Kazan Kremlin: a brief description and the main attractions of the Kremlin. Historical and architectural complex "Kazan Kremlin Kazan Kremlin what is there

Plan of the Kazan Kremlin in 1730

No historian will name the exact date of the construction of the Kazan Kremlin. Researchers believe that the complex appeared between the 10th and 12th centuries. At first, all buildings were built of wood, and the Kremlin itself consisted of fortress walls. But every year more and more buildings appeared, and then the complex turned into a real city - this is how Kazan was born. First, the fortress was an outpost for the Bulgar princes, then for the khans of the Golden Horde. From the 16th century, it came under the control of the Russian state - it was captured by Ivan the Terrible.

At first, the troops turned the Kremlin fortifications into ruins, but it is from this moment that a new page in the history of the complex begins. Ivan the Terrible started a grand reconstruction of the Kremlin: architects and masons arrived from Pskov. For six years, the masters have changed the appearance of the building beyond recognition. Orthodox churches, bell towers and towers appeared on the territory. Instead of wooden fortifications, stone ones were erected. This citadel has long been famous as the most impregnable fortress medieval Russia.

But in the 18th century, this function became unimportant - the state expanded its borders. Only during the uprising of Yemelyan Pugachev, the Kremlin was used as fortification during the siege of Kazan. After that, the complex lost its military purpose completely. From the end of the 19th century, the fortress began to take on a modern architectural image, and today it is a symbol of reconciliation between Orthodoxy and Islam.

Guarded by a dragon

The main entrance to the Kremlin lies through the Spasskaya Tower - on May Day Square. Pay attention to the statue of the Dragon Zilant. This creature is considered a symbol of Kazan and the protector of the city. There are many legends about the Kazan basilisk - it is believed that the monster lives at the bottom of the lake and the hills at the mouth of the river, it happens in the surrounding forests.

Particularly stands out Spasskaya Tower - the main part of the complex. Sheinkman Street stretches from it - the former Bolshaya, which was the most basic in the Kremlin. This tower was built later than the others - in the 17th century as a symbol of the greatness of Russia. Pskov craftsmen have worked hard to create a traditional Russian bell tower with a majestic eagle on its spire. For a long time there was a church inside, and a chapel nearby. But later the building was dismantled, making a through entrance.

The Spasskaya Tower is not the only one; only eight of the original thirteen have survived. No less interesting is Taynitskaya, also built in the 17th century. A massive lower and a miniature upper tier, a magnificent view of the city from the promenade - all this deserves attention.

Reliable protection

After admiring the towers, take a look at the walls. Once upon a time there was a wooden structure in their place. After the seizure of the territory by Ivan the Terrible, they were updated, and then the Kremlin was completely made of wood. Under the reliable protection of the walls there are many buildings: the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, the Manege, the Junker School.

For many visitors, the Kul-Sharif mosque becomes a favorite place. It is called the pearl of the Kremlin, but the real attraction was destroyed during the time of Ivan the Terrible. Not even pictures of the building remain. On the site of the disappeared medieval Islamic shrine, it was decided to build a new one. During the construction of the structure, the architects adhered to their own ideas. They took as a basis the “Kazan hat” - the crown of the khans of Kazan. In 2005, for the 1000th anniversary of the city, a new facility was solemnly opened.

The modern mosque has eight minarets decorated with crescents. Inside there is a museum of Islam and ancient manuscripts, a prayer hall, a library, a gallery for women and an observation deck. The mosque primarily serves as a cultural, educational and scientific center. Visiting rules are the same as in Orthodox churches. You can go inside freely, but you need to buy shoe covers at the entrance. Women will need to wear a headscarf and cover their knees - a long skirt is required. Men do not need a hat.

Visitors are impressed by the interior decoration - ceramic panels and murals. Creating ornaments, the masters adhered to the techniques of the 16th century. The windows are tall and narrow, in the form of lancet arches and with bright stained-glass windows. Persian handmade carpets add luxury - they cover more than 2 thousand square meters. Tourists admire the decoration of the mosque from observation balconies.

If you go downstairs, you can buy a souvenir as a keepsake. They sell various little things: from a painted spoon to a fridge magnet. Religious literature is also sold at the entrance. Adjacent to the modern masterpiece is a building made in the same style - the fire station. Behind the mosque is the residence of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan. The palace combines the features of Russian baroque, classicism and ancient Russian architecture. But guests of the Kremlin are usually in a hurry to see the Syuyumbike Tower and the Cathedral of the Annunciation.

