Bermuda. Bermuda is

And in September 2012, the media are full of reports that a visa to Bermuda is no longer needed. We start to check everything, and it turns out that visa-free entry is possible for citizens of Russia, India and China with a US, Canadian or UK visa. We just had a US visa, so we were delighted: we will finally get to these mysterious islands. We flew to Bermuda from Buffalo via New York, with a 2.5 hour connection, with United Airlines. And they flew back with Delta Air Lines to New York.

By the way, the plane flies to Bermuda without crossing the borders of the so-called Bermuda Triangle. Let me remind you that this is such an area in Atlantic Ocean, in which supposedly occur mysterious disappearances maritime and aircraft. The area is bounded by imaginary lines from Miami (Florida) to Bermuda, then to Puerto Rico and back to Florida through the Bahamas.

Passport control went quickly, no questions about visas arose.

Bermuda is a group of coral islands in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean. They were discovered at the beginning of the 16th century by the Spanish navigator Juan Bermudez and named the Devil's Islands because of the difficult navigational conditions.

Today, Bermuda is a self-governing British Overseas Territory.

Despite the large number of islands, the population of the archipelago is only about 60 thousand people, and the total length of roads in Bermuda is 30 km.

The monetary unit is the Bermuda dollar. A phaeton is depicted on the 25-cent coin. This bird was almost destroyed by egg collectors, but after the organization of protection, the number of phaetons was restored, and now they again nest in abundance on the islands. When we walked along the rocks, the phaetons circled over our heads: apparently, there were nests there, and the birds protected them.

Houses and fences in Bermuda are built primarily from sandstone. The walls are bright, multi-colored, and the roofs are white and stepped. Such roofs are made in order to collect water and filter it: dirt lingers on the steps.

In Bermuda they say: if you come to a house with a dirty roof, do not ask for water to drink. When we traveled around the island, we constantly saw people on the roofs of houses who cleaned them. Gutters are placed in such a way that the concrete cellars are filled with rainwater through vertical pipes. In such tanks, water is kept cold, as in wells. Each owner is personally responsible for collecting water, and if it is still not enough until the next rainy season, you need to pay money for water to the government.

The walls of houses, according to local GOST, must withstand winds up to 160 km / h, so they are quite thick here, and the shutters on the windows open from below. Almost all houses have fireplaces because it gets chilly in winter.

In general, the climate of Bermuda is mild due to the Gulf Stream. During the year there are occasional tropical rains and showers, but sunny weather prevails. The usual temperature is 20-23°C - very comfortable.

The best time to visit is from April to October. But until June, the water in the ocean is not very warm, because it does not have time to warm up. During our stay, from May 1 to May 10, the water was at first 21.3 ° C, and then 23.8 ° C maximum - cool enough for us.

The hotel was booked five months in advance. The selection was small and the prices were not very low. I would like, of course, that the hotel was on the shore and the beach was good. They chose for a long time, but in the end they did not lose by booking a room at Pompano beach club. This family-run Southampton hotel dates back to 1956. Owned by the third generation of the Lamb family. Here you can feel the homely, family atmosphere, friendly attitude of the staff.

Pompano Beach Club is located on a hill, the rooms are in two-story houses, the neighbors are never seen or heard. There is a large golf course nearby. And free Wi-Fi is caught in the rooms and throughout the hotel.

The ocean is very beautiful! The water is clear, with a blue tint. During our stay, there was a complete calm for a whole week, and even from the balcony of our room we could watch the fish swimming in the water: they were clearly visible, especially the parrots, as they are very bright. Then the wind changed, and waves appeared, but very tiny. On the water, you can walk to the left along the beach: there are rock formations, small coves - in general, beauty!

When we decided to explore the archipelago, we found out that car rental is prohibited in Bermuda. There are many reasons for this: the density of transport in Bermuda per 1 sq. km. km is one of the highest in the world, there are frequent traffic jams, problems with parking, left-hand traffic. You can rent a scooter, you do not need a driver's license, but you must be over 16 years old. Helmet, lock, full tank of fuel and luggage basket are included in the rental price. The use of a helmet is mandatory.

You can get to different parts of Bermuda by taxi and buses, ferries run. The cost of a taxi is $4 for the first mile (1.6 km) plus $1.4 for each additional mile.

Buses run on 11 routes. They are easily recognizable by their pink or blue colors, they are all air-conditioned and usually run from 7.00 to 23.00. Tickets can be purchased from the driver or bought at some shops. Buses stop on demand and do not take passengers with large luggage.

The pink or blue bollards that stand right next to the stops indicate where the bus is going. Pink is a stop for buses to Hamilton, blue is for buses from Hamilton.

We examined the island in a taxi twice, going first in one direction, then in the other, so as to slowly consider all the sights and beauties.

To begin with, we decided to see the oldest iron lighthouse in Bermuda - Gibbs Hill Lighthouse.

There are actually two lighthouses in Bermuda. One can be seen when approaching the airport from an airplane. Just on it they filmed an episode from the movie "Abyss" in 1977. Gibbs Hill Lighthouse is unique in that it is made of cast iron and bolted from individual sheets. There are very few such lighthouses in the world! Its height is 177 feet. On the territory there is a parking lot, a cafe, a gift shop. You can climb to the very top for $2.

