The strangest country Alphabetical list of countries and territories

    List of countries and territories in the world- List of countries and territories of the world that have ever been colonies. This is the service ... Wikipedia

    List of countries and territories in the world that have ever been colonies- ... Wikipedia

    List of countries with names in their official languages- Below is an alphabetical list of countries of the world with names in Russian and official/state languages ​​of the respective country. Contents 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 D 5 E ... Wikipedia

    List of countries by GDP (PPP)- This term has other meanings, see List of countries by GDP ... Wikipedia

    List of countries by population density- Population density (persons per km²) by country, 2006 This article contains a table of states sorted by their ... Wikipedia

    List of countries by number of millionaire cities- shows the distribution of cities of millionaires by country. The first city to reach a population of 1 million was Rome around the turn of our era, but by the 5th to 6th centuries, the population of Rome had declined significantly. Close to a millionth number ... ... Wikipedia

    List of territorial disputes- This article contains an unfinished translation from of English language. You can help the project by translating it to the end. Below is a list of territorial disputes in the world. Bold font ... Wikipedia

    List of states- Main article: United Nations Organization See also UN member states Contents 1 UN member countries 2 Former members ... Wikipedia

    List of coats of arms and flags of unrecognized states- The number of UN member states is 193 states. Another generally recognized entity in the status of persona sui generis, the Holy See is a subject of international law and a permanent observer ... Wikipedia

    List of states and dependent territories of Africa- ... Wikipedia


  • Atlas of the world. Political and physical maps, . Detailed color illustrated encyclopedia contains physical and political maps all countries of the world, indicating their administrative division into regions, provinces and regions. Edition…

North Korea is taking it seriously travel business, and some operators are already starting to recruit groups to visit the most closed country in the world. But besides North Korea, there are several other unusual states that have hardly been visited by tourists.

The most non-tourist and little-visited country in the world. It is located in an archipelago of islands in the Pacific Ocean.

Tuvalu belongs to the countries of the fourth world, that is, to the poorest. This is not surprising: after all, it has almost no markets for its products, the economy is exclusively natural and works for the domestic market, and there is an acute shortage of qualified specialists. At the same time, Tuvalu is incredible beautiful country, which has something to show the traveler.

The most closed country in the world, which has become a byword and an antonym to the words "democracy", "freedom" and "welfare". North Korea is the only country in the world that is not a member of the UN, and the only one that cares so much about its few tourists. All foreigners who have arrived in the country are taken under guardianship by an annoying guide who does not allow a step to step outside the prescribed route.

You might think that the rulers of North Korea deliberately create such a specific image for the country so that tourists go to it. Unfortunately, they do this involuntarily, although the effect of this does not change: those who want to go to the caricatured totalitarian North Korea number in the hundreds of thousands.

The smallest state South America has a lot to offer tourists. Except, perhaps, developed tourism infrastructure. Suriname is surprising in that it has almost no cities and villages in the full sense of the word. Hundreds of kilometers of jungle with the roofs of houses occasionally appearing among the thickets are all that can be seen in Suriname.

At the same time, there is a very rich plant and animal world, an unusual way of life and a peculiar culture local residents. All this is worthy of tourist attention, one has only to close one's eyes to the endless jungle and harsh climatic conditions.

Sealand is definitely the most amazing country in the world. It is located ten kilometers from the coast of Great Britain and was founded in 1967 by retired Major Paddy Roy Bates. This man captured one of the defensive platforms built during the Second World War, and proclaimed himself emperor, and called his land Sealand.

After the creation of the empire, the emperor wrote the constitution. The constitutional monarchy is currently ruled by Prince Michael I Bates. The legal system is based on British law, the state machine is run by several ministries. Almost every citizen of Sealand is a minister or high-ranking official, since the population of the state is only about five people. Most countries do not recognize Sealand as sovereign, although the British authorities consider it an independent state entity.

    List of countries and territories in the world that have ever been colonies This is the service ... Wikipedia

    - ... Wikipedia

    Below is an alphabetical list of countries of the world with names in Russian and official/state languages ​​of the respective country. Contents 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 D 5 E ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see List of countries by GDP ... Wikipedia

    Population density (persons per km²) by country, 2006 This article contains a table of states sorted by their ... Wikipedia

    Shows the distribution of cities of millionaires by country. The first city to reach a population of 1 million was Rome around the turn of our era, but by the 5th to 6th centuries, the population of Rome had declined significantly. Close to a millionth number ... ... Wikipedia

    This article contains an unfinished English translation. You can help the project by translating it to the end. Below is a list of territorial disputes in the world. Bold font ... Wikipedia

    Main article: United Nations Organization See also UN member states Contents 1 UN member countries 2 Former members ... Wikipedia

    The number of UN member states is 193 states. Another generally recognized entity in the status of persona sui generis, the Holy See is a subject of international law and a permanent observer ... Wikipedia

    - ... Wikipedia


  • Atlas of the world. Political and physical maps, . A detailed color illustrated encyclopedia contains physical and political maps of all countries of the world, indicating their administrative division into regions, provinces and regions. Edition…

This is a list of the most original countries that are specific due to their natural beauties, some due to their demographic characteristics, and some due to their tourist features. Only sovereign states were taken into account. By the way, on the website of the travel agency "Lena-Tour" information on tours is updated daily. Tours around the world are offered. On the site - a fresh selection of tours, information about countries, online tour selection. With Lena-Tour companies you can go to any of the 9 countries listed below.