Kazan Leaning Tower

The top of Syuyumbike is deviated from the vertical by almost two meters - such a roll is visible to the naked eye. The tower was built back in the 17th century on the foundation of a sentinel guard building. But the calculations turned out to be incorrect, and immediately after the construction, the structure began to gradually tilt. It was decided to correct the mistake only in the 1990s, when restoration work was carried out. Here, tourists are advised to touch the tower and make a wish - they say it comes true.

Place of tranquility

Another miracle of the Kazan Kremlin is the Cathedral of the Annunciation. It is believed that Ivan the Terrible himself drove a wooden cross on the site for construction. This church became the first Orthodox cathedral in the Middle Volga region. Today it is a functioning temple. Behind the building is a miniature park.

After sightseeing, go to the observation deck, which offers a wonderful view of the embankment of the Kazanka River. From here you can see the bridge and the local water park. The Holy Assumption Convent is clearly visible, its golden domes shining in the sun.

Cathedral of the Annunciation in the Kazan Kremlin

Museum complexes

Curious visitors can get acquainted with the museum expositions. Among those regularly working are the Hermitage-Kazan, the Museum of Islam, the art gallery of the Republic of Tatarstan, National Museum, settlement "Kazan Kremlin". To the left of the mosque are the remains of the Cannon Yard, where an arms factory was once located. Today, the eponymous museum welcomes guests here.

Festive Kremlin

A visit to the majestic complex is always an event, but during the festivals there is a festive atmosphere. Every year, at the beginning of summer, a stage is built near the walls of the Kremlin. Famous musicians, both Russian and foreign, sing at the International Live Music Festival. In September, a festival of modern culture is organized inside the complex. The Kremlin is becoming a venue for exhibitions, concerts and performances.

The Kul Sharif Mosque and the building of the fire station in the Kazan Kremlin

How to get there

There will be no difficulties in finding a famous attraction. The first option is to go to public transport to the "Palace of Sports" "Central Stadium" or stop "TsUM". The second way is to take the subway to the "Kremlevskaya". Adherents hiking can walk along Moskovskaya and Bauman streets.

Year of inscription on the World Heritage List: 2000

Kazan, one of the ancient cities of Russia, is located on the banks of the Volga, in its middle course, about 700 km east of Moscow.

The historical center of Kazan - the Kremlin - has gone through several stages in its historical development, which together cover a thousand-year period. First, a wooden fortress arose (at the turn of the 10th and 11th centuries), then a stone one (the 12th century). From the second half of the XIII century. until the middle of the 16th century. the Kremlin served as the center of the Kazan Principality as part of the Golden Horde, and then the Kazan Khanate.

In autumn 1552, after a long 40-day siege, Kazan was captured by the army of Ivan the Terrible. Kazan Khanate joins Russia, and a new stage of development begins ancient city. By order of the Russian Tsar, the Kazan Kremlin is being reconstructed, the fortress walls destroyed during the assault are being restored in stone, new buildings are being erected (for example, the main entrance tower - Spasskaya). The restructuring is carried out in the old Russian architectural style, for which the Pskov architects Postnik Yakovlev and Ivan Shiryai are involved in the work. At the same time, the fortification system of the Tatar fortress that developed before the capture is preserved, the location of the ruler's palace and religious buildings, as well as the main travel gates with diverging roads-streets, are also preserved. On the site of the mosques of the fortress, churches are built, a monastery complex is erected. The city turns into a stronghold of Orthodoxy on the Volga land, becomes an important center of pilgrimage.

The territory of the Kremlin has the configuration of an irregular polygon, elongated from north to south under the influence of the terrain. This polygon is clearly defined fortifications the Kremlin - its fortress walls 8–12 m high and towers, which originally were 13. Modern walls and towers were built in the period of the 16th-18th centuries, however, archaeologists discovered much more ancient masonry at their base, dating back to the period of the 10th-16th centuries . The total length of the walls is 1800 m.

Of the towers of the Kazan Kremlin, two are the most famous. Firstly, it is the front entrance Spasskaya tower with a gate church, made in the classic white stone style. Secondly, it is the stand-alone watchtower of Syuyumbek, seven-tiered, 58 m high, built of red brick. Presumably, it was erected at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries, and named after the last queen of the Kazan Khanate. However, scientists have not yet come to a consensus about the origin, purpose and architectural style of the Syuyumbek tower, the appearance of which sharply contrasts with the rest of the Kremlin's buildings. And indeed, in its appearance, features are found that are inherent not only in Russian and Tatar culture, but also in Italian, so there is even a version that Italian architects took part in its construction (and according to this version, the age of the tower increases even more - it dates back to the end of the 15th in.).