Only 185 steps and you are at the top! It is from here that an amazing panoramic view of the Bermuda coast opens. In the photo - a view of the western tip of the archipelago, Dockyard. There is a cruise ship stop and the largest fortress in Bermuda. And the poorest citizens live on that side, but you can’t tell this from their houses.

The southern part of the island, where the most beautiful beaches.

Arrived in the city of St. George. This is one of the first English settlements in the New World. The city and its surrounding fortifications are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Until 1814 it was the colonial capital of Bermuda.

The symbol of the city is the dragon. St. George's has retained its original appearance and many of the historic buildings are still in use today as they were 200-300 years ago. Royal Square is the center of the city. It was built 200 years ago.

There is an unfinished church in the city. Its construction began in 1874 and ended in 1894, when the city council decided to restore St. Peter's Church.

Fort Saint Catherine is the first building in Bermuda. The building has housed a museum since 2000.

But the world's smallest functioning drawbridge— Somerset Bridge. It was built in 1620 and reconstructed in the middle of the 20th century. Initially, the structure was bred manually, now it is mechanical.

And here (well, not on the beach) we saw a Portuguese boat jellyfish. They write that just from May to September, these beauties periodically appear on the beaches of Bermuda.

Next we had an excursion to the Crystal Cave. It was discovered over 100 years ago by two 12-year-olds who descended into a crevasse in search of a cricket ball. The cave is located at a depth of 36 m below the surface of the earth.

It is believed that the cave was formed during the ice ages, when the sea level was 100-130 m lower. Rainwater seeped through the soil, and the resulting underground stream with high acidity dissolved the limestone. As a result of this process, voids appeared in the rocks. When the water levels in the seas rose, these voids filled sea ​​water. Now there is underground lake through which the pontoon bridge is laid. The water is crystal clear. And nearby there is another cave connected to the first one, it is called Fantasy.

Today, Bermuda, known in Somers' time only for cedar forests and harsh natural conditions, have turned into one large resort area, famous for its coral reefs, beautiful pink sand beaches, beautiful gardens, quiet coves and clear water.

In addition to relaxing on the magnificent beaches, guests of the islands can devote time to diving, snorkelling, horseback riding, boat racing, cricket, rugby; Numerous tennis courts, 8 professional golf courses, SPA centers, centers aquatic species sports and more. On the islands you can find a wide variety of hotels with all kinds of accommodation options, more than 150 restaurants: from democratic to extremely elegant and refined.


The archipelago is located in the western part of the Atlantic Ocean, east of the United States. Formed as a result of active volcanic activity, it covers an area of ​​​​only 53 square kilometers and consists of 157 islands. The Bermuda archipelago was discovered in 1503 by the Spanish navigator Juan Bermudez, who later received the gloomy name "Devil's Islands". In the old days, many ships were wrecked here. Until now, lucky treasure hunters have found treasures of British merchant ships and Spanish galleons on the seabed.

Bermuda ( former islands Somers) are located in the western part of the Atlantic Ocean, near the coast of North America, at a distance of 1046 km east of Cape Hatteras (North Carolina coast, USA). The archipelago consists of 7 large and about 131 small coral islands surrounded by reefs (about 230), of which only 12 are inhabited. Eight relatively large islands of the central group are interconnected by a network of bridges and viaducts with a total length of about 40 km, forming the so-called " main island"- Main Island, which occupies 95% of the island's land area ( locals It's just called "island". The rest of the islands are scattered over the surface of the ocean, occupying an area of ​​almost 1100 square meters. km. The total area of ​​the archipelago itself is only 53.3 square meters. km.

Tourist areas of Bermuda

Beautiful beaches frame almost the entire coast of Bermuda. The largest number of first-class beach hotels are concentrated in south coast islands, including around Horseshoe Bay, Warwick Long Bay and Jobsons Cove.

Elbow Beach near Hamilton, Clearwater Beach and Turtle Bay near St. David are well-deservedly famous, as well as a long coastline exotic John Smith Bay in Paget County. Great places for swimming and diving are located in Church Bay in Southampton County, in the bays of Mangrove Bay, Black Bay, Parsons Bay, Shelly Bay, Summerset Long Bay, Warwick Long Bay, Chaplin Bay, Church Bay, West Vale Bay, Tobacco Bay north of St. George and isolated Clarence Cove.

Bermuda beaches are famous for their white sand with an amazing pink hue, extremely rare in nature. The pinkest sand can be found on the island of Bermuda, on the stretch of coast between Warwick Long Bay and Horseshoe Bay. In Bermuda, there are both public and private beaches owned by hotels. Public beaches are closed at night. There are no nude beaches in Bermuda.

The best public beaches

Horseshoe Bay is the most popular beach on the island. Bermuda, so it is often quite crowded. The beach is located in a horseshoe-shaped bay framed by picturesque rocks. On the beach there are bars with soft drinks and ice cream, rental equipment for snorkelling; here you can also find sun loungers, umbrellas, showers, changing cabins, etc. A secluded area in the western part of the beach, characterized by calm waters, especially suitable for children.

Jobsons Cove is a beach in a tiny, idyllic bay surrounded by serene cliffs. Few beaches in the world can match the beauty of Jobson's Cove. The sea in this place is calm, shallow, with a gently sloping sandy bottom.

