Rhodes interesting facts 4. Rhodes: interesting facts about the medieval city

Greece - unique country, which boasts archipelagos of islands in various parts of the Mediterranean basin. Every corner of Hellas is attractive in its own way, but in the east of the Mediterranean there is no equal to the island of Rhodes. There are many archaeological sites and historical buildings, as well as unique natural objects. You cannot describe the whole island in one article, so we will divide the story into parts and today we will talk about the capital of this wonderful place. Let's talk about the weather, history and sights of the capital, as well as other Interesting Facts about the city of Rhodes. Join the journey through the streets of the ancient Greek city!

Interesting facts about the city of Rhodes from different time periods

At a cursory glance, the island of Rhodes in Greece is of little note. Here's what the "dry" facts about Rhodes say:

  • Located in the southeast of Greece;
  • Area 1401.5 km2;
  • The permanent population is 115,490 inhabitants;
  • Coastalthe line is stretched for 220 km;
  • The official language is Greek.

But the statistics do not at all convey the aesthetic beauty and uniqueness of these places. Whether it's when we read interesting facts about the island of Rhodes.

So, for example, Rhodes is one of the Greek islands washed by two seas: from the west, its shores are framed by the waters of the Aegean Sea, and from the east - by the Mediterranean. This neighborhood has led to the emergence of a unique natural attraction, which is romantically called the "kiss of the two seas." To admire this spectacle, you need to go to Cape Prasonisi, located in the south of the island.

Agree, now the desire to make a trip to Greece to Rhodes manifested itself much more than when we simply told the characteristics of the island. Therefore, to begin with, we bring to your attention interesting facts about the city of Rhodes. A small selection of 15 observations will act as a kind of aperitif, and then we will move on to a full-fledged dish - detailed description Rhodes.


  1. The city was founded by people from the island policies of Kamir, Ialis and Lind. This event took place in 408 BC.
  2. Thanks to the convenient geographic location, ancient Rhodes in the Mediterranean became a major center of transit trade. According to historical data, earlier there were as many as 5 ports in the city. However, only three of them have been located so far.
  3. Ancient Rhodes is known for the fact that it was in this city that one of the wonders of the world, the Colossus of Rhodes, was erected. A bronze monument about 36 meters high towered over the harbor, welcoming the incoming ships. The sculpture was dedicated to the sun god Helios, who is the patron saint of the city. Moreover, the Greek myths say that Rhodes was an island that Helios carried on his own hands from the sea.
  4. Ancient Rhodes was badly damaged by an earthquake in 226 BC. e. Colossus also suffered in this catastrophe. At first, they wanted to restore the destroyed monument, but the Oracle warned the Greeks against making this mistake: the prophet said that this act could greatly anger Helios. The fragments of the statue remained on the ground until foreign invaders captured Rhodes and sold the fragments of the Colossus to a Jewish merchant. He simply melted the remains of the wonder of the world into bronze ingots and took them to another country.
  5. Later, Rhodes was repeatedly subjected to devastating earthquakes of varying power. Nevertheless, a large ancient heritage has been preserved here. Of the monuments, the most valuable for the world and the country are the interesting ruins of the temple of Athena Poliada and the stadium, which is an analogue of the stadium in Olympia. To date, this is the only antique copy that has survived to this day.

Middle Ages

  1. Medieval Rhodes received its interesting facts thanks to the arrival of the Knights of St. John (Hospitallers) to these lands. In 1309 the city became the seat of the order.
  2. The Rhodes knights significantly strengthened the defenses of the settlement. The city was surrounded by a high and thick stone wall, the length of which was 4 km. The fortification was equipped with watchtowers and 7 gates, near which there was an armed guard.
  3. From the inside, the city was also divided by a wall. A smaller part, it was called Collachio, was completely given over to knighthood. Here was the Palace of the Grand Masters, Cathedral, hospital and other administrative buildings. For the most part, Burgo, or as it was also called Chora, was settled by ordinary people. Houses, markets, churches, public buildings, etc. were erected in this area.
  4. Knighthood helped the townspeople defend Rhodes and fend off foreign raids for more than two centuries. But in 1522, the Hospitallers were defeated during the siege of the city by the Ottoman troops. So Rhodes fell under the rule of the Turkish ruler Suleiman the Great.
  5. As a result of the change of power, locals were driven out of the city walls. The expelled townspeople had to settle down in a new place, and so it got its development New town(modern part of Rhodes).