Inside the fortress walls there are both church and civil buildings. The main church building of the Kazan Kremlin is the Annunciation Cathedral, it is the oldest of all the stone buildings of Kazan that have survived to our time. The cathedral was built of white stone in the middle of the 16th century, but after that it was rebuilt several times, survived several fires and subsequent restorations and reconstructions. Its complex also includes the Bishop's House and the Consistory. The complex of the Transfiguration Monastery next to the Spasskaya Tower also belongs to the Orthodox church heritage of the Kazan Kremlin.

The main thing civil construction Kazan Kremlin - dating back to the middle of the 19th century. Governor's Palace (architect K.A. Ton). Until 1917, it served as the residence of the Kazan governor, and now it is the residence of the President of Tatarstan. This palace was built on the site of the former residence of the Kazan khans, which included the khan's palace, surrounded by numerous pavilions, galleries and outbuildings. Only the remains of the Khan's mosque, two old white-stone mausoleums and some other structures have survived from it to this day.

Thus, the Kazan Kremlin is an outstanding example of the synthesis of different artistic styles, demonstrates the interpenetration of different cultures (Bulgarian, Golden Horde, Tatar, Russian, possibly Italian), and reflects the originality of different - replacing one another - historical eras.

In the early 2000s The Kazan Kremlin became the site of significant restoration work in preparation for the August 2005 celebration of the city's millennium. As part of the implementation of the federal target program “Preservation and Development of the Historical Center of Kazan”, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in 2001, seven valuable objects were restored in the Kremlin, including: the Cathedral of the Annunciation, the Transfiguration Monastery, the Governor's Palace, the Cannon Yard, etc. d. A huge new cathedral mosque Kul-Sharif was built, which became a symbolic successor to the main mosque of the same name in Khan's Kazan, destroyed after the capture of the city by the troops of Ivan the Terrible.

Since 1994, the State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve "Kazan Kremlin" has been functioning.

The stone Kremlin appeared on this site in the 12th century. In 1552, the troops of Ivan the Terrible captured Kazan: the old fortress, including the mosque located on its territory, was destroyed. The construction of new fortifications, which have survived to our time, began in 1556. The work was supervised by the builders of the Moscow Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed - Postnik Yakovlev and Ivan Shiryai.

In 2000, the architectural complex of the Kazan Kremlin was included in the List of objects world heritage UNESCO.

Photo of the Kazan Kremlin

Historical and architectural complex

The modern complex of the Kazan Kremlin occupies an area of ​​150 thousand square meters, the length of the walls of the Kremlin is almost two kilometers, the width reaches three meters, and the height is more than six meters. Outside the walls of the Kazan Kremlin there are many interesting objects - like historical monuments and modern attractions. - the symbol of the Kazan Kremlin. By official version, it was built at the end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th century as a watchtower and the entrance to the courtyard of the chief commandant. However, there are different opinions about the age of the tower. One of them says that it was built at the end of the 15th century and survived the ruin of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible.

The tower has five tiers. The first three are tetrahedra, the last are octahedrons. The height of the building is about 58 meters, it is crowned with a spire. The Syuyumbike tower is tilted to the side. The deviation from the vertical axis is almost 2 meters. - the youngest and most luxurious building of the Kazan Kremlin. It was erected in 1996-2005 for the millennium of Kazan. Part of the building performs religious functions, part of the museum - it houses the Museum of Islamic Culture.

The Kul Sharif Mosque has five floors. The plan consists of two crossed squares. The building is faced with white marble and covered with a blue dome. Around there are four minarets 55 meters high with the same blue tops. Stained-glass windows are inserted into the windows of the mosque, the building is partially covered with ornaments.

The monument has its own history. Until the 16th century, when Kazan was taken by the troops of Ivan the Terrible, there was a mosque of the same name, named after its last imam. So the construction of a new building is not only a symbol of the equality of religions in the republic, but also a tribute to history.

Also on the territory of the Kremlin (in its southeastern part) is Spaso-Preobrazhensky monastery complex, which has its own buildings. The monastery is not active today.

The main temple of the monastery was Transfiguration Cathedral built in the late 16th - early 17th century. The cathedral was blown up in the 1920s. Now only the basement remains. Near the wall of the cathedral there is a small cave in which wonderworkers were buried.

Also included is Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. This church, built in the second half of the 16th century and rebuilt several times later, survived in Soviet times. AT this moment restoration is underway. The last building included in the monastery complex is fraternal corps built in the second half of the 17th century.

