Sports camp, training camps. Healthy lifestyle is not for everyone: sports camp for adults Sports camp for adults

The trend towards a healthy lifestyle is rapidly gaining momentum: gyms, morning jogs, group classes - in every city there is a huge choice of activities for those who love sports. Fit physical activity into your regular schedule and proper nutrition not so difficult, but every time before a vacation the question arises: “How not to go the distance?” The answer is simple - a sports holiday or, as it is now fashionable to call it, a fitness camp. From this article you will learn what it is, what camps are, and which ones you should especially pay attention to.

What is a fitness camp?

Typically, a fitness camp is an all-inclusive "vacation". The word rest in quotation marks is not accidental, the camp program is rich and very active, with daily workouts, healthy eating, often with lectures and, of course, includes sightseeing, because, among other things, it is also a trip. A trip to such a camp can be a "magic pendel" for those who usually put off new life until the Monday that never comes, will help overcome the plateau for those who exercise periodically, and will add variety to the training program of experienced athletes.

There are adult sports camps on almost any topic: specialized weight loss camps, boot camps that were born from the training program of American recruits, dance, acrobatic, yoga camps and camps of various kinds. extreme sports. Having studied Google, we found some really interesting programs, which we want to tell you about.

Fitness tours around the world

Each month, a small group embarks on an intense fitness journey to warm country to have a great spa break, tone up your body, and learn the basics of personal training and nutrition plans. Such a tour is useful not only and not so much because it makes you sweat a lot; the most important thing in it is that the organizers teach what to do next, how to make sport an integral part of life. The program is designed for mixed groups, that is, there are not only girls, although usually ladies are more interested in sports camps. Moreover, the organizers welcome couples and families; even if one person wants to train, the other will simply have a little more free time, and the rest will still turn out to be meaningful and interesting.

Yoga and creativity in

Yoga camp will be interesting for those who have been doing yoga for a long time and for whom a couple of sets of practice a day is already easy and not interesting. If you want to develop in different directions, pay attention to the rich and unusual week-long tour "all the best at once", which is held in Barcelona. A group of 10 people check into a villa and practice yoga for a whole week, learn how to massage, dance and meditate, and at the same time practice a little Spanish. All teachers are Russian, so there will be no language barrier, but there will be healthy food, interesting excursions and trekking in the mountains with a tea ceremony at the top.

Dance tours on

If you think that dancing is stomping your foot near the bar in anticipation of an interesting acquaintance, you have a great chance to radically change your mind, and at the same time it’s a good idea to pump strength, endurance and coordination of movements. Ten days of a powerful summer program in Pribaikalsky national park include daily classes with experienced choreographers, master classes in acting and creativity, as well as hikes, quests, theater performances and fun parties, of course, with incendiary dances. You can live in tents or in wooden houses.

Surfing, skateboarding and longboarding

Extreme sports not only train the body, but also give great pleasure, while it is absolutely not necessary to really risk your health. Under the guidance of experienced teachers, you can gain new skills and an adrenaline rush, and, possibly, acquire a serious hobby for life. Surfing confidently leads the list of moderately extreme, but at the same time catchy sports. As it turned out, the surf camp can be made even more interesting if you add skating lessons in a cool skate park overlooking the ocean and longboarding along the city streets to the program.

Outdoor camps for adults, often similar or similar to summer camps for children, are becoming an increasingly visible trend in the field of recreation and tourism. In such camps, participants meet interesting people, engage in creativity, develop out-of-the-box thinking, try new things, hone their awareness, work, have fun and play the fool (this also helps develop creativity and out-of-the-box thinking). We have selected six of these camps, where you should go at least once.

Creative camping on the island of Saaremaa in Estonia

Price: 1080 euros

Famous traveling Kid `s camp Philip Bakhtin, the former editor-in-chief of Esquire, has been arranging shifts for adults for several years - so far one per season. Adults spend time in Kamchatka just like children do, that is, they invent, engage in creativity, have fun and communicate. Tasks can be very different - from filming a movie to creating an art object, curators help to complete them: famous musicians, actors, designers and journalists. to be yourself creative person you don’t need it, if you don’t know anything or think you don’t know how, then you are all the more here. In addition to tasks, camp participants go on picnics and walks together, arrange film screenings and impromptu concerts, just sit on the seashore or drink wine while talking. The current shift lasts 12 days and 11 nights, from August 3 to 14, the participants provide themselves with a visa and travel to the camp.

