Emelyanov B.V. Tour guide


Hello dear friends. My name is Anna. And today I am your guide. We have gathered today in order to listen to a very interesting excursion. The theme of our tour is "Malakhov Kurgan monument - two defenses". The route of our excursion passes through the territory of the Malakhov Kurgan, here you will see many monuments, guns, a defensive tower, places of fatal wounds of Nakhimov and Kornilov, the only tree that survived the Second World War. I will ask you to keep up with the group, during the tour I will answer your questions.

Well, now back to the topic of our Excursion !! Malakhov Kurgan - not just historical monument, this is a sacred land for every Sevastopol citizen, the fate of the first defense of Sevastopol was decided here. The name of the mound, as one of the versions explains, is associated with the name of a retired military sailor Mikhail Malakhov, who was a highly respected person on the Ship side, one of the first to settle at the foot of the mound. His house was on the slope of this mound. Malakhov often came for advice, help, for the court: he was an honest and fair man. So they said: "Let's go to the barrow, to Malakhov." The mound gradually began to be called by his name.

Outwardly, the mound may not be very impressive - a hill is like a hill. Its height is only 97 meters above sea level, but the glory of the mound is great. Within one hundred years, the mound twice became the scene of fierce battles.

During the defense of Sevastopol in 1854-1855 Malakhov Kurgan, dominating the surrounding area, was the key position of the left flank of the defense. There was also the main bastion of the Ship side, which, after the death of Vice Admiral V.A. Kornilov began to be called Kornilovsky.

Here the French troops waged the most furious assaults. However, the enemy managed to capture the barrow only after eleven months of fighting, when the defensive structures were demolished and the strength of its defenders was exhausted by many days of artillery bombardment. The loss of the Malakhov Kurgan predetermined the outcome of the 11-month defense of the city.

During the defense period, there were nine batteries on Malakhov Kurgan, two of them were reproduced in 1958. They are equipped with authentic ship cannons from the Crimean War. The guns are cast iron and weigh from two to seven tons. A lot of effort had to be made by the sailors to drag them to the bastions. The guns fired solid and explosive (bomb) cores. Despite the imperfection of weapons and the need of the defenders in literally everything, two powerful imperial powers could not take Sevastopol for almost a year.

The enemy managed to undertake the first assault on the city only nine months after the start of the siege, on June 6, 1855. This assault was heroically repulsed by the defenders of Sevastopol. Tells about the events of the day Panorama of the defense of Sevastopol, located on the former fourth bastion.

Many outstanding defense heroes fought on Malakhov Hill: Admirals Nakhimov, Kornilov, Istomin, Sister of Mercy Dasha Sevastopolskaya, sailor Koshka, a participant in many sorties into the camp of the enemy. At night, brave hunters (as they were called) captured trophies, prisoners, destroyed enemy fortifications, and most importantly, it was a very powerful psychological weapon. After the Crimean War, the name "Malakhov Kurgan" became known throughout the world. In 1856, the French Marshal Pélissier, who in 1855-1856 commanded the French army in the Crimea, was awarded the title "Duke of Malakhov". In Germany there is a fort Malakhov, a small town near Paris began to be called "Malakof".

The mound became famous during second defense of Sevastopol. Therefore, Malakhov Kurgan - memorial complex of monuments of two wars: Crimean and Great Patriotic.

Main part

Now we are at the Main entrance to Malakhov Kurgan. Arch adorns a massive Doric portico with dates on the frieze: 1854-1855. Wide main staircase leads to the top of the mound. The staircase bifurcates and joins again, forming a large lawn with a manicured lawn. From here you can see the entire Sevastopol: the central part of the city; Vladimirsky Cathedral - the tomb of admirals, three of whom died here, on Malakhov Hill; the open sea; Konstantinovskaya battery at the entrance to the Sevastopol Bay; The northern side of Sevastopol, crowned with a pyramid of the church of St. Nicholas at the Fraternal Cemetery. Now we will climb this staircase

Now we are on the first wide horizontal platform, on which there are two monuments. The one on the left - during the Crimean War, on the right - the Great Patriotic War. Let's go to the monument which is located to the right. it monument to the pilots of the 8th air army, which in May 1944 liberated Sevastopol from the Nazis. It was commanded by Major General Khryukin. As part of the army, a female night bomber regiment fought under the command of Evdokia Bershanskaya. The girls flew on airplanes with PO-2 percale wings, they flew out only at night, since the planes were imperfect, in the event of a projectile hit, they burned like matches. On these planes, the pilots terrified the enemy, the Nazis called them night witches. More than forty female pilots of the regiment
were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The monument is a granite rock from which a fighter plane "takes off". One of the best WWII fighters Yak-3 was used as a prototype for the memorial aircraft. The monument was erected by military builders in July 1944, restored in 1994. Next to the monument, granite boards are installed, which list the flight formations and units that participated in the liberation of Sevastopol.

