Private guide in any city in the world. How hotel guides breed package tourists

After the release of the first major Anniversary update for Windows 10, comparable to SP1 for its predecessors, users were able to get acquainted with an application such as Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant.

April 2017 marked the release of the second major update package for Windows 10, comparable to SP2. Let's take a look at how this utility works and whether it's really as convenient as Microsoft claims.

Upgrading to the Creators Update

To get the first major upgrade, follow the instructions below.

1. Go to the official assistant download page at

Downloading the tool from third-party resources is highly discouraged - a very high percentage of virus and other malware is disguised as an update assistant.

2. Click on the "Update now" icon.

3. We are waiting for the download of the Update Assistant utility to complete.

When using Edge, you will need to confirm the download of the executable.

4. Run the resulting file.

5. In the assistant window, click "Update Now" to immediately upgrade to Windows 10 Creators.

As a result, the program will start the process of checking the parameters of the computer and its condition with the minimum requirements for Windows 10 to work. Usually this stage goes smoothly, and the problems become:

  • lack of a license key;
  • lack of free disk space.

Pay attention to these points in advance.

5. If the first attempt was unsuccessful, after correcting the situation, click "Try again".

The process of downloading the missing files and installing them is now running. All user data will be safe and sound, and applications will continue to work as before.

If necessary (you didn’t like the new system or its operation is problematic), you can roll back Windows 10 at any time. The main thing is that the Windows old folder is not changed by the user. The rollback is carried out through the "Update and Security" Settings item.

Windows 10 Upgrade Catalog

As a result of the functioning of the assistant, a new Windows 10 Upgrade directory appears, what is this new folder and why is it needed, we will consider in this subsection.

The directory temporarily stores the files necessary for updating the operating system, and appears at the root of the system volume at the time the Update Assistant or Media Creation Tool is launched (on systems other than the "dozens"). The Windows Upgrade folder is not needed by the OS after the upgrade is successfully completed or aborted. If you are thinking about whether it is possible to delete this directory, do it without a doubt, because no one needs it, but only clogs the system volume.

1. Open Win→X with the appropriate combination or right-click on Start.

2. From the list, select the "Programs and Features" item.

3. Find the "Assistant to upgrade to Windows 10 Creators Update".

4. Click on it and click "Delete / Change".

5. Confirm the action by clicking "Delete".

As a result, the process of uninstalling the program will take place. The Windows10Upgrade directory can then be manually deleted via File Explorer or File Manager if the folder is not automatically deleted.

Friends, not so long ago I did a review of the Russian-language. This is a real library of knowledge for everyone who is going on the road! But what is there to tell, the daily attendance of the site of more than 50 thousand people speaks for itself)).

This resource has another very attractive trick up its sleeve, which was launched in the middle of last year. And it's called Experts.Tourister.Ru

Experts.Tourister.Ru is a service search for private guides. It makes it possible to find a Russian-speaking guide for an excursion in an unfamiliar country, a shopping guide for shopping, an interpreter, etc. - in short, experts in their field of services related to tourism.

In fact, being accompanied by a guide in an unfamiliar country almost always saves a lot of time, effort and even money to a large extent. It's one thing to spend time working out the route, studying the sights, then looking for streets on the map, etc., and it's quite another thing when a person guides you along the optimal route, tells and shows everything himself. Beauty and only))

The service has an impressive base of experts: 227 private guides are ready to provide their services in 46 countries of the world! By the way, these numbers are increasing every month.

All guides live in those cities where they provide services, so you don’t have to worry about their knowledge of the area. Moreover, registering a person in the role private guide on the Experts.Tourister.Ru service is paid, and each application is checked manually by moderators. So, to a large extent, “screening out” of random people occurs.

