unesco heritage in usa. unesco world heritage: us historical monuments

Of the 981 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, 22 are in the United States. These sites have been chosen for their importance to nature or cultural heritage. Among them are the Serengeti ecosystem in Tanzania, Pyramids of Egypt, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and the Grand Canyon in the USA.

We offer you a list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites that are located in the United States.

Kluane Parks and Reserves, RAngel St. Elias, Glacier-Bhey and Tatshenshini-Alsek, Alaska and Canada

Inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1979.

This park system includes an impressive array of glaciers and mountains on both sides of the US-Canadian border. Glacier Bay is home to the world's largest non-polar ice field, as well as some of the longest and most beautiful glaciers in the world.

Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona

The Grand Canyon is also called one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. The landscape of the canyon is changing under the influence of the current of the Colorado River even today, although this process began about 17 million years ago. The unique combination of bright colors of the rock and original forms of erosion makes the canyon a spectacular natural attraction. The Grand Canyon stretches for 446 kilometers and reaches up to 29 kilometers wide and 1.6 kilometers deep. Almost 5 million tourists come to see this wonder of the world every year, and for them there are many access points to the canyon to admire its beauty.

Redwood National Park, California

Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1980.

Redwood Park is home to a forest of redwood trees, some of the oldest and tallest in the world. Spacious prairies, forest plantations of oaks, wild rivers and almost 64 kilometers of unspoiled coastline are also protected within the park. To visit the park, there are 5 visitor centers that provide tourists with the opportunity to get a closer look at this diverse and beautiful landscape.

Yosemite National Park, California

Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1984.

In the heart of California, Yosemite National Park offers beautiful landscapes and spectacular views. Its valleys, multiple waterfalls, lakes, glistening ice domes and twisted valleys are examples of how granite monoliths have been altered by glaciation. Plan your visit to this world heritage site in advance - the park's website contains useful information regarding transport and accommodation.

Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado

The exceptional archaeological sites in Mesa Verde Park are very well preserved and are testament to the ancient cultural traditions of the Native Americans. They are a visual bridge between the past and present lifestyles of the Pueblo peoples of the American Southwest. There are about 5,000 known archaeological sites within the park, including 600 rock settlements. At different times of the year, there are different opportunities to visit, so it is recommended to plan your trip to Mesa Verde in advance.

Everglades National Park, Florida

Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979.

This park is the largest natural subtropical reservation in the United States with an area of ​​one and a half million acres. Many rare and endangered species of animals live here - manatees, American crocodiles and the Florida cougar. The Everglades has opportunities for camping, boating, backpacking, bird watching, and ranger tours.

Archaeological Site "Cahokia Mounds", Illinois

Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1982.

Cahokia at one time was a city incomparable to others. The inhabitants of the Mississippian area who inhabited the city built many housing structures in it, from ordinary houses to monumental buildings that have retained their grandeur for centuries. The site contains an interpretive center and visitor facilities; You can walk here on your own or with a guide.

yellowstone national park, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming

Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1978.

Half of the world's geothermal sites (10,000) and the world's largest group of geysers (over 300, or two-thirds of the world's total) are located in Yellowstone. The park is also famous for its wildlife - grizzly bears, wolves, American bison and elk deer live here. Yellowstone is America's first national park and visitors come from all over the world.

Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky

"Mammoth Cave" is the longest cave system in the world with a length of more than 644 kilometers. About 130 species of flora and fauna live here, as well as many wild cave animals. Visitors are offered cave tours, rock climbing, canoeing, picnic areas, horseback riding, biking, camping and other outdoor activities. If you are going to the "Mammoth Cave", it is recommended that you plan your trip in advance.

Glacier and Waterton Lakes National Parks, Montana and Canada

Inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1995.

Waterton Lakes National Park (Alberta, Canada) and Glacier National Park (Montana, USA) were merged in 1932 into the world's first international park peace. Parks delight visitors with untouched forests, alpine meadows, rocky mountains and incredible lakes. Here also real paradise for lovers of hiking - more than 700 miles of hiking trails among fascinating landscapes. The park's website has a lot of information for planning your trip.

Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico

Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995.

Beneath these rocks, canyons, cacti, grass and rare trees lie more than 118 caves. All of them were formed by the action of sulfuric acid on the surrounding limestone. The age of some reaches 250-280 million years.

Chaco National Historical Park, New Mexico

Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987.

This collection of monumental public and official buildings testifies to the fact that its builders had an accurate knowledge of astronomical phenomena. To understand the meaning of life and connect with the people who lived here before (850 and 1250 BC) tours of the Chaco, its hiking and cycling routes, evening gatherings near the fire and night sky observation programs help.

Taos Pueblo, New Mexico

Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1992. This adobe settlement in the valley of a small tributary of the Rio Grande represents the culture of the Pueblo Indians from Arizona and New Mexico. Mud dwellings and ceremonial buildings stand as evidence of the timeless culture of the ethnic group, which formed at the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries. These UNESCO World Heritage-listed houses have been inhabited continuously for over 1,000 years.

Statue of Liberty National Monument, New York

Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1984.

The statue of "Liberty Enlightening the World" is a gift of friendship from the people of France on the 100th anniversary of American independence, unveiled on October 28, 1886. The statue stands in New York harbor, and since its inception has met millions of immigrants sailing to America. To definitely get to the Statue of Liberty, you need to plan a visit in advance.

Independence Hall, Pennsylvania

Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979.

The Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution were signed in this house in Philadelphia. The universal principles of freedom and democracy set forth in these documents are of great importance for American history and had a significant impact on legislators in many countries of the world. Along with Independence Hall, you can also see the First Bank of the United States, Congress Hall, Old City Hall, Franklin Court and the Liberty Bell Center.

La Fortaleza and San Juan, Puerto Rico

Inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1983.

The massive fortifications of San Juan include the fortress of La Fortaleza and 3 forts - San Felipe del Morro, San Cristobal and San Juan de la Cruz. To this day, part of the old city wall exists, built between the 16th and 19th centuries to protect the city and San Juan Bay. When visiting this historical site, you can explore the fortifications, go on a tour, watch a video program and just have fun.

Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee and North Carolina

Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983.

The Great Smoky is America's most visited national park. And this is not surprising - among the landscapes incredible beauty more than 3,500 species of plants grow, and the local nature is practically not affected by human influence. Autotours, cycling and tourist routes, camping, fishing and just walking among the beauty of wild nature will give you incredible pleasure.

Monticello and the University of Virginia, Virginia

Inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1987.

Monticello Manor was designed by the third US President and author of the American Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson. Both this house and the campus of the nearby University of Virginia fit incredibly into the natural landscape of the area and are examples of neoclassical architecture.

Olympic National Park, Washington

Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1981.

The Olympic Park has an incredibly beautiful coastline, picturesque lakes, majestic mountains with glaciers, and even a tropical forest. Thanks to such a variety of ecosystems, it seems that you have visited 3 parks at once. On its territory there are 5 tourist centers- use their services to get the most out of your holiday on the coast.

The article was prepared based on the results of a search research work within the framework of the federal target program "Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia" for 2009-2013. The authors attempted to summarize the main data obtained in the study of the history and heritage of Russian America, summarize the first experience of field interdisciplinary research and outline the prospects for studying the Russian influence on the diversity of life and activity in the region. The article does not pretend to be a comprehensive and detailed analysis of sources and literature on the stated topic - this goal is set in the monograph, which the team is working on.