In addition, in the Kazan Kremlin are located:

  • Presidential palace(former governor's palace)
  • bishop's house
  • cannon yard
  • Junker School(the building houses museums and an art gallery)
  • Arena

The pearl of the Kazan Kremlin is built in the middle of the 16th century - the main Orthodox building of the Kazan Kremlin. It began to be built in 1556 and was completed by 1562. The reason for the construction was the capture of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible. Tradition says that the king himself even chose a place for laying the foundation of the cathedral. Until 1922, the temple had a bell tower, which was later blown up.

The Spasskaya Tower

The Spasskaya Tower of the Kazan Kremlin was erected in the 16th century, it is located on the side of May 1 Square. This is main tower the Kremlin with an entrance gate, adjacent to it is the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands, from which the tower got its name. The tower was completed more than once, rebuilt and repeatedly burned. In the 18th century, a clock was installed on it. After the revolution, the double-headed eagle that crowned the bath was replaced by a golden star - it remains on the tower to this day.

Taynitskaya tower

The Taynitskaya tower was erected in the 16th century on the site of the destroyed Nur-Ali tower, from which Ivan the Terrible entered the captured Kremlin. The tower got its name later: all because of secret passage that went from here to the pure source. Here it was possible to take water, even when the Kremlin kept the siege. The source has not been preserved to this day.

The Spasskaya and Tainitskaya towers were built at the same time, initially they were very similar. However, over time, due to numerous reconstructions, their appearance began to differ.


Museum Reserve "Kazan Kremlin" was established in 1994, all historical buildings on the territory of the Kremlin are under its jurisdiction. They house expositions of several museums, as well as exhibition halls.

Among them is the Museum natural history Tatarstan, where you can see the skeletons of prehistoric animals and finds from the era when the ancient sea was located on the territory of Kazan.

The Museum of Islamic Culture located in the mosque is also interesting.

The Museum of the History of the Statehood of the Tatar People and the Republic of Tatarstan is located on the territory of the Khan's court. Here you can see a coin that is about 1000 years old, ancient jewelry and other items that tell about the material culture of the people and their way of life.

cannon yard

The Cannon Yard complex, which consists of four buildings, dates back to the 17th century, various reconstructions were carried out until the middle of the 19th century. The Cannon Factory, one of the largest in the empire, worked here. After a major fire, they stopped making weapons here, the School of Battalions of Military Cantonists was opened in the buildings of the Cannon Yard, in 1866 it was replaced by the Junker Infantry School.

In 2014, the restoration of the Cannon Yard was completed, temporary exhibitions are held in the buildings and a permanent exhibition is being prepared.

Monument to architects

The monument to the architects of the Kazan Kremlin was opened in 2003, it is located in front of the Bishop's House. The idea of ​​the composition is as follows: to celebrate the merits of both Russian architects, whose creations have survived to this day, and the talent of Tatar architects who built the Kremlin destroyed by Ivan the Terrible. Today, the fragments excavated by archaeologists help us to appreciate the grandeur of this original building - they are specially open for viewing.

Embodying the idea of ​​friendship between peoples, the sculptures created the figures of two men - one of Slavic appearance with a drawing of the Spasskaya Tower, and the second - Tatar, with a drawing Khan's Palace. The pedestal is surrounded by Russian and Tatar national ornaments.


In the Kremlin, you can order a number of exciting excursions that are held not only on the territory of the Kremlin itself, but also in its environs - Kremlin Street, for example. Duration sightseeing tour by the Kremlin - about 1.5 hours, it also includes a visit to the Kul Sharif mosque and the Cathedral of the Annunciation.

Scheme and map of the Kremlin

Working mode

An architectural monument from which the history of Kazan began, the main attraction and the heart of the capital of Tatarstan, which tells its history to tourists. All this - the Kazan Kremlin - huge complex, combining the history and traditions of two different peoples.

History of the Kazan Kremlin

The historical and architectural complex was built over several centuries. The first buildings date back to the 12th century, when it turned into an outpost of the Volga Bulgaria. In the 13th century, the Golden Horde sat here, which made this place the residence of the entire Kazan principality.

Ivan the Terrible, together with his army, took Kazan, as a result of which most of the structures were damaged, and the mosques were completely destroyed. Grozny called Pskov architects to the city, who proved their skill in Moscow by designing. They were given the task of developing and building a white-stone Kremlin.

In the 17th century, the material of defensive structures was completely replaced - wood was replaced with stone. A hundred years later, the Kremlin ceased to play the role of a military facility and turned into a major administrative center of the region. In the next two centuries, new buildings were actively built on the territory: the Annunciation Cathedral was reconstructed, a cadet school, a consistory and the Governor's Palace were erected.