Two-day country intensive for emancipation

Price: From 13,000 rubles, depending on accommodation

Acting is a fashionable occupation in Moscow, there are more and more such schools and courses every year. "Mayak" is, in fact, an outdoor intensive for everyone. It takes place in the Guslitsa art residence in the village of Ilyinsky Pogost, Moscow Region, the transfer is included in the ticket price. In Mayak, they teach according to the methods of higher theater schools, participants work on voice and body, attention and emotions under the supervision of actor Boris Pertsel, a graduate of the Shchukin Higher Theater School, who worked at the Satire Theater and Satyricon. Departure to the camp takes place at six in the evening on Friday, and everyone goes back to Moscow at seven on Sunday evening. The price also includes three meals a day and coffee breaks, between acting classes, participants walk around the Guslitsa neighborhood, and in the evening they relax together over tea. The next shift is from 19 to 21 April.

Outreach Networking Camp for Millennials

Price: 30 000 rubles

yCamp positions itself as an outreach camp for networking between millennials, whose participants make presentations, hold business games and master classes. In general, for three days they share their professional knowledge and skills, talk about their projects and get to know each other. The camp is located in the Moscow region at the "Eco-farm on New Riga", the price of the ticket includes transfer from Moscow, accommodation, meals and alcohol. You can get into yCamp only by selection, which takes place on the basis of a questionnaire. The next camp change has already been recruited, but usually there are two of them a year. Those interested can subscribe to the newsletter on the project website to find out when the next set opens.

Creative get-together of digital nomads in different countries peace

Price: varies depending on location

"Change" is a camp of "digital nomads"-freelancers, which anyone can join if they like the principles and ideas of the project. “Shifters” work together, hold master classes for each other, exchange knowledge, arrange sessions on time management, creativity, productivity and remote work. Each shift lives together and spends their free time together, which can include anything depending on the country. To participate in the "Change" you need to be a freelancer or have your own project, as well as pass the selection. By agreement with the organizers, you can take your pet with you. You need to provide for your daily needs, in addition to housing and work space, on the "Change" from personal finances. "Change" lives on the principles of the Burning Man festival. It takes place in Thailand, the USA, Berlin, Montenegro, Portugal and other countries where the organizers decide to go - you need to follow the announcements of new "Changes" and new countries on the project website.

Camp for adults, similar to the camp for children

Price: from 24,700 rubles for the next shift

The organizers of Decamp write about themselves on the site “the camp for adults is like a camp for children, only for adults”, and in many ways it is, alcohol is not even allowed in the camp. However, Decamp is sure that it will be fun without it. The next shift will take place in Georgia from June 20 to June 24, the price of the ticket includes the transfer Tbilisi - Bakuriani - Tbilisi, accommodation at the Prima Group Hotels, three meals a day with a buffet and entertainment. Transfer to Tbilisi and personal expenses must be paid by yourself. Decamp will have a shift in Khabarovsk in July, and a trip to the Himalayas is already planned for 2020. Decamp also hosts corporate camps upon request.

Thematic camps for the development of creativity

Price: from 42,000 rubles

Most Creative Camps host theme sessions for adults to help them develop their creative side, such as writing texts, inventing stories, finding unusual solutions to problems, improving their design skills, and so on. Most Creative Camp camps are held in the Moscow region, cities of Russia or Georgia remote from Moscow. The next shift will take place in Georgia and will be dedicated to design, it starts on April 30 and ends on May 5. Participants will do various tasks and socialize over wine, live first in the center of Tbilisi in the trendy Fabrika hostel, a 15-minute walk from the city center, and then in the Garikula art villa, an ancient castle-squat of Georgian avant-garde artists. You will need to pay for the transfer to Tbilisi on your own, the price of the ticket includes breakfasts and lunches in the restaurants of the city and traditional Georgian feasts in Garikul, in Tbilisi you will need to dine at your own expense.

Do you dream of going to a luxurious fitness tour with excellent service or visit sports camps for adults? Get active on the treadmill with stunning views of the environment, and then relax on a plush sun lounger?
Today we will talk about one of the most famous and popular fitness camps for adults, bootcamps (Boot Camp)!