In 1867 Russia sold the Alaska peninsula and adjacent islands to the USA. America received a huge territory with significant natural resources, a harsh climate, which is home to one of the largest predators on the planet - the Kodiak brown bear. Surprisingly, all this - and a vast territory, and natural resources, and climate, and a bear - became for Americans a symbol of the Soviet Union, and then modern Russia. In other words, Alaska appeared to the inhabitants of the American continental states as a kind of Russia in miniature.

For a long time, stereotypes prevailed in Russian-American relations, and they have spread in the scientific community as well. Thus, some scientists considered the topic of Russian America insignificant, while at the same time they found it difficult to attribute it to Russian or American history. In school and university textbooks, practically nothing is said about the great Russian geographical discoveries in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean and about the history of Russian America. At the same time, there are many myths. Only in recent years, thanks to the efforts of specialist scientists and participants in research expeditions to Alaska, has the study of Russian America reached a new level.

We propose to consider the heritage of Russian America as a historical and cultural phenomenon in different aspects. In a narrow sense, this is Alaska, the groups of the Aleutian Islands, settlements in California, the Hawaiian, Kuril and Commander Islands. This is the area of ​​activity of the Russian-American Company, which managed these territories in 1799-1867. In a broad sense, we understand Russian America as New World, new frontiers in the minds of our ancestors. "America" ​​is a term that means not so much a continent as a new, unknown land, a border. In the first half of the 19th century alone, more than 50 round-the-world expeditions set off from Russia. They were the pride of the Russian fleet, led to qualitative changes in science, because many major geographical discoveries were made. It is important to emphasize that the ultimate goal of almost all expeditions was Alaska, and they were equipped at the expense of the Russian-American Company (RAC). Without an understanding of this factor and a proper assessment of the financial and economic activities of the RAC in Russia and abroad, it is extremely difficult to compile a "Russian globe" and study the Russian heritage abroad. Therefore, in a broad sense, by Russian America we mean the countries and regions visited by the participants of Russian round-the-world expeditions.

We offer short review some results of domestic research in this area.

Historical research. The basis for the study of Russian America and the Russian-American company was laid by Russian historians P. A. Tikhmenev and S. B. Okun. Later, several trends in historiography were formed. One of them is connected with the study of geographical discoveries. A significant number of works are devoted to the advance of the Russians to the Pacific coast at the end of the 17th - the first half of the 19th centuries, domestic expeditions, the organization of the fur trade and cartography of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands.

Recognized leader of the second direction, related to the study of diplomatic relations of countries in the northern part Pacific Ocean, was Academician N. N. Bolkhovitinov. In a series of works devoted to Russian-American relations, he studied in detail all aspects of diplomatic contacts between the US, Russia, Spain, Great Britain and other powers in the region. Russian-Spanish relations in the Pacific Ocean in the last third of the 18th century. reflected in the works of M. S. Alperovich.

The third direction can be called historical and ethnographic. A number of scholars have written monographs and published collections of documents on the history of relations between Russians and the local populations of Alaska and California (Aleuts, Eskimos, Athabaskans, Tlingit, Pomo, etc.). Their works also traced the problems of the cultural development of the peoples of Alaska during the period of Russian colonization of this region.

The accumulated material, the established methodological principles of research have allowed modern scientists to create a fundamental work on the history of Russian America, in which many aspects of the almost one and a half century process of the Russian colonization of Alaska have been covered. The research work of the authors of the book fell on the early 1990s, when little was known about the influence of Russians on the interior of Alaska, and knowledge of the archeology and linguistics of Russian America was limited. In general, almost exclusively historians and ethnographers worked on this topic. The study of the financial and economic activities of the RAC, the organization of special scientific research expeditions to the hinterland of Alaska were still matters of the future. Based on the then source and research baggage of knowledge, N. N. Bolkhovitinov suggested that the Russian heritage had disappeared: “Nothing has survived from the once vast American possessions of Russia. The last remnants of the Russian heritage at the end of the 19th century were washed away by a gigantic wave of adventurers and gold diggers that flooded into the Klondike region, and then into Alaska itself. The ghost of Russian influence dissipated "like smoke, like morning mist" .

On the initiative of N. N. Bolkhovitinov, a center for the study of the history of Russian America was created at the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which included many famous scientists. The main directions of the center's work formed the basis of the leading scientific school formed by him, supported by the President of the Russian Federation. Currently, regional centers have been developed, operating mainly at universities. The scientists of these centers conduct special courses on the history of Russian America, hold conferences and seminars, publish monographs and articles in domestic and foreign publications. The development of relations with these centers is part of a large program of the Center for the Study of the Historical, Cultural and Spiritual Heritage of Russian America, which is headed by Academician A. O. Chubaryan.

Modern trends in the study of Russian America are characterized by an attempt to generalize existing knowledge, at the same time, new areas of research are emerging regarding the financial and economic activities of the RAC, the development of colonial law in Russian America and the activities of the RAC in Siberia and Far East. In recent years, efforts have been made to form an international association of scientists - specialists in this field.

Orthodoxy in Russian America. A part of historical research and at the same time an independent direction was the study of the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church in Alaska. According to domestic and foreign researchers, it was the spread of Orthodoxy that became a significant confirmation of the Russian cultural influence on the life of the natives in this part of the New World. Orthodox missionaries closely interacted with the flock and in their spiritual activities relied on the study and preservation of the characteristics of the culture of indigenous peoples. Through their efforts, the writing of the main ethnic groups of Alaska was formed, the books of the Holy Scriptures, liturgical and doctrinal texts were translated into native languages. In the Russian period, the ROC had a civilizational impact on the autochthonous population of the colony, making a significant contribution to the development of self-consciousness, culture and the improvement of social relations in the local environment. Unlike the RAC, the Russian Orthodox Church continued its activities in Alaska after it became an American state. Carrying out pastoral work in a multi-confessional country with a state-political and socio-economic system that differs sharply from Russia, the Orthodox clergy defended the interests of their flock before authorities at all levels, as well as before American commercial structures and representatives of other faiths. N. N. Bolkhovitinov noted that it was the Orthodox Church that became the main custodian of the Russian heritage in North America. But this unique experience has so far been little reflected in the research literature.

Publications about Orthodoxy in Alaska in the 19th and early 20th centuries, including books by St. Innokenty (Veniaminov), essays on the first spiritual mission, and missionary journals, were mostly descriptive. In Soviet times, for ideological reasons, this topic was forbidden, information objectionable to the authorities was seized, even when archival documents were published, the words “saint” were excluded from the names of ships and even geographical names. At this time, American authors were engaged in the study of church history in Alaska.

Domestic publications of a research nature on this topic appeared in the post-Soviet period. N. N. Bolkhovitinov was the first secular scholar who wrote a separate work on the spread of Russian spiritual culture in Alaska. The heritage of Orthodox missionaries who worked in Russian America became the subject of articles by R. G. Lyapunova and G. I. Dzeniskevich, included in the collection "Russian America". Metropolitan Kliment (Kapalin) of Kaluga and Borovsk was the first to undertake a study of the activities of the ROC in Alaska after 1867. In his monographic study of the history of Orthodoxy in this territory from the moment it was discovered to 1917, both the Russian and American periods of the presence of the ROC in Alaska are covered. His latest publications reveal certain issues of the spread of Orthodoxy in Russian America.