Tobacco Bay is the most popular beach on the island. Saint Georges. Here you can not only relax, but also do amazing snorkeling between impressive rock formations. Tobacco Bay also left its mark on the history of the islands: here, local conspirators loaded onto whaling ships hundreds of tons of gunpowder, looted from an English store on the island and intended for the Americans as help in the war with the British. In response, Congress lifted the Bermuda embargo placed on Britain and all of its colonies.

Warwick Long Bay is a beach that remains uncrowded even at the height of the summer season: the length of the beach strip is 8 km. On windy days, quite strong waves rise here.

West Vale Bay - a small beach on west coast about. Bermuda. In April, you can see whales migrating in search of food here. You can watch whales from a fort located on a hill, or from a boat specially sent out to sea to watch the animals. West Vale Bay is the perfect place to watch the most beautiful sunsets.

For newlyweds

Bermuda is an ideal place for honeymoon and wedding ceremonies. Special island traditions will turn the wedding into the most romantic event in a couple's life.

A traditional Bermudian wedding involves two wedding cakes, one for the groom and one for the bride. The bride's three-tier fruit cake covered with silver sugar icing symbolizes the sweetness of the wedding, while the groom's single-tier cake covered with gold icing symbolizes prosperity. Both cakes are adorned with tiny cedar trees, which the couple can plant anywhere on the island, and the tree will represent their growing love for years to come.

The bride and groom must pass through one of the stone rings (“moon gates”) decorating the island, make a wish and expect guaranteed prosperity and joy in the future. A kiss in front of such arches is the key to a long and happy life together.

A romantic carriage drawn by horses and decorated with flowers and ribbons delivers the couple from the place of marriage to the hotel. The driver of the wagon is dressed in formal attire with blue Bermuda shorts, knee pads and a white hat.

  • Over Bermuda there are air links from the USA and Canada to Europe, Central and South America. Due to a series of unexplained crashes of aircraft and ships in the space between Bermuda, the Antilles and the Bahamas, the term Bermuda Triangle.
  • From 1941 to 1995 - during the 2nd World War and the Cold War - there were several naval and air bases of the United States and Great Britain in Bermuda, which occupied 11% of the total area of ​​the islands.

For most people, Bermuda is associated with the famous Bermuda Triangle and many fantastic theories that explain the mystical disappearances in this mysterious area. Nevertheless, scientists and analysts around the world have long confirmed that these are just speculations, and the number of ships that have disappeared here is no more than in other places on the planet.

Today, Bermuda is an integral part of the British Commonwealth and one of the most famous resorts Atlantic Ocean with a whole scattering of luxury hotels, beautiful beaches and flowering parks. The key to such popularity of the islands is their natural beauty, excellent climate, crystal clear waters and pink sand. And here you can afford both a serene vacation on the beaches and in hammocks, as well as an active pastime with horseback riding, diving and nightlife.



Population density

1275 people/km²



23% - Anglicans,

18% Protestant

15% - Catholics,

11% - other confessions

Form of government

a constitutional monarchy

bermuda dollar


UTC-4, UTC-3 (summer)

International dialing code

Internet domain zone


Climate and weather

The weather conditions of Bermuda form a temperate maritime climate, as well as the Gulf Stream, which maintains a relatively even temperature here (not higher than +29 ° C). On average, in summer the air warms up to +26 °C and above, and in winter sometimes the temperature drops to +15...+18 °C. There is no rainy season in Bermuda, but brief tropical downpours do occur. Basically, comfortable sunny weather prevails on the islands.

The best time to travel to Bermuda is from April to October.


Bermuda is located in the northwest of the Atlantic Ocean, at a distance of 900 km from the coast of North America. The archipelago includes 7 large and more than 130 small islands of coral origin, of which only 12 are inhabited. Eight fairly large islands are connected by a network of bridges and viaducts, forming the so-called "Island" Main Island. Its relief is quite hilly, and the coastline is indented by many bays with sandy beaches.

The vegetation of all the islands is mainly represented by shrubs and exotic trees. There are no rivers, streams or lakes on the islands.


The main attractions of Bermuda are beautiful coral reefs, beautiful gardens, pink sand coves and clear water. However, in addition to this, there are many interesting buildings and historical monuments.

The "heart" of Bermuda is the capital of Hamilton, where most of the country's commercial and government institutions are concentrated. Its main thoroughfare, Front Street, is lined with old Victorian buildings, notable for their overhanging verandas, apricot orchards and limestone fences.

Among the most popular tourist sites of the city, it is worth highlighting Holy Trinity Bridge, Fort Hamilton, Senate Building, Assembly House, Cenotaph Monument, Pas-la-Ville Park, Victoria Park, Mary Jean Mitchell Gardens and Bermuda Rose Sisayeti, Bermuda Historical Museum, Desmond Fontaine Gallery and the National Gallery.

It is also recommended to visit Crystal Cave and Bermuda Aquarium. In addition, not far from Hamilton there are such interesting places as blue hole park with many birds, natural Devil's Hole Aquarium and magnificent botanical gardens.

No less interesting is the city of St. George, which is listed world heritage UNESCO. Among its many attractions, it is necessary to mention King's Square, City Hall, Pillory, State House and Somers Garden.

Also noteworthy is Ordnance Island, which is connected to St. George by a small bridge. He can boast of interesting objects, as old church St. Peters Church, Sir Somers Statue, St. David's 85m Lighthouse, Tucker House Museum, Unfinished Church, National Trust Museum and Historical Museum Saint George.

