Israel travel guide in Russian offline. All about holidays in Israel: reviews, tips, guide

Israel is a country in southwestern Asia, located on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The territory of Israel is 22,072 km2. Israel is neighbored to the north by Lebanon, to the northeast by Syria, to the east by Jordan and the West Bank, and to the southwest by Egypt and the Gaza Strip.

However, for various reasons, Israel refrains from formally defining its borders. Thus, the borders with Egypt and Jordan are defined by special agreements, while those with Lebanon and Syria are not officially regulated. The countries are divided conditionally: between Israel and Lebanon there is the so-called "blue line" - a dividing line recognized by the UN; Between Israel and Syria is a buffer zone "ceasefire line", created by the decision of the UN Security Council in 1973.

Since 1967, after the victory in the Six Day War, the following territories have been under Israeli control: the West Bank of the Jordan River, East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights. These territories were declared occupied by the General Assembly and the UN Security Council. Israel returned the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt in 1979. In 1980-1981, Israel announced the annexation of the territories of East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, while not receiving diplomatic recognition from other states, and the UN Security Council designated Israel's actions as "invalid and without international legal force." As for the remaining territories captured by Israel in 1967, although they were not annexed, Israel disputes the use of the term “occupied” for them, insisting on the term “disputed territories”.

The history of Israel is rooted in the mists of time. It is generally accepted that the first Hebrew tribes came to the lands of modern Palestine from Egypt around the 12th century BC. e. According to biblical sources, the founder of the Jewish people was Jacob, nicknamed Israel for the fight with God, who appeared to him in the form of an angel. It was the 12 sons of Jacob (tribes of Israel) who became the forefathers of modern Israelites. The Jewish state reached its greatest prosperity under King David, under whom Jerusalem became the capital. The son of David - King Solomon, famous for his wisdom, in the X century BC. e. built the First Temple, later destroyed and rebuilt (Second Temple), the remains of which and the Wailing Wall can still be seen in Jerusalem today. After the death of Solomon, a long period of destructive wars and military conflicts began, which led to the resettlement of Jews in the territories of different countries. The further history of the state of Israel begins already in the second half of the 19th century, when the idea of ​​creating a Jewish state in the original territories of the former Judea appeared, brought to life after the end of World War II: in 1948, the state of Israel was proclaimed on part of the territory of Palestine.

Current time in Jerusalem:

Today, Israel is a developed state that plays a large role in the politics and economy of Southwest Asia. Israel is one of the most visited countries in the region by tourists. Due to the hot climate, unique geography and a large number of attractions, the country is popular with different categories of tourists. So, sights of Israel, more precisely, the abundance of religious shrines makes the destination popular for pilgrimage, the healing waters of the Dead Sea attract those wishing to improve their health, the resorts of the Mediterranean Sea are waiting for beach lovers. In addition, snow-capped mountain peaks (in particular, Mount Hermon) may be of interest to skiers, safaris in the Judean Desert and the Arava Desert are suitable for lovers of outdoor activities, and the forests of Galilee will appeal to fans of ecotourism. An additional number of tourists, which number more than 4 million annually, Israel attracts through a flexible visa-waiver policy.

How to get there


As a rule, tourists enter Israel by air through international airports (Tel Aviv), Eilat Airport (Eilat), Ovda Airport (Eilat), Haifa Airport (Haifa). In addition, there are several other regional airports.

Regular flights from Moscow to Tel Aviv (journey time - 4 hours) are operated by Aeroflot, Transaero, El-Al and Rossiya.

Charter flights are operated by Israeli airlines Arkia and IsrAir. Rossiya and El-Al fly from St. Petersburg to Tel Aviv. Direct flights to Israel are also operated from some other Russian cities: Ural Airlines from Yekaterinburg, Siberia Airlines from Novosibirsk.

Passengers are transported from Belarus to Israel by Belavia, El Al and Sundor. Ukraine International Airlines and El Al operate flights from Kyiv to Tel Aviv.

You can also get to Israel by air with a connection in one of the European countries. However, due to the unstable political situation in the country, Israel has almost no communication with the countries of its own region. Thus, regular flights exist only to Amman (Jordan) and Cairo (Egypt), and the cost of such flights is relatively high.

bus and car

Currently, only Jordan and Egypt have permanent border crossings with Israel through which vehicles move. The borders with Syria and Lebanon are closed. Regular bus service between Jordan and Israel is carried out between Amman and Haifa, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and between Eilat and Aqaba.