Rhodes is one of the most popular holiday destinations in Greece, it is also called another pearl mediterranean sea. A huge number of magnificent beaches for every taste, many historical monuments, great variety of landscapes. There is something to see here.

Rhodes is known to be the 4th largest island in Greece and the largest in the Dodecanese archipelago. It is washed in the west by the Aegean Sea, and in the east by the Mediterranean. Winds blow in the west, and in the east there is usually a calm, quiet sea.

Rhodes has both arid zones and stunning scenic forests. The center of the island is the city of the same name Rhodes with a population of 60,000 people. The total area of ​​Rhodes is 1398 square kilometers. The population is only 120,000 people. The coastline is more than 220 kilometers.

1) 37% of Rhodes is covered with pines and cypresses.

2) One of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Colossus of Rhodes, was located on Rhodes. Its height was 33 meters. Was destroyed by an earthquake. The statue was dedicated to the sun god, Helios. The height was comparable to the Statue of Liberty. Until now, the government intends to restore the Colossus and make it even taller.

3) If you believe the myths, Rhodes belonged to Helios, the son of the titan Hyperion. The god named the island in honor of Rhoda, the daughter of Poseidon and Amphitrite, with whom he fell passionately in love.

4) In translation, Rhodes means "Blossoming".

5) The deer is the emblem of Rhodes. In the forests of Rhodes, there are many representatives of a rare species, the European Fallow deer.

6) On Rhodes 44 settlements. Mostly villages.

7) It is curious that Hercules is called the founder of the first settlement on Rhodes.

8) Tourism provides 75% of the GDP of the island of Rhodes.

9) 3700 years ago, Rhodes was associated with the Minoan civilization of the island of Crete. It was an important economic center in the Mediterranean.

10) The Acropolis of Lindos has been standing here for 2600 years (it is the second most important and popular in Greece; the first is the Acropolis in Athens). And you old City Rhodes was built 600 years ago. This medieval wonder is included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List.

11) The creator of the legendary marble sculpture of Nike of Samothrace was a resident of Lindos (the second Big City Rhodes). His name was Pythocritus.

12) Nike borrowed the symbol from the goddess Nike, who, according to myths, loved Rhodes.

13) In the past, 19 Grand Masters of the Order of the Hospitallers lived in the Rhodes fortress. Knights also lived here.

14) Today, various exhibitions are held in the fortress, restored after the earthquake of the 19th century.

15) In the Valley of the Butterflies (Petaludes) in Rhodes, you can see millions of butterflies of one type, Medvedka Four-spotted.

16) In Lindos, you can see the Olympic Stadium, an analogue of the stadium from ancient Olympia. The only one in the world!

17) Ancient Kamiros in the past was no less important than Rhodes and Lindos, but subsequently fell into decay. You can only see its ruins.

18) The castle of Kritinia is very beautiful. In fact, it is practically destroyed. It offers stunning sea views.

The city of Rodoz is one of the oldest in the world, inhabited by the Greeks as early as 408 BC. Lots of incredible beauty architectural structures were erected in ancient times in this settlement, but many of them have long been destroyed. But still, some buildings "survived" but our time and became calling card modern city Rodoz.

We bring to your attention some interesting facts about the city of Rodoz, which will briefly tell the history of Ancient Greece.

Rhodes city - interesting facts

Back in the Middle Ages, the island of Rhodes was conditionally divided into two parts, called Kollahiy and Burg. Ordinary residents lived in Brug, and masters and knights lived in Collachia. It was the latter who made up after themselves great amount incredible beauty of architectural sights, such as, for example, the Palace of the Grand Masters (it was built in the XIV century).

The modern emblem of the city of Rhodes depicts a deer. This is due to the fact that about 40% of the island's territory is occupied by forests - cypress and pine trees. In the same forests, a rare species of deer, the European fallow deer, has been living for a long time. Animals are listed in the Red Book, and hunting for them is strictly prohibited.

The ancient inhabitants of Rhodes believed that, according to the myths, Hercules was the founder of the first settlement on the island. In fact, historians have found that the first settlers on the island were fishermen, for whom Rhodes served as a habitat during storms.