1. Country with 3 million lakes - Canada

More than 60 percent of the world's lakes are located in Canada, there are so many of them that their exact number is not known. In some regions, for every 100 sq. km there are more than 30 lakes.

2. A country with more than 17,500 islands - Indonesia

Indonesia consists of more than 17,500 islands with a total coastline at 81350 km. Approximately 6000 of the islands are inhabited. Most big islands- Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi, Bali, Lombok and Flores. Indonesia contains 10-15 percent of the world's coral reefs.

3. Desert country - Libya

Libya is the country with the highest percentage of desert (99%). The Libyan Desert, which covers most of Libya, is one of the driest places on Earth. In some places, decades can pass without rain, and even in the highlands, precipitation is rare, once every 5-10 years.

4. The country with the smallest population density - Mongolia

The country with the lowest population density in the world is Mongolia, with a population density of about 4.4 people per square mile (1.7 people / sq. km). In Mongolia, 2.5 million people occupy over 600,000 square miles of land (about 1,560,000 sq km). Most of this population lives in urban areas, as the development of pastures in the vast deserts of Mongolia is difficult, in particular due to drought and dust storms, as a result of which some parts of the country are almost as deserted as in the time of Genghis Khan.

5. Country in the jungle - Suriname

The area of ​​forests is 14.8 million hectares (57,000 square miles), which is 91% of the total land area of ​​Suriname (16.3 million hectares, or 63,000 square miles). Suriname's vast forest and low population of about 400,000 in the capital and coastal cities give it one of the lowest deforestation rates in the world. Only 5 percent of the population lives in the rainforests, and these are indigenous peoples and six tribes of blacks - descendants of runaway slaves who recreated forest communities centuries ago and today retain their traditional West African style.

The country with the highest decline in fertility is Ukraine, with a natural population decline of 0.8% each year. Ukraine is expected to lose 28% of its population between now and 2050 (from 46.8 million now to 33.4 million in 2050).

7. Country below sea level - the Netherlands

Half of the Netherlands is below sea level. More than 60 percent of the country's population of 15.8 million lives below sea level. Only in the south of the Netherlands does the terrain rise to 30 meters or more.

This is one of the smallest countries in the world. Tuvalu is halfway between Australia and Hawaii and is predicted to be the first country to disappear underwater when global warming raises sea levels high enough. In addition, it is very difficult to get here and very expensive flights from Fiji. Tuvalu is visited by a total of 1100 tourists a year.

9. Country-continent - Australia

Australia is the only country in the world that spans an entire continent, there is more than one country on any other continent. It is the only country that is a continent, and a continent that is a country. It is the sixth largest country in the world, with a total area of ​​7,686,850 sq km (2,967,909 sq mi), slightly smaller than the 48 states of the US and 31.5 times the size of the United Kingdom.

Today, more and more people choose to spend money on travel, because the emotions of traveling to new cities and areas are priceless and often amazingly unforgettable.


Also in India there are many attractions that are considered objects World Heritage UNESCO: Ajanta cave temples, Ellora cave temples, Taj Mahal, numerous unique churches in Goa city, monuments of Hampi, Qutub Minar, etc.

Most Unique Country: Indonesia

Indonesia is the largest Island state in the world: about 18,000, of which only about 7,000 have their own names. The largest of the islands are New Guinea, Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sulawesi and Java, and all other islands are much smaller.

For major islands characterized by a combination of mountainous terrain with plains covered with dense tropical rainforests. On many islands, the mountain slopes rise steeply almost from the very coast and end with peaks.

One of the natural features of Indonesia is that many islands are covered with snow, despite being close to the equator. Indonesia can also be considered a country of volcanoes: there are more than 500 of them, and 129 are active. The island of Java is especially famous for its numerous volcanoes.

And the most famous volcano Indonesia - Krakatau, which is located between the islands of Java and Sumatra. The largest are Rinjani in Lombok and Agun in Bali.

Most Unique Country: Bolivia

The uniqueness of Bolivia lies in the fact that it can be called the most mountainous country, and in its isolation from the world. No wonder Bolivia is called "America's Tibet". Unfortunately, the exit Pacific Ocean the country lost as a result of the war with Chile, so now it is in the middle of the continent. Here is the highest actual capital - La Paz.

Bolivia is home to the highest navigable lake in the world, Titicaca. Unlike other Latin American countries, most of its population is indigenous, Indians are one of the main Indian tribes of Bolivia.

Its population is over 2 million people. Tourists have a unique opportunity when visiting Bolivia to meet with representatives of this people, who still follow their traditions and customs.

Photo: open sources on the Web, collage: Svetlana Karmadonova