Cultural heritage and collections of material culture of Russian America. The fate of the Russian heritage and, in general, the influence of Russian culture on the modern life of Alaska is the subject of special research carried out by a researcher at the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography named after A.I. Peter the Great (Kunstkamera) RAS S.A. Korsun on the basis of domestic museum collections. In publications based on the results of this work, he managed to show all the richness of natural-scientific, historical-anthropological and ethnological collections on the history of the peoples of Russian America.

Archaeological research. It should be noted that the Russian period in the history of Alaska left excellent objects for archaeological research - fortresses, redoubts and trading posts. The capital of Russian America, the city of Novo-Arkhangelsk, has long attracted the attention of specialists as a unique object of cultural heritage of Russia, the center of navigation and one of the major ports west coast North America first half of XIX in. In the 2000s, for several seasons, a Russian-American group of researchers consisting of A.V. Kharinskiy, V.V. Tikhonov, T. Dilliplein and D. McMechan, archaeological excavations were carried out in Novo-Arkhangelsk (now Sitkha), including the so-called Baranov's castle - the seat of the main ruler of the colonies. Artifacts found and identified during these excavations, as well as in other Russian settlements, will make it possible to find out how trade routes passed, how intensive trade was, what was the life of Russians, Creoles and local residents of Alaska. The objects of archaeological research have also become some regions associated with Russian America - settlements on Kuril Islands, office buildings of the Russian-American Company in the Far East, Fort Ross in California, and even buildings on Hawaiian Islands.

The same researchers became the first underwater archaeologists to explore the waters of Russian America. In 2003, a ship of the Russian-American company with the same name "Kodiak" was found near Kodiak Island, which sank in 1860 while transporting ice to California. It became the object of careful study by methods of underwater archeology, which made it possible to accurately assess the capabilities of the company's fleet, the reliability of ship construction, cargo capacity, etc.

Philological research. A. A. Kibrik and M. B. Bergelson, leading domestic specialists in the field of linguistics of Russian America, belong to the works prepared on the basis of the results of expeditions to Alaska. There they studied the language and culture of the Upper Kuskokwim Athabaskans (the Russians called them "kolchane"), as well as the Russian dialect that has been preserved on the Kenai Peninsula since the times of Russian America. In these works, we are talking not only about the language, but also about the cultural heritage of Russians in Alaska in general. A. A. Kibrik traced the ways of penetration of Russian borrowings into the Upper Kuskokwim language of the Athabaskans. In total, about 80 lexical borrowings from the Russian language were identified. The study showed that some of them fell into the language of the Upper Kuskokwim people during direct, albeit very rare, contacts with Russian pioneers, the other part - through the related Athabaskan languages ​​or the Eskimo language. The main cultural contacts took place along water route- Kuskokwim River. Studies of the languages ​​of the indigenous peoples of Alaska, in particular the Aleutian language, are conducted by E. V. Golovko, N. B. Bakhtin and A.S. Asinovsky.

The accumulated rich material allows us to start preparing a fundamental dictionary of the languages ​​of the peoples of Alaska, which will significantly enrich domestic science.

Natural science research. When studying the heritage of Russian America, cooperation between representatives of the natural sciences and the humanities can be very effective, for example, in the field of the history of the development of natural resources in the Pacific Northwest. Even the first domestic researchers of the local fauna in the XVIII-X1X centuries. he was interested not only in fishing in itself, but also in the diversity of organic life on the islands and the coast, the reasons for the similarity or difference between animals living on two closely spaced continents, etc. One of the first attempts to generalize the available works can be considered the research of V. S. Shishkin, who came to the conclusion that further cooperation of historians, biologists, representatives of other specialties is needed to master the natural science activities of the RAC and naturalists working in Russian America.

At the beginning of its activity, the Russian-American company was engaged in predatory fishing for marine animals. However, in the 1840s, due to the depletion of fur wealth, rational methods of hunting began to be used. The so-called "launches" were established - prohibitions on catching animals in a certain area. Thanks to a balanced scheme of fisheries, it was possible to preserve and regulate the number of marine animals. Ways and methods of hunting for fur-bearing animals, as well as the impact of the volume of its prey on the animal population and the ecosystem of the region are promising areas in the study of Russian America and belong to interdisciplinary approaches.

Currently, the Russian Geographical Society pays close attention to interdisciplinary research related to the geography, history and heritage of Russian America.

Anthropological, ethnological and other studies. The collaboration of archaeologists, ethnologists, anthropologists and forensic scientists in recent years has led to amazing discoveries. So, as a result of the work of specialists headed by a student and follower of M. M. Gerasimov, Professor V. N. Zvyagin ( Russian center Forensic Medical Examination of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation) the appearance of Captain-Commander Vitus Jonassen Bering was restored from the skull. It turned out that the textbook famous portrait did not belong to famous traveler, and to his uncle the Danish historian and poet Vitus Pedersen Bering. Currently, V. N. Zvyagin and his collaborators are planning to study the necropolis of Fort Ross in order to recreate the appearance of its founders and perpetuate their memory.

The study of museum and archival collections. Russian museums have the richest materials on the ethnography of the indigenous peoples of the Pacific region, collected by Russian navigators and researchers during expeditions. Many collections are unique and have been preserved only in Russia. In addition, our country has architectural structures, religious monuments and simply places associated with world travel, the history of Russian America (houses of offices of the Russian-American Company in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Irkutsk and other cities, temples built by explorers, monuments to the travelers themselves, etc.). Museums or special exhibitions on this topic are located in many cities from Sakhalin to St. Petersburg.

Representatives of Russian federal and regional archives are involved in research on the development of Alaska - more than 20 archives and manuscript departments of libraries and museums, and their number is growing every year. The ties between the team of scientists from the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, dealing with the history of Russian America, and the Russian State Archives of the Navy in St. Petersburg turned out to be especially close. The archive contains the richest collections of documents and maps, which are still not fully introduced into scientific circulation; excellent specialists work here - experts in Russian America. It is impossible not to note the support of the named archive in establishing interaction with the archives of the Crimea, in particular, with the State Archives of Sevastopol.

The study of the artistic heritage of Russian America and philosophical research. The history of Russian America is full of bright, sometimes dramatic events. Artistic works based on American plots of Russian history have become that reflection of the heritage that is accessible and known not only to specialists, but also to a huge number of connoisseurs of beauty. It is in artistic images ("Juno and Avos" by A. Rybnikov and A. Voznesensky, novels by V.N. Isaev and G. Chavigny) that symbols important for public consciousness are fixed.

The direction of art criticism and philosophical research has so far only been indicated; this topic was touched upon in his works by the historian and writer V.V. Ruzheinikov.

Geopolitical studies are especially relevant in connection with the upcoming summits of the countries of the Asia-Pacific region in the Far East in 2012. The development of knowledge about the history of Russian America is very important for understanding the strategy of Russia's foreign policy in the region.