There are several crossings between Israel and Egypt, but you should check in advance if they are open. At the very least, it can be argued that the Taba border crossing near Eilat, from where buses go in the direction of the Egyptian resorts of Dahab and Sharm el-Sheikh, is almost always open. Buses from Cairo to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem also travel through this crossing, departing from the Gezira Sheraton hotel in Cairo. One-way ticket prices start at $50. Tickets can be purchased from most travel agencies in the center of Cairo. It should be borne in mind that a trip from Cairo to Israel by bus will take from 15 hours.

Detailed information about border crossings with Israel, their location, opening hours and border crossing fees can be found at Israel Border Crossings and Airports. Border crossings and airports in Israel.

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Climate in Israel

Israel mainly experiences a typical subtropical Mediterranean climate, varying from temperate to tropical in some areas. On the coast - hot summers and mild winters, in mountainous areas - dry summers with a lot of sunny days, it can be cold in winter, snow often falls. The Jordan Valley has hot and dry summers, mild winters, and the Negev has a semi-desert climate.

The hottest months are June, July and August at the Dead Sea and Eilat (Red Sea) when the average air/water temperature is +38°C/+30°C.

The rainy winter season lasts from November to May, the rest of the time is a dry summer season. Heavy rains fall in the north and in the center of the country, in the south they almost never happen.

The swimming season in Israel lasts all year round: in summer you can swim in the Mediterranean Sea and Lake Galilee (Kinneret), in winter - in the Dead and Red Seas.

Cities and regions

Israel is divided into six administrative districts called Mekhozot (מחוזות):

  • Central
  • Haifa
  • Northern
  • Jerusalem
  • Southern
  • Tel Aviv

In addition, the country is divided into three metropolises:

  • Tel Aviv and Gush Dan (with a population of 3.15 million)
  • Haifa (pop. 996,000)
  • Beersheba (pop. 531,600)

Since 1967, Israel has controlled the entire territory of the city, however, the status of all of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel has not been recognized by a significant part of the international community until now.

Modern Jerusalem is a dynamically developing metropolis, striking in its contrast: oriental bazaars and modern shopping centers, centuries-old buildings of the Old City and masterpieces of modern architecture peacefully coexist here. The city lives a modern life, not forgetting about thousands of years of tradition.


Museums and galleries


Parks and recreation areas



Shops and markets

Wellness vacation

Private guides in Israel

Russian private guides will help you get acquainted with Israel in more detail.
Registered on the Experts.Tourister.Ru project.

Things to do


Beach lovers vacationing on the Mediterranean coast and near the Gulf of Eilat have the opportunity to purchase one-day excursions with visits to the most interesting sights - the ancient cities of Israel (Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Galilee, Caesarea, Haifa, Akko). Thus, a trip from Eilat to Jerusalem and Bethlehem with visits to religious shrines from major tour operators for a group of at least 10 people will cost about $100. For tourists staying in hotels in Tel Aviv or Netanya, a one-day trip to Jerusalem will cost $60. The program, which includes a visit to the ancient cities of Caesarea, Haifa and Akko - about $64. Excursion to Nazareth and Galilee - just over $70. A trip from Eilat to the Dead Sea with a visit to a SPA resort will cost around $90, from resorts on the Mediterranean coast - about $65.

From the Dead Sea resorts, day trips are available to Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Tel Aviv, with a visit to its ancient cities of Jaffa, Nazareth and Galilee. Travels with holidays on the Red Sea in Eilat are also organized. This is the most expensive tour - a day trip will cost $90.

The largest number of excursions is organized from Jerusalem. The choice of directions is great: these are sightseeing tours of the main cities of Israel, and visits to all other major cities, trips to the main religious shrines of the country, and a tour of the resorts of the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean coast. The cost of excursions from Jerusalem in comparison with the same trips from the main resorts is much lower.

Often, tourists vacationing in Israel visit neighboring Jordan with the ancient city of Petra, carved into the rock. The cost of such a trip for 1-3 days is $200-400.


Half of the tourists who annually visit Israel come to the country for the purpose of recovery and treatment. Recovery mainly takes place at the Dead Sea, where, in combination with medical treatment, natural components are used: salts, water, mud from the Dead Sea. The air, saturated with vapors of minerals, also has a healing effect. Psoriasis and other skin diseases are perfectly cured at the Dead Sea. A good effect is also given by cosmetic procedures based on the gifts of the Dead Sea.