Now let's proceed to the left side of the site. Here is - a small white marble monument , established in 1892 abovemass grave of Russian and French soldiers . The soldiers who died in the last battle on Malakhov Kurgan on August 27, 1855 are buried in it.

When, on the last day of the first defense, the French broke into Malakhov Kurgan, the Russians launched several counterattacks, fought selflessly, as a result, the losses were very large on both sides. Those who died in this battle were buried in one grave. Buried by the French, who highly appreciated the courage of their opponents.

A black stele with a black cross rises above the white pedestal. The symbolism of flowers is explained by the inscription in French, embossed on the back of the monument: "They were inspired by victory and united by death. Such is the glory of the brave, such is the lot of a soldier." On the front side of the monument are the words: "Monument to the Russian and French soldiers who fell on the Malakhov Kurgan during the defense and attack on August 27, 1855."

During the Great Patriotic War, the monument was badly damaged, restored in 1960.

The main alley of Malakhov Kurgan begins from this platform, which the French soldiers called "devilish", its age is already approaching fifty years. The trees on this alley were planted by party, state and public figures of the USSR and foreign countries, Heroes of the Soviet Union, cosmonauts (including Yuri Gagarin). Previously, there were signs near the trees, on which the names were written. This alley was called Alley of Friendship.

Now let's go down the alley. So on the left you see a powerful ship's gun . This is a genuine ship's cannon from World War II. Gun caliber - 130 mm, firing range - 20 km. At this place stood the second gun (in front of the trees - the first). In October 1941, the destroyer "Perfect" was blown up by a Nazi mine. They removed the guns from it, installed it on land. That's how it was created Battery "Malakhov Kurgan" The guns were served by the sailors of the destroyer (60 people), the battery was commanded by Lieutenant Commander Matyukhin. So they called the batteries - "Matyukhins". The battery provided support to our units on the Mekenziev mountains (16 km to the north), on the northern side of the city.

Matyuhintsy fought until the last days of defense. On June 30, 1942, the Nazis captured Malakhov Kurgan. The forces were unequal. The survivors went to the south-west of Sevastopol and continued to fight there. Many suffered the fate of other defenders of the city: they were taken prisoner. The guns that you see are taken from the destroyer Boyky. They are exactly the same as they were on the destroyer "Perfect", and stand here as a monument to the sailors who defended Sevastopol.

Walking a little further we see an unusual monument. itmonument tree - old almond , he survived the Great Patriotic War. When Sevastopol was liberated, even the ground was burned on the Malakhov Kurgan, of course, all the greenery died, and only a small burnt almond tree survived and bloomed. Only one living branch remained on it. But every spring it is covered with white flowers, symbolizing the triumph of life over death.

Now pay attention to the center of the alley, it has bronze relief map of the Malakhov Kurgan bastion ( architect A. Sheffer). The map shows batteries, powder magazines, shelters - everything that was here during the defense of 1854-1855. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe angle directed towards the enemy, the so-called outgoing, is indicated defensive tower , which is now located branch of the Museum of Heroic Defense and Liberation of Sevastopol.

Let's go to the Defense Tower. This donjon tower is the only stone defensive structure on the bastion. It was built in the summer of 1854 at the expense of the inhabitants of Sevastopol according to the project of the military engineer F.A. Starchenko. The tower was built of Inkerman stone. The thickness of the walls of the lower tier is 152 cm, the upper one is 88 cm. The tower on two tiers had 52 loopholes, five eighteen-pound cannons were installed on the upper platform. Fortified on the tower Memorial plaque with the name of the regiments and units that defended Malakhov Kurgan during the first defense.

On October 5, 1854, during the first bombing of Sevastopol, the upper tier of the tower was demolished by enemy shells, while the lower one served as a shelter. It housed a dressing station, a powder warehouse, a camp church and the headquarters of Rear Admiral V.I. Istomin, who commanded the fourth distance of the defensive line (which included Malakhov Kurgan). March 7, 1855 Istomin inspected the remote fortification of Malakhov Kurgan, the so-called Kamchatka lunette (ahead of defensive tower), where he was killed on the spot by an enemy core that hit him in the head. It was a big loss for the defenders of Sevastopol.

To the left of the tower you can see the Anti-Assault Battery. At this place during the war, there was a naval gun of the 1803 model. Now let's go up the road behind the tower. Here you see the Battery on the glacis, also here is a marble slab, marking the place of the mortal wound of Admiral Nakhimov

On June 28, 1855, Nakhimov stood on the glacis and watched the positions of the French. As always, the admiral was in uniform with golden epaulettes, presenting a good target for the French rifles (a rifle with a rifled barrel). The commander of the fourth distance, which included Malakhov Kurgan, captain of the first rank F.S. Kern (a relative of Anna Kern) asked him to go down to the shelter, Nakhimov quite sharply refused. Several bullets hit the parapet nearby, he managed to say: “They shoot quite accurately today,” as one of the bullets hit him in the left temple. No efforts of doctors could save the admiral, and two days later, without regaining consciousness, Nakhimov died.