Results of field research in recent years. In 2009 and 2010 two research expeditions were carried out along the Yukon, Kuskokwim and Innoko rivers in Alaska. In August-September 2011, the third expedition to explore Alaska took place in the area of ​​the Nagashak River. A comprehensive analysis of the results of the three expeditions will be presented in the form of a special study. The participants of the first two expeditions went through the route in kayaks in the conditions, maximum; close to the middle of the 19th century. They repeated the path of the famous Russian explorer of Alaska, Lavrenty Zagoskin, who in 1842-1844. studied the interior territories of Russian America. The result of the expedition of L. A. Zagoskin was his book "A pedestrian inventory of a part of Russian possessions in America, produced by Lieutenant L. Zagoskin in 1842, 1843 and 1844", published in two volumes in St. Petersburg in 1847. It was republished in 1956 under the title "Travels and Researches of Lieutenant Lavrenty Zagoskin in Russian America in 1842-1844". During the expeditions of 2009 and 2010. in total, about 2,500 km were traveled along the rivers of Alaska and scientific research was carried out in 35 hard-to-reach settlements. These are the largest Russian expeditions to Alaska since the time of the Russian-American company. They were an integral part of the project dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth; L. A. Zagoskina. One of the results of the expeditions was the creation of the Ryazan Museum of Travelers and Russian America on the basis of Zagoskin's house in Ryazan, the development of contacts between research, educational, public and business organizations in Russia and the United States.

The scientific goals of the expeditions included a description of the current socio-economic living conditions of the indigenous population along the Yukon and Kuskokwim rivers, conducting historical, geographical and ethnographic research as part of studying the influence of Russian culture on the modern life and culture of local peoples, a comparative description of the studied territories in comparison with that made by Zagoskin, search for a fortified settlement at the mouth of the Yukon, known from his diaries.

The main methods of sociological research were observation and questioning, the method of express observation was used, which has proven itself well in conditions of strictly limited time and great physical activity. The essence of the methodology lies in the clear distribution of research blocks among the expedition members with a detailed specification of the observation scheme and description of the object - the planning and spatial structure, backbone objects in settlements, streets, exteriors and interiors of buildings, household plots, etc.

Particular attention was paid to clarifying the traditional and new, inherent in the local population and borrowed Russian, comparing what Zagoskin saw with what is on the same territory now. Polls were conducted on English language. In order to identify Russian words, two approaches were used: first, the respondent was directly asked what Russian words he knows or considers Russian; the second - Russian words were identified in the course of a semi-structured interview. Qualitative research methods were supported by quantitative data from the 2000 and 2008 censuses. In addition, information was requested from the administrations of settlements about the socio-economic condition (passport) and the history of the village.

Largely due to the wide coverage of the territory during the expeditions, a significant layer of the Russian heritage was identified, which until now has not been the subject of a special study and has not been comprehended as a single phenomenon.

The studies were carried out on the territory of residence of two main ethnic groups - the Athabaskans (Koyukons, Ingaliks, Upper Kuskokwims) and the Yupik Eskimos (slightly - Inupiat Eskimos). Most of the surveyed settlements are sparsely populated - 50-500 people, 90% of them are indigenous people. Some villages are completely cut off from others, there is only air communication. In the 1950s-1970s, there was a twofold reduction in the number of settlements and their enlargement.

The main occupation of the indigenous peoples is hunting and fishing, but only for self-sufficiency. Everywhere there is a high level of technical equipment of households (washing machine, refrigerator, sometimes a dishwasher, microwave, TV), the vast majority of families have an ATV, a snowmobile, a boat with a motor (often more than one). Each settlement has centralized water supply, sewerage and treatment facilities, a school, a church, a post office, a shop, an airport (airstrip), and a club.

Dynamics of the population in the settlements of the Athabaskans for 2000-2008. negative and in all settlements varies within narrow limits - 11.3-13%. In the Eskimo settlements along the Yukon River, this dynamics, on the contrary, is positive and varies within 9.4-9.6%. An interesting fact is that in the settlements of the Eskimos on the ocean coast, the population is stable, which cannot be said about the "river" Eskimos. In turn, the increase / decrease of the Eskimo population along the banks of the Kuskokwim River differs from the same indicators among the Eskimos of the Yukon and the coast. This indicates the presence of clear ethno-demographic boundaries, coinciding with the historical boundaries of ethnic groups and subgroups of the indigenous peoples of Alaska, and undoubtedly deserves serious analysis.

In virtually all settlements in the Yukon and Kuskokwim, the number of permanent jobs is very limited. The main employer here is the state. Jobs are provided by the school, post office, nature reserves, fire department, cultural institutions (library), medical center. Some permanent jobs are provided by individuals, owners of shops, airfields, airlines, hotels, cafes, river transport.

The officially registered level of income is relatively low, if compared with the average for the United States of America - 30-40 thousand dollars per year per household. Important sources of income are seasonal earnings (from shifts, mines, commercial fishing), as well as funds received from the activities of corporations formed in the 1970s under the law on the recognition of claims by indigenous peoples.

Over the past 100 years, the culture of indigenous peoples has undergone dramatic changes - from nomadism in the middle of the 19th century. and the use of stone tools to a settled economy and the latest technical means by the end of the 20th century. The local population was influenced by European culture - Russian and American. At the present stage, many traditions that were described by researchers of the past have been lost. National languages ​​are being forgotten (mostly only the older generation speaks them). There is a traditional ceremony of commemoration with the distribution of gifts, dances and chants, a large table with dishes (recorded by the last expedition). Since the 19th century for example, the dual system of self-government of the foreigners of Russian America, reflected in the charters of the RAC, has been preserved, subordinating the indigenous people, on the one hand, to the colonial administration, on the other hand, to the elected toen: in modern settlements there is a head of local self-government (he can be called a mayor) and a head of the community indigenous people (chief).

As part of the 2010 expedition, two clergymen from the Kaluga diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church dealt with the issues of the heritage of Russian Orthodoxy in the study area. They carried out scientific research in accordance with the instructions and plan developed by Metropolitan Clement, and performed divine services in Orthodox churches together with the clergy of Orthodox communities in Alaska. Almost all of them belong to the Orthodox Church in America, which is in canonical communion with the Russian Orthodox Church. It was found that in the settlements of the Yukon and Kuskokwim there are various Christian churches and directions, among which the Orthodox Church plays a key role. The Catholic Church and Protestant denominations (Episcopal Church, Biblical Church, Baptists, etc.) also have their representations. It should be noted that Orthodox communities exist mostly in the villages of the Eskimos. In the memory of the local population, ideas about the mode of action of the first Orthodox missionaries are preserved, who reconciled the warring tribes, and for Christian preaching gathered residents in tents specially set up for this - camp churches. The holiness of the new religion, the need to observe reverence in the house of God, was imprinted in the minds of the local population. By declaring all brothers in Christ during baptism, by partaking of them from the same cup, the missionaries changed social relationships, eradicated tribal enmity and slavery. It is through the prism of Orthodoxy that many representatives of indigenous peoples perceive and realize the Russian period of their history. Most of them know the names of American Orthodox saints - the martyr Peter the Aleut, the Monk Herman of Alaska, St. Innokenty Veniaminov, the righteous Jacob Netsvetov.

The results of expeditionary studies showed that, despite the fact that the Russian stage in the Yukon and Kuskokwim was quite insignificant in duration (40-60s of the 19th century), many influences of Russian culture have survived to our time and play a significant role in the life of indigenous peoples. peoples. Among the borrowings are Russian words found in the language of Indians and Eskimos, denoting products and household items: "tea", "sugar", "milk", "spoon", "shawl", "bath", etc. A similar dictionary of Russian borrowings has not yet been created, but their large number gives reason to talk about the existence of a special Alaskan dialect of the Russian language. Russian surnames and names (Kozhevnikov, Ivanov, Vaska, Pitka, Ismalka, Nikolai, etc.) became widespread. All Eskimos and Athabaskans always say that Russian blood flows in them, and this is considered a matter of pride.