Bootcamp (Boot Camp) - in our understanding, this is nothing more than Sports camp. In the English-speaking environment, this concept is given to hotels and resorts, where guests can not only indulge in all the joys of a hotel holiday, but they also have the opportunity to engage in various sports, including extreme ones, to make sports and hiking trips.
It is worth noting that we are not talking about those camps that we are used to, which our imagination draws and which we often visited in childhood. Sports camps for adults (this does not mean that only adults can attend them) are resorts with professional staff (both service providers and sports trainers), excellent cuisine and the best sports equipment and interesting programs.
Rest in sports hotels-camps has one thing in common - after the end of the rest you will definitely feel lightness in the body, tone in the muscles and order in thoughts!

Fitness tour to the sports camp for adults “Pure Kauai” Hawaii (Hawaii)

Travel to the real fitness tour with “Pure Kauai” company– the picturesque nature of the island of Hawaii and the company’s staff created all the conditions for this – kayaking, sports trips in the rainforest, learning to surf, jogging on the beach, hiking. The company offers a wide range of luxury residential premises to choose from.
Accommodation of guests here is organized in modern villas or private cottages. For each tourist, an individual wellness program is developed under the patronage of a personal trainer, fitness instructor, personal assistant and a professional team of local traditional healers, masseurs.

You can spend your vacation actively and energetically conducting outdoor activities, or you can afford to relax and not think about anything, but your personal instructors are on the alert, and you won’t be able to sit back for a long time! And if you are lucky, you will find yourself in the same company with the stars of show business, many of them come here to get in shape before the upcoming filming.

Adult Sports Camp – “Ranch at Live Oak Malibu” (Malibu, California, USA)

Fitness tour at bootcamp Ranch at Live Oak Malibu– perhaps at first you will feel like in a sanatorium, but soon you will see that the week spent here is more like a “deliberate cruelty” towards guests ... but with the best of intentions. You will be woken up before sunrise by the ringing of bells inviting you to a pre-dawn yoga session, followed by 4 hours of wellness sessions and a daily 15 km walk (depending on your age and physical condition).

For guests, a strict diet has been drawn up, excluding products containing wheat, sugar, milk, meat, caffeine, preservatives and alcohol. As a result of such a strict regimen, all guests noticeably lose weight and begin to feel much better than before arrival.

Fitness camp for adults - "The Island Experience" Ilha Grande, Brazil (Ilha Grande, Brazil)

This superb Brazilian fitness hotel and boot camp all rolled into one is sure to impress you. In addition to refreshing caipirinhas and hammocks, tourists are provided with a 7-day program aimed at getting rid of stress and finding inner harmony. Outdoor activities include kayaking, yoga, rainforest walks, meditation and a strict vegetarian diet to name but a few of the comprehensive wellness program.
This fabulous fitness hotel was founded by healthy lifestyle enthusiasts when they went on a 7-day hiking on picturesque surroundings Ilha Grande where they were inspired by the nature and opportunities of this region.

In addition to physical activities and exercises, the sports camp will teach its guests how to deal with difficulties, assess their abilities, open up to different cultures and manage phobias.

Adult Sports Camp – “The Ashram Mallorca” (Spain, Balearic Islands, Majorca)

This sports camp offers tourists a program similar to that of the Ashram camp in California, where celebrities like to come to clean up the mind and body. Be prepared to be woken up for yoga at 5:30 am, then head out for a 4-6 hour energetic walking tour. Afternoon usually includes kayaking, Pilates or TRX workouts, strength training, extra outdoor activities, a vegetarian dinner, and rounds out such an eventful day...deep sleep of a hard-working man!

Last year, wine camps began to open in Russia as well. But, apparently, something was not taken into account and they combined drinking wine, master classes in its production and leisure in nature is somehow too traditional. But the camp in one of the US wineries has been operating for many years in a row. The most popular format is a weekend tour, but true gourmets and sybarites can organize a longer shift for themselves. It all depends on the craving for knowledge of the intricacies of winemaking and endurance, of course. And, of course, be prepared that your squad mates will be predominantly American retirees.

Santa Barbara, California, USA


The huge park of art objects, where the Archstoyanie festival is held once a year, simply demanded some kind of camp for adults. Moreover, there are several accommodation options for adults: from a completely traditional hotel to a very camp hostel format. Mini trips almost every Saturday, sometimes they are accompanied by rafting on the river Ugra. But the most luxurious camp, of course, in the summer. A gastrocamp opens at the eco-farm. If there is free time between production, consumption and admiration of eco-products, you will not be bored as in an ordinary village, as you understand. The infrastructure is such that you will be always in business.