AT this moment about 120 thousand people live on the island. The main part of the population is made up of residents of villages, of which there are about fifty in Rhodes.

Local officials say about 80% of the city's income comes from tourism. And this is not surprising, because here you can really see a lot of architectural structures that have survived to our time. This is the Kolos of Rhodes (a giant 33-meter statue, which is one of the seven wonders of the world), the Palace of the Grand Masters (built in the 14th century and served as a defensive fort for the city), the Petaludes Valley (a favorite habitat for butterflies “four-pointed bear”), etc. .

Another miracle created by man is the Olympic Stadium, which was built in Rhodes by the Greeks in ancient times. Outwardly, it is very reminiscent of the stadium of ancient Olympia, but inferior to the prototype in size.

Nowadays, in the city of Rhodes, you can meet a huge number of architects who take part in the restoration of historical monuments and structures. Most of the buildings acquire their original appearance thanks to the design documentation, which was previously stored in the Rhodes fortress.

Although this building was almost completely destroyed in 1856 after an accidental explosion, archaeologists discovered many ancient parchments in the cellars of the Rhodes fortress, which are building plans.

Historians report that Rhodes reached the peak of its economic development in the 16th century BC. At the same time, the inhabitants of the island established close cooperation with the Minoan civilization of the island of Crete. The main subjects of the trades were food and bronze items.

During the time of the knights, a four-kilometer stone wall was erected around the city. It was possible to get into the city through one of the eleven gates. The perimeter of the wall was decorated with 150 coats of arms of masters and knights who have ever lived in Rhodes.

The central street of modern Burge is lined with shops, cafeterias, souvenir shops and other establishments supported by tourists.

Modern Kollahiy is a place where tourists go who want to find themselves in Ancient Greece. Every day exhibitions are held here, excursions are held, exhibits are shown, etc.

The inhabitants of Rhodes adopted Christianity in the first century BC. The metropolitan from Rome also settled here. After some time, the Ottomans captured the island and converted all the churches into mosques, but after that everything returned to its place - the Turks were expelled from the island, and the mosques again became Catholic churches.

Thank you for your attention. We hope that these interesting facts about the city of Rhodes will help you get to know the world and the history of Ancient Rome better. Don't forget to share this post with your friends in social networks or leave comments.

Consider interesting facts about Rhodes in a nutshell. The island has a rich cultural heritage, the ruins of ancient cities, fortresses, castles, palaces and acropolises have been preserved here.

  • Rhodes is famous for one of the 7 wonders of the world - Colossus of Rhodes, 37 meters high, erected in 285 BC. e., which was located in the port of Mandraki at the entrance to the harbor. The Colossus of Rhodes personified the ancient Greek Sun God Helios. Outwardly, the Colossus of Rhodes represented a huge young man, in one hand he had a bow with arrows, and the other hand with a bowl was raised high above his head.
  • The Colossus of Rhodes was destroyed by an earthquake in 227 BC uh. Now from this wonder of the world there are columns on which statues of deer are located.
  • For the first time, the medieval world learned about the ancient cities of Rhodes, when the athlete of antiquity Diagor won in Olympic Games . Now the airport "Diagoras" is named after him.
  • According to the myths of ancient Greece, the island of Rhodes belonged to the solar god Helios son of the titan Hyperion. The Greeks believe that the god Helios fell in love with the nymph Rhode, the daughter of Amphitrite and Poseidon. The island of Rhodes was named after Rhoda.
  • The island of Rhodes was the most important center bronze age(16th century BC), thanks to cooperation with the Minoan civilization of the island of Crete.
  • During the construction of Constantinople Hagia Sophia used clay tiles from the island of Rhodes.

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Facts about Rhodes

  • The first settlers of Rhodes were islands of Crete, then the Phoenicians and Dorians.
  • The Greeks believe that the first settlement on the island of Rhodes was founded by a hero of myths. ancient greece Hercules (Hercules). However, historians have found that fishermen were the first to settle in Rhodes, who took refuge here from storms in the sea.
  • The city of Rhodes, where medieval buildings are well preserved, was founded in 5th century BC with the unification of the political forces of Lindos, Ialissa and Kamiros.