Settlements consisting of log buildings, huts, storehouses, and their layout are the subject of borrowing (initially, indigenous peoples were nomadic, and the idea of ​​​​a permanent settlement was first introduced by Russian colonists, who essentially shaped the appearance of modern settlements). Russian toponyms and hydronyms are widespread.

During the expedition, a unique discovery was made - a set of metric books in Russian (about 30 books) for the years 1852-1950 was discovered, which contains information on the statistics and history of villages in almost the entire interior of Alaska. These books were not known to the scientific community of America and Russia. The earliest of them (1852) contains autographs and may have been written by the priest Yakov Netsvetov, canonized by the American Orthodox Church. After the expedition, almost all the books were transferred to the archive on Kodiak Island.

The documents, never before used for scientific purposes, led to the conclusion that the influence of Russian culture was great even after the sale of Alaska to the United States. All office work until the beginning of the 20th century. It was conducted in Russian, the names and surnames of local residents are Russian, the Creole stratum was significant (descendants of Russians, Eskimos and Aleuts), and ethnic Russian immigrants from the provinces of Russia who remained to live in Alaska are also indicated. The local population is represented by several tribes - these are Kvihpak, Inkalits, Kuyukans, Kolchans, Kuskokwims.

In Alaska, a large number of monuments of the history of Russian development have been preserved, many of which have not been studied in any way and have not been put under protection. During the expedition, graves and gravestones of Russian colonists and Creoles (in Russian Mission) were discovered, the remains of Russian forts and singles were preserved (fort in Nulato, in Russian Mission, Kolmakov redoubt, etc.). It is required to compile a register of objects associated with Russian colonization, map them and study them in detail.

In 1844 L.A. Zagoskin discovered and gave brief description destroyed fortified settlement 7 miles from the mouth of the extreme right branch of the Yukon - the Aphun River. It is typical for many Central Russian and Siberian settlements - forts - and fully fits into the Russian tradition. At the mouth of the Yukon, other Russian settlements are unknown. Moreover, local tribes, according to American archaeologists, never built fortifications. Thus, Zagoskin's data do not fit into the usual scheme for the development of Alaska. Possibly, this settlement is related to the old legend about the first Russian settlement in Alaska, founded in the 17th century. people from the lost ships of Semyon Dezhnev or some other expedition.

In 1985, under the guidance of the American archaeologist C. Pratt, field research was carried out in the lower reaches of the Yukon to identify both existing and abandoned Eskimo settlements. During the expedition, a few kilometers above the modern village of Kotlik along the Aphun River, the remains of an abandoned settlement of the Yupik Eskimos were recorded. The settlement was surveyed and listed on an annex to the Alaska Native Land Use Agreement.

During the 2010 expedition, the southern detachment examined the Kolmakovskiy redoubt, founded in 1841 by Russian industrialists. This is one of the monuments of Russian Alaska, included by the United States in the number of national historical treasures, its restoration is planned in the near future. At the same time, a unique historical experiment was carried out for the first time to study the routes of movement of Russian pioneers and the possibilities of transport and trade communications along the rivers and lakes of Alaska. The northern detachment of the expedition made a water-land crossing from the Yukon to Kuskokwim along the route used by the local residents of Alaska and Russian explorers, including L. A. Zagoskin. It turned out that the role of natural and climatic conditions (water level, season and other phenomena) was often underestimated by researchers studying the local population of Russian America and the Russian colonization of these territories. During the experiment, it was found that the transport possibilities of the transition depended to a large extent on natural and climatic conditions (for example, a high water level contributed to increased contacts between the population of different regions).

As a result of the study, it was established that the Russian heritage in Alaska did not disappear under the onslaught of immigrants from the continental United States, but has survived to the present, despite a long period of lack of interaction with Russia. The materials collected during the expeditions, as well as the identified archival sources, led to the conclusion that the relatively short-term interaction of Russians with the natives of the interior and hard-to-reach regions of Alaska had a very strong influence on them. It remained significant even after the sale of Alaska to the United States. The results of preliminary studies show the depth of penetration of Russian traditions, especially the spiritual culture of Russia - Orthodoxy, into the culture of the indigenous people of Alaska, which has been preserved in their modern life.

The financial and economic activities of the Russian-American Company underlay the development of a vast region. The results of the reconnaissance work show that the history of Russian America is the foundation for the development of a positive image of Russia in the United States. The data provided by historical science can be considered a starting point for further research in related and other disciplines. The political potential of the Russian heritage is currently underutilized, in the future it may become an important element of Russia's scientific and cultural policy in the United States. Colonial and international law, intercultural communication and other phenomena that developed in the first half of the 19th century took root and, with a certain transformation, continue to influence modern life on the peninsula.

Of course, there is still a vast field for further interaction. Alaska has not yet been the subject of special interdisciplinary research. Despite the fact that Russian elements of culture show considerable resistance to the processes taking place in the United States, they are also gradually leaving the life of the people. In this regard, it is extremely important to study and preserve these traditions. In Alaska, there is an extensive complex of material objects - evidence of Russia's vigorous activity in the territory of America. They need scientific description and further research. Amazing written monuments are stored here - numerous archives of church parishes, many of which have not yet been identified. The first stage of research could be a register and map of Russian heritage in the American Northwest. The methodology used can be applied in other territories of the United States. In this regard, the most important area of ​​research should be work on the formation of a guide to the archives of Russia and America, dedicated to the topic under consideration.

One of the acute problems remains the training of young scientists in the field, the defense of their dissertations and their involvement in the general process of studying the history and heritage of Russian America. More active use should be made of the available archival materials in local regional museums and libraries for the training of new specialists. Particular attention should be paid to Internet resources. So far, domestic developments in this respect lag behind those in the United States both in terms of volume and in the popularization of sources involved.

However, it should be noted that the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, under the leadership of Academician A. O. Chubaryan, developed a plan to expand international cooperation in this area. This is especially true in connection with the approaching anniversary date - the 200th anniversary of the founding of Fort Ross. It is important that representatives of all scientific, educational and research centers for the study of Russian America take part in the upcoming scientific events. The results of the study lead to the need to combine the efforts of scientists from different specialties and representatives of church historical science in order to reach the new stage study of the heritage of Russian America. This study can be considered as a basis for the study of cultural and historical heritage, the implementation of which can become an important factor in Russia's domestic and foreign policy. This article is intended to determine the main directions of a new stage in the study of Russian heritage abroad using the example of Russian America.


1. Tikhmenev P.A. Historical review of the formation of the Russian-American company and its activities to date. SPb.: Type. Eduard Weimar, 1862-1863. T. 1-2; Okun S.B. Russian-American company. M.-L.: Sotsekgiz, 1939.

2. Berg L.S. The discovery of Kamchatka and the expedition of V. Bering, 1725-1742. M.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1945; Efimov A. V. From the history of great Russian geographical discoveries. M.: Geografgiz, 1950; Divin V.A., Russian navigators in the Pacific Ocean in the 18th century. M.: Thought, 1971; Makarova R.V. Russians in the Pacific in the second half of the 18th century. Moscow: Nauka, 1968; Pasetsky V.M. Arctic travels of Russians. M.: Thought, 1974; Postnikov A.V. Russian America in geographical descriptions and on maps, 1741-1867. St. Petersburg: Dmitry Bulanin, 2000.