On this day, the whole of Sevastopol mourned. An eyewitness wrote that there was not a person in the city who would not gladly give his life for the life of the admiral. On July 1, Pavel Stepanovich was buried next to his unforgettable teacher Lazarev and his comrades-in-arms, Kornilov and Istomin, who died on Malakhov Hill. Nakhimov’s obituary says: “Peace be upon your ashes, smart, skillful and experienced, passionately loving his art and his subordinates, equally loved by them, always cold-blooded and courageous, kind at heart, great in mind and courage, an honest, generous person!”. Admiral Nakhimov wrote: "totally devoted to the service, he did not know outside of it and had no interests." He devoted himself entirely to the naval service, did not start a family. His fellow sailors were his family, all his ambition consisted in the strict execution of his "Everything here is so clearly and strongly inspired by the soul and strength of Nakhimov that it is impossible not to realize that he really personifies the present era, and it is impossible to imagine what would have happened without him ..." He spent the night where he had to, slept without undressing, because he took his own apartment under the infirmary for the wounded, and the personal money of the admiral went to help the families of sailors. Legends circulated about his courage and contempt for death. expected loud enthusiastic "Hurrah!". With Nakhimov, the soul of the Sevastopol defense died.

Going further, you see the batteries of Senyavin, Emelyanov. To the right of the batteries is a monument to Kornilov., Installed at the site of Kornilov's injury (architect A. Bilderling, sculptor academician I. Schroeder). On the pedestal, the top of which displays a part of the fortification, there is a figure of a mortally wounded admiral. With his right hand, he points to the city, his words, spoken before his death, are inscribed below, they sound like a call or even an order: “Defend Sevastopol!” On the right is the figure of a sailor-artilleryman, who is given a resemblance to the famous sailor hero P. Koshka. At the foot of the monument is a cross laid out by order of Nakhimov by the Sevastopol cabin boys from enemy nuclei.

Admiral Kornilov was wounded on the day of the first bombardment of Sevastopol, October 5, 1854, at about 11 o'clock. Kornilov arrived at Malakhov Kurgan, examined the tower, fortifications and went to the horse to continue the inspection, but then the enemy core crushed his left leg at the groin. On the same day, at half past three, Vice Admiral Kornilov died. When the defense began, Kornilov was chief of staff Black Sea Fleet. He led the defense, being an excellent organizer, did a lot for the construction of defensive fortifications, for the organization of defense in general. Despite the fact that Kornilov died at the very beginning of the defense, his merits were great, and the loss for Sevastopol was very great.

The words of the dying Kornilov inscribed on the pedestal infuriated the fascist invaders, who paid a terrible price for the capture of Sevastopol. Therefore, they destroyed the monument: the bronze was taken out, and the pedestal was blown up. The monument to the 200th anniversary of Sevastopol has been restored. The initial version of the monument was taken as a basis, the model of which is stored in the Naval Museum of St. Petersburg. Malakhov Kurgan is the place of heroism of hundreds, thousands of defenders of the city. Note that among those who fought on the Malakhov Kurgan was the father of the "red lieutenant" Peter Schmidt - P.P. Schmidt, who commanded the anti-assault battery, and together with the famous N.I. Pirogov and professor of Kyiv University X.Ya. Gubbenet fought for the lives of the wounded and Schmidt's mother E.Ya. Wagner.


So our tour has come to an end. Thank you all for your attention. You are very good listeners. I am ready to answer your questions.

I drink coffee and stick cloves in oranges - I'm getting ready for the tour ..

Aromas of citrus and cloves remind others of winter. People smile as they pass by my table. The orange-clove therapy works on me too: I joyfully run out into the street, and there is snow... the first one this year.

Hello Christmas Tour! No, today is my birthday. The kids are amazing and the parents are amazing!

I am often offered to lead excursions with children, considering this to be something rather complicated. In my opinion, a children's excursion is an amazing thing, simple and complex at the same time, but it is important that you immediately feel the return, appreciation and love from children.

What is the most important thing in a children's excursion?

A few tips for moms, dads, grandparents who walk around St. Petersburg with their children and want the children to listen and hear your historical stories:

1. Think vivid images that are understandable to children.

First, you yourself must see the image of what you are talking about. The picture should be in color, detailed and evoke feelings for you personally.

For example, the gardener Eliseev grew strawberries in the greenhouse for Count Sheremetyev on Christmas Day. The guests are in amazement, the count exclaims in excitement: "Ask what you want!"