In addition, it is worth visiting Ireland Island, which is interesting for its fort. Royal-Naval-Dockyard, on the territory of which there is Arts Center, Bermuda Maritime Museum, Craft Market and many shops. Also on this island it is recommended to see the fortress tower clock tower, historical Clock Tower Alley, Michael Swann Gallery and Lagoon Park.

If we talk about the natural attractions of Bermuda, then it should be noted numerous National parks and nature reserves, such as Nonsuch Island, where kahu(endangered Bermuda pigeon).

In addition, protected areas have been created on the islands. underwater world:

  • Sir Hughes Nature Reserve;
  • Coopers Island;
  • Charlie Island;
  • Gilbert Nature Reserve;
  • Hangry Bay;
  • Castle Island.


Bermuda is one of the most popular and visited resorts in this region, so here you can find establishments with a wide variety of menus, from European to Caribbean. If we talk about national culinary traditions, they are based on American and English cuisines. The main product of local chefs is all kinds of seafood, which is simply masterfully cooked here.

Therefore, in any restaurant you can try such delicacies as spicy shark meat soup, the famous Bermuda lobsters, sea bass fish soup with black rum and fried cod with sherry sauce. Also everywhere it is offered to taste " Sunday breakfast» (fried cod with potatoes, bananas, eggs and avocado), mussel pie, beef steak wahoo(king mackerel), seafood salads and fried Cuban yellowtail. Most often served as a side dish "hoppin john"(a mixture of black peas and rice), cornmeal tortillas with rice and peas, fried bananas " tostones”, Bermuda onions, all kinds of vegetables and rice with sauces.

It is also worth trying the local cassava pie, which, by the way, saved the first settlers of Bermuda from starvation.

For dessert, it offers all kinds of fruits, jam from loquat, grape jelly and sweet potato pudding. In addition, it is recommended to try local honey. It is quite expensive, but you will remember its taste for a long time.

The main drink of Bermuda is Golsing's Bermuda Black Seal rum, as well as cocktails based on it, for example, "swizzle"(rum, lemon juice, bitters and sugar). In addition, there are also other alcoholic drinks, including a variety of imported beers.


Hotels in Bermuda are able to satisfy the needs of almost any vacationer. Most of them represent resort hotels with excellent service and comfortable rooms. Meals in many of them are organized in a buffet format, but breakfast is not always included in the price. Moreover, the most luxurious hotels have fitness centers, spas, golf courses and tennis courts. In addition, many hotels offer scooter rentals. Also a nice feature of some establishments are culinary weekends, during which professional chefs teach guests cooking and give lectures on proper nutrition.

It is worth saying that the most diverse hotels and hotels - both luxurious and budget - are concentrated on Main Island. However, other islands also offer a variety of accommodation options. In addition, in Bermuda you can always rent a villa, cottage or apartment.

Entertainment and recreation

Bermuda are perfect place for recreation: the number of types of entertainment on the islands promises an excellent pastime even for the most demanding. For fans active rest here you can do all kinds of water sports: diving, yachting, spearfishing, water skiing and surfing. Golf, cricket and tennis are also very popular in Bermuda, so there are a lot of clubs and schools dedicated to these sports. In addition, ecotourism is widespread on the islands, offering to watch rare birds, explore underground caves and wander through lush nature reserves and botanical gardens.

The main vacation spot in Bermuda is the beaches with pale pink sand. And there are both public and private beaches. The best public beaches are Horseshoe Bay, Jobsons Cove, Tobacco Bay, West Vale Bay and Elbow Beach near Hamilton. Almost all beaches have sun loungers, cafes and restrooms.

But Bermuda is not only famous for its beaches. The local luxury restaurants, nightclubs and reggae-style beach parties are popular, which will certainly appeal to lovers of noisy holidays and cheerful companies. If we talk about family vacation, then for it there also exists a set interesting options. Among them, it is worth highlighting rafting, horse-drawn carriage rides, swimming with dolphins in the Maritime Museum, visiting the Zoo, Aquarium and Underwater Institute, as well as excursions to underground crystal caves and numerous nature reserves.

Besides entertainment Bermuda includes many festivals, celebrations and carnivals. Among them, the most famous are:

  • Caribbean Music Festival;
  • Bermuda Reggae Festival;
  • festival "Bermuda Tattoo";
  • Spring Student Festival;
  • Bermuda International Film Festival;
  • Sand castle competition;
  • holiday "Docyard Illumination" and many others.


Bermuda is a duty-free zone, so goods from the EU countries are much cheaper here than on the continent. Most of the large shopping centers and various shops are concentrated in Hamilton, Devonshire and Saint George. It is there that you can buy fashionable clothes of famous brands, magnificent Scottish cashmere, high-quality Italian leather goods and many other excellent goods at affordable prices.

Souvenirs are better to buy not in shopping malls, but in small specialized shops, as there is more choice, and the quality is often better. In such establishments, first of all, it is recommended to pay attention to all kinds of tropical crafts made of wood, shells and straw (hats, jewelry, baskets, etc.), as well as local rum. In addition, all kinds of T-shirts, magnets, toys and dishes with the symbols of the islands are sold everywhere.

Payment in all stores is made in Bermudian dollars, US dollars and credit cards. Other currencies are not accepted in stores, but you can always exchange it at local banks.