3. Bolkhovitinov N.N. The formation of Russian-American relations, 1775-1815. Moscow: Nauka, 1966; 9. He is. Russian-American relations, 1815-1832. Moscow: Nauka, 1975; He is. Russian-American relations and the sale of Alaska, 1834-1867. M.: Nauka, 1991; He is. Russian America and International Relations // Russian American Colony. Durham: Duke University Press, 1987, pp. 251-270; Alperovich M.S. Russia and the New World (the last third of the 18th century). Moscow: Nauka, 1993.

4. Dzeniskevich G.I. Athabaskans of Alaska. Essays on material and spiritual culture. Late 18th - early 20th century. L.: Nauka, 1987; Lyapunova R.G. Aleuts. Essays on ethnic history. L.: Nauka, 1987; Fedorova S. G. Russian population Alaska and California. The end of the 18th century - 1867. M.: Nauka, 1971; A. V. Grinev. Who is who in the history of Russian America. Moscow: Academia, 2009; Istomin A.A. "Indian" factor in the California policy of the Russian-American company at the initial stage of colonization (1807-1821) // History and semiotics of American Indian cultures. M.: Nauka, 2002. S. 452-463; Russia in California: Russian Documents on the Colony of Ross and Russian-California Relations, 1803-1850. In 2 volumes / Comp. and sub-goth. Istomin A.A., Gibson J.R., Tishkov V.A. M.: Nauka, 2005. T. 1.

5. History of Russian America. 1732-1867. In 3 volumes / Ed. acad. Bolkhovitinov N.N. T. 1. Foundation of Russian America. 1732-1799. M.: International relations, 1997; T. 2. Activities of the Russian-American Company. 1799-1825. M.: International relations, 1999; T. 3. Russian America: from zenith to sunset. 1825-1867. Moscow: International relations, 1999.

6. Bensin B.M. Russian Orthodox Church in Alaska 1794_1967. N.Y., 1967; Gregory (Afonsky), bishop. A History of the Orthodox Church in Alaska (1794-1917). Kodiak Saint Herman's Theological Seminary Press, 1977; Smith B.S. Orthodoxy and Native Americans: The Alaskan Mission. N.Y .: Syosset, 1980.

7. Bolkhovitinov N.N. At the origins of Orthodoxy in North America (mid-18th century - 1794) // American Yearbook 1993. M .: Nauka, 1994. P. 127-132; Russian America: According to the personal impressions of missionaries, explorers, sailors, explorers and other eyewitnesses / Otv. ed. Dridzo A.D., Kinzhalov R.V. M.: Thought, 1994; Clement (Kapalin), Metropolitan. Russian Orthodox Church in Alaska until 1917. M.: CJSC "OLMA Media group", 2009; He is. On the question of the participation of clergy in the Second Kamchatka Expedition // Bulletin of the Tambov University. Ser. "Humanitarian sciences". 2010. Issue. 2 (82) S. 219-224; He is. Issues of the history of the Kodiak vicariate and the synodal management of missionary activities in Alaska // Bulletin of the Tambov University. Ser. "Humanitarian sciences". 2010. Issue. 3(83). pp. 307-316.

8 Korsun S.L. Russian Heritage in Alaska // Kunstkamera: Ethnographic Notebooks. 2003. Issue. 13. p. 57-69; Ethnography and archeology of the native population of America. St. Petersburg: MAE RAN, 2010.

9. McMahan D. An Overview of the Archeology of Russian America: the Past, Present and Future // Russian America. Proceedings of the III International Scientific Conference "Russian America" ​​(Irkutsk, August 8-12, 2007). Irkutsk: LLC "Reprocenter AI", 2007. S. 328-344; Dilliplane T., Isaev A.Yu., Klementiev A.M. et al. Research at the building of the office of the Russian-American company in Irkutsk // Ibid. pp. 133-148.

10. Kibrik A.A. Russian borrowings in the Upper Kuskokwim language and the expedition of L.A. Zagoskin // Lavrenty Zagoskin. Russian traveler and public figure. Research and materials. Ryazan: OAO "Rybnovsky Printing Enterprise", 2008. P. 141-147; Bergelson M.B. Pragmatic and socio-cultural motivation of the language form. Moscow: University book, 2007.

11. The language of the Commander Aleuts: the dialect of Bering Island / Comp. Golovko E.V., Bakhtin N.B., Asinovsky A.S. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2009.

12. Shishkin VS. Domestic researchers of the animal world of Russian America: historical and ecological aspects // American Yearbook for 1999. M.: Nauka, 2001. P. 155-163.

13. Zvyagin V.N., Musaev Sh.M., Stanyukovich A.K. Vitus Jonassen Bering (1681-1741). Medical forensic portrait // Baku: Azerneshr, 1995; Zvyagin V.N. Historical monuments of the Second Kamchatka Expedition. M.: Scientific world, 2002.

14. Ruzheinikov V.V. Russian America: Reflection of the Historical and Geographical Phenomenon in the Russian Mentality // Lavrentiy Alekseevich Zagoskin and Researches of Russian America. Expeditions and travels of Russian researchers in the international context. Collection of conference materials. Ryazan: IP "S.K. Fomin", 2008.

PETROV Alexander Yurievich - Doctor of Historical Sciences, leading researcher at the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Metropolitan KLIMENT (KAPALIN) - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Chairman of the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church.

MALAKHOV Mikhail Georgievich - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Hero of Russia, honorary polar explorer, head of the Ryazan Branch of the Russian Geographical Society.

ERMOLAEV Aleksey Nikolaevich - Candidate of Historical Sciences, senior researcher at the Institute of Human Ecology of the SB RAS.

SAVEL'EV Ivan Vyacheslavovich - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University. M.V. Lomonosov.

Islands lost among the waters of the Pacific Ocean, mysterious moai statues known all over the world, colonial cities of incredible beauty and religious monuments with rich decoration are just some of the unique sights that guests can see. South America. Some nature reserves and architectural monuments located on the territory of the continent were recognized as World Heritage Sites, today these sights are well known even to those who have never been to South America. Absolutely everyone will find unique objects for research here, nature lovers will definitely like national parks, and history lovers will love ancient cities and archaeological areas.

Iguazu National Park was founded in 1934 and covers over 55,000 sq. km. More than 1.5 million people visit the park every year, they come to admire the magnificent waterfalls, walk through the centuries-old forests and fabulously beautiful mountainous areas. More than 2,000 species of plants grow on the territory of the reserve, it has become a habitat for 70 species of mammals, 40 species of reptiles and 400 species of birds. The main feature of the Iguazu Park is the beautiful waterfalls, of which there are more than 270 on its territory.

Today, near the most beautiful waterfalls convenient bridges are equipped for tourists and viewing platforms, so natural attractions can be seen in all their glory. There are many fast-moving rivers in the park, rafting along which is also very popular with tourists, and many people prefer to just stroll through the most picturesque areas of the reserve on foot. Not so long ago, a hotel for tourists was built on the territory of Iguazu Park, so everyone can stay in these picturesque places longer.

The main natural attraction of the reserve is a waterfall with a frightening name "Devil's Throat", over which a rainbow forms every day. Jeep safaris are held on the territory of the reserve, during which you can see many rare representatives of the local fauna. Hiking popular with bird watchers, the exotic forests are home to cute colorful parrots, toucans and more exotic bird species found nowhere else in the world.

From the Spanish name Cueva de las Manos can be translated as "cave of hands", this cave is one of the most interesting in the world from a paleontological point of view. Researchers found many ancient rock paintings, including numerous images of human hands. Researchers estimate that some of the rock paintings are over 10,000 years old, indicating that the cave has been inhabited for thousands of years.