The revolution of the seventeenth year led to new destruction, this time the Spassky Monastery was subjected to it. In the nineties of the twentieth century, the president of Tatarstan made the Kremlin a residence for presidents. 1995 was the beginning of the construction of one of the largest mosques in Europe - Kul-Sharif.

Description of the main structures

The Kazan Kremlin stretches over 150 thousand square meters, and its total length of the walls is more than two kilometers. The walls are 3 meters wide and 6 meters high. hallmark complex is a unique combination of Orthodox and Muslim symbols.

It was erected in the 16th century and was originally much smaller than the current temple, because it was often expanded. In 1922, many ancient things disappeared from the temple forever: icons, manuscripts, books.

Built in the forties of the nineteenth century in a style that is called pseudo-Byzantine. It is located in the northern part of the complex. Here in the 13th-14th centuries stood the palace of the Kazan khans.

- the most famous and great mosque Republic, erected in honor of the millennium of Kazan. The goal was to recreate appearance the ancient mosque of the khanate, located here many centuries ago. Kul-Sharif looks especially beautiful in the evening, when the backlight gives it a fabulous look.

The Kremlin is also famous for its famous authentic towers. Initially, there were 13 of them, only 8 have survived to our time. The most famous among tourists are Spasskaya and Taynitskaya, built in the 16th century and serving as gates. front part Spasskaya Tower facing the main street of the complex. It burned and was restored several times, it was built on and reconstructed until it acquired its present form.

It has such a name due to the presence of a secret passage that led to a water source and was useful during sieges and military operations. It was through her that the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible entered the Kremlin after his victory.

Another famous tower, popularly often compared with its Italian "sister" -. The reason for this is the almost two-meter slope from the main axis, which occurred due to subsidence of the foundation. Rumor has it that the tower was designed by the same builders who built it, which is why it is so similar to the Borovitskaya tower. It is built of brick and consists of seven tiers and is 58 meters long. There is a tradition of making a wish by touching its walls.

Nearby on the territory of the Kremlin is located, in which two Kazan khans are buried. It was discovered quite by accident when they tried to sewer here. After some time, it was covered from above with a glass dome.

- is one of the most big places manufacturing and repairing artillery pieces. Production began to decline in 1815, when a fire broke out, and 35 years later the complex ceased to exist altogether.

- Another interesting Kremlin object, which in the 18th century served as an arsenal, in the 19th century as a cannon factory, and in our time serves for exhibitions. Here is a branch of the St. Petersburg "Hermitage" and the gallery "Khazine".

Value is monument to architects, which is located in a square surrounded by flowers.

Museums of the Kazan Kremlin

In addition to historical buildings, there are many museums on the territory of the Kazan Kremlin. Among the most interesting are:

  • , clarifying the geological history of the planet and Tatarstan in particular. Here you can find out your weight on space scales, take part in excavations, communicate with prehistoric animals and feed ancient fish.
  • demonstrates the cultural characteristics of the Tatar people living in the Volga region and their contribution to Islam.
  • tells about the formation of traditions and culture of Tatarstan, development and changes from antiquity to the present day. Exhibitions are held here, replacing each other every two or three months.
  • "Hermitage"- a branch of the famous museum, exhibiting paintings, historical and cultural collections, regularly holds graphic exhibitions.


Excursions to the Kazan Kremlin are an opportunity to get to know the history, culture and customs of the entire Tatarstan. The complex contains many interesting facts, riddles and mysteries, so do not miss the chance to solve them and take memorable photos.

Each museum located on the territory of the complex has its own cash desk. For 2018, there is an opportunity to purchase a single ticket for 700 rubles, which will open the doors to all museum reserves. Ticket prices for schoolchildren and students are lower.

The opening hours of the attraction vary for several reasons. You can enter the territory for free all year round through the Spassky Gates. A visit through the Tainitskaya Tower is possible from 8:00 to 18:00 from October to April, and from 8:00 to 22:00 from May to August. Please note that photography and video shooting is prohibited in the temples of the Kazan Kremlin.

How to get to the Kazan Kremlin?

The attraction is located on the left bank of the Kazanka River, a tributary of the Volga. There are many ways to get to the main highlight of Kazan. Buses (No. 6, 15, 29, 35, 37, 47) and trolleybuses (No. 1, 4, 10, 17 and 18) go here, you need to get off at the stops "Central Stadium", "Palace of Sports" or "TsUM". Near the Kazan Kremlin there is the metro station "Kremlevskaya", to which paths lead from different parts of the city. The exact address of the historical complex in Kazan is st. Kremlin, 2.