Usually, almost all shops are open from 09:00 to 17:00, but on Thursdays many of them close quite early (around 15:00).


Bermuda airport Wade is the only international airport in Bermuda. It is located 16 km from the city of Hamilton and is connected to it by regular bus service. Passenger ferries run between all the inhabited islands.

Public transport in Bermuda is represented by buses, taxis, small trains and tourist horse teams. The streets in all cities are narrow, so the maximum speed here is 35 km/h. The main way to get around the city is bus service. Buses run from 7:00 to 23:00. Travel tickets are sold from drivers, and travel cards are sold in large stores. All buses stop at the first request of passengers.

Taxis are a good alternative to buses. Moreover, many of them can conduct an introductory tour (cars with blue flag on the hood). The fare is $4 for landing and the first mile, and $1.4 for subsequent miles.

Car rental is prohibited in Bermuda. The fact is that the road congestion on the islands is very high, and therefore there are often traffic jams and problems with parking. However, in any city you can rent a scooter. It is worth noting that the traffic in Bermuda is left-handed, which is rather unusual for most tourists.


The telecommunications system of Bermuda can be called quite developed and quite modern. Public pay phones with access to international lines are found almost everywhere. They work on plastic cards, which are sold in any supermarket or street kiosk. In addition, telephone cards from UK, US and Canadian companies, such as Prepaid Global Calling Cards, operate in Bermuda.

Mobile communication is carried out in the GSM 1900 standard and covers almost the entire territory of the islands. International roaming is available to subscribers of all major operators. Local telephones can be rented from mobile companies (Wireless Ltd and Bermuda & West Indies Ltd) and specialized kiosks.

Network technologies on the islands are well developed. Round-the-clock Internet access is provided in almost all hotels. In addition to this, in major cities(Hamilton, St. George, etc.) there are many Internet cafes. The cost of their services is $ 3-5 per hour.


Bermuda is recognized as one of the most safe places in the western hemisphere of the earth. Crime is practically absent here, and violent offenses are considered something out of the ordinary. Therefore, for personal safety, it is recommended that you simply follow general precautions.

It should be noted that in most establishments, as well as in all in public places Smoking is strictly prohibited, and violation of this ban is punishable by a huge fine. A similar measure of punishment awaits those who drink alcohol in public places.

No special vaccinations are required to travel to Bermuda. The level of medical care here is very high. Tap water is safe, but it is advised to drink bottled water during the first days of your stay on the islands.

Sharks and other dangerous marine animals are absent from most beaches. True, from March to July, large accumulations of " Portuguese boats which are extremely poisonous. Therefore, when diving and swimming in the open ocean, precautions must be taken.

Business climate

Tourism is Bermuda's main source of income, and industry is represented mainly by ship repair and boat building, as well as pharmaceuticals and building materials. In this regard, approximately 80% of the food consumed on the islands is imported from abroad.

The main economic advantage of the islands is the fact that literally all operations of foreign companies here are completely exempt from taxes. Thanks to this, Bermuda is the most important financial center, where more than 6 thousand large and small foreign companies are registered.

The property

In June this year, the Government of Bermuda made a number of changes to the property law, which made the purchase of real estate by foreign nationals more affordable. According to the new provisions of this law, foreign citizens can purchase twice as much real estate as before. In addition, now residents of Bermuda are allowed to sell their property to foreigners without any licenses or permits, however, only in cases where the market value of the property does not exceed $177,000.

Needless to say, these new provisions have generated increased interest in all Bermuda real estate - both residential and commercial. Moreover, analysts suggest that prices for local real estate will jump up in the near future, as large foreign investors are very interested in investing their capital here.

The inhabitants of Bermuda are friendly, polite and democratic. However, keep in mind that beachwear and swimwear are not allowed outside the beaches. Evening wear is required to visit almost all restaurants, and many fashionable establishments have a strict dress code. Tips are not accepted in most restaurants and hotels, as they are usually included in the bill in advance.

Visa Information

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have a valid Canadian, UK or US visa do not need a separate visa to visit Bermuda. In this case, at the border, you must present a passport with visas of the indicated countries and return tickets (or tickets to a third country).

Citizens of the Russian Federation who do not have the above visas should apply to the consular section of the British Embassy (Moscow, Smolenskaya nab., 10) or the Consulate General (St. Petersburg, Proletarskaya dictatorship street, 5).

The maximum stay in Bermuda is three months.

Map of Bermuda.

Bermuda (English version - Bermuda) - island archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean, located northeast of Bahamas and about 900 kilometers east of the coast of North America. The islands got their name in honor of their discoverer, the Spanish navigator Juan Bermudez.

The Bermuda archipelago includes more than 150 islands and reefs, the largest of which are Mine Aland, Somerset, St. Davids, St. Georges and others.

Bermuda have common geographical coordinates: 32°19′00″ s. sh. 64°45′00″ W d.

The total land area of ​​the islands and reefs in the Bermuda archipelago exceeds 53 square kilometers.

Currently, Bermuda has the status of a British Overseas Territory, while not being, at the same time, part of the United Kingdom.

Satellite image of Bermuda.


The archipelago was discovered by the Spaniards, it happened in 1503 during the voyage of an expedition led by Juan Bermudez. The Spaniards at that time did not pay due attention this discovery, and they did not begin to develop the islands, which were named after their discoverer.

