you can run into ill-wishers on a national basis anywhere - even on Lvovsky Square opera house. An ill-wisher can be recognized by the loud exclamation of "Moskals to knives!", And it's better not to wait for what will follow him. “We were almost beaten up in the very center of Lvov just because we are Russians. Militant young people, hearing Russian speech, ran up to us, began shouting obscenities in broken Russian, offered to fight, accompanying their proposal with active gestures - so that we Apparently, they understood, - says Aleksey. - They fell behind when they found out that there were Ukrainians in our company - they decided to let us go in peace."

Turkey. The more holidays in this country are gaining popularity among Russian tourists, the less locals rejoice at their arrival. This is especially true for the female part of the population. Due to the flourishing sex tourism in the country, women of Slavic appearance are increasingly faced with the hostility of Turkish women. Turkish men are more supportive of Russian women, but they say about men that they do not understand what a family is, therefore they allow women to behave loosely. The Turks often make claims to the Russians that have already become commonplace: love for alcohol and fights, inability to behave at the "Swedish" table. But there are also more original statements. "My wife doesn't like Russians, she says they all have AIDS," a Turk selling souvenirs in a hotel shop told a Russian tourist. “After that, the interlocutor hastened to assure me that this was nonsense, and he, of course, does not believe in this,” says Evgenia.

France, Courchevel b. Interest in the ski resort of Courchevel among Russians began to wake up a few years after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Russian tourists of that time from the current visitors of this prestigious resort, of course, are strikingly different. But despite the fact that Russian oligarchs Those who come to the Alps today are sophisticated, educated people with good taste, the French do not favor them and do not want to be next to them during their holidays. Actually, no one wants to coexist with the Russians during the "Russian seasons" in Courchevel. The behavior of wealthy Russians seems to Europeans too outrageous and even indecent. In January 2007, billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov was arrested at the fashionable Byblos hotel in the company of 7 women on suspicion of organizing a pimping network. True, then all charges against Prokhorov were dropped and they apologized for the detention, the French failed to prove the obscenity of the actions of Russian tourists. However, they still do not favor Russians, because they all wear T-shirts with the inscription Russia, every restaurant has a menu in Russian, and pickles are served with vodka ordered at the bar without any questions. “And my French husband never ceases to wonder: where do they get so much money from?!” says Daria, who has been living in Paris for 10 years.

For the period between the New Year and Orthodox Christmas, as well as at the beginning of March, the British and the French themselves have to postpone their holidays in the French Alps. “The French say that they have nothing to do there during the Russian seasons, and they sigh with nostalgia,” says Daria. “They believe that the Russians have taken Courchevel away from them, and they cannot forgive them for that.”

True, there is a small part of the French who are happy with the massive influx of Russians. This is the service staff, gratefully remembering our compatriots because of the colossal tips.

India, Goa. It looks like Russian tourists have fallen out of favor at their favorite resort. Goa's tourist honeymoon with Russia is over, The Times of India stated in February. Tourist visas for Russians are either expired or extended for a small bribe. Russians doing business in Goa, committing crimes, attacking local residents and similar behavior terrify Indians and scare away tourists from other countries - endanger the well-being of the state's tourism industry, the newspaper writes. “We never had problems before with the British, Germans, Scandinavians or even hippies from the 70s,” George Fernandez, president of the Goa Tourist Taxi Association, was quoted as saying. “The Russians come and eat our bread. car at the airport of their compatriots and do it under the guise of taking their friends. What, friends come to visit them every week?!" Russian tourists are representatives of the lower classes of society, they are hostile in nature, according to Goa. The firms they set up in Goa do not pay taxes, and the Russians not only engage in crime themselves, but also provide a convenient environment for Indian criminals. Indian politicians do not deny that they once benefited from tourists from Russia, but they note that they have lost even more. And local residents say that they will not tolerate the hostile attacks of the Russians, and promise to pay them the same coin.