In the immediate vicinity of Cordoba, there is a historic Jesuit quarter. Walking along it will be interesting for those who like to explore historical sights. The quarter is a complex of preserved buildings that were erected by Jesuit missionaries. The building of the National University, which is one of the oldest in South America, has been preserved in the historic district. In addition, here you can see the building of the old school, several preserved residential buildings and the old church.

For lovers of walking historical places must visit in Bolivia old City Sucre. Its main value is the numerous preserved monuments of colonial times, some of which were built in the first years after the founding of the city. The official founding date of the city is November 30, 1538, it was originally called Chukisaka, and received its current name in 1825. A significant part of the historical buildings that can be seen today in the city were built in the first half of the 17th century.

For those who are not indifferent to natural attractions, a walk along the national park Noel-Kempff-Mercado. It is located in the eastern part of Bolivia, on the very border with Brazil, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis park is a little less than 16,000 square meters. km. Among the main features of the park is a variety of landscapes, on its territory there are rocky areas with deep canyons, and spacious plains, and evergreen Amazonian forests.

Brazil also has an amazing historical city, to admire which researchers and ordinary tourists come from all over the world. The city of Ouro Preto is located on the territory of the state of Minas Gerais, it was once the prosperous capital of this state. Founded in 1711, Ouro Preto became the real center of the Brazilian gold rush. Gold seekers came here from all over the world. The number of luxurious palaces and mansions increased every year in the city, among which there are unique monuments in the Baroque style.

Located in the Brazilian city of Congonhas, the Bon Jesus do Congonhas church complex was built in the 18th century and is a colorful architectural monument in baroque style. The snow-white church is distinguished by marvelous interiors; many original decorations have been preserved within its walls, including beautiful sculptural compositions with biblical motifs. The beautiful church was designed by the famous architect Francisco Lima Serquira and completed in 1773.

In the northeastern part of Brazil, the world-famous Serra da Capivara National Park is located, which is famous not only for its natural attractions, but also for its priceless monuments. rock art. The first archaeologist to explore these Amazing places, was Nyede Gidon, after his amazing discoveries, the park was recognized as a World Heritage Site. The area of ​​the Serra da Capivara Park is more than 1,200 square meters. km, since the time of the first archaeological expeditions, its research has not stopped.

Among the cities of Venezuela, one of the most interesting is Santa Ana de Coro. Today, the population of this ancient town is about 174,000 people, it is located on the very outskirts of the Paraguana Peninsula, on the coast caribbean. A small port town was founded here as early as 1527; in a matter of years, its scale increased tenfold, and new buildings appeared in the city every year.

In Colombia, there is the world-famous San Agustin Archaeological Park, which is visited not only by researchers from all over the world, but also by inquisitive travelers. Here, archaeologists discovered the largest group of religious monuments in South America, which absolutely everyone can see today. The sculptures discovered during excavations in the park were called "chinas", as the researchers managed to find out, they were made from volcanic rocks. Numerous sculptures depict people dressed in a variety of traditional clothes.

Malpelo Island, lost among the endless waters of the Pacific Ocean, is also a landmark of world importance. The rocky island is uninhabited, its length is about 1,850 meters, and its width reaches 600 meters. In fact, the main interest is not at all a rocky island, but the waters surrounding it, which are inhabited by rare species of sharks, fish and other inhabitants of the deep sea. It was here that the researchers managed to simultaneously see several rare species of sharks: silk, whale, frilled and hammerhead sharks, and in the vicinity of the island there is a rare sand shark.

The State Department announced the US withdrawal from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The decision will come into force on December 31, 2018. The State Department explained that Washington took such a measure because of “growing debts (on membership dues.- "b") at UNESCO, the need for a fundamental reform of the organization and its ongoing anti-Israeli policies." In 2011, the United States refused to participate in the funding of UNESCO after Palestine was admitted to its ranks as a full member. UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova expressed "deep regret" over Washington's latest decision. Following the United States, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered to prepare the country's withdrawal from the organization.

“On October 12, 2017, the State Department notified CEO UNESCO to Irina Bokova about the decision of the United States to withdraw from the organization and about the intention to establish a permanent observation mission at UNESCO,” the message released by the US Foreign Office says. The decision will come into force on December 31, 2018.

“This decision was not easy to make. It reflects the US concern about the growing debt (on membership dues.- "b") at UNESCO, the need for fundamental reform in the organization, and the ongoing anti-Israel bias at UNESCO,” the State Department said in a statement.

At the same time, the United States, as follows from the statement, intends to continue cooperation with UNESCO "as an observer country."

Washington plans to participate in a number of UNESCO's functions, including the protection of the world's cultural heritage, the protection of press freedom, the promotion of scientific cooperation and the educational process.

As it became known later, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered to prepare the country's withdrawal from UNESCO in parallel with the United States, having given the corresponding instruction to the country's Foreign Ministry. He welcomed the decision of US President Donald Trump, calling it "bold and highly moral." “In recent years, UNESCO has turned into a strange organization that has lost its professional path and defends the political interests of individual countries,” commented Carmel Sham Cohen, Israel's representative to UNESCO, on the decision of the head of the Israeli government.

Commenting on the statement of the State Department, the press secretary of the American Embassy in Russia, Maria Olsen, told Kommersant that the United States currently owes about $550 million to UNESCO. At the same time, she added that several resolutions have been adopted within UNESCO in recent years “ anti-Israeli" orientation, which do not recognize Israel's rights to access to its sacred places, including the Temple Mount, and in which Israel is called an "occupying state." At the same time, the diplomat stressed that the US withdrawal from UNESCO "will not affect US policy to support international cooperation in the field of education, science, culture and the media, if such projects will be of technical, economic or political benefit to the United States."

UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova expressed "deep regret that the United States has decided to leave the organization." In a statement published on the UNESCO website, it is said that in 2011, after the decision to suspend the US financial participation in UNESCO, Irina Bokova said that "UNESCO has never been so important to the USA, and the USA has never been so important to UNESCO" . “This truth has become even more obvious today, at a time when the growth of extremism and terrorism requires new long-term solutions in the name of peace and freedom, in the fight against racism and anti-Semitism, in the battle against ignorance and discrimination,” notes Irina Bokova. According to her, "the partnership between UNESCO and the United States was deep and based on shared values."

Permanent Representative of Russia to UNESCO Alexander Kuznetsov on the air of Kommersant FM:

The organization is now in a difficult position, but it will undoubtedly survive, because the member states are interested in this organization, it is an indispensable organization of the UN system that is engaged in humanitarian cooperation. Therefore, of course, the financial difficulties are great, but there is no doubt that the organization will function.

In 2011, the United States refused to participate in the funding of UNESCO after Palestine was admitted to its ranks as a full member. Membership in the organization was a major victory for Palestinian diplomacy, which applied to join the organization two decades earlier. "The United States will not make another $60 million payment to UNESCO... The membership vote on Palestine is premature and detrimental to our common goals," State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said at the time. The American contribution to the budget of the organization was about 22%. At that time, Israel also announced the termination of UNESCO funding.

In July 2017, UNESCO decided to include the Old City of Palestinian Hebron in the World Heritage List, as well as in the list of sites in danger. At the same time, the place, revered by both Jews and Muslims, was called Palestinian. This wording provoked Israel's indignation: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the decision "crazy". Israelis were outraged that the organization ignored the role of Hebron in the history of the Jewish people.

Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov called the news about the US withdrawal from UNESCO "sad".