Israel occupies a leading position in many branches of modern medicine and is recognized as the world's leading country in terms of medical facilities, and Israeli doctors are the best in the field of neurosurgery, bone marrow transplantation, cardiovascular surgery, cardiac catheterization, oncological treatment, in vitro fertilization, rehabilitation after injuries, etc. etc. An important factor is also the relative cost of treatment. Our compatriots go to Israel for treatment also because there is no language barrier in the clinics of this country.

  • Yitzhak Rabin Medical Center
  • Medical Center "Herzliya"
  • Shaare Zedek Medical Center
  • Hospital "Assuta"
  • Medical Center "Ichilov"


In Israel, the most interesting for diving are the coastal waters of the Red Sea in the Eilat region, the main decoration of which is the coral reef. It has become home to many marine enthusiasts. Visibility in the water is about 40 meters.

The entire diving area is a nature protection zone, so diving with gloves and knives is prohibited. Spearfishing with scuba equipment in Israel is also prohibited by law (in case of violation - confiscation of equipment and a fine). Taking corals out of the water is punishable by a fine of 660 ILS.

In addition to Eilat, there are also several interesting places for diving on the Mediterranean coast - in the area of ​​​​Ashkelon, Ashdod, Caesarea, Tel Aviv. There, diving enthusiasts are attracted mainly by wrecks (wrecks). So, in the vicinity of Ashkelon, there are 2 sunken ships - "Sea-guard" and "Hugla" (depth is about 30 m). There are interesting sites in the Ashdod area, including the wreckage of the Hercules transport plane. There are also wrecks in the waters of Tel Aviv (for example, the ship Zeev-a-Yam), in Haifa and its environs - the Italian submarine Scire, two French destroyers Miznak and Kidon, a ship of illegal immigrants " Arlozorov, etc.

Some dive clubs in Israel:

  • (Eilat)
  • (Eilat)
  • (Eilat)
  • (Eilat)
  • (Eilat)
  • (Eilat)
  • (Caesarea)


Beach holidays in Israel can be diversified with such exotic things as skiing. The tracks are laid in the resort of Ramat Shalom on the slopes of the highest mountain in the country - Mount Hermon (2224 m). The skiing season is quite short - it lasts from December to February. The temperature in winter is around 0°C. On Mount Hermon there are 2 tracks with a total length of about 8 km, they are suitable for all categories of skiers, including beginners. Rope lifts and a chairlift lift the mountain. Necessary equipment can be rented directly at the resort.

Movement around the country

The most popular form of public transport in Israel is the bus, and it is also convenient to travel around the country by train: they run frequently and on schedule, although the country has only one main line with several branches, as well as the Tel Aviv suburban system. Haifa has one line of the unique Carmelit metro. In addition, Haifa is the only city in Israel where public transport operates on Saturdays.


The bus network of Israel connects all the settlements of the country, the fleet of buses consists of new air-conditioned cars.

Attention: during religious holidays, as well as from Friday evening to Saturday evening (Shabbat), many bus lines do not operate.

Communication in Israel

The Israeli Ministry of Communications regulates the activities of all telecom operators in the country. The easiest way to make a call in Israel is from a street payphone (payphone). Payphones accept both coins and telephone cards ("telecards"), which can be bought at post offices, shops, newspaper and tobacco kiosks, at bus stations, and communication stores. The cost of phone cards is different: 20, 50, 100 shekels. Grace time from 18:00 to 08:00.

Internet and Wi-Fi in Israel

Israel has a developed IT industry, its population is considered one of the most technologically literate in the world, so there are no problems with Internet access in the country. The main Internet providers providing fixed communications are and.

Wireless Wi-Fi access points in Israel are everywhere: in the main squares and streets of large cities, in squares and parks, tourist places, hotels, restaurants and cafes, universities, colleges, municipalities, shops, gas stations. Curiously, even the tour donkeys that carry visitors around the Kfar Kedem theme park are equipped with wireless Wi-Fi points.

You can track and replenish the balance using a free mobile application, both manually and automatically. You no longer need to splurge on service packages and monthly fees, as money will be debited from your account only for seconds of conversation and spent megabytes. Drimsim means stable Internet access, advantageous calls, transparent billing and prices that do not differ much from the local communication cost. All this allows you to communicate with loved ones, share photos, build routes and learn a lot of useful information about the country without fear of spending all your money on roaming.



Despite the protracted Arab-Israeli conflict, Israel remains a tourist country, so unprecedented security measures are being taken to protect guests. All tourist places (hotels, attractions, tourist routes, transport with tourists) are seriously protected. The exceptions remain the resorts of the Dead Sea and Eilat, which are outside the conflict zone.