Medieval city of Rhodes: interesting facts

  • Medieval Old city Rhodes is included in list world heritage UNESCO.
  • The fortress in the city of Rhodes is one of the largest in Europe.
  • Along the perimeter, the walls of the Rhodes fortress are about 4 km.
  • Emblem of the Knights of Rhodes eight pointed white cross, depicted on many buildings on the island. Now this cross is called the Maltese.
  • In the Middle Ages, the island of Rhodes was divided into 2 parts: Kollachiy and Burg. Knights and masters settled in Collachia. Ordinary people lived in Burg. Knights and masters built a large number beautiful buildings and buildings, some of which have survived to this day.
  • Medieval city Rhodes was surrounded by a 4-kilometer stone wall that protected it from invaders. It was possible to get to Rhodes only through one of 11 gates.
  • In the old town of Rhodes there is a medieval Street of the Knights. It dates from the 14th century and has been completely restored today. This street housed the Knights Hospitallers (Johnites) who visited Rhodes. Now you can see the medieval knight's residences - auberge.
  • The fortress in the old town of Rhodes was the center collachia where the knights of Rhodes lived. Also, local residents could hide from dangers here. The fortress withstood several earthquakes, but was destroyed by an accidental explosion in 1856. Drawings were found in the fortress of Rhodes, according to which historians and architects were able to recreate the original appearance of many buildings and structures. Nowadays, historical expositions are exhibited in the fortress in the old town of Rhodes.
  • One of the most memorable architectural monuments of the Rhodes fortress on the street of the Knights of St. John of the Middle Ages is Palace of the Grand Masters (Castello) built in the 14th century. It looks very impregnable - like a fortress within a fortress. The cathedral itself is square in shape with a courtyard closed from prying eyes. There are 205 halls and rooms in the palace, where expositions are now exhibited. Nowadays, the palace can be visited with a guided tour. The entrance fee in 2019 is 6 euros.
  • In battles, the knights went out dressed in red cloaks under armor so that no blood can be seen when injured. The knights fought fiercely and did not show that they were wounded until they fell dead.
  • Knights Hospitaller of St. John were in Rhodes 213 years old and left a colossal cultural and historical heritage.
  • In 1522, after a 6-month siege, Rhodes fell and was conquered. Suleiman the Magnificent. The knights had to leave Rhodes, and Charles V and the Pope were forced to look for the knights new house in Malta. After the current events, the Rhodes knights began to be called the Maltese.
  • The Rhodes knights left their legacy on everyone Dodecanese islands, as well as on the coast of Asia Minor - now it is a city Izmir in Turkey.

Interesting facts about Rhodes: the city of Lindos

  • Lindos is home to the world's only ancient Greek Olympic Stadium. It is considered an analogue of the stadium of ancient Olympia.
  • Acropolis in Lindos was founded 2600 years ago and has survived to this day. It is surpassed in popularity only by the Acropolis in Athens. Here is the temple of Athena of Lindos. Now it can be visited with a guided tour. The entrance fee in 2019 is 12 euros.
  • Marble sculpture of Nike of Samothrace was created by the hands of the sculptor Pythocrites from Lindos in 190 BC. partly in Rhodesian marble. It was later discovered on the island of Samothrace. Now this sculpture can be seen in the Louvre in France.

Rhodes Island: Interesting Facts

  • The city is located on Rhodes Kamiros, which is one of the 3 ancient cities of the island. The other two are Ialyssos and Lindos. The city prospered Agriculture. Kamiros cooperated in trade with Asia Minor and the southeastern Mediterranean. Now you can see the ruins of the ancient city.
  • In the village Asklipio, named after the ancient Greek god of medicine, in the southeast of Rhodes there is an ancient Orthodox church Assumption of the Virgin in the Byzantine style. The temple dates back to the 11th century and has survived to this day. This is the most ancient temple on the island of Rhodes.
  • In the 1st century BC. adopted in Rhodes Christianity, and the metropolitan from Rome moved here. When the Turks captured the island of Rhodes, they rebuilt all the Christian churches into mosques. Later, when the Turks were driven out, the inhabitants of the island converted all the mosques into temples.
  • Rhodes has become a place of pilgrimage to Church of Saint Tsambika, which is considered the patroness of those who want to have children. People from all over Greece and neighboring countries come to pray to her. You can read many wonderful stories when Saint Tsambika helped even in the most hopeless situations.
  • In the town Ialyssos the Acropolis of Achaia and the ruins of ancient temples, which were erected in honor of Athena and Zeus, have been preserved.