Executive Secretary of the Russian Commission for UNESCO Grigory Ordzonikidze:

If the country that itself stood at the origins of the creation of this organization is now leaving it, then this can only be regretted. This is the organization within which the Americans and I, despite all political differences, could continue to cooperate in areas of interest to us in science, education, and culture. I think this decision is rash.

According to the head of the International Affairs Committee of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, Konstantin Kosachev, “even in a series of other refusals by Washington to continue its international obligations, this step looks very odious - this is the behavior of a real pariah, and not a responsible international power, which the United States itself presents itself everywhere.” “There is no benefit here for the United States (by the way, they themselves are among the ten countries with the largest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites - there are more than 20 of them), but they dealt a serious blow to their claim to, above all, moral leadership in the world,” wrote politician on his page in

USA heritage

This brings us to Dvorkovich.

The Constitution and history of the United States make us the source and model of leadership needed by civilization. This pattern has been around since the 17th century Massachusetts Bay Colony, where the idea originated. Its roots are in Europe, but it was born in New England. In Massachusetts, the prototype of the United States first arose. And everything that happened afterwards was a consequence of what happened in Massachusetts in special conditions when there was some degree of independence there, that was the point of colonization - to take the sane people out of England and Holland to North America, at a safe distance from the British and European politics.

We see that, until today, Europeans do not have the constitutional concept of government or economics, which was the basis of the United States and manifested itself in Massachusetts in the 17th century. We are the only country on the planet with such a heritage. And in times of crisis in our history, these traditions manifested themselves, so it was during civil war and during the world wars.

(But we were on the wrong side in World War I. We were on the side of the British, because the British orchestrated the assassination of President McKinley, which brought Theodore Roosevelt to power. And we exchanged a right cause in history for a wrong one. And remained on the wrong side until President Franklin Roosevelt came to power.)

After the death of F. Roosevelt, we again found ourselves in the camp of a wrong cause. President Kennedy was assassinated after attempting to revert to the policies of Franklin Roosevelt, to some extent inspired by Eleanor Roosevelt. The economy was at the core. Kennedy was trying to save the US economy, to force it to develop, this explains his support for the space program. And he tried to prevent the US from intervening in wars in Asia.

British interests were behind his assassination, aiming at the death of the United States after a protracted war that actually lasted 10 years in South-East Asia. And since then, under different presidents, we have been continuously waging such wars.

There was a moment in this process when I played my part in history. In the mid-1950s, when I worked as an economist, I already had the economic views that I hold today. They are based on my understanding in 1953 of the concepts of Bernhard Riemann. Since main area my research is physical economics, and I look at things from the point of view of Riemann, and, accordingly, from the point of view of the ideas of Einstein and Vernadsky. This is the only correct point of view in today's physical science. Very few adhere to it, and this is the root of some of our problems.

With the death of Roosevelt, the goals of the United States were done away with as a continuation of the Massachusetts tradition of the Winthrop and Mather days. We have become a puppet of the British Empire, fools bullying the USSR and China. In Truman's time, unprecedented political corruption swept the country, and it continues in one form or another to this day.

We are a corrupt nation, easily drawn into senseless wars, and today we see the prospect of an Israeli attack on Iran, look at what is being done in Afghanistan. We are destroying ourselves, by the hands of our governments. And Russia returns the compliment under the new president through Arkady Dvorkovich.

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Highlander's Legacy At first glance, this is unlikely. Atlantis disappeared under water, and no one - or almost no one - managed to escape from it. On the other hand, there are still secret bases in Tibet and Bermuda: former mountains Shakkab where at better times, as a matter of fact,

From the book To the Barrier! 2009 No. 04 author Newspaper Duel

GORBACHEV'S LEGACY The situation in Afghanistan has noticeably worsened, says Rainer Arnold, an expert on defense issues of the SPD faction in the Bundestag. In an interview with the German radio station Deutschlandradio Kultur, he stated that in the Kunduz region in the north of the country, units

From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 847 (6 2010) author Tomorrow Newspaper

HERITAGE OF THE POET February 17-18, 2010 Literary Institute. A. M. Gorky, together with the Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Propaganda Bureau of the Writers' Union of Russia, is holding the Fourth Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the creative heritage of the largest Russian poet of the turn of the XX

From the book Literaturnaya Gazeta 6330 (No. 26 2011) author Literary Newspaper

Venetian Legacy Time Travel Venetian Legacy ONCE WITH ALICE DANSHOH Once I had dinner with my foreign guest at an Italian restaurant in Moscow. She was surprised by the deliciousness of everything served and the high quality of service. We are proud

From the book Maintain Dignity author Bernanos Georges

Chamberlain's Legacy Translated by A. V. Dubrovin March 1942 Some facts suggest that the Free French leadership will soon be recognized by the Allies. Any sane person will say that this has been delayed for too long. I once promised my readers not to write

From the book Meanwhile [TV with human faces] author Arkhangelsky Alexander Nikolaevich

5. HERITAGE But neither freedom nor repentance is possible if forgetfulness becomes a cultural norm. In the "dashing 90s" one could find at least some justification for the total indifference to the fate of, for example, classic estates (the majority are busy with survival; new money is too

From the book Gates to the Future. Essays, stories, essays author Roerich Nicholas Konstantinovich

A great heritage Almost forty years ago I had a chance to pay attention to Scythian antiquities, remarkable in their stylization, and related to them in spirit, so-called then, Chud plaques. Then the Scythian antiquities were understood only as a reinterpretation of the Greek

From the book To the Barrier! Conversations with Yuri Mukhin author Mukhin Yury Ignatievich

The legacy of the tsar is Yu.I., you have already said that the main reason for the defeats of the Red Army in the Great Patriotic War was its bad officers and generals. Could you elaborate more on this? Why were they bad? - The fact that it was just an improved modification

From the book Spain. Fiesta, siesta and manifesto! author Kazenkova Anastasia

Celtic heritage When you just enter Galicia from the center of the peninsula and you don't even see its rocky coasts cut by the sea, you already understand: something is not right here. Heath-covered hills, centuries-old trees at their feet, areas where water

From the book People and phrases [collection] author Desnitsky Andrey Sergeevich

Mauritanian legacy It is said that one of the points of Bin Laden's doctrine was the revival of Muslim domination in Spain. A person who is little familiar with the history of the Iberian Peninsula is unlikely to connect one of the world symbols of Christianity, a country with a third

From the book Economy in a lie [Past, present and future of the Russian economy] author Krichevsky Nikita Alexandrovich

From the book "In the Kingdom of Denmark ..." author Updike John

A poor legacy Economics is a young science, three hundred years old (compare with the centuries-old traditions of philosophy, psychology or social science). Until the middle of the 18th century, that is, before the start of the industrial revolution, the doctrine of rational management was mainly built into

From the book Consolation of History author Buzina Oles Alekseevich

literary heritage

From the book Future Without America by LaRouche Lindon

Bogdan's legacy In the midst of the new Maidan turmoil, we completely forgot about the 360th anniversary of the event that forever changed the fate of not only Ukrainian, but also all-Russian history - the Pereyaslav Rada. Officially, it is dated January 8, 1654 - it was on this day that the Cossack foreman in

From the author's book

British Legacy There is a problem in Russia, it is a political, moral and intellectual problem, which is rooted, though not entirely, in Marx. The significance of Marx, or Marxism, in history is twofold. He was raised by the British. Marx is a product of the British secret services. AND