Each expert has his own personal page on the service. Here is what one of them looks like:

On the guide page you will find the following information:

  • in which country of the world and cities it provides services (section "geography of excursions")
  • what services he is ready to provide (section "specialization")
  • a detailed description of the excursions and tours conducted (duration in time, cost, what is included, etc.)
  • guide contact details
  • the guide's employment calendar, where information is immediately visible on which days he is busy or free

Finding a good and inexpensive guide abroad is not an easy task and the last stronghold of travel agencies in individual excursion tours. Finding a ticket and a room in search engines is cheaper than taking it from an agency, visa centers are already conducting visas. If you know how to make a trip itinerary, it remains only to find suitable guides and your exclusive trip is ready.

Search for a guide in desired city You can use the search engine Yandex or Google. But the issue will be irrelevant, a lot of garbage and outdated information. It will take a long time to sift through the results. You will need to call or wait for an answer by mail, for a long time, sometimes to no avail. In the end, all efforts can be in vain. It is better to use modern services for finding guides, a review of which is ahead.

If a guide in one of the European languages ​​suits you The service offers tours with scientists and experts in various fields, including archeology, art history, cuisine, urban planning, history, environmental sciences. Docents, as the service calls them, combine their regular jobs as academics and researchers and deliver in-depth walking seminars for small groups of intellectually curious travelers. If you want to get an expert look at a certain area of ​​knowledge, this is the service for you.

Cons: this service does not offer Russian-speaking guides. The territory is limited to several dozen cities.

Minus: Russian-speaking guides are not yet found here.

If you are looking for a Russian speaking guide or "our resident" abroad This service also offers contact with a local guide, so you can find the right guide very inexpensively, literally for a few dollars or euros. The service is convenient and well debugged. He very quickly finds the area and the chosen language, immediately offering excursions, prices and prompt communication with the guide. In addition to guides and various excursions, the site offers short tours for several days, hiking, cycling and so on.

Minus: there are not many Russian-speaking guides, but you can find them. In Europe, almost without problems. This service does not specialize only in guides, here you can find in addition to excursions: tours, cooking classes, cruises, hop-on hop-off buses and much more. But there are also guides, you will need to set up. First, in the top search line, set the country or city. Then scroll down the window a little and set the language on the left in the column - russian. We receive the issuance of all service options in Russian. Now we go up, on the left in the column we specify what we need: transfers, excursions, tours or movie tickets.

Cons: the service concludes contracts with companies, not private guides, so there are many multilingual excursions and tours in the assortment. As a result, in the issuance or excursions at a higher cost or excursions in headphones. Part of the great service is the search for tours and activities, it is easy to get lost in it. If you only need a guide - makes it quick and easy to find right person in the right place. The service offers both licensed and non-licensed guides. It is very convenient and fast to search, first enter the direction or city, then the language and you will get all the profiles. Some guides offer discounts on their tours.

Minus: it is difficult to find a Russian-speaking guide in Asia. A Russian-language service created by our compatriots. Convenient, understandable, fast. Allows you to search immediately and excursions and guides. Offers other options for ground service, sports, adventure, educational.

Cons: the cost of excursions and services includes the commission of the Internet service itself. In case of some entertainment attraction, cruise or surf flagger, this commission is included in the price of the service package. But if you only need a guide, it will cost you more. The service is currently in beta testing mode. Set the language and country in the center of the page. The search engine finds our compatriots working as guides in all parts of the world: and on canary islands both in Thailand and China. It also sorts guides by gender, age, interests and allows you to contact them through its interface.

Minus: the search engine is still working with a slight creak. Rather, a bulletin board with guide contacts. The base of contacts is decent. There are many guides and not only in Europe. Here you will find a guide in Varanasi and Casablanca.

Minus: the service is not debugged perfectly, it does not immediately understand what is needed from it.

Going to the capital of Russia, we ask ourselves many questions: choosing a hotel, buying tickets for transport, choosing places to eat, but with such a question as choosing places to visit, certain difficulties arise, what to visit? What to watch? - but maybe it's worth changing the last question itself a bit. Choosing an experienced guide is what will help solve several problems that arise before us at once. Individual guide in Moscow will help us get acquainted with the cultural sights of the capital, tell us about their features and history.