Russians are actively developing foreign resorts. According to the official statistics of Rostourism, in the first 9 months of 2011, 11 million 370,000 Russians went abroad for vacations. This is 11% more than in the same period in 2010. Data on departure throughout 2011, Rostourism has not yet calculated.

But such information has already been prepared by the countries where the Russians went. The most popular tourist destination for Russians remained Turkey and it is unlikely that any state will be able to compete with it in the near future.

According to official statistics from the Turkish Ministry of Tourism, in 2011, 2,714,960 Russians visited the country. For comparison, in 2010, 2.4 million Russians visited Turkey for tourism purposes. Interestingly, the Russians in Turkey for the first time in history overtook the Germans in terms of the number of vacationers. The gap, however, is small - only 400 people, but the Turks assure that this trend satisfies them. In the end, the Russians, even taking into account their beloved all inclusive spend on vacation much more than the Germans.

In second place in popularity among Russians is entrenched Spain, which in 2011 was visited by 918,573 guests from Russia. According to the Spanish Institute for Tourism Research, the tourist flow from Russia increased by 41.8% compared to 2010.

Catalonia remains the most popular region among Russians - it received almost 60% of the total tourist flow (495,000 people). Over 100,000 Russians (12%) accepted Canary Islands followed by the Balearic Islands (85,300 tourists) and Andalusia (60,200).

Closes the top three France. And although the official annual statistics have not yet been calculated there, the French tourist office EUROMAG assured that the number of Russians in 2011, according to preliminary data, increased by 20%. Given that in 2010 France was visited by 680,000 guests from Russia, therefore, last year the tourist flow exceeded 800,000 people.

This is much more than, for example, in Italy, where the official statistics of visits have been calculated so far for only 9 months - during this time 465,268 Russians arrived. Compared to the same period in 2010, the growth was 29%. According to the results of the whole year, based on trends, they allow Italy to gain a foothold in fourth position.

But some Italian regions showed record figures for the growth of Russians. For example, 43% more Russians visited Florence in 2011 than in 2010. And the growth of Russian tourist flow to Venice amounted to 45%.

Fourth place Italy can share with Czech Republic, which was visited by 569,961 Russians for the whole year. Last year, the flow of tourists from the Russian Federation to the Czech Republic increased significantly: if in 2010 this country was visited by 413,756 Russians, then by the end of 2011 their number increased by 156,000. The growth was almost 38%.

Following the Czechs Austria, for which last year was a record year for Russian guests. As the magazine was told EUROMAG at the tourist office of Austria, 400,396 Russians visited the Alpine republic last year, which is 31% more than a year earlier. And the number of overnight stays increased by 25.6%, exceeding 1.5 million.

The Austrians especially note that Russians are much more likely to visit Austria in the summer than before. For example, the number of overnight stays in Vienna in the summer months increased by 30.4%, but Tyrol showed the largest increase - 31.1% more Russians visited this federal land for the entire year.

Currently, Russia ranks 11th among other countries in terms of the number of overnight stays in Austria.

AT Greece Russians began to travel more by almost 37%. The record-breaking country in terms of the speed of issuing Schengen visas to Russians (2-3 days) received 380,729 Russian tourists last year (sixth line).

On the heels of Greece comes the eternal competitor - Cyprus. During the year, more than 330,000 Russian citizens visited the island, which is almost 100,000 more than in 2010.

Currently, the Russian market for Cyprus is the second largest after Great Britain and, as the Cypriots say, in recent years it has “grown by leaps and bounds”. By comparison, less than 100,000 Russians visited Cyprus in 2005. The Tourism Organization of Cyprus predicts that in 2012 the number of Russian guests will exceed 400,000 people.

Russians hold the second place in terms of the number of tourists in Estonia- the first line with a huge margin is occupied by the Finns. According to the Estonian Department of Statistics, 203,204 tourists from Russia visited the country last year. But at the same time, if the growth of the tourist flow from Finland was only 1% (841,000 Finns visited Estonia), then the growth of Russians is 43%, and compared to 2009 - 116%.