I imagine everything very vividly: the count's camisole, and the wicker basket, and snow outside the window, frost down to -40 and the aroma of wild strawberries. So it's easy to tell. And by themselves questions are born to the children: "What happened next, what do you think?" If the picture is bright, then the guys easily come up with and immerse themselves in the story. Where did the Eliseevs go when they became free? What did they start doing? Was it easy for them in Petersburg? And what would you do in their place, if you had 100 rubles? And here it would be good to move from words to deeds.

2. Find a thing, a detail that characterizes your hero, a story.

It is easier, of course, to use an illustration, a picture, a photograph. But it is best to find a thing that you can touch, smell, guess the riddle associated with it. For example, with the merchants Eliseevs, I give the guys an orange, the letters of the surname are laid out on it with a carnation. The letters are scattered and it is necessary to make a word out of them (Eliseev began to sell oranges on Nevsky Prospekt).

When talking about Peter I, I like to give children a map of the area of ​​St. Petersburg of the 18th century and suggest laying out a rough plan of the city (this is for older children, of course). When we go to the Photo Salon, I give a photo and offer to find the point from which it was taken. AT summer garden I invite the children to sculpt some of the sculptures on their own. Everything that the children touched, made efforts to unravel - they will remember for a long time.

It is not easy to find something that falls into the top ten, as they say, but the process itself is worth it! For me personally, this is the most interesting part of the excursion: the process of searching for that very historical detail.

3. Less is better, but better.

Children do not remember the date, especially when they are standing, listening to even the most interesting stories on the strength of 5-7 minutes. Therefore, the whole historical story it is necessary to put it in 15-20 minutes, and the whole excursion in 1.5 hours maximum.

And after such an immersion, leave the children with a desire to learn more, but on their own. Not so, "that I told you everything, but I also remembered, listen to me carefully." Not! Fill your communication with dialogue, searching, running, taking photos and discovering places.

4. Encouragement, prize, yummy at the end of the historical walk.

After the tour, we go for lunch, dinner or an afternoon snack. It's great if the food you offer the guys is related to today's walk. Let not all, but again, the detail will be remembered for a long time and will make the meal "historical" and exciting. And even if you feel that the children are tired of historical information, you can simply say that our hero loved this.

If you have boys and you have visited the Suvorov Museum, then eating buckwheat porridge and cabbage soup in bread is a must. And if emperors are your heroes, take a lace napkin and a couple of porcelain plates with you. Even in military campaigns, the emperors ate simply, but always with silver and porcelain. And this day will be special.

5. And lastly, my favorite: it's easy to forget everything that you are told and everything that is shown, but we will never forget the atmosphere when we feel good.

Be surprised, play, discover the story with the children! Love for the city is inside of us, and the child feels and understands everything, just talk about this love creatively. I have about the same approach to adult excursions. And although colleagues in the shop do not always understand this, it is very exciting to wake up the inner child in a serious adult!

On the splash screen is a photo fragment jasoncedit/Flickr/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0



Target: familiarization of teachers with the main aspects of work experience

on organizing and conducting excursions in the school museum of local lore.

Master class tasks:

Transfer your experience by direct and commented showing the sequence of actions, methods, techniques and forms of pedagogical activity;

Joint development of methodological approaches and techniques for solving the problem;

To create an emotional positive attitude towards business cooperation, to stimulate the activity of participants through the inclusion of teachers in the work in subgroups;

Reflection of their own professional skills by the participants of the master class.

Equipment: multimedia installation, museum exhibits, texts, documents, handouts.


    Organizational and motivational stage (induction)

    Experience Presentation

    Creating a problem situation

    Simulation (simulated game)

    Physical education minute




Master class progress

    Organizational and motivational stage

Welcome to the workshop participants.

Theme announcement.

Joint goal setting.

What needs to be done to prepare and conduct a tour of the museum?

As an epigraph for today's meeting, I chose a poem

"Free Talk":
- Let's talk?- About what?- About different things and other things.- About what's good- And not very well.- You know something.

- And I know something.- Let's talk?- Let's talk.- Suddenly it will be interesting.

II . Experience Presentation

This is our 1st lesson, in which we will get acquainted with the local history museum of secondary school No. 1, its sections. On your tables are Business Cards museum. During a correspondence excursion to our school museum of local lore, you will get to know it in more detail.

( Presentation about the school local history museum of the State Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1 of Starye Dorogi named after the Hero of the Soviet Union F.F. Kulikov" ).

    Creating a problem situation

And now it's time to set the task of our meeting. In the course of your work, we will select guides, researchers, journalists, those without whom it is impossible to imagine the activities of any museum.

Before going on a tour, I want to treat you and invite you to our museum. (Participants are asked to choose a candy)

Now I will ask you to take a seat at the table that matches the color of your section.

We are not in our museum, but you have a unique opportunity to visit it not only virtually through a presentation, but also to really see, evaluate and work with the exhibits with the help of a mobile museum - "Museum in a Suitcase". What do you think can fit in such a small suitcase??