All guests of Israel note very strict control at the airport, upon arrival and before departure. The Israeli authorities recommend taking it calmly and regarding it as a concern for the safety of tourists. Similar security measures are taken at railway stations in cities. Be prepared also for the fact that you and your bags can be checked with a metal detector in a shopping center or other public place. Remember, you don't have to look suspicious to do this, it's just that body searches in Israel are standard procedure.

While in the country, one should respect the religious beliefs and traditions of the local population. So, according to Jewish traditions, "Shabbat" begins at sunset on Friday and ends at sunset on Saturday. During this time, shops, cafes and restaurants, cinemas and other public places are closed. Public transport also rests, except for taxis. Therefore, tourists should not stop by during Shabbat in the religious quarters of Jerusalem and other cities, it is advisable to refrain from smoking in public places.

At Jewish shrines, for example, at the Wailing Wall, it is customary to be with a covered head (staff will offer a kippah). When visiting holy places, churches, mosques, synagogues, quarters of Orthodox Jews, it is advisable to wear modest clothing that covers arms and legs, so as not to offend believers with your appearance. You must take off your shoes before entering the mosque.

In 2010, Israel passed a law banning the drinking of alcoholic beverages in public places. At night, the police seize alcohol from citizens or tourists if it is on display. It is not possible to buy alcohol in shops from 23:00 to 06:00: it is sold only in drinking establishments.

When relaxing in the Dead Sea resorts, you need to follow a number of the following rules: due to the peculiar composition of sea water, it is recommended to swim in the sea no more than twice a day, and one dive should last no more than 20 minutes. Be careful not to get water into your nose, mouth and eyes, if this happens, wash yourself in the shower with fresh water. After swimming in the waters of the Dead Sea, a freshwater shower is a must. To enter the water should be in special slippers - "corrals".

Where to stay

  • Tel Aviv Hotels
  • Jerusalem Hotels
  • Eilat Hotels
  • Haifa Hotels
  • Netanya Hotels
  • Nazareth Hotels

It is possible and necessary to travel to Israel all year round, perhaps with the exception of winter due to rains, and that is not a fact. It all depends on what type of vacation is planned. If this is a sightseeing holiday, then the best time is late autumn and early spring, because in summer it is a bit hot to see the sights. Although those who relax on the beaches still get out and do not regret it. But if we are talking about a beach holiday, then the season on the Mediterranean Sea lasts from May to October (and sometimes until the end of October), while on the Red Sea, in particular in Eilat, it is year-round.

The water temperature almost never drops below 20 degrees. True, in winter, the air temperature can fail, which, although rarely, can drop to 15 degrees. The same is true of the Dead Sea.

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Prices for holidays in Jerusalem. June 2019.

tour cost

I managed to visit Jerusalem in June of this year. The city is just wonderful with a very pleasant atmosphere. As for the visa, I did not spend a penny on it, because I simply did not need it as a citizen of the Russian Federation. Jerusalem doesn't have an airport, so I had to fly to Tel Aviv. Air tickets on the route Moscow - Tel Aviv - Moscow cost me $ 450 (I will also write prices in dollars). Then I got to Jerusalem directly from the airport by train, which is very convenient. In general, I spent $ 25 on the round trip. A week's stay in a hotel cost me $350. My hotel was quite modest.

Food and products

Food and groceries in Jerusalem, and throughout Israel, are quite expensive. For example, wok noodles in a box cost me ten dollars. And in principle, street fast food did not cost less than five or six dollars. A one and a half liter bottle of water cost an average of two dollars. Good local wine could be taken for thirty-five to forty dollars.

Total money spent on vacation

What sights to see, what hotels to stay in, when and at what time is it better to go to the Dead Sea, and when to the Mediterranean and Red? The answers to all these questions can be found in the guide to Israel.

Today, everyone loves to travel, because it is the knowledge of everything new and interesting, it is pleasure and enjoyment of the beauty and diversity of nature, the sights of the country, its cultural and historical heritage.

Today, more than 7 million people live in Israel, among them almost 15% of the Russian-speaking population - and this is one million people. That is why the Israeli publishing houses decided to publish a guide to Israel in Russian.

Moreover, the same number of people come to the country on tourist packages every year, and therefore the publication of a guide to Israel in Russian is very timely and relevant. To this day, there was no guidebook in Russian, oddly enough, in Israel. What are these fascinating books about? Firstly, about all the sights of this amazing, unique country, which are accompanied by many vivid illustrations and photographs. Here you can find descriptions of hotels in Israel. A separate chapter is devoted to rural recreation, which describes where you can stay, what service, what entertainment is included in the program, and so on. It also contains information about all tourist sites in the country, well-known and little-known routes. In addition to the guide to Israel, which can be downloaded from almost any Israeli website, Israeli publishers produce road maps and maps of cities in Israel, maps of sights and museums - a wide choice.