The very first settlement in Bermuda was founded by the British around 1609, who, on their way to colonize Virginia, were shipwrecked. The colonists named the Somers Island archipelago after their leader, Admiral George Somers.

For a long period, the British colonists were engaged in agriculture on the islands, and also mined salt on the Turks and Caicos Islands, establishing their colony there.

In 1684, Bermuda received the status of the crown possession of England.

In the 17th century, slaves from Africa began to be imported to work on plantations, this continued until 1838, when the abolition of slavery in the British colonies was declared.

After some decline, the economy of the islands was reoriented towards serving tourists in the late 19th century. This industry is a priority on the islands today.

In 1931, the archipelago was opened Railway, connecting through bridges almost all major islands. In 1948, the use of the road was considered unprofitable and it was closed.

In 1941, the governments of the United States and Great Britain entered into an agreement to lease for a period of 99 years a piece of land on Main Island for the construction of American naval and naval bases. The bases functioned on the islands until 1995, when the US government stopped their use ahead of schedule.

In 1968, Bermuda received broad autonomous powers and internal self-government, and a little later - the status of the British Overseas Territory, which they still have.

St. David's Island in Lighthouse Hill.

Origin and geography of the islands.

The islands in the Bermuda archipelago are of coral origin. Their formation began approximately 20-22 million years after the cessation of activity of the volcano that rose above the surface of the ocean, which eventually began to collapse. Corals, as well as silt and sand applied sea ​​currents, a little later formed the real look of the islands. Bermuda is the northernmost coral island in the Atlantic.

Main Island has geographical coordinates: 32°14′00″ s. sh. 64°47′00″ W e. Its shape is quite complex, and the coastline meanders quite strongly, and therefore the island has a large number of bays and lagoons, especially its northern coast. The largest in area is the Big Lagoon, which has branches in the form of the Small Lagoon. They wash the coast of Main Island in the northwest. The central part of the northern coast of the island is washed by Hamilton Harbor Bay, and in the northeast, the Harrington Peninsula, curved along the contour, limits the lagoon of the same name, connected to the open Atlantic by the narrow Flatts Strait. The relief of Mine Island is mostly hilly, its highest point is Town Hill, 76 meters above sea level, which is located in the northeast of the island. This hill is not only the highest point of Main Island, but of the entire Bermuda archipelago. natural sources fresh water there are no rivers or freshwater lakes on the island, but there are several isolated salt lakes on the southeast coast, among which Mangrove, Trotts, Spital and Warwick stand out. The total area of ​​Main Island exceeds 31 square kilometers, which makes it the largest in terms of this indicator in the archipelago.

Somerset Island has geographic coordinates: 32°16′25″ s. sh. 64°50′49″ W e. It is remote to the northwest of Main Island by the narrow Somerset Sound and Alice Harbour. This island also has a rather complex shape with a winding coastline. His East Coast it is washed by the waters of the Great Lagoon, and the northern and northwestern by the Mangrove and Somerset bays, respectively. The relief of Somerset is mostly flat with low hills, among which the highest is Scotts Hill, 39 meters above sea level. There are no rivers or lakes in Somerset. The area of ​​Somerset Island is approximately 5 square kilometers.

St. Davids Island has geographical coordinates: 32 ° 24′46 ″ s. sh. 64°41′58″ W e. It is remote to the northeast of Main Island by a fairly large area of ​​Castle Harbor Bay. The coastline of St. Davids forms a fairly large number of bays and bays along its length, especially in the east and north. The relief of the island is flat with few hills. The highest point on the island is Lighthouse Hill, 41 meters above sea level. The area of ​​St. David's Island is just over 7 square kilometers.

Saint George's Island has geographical coordinates: 32°25′26″ N. sh. 64°41′48″ W e. It is located north of St. Davids Island and is separated from it by Ferry Reach and St. George's Harbor and Smiths. The shape of the island largely resembles an equilateral triangle, and the coastline along its length also forms quite a few small bays and bays. The relief of St. George's in its western part is predominantly flat, and in the northern part it is hilly with highest point retreat hill, 48 meters above sea level. There are no rivers on the island, but there is salt Lake Lovers. The area of ​​St. George's Island is about 6 square kilometers.

The Great Lagoon off the northwest coast of Main Island.


Bermuda is located in the subtropics and has a humid subtropical climate. The islands of the archipelago have rather hot and humid summers with a lot of precipitation falling in the form of heavy rains with thunderstorms. Tropical cyclones are also likely in summer, sometimes blowing over the islands in the form of damaging winds and prolonged downpours. Bermuda's winters are mild with temperatures rarely falling below +10°C. Precipitation in winter depends to a large extent on atmospheric fronts moving westward towards the North American continent. In January-February in Bermuda, these fronts bring northwest gales and showers of medium duration, which sometimes fall with small hail. In summer, the air temperature here can rise to + 34 ° C, which, with high humidity, brings some discomfort to the everyday life of the local population.

Panorama of the city of Hamilton.


Of the total number of islands and rocks in the archipelago, only 20 of them are officially inhabited. The total population of Bermuda exceeds 64 thousand people. Ethnically, the population of the islands is approximately equally divided into representatives of the Negroid and Caucasian races, as well as into descendants from common marriages of these two races. The official language in Bermuda is English.