I want to invite you to learn together how to evaluate a museum exhibit, give it characteristics and talk about it. After all, it is not for nothing that there is a saying: “Things speak!”

Participants of the master class are invited to work together with the master.

Without studying to the end, it is impossible to judge the subject as a whole. Your attention is invited to one of the exhibits of our school museum of local lore - a glitch (vessel). Our task is to describe it and find out where, when, by whom, what it was used for and what material was used to make it. We must apply the information received in order to compose the text of the excursion and conduct it.


(Group work)

I. There are museum exhibits, documents, texts on the tables.

Each group needs:

1. Compose a story showing the exhibit with explanations (for journalists)

2. Get acquainted with archival documents and draw a conclusion (for researchers)

3. Based on the proposed text, conduct a tour of your section (for guides)

1 group ( Starodozhina Literary) (books by Starodozhina authors: K.Tsvirko, A.Usenya)

2 group (There was a people's war) (cap, letters from the front)

3 group (Folk crafts) (belt, pottery bowl)

4 group (Matulya-school) (pen with inkwell, petition to open a school)

5 group (Land of Starodorozhsky) (the book "Old Roads", a stone with a hole (tool) 2-1 thousand BC).

    Physical education minute


(Presentation of group work of master class participants)


1 . Upon completion of the work, each is awarded the title:




2. Joint practical work

The emblem of the local history circle. In order to keep in mind the memories of visiting various interesting places, people usually acquire objects with the image of any objects of the area where they have been. Together with you, we will collect the emblem of our educational institution. Assembling the emblem of the high school from the mosaic

1. Each group has a puzzle piece on the table for a single drawing.(We glue it on a large Whatman paper).

So I think that after our master class you have an idea of ​​what the work of a museum worker is. After your own attempts to describe the exhibit, compose a story about it and apply it during the tour, you will remember it for a long time.


Game "Suitcase of WISHES"

To each participant in turn: all the participants of the group at parting collect a “suitcase of wishes”, putting in it the exhibits with which they worked. Everyone speaks out and be sure to express their admiration positive aspects personality and formulate their wishes.

What did you get from the master class?

Were your hopes justified?

Thank you very much for your work.

One thing is undeniable:

Even if you don't go out into the white light,

And in the field outside the outskirts, -

While you are following someone,

The road will not be remembered.

But wherever you go

And what a mess

The road that he was looking for

Forever will not be forgotten.

I want you to pass everything you hear through your heart, then everything will work out for you.


Tapered at the top, wide, rounded at the bottom


Milk storage

School Museum No. 1, section: folk crafts Clay

Tapered to the top, wide rounded bottom


Milk storage



Milk storage

Museum of Secondary School No. 1, section: folk



Tapered at the top, wide, rounded at the bottom


Milk storage


Tapered at the top, wide, rounded at the bottom


Milk storage


Narrow, self-woven from colored threads


Wearing clothes


wide round shape


For food

Glass, metal pen

Pen with handle, square ink bottle with pen stand


Writing texts




school opening


"Old Drogs"


Book with illustrations of the city


Exploring the history of the city


Stone with a hole inside for a handle


Skin processing

Stone tool: to.II- earlyI1000 BC, Levki village, Starodorozhsky district, during field work of students

Book "Old Roads": a gift from a history teacher Stanilevich I.M.

Letter of request to open a school:

Pen with inkwell: to.XIX- earlyXXcentury, student gift

Pottery bowl: to.XIX- earlyXXcentury, a gift to the museum from a local resident of the village of Starye Dorogi

Belt woven: earlyXXcentury, a gift to the museum from a local resident of the village of Zaluzhye


Letters from the front:

K. Tsvirko:

A. Usenya:

Work with tourists (continued)

Always carefully weigh what you say. Use reputable sources, double-check the information several times. Even if incorrect information is often found, it does not become correct from this and there is no need to tell tourists about it. As sources of information, scientific lectures, specialized museum publications, local history magazines, books written by historians are preferred. Television, newspapers, magazines, the Internet are in last place, because. unverified or distorted information predominates there.

What the "tour" created on the basis of stories, fictions, TV shows and modern books turns into, you can read here:
" Night excursions are one of the favorite summer entertainments of bored citizens and curious guests of the capital, which was confirmed by a full house last night. Your humble could not help but poke his nose into this industry, grabbing a notebook for barley) I single out nonsense in italics, I comment offtopic. Since we were driving away from Sukharevskaya, the Sukharevskaya tower that previously stood there was the first to suffer from the guide’s fantasy:

When building a story, do not forget that in the group there are people who perceive information differently: most, of course, are visuals, but there are also kinesthetics and auditory. Therefore, when describing objects, use words that characterize not only the width and volume of the house, but also the bright color of the stained-glass windows, the rustle of leaves near the house, the irregularities of the bricks in the masonry. There are people for whom it is enough to look at the monument, and there are those who need to touch and feel it to get acquainted with the object.