Below are guides around the country, their choice is quite wide, and you can pick up and buy any one that meets the requirements of the traveler and pricing policy. For example, the super bestseller "Map of Israel" with color printing was released as a separate book, the cost of such a book is 33 shekels. This is the latest edition of the map of Israel, which shows all the changes that have taken place in the country in recent years. The card is in a hard cardboard cover, which is very convenient when using it, especially when transported in a car. The publishing house "Ivrus" has published a guide to Israel by Yuri Poltorak "Around the Lake of Galilee", with color photographs, fascinating stories of this region of Israel, historical references, the cost of such a guide to Israel is 55 shekels.

There is a very beautiful, simply unusually designed edition of a trip to Israel in photographs. Well-known Israeli photographers have been working on the release of the album for a long time, placing in it the most luxurious photographs of the country's sights, its most beautiful places, famous historical places, and architectural monuments. The cost of the album is relatively low and amounts to 69 shekels. But the album contains more than 200 beautiful photographs, with detailed descriptions of the main attractions of the country.

Another of the fascinating guides to Israel - recommends 120 sites in the country for recreation and tourism. The guidebook “Israel. Road map” by “Terget” publishing house, color printing of photos, cost of the guide is 30 shekels. The guide tells in detail about the reserves and national parks of Israel, about attractions and historical sites, about museums and places of recreation, as well as the index of Israeli settlements in this guide.

For those who like to travel around the country by car, there is a wonderful guide to the roads of Israel published by the Ivrus publishing house. It describes in detail the roads of the country, the numbers are expensive, and you can also see maps of the regions of Israel on a detailed scale, read descriptions of interesting places, a fascinating description of the country's sights, and stories about walking routes. And many more wonderful helpers for tourists with different information.

Israel is sacred land. She captivates, amazes and she is so colorful and different. This country is a mosaic, it is made up of many different components. Many different parts of the world attract tourists, but Israel is a special place that you need to visit at least once in your life.

Israel is a country in which east and west, modernity and antiquity, national color and culture of the peoples of the world intertwined in an amazing way. This is a country where the three greatest world religions live and coexist, a country where you can improve your health not only with your soul, but with your body.

Today, thanks to the development of information technology, there are also electronic guides to Israel. With the help of an electronic guide, you can usefully organize your time, perfectly and simply plan your travel route around the country, marking the most interesting sights on these routes.

Quite often, tourists going to the country have various questions related not only to sights, but also to visa control, customs control, national cuisine, country features, the mentality of the local population, security and many others. And then in the guidebooks for Israel, all the information of interest can be found. Here, in addition to diagrams, maps of photographs, descriptions of routes and sights of Israel, there is background information, information about everything related to tourism and travel in the country, something that can be useful to anyone at any moment: cities and streets, airlines and hotels, excursions and resorts , apartment rental and car rental.

In the guidebook, both beginners and experienced tourists can find answers to questions. In the guide to Israel you can find information about Israeli holidays, about the traditions of the Promised Land and its customs, about food in Israel and its features. By the way, in the guide to Israel you can also find information on the use of mobile communications and transport, as well as tips and comments regarding the dress code when visiting religious places, information about currency exchange, about the work of shops and VAT refunds on purchases over $ 50 upon departure from the country, about the entertainment that the amazing country of Israel offers.

There is an electronic guide to Israel, which can be downloaded on the Internet, and a separate section on medical tourism, and sanatorium holidays on the Dead Sea of ​​Israel. And yet, in order for the adaptation in the country to be more successful, guidebooks also offer phrasebooks.

ATT is one of the largest Israeli inbound tour operators specializing in the Russian-speaking segment of the market.
Our company has been successfully hosting tourists for more than 10 years and guarantees its partners the organization of a turnkey tourist package in Israel and Jordan.
The main directions of our work:
- Excursion service in Israel
- Guaranteed regular group and individual tours in Israel. Own bus fleet and a staff of experienced licensed guides.
- Leisure packages, sightseeing tours, pilgrimage tours, prevention, treatment and medical-inpatient services, organization of baptism and wedding ceremonies in Jerusalem, VIP service, tours for groups, attractions, combined Israel-Jordan tours.
- Hotel reservations, domestic flights, transport services, VIP services, tours for groups.
- Flights, hotel reservations, transport services, organized tours, VIP service.
- Inbound tourism
- Domestic tourism
- Outbound tourism