There are more Russians by 11% in Croatia- the Balkan state was visited by about 190,000 people who made more than 1.6 million overnight stays (+8%).

And closes the top ten Switzerland, which received 179,168 tourists from Russia last year, which is 14% more than in 2010. And the number of overnight stays increased by 10% to 513,700, reported EUROMAG at the Swiss Tourist Office. For comparison, the growth of the tourist flow from Russia to Switzerland in 2010 was only 3%, and in the crisis year of 2009 there was a decline of 0.5%.

However, to press Switzerland can United Kingdom, which received 158,000 Russians in three quarters. Preliminary data for 2011 will be published in April, the magazine was promised EUROMAG at the Russian office of Visit Britain. In 2010, the United Kingdom received 170,000 Russians in 12 months.

Following the United Kingdom Norway which grew by 8%. Almost 90,000 Russians visited the Scandinavian country, according to the SSB (Statistical Central Bureau), who made 186,832 overnight stays. However, the increase in tourist flow from Russia to Norway in 2011 was significantly less than in 2010, when it increased immediately by 18% compared to 2009.

The growth of the tourist flow in Belgium amounted to 33.1% - more than 84,000 Russians visited it during the year.

Added and Slovakia: the growth of the tourist flow there amounted to almost 30%. The number of Russian tourists increased from 21,425 to 27,776 people, who made 105,242 overnight stays in the country (33% more than in 2010). The average number of days that Russians began to spend in Slovakia also increased slightly - from 3.7 to 3.8.

The leader in the growth of tourist flow from Russia was Albania. As the Albanian ambassador to Russia Sokol Gioka said at a press conference in Moscow, the flow of tourists from Russia to his country in 2011 increased by 70% - up to 8,000 people.

Germany, according to the German Tourist Office, in 2011, almost 20% more Russians were visited than a year ago. They could not give absolute figures, but they assured that Russia was among the top ten in terms of the number of tourists, after Holland, Switzerland, the USA, Great Britain, Italy, Austria, France, Belgium and Denmark. And in terms of growth dynamics, Russia ranks sixth, following Brazil (23%), India (22%), China (21%), Poland (22%) and Hungary (21%).

Hungary in terms of the number of overnight stays made by Russians, it added 21% - 432,715. Interestingly, the Russians set an absolute record in the last month of the year: the number of nights spent by tourists from Russia in December amounted to 26,510, which is 52.7% more. The most visited region in Hungary was Budapest, where Russians spent 255,612 (+13.5%) overnight stays.

The Russians set records in Ireland- for 9 months of 2011, 1215 Russians visited the Emerald Isle for the purpose of tourism, which is 40% more than in the whole of 2010. Apparently, the simplification of the visa regime had an effect (since July, Ireland has been allowing Russians on a British visa).

But at the same time, it is interesting that much more Irish tourists visited Russia - in the first nine months of last year, 5591 Irish tourists visited Russia (an increase of 21%).

For many years now, Turkish resorts have been leaders in the ranking. popular countries for recreation with Russian tourists-travelers. According to experts in the tourism industry, this is primarily due to the optimal ratio of price and quality. Turkey is also chosen by the Russians, who are afraid to fly to Egypt, which is now restless, and relatively expensive Thailand. And there you can improve your health at the spa resorts, relieve fatigue in the hammam and enjoy a beach holiday. About what other countries are included in the TOP-10 places for recreation among Russian Internet users, read below.

Travel preferences of Internet users

Compilation of a rating by an Internet search engine allows you to find out exactly what potential travelers were interested in in a particular country. Analysts of the Internet search engine have summed up the results of tourist queries in order to form a rough picture of which countries were popular among Russian tourists in 2013.