The guide only transmits information taken from trusted sources. He does not express his own opinion, much less impose it. People go to rest, to learn something new, but not to receive moral instruction or initiation into any religion. There should be no pressure or aggression in the tone of the conversation. People feel it, and then the trip turns into torture, into the imposition of an opinion.

"As a professional historian, I know very well how to captivate the audience with the most interesting stories on historical topics. For my lectures, I prepared dozens of examples so that the lecture presented under the recording would not be too "dry" and academic, so that the audience would be interested. Here, it is not required at all prepare material at the level of lectures.It is enough to know the basic facts and tell stories on this topic, since there are more than enough of them.
This is what happens abroad. In addition to the fact that the general level of knowledge of guides is an order of magnitude higher than in Moscow travel agencies, no one is trying to teach tourists about life, to preach their religious views and political views to them. Perhaps this is due to the fact that a slightly different contingent gets on excursions there. Although I can’t say that people who have never seen anything in their lives and have never been abroad travel on local routes. But why is the level of guides "for export" much higher than the level of "home-grown"?
We drove back without a guide, avoiding a rather boring lecture about his religious views mixed with leavened patriotism. And I don’t envy the part of the group with which he stayed, despite the fact that they had the opportunity to just walk around this incredible city...."

Tell interestingly, with expression, exciting:
"... we were taken on an excursion to Lomonosov. The guide spoke so tediously that I wanted to hang myself! It's just torture."
"... during the guide's story about the defense and surrender of Odessa, the men cried (really wiped their tears)"

If you have to lead a tour in the temple, you need to get permission (blessing) from the priest in advance. If you received it, do not forget that the story must be conducted in a relatively quiet voice, without disturbing the believers in the temple. A loud voice in a temple is inappropriate. It is also worth remembering that they do not stand with their backs to the altar, to the icons. You can stand sideways to them or slightly to the side, forming a triangle with the group.

The story should be interesting, comprehensive and not turn into a dry description of the facts. For example, you pass by an enterprise, TV tower, Mosfilm, botanical garden- tell us what interesting excursions there are, how you can get on them, how to get here.

"Yes, this is the misfortune of many storytellers and guides: they do not always understand that the interlocutors may be interested in the reasons for unusual (illogical) technical solutions, and not just the history of creation"

"We were on a tour of Minsk on July 25. I liked Minsk very much, but the guide Margarita did not. The tour was not informative, only dry historical facts, dates. Margarita herself was languishing from the heat and constantly complained that she was ill.

Speak slowly enough with expression. The pace of speech and its presentation should be such that you want to listen, so that you can remember and understand what you hear. Otherwise it might look like this:

"... I was just stunned. Not only did my brain not have time to digest the information, it simply did not perceive some :-) The guide spoke very quickly, very self-confidently, not always coherently, and such things that contradict school textbooks (in particular - on the formation of St. Petersburg)"

"... the guide, a young girl, a student, very carefully and to the point told about the city and the legends of the city. At the end of the tour, applause was heard on the bus, the guide and the driver were somewhat embarrassed. :) And we didn’t even want to leave them"

Summarize what you see, sum up what has been said. This will help tourists to better remember and understand what they saw.

"I was convinced that a guide is still needed, because he structures what he saw and heard."

If they try to interrupt you with a question in the middle of the story, do not pay attention. When you finish the story, you can turn to the person, ask him to repeat his question.

If during the story something sudden happens around that distracts the attention of people (for example, a wedding procession, dogs, squirrels), it is worth pausing a little and then continuing.

When building a story, speak from the general to the specific. First, tell us where we are, what surrounds us, and then proceed to describe a specific object. You cannot start the story right away with some story that happened in a certain house. People simply do not understand what kind of house they are talking about, where to look and where they are in general.

Use logical transitions. Don't jump from fact to fact. A bunch of little information nobody needs. Fragmentary information is digested with difficulty.

When you speak important information Please provide links to sources. Otherwise, your speech may be considered unfounded or fiction.

It is clear that it is difficult after the 300th or 1000th time to speak as if for the first time. But still, the opinion of people and the emotions they received about the walk depend on your acting talent, inspiration.

"And most of all I remember the guides, which are included in the price of tickets, and I listened to lectures from three. They tell so vividly, with soul and in colors! I even started recording the last, third female guide"

The guide is an organizer, but not a driver of people. If you work in a group all day, it would be appropriate to warn everyone before starting the trip that at the exits you first tell interesting things for 5-10 minutes, and then - free time. Because people are often nervous, they look at you - they worry that they will not have time to take photos and buy souvenirs. It is important to give them time for this. Otherwise it might look like this:

"I was in Kostroma 1 time, on an excursion. A terrible impression was left - the cold of a dog, although the rest of the boat trip was kept warm. The tour was crumpled, the guide was a loud nervous aunt, commanded a lot, told little."