Offers (90 )

My name is Natalie. I am a tour guide in Israel. And not just a guide, and not just a tour guide. I am your guide to biblical paths and paths. I am a stalker with whom you can go to the most unusual, anomalous and mysterious place. I am that time machine on which you will be transported to the distant past, see with your own eyes and feel the spirit of world history. I am a hiking instructor in such a diverse and such beautiful nature of the Promised Land, which flows with milk and honey. With me you can climb mountains, descend into caves and dungeons. Even if you are not the first time in Israel, with me you will rediscover it from unusual and unfamiliar angles. I will ascend with you to the shrines of Christianity, I will show you the holy places for Muslims and, of course, the eternal shrines of Judaism.
In the holy city of Jerusalem, we will climb the rooftops and observation decks, and then descend into the dungeons.
We will visit the main Christian shrine - the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and burn candles from the blessed fire. But not only. In Jerusalem, you can walk forever, it all depends on your desires.
The legends of old Jaffa, the knightly halls of Akko, the lost monasteries of the Judean desert, the secrets of the Dead Sea, the mysteries of the megaliths of the Golan Heights, the charm of Haifa... This is only a small part of what can be seen on my excursions.
So, for starters, make up your mind to come on an excursion to Israel, and I will be happy to be your guide, tour guide, guide and stalker in the Promised Land, in Israel!!!

Offers (21 )

Dear travelers, welcome to the BT page!
Our company is the leading tour operator in the country of contrasts, the holy land, for which empires and peoples have fought for years, a country that everyone must visit - we meet you in Israel.
Our company will be glad to offer you regular group excursions and tours and excursions and tours for individual travelers. In addition to excursions in Israel itself, we organize programs for you with trips to Jordan and Egypt.
All our regular group and individual tourist routes are developed taking into account the recommendations of the ministries of tourism of the above countries, and include visits to the maximum number of attractions.
You can safely trust us! Your vacation is in the hands of professionals!
Team BT

Offers (17 )

Shalom Aleichem! Peace to you! My name is Oleg. I am a certified tour guide from the Israeli Ministry of Tourism. By profession, I am a writer and journalist, a few years ago I also graduated from the School of Tourism at the University of Haifa. And if less officially, then I'm just a Russian Israeli who is in love with our small, but incredibly rich in wonderful events and historical facts, country.
Different people come to me on excursions, but for each I try to find that very single key and personal topic. I try to show the guests of Israel the most important sights that have been accumulating the positive energy of millions of prayers for thousands of years. I will bring you to places that fulfill the most secret desires, heal, spiritually enrich and bring new knowledge. You can book my excursions on this wonderful site.
Always at your service, Oleg.

Offers (16 )

I was born in Saint Petersburg. Since 2003, I have enjoyed working and communicating with tourists.
I conduct excursions for large groups and for individual tourists. For each group I make an exclusive trip plan, depending on the interests, desires and capabilities of the participants. I enjoy working with families and young travelers.
Traveling a lot myself, I can say with confidence that Israel is the most interesting destination for an inquisitive and searching person. If you plan the route of the trip correctly, everyone who visits the country can find exactly what he needs.

Here you will better understand the basics of monotheistic religions. Pray at Holy places and feel their power.
Hear stories of historical events that took place thousands of years ago. Touch the artifacts that prove that these events are not fiction.
You will see how Jews, Muslims, Christians of different concessions, Armenians, Gypsies live nearby - people of different cultures and skin colors.
Well, of course, here you can have a great rest on the beaches of our four seas. In winter, combining a beach holiday with skiing. Eat delicious food in restaurants. Heal at the Dead Sea.
Come to us!
I will be happy to meet with you and share my knowledge and experience. I will help you understand the complex kaleidoscope of our country and feel the Holy Land.
I conduct excursions on foot, in a comfortable car, by bicycle and even by helicopter.

Offers (13 )

Much has been said about Israel, volumes have been written about the Holy Land, but nothing can replace a person's personal impressions and experiences. For us, living in this not simple, but beloved place, everything is seen from the inside and looks, if not completely understandable, then very familiar. My profession requires extensive knowledge of the history, culture and traditions of this land, and it seems that it is difficult to surprise me with anything. However, I am constantly surprised, because, almost daily, passing through familiar places, I look at them through the eyes of my guests and, together with them, again and again experience and rethink the events of distant antiquity and no less tragic modernity.
The uniqueness of Israel lies in the extreme concentration of history on every meter of land. Being at the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa and being a transit zone of ancient trade routes, this small piece of the planet constantly attracted all kinds of conquerors. Here the scenes of the most dramatic battles in history were played out, and here at X-hour, according to biblical prophecy, the last battle of the forces of Good and Evil on Earth should take place.
I invite you to visit the Holy Land. The right attitude and competent preparation will help you get to know our country better and return home satisfied with the trip.