But how to do right choice? A guide in Moscow must certainly have a lot of knowledge, because Moscow has a huge variety of sights, have a broad outlook, because historical sights, as a rule, are ambiguous and you should not have only one point of view on them. To choose a really worthwhile guide, you need to contact a decent tour agency, where the requirements for this position are quite high, trainings and various historical seminars are constantly held with employees.

If you want to organize a tour for a foreign guest, then you need to contact the association of guides and interpreters in Moscow, the official website where you will find good guide who understands a foreign language. A guide translator will help a foreign guest, get acquainted with the sights of the capital and get to know the history of our country better.

With this information look:

Popular sections of the site:

in the modern world, with a guide, this is not a boring and dull activity that many people remember from their school days, when everyone was signed up for trips to local history museums. However, even then, much depended on the host of the program. If a person loves what he does, if he chooses with pleasure Interesting Facts and constantly refreshes them, if he knows how to present the material with a twinkle, such a walk (or trip) will be a pleasure.

But where can you find a guide who can present the material in an interesting way? You can try in social networks, but not all specialists are there. In addition, the most sought-after ones rarely go there, because they often do not have time. We offer Alternative option how to find a guide: contact us at Youatlas service.

All guides in one place

No matter where you want to go (Cambodia, USA, Ireland, South Africa), we have the right tours for you. To find a guide, you just need to look at our website. No need to look for anyone: we already have contacts of experienced guides! And all experts are checked. And you can contact them even before you place an order. There is a special button on the site for this.

5 reasons to find a guide

In the modern world, there are many ways to explore different interesting places on one's own. Why should you find a guide? What does it give? Let's find out!

A good tour guide knows a lot about the places and sights that he will show you. Very often, famous cathedrals, palaces, mansions, in which wealthy people of past eras lived, are shown, for example, by architects. They clearly explain how this or that building stands out, pay attention to such nuances that an ordinary traveler would simply pass by.

Historians are able to competently immerse themselves in the past of a city or a specific part, describe a specific era, tell how people lived then. Walking with such a guide will be like traveling to another world, one where everything is still fresh and real. In addition, with guides with a historical background, it is understandably very interesting to visit different excavations.

Tours are often led by experienced art historians. A visit with them to an art gallery or to a particular exhibition will enrich you with knowledge about the most famous paintings, frescoes, sculptures and other works. You will see in front of you not just a work of art, you will begin to understand the implication.

Some excursions are compiled by journalists. They love to dig up what cannot be found on the Internet, to find inconsistencies between popular theories that explain the past of a city or a particular place. Very often, such people conduct entire investigations.

The second reason to find a guide is to save money. Yes, you heard right. Although you will need to spend money on the services of the guide himself, he will save you from having to hire an interpreter. In addition, experienced guides often know where you can buy souvenirs cheaper, some share their discounts when going to popular shopping and entertainment centers.

Do you love photo shoots? Would you like to bring unusual pictures from your vacation? In that case, here it is, the third reason to find a guide! Many tour guides themselves are fond of photography. They are constantly looking for interesting and unusual angles from which to shoot a famous landmark so that it looks original, perhaps even unrecognizable. And guides willingly share these secrets with travelers.

Unique features are what you get by purchasing a specific program. Guides develop routes, book hotel rooms, tables in famous restaurants, buy tickets to museums or shows ... In a word, they do everything so that you can be where you would not otherwise be able to get. Thanks to the guides, you don't have to worry about queues. And, by the way, many places without guides are simply not allowed.

Finally, the fifth reason is pleasure and the opportunity to relax. You do not need to think about where and how to find something interesting, how to get to a specific place, where to find it on the map, how to get from one point to another, and then return to your hotel. The guide will do everything for you. And isn't a vacation just for relaxing?