Do not keep people in one place for a long time. 10 minutes is enough. Then people get distracted, worried that they won’t have time to take pictures, and in cold weather they freeze.

Don't wave your arms around pointlessly, track your gestures. With hand movements, you direct the eyes of tourists, helping them not only to look, but also to see.

When communicating with people, do not use excessively dark sunglasses. People should see your eyes, this is respect. If the sun interferes a lot, a wide-brimmed hat will help.

Depending on the position of the sun, during the story, position the people so that the sun does not hit them in the eyes. If the weather is hot - put the group in the shade, if it's cold, on the contrary, choose a sunny, wind-sheltered place.

If lunch is planned on the route, do not forget that the guide sits down to eat last. First, he must check all the tables - how people were seated, whether everyone has enough cutlery, what exactly was served to tourists (compare with the information of the travel agency). If you are traveling by bus, make sure that the driver is also fed. Tour guides, drivers, managers dine at a separate table from tourists.

Let's get the amount of information that people can absorb. No need to overload them with unnecessary facts, abstract topics and specific terms. Take small breaks. They are necessary for the understanding and assimilation of information.

How much do you have to say to the tour guide? For example, the tour is designed for 6 hours. If this is a walk around the city, then the guide says 6 astronomical clock. If outside the city - 6 academic, i.e. every 45 minutes he has the right to take a break for 15 minutes. On the way back, the guide, as a rule, does not speak. Tourists at this time are resting, someone is sleeping, someone is sharing their impressions with a neighbor, someone is listening to music.

Sometimes on excursions there are people who lack communication. They ask questions they don't need answers to. They need time and attention. If you have the opportunity, give it to them.

If a tourist expresses his point of view on the information provided and tells a lie, do not argue with him. Everyone has the right to be wrong. Your task is to give knowledge, and to assimilate it is the personal work of everyone. Maybe he will, maybe not, it's voluntary.

If you had a suburban bus tour and you are returning back, warn the tourists in advance that the bus follows without intermediate stops to the starting point of the tour. People should be informed about this in advance. Otherwise, at the entrance to the city by bus, a procession of "walkers" will be arranged to the driver and everyone will ask to stop him there. Such situations often make drivers nervous. After all tour bus- not a taxi and the driver should not drop groups of people here and there, slowing down, changing lanes and wasting time. The tour guide also monitors the trip time. At the end of the tour, he must document the time the bus stopped when the last tourist left it. Otherwise Travel Company will overpay for the bus transfer time.

At the end of the tour, remind the tourists that you can answer their questions. And there are usually a lot of questions.

The guide tries to make the walk interesting, filled with reliable information. Moreover, it is presented in such a way that tourists understand and remember a lot. They gain knowledge and the opportunity for further reflection and, perhaps, independent reading and walks. It's great when the work of one person encourages you to find interesting things in new objects.

At the end of the tour, be sure to sum up - tell briefly where you have been, what you have seen. Thank your colleagues for organizing the walk and the tourists for their attention. This is usually followed by applause :) Your reward for a job well done.


1. Subject and ides of the excursion methodology.

1.1 Subject and types of excursion methodology ...... 5

1.2. Methodology for preparing excursions………………... 8

2. Classification of methodological techniques.

2.1 Classification of teaching methods………….14

2.2 Methodological techniques of display……………….…...17

2.3 Methodological techniques of the story………………….25

3. Special methodological techniques.

3.1. Receiving a demonstration of a visual aid………35

3.2Assimilation by the guide of methodological techniques………………………………………………………..39

4. Technique of conducting excursions.

4.1 Technique of conducting excursions………………………42


Bibliographic list……………..……………….…52


Methodology in the broad sense of the word is a set of methods for expediently carrying out this or that work, solving a problem, achieving a goal, and in a narrower sense, it is a set of specific methodological methods for conducting lectures, conversations, excursions on a specific topic and for a specific group.

The technique is divided into general and private.

A tour is a methodically thought-out display of places of interest, historical and cultural monuments, a display based on an analysis of the objects that are in front of the eyes of the tourists, as well as the events associated with them.

The guide is not indifferent to what the excursionist sees, how he understands and perceives what he sees and hears.

The guide, with his explanations, brings the tourists to the necessary conclusions, the effectiveness of the excursion depends on this.

From this it follows that the essence of the excursion can be defined as follows: a visual process of learning about the surrounding world, a process built on pre-selected objects that are in natural conditions or located in the halls of museums, exhibitions, workshops of a sculptor, artist, etc.

The excursion technique is a private technique, since it is associated with the process of disseminating knowledge based on one form of work. The excursion methodology is a set of requirements and rules for the excursion, as well as the sum of the methodological methods for preparing and conducting excursions. different types, on various topics and for various groups of people.