Offers (8 )

Dear friends, welcome to Israel.
I have been living in the country since 1990, for more than ten years I have been conducting excursions to beautiful, interesting and holy places in Israel.
I love this land and consider it my main task to make you fall in love with it. For this, I have all the possibilities: education (guiding courses at the University of Haifa), a great desire and love for my work. I plan and organize individual tours. The main task is to make all my clients want to meet with me again.
I conduct tours on topics: religion and history, gastronomy and winemaking, modern Israel. I have a good fleet of cars at my disposal, which will help us make exciting trips.

Offers (6 )

Greetings, dear friends! My name is Inna, my profession is a tour guide in Israel.
I was born and raised in Moscow, and in 1989 my family moved to Israel. She received her BA in History and Art History from the University of Haifa. At the University of Jerusalem, she graduated from the academic course of guides, I have a license from the Israeli Ministry of Tourism. I live with my family in Jerusalem.
I have been very lucky in my life, because I do what I love most - I constantly communicate with different people, tell them about the history of my beloved country and my people, conduct individual tours of Biblical places, revealing the secrets of the Holy Land of Israel to tourists.
I invite you to visit this amazing, unlike anything small country, where there are more interesting places than in any other country in the world, and in terms of holiness we will definitely not give way to anyone!
The country of Israel is a heterogeneous multi-colored mosaic that I will help you put together during your stay into a beautiful picture that you will take with you as the brightest memories for the rest of your life. And I am sure you will want to come here and discover Israel again and again!
See you in Israel!

Offers (5 )

Let's get acquainted: my name is Evgenia, you can just - Zhenya.
I am a certified guide living in Jerusalem. I conduct individual excursions in Russian. I will be happy to introduce you to the sights of this small but rich history of the country. You can walk in the footsteps of Jesus, touch the Wailing Wall and walk along the narrow streets of the Muslim quarter. Welcome to the Promised Land!

Offers (5 )

I have been trampling the narrow streets of the city of Jerusalem for 20 years, since the distant 1991. It turned out to be exactly as I imagined it in my imagination - a unique mixture of eras, languages, smells, sounds, colors, people and objects. Jerusalem can delight, amuse, revolt, infuriate, but it never leaves anyone indifferent. Very quickly, Jerusalem is addictive, any place after it seems insipid and tasteless. If somewhere in this world there is a god, then he, of course, is here, in Jerusalem, and in all his possible incarnations.
I love Jerusalem very much and I would like you to love it too. Come join me on a tour - I promise to be fun, thorough, unobtrusive, witty, and inexpensive. We will go, or we will go, or we will sail wherever you yourself wish - in my repertoire there are more than forty routes throughout our vast Motherland - from the mountains of the Upper Galilee to the waters of Eilat, from the skyscrapers of Tel Aviv to the tents of the Bedouins. I can be your guide, driver, translator and just a good friend at the same time. I am waiting for you, in any form, composition and quantity!

Offers (5 )

Good afternoon I am a driver-guide with a car (1+6 seats). I help in organizing and conduct individual tours / private excursions in Israel (VIP, business tours, family tours, pilgrimage tours, etc.).
In Israel since 1990, living in Jerusalem, experience in Israeli tourism since 1993. Over the years, my clients have included many well-known politicians, businessmen, scientists, journalists, representatives of different religions, confessions, age groups and interests. I would be glad to introduce you to the Holy Land, its past and present.

Offers (2 ) Offers (2 )

After 30 years of working as a software engineer, I came to the decision that it was time to fulfill my old dream and get to know my country and other corners of this planet.
After two years of intensive study, I received a diploma as an Israeli tour guide, and a few years before that I completed a course in international tour guides.
Studying the history of this corner of the planet, I became convinced that the bible and history, mixed with archeology and interconnected, is one of the wonders of this holy land. The geology and geography of this country is as attractive as the nature. All this became for me my new world and my profession.
I will gladly share all this with you and make your stay in Israel touching and impressive, the memory of which is preserved for many years and maybe for life.