The administrative center of the British Overseas Territory of Bermuda and at the same time the largest in terms of population locality is the City of Hamilton, located on the northeast coast of the island, on the shores of the bay of the same name, and inhabited by about 3 thousand inhabitants. In addition to it, in terms of population and size, it is worth highlighting such cities on the islands as St. George, Flatts and Somerset.

The main activity of the islanders is still tourism and agriculture.

As an Overseas Territory of Great Britain, Bermuda has its own Constitution, but is governed by a Governor General appointed by the Queen of Great Britain, who, in turn, approves a popularly elected Prime Minister and Parliament. Administratively, Bermuda is divided into nine counties of Sandys, Southampton, Warwick, Paget, Pembroke, Devonshire, Smith and Hamilton and two municipalities of Hamilton and St. George.

The currency in circulation in Bermuda is the Bermuda dollar (BMD, code 60), consisting of 100 cents. In addition to it, both the US dollar and the monetary units of the territorial entities that are subjects of Great Britain are actually in parallel monetary circulation.

Juniper and cedar forest on the west coast of Somerset Island.

Flora and fauna.

And animal world, and the vegetation of Bermuda is quite rich and varied, which is rather atypical for similar islands in this region.

Of the 165 plant species growing in Bermuda today, 14 are endemic and 25 are rare or endangered. At the time of discovery in 1503, the primeval forest of Bermuda juniper (Juniperus bermudiana) dominated the islands. Underwater archeology of the basin caldera carried out on the northern coast of Main Island has shown that the area was once under dense juniper forest during its stay above the sea surface. In addition to juniper trees, Bermuda cedar, which is a local symbol, is quite common on the islands. Among other plant species, not as numerous as the juniper, it is worth noting the Bermuda olive tree (Elaeodendron laneanum), and the Bermuda palmetto (Sabal bermudana), which are emdemics. It is also worth noting the large number of species of ferns and mangroves growing on the islands of the archipelago. A special place among them is occupied by the rare cave fern of Bermuda (Ctenitis sloanei) and the endangered species Diplazium laffanianum, which does not take root anywhere else on the globe.

Before the colonists arrived on the islands, several species of land animals lived here. Among vertebrates, the population of the Bermuda skink or the long-legged rock lizard (Eumeces longirostris) stood out. At present, this species has survived only on uninhabited islands archipelago due to the vital activity of people and the animals they introduced. Other large land animals in Bermuda include crustaceans, in particular two subspecies of the land crab (Cardisoma quantami). The most numerous animals on the islands were and still are birds, among which the emdemic species of the eastern bluebird (Sialia Sialis) and the white-eyed vireo (Vireo bermudianus) stand out.

Cambridge Beaches Resort & Spa Hotel.


Local authorities in Bermuda, concerned about environmental protection, have limited the number of tourists arriving on the islands to 600,000 a year. But despite this, Bermuda remains one of the most visited in the region. You can get to the islands both by air and by sea. On the island of St. Davids there is a small but rather modern international Airport, a seaports The islands are quite capable of receiving even cruise ships of various classes. At the service of tourists on the islands of the archipelago are several dozen luxurious hotels and beach and hotel complexes located in Hamilton and on the coast near the beaches. Numerous tourists come to the islands for beach holiday, as well as for the exotic, inspired by the notoriety of the archipelago, located in the area of ​​​​the famous anomalous Bermuda Triangle. For divers and scuba divers, Bermuda is a real find, as there are simply no number of sunken ships in the coastal waters.

One of the beaches on Main Island.

Many people dream of visiting Bermuda. Some lucky people are happy to rest here. Why do they attract many tourists and where is Bermuda? Let's figure it out.

Where is Bermuda located?

The islands of interest to us are located in the center of the Atlantic. On a plane from England, it takes six and a half hours to fly there. Distance from North Carolina - 1046 km to the east. They are located at the crossroads of sea routes. Only 900 kilometers away North America. This archipelago consists of 180 coral islands, as well as tiny islets, most of which are uninhabited. Bermuda is the main one.

Interesting facts related to Bermuda

Historically, Bermuda belonged to Britain. Therefore, the first inhabitants (back in 1609) were the British, although the Spaniards discovered the islands. There are plenty of incredible stories and mysteries here. Everyone knows, for example, the Bermuda Triangle. Several lines of communication of various airlines pass over Bermuda, and inexplicable catastrophes often occur here in the sea and in the air. However, tourists do not usually swim in these places. On 150 islands there is where to relax. Enough space for everyone!

In 1503, Juan Bermudez, a Spanish navigator, discovered Bermuda. They bore for a long time the name of one British admiral, George Somers, who in 1609 was wrecked after an expedition off the coast of Bermuda. He returned here in the same year, but died soon, so the name did not stick. The settlers he left here are believed to have been the subject of Shakespeare's The Tempest. Bermuda as we know it today was famous only for its cedar forests in Somers' time. Today it is a resort area with many attractions.

Climate and beaches

The climate on all the islands is subtropical. The temperature ranges from +19 to +28 degrees Celsius, so you can visit Bermuda for a beach holiday all year round. The sea is always warm here (from December to April, however, its temperature is +20 ... +22 degrees, but this does not stop many tourists). The rainiest period is from late June to October. The best time to visit - this is perhaps May, June and November. At this time, the humidity level will not be very high. The peak of hurricanes falls on other months. And the temperature for a beach holiday will be optimal.