The tour guide answers the following questions:

1. Why is the excursion prepared and conducted (goal, objectives)?

2. What issues are covered on the tour (what is its content about)?

3. How to conduct a tour (methodological techniques)?

The excursion methodology consists of several independent, interconnected parts:

Methods for developing a new topic for this bureau;

Methods of development by the guide of a new topic for him, but already developed in this bureau;

Methods of preparing the guide for the next excursion;

Excursion methods;

Methods after excursion work.

1. Subject and types of excursion methods.

1.1 Subject and types of excursion methods.

The method of conducting an excursion is a set of techniques used in conducting an excursion, which are designed to find a way more than usual and, together with the effective merit of the goal of the excursion, to help the excursionists easier and more firmly to finally learn the content of the excursion.

Methodological methods of conducting excursions are divided into general, personal and individual. Imagine one fact that general receptions are, as usual, the basis for conducting, as everyone knows, any excursion, regardless of its topic, the composition of the excursion group. It must be said that personal, in the end, are those methods that are used in excursions, as most of us are used to saying, of a certain type (industrial, museum, natural history, transport, walking), or in excursions conducted for a certain, as people are accustomed to express themselves to the excursion audience (kids, youth, adults). It's not a secret for anyone that personal methods, focusing on the main requirements of the excursion methodology, develop and concretize more effective methods of conducting excursions of this type. Everyone knows that in the end, individual techniques are, as we constantly say, unique methods of observing some, as many people say, 1 object or a story about it, for example, showing a building standing on the shore of a reservoir, which on a fine summer day is finally reflected on its surface. And it is not even necessary to say that such techniques are usually the intellectual property of the 1st guide and, finally, are used by everyone who, therefore, conducts such excursions. Indeed, single methods also include those whose implementation is limited, as we put it, certain time year or day.

The excursion technique is considered in several aspects: as the basis of the professional skills of guides; as a mechanism that improves the "feed" of the material; as a process of streamlining the activities of the guide. The technique helps the tourists to see, remember and understand much more than in a lecture that reveals the same topic. This happens because the lecturer's methodology is largely based on various kinds of messages and descriptions, the lecture story is conducted in isolation from the objects of description. The excursion methodology consists of several independent, interconnected parts: - methods for the guide to develop a new topic for him, but already developed in this bureau; - methods for preparing the guide for the next excursion; - methods of conducting excursions; - methods of post-excursion work.

Aspects of the excursion methodology: the basis of the professional skill of the guide, the mechanism for supplying material, the process of streamlining the activities of the guide during the preparation and conduct of the excursion.

The excursion technique is associated with such concepts as storytelling and showing. To the question about the relationship between showing and telling in a guided tour, the methodology gives an unequivocal answer: from showing to telling. You should start with a show, with visual or other (tactile, olfactory) impressions, and then introduce a story. The technique takes into account the ability of the object to attract attention, uses various means to enhance the attention of tourists.

Another task of the methodology is to suggest the most effective use of methodological methods of conducting excursions. The excursion methodology takes into account the issues of emotional impact on tourists.

The subject of the excursion methodology is the purposeful study, systematization, formulation, clarification and practical application of the means and methods of education and training, as well as methodological techniques, with the help of which employees of excursion institutions carry out their activities. The excursion methodology summarizes the experience of conducting excursions, develops and offers such methodological techniques that have justified themselves in practice and ensure the highest efficiency in the disclosure and perception of the topic.

1.2 Methodology for preparing excursions.

The development of the excursion is carried out by a creative group, consisting of 3-10 people, depending on the complexity of the topic. Each of the participants works on one of the sections or one of the subtopic excursions. The head of the creative team unites and edits the prepared material.

Preparation is divided into two stages:

Preliminary - selection and study of factual materials (i.e., the process of initial accumulation of knowledge on this topic), carried out by the creative group, the choice of objects on which the excursion will be built;

Direct - drawing up an excursion route, processing of factual material.

In addition, work is underway on the structure of methodological development: introduction, main part, conclusion; a control text is compiled, the methodological conduct of the excursion is analyzed (determination of the most appropriate methodological methods of showing and telling specifically for one or another part of the excursion), a "guide portfolio" is formed, and an individual text is prepared. A methodological development is a concise plan, a document that determines how to conduct this excursion, in what sequence to organize the display of monuments, what methodology should be used to effectively conduct the excursion. Here the guide should find advice on the sequence in which to show and tell, what materials from the "guide's portfolio" and when it is better to demonstrate. A methodological development is compiled for each topic of the excursion.

Methodological development is a mandatory document, without which an excursion on this topic cannot be conducted.

The obligatory document is individual text, which gives the guide the right to conduct a tour on a given topic. Correctly composed methodical development helps the guide to more fully reveal the topic.