Offers (2 )

Hello, my name is Olga.
If you are reading these lines, then you want to get to know Israel personally, this small and amazing country. I am a certified guide with higher education, I love this country, I know its history, customs, legends and stories. I will show you the holy city of Jerusalem: a city of three religions, a city with an unforgettable atmosphere. I will show you other attractive places - Haifa, Jaffa and Tel Aviv, as well as other places worth seeing. All this will be accompanied by interesting stories and legends. Come and have fun.

Offers (2 )

Do you want to know the main secret of Israel?
Why are so many people drawn here? Why do those who have visited the Promised Land dream of returning here again?
I am glad to reveal to you not only this secret, but also many others: what exactly the fortress of Masada hides, how many scrolls were found in Qumran, what kind of dungeon is located under the Wailing Wall...
Your vacation will be not only comfortable and interesting.
I will save your time and money, giving you the opportunity to enjoy your stay in Israel to the maximum.

Offers (2 )

Do not think that Israel is interesting, beautiful, good.
Don't expect to meet interesting and kind people here.
Don't expect a mild climate.
Just come without expecting anything. I'm sure Israel will surprise you!
Hello. My name is Leonid. I am a certified tour guide in Israel.
I promise to show you Israel in all its glory. Tell about its history, culture, peoples, cuisine, weather, mood. And all this is easy, with a smile, in one breath!
I'm sure you'll like it. You will want to come here again!

Offers (2 )

Happy to welcome everyone! By education, I am a teacher of philosophy and other humanities, I graduated from the Ural State University, I have a master's degree. She taught a little after graduating from the University, but in 2006 she moved to live in Israel. I have been dreaming about the profession of a guide in Israel since the age of 18, when I visited this country for the first time, and when the opportunity arose to realize this dream, I immediately got down to business - I took a course, passed exams and in 2010 received a guide license in Israel. In general, I like to study, but not in abstract, speculative sciences, but in what is connected with the everyday life of a simple person - whether today, whether in ancient times - what they ate, and from what utensils, what they slept on, what they made a living, and etc. In short, I am interested in the history of the life of people at all times and will be happy to share my discoveries with you. Now I am studying again, this time I am studying the archeology of the Holy Land at Bar Ilan University! From any complex I can make simple, and it is easy to explain on the fingers (the experience of reading complex philosophical texts affects).
I will be glad to accompany you on classic tourist routes, such as: I also invite you to come to the Wailing Wall and put a note with a request to God and receive comfort and hope.
My dear pilgrims and pilgrims are waiting for you in Jerusalem!

Offers (2 )

Back in 1967 I realized that I should live in the Land of Israel, but I arrived only after 20 years. Since 1981, he began to illegally learn Hebrew, history, and the traditions of the people of Israel. Here, he was born again, found his calling - work as a guide throughout the country, got married, gave birth to a daughter and a son. He settled, I think forever, in the Judean mountains near Jerusalem - the city of Maale Adumim, hanging over the ancient road along which in ancient times my ancestors climbed from Jericho to Jerusalem. My "swan song" is, of course, Jerusalem. But I lead tours all over the Country, including exotic hikes in the Judean Desert. Bible stories, its mysteries excite me extremely, I feel as if I were their accomplice. It is amazing how the ideas, the beliefs that arose in this tiny piece of land have influenced and continue to influence the entire human history. I invite you to walk with me along the paths of the ancient and modern history of the Holy Land and its people. You will discover so many new, amazing things for yourself that it will become food for thought for a long time. See you soon!

Offers (1 )

I was born in Latvia in 1968, immigrated to Israel in 1980, graduated from high school and university, I work as a guide in Russian and English.
I invite you to get to know the past and present of the Nation and the Land of Israel. The excursions that I offer you will decorate your stay in the land of Israel and leave unforgettable impressions.

The oldest state in the world. Cradle of three religions. A country that does not require a map to travel if you know the Bible. Israel is contrasting... So ancient as new; as conservative as absorbing everything advanced; as peaceful as military. Israel, which either fall in love with for life, or absolutely do not accept it. But he will not leave anyone indifferent. Israel, generously hosting emigrants, pilgrims and tourists. Israel is orthodox: closed, intimidating and fanatical. Israel is amazing: modern cities that have grown in the desert.

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Cafes and restaurants in this country are on every corner, there is even a kosher McDonald's, there are restaurants with European food, so it's hard to stay hungry in this multinational country. But to come to Israel - and eat borscht? Come on, leave the usual dishes for everyday life, and while traveling in Israel, try hummus, falafel, prakes, mincemeat, and gefilte fish ... mmm, you will not try such stuffed fish anywhere else!