As it turned out, the palm still belongs to Turkey. It is followed by Egypt, which is slowly regaining its popularity, which has fallen sharply due to the unstable political situation. Thailand, which in October was still a model of calmness, is in third place in the ranking, while Italy is fourth.

Greece was only in fifth place, but Finland was in sixth place, which, with the onset of heavy snowfalls and cold weather, “felt” more and more confident. Cyprus is in seventh position, the United Arab Emirates is in eighth place, the Czech Republic is in ninth place, and Spain completes the list.

Despite the fact that interest in one or another tourist destination does not yet mean that people go to this country on vacation, the ranking of countries from Internet search engines allows you to find out exactly what potential travelers were interested in in these states.

1. Turkey

An interesting situation has developed with the leader of the rating of countries. On the one hand, the number of requests was halved, on the other hand, at the end of 2013, Russian tourists broke another record for the number of vacationers on Turkish beaches.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that the end of the year is far from the most popular period for holidays in Turkey. According to analysts of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia, this state of affairs is due to the fact that many tourists who were going to rest in Egypt went to Turkey because of the unrest in the country of the pyramids. Of course, they were interested in a beach holiday.

2. Egypt

Despite political unrest, Egypt remains one of the most popular destinations among Russian tourists. Most popular resort Sharm el-Sheikh turned out to be here, which, however, is not surprising, since the security situation there remained quite stable. It is followed by another resort, which was practically not affected by the protests - Hurghada.

3. Thailand

In hot Thailand, according to search queries, residents of the cold regions of our country most willingly flew: Siberia and Far East. Tours during the New Year holidays were of the greatest interest to tourists. At the same time, Phuket turned out to be the most popular resort.

4. Italy

If the top three were of interest to tourists solely in terms of beach holiday, then in Italy for our compatriots turned out to be attractive ski resorts. As an alternative to Italy, users most often considered Austria and Germany. In addition, many searched for a map of Italy in Russian, which suggests interest from independent travelers who prefer to travel around the country by car or travel by train.

5. Greece

Greece, compared to the end of 2013, received half the number of requests. However, here users were interested not so much in Greek beaches as in shopping tours, as well as sightseeing trips around the country. At the same time, there were very few requests for pilgrimage tours for the entire month - about five hundred.

6. Finland

Finland interested Russian travelers especially in connection with the approaching New Year holidays. At the same time, preference was given to short tours lasting no more than three days.

The Russians were also interested in ferry travel and Bus tours to this northern country. There were also many requests for fishing in Finland. As an alternative to Finland, tourists considered France and Hungary, which is quite difficult to explain logically.

7. Cyprus

The interest of Russian tourists to Cyprus decreased slightly by the end of the year, according to analytical reports. The reason for this is the end of the high season. In addition, the number of requests for a Cypriot visa has also halved. As an alternative to Cyprus, users searched for Greece or Tunisia.

8. UAE

Analysts attribute the increased number of requests regarding holidays in the Emirates to the same situation in Egypt - the number of requests has doubled, while users considered Thailand and China as an alternative to holidays in the UAE.

9. Czech Republic

The interest of Russian tourists to the Czech Republic has somewhat decreased. However, the number of requests for tours with the nearest departure dates has increased markedly, as well as the demand for sightseeing tours.

At the same time, travelers showed the greatest interest not so much in flying or buying a tour, but in accommodation in the Czech Republic. This may also indicate that a sufficient number of independent tourists. As an alternative, tourists considered other European countries - France and Austria.

10. Spain

This country also fell victim to the end of the high season by the end of the year - interest in it fell so much that Spain moved from sixth place in the ranking of popular countries to tenth in just a month. There was also a change in the course of tourists' interests: they switched from the beaches to sightseeing holidays.

In addition, our Russian travelers were also interested in the possibility of a holiday in Spain on New Year holidays. The most popular places there were Barcelona, ​​Madrid and Tenerife. And as an alternative, users were interested in Goa, Turkey and Greece.