  • Rhodes is included in the Schengen area. The main currency on the island is the euro.
  • The island of Rhodes is located at the confluence of two seas - Aegean and Mediterranean. The boundary between them is clearly visible, and the waters do not mix.
  • Rhodes has over 300 sunny days per year.
  • In Rhodes, the temperature never drops below -3 degrees.
  • Much of Rhodes' budget comes from tourism income.
  • Rodov Island rings two lane road, you can drive around in a circle in 2 hours.
  • Almost half of the island of Rhodes is occupied pine and cypress forests.
  • Rhodes is one of the most safest islands in the world.
  • Perimeter coastline is 225 km.
  • The whole island of Rhodes is inhabited by only 115,000 people from the local population. Of these, almost 50,000 are in the city of Rhodes. All in Rhodes there are 44 towns and settlements.
  • The name of the island "Rhodes" means "rose flower".
  • On the coat of arms of the island of Rhodes is depicted deer. The one that stands on a column in the place of the Ear of Rhodes.
  • Despite its small size, the island of Rhodes has the airport. It's called Rhodes Airport. "Diagoras" and is located 14 km from the city of Rhodes in Paradisi.

Surely many of us have heard about this wonderful Greek island— Rhodes. But what is remarkable about this resort, besides its wonderful beaches? We invite you to get acquainted with 10 interesting facts about this island:

Fact number 1. One winged Latin expression is associated with the name of this island: “Here is Rhodes, jump here” (in the original Hie Rodos, hie salta!). The phrase comes from Aesop's fable "The Bouncer", which tells of a man who boasted that when he was on the island of Rhodes, he made a colossal leap, and at the same time there were witnesses to the event. To which one of the listeners said to him: “Friend, if this is true, then why do you need witnesses? Here is Rhodes for you - jump here. Allegorically: do not talk about your glorious deeds done somewhere or sometime, but show your capabilities here and now.

Fact number 2. The island is named after the nymph Rhoda, daughter of Poseidon and wife of Helios. The love of the solar deity Helios is noticeable even today - in Rhodes there are more than 300 sunny days a year.

Fact number 3. In Rhodes, an autochthonous (bred in one place) Atiri grape variety grows. It produces resinous Retsina wine, which is considered one of the best varieties of Greek wine.

Fact number 4. Known fact. Rhodes is the site of the construction of one of the wonders of the world - the Colossus of Rhodes. It was built in 292 BC and destroyed by an earthquake already in 226 BC. No one knows what the Colossus actually looked like and where it was located.

Fact number 5. The acropolis of the Rhodes city of Lindos is the second largest and most important acropolis in Greece, after the Athenian.

Fact number 6. In the northeast of the island is one of the most picturesque and famous beaches Rhodes. Rocky slopes descend directly to the water, along which bright green thickets creep. In the past it private beach, owned by American actor Anthony Quinn, who played the Greek Zorba in the film of the same name by Michalis Kakoyannis. Today, the bay is state property and anyone can relax in it.

Fact number 7. On Rhodes there is a unique place of its kind - the Petaludes Valley. From all over the European part, a huge number of butterflies fly here, which are attracted by the special aroma of resin emanating from the trees growing here.

Fact number 8. Pine honey is produced in Rhodes. Dark, thick and fragrant honey is collected only 2 times a year - in spring and autumn. It contains a lot of iron and a number of useful trace elements, due to its moderate sweetness and unique composition, it is very useful.

Fact number 9. The island of Rhodes is small, and if you wish, you can go around it in a couple of days up and down. Do not think that because of this the island is suitable only for beach holiday. There are many around Rhodes interesting places that can be visited by purchasing a ferry ticket, among them are Patmos, Halki and Symi.

Fact number 10. On Rhodes, you can get rid of all sins by going through a tunnel in 7 springs. A simple action (just go through a concrete tunnel) is considered a miraculous way to cleanse from sins. Seven springs are located about 30 km from the city of Rhodes.