The beaches here are famous for their unique pink sand, which is very rare in nature. You can find it on the island of Bermuda, on a stretch of coast between Horseshoe Bay and Warwick Long. The beaches are both public and owned by hotels. At night, the public are closed.

Infrastructure Bermuda

The population of all the islands combined is almost 70 thousand people. There are dozens of times more vacationers here, so the economy is almost entirely connected with the tourism business. However, there are also industries Agriculture, shipbuilding and pharmaceutical industries.

A variety of hotels are located along the entire coast, which is unique in its beauty. These are both intricate and traditional houses, as well as modern luxurious buildings. All categories of vacationers can find a suitable option for themselves. In addition, there is the opportunity to go golf and tennis, cricket and rugby, horseback riding, snorkeling and diving, yachting and kayaking, as well as take a course of spa treatments, which are very popular here.

There are many interesting things to explore on these islands - these are botanical gardens, and crystal caves, and 365 places for diving to ships that sank at different times near the coast. Lucky treasure hunters still find treasures on the seabed that belonged to Spanish galleons and British merchant ships. In addition, there is a 120-kilometer ridge of coral colonies in clear coastal waters, among sea grass, which creates excellent conditions for the habitat of marine animals.

About 350 different bird species can be found in Bermuda. Some of the rarest are Bermuda petrels, blue herons, bright blue bunting, kiskade, arctic plovers. All year round the islands, due to the mild climate, are covered with tropical vegetation. You will find everywhere bougainvilleas, oleanders, lilies, white, yellow and red flowers of hibiscus, bermudiana. This is real paradise!

Reserves and national parks

The waters around Bermuda are among the richest in the western Atlantic in terms of species diversity. About 4.5 thousand species of marine organisms live here, as well as about 650 species of fish and 350 species of birds. Local ecosystems, of course, are significantly damaged due to the numerous tourists. It is not surprising, therefore, that there is a strict environmental legislation, as well as many small nature protection zones. For example, Nonsach Island. He guards the kahu, the Bermuda pigeon, which is one of the rarest bird species on the planet. Access is, of course, limited, although Bermuda Biological Station sometimes organizes visits for some tour groups.

Several conservation areas created to protect the underwater world include Castle Island, Gilbert Nature Reserve, Hungry Bay, Charlie Island, Coopers Island, Wallsingham, and others.

Hamilton (capital)

Bermuda has several important cities. However, the main one is Hamilton - a cosmopolitan and dynamic capital with a cheerful and laid-back rhythm of life. Its main attractions are: the historical Bermuda Museum, containing an exposition of the period of the Great Geographical Discoveries, as well as objects that were found at the bottom of the sea; Bermuda Cathedral (Neo-Gothic style), Bermuda National Gallery, where you will find works by Winslow Homer, Joshua Reynolds, Thomas Gainsborough. All this and much more you will see by visiting Hamilton (Bermuda).

Saint George

St. George is a city declared by UNESCO as a heritage of mankind. It reproduces with its architecture the attributes and events of bygone days. This Bermuda city has many attractions. It should be noted the Royal Square, where the City Hall with a pillory dating back to the 18th century is located. Once upon a time, criminals were punished in this place. Also of interest is the Old State House, which was built in 1620. The fort, restored and given a second life, is also very curious. It now houses the Bermuda Maritime Museum, a cinema, a traditional pub, a craft market and the famous "Snorkeling Park" (a diving training center that is one of the best in Bermuda).

The hospitable and friendly inhabitants of the islands are rightly proud of historical heritage that combines different cultures. Bermuda shorts (traditional clothing) are worn with dignity, a rum cocktail and a plate of fish soup are always available. You will find more than 150 restaurants on the islands - from gastronomic, gourmet to democratic.

Local kitchen

Bermuda, which is now in high demand for tours, has its own special cuisine. It is the result of mixing different cultures. As a rule, traditional dishes include pork, rice, peas. In Bermuda, one of the favorite dishes is fish stew served with spicy sauce. Residents of the islands make cassava pies for Christmas. Local delicacies also include sea bass fish soup flavored with black rum, shark meat fish soup, cod pies, Bermuda lobsters, etc.


The cost of service in most restaurants is approximately 10-15% of the check amount. It is usually included in the bill. Tipping in hotels is not accepted, it is usually already included in it. It should be said that hotels add a special tax to the room rate. Its size is 7.5%. In addition, there may be some other fees. Porters and porters at hotels and the airport are usually given a few dollars. Taxi drivers expect approximately 10-15% tip of the fare.

Bermuda money

Many tourists bring Bermuda coins as a souvenir. Let's talk a little about local money. The Bermuda dollar is the national currency. It is 100 cents. On the islands, before the introduction of this currency in 1970, there was a Bermuda pound equal to the pound sterling. The Bermuda dollar was introduced on February 6, 1970. It is equal to the US dollar. On the front side of all banknotes is the image of Queen Elizabeth II. The banknotes are similar in appearance. There is also no fundamental difference between the designs of new and old samples.

Festivals and holidays

In Bermuda, as well as in the whole Caribbean region, there are various festivals, carnivals and festivities. The most famous is the SOCA Caribbean Music Festival, which is held in Royal Naval Dockyard in late July or early August. The Bermuda Reggae Festival, no less colorful, takes place in mid-August. It should also be noted the three-day "Bermuda Tatu", ending with a large fireworks display (time - early November).