Dzerzhinsky district, Kaluga region

Camara camp

The very rare case when it is worth firmly recognizing that Brazilian capoeira is not a foppish dance, but the most dangerous deadly martial art. Announce to all relatives that you are going to study its intricacies in a special camp, and go to Kerch. There you will really train, plus comfortable accommodation, three meals a day, classes and relaxation by the sea, even with family and children. For those who need an alibi when they return home, there is something here too - mixed martial arts classes. If you have never tried in your life, be sure that at the end of the shift it will be noticeable that you really did something deadly.

The Island

Holders of an MBA degree, impressive assets, or simply successful businessmen also sometimes want to join the camp. Preferably one where they rest. The creators of the "Island" decided to come up with an adventure for successful workaholics. You have to live for almost desert island, get food and cook it yourself, fight the elements too. In between the battles for life - business training and networking training. Of course, the organizers of the camp decided not to risk the health of the captains of the Russian business and arrange everything not in the White Sea, but in the much friendlier Maldives. There, food is obtained easier, and the tan is more beautiful.


It all started with a children's music camp, until some wonderful person noticed that it was much more interesting for adults. Since then, there are shifts for uncles and aunts. Six hours of classes with the best teachers from St. Petersburg. Music theory, rhythm, improvisation, specialty lessons and, most importantly, daily concerts. The rest of the time, as in a regular camp, there are sports games, three meals a day, outdoor walks, sleep and new friends. Unless, of course, an adult is still able to make friends with someone again.

Garbolovo village, Leningrad region

"Valdai Robinsonade"

A children's camp for adults is the main bait of Robinsonade. Hiking, building a beaver hut, rope houses, adventures. And no one will make a remark that you are a gray-haired man, but behave like a little one. This is how it should be. In addition to relay races and amateur performances, there are more serious entertainments. For example, a water trip. This is not quite what you are used to in Turkey on a boat, here you have to row. And the biggest challenge is the disco. No, well, it’s funny to you now, but try dancing in your old age as if you were 11 again.

Valdai, Novgorod region


Camp for children 18+ with an Armenian accent. This means a comfortable hotel with a swimming pool, multiple meals, an entertainment program including KVN, oratory training (we suspect that these are toasts) and excursions.

    The idea to go to a sports camp for adults was born to us not just like that, but because we are constantly looking for opportunities for business development. This business seemed to us quite close in spirit, plus it successfully fit into my ideas about a short vacation at sea.

    There are almost no sports camps for adults in Russia. There are some military-sports organizations in Crimea such as "Zarnitsa", as well as weight loss institutions (for example, "Be in shape"), but this is a slightly different format.

    Abroad, the choice of camps is quite large. There are network in the US and England. There are more "glamorous" places in Italy, Germany, Spain. We chose the camp in Marbella because of the sea, good weather and direct flight.

    Image taken from

    The cost of 1 week in a double room is 1300 euros per person without flights, in single room- 1600 euros. This amount includes transfer from Malaga, accommodation, meals and the entire "sports menu" - from 6 to 8 hours of fitness per day.

    The camp starts on Mondays, in the season - every week, out of season - twice a month. Group - 18 people. The composition is varied. We've had a few fitness darlings, three married couples in their 50s, two bloggers, a former trainer, and a single man who likes to be bullied by this format. Everyone has a very different level of preparedness.

    One of the most important questions that I had before the trip was: “What do they do with people of different levels of training?” Answer: Nothing. That is, they put everyone in the same conditions - who, as best he can, carries out the program in the same way. I can't say that I liked this approach. Personally, I believe that the risk of getting a sports injury is very high. As we left, some members were limping, one had a sprained wrist. However, no one died and did not go to the hospital, which, to be honest, surprised me. Still, we are stronger than we think. And no one skipped!

    So, the participants gather on Sunday for a small sharing under the guidance of the head coach of the camp - Jan. We are given a program, T-shirts with a logo, backpacks, badges and water bottles.

    Monday morning starts with a 4K run. Everyone starts very cheerfully, but after 5 minutes of running, half of them go to the walk. Yang runs around everyone and cheers on the participants.

    The promenade is 12 km long. Here they walk, run and ride bicycles, and they also hold IronMan competitions.

    After the run we go for breakfast. They don’t let you take a shower because the class schedule is tight. At first, you just want to take a shower to death, but by the evening it doesn't matter.

    Breakfasts are held at the hotel. Well-groomed female nutritionist tells us how to eat right. She says rather banal things, but without much nonsense. In the course of the story, we have breakfast, choosing food under her supervision.

    After breakfast, we will have functional training on the coast with Juan. The training consists of "fun starts" exercises. We jump on one leg on the sand, walk in "wheelbarrows", crawl in a plastunsky way, run relay races with the ball. And so 1.5 hours. We finish this with a light stretch.

    While those lying are doing push-ups, the runners are trying not to crush them.

    Sweaty without a break, all covered in sand and salt, we go to strength training, where we do upper-body exercises for about 1.5 hours under the guidance of Jan and Juan. The exercises we do are fairly standard. We use free weights, machines and TRX loops. After training, I can’t hold the phone to my ear - my hand is shaking from tension.

    Without changing clothes and without a shower (I don’t feel like it anymore), we go to have lunch at a local restaurant. There is no appetite, although we spent, according to my calculations, more than 2500 kcal.

    After lunch we drive to the municipal park where we have boxing training with a huge black trainer Mike. Everything would be fine, but the hands still refuse to work. Due to the fact that we do not bandage under gloves, I get a minor wrist injury, and the other participant has a more severe one.

    Boxing with Mike. Image from website

    After boxing - an hour stretching. Coach Ivan is a very nice girl who knows her business well. During the stretch, we rest a bit and come to our senses. But we don't know yet what a "surprise" is waiting for us.

    Jan puts us in his van and takes us up the hill. And there, on the mountain, he tells us: “Stand up, brothers and sisters, and run to the top!”. The brothers and sisters are already on their last legs, but obediently get out of the bus and try to run away. But this is not enough for Jan. The first ones to reach the top must turn around, run to the last ones, then again to the top, again to the last ones, and so on until all the last ones run (or come) to the top. Hooray!

    After that, we are taken to dinner at a restaurant on the coast. I still don't want to eat. For dinner - a very tasty bowl salad with chicken, dates and goat cheese, which I immediately adopted. After that, we are finally returned to the hotel.

    Bowl salad with chicken and GrinDin goat cheese, which I borrowed from Spanish colleagues. As Belbin says, “Other ideas should be stolen with pride.”

    In the morning, the whole group goes by bicycle to the picturesque village of Istan, 290 m above sea level, with a route length of about 30 km. Then - lunch. Then - boxing and yoga.

    The third day begins with climbing Mount La Concha (1270 m), and continues with functional training, a gym and a jog along the beach. The last 50-100 m of the mountain has to be climbed using both hands and feet - the ascent is quite steep. Most of the participants are in ordinary sneakers, so they slip and really run the risk of injury.

    La Concha - the mountain we storm

    Fourth day - jogging, training on the beach, competitions in the gym, Pilates.

    Day five is functional training, an obstacle course, yoga, and then a big 10 km run along the coast.

    The sixth day (Saturday) is busy only in the first half. Jogging, gym, stretching, lunch, and then free time.

    Sunday morning - departure immediately after breakfast. Jan's father is a driver and takes the group to Malaga airport.

    The members say goodbye. Everyone looks happy, very positive, thanking the coaches and each other for their support. I am once again surprised that none of them gave up or became capricious, although it was very difficult for many.

    Summarizing: this whole marathon is a sportingly pointless, but overall fun pastime.

    What did we get as a result:

    I can’t say that I became stronger or more resilient, but I believed in my abilities and began to feel less sorry for myself.

    Interesting and healthy food, as always, spurred creative thought on the development of the GrinDin menu.

    I lost 2.5 kg in a week.

    What needs improvement:

    The load should take into account the level of preparation of the participants. If your fitness level is very low, going to such an institution is risky.

    My personal opinion: it is necessary to require a certificate from a doctor and / or examine the participants before starting training. Of course, an adult is responsible for himself, but the risks of losing someone or harming them are very high.

    But in general - yes, we are stronger and more resilient than we think, we can and can do more than it seems, and in fact we need to